What to do with pain in the ear. The ear hurts on the one hand than to treat at home. Acute ear pain in a child

Ear pain in adults is one of the most unpleasant sensations, comparable only to toothache. It appears suddenly and causes severe discomfort, forcing you to forget about normal existence. When an adult's ear hurts, it is very difficult, almost impossible to focus on everyday things and worries. Shooting, stabbing, cutting, giving to the head - just an incomplete list of variations of the sensations experienced by adults with ear pain.

Ear pain in a healthy person

Unpleasant sensations in the organ of hearing can occur in quite healthy person, and there are a lot of reasons for this (we will analyze some in more detail):

  • sensitivity to strong wind and cold (Due to long exposure to the wind, a hematoma may form in the ear - it will pass by itself in a few days. None additional measures in such a situation, it is not necessary to take.);
  • water in the ear
  • the presence of a sulfur plug;
  • mechanical injuries (if, in addition to pain, bleeding from the ear has begun, consult a doctor immediately);
  • acoustic injuries (caused by exposure to loud sounds on the organ of hearing, for example, at a rock concert, in a noisy workplace, or when using headphones for a long time. As a rule, when moving away from the source of noise, the pain disappears. If, due to the nature of the work, it is impossible to eliminate the source of noise, special earplugs must be used.);
  • barotrauma (manifested by changes in atmospheric pressure; more often occur during an air flight or diving under water. When laying your ears on an airplane, you need to yawn more often, swallow, or simply chew something to eliminate the state of “congestion”);
  • foreign body.

Water ingress into ear canal

Normally, the water that enters auricle due to anatomical features structure of the organ of hearing, independently flows freely from it. If for some reason, she did not succeed, she must be “helped”. There are a couple of easy ways to do this.

Method one: tilt your head to one side; bring your hand to the auricle, press firmly on it, and then release. The hand will act as a pump here - excess fluid will flow out.

The second method, known, probably, to everyone since childhood. We tilt our head to the side, and make jumps on one leg: if the liquid has flowed into right ear, then on the right, if to the left - on the left, respectively.

Method three. Dry your ear with a towel, inhale deeply and close both nostrils. Without opening your fingers, try to exhale, but without opening your mouth! With the correct execution of this manipulation, excess liquid will be pushed out with the help of air. The fourth method: you can simply lie on your side, depending on which side the water is poured from, and fix it for a short time, periodically making swallowing movements: the water will flow out by itself. If none of the methods has brought results, and the fluid inside continues to cause discomfort, you need to seek help from an otorhinolaryngologist.

Sulfur plugs

In a healthy person, the removal of excess sulfur occurs by itself, for example, when chewing. But in some people, sulfur cannot be removed on its own, it accumulates at the ear canal, hardens and forms a plug.

Wax plug is an accumulation of ear wax in the ear, which subsequently hardens and causes discomfort, tinnitus appears, and hearing is reduced. Do not try to get rid of the cork on your own, and even more so try to remove it with sharp objects (matches, toothpicks, etc.) - damage to the tissues of the shell or eardrum in this case is unavoidable. The cork is removed by an ENT doctor. The procedure does not take much time: first, he softens the cork with oil or solutions, and then flushes with a special syringe or removes sulfur plug Woyachek's special crochet.

foreign body

hit foreign object in the ear is not uncommon. Moreover, it is not only children who are placed in ear canal beads, peas, small parts of toys, but also adults when they carelessly clean their ears with sharp objects (matches, toothpicks, etc.) or test tips on themselves traditional medicine, putting gauze, cotton wool and even food inside. Insects or small objects can enter the ear canal due to injury or accidents. If you suspect that a foreign object has entered the organ of hearing, you do not need to try to cope with the problem yourself: this is fraught with damage to the ear canal. Inept movements can push the object even further inland, thereby greatly aggravating the situation. Helping a doctor with pain from a hit foreign body- the only sure way out!

Ear problems in adults

Pain can occur due to direct pathologies of the ear. These include: otitis media, eustachitis, tumors.

Otitis media is infectious inflammation in the ear, the leader among ENT diseases in terms of the number of visits to an otorhinolaryngologist. The causes of the disease are untreated infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract(tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, sinusitis), rhinitis, deformed nasal septum, damage to the auricle, penetration of water into it or infection after self-cleaning of the ear with foreign objects.

The human hearing organ consists of the outer, middle, and inner ear. Accordingly, otitis externa, otitis media and internal are distinguished.

Otitis externa covers the ear canal. Basically, the disease develops when water enters it during bathing. There is even a term "swimmer's ear": otitis occurs with frequent contact with water. For the treatment of ear pain caused by otitis externa, you need to contact an otolaryngologist.

Otitis media: a third of all visits to an otorhinolaryngologist are associated with this type of otitis media. The main complaint of patients is shooting pain in the middle ear. The disease can occur in several forms: acute, esudative and chronic purulent.

Internal otitis (labyrinthitis) - inflammatory disease inner ear. The disease is severe, occurs infrequently: usually as a complication of otitis media or a severe form of another infectious disease(for example, tuberculosis).

If there is a suspicion of inflammation, you can not self-medicate: incorrectly prescribed otitis media treatment or an undertreated condition can cause serious complications. Effective help an adult with otitis media can only be provided by an otorhinolaryngologist.

Eustachitis is an inflammation of the Eustachian (auditory) tube, which connects the organ of hearing with the nasopharynx. The Eustachian tube is needed to better capture sounds and ventilate the middle ear through the nasopharynx. With qualified help from an otorhinolaryngologist, the treatment of ear pain caused by eustachitis passes quickly, and relief comes in a couple of days.

Ear tumors are rare. To determine the pathology, CT and MRI are used.

Ear pain in pathologies of other organs

When ear pain is directly related to diseases of the organ of hearing, the diagnosis and treatment of ear pain in adults is usually not difficult. It is much more difficult to help adults with pain in the ear if there are no visible pathologies during examination. In such situations, we are talking about otalgia - a condition when there is ear pain, but there is no inflammation.

Diseases that cause otalgia include:

  • mastoiditis;
  • is inflammation of the mastoid process temporal bone located behind the auricle, as a rule, the disease develops as a complication after otitis).
  • diseases of the temporomandibular joint located behind the ear canal;
  • This joint can be subject to such pathologies as arthritis, arthrosis, dislocations, which leads to pain in the organ of hearing.
  • dental diseases;
  • problems with the spine;
  • inflammation of the pharynx acute tonsillitis, pharyngitis, paratonsillar abscess);
  • oncological diseases of the pharynx;
  • sinusitis;
  • neuralgic pathologies;
  • intracranial tumors.

Ear pain - what to do?

As we see pain syndrome has a different origin. Understand the real reason, establish the correct diagnosis and suggest effective remedy ear pain in adults can only be treated by a doctor. An otolaryngologist deals with the treatment of ear diseases in adults. When faced with such a problem, contact a specialist immediately.

Alas, it is not always possible to visit a doctor immediately. More often unpleasant symptoms appear suddenly and at night. First of all, you need to take a remedy for pain - an anesthetic based on ibuprofen. It has anti-inflammatory properties and is the most effective in comparison with other means.

If pain accompanied by a runny nose, it will not be superfluous to use vasoconstrictor drops into the nose.

Many patients first run and buy ear drops for pain. But each drop has its own purpose: in one case they can fully heal, in the other they cannot. Drops are not universal remedy. Statistics show that in the treatment of ears in half of the cases, patients mistakenly prescribe drugs to themselves. Drops should be used only when you are completely sure of your diagnosis.

Drops will not help with an injury - in such a situation it is better to take painkillers and consult an ENT doctor. Heat compresses should not be done before consulting a doctor. For example, when purulent otitis media such a measure will only worsen the patient's condition.

Before a visit to the doctor, do not go out into the cold without a hat, do not try to clean the auricle from secretions and pus in its depths on your own, do not instill funds for alcohol.

As a rule, with ear inflammation of the middle ear, antibacterial agents are prescribed. With inflammation of the external - antibiotics in the form of drops. In any case, consultation with an ENT specialist is required! Folk remedies can be used in combination with drug therapy and only after an accurate diagnosis, that is, after visiting a doctor.

Diagnosis and treatment of ear pain in Moscow

At the appointment, the doctor talks with the patient, collects an anamnesis and conducts an examination with the help of an otoscope, assesses the condition of the external ear, ear canal and tympanic membrane. He examines the pharynx, larynx, oral cavity and nasal passages. Sometimes the patient is referred for audiometry. If the cause of the pain is an injury, an additional X-ray or CT scan should be done.

Ear treatment in Moscow is offered by many medical institutions: from district clinics to multidisciplinary medical centers. The final cost of ear treatment in Moscow depends on the type of medical institution and its pricing policy. "ENT Clinic of Dr. Zaitsev" specializes in diseases of the hearing organs. The treatment of ear diseases is our profile. We use the most modern equipment of well-known world manufacturers. Years of experience the work of our doctors allows us to successfully diagnose the pathology of the hearing organ and offer the most effective treatment. The prices for our services have not changed for more than three years.

If ear pain and other unpleasant symptoms appear, do not tolerate and do not self-medicate. Please call, sign up and come. We will be glad to help you!

As soon as the patient begins to feel pain in the ear, some first aid methods can relieve the pain. Sometimes the ear hurts not from an infection in it, but, for example, from a toothache or a nerve. To understand this, you need to lightly press on the so-called tragus, which is located in the upper part of the earlobe. If the pain intensifies, then the matter is otitis media. If such a test does not work, then you need to try to open your mouth wide or chew. If pain sensations make themselves felt, then the patient is dealing with otitis externa.

If one of the tests gave positive result, then immediately after it you can take up treatment:

  1. Three times a day, it will be necessary to drip drops into the nose that constrict blood vessels, such as Xylen or Rinostop. They will relieve swelling of the mucous membranes and help restore ventilation of the ear canals.
  2. An analgesic will help relieve the pain of otitis media.
  3. If there is no pus in the ear, you can put a cotton swab in it, previously moistened boric alcohol. Do the procedure about 4 times a day.
  4. At mild form otitis media (without pus) can be used ear drops, for example Otinum.
  5. To get rid of ear pain in an adult or a child, and at the same time calm the nerves, it is recommended to do a warming compress at night (a cotton swab and a bandage soaked in alcohol or vodka). Such a compress is wrapped with a scarf, the procedure is repeated 3 days in a row to eliminate ear pain. If purulent accumulations are released, compresses are not recommended. All pus will need to be removed with cotton swabs.

First aid for ear pain

Such an ailment can affect a person of any age, but more often they suffer from babies from six months to 7 years. It is necessary to treat this disease, because if you start otitis media, it can turn into chronic illness and call serious problems health in the future. Before embarking on treatment, you first need to understand exactly where the acute pain is felt. As many people know, our ear consists of the outer and internal cavity.

If the ear hurts in the internal cavity, then such a disease is called otitis media.. Bacteria begin to localize in the internal cavity, which provokes the development of the disease. Otitis externa develops on skin auricle, often this happens after swimming in water, with allergies and chemical irritants. The most dangerous disease is otitis media. It is less common, and dangerous because, without proper treatment, it can threaten not only ear pain, but complete hearing loss.

First aid for ear pain at home is a compress. It is important to do it right:

  1. If the ear hurts, you need to take a piece of gauze and cut a hole in the middle to fit the ear.
  2. The workpiece is moistened in alcohol or vodka, the excess liquid is squeezed out, and then the flap is placed around the sore spot.
  3. Cotton must be placed in the auricle. Such a compress must be wrapped with a warm scarf or scarf. The compress is best done before bedtime. It is great for relieving ear pain. It is important to have a humidifier in the patient's room, because low level Moisture can cause bacteria to grow in the middle ear and can also make it difficult to ventilate auditory tube.

Alternative treatment

There are several more actionable advice about how to get rid of pain at home. If a person has an earache, some folk remedies treatment. The first thing that can help is olive oil.

It quickly enough relieves pain, lubricates the auricle and relieves it of accumulated bacteria.

Use natural remedy can be done as follows:

  1. Drip warm oil into the ear (about 3 or 4 drops).
  2. You can soak a cotton swab in warm olive oil and insert it into the ear for a while to quickly relieve pain. Olive oil can be substituted for mustard oil.

Another product that is in any home can be an excellent doctor if the patient has an earache, is ordinary garlic. Its medicinal and antimicrobial properties have been known for a long time, so you can safely use garlic for medicinal purposes.

A folk remedy as an anesthetic is used as follows:

  1. The crushed clove of garlic is slightly warmed up in a teaspoon.
  2. Warmed garlic is mixed with sesame oil.
  3. The finished mixture must be instilled into sore ears, 3 drops each.

Onion will also help in the fight against ear ailment. You need to grind it a little so that the juice begins to stand out, and then wrap the onion mass in a clean cloth. Such a compress is applied for 10-15 minutes daily if severe pain is bothering you.

Even an ordinary bottle of warm water. This is also a kind of compress that will help relieve aching pain. To do this, wrap a bottle of warm water in soft and dry towel and then apply to the auricle for a few minutes. This method is suitable if there is no purulent discharge.

How to relieve ear pain quickly? Bishop's weed oil will help with this:

  1. 1 tsp bishop's weed mixed with 3 tsp. sesame oil, the resulting mixture is heated.
  2. A warm mixture is used as ear drops, 5 drops per dose are enough.

Ginger, mint and radish

An excellent natural pain reliever and anti-inflammatory agent is ginger. Its juice can be instilled in its pure form, a few drops daily.

First aid recipe with ginger: 1 tbsp. l. grated ginger root mixed with ¼ tbsp. sesame oil, all this is properly warmed up, the resulting mixture is applied around the auricle.

For the same purpose, you can use mint:

  1. Fresh peppermint juice can be dripped into the ear.
  2. You can mix mint juice with olive oil and apply the resulting mixture around the ears.

Another natural pain reliever is radish:

  1. The radish must be finely chopped and mixed with mustard oil, heat the resulting mixture.
  2. Then allow the warm mixture to cool slightly, strain it and after all drip.

If the tablets, drops or folk remedies used for home treatment have stopped the development of the disease, the patient must be sure that he can finally confirm the recovery or prescribe the necessary drug.

Otitis is an inflammatory disease of the ear of a bacterial, rarely fungal nature. Usually small children under 3 years of age suffer from otitis media, they are the fastest and easiest to cope with the disease. But for an adult, otitis media can become a real disaster, and if not properly treated, it can become chronic, impair hearing, or even lead to complete deafness.

Distinguish the following types otitis:

    Otitis externa - occurs as a result of neglect of personal hygiene or microtrauma of the ear canal. In the first case, the microbes accumulated in the ear wax provoke a local inflammatory process, and in the second, a wound or a scratch inside the auricle becomes the focus of a bacterial or fungal infection. Cleaning the ears with unsuitable means or the childish habit of putting foreign objects into the ears often ends in otitis externa;

    Otitis media - occurs against the background of an infectious disease (, acute respiratory infections,) and acts as its complication. In this case, the bacteria infect the ear not from the outside, but from the inside, acting with the bloodstream;

    otitis media - dangerous state, which is the result of an incorrect or untimely treatment otitis media. The infection goes far into the depths, and in order to avoid catastrophic consequences, one has to resort to complex antibiotic therapy.

At the first symptoms of otitis media (pain, shooting in the ears, feeling of congestion, crunching when swallowing), you should immediately visit an ENT doctor. Only a doctor can correctly determine the type of disease and prescribe adequate treatment. It is impossible to relate to otitis media through the sleeves, since the ear canal is located in close proximity to the brain and is associated with work essential function human body- hearing.

In this article, we will present the most effective folk remedies for the treatment of otitis media, but do not forget that a consultation with your doctor is the first thing you should do!

Attention! If you have otitis with pus or other complications, then you will need antibiotics, be sure to visit a doctor!

Treatment of otitis with brilliant green

Alcoholic solution of brilliant green (colloquially "brilliant green") has a warming and disinfecting effect. For the treatment of otitis externa, it is necessary to soak a cotton swab with brilliant green, carefully scroll it in the affected otitis passage and pull it out. At the beginning of the procedure, there is a feeling of warmth in the ear canal, and after a few hours, itching begins in it. This itching sensation is a sign therapeutic effect greenery.

4-5 procedures are enough, and the signs of otitis externa will decrease significantly. The tool is effective both in the treatment of the acute form of the disease, and for the relief of chronic otitis media.

Source: Pavel Anatolyevich, site reader

Treatment of otitis media with boric alcohol and Dimexide

alcohol solution boric acid- a proven remedy for the treatment of inflammation of the auditory canal. Its action is to disinfect and warm the ear passages. Dimexide is an antibiotic with an excellent anti-inflammatory effect. He is an analgesic local action well penetrating through the skin.

To use these funds, you need to mix them in a 1: 1 ratio and moisten cotton turundas in this solution. Then the cotton wool is lightly wrung out so that it is well moistened, but does not drip from it, and placed in the ear canal. It is recommended to warm the product before use, but it should not be too cold or hot.

Turundas are placed in the ear for one hour, repeating the procedure three times a day. The course of treatment lasts for a week. If the pain does not go away during this time, then further treatment requires the use of more powerful drugs.

Bay leaf decoction for otitis media

Bay leaf, familiar to everyone as a seasoning for the first and second courses, has medicinal properties. Its beneficial effect on the treatment of many diseases is due to the content of essential oils, trace elements, vitamins.

Beneficial features bay leaf:

    Increases immunity;

    Helps to remove toxins;

    Effective against mycoses;

    Stimulates digestion and appetite;

    It has a diuretic and hypoglycemic effect;

    Helps against insomnia.

When using bay leaf, you need to observe the measure, since in large doses it is poisonous. It is not recommended to use it for the treatment of pregnant and lactating women, as well as for the treatment of patients with heart, liver and kidney failure.

Preparation of a decoction of bay leaf for the treatment of otitis media:

    Pour 200 ml of water 5 leaves, boil.

    Infuse the decoction in a thermos for 2 hours.

    Bury 3 drops of decoction in sore ear 3-4 times a day.

    At the same time take 1 tbsp. l. 3-5 times a day.

Otitis media treatment with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2) - Chemical substance widely used in medicine as disinfectant against pathogenic microbes and a drug that saturates tissues with oxygen. It is produced by the pharmaceutical industry in the form of a liquid of various concentrations: 3%, 6%, 9%.

How to use hydrogen peroxide?

This remedy is used only for the treatment of external otitis, using hydrogen peroxide with the utmost care.

Otitis media treatment with hydrogen peroxide:

    Dilute the peroxide with boiled or distilled water (for 25 ml of water - 15 drops of H 2 O 2).

    Lie on your side and drip 5 drops of the resulting solution into the ear canal.

    Stay in this position for 10-15 minutes.

    Tilt your head to the other side, removing the remaining fluid from the ear.

    Blot off the remaining moisture and softened earwax cotton buds or turundas.

An alternative to this method is to insert a small cotton ball soaked in hydrogen peroxide of the above concentration into the ear canal. Treatment is carried out within a week, if it is ineffective, drugs from other pharmaceutical groups are used.

Is it safe to use hydrogen peroxide for otitis media?

Treatment of otitis externa with hydrogen peroxide can be carried out without restrictions.

In complicated cases, there are contraindications for treatment with this remedy:

    Perforation of the tympanic membrane. The penetration of hydrogen peroxide through punctures or holes in the eardrum causes mastoiditis, or inflammation of the middle ear, and is also a source of extremely painful sensations.

    The use of peroxide during inflammation of the middle ear, which has already begun, especially if infectious process proceeds near the eardrum, in many cases leads to complete or partial deafness.

Do not rely solely on the use of hydrogen peroxide if the patient is diagnosed with otitis externa moderate, its purulent or chronic form, as well as ignore the appointment of an otolaryngologist.

What folk methods of treating otitis media can harm?

Otitis - very serious illness which must be treated responsibly. Folk recipes can both help get rid of the disease, and provoke severe complications if used improperly. The same tool when using different ways gives different results. And that one folk recipe, which is perfect for the treatment of acute otitis externa, can only aggravate the situation with purulent, chronic and internal otitis media.

To avoid mistakes, follow a few rules:

    Don't put alcohol in your ears! Tincture and others alcohol solutions- this is the first remedy that usually comes to mind when the word "otitis media". But pouring alcohol into the ear canals in large quantities is not recommended for several reasons. First, excess moisture and heat will allow bacteria to multiply more actively. Secondly, alcohol burns the mucous membrane and is not suitable for the treatment of external otitis, accompanied by lesions and ulcerations. And thirdly, when running forms purulent otitis media, the eardrum can be weakened and partially thinned, and then flooding with alcohol will lead to its perforation;

    Do not do wet warming compresses with purulent otitis media! Putting warm alcohol compresses on sore ears is downright Russian. folk tradition. Such treatment relieves pain well and helps to cope with uncomplicated otitis externa, but is categorically not suitable for the average, internal and purulent type of the disease. If the patient has heat, in principle, any warming procedures (inhalations, compresses, baths) are contraindicated for him. Alcohol compress with purulent otitis media, it can generally have catastrophic consequences - opening an abscess, getting pus into the brain, hearing loss. Therefore, warming compresses, firstly, cannot be put at home without a doctor's prescription, especially all night, and secondly, it is better to replace them with dry heat if there is no temperature and suppuration. For warming the ears with otitis, linen bags with hot sand or salt are perfect;

    Do not pour undiluted aloe, onion and garlic juice into your ears! Another popular folk remedy is the juice of indoor agave, or aloe. It, like onions and garlic, is recommended for any colds, from to, but such advice is not always appropriate. Firstly, freshly squeezed juice of these plants strongly irritates the mucous membrane of the ear canal, and with uncontrolled and frequent use may damage the eardrum. Secondly, it is not advisable to pour juice into the ears in large volumes, since bacteria will only multiply faster in conditions of high humidity. Secondly, onion, and - not such strong natural antibiotics to prevent this. Thirdly, if you decide to use these remedies at your own risk, then it is best to use juice diluted with distilled water in proportions of 1: 1 for the treatment of otitis, and moisten cotton swabs in it, and then wring them out and install them in the ear passages on short time (30-60 minutes).

Antibiotics and ear drops for otitis media

What exactly can not be done with otitis media?

Some actions with otitis media can be not only harmful, but even dangerous. That is why we repeat once again: at the first symptoms of otitis media, you need to seek help from a doctor, and not sit at home, overcoming wild pain and trying to get rid of the disease with improvised means. Without proper treatment, otitis media inevitably turns into a more dangerous, chronic or purulent form, and in order to cope with the disease, one has to expose the body to a long, destructive effect. combined antibiotics. If otitis media does not go away within a week, despite treatment with folk remedies, it is simply unacceptable to continue to ignore the problem and avoid a visit to the doctor!

With purulent otitis media, it is absolutely impossible:

    Open abscesses and try to squeeze pus out of there on your own. You will probably only add more bacteria to the site of inflammation. This procedure can only be carried out with sterile instruments;

    Pierce the eardrum to pump out pus from the middle ear cavity through the hole. Such barbaric manipulations almost inevitably end in partial hearing loss or complete deafness. Even if you see that the eardrum is already perforated, it is impossible to pump out pus from the ear on your own, this should be done by a doctor. Wrong actions will lead to the flow of pus even deeper inside. In general, perforation of the tympanic membrane is a reason for immediately seeking a qualified medical care. And when timely treatment this would definitely not happen!

How to do a compress? Boris Starosvetsky, otolaryngologist, professor will tell

Education: In 2009 he received a diploma in the specialty "Medicine", in Petrozavodsk state university. After completing an internship in the Murmansk Regional clinical hospital received a diploma in the specialty "Otorhinolaryngology" (2010)

Severe pain in the ear can be compared with a toothache - it appears suddenly and is very difficult to endure. All the patient's thoughts are only about how to get rid of painful sensations. But before doing therapeutic measures, you should find out why the ear hurts. It is on this that the treatment program and its effectiveness will depend.

In addition to the lack of the desired result, improper therapy can lead to severe complications up to complete hearing loss. Effective Methods treatments prescribed by a specialist will help to avoid unwanted consequences and quickly get rid of ear pain.

Main causes of violation

The most common disease that almost every person has encountered at least once in their life is otitis media. Violation is an inflammatory process in the organ of hearing, in which acute pain occurs in the ear.

Otitis can occur on its own, but more often this disorder is a complication. colds. Otitis in acute form it is difficult - severe pain in the ear of a shooting character develops, pus forms, temperature indicators increase, worsens general state organism.

One more common cause that causes ear pain is mechanical injury ear canal. Experiencing itching in the ear cavity, many people try to cope with the problem with the help of improvised means - hairpins, toothpicks, matches. Using such items, you can not only violate the integrity of the inner shell of the ear canal, but also infect.

Due to the penetration of foreign objects into the ear, it may develop otitis externa. With such a violation, a boil forms in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe outer ear, which causes discomfort and pain.

If there is pain in the ear without temperature, caries may be the cause. Pain in carious teeth can radiate to the neck, temples, and ear. In this case, of course, you need to visit a dentist and cure bad teeth.

Also, if your ears hurt, the following conditions may be the cause:

  • pinching facial nerve, at which occurs nagging pain in the ear;
  • migraine attack, after stopping the attack, pain in the ear cavity disappears;
  • sulfur plugs, in the absence of sufficient hygiene of the ears, accumulates in the ear canal a large number of sulfur, which can cause ear pain in adults and children.

If the ears hurt, naturally, you need to find out the cause of the pain. It is dangerous to use any medicines without the appointment of a specialist. This may further aggravate the situation.

In situations where the ear is very sore, first aid can be provided independently.

It is important to bear in mind that if the ear hurts and the body temperature is elevated, warming up the ear is strictly prohibited.

The effect of heat on the ear area is also contraindicated if the cause of pain is carious teeth.

If temperatures do not exceed normal values, you can prepare a dry warm compress - warm up the salt or sand, pour it into a cloth bag and apply it to the sore ear.

Good therapeutic effect gives lubrication of the skin around the auricle with warm camphor oil. You can also soak cotton turundas with oil and insert them into the ear canal. The procedure is recommended to be carried out before going to bed.

After the relief of acute pain, you should contact medical institution to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

If the ear hurts from the outside and there is a boil, the specialist will remove the abscess, treat the affected area antiseptic and prescribe Sofradex. This medicine should be applied locally - drip 2 drops into the ear 3 times a day for a week.

If the ear hurts in an adult or a child, medications are prescribed taking into account the underlying disease, its form and intensity of pain.

If there was sharp pain in the ear, to reduce pain, use Paracetmol (4 times a day, 1 mg each) and Otipax ear drops (instilled 2 times a day).

If there is pain in the left ear or in the right ear and swelling of the ear canal is observed, vasoconstrictor nasal drops are used (Tizin, Naphthyzin). This will improve the outflow of purulent masses from the middle ear cavity. Your doctor may also prescribe antihistamines to relieve swelling.

If expressed pain accompanied by suppuration, the attending physician will prescribe antibacterial drugs. Since in this case, pain is the result of exposure to infectious agents.

To cleanse the ear cavity from purulent masses, it may be necessary surgical intervention. After the operation, drops are instilled into the ear canal, accelerating the healing process of tissues and destroying pathogenic microflora.

It is important to consider what to bury medication directly on the eardrum is impossible. The medicine is applied to a cotton turunda and inserted into the ear canal.

Before using an antibiotic, you need to test for sensitivity to it. Although most often there is no time for such manipulations. When choosing one or the other antibacterial agent be aware that some medications can lead to hearing loss. This is more true for drugs of the aminoglycoside group. Even a single use of such drugs with otitis media can provoke deafness.

If there is severe pain in the right ear or in the left and it is necessary to use antibiotics, then it is better to opt for the drug Amoxycycline. Apply the medicine 3 times a day for 10 days. If after three days of treatment the necessary therapeutic effect is absent, instead of this medicine Augmentin or Cefuroxime should be used.

To completely eliminate inflammatory process a course of treatment antibacterial drugs should be at least 8-10 days.

Even if the patient's condition has returned to normal, the therapeutic course should not be interrupted. Otherwise, a relapse of the disease and the development of hearing loss are possible.

If drug therapy ineffective, surgical intervention is performed. Depending on the location of the inflammation, the doctor may prescribe the following:

  • myringotomy (during the operation, the tympanic membrane is punctured and the purulent contents are removed);
  • anthrotomy (in this case, pus is removed from the inflamed area in the ear canal).

Operations are performed under anesthesia, so you should not be afraid of them. rehabilitation period also short - after 2 weeks a person will be able to return to their usual way of life.

Physiotherapy procedures

Physiotherapy is used today for many diseases. If your right ear (or left) hurts this method treatment will also help to get rid of discomfort.

A good effect is given by microwave, or microwave therapy (UHF), ultra-high-frequency inductometry (UHF), a solar lamp, inhalations, half-alcohol compresses on the affected ear area.

Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment effectively eliminate edema, stop the development of the inflammatory process, activate tissue regeneration, have a bacteriostatic and vasodilating effect.

Physiotherapy significantly speeds up the healing process. However, when using this technique, it should be remembered that physiotherapy treatment is not suitable for everyone. The above procedures are carried out with caution in people over 60 years of age, patients with chronic pathologies digestive and cardiovascular systems, as well as if there is a history of stroke, heart attack, disorders mental nature, surgical interventions.

In addition, physiotherapy treatment is prohibited at elevated temperatures, exacerbation of chronic pathologies.

If It's a dull pain in the ear arose at night, and the necessary medicines, you can use proven methods of alternative medicine.

Consider the most effective recipes:


If there is an acute or Blunt pain in the ear, eliminate discomfort, in addition to the above recommendations, essential oils will also help. You can use them in the following way:

  • add 5 drops to 0.5 l of boiling water essential oil chamomile or lavender. Breathe over the steam for about 10 minutes.
  • in 2 tsp. olive oil add 3 drops of lavender oil, the mixture can also be supplemented with St. John's wort or mullein oil. Drip the medicine into the ear canal, then close it with a piece of cotton wool.
  • 2 tsp mix almond oil with olive oil. Rub the product into the skin in the ear area.

If suppuration or bleeding from the ear cavity is observed, it is impossible to instill it with any drops (both medicated and self-prepared) - this can lead to a violation of the integrity of the eardrum.

Rarely occurs on its own. Usually it appears on the background of a cold, or flu. Mild forms of inflammation pass quickly if they are treated in time. What can be done for ear pain in adults before visiting a doctor?

First aid

In some cases, it radiates into the ear toothache.

Discomfort in the ear can be caused not only by inflammation of the ear canals, but also by other conditions, such as toothache or neuritis trigeminal nerve. To make sure that the problem lies precisely in the ears, at home, doctors suggest performing a simple test: press on the tragus or upper part lobes. If the pain intensifies, then most likely it is.
However, the test does not work if inflammation occurs in. In this case, an additional signal of the disease is increased pain during chewing or when the mouth is opened wide.

After the disease is established, you can begin to treat it:

  • Any vasoconstrictor nasal drops (Xilen, Nazivin, Rino-Stop) should be used 3 times a day. This will help relieve swelling of the mucous membranes and restore normal ventilation of the ear canals. Drops are instilled in the supine position, slightly turning the head to one side. The solution is injected into the lower nostril. After 2-3 minutes, the head is turned to the other side and the procedure is repeated from the second nostril.
  • At severe pain it is recommended to take analgesics based on paracetamol, analgin, ibuprofen.
  • In the absence of a sore ear, a cotton swab moistened with boric alcohol is placed. Turunda is moistened again every 3-4 hours.
  • No less effective in mild (non-purulent) forms of otitis media is the use of ear anesthetic drops (Otinum, Otipaks). They are instilled into the ear canal 3-4 drops up to 4 times a day. Relief occurs on the 2-5th day. The course of treatment should not exceed 10 days.
  • If there is no discharge from the ear, then warm compresses can be done at night. To do this, a wide bandage or gauze is folded into 4 layers. Cut a small hole in the middle. The compress is moistened in vodka and put on the auricle. Waxed paper (or polyethylene) is applied on top and pressed with a thick layer of cotton wool. Tie with a scarf or handkerchief. The procedure is repeated no longer than three days. If the pain persists, you should immediately consult a specialist.
  • At purulent inflammation conduct a thorough ear toilet. The external auditory canal is regularly cleaned with cotton wicks. No drops or thermal treatments do not use without the advice of a doctor.

What should not be done?

Otitis media, left unattended, often leads to the development of complications. The same picture can be observed with an incorrectly chosen self-treatment tactic:

  • It is not necessary to take antibiotics inside without the appointment of a specialist. With a mild form of the disease, there is no need to take them. In addition, the disease can be caused by pathogenic bacteria, and fungi, against which antibiotics are ineffective.
  • You can not, on your own initiative, instill drops into the ears, which include antibacterial components. Some of them provide toxic effect on the auditory endings, so they can cause