A. severe winters with little snow, short summers

Page 2

The Everglades wetlands are exceptionally important for birds, with more than 320 species recorded there. Among them are very rare ones such as the wood stork, red heron and the southern race of the bald eagle. Birds that feed on fish are frequent visitors to freshwater swamps. Coastal mangrove forests are home to red-winged spoonbills, pelicans, American tree ibises and herons.

The life of many animals living here depends on a whole complex of elements of that unique mosaic natural conditions, which are the swamps of the Everglades. For example, bird colonies use cypress and mangrove forests for nesting and feed in grassy swamps.

In coastal waters there are more than 150 various types fish, which provides good food numerous birds, reptiles and mammals. 12

To the northwest of the Everglades is the Great Cypress Swamp, an area of ​​6,200 square kilometers. 13 total area The swamps of this area of ​​the Florida Peninsula make up almost 14% of the landmass of the State of Florida.

In the central part of the Florida peninsula, which has the highest altitude above sea level, there are more than 30,000 lakes and a large number of rivers. 14 .

The largest of the lakes located in central south Florida is Lake Okeechobee, which covers an area of ​​1,800 square kilometers. Okeechobee is the largest lake in North America, not counting the Great Lakes. Like all lakes in Florida, Lake Okeechobee is very shallow and maximum depth does not exceed 5 m. It was formed under the influence of groundwater and precipitation, which dissolved a thick layer of limestone that lies under a layer of sand throughout Florida. 15

The Florida Peninsula is famous for its numerous underground streams and karst cavities, also formed as a result of the gradual dissolution of the peninsula's limestone base by groundwater. Because of high level Groundwater has filled most of the voids, however, in the Caves National Park, located near the city of Marianna, there are a number of karst caves, saturated with exceptionally beautiful stalactites, accessible to tourists and geologists.

More than 200 natural springs located on the Florida peninsula release more than 7 million gallons of groundwater per day through cracks in the limestone layer. In the central part of northern Florida, near the city of Ocala, there is a unique natural spring“Silver”, having a huge, more than 23 cubic meters. m per second, water pressure 16 .

Florida has more than 1,700 rivers and streams. The most long river– St. John's River, which flows into Atlantic Ocean 42 km. east of Jacksonville. Due to the heavy swampiness of the area in its upper reaches, the exact length of the St. John's River is difficult to determine. Various sources indicate values ​​from 439 km to 512 km. From large rivers, flowing through the State of Florida, one cannot fail to mention the Suwannee River, which flows for 285 km through Florida and flows into the Gulf of Mexico, and the Apalachicola River, formed as a result of the confluence of the Flint River and the Chattahoochee River on the border between Georgia and Florida. The Apalachicola flows south through the entire Florida peninsula and also flows into the Gulf of Mexico. 17

There are more than 4.5 thousand islands in the coastal waters of the Florida Peninsula. The most famous are the Florida Keys archipelago. The largest island of this archipelago, Key Largo, is 47 km long and 3 km wide. On the southernmost island of the United States - Key West, which is 6 km long and 3 km wide, there is a popular resort 18 .


The climate of Florida is largely determined by the fact that the border of two climatic zones passes through the peninsula - subtropical (in the north of the peninsula) and tropical (in the south). The mild oceanic climate of the east coast of Florida is due to the warm Gulf Stream, passing a few miles from the coast, and the southeast trade winds, which bring warm air in winter and cool in summer. Winters in Florida are mild and dry (average January temperature 21°C), summers are rainy and hot (average July temperature 29°C) 19 . The average annual temperature varies from +18°C to +21°C in the north and from +23°C to +25°C in the south of the peninsula and on the islands.

The average annual temperature is:

¨ In Jacksonville -- +20°С.

¨ In Miami -- + 24°С.

Record heat(+43°C) was registered on June 29, 1931 in the city of Monticelo.

Record low ( 19°C) - in the capital of the State of Florida - the city of Tallahassee on February 13, 1899. 20

The mild, sunny climate is one of Florida's most important advantages, making it a major tourism and recreation center.

Florida's proximity to the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico, as well as the presence of many inland lakes and ponds, cause high air humidity and heavy precipitation. Despite this typically humid, tropical climate, precipitation varies from year to year, and Florida has even experienced severe droughts.

Florida is characterized by fairly high average annual precipitation.

For example, the average annual precipitation is 21

¨ for Jacksonville - 135 cm,

¨ for Miami -- 147 cm.

Florida is also the “host” of the record high amount of precipitation that fell in one day in the United States. In September 1950, in the city of Yankeetown, located on the Gulf Coast, 98.3 cm of precipitation fell in one day. 22 .

With such high average rates, these precipitations are very unevenly distributed over time. More than half of the precipitation falls during Florida's typical rainy season, which typically lasts from June to September. Rainfall is the most typical precipitation for Florida. Precipitation in the form of snow has never been recorded in the south of Florida, and isolated cases (far from annual) of very short-term snowfalls have been recorded in the north.

Despite the high annual precipitation, Florida is characterized by a large amount of sunny days. Thus, areas of the city of Jacksonville are characterized by about 60% of sunny days a year, and areas of greater Miami are characterized by more than 70%.

The Florida peninsula is characterized by strong winds. For the southern part of the peninsula, winds blowing from east to southeast are typical, while northern Florida is characterized by sharp changes in wind direction:

¨ in winter - from the north;

¨ in summer - from the south;

The average wind speed usually exceeds 10 km/h. So in areas of the city of Jacksonville, the typical wind speed is 13.2 km/h, and in the area of ​​the city of Miami – 14.8 km/h. 23

The Florida Peninsula is highly prone to hurricanes and tropical storms. This is due to the fact that a relatively narrow strip of low-lying land on the peninsula extends deeply into the waters of two parts of the world's oceans (the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic), which differ in different temperature and climate regimes. As a result, hurricane winds often come from both the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico, the speed of which reaches 240 km/h. Such hurricanes usually cause enormous destruction, loss of life and significant losses for the state's economy.

So in September 1960, Hurricane Donna hit Florida, which is still considered the most destructive in the history of Florida. It caused more than $300 million in damage. Waterspouts and tornadoes are not uncommon in Florida. In 1983, more than 85 tornadoes were recorded on the peninsula, which caused significant destruction, leading to the death of 4 people and injuries to more than 50 people. 24


5.1. Florida State Flora

In Florida, several vegetation zones can be distinguished that are noticeably different from each other, in particular:

An area of ​​subtropical open forest characterized by an abundance of flowers, including a huge variety of orchids, of which there are more than 60 varieties.

7. /Unified State Examination in Geography/description of countries 11th grade docx.docx
Long answer questions No. 2

  1. Why are karst landforms more widespread in the Cis-Ural foredeep than in the Trans-Urals?

  2. In which region of Russia: Arkhangelsk or Saratov region, is it necessary to pay more attention to measures to prevent the development of water erosion? Justify your answer.

  3. Why are tropical deserts located on the western coast of continents (Namib, Atacama) characterized by precipitation in the form of dew?

  4. The creation of a reservoir on the river put an end to the spring floods downstream, but after some time, owners of farms located downstream began to complain about the decrease in productivity of land located in the river's floodplain. Could this be a consequence of the construction of a reservoir? Justify your answer.

  5. Why does the air on the Gulf Coast experience a sharp drop in winter (down to -10 0)?

  6. Why is the salinity of the surface waters of the World Ocean higher in tropical latitudes (about 30) than in equatorial latitudes (about 34).

  7. Which Negative consequences can virgin lands be used for arable land? List at least two consequences.

  8. Why are the soils of the equatorial rainforests not characterized by high fertility?

  9. What are the positive consequences of land drainage?

  10. Why is the average salinity of the surface waters of the Baltic Sea significantly lower than the average salinity of the Atlantic Ocean at these latitudes? Give two reasons.

  11. How can we explain the location of the production of nitrogen fertilizers in Magnitogorsk? Give two reasons.

  12. Why are swamps and wetlands common in the Florida peninsula? One of the reasons is the spread of waterproof (silt and clayey) sediments. Give two reasons.

  13. The Aswan High Dam of the Nasser Reservoir was commissioned in 1971. The created reservoir regulated the river flow. Nile, as a result of which its floods stopped. What impact did the creation of the reservoir have on development? Agriculture in the Nile Valley? List two consequences.

  14. Why is the territory of the Yamal Peninsula, with low precipitation, characterized by high swampiness? One of the reasons is the flat nature of the terrain. Give two reasons.

  15. What are the negative consequences of deforestation on the southern slopes of the Himalayas? List two consequences.

  16. The soils of the steppe zone have a much thicker humus horizon and high content humus than the soils of the taiga zone. What explains this? Give two reasons.

  17. IN last years Brazil has become one of the major aluminum producers. Explain that, in addition to the ever-increasing need for aluminum for the country's economy, it contributed to the development of the aluminum industry in it. Give two reasons.

  18. What are the negative consequences for environment could it be possible to build a cascade of power plants on a flat river?


  1. The Cis-Ural foredeep is more characterized by sedimentary rocks (many of which dissolve when exposed to water). In the Trans-Urals, soluble rocks are less common; hard crystalline rocks predominate. In addition, more precipitation falls in the Cis-Urals than in the Trans-Urals.

  2. The amount of precipitation that falls within these territories varies slightly, but the elevation differences in the Saratov region are greater than in the Arkhangelsk region. Also, the degree of plowed territory in the Saratov region is greater than in the Arkhangelsk region. Therefore, in the Saratov region, water erosion poses a greater danger than in the Arkhangelsk region, and here it is necessary to pay more attention to measures to combat water erosion.

  3. Deserts are located in the tropical climate zone, which is dominated by downdrafts air. In tropical latitudes western shores Cold currents pass through the continents, which also prevent the formation of precipitation. However, coastal air contains a certain amount of water vapor. During the day, the air in deserts gets very hot. At night, in the absence of clouds and clear skies, it cools sharply. A sharp cooling of the earth's surface in the presence of water vapor in the air leads to the formation of precipitation in the form of dew at night.

  4. Maybe. After spring floods, a layer of fertile silt remained on the floodplain. The cessation of floods led to the cessation of its flow to floodplain lands, which could have caused a decrease in their fertility.

  5. Arctic air masses forming in the north of North America can penetrate up to the latitude of the Gulf of Mexico; the topography of the continent in the central part is flat and they do not encounter obstacles on their way. The Canadian Arctic archipelago, Greenland, and the warm Gulf of Mexico protruding deep into the land on the other hand create large differences in temperature and pressure between the north and south of the continent, which, in turn, can cause movement air masses from the north and south.

  6. The salinity of the surface waters of the Ocean depends on the ratio of precipitation and evaporation. In tropical latitudes, with the predominance of downward air currents, the amount of precipitation is less than in equatorial latitudes, and evaporation is greater.

  7. Natural vegetation disappears, river flow decreases, soils dry out, their structure is disturbed, the amount of humus decreases, and water erosion begins to develop.

  8. In humid equatorial forests there is a large amount of plant litter; There are favorable conditions for the life of soil microorganisms. However, with high average annual precipitation and daily downpours, the soil is washed to great depths and nutrients are washed out of it. In addition, the hot and humid climate contributes to organic matter, entering the soil, very quickly decompose and are absorbed by plants. Thus, the accumulation of humus does not occur

  9. The positive consequences of land drainage include changes in the microclimate - a decrease in relative air humidity and an increase in temperatures during the growing season. Increased activity of microorganisms leads to the fact that the process of accumulation of organic residues is replaced by their decomposition and the soil is enriched nutrients. The groundwater level decreases and favorable conditions are created for the development of the root system of plants.

  10. Desalination effect of rivers flowing into the Baltic Sea. The Baltic Sea is an inland sea. or the Baltic Sea has a weak connection with the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

  11. There are raw materials in Magnitogorsk, there is a full-cycle metallurgical plant and a gas pipeline. Proximity to consumers The south of the Urals is an important agricultural region.

  12. Flat terrain and high rainfall

  13. A water reserve was created for the drought season or the reservoir made it possible to rationally use water for irrigation. With the cessation of the spills, the supply of fertile silt to the floodplain stopped.

  14. The humidification coefficient is greater than 1 or the amount of precipitation exceeds evaporation. Permafrost

  15. Deforestation leads to a decrease in the ability to retain moisture. Soil erosion increases or landslide processes intensify.

  16. Insufficient moisture in the steppe zone contributes to the accumulation of humus. A large number of plant litter in the steppe zone

  17. The raw material factor is the presence of large deposits of aluminum ores. The energy factor is the presence of large hydroelectric power stations.

  18. Removal of the most fertile floodplain lands from cultivation. Significant reduction in fish catch

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Examination tasks with detailed answers.

1.In the Moscow region there is no permafrost, and in the region located to the south

It is widespread in the Transbaikal region. What are the climate features?

Trans-Baikal Territory contribute to the preservation of perennial

permafrost? List two features. If you specify more than two features,

Only the first two listed will be evaluated.

1.Permafrost makes it very difficult economic activity, much

increases in price construction works. The city of Chita is located at the latitude of Saratov, but in

In its vicinity, permafrost soils are widespread. What

the peculiarities of the climate of Transbaikalia explain the preservation in the vicinity of Chita

permafrost? List two features. If you specify more than two

features, only the two listed first will be evaluated. (Tasks are of the same type,

so there is only one answer)

The reason for the formation of permafrost in the Trans-Baikal Territory

(in Chita) are:

A. harsh winters with little snow, short summer

B. The average annual temperature is below 0°C.

2. Why are swamps and wetlands widespread on the Florida peninsula?

land? One of the reasons is the spread of waterproof (silt and clay)

sediments. Give two reasons.

A. The peninsula has a flat topography, so runoff is insignificant

B. Large amounts of precipitation (or the amount of precipitation exceeds them


3. Why is the Yamal Peninsula characterized by low rainfall?

high swampiness? Give two reasons.

A. The amount of precipitation exceeds its evaporation or low evaporation

B. Permafrost prevents moisture from seeping in

4.It is believed that the average salinity of surface waters of the Atlantic Ocean

greatest compared to other oceans. However, in the Gulf of Guinea it is lower.

Give two reasons.

A. The Niger and Congo rivers flow into the Gulf of Guinea, which desalinate the waters

5. The salinity of ocean water in the Gulf of Guinea is lower than in the Persian Gulf.

Give two reasons.

A. The Niger and Congo rivers flow into the Gulf of Guinea, which desalinate the waters

B. The Gulf of Guinea is located in the equatorial belt, where there is a lot of rainfall

precipitation, and the Persian Gulf is located in the tropical zone, where precipitation

significantly less.

6. Why is the average salinity of surface waters of the Baltic Sea significantly lower?

average salinity of the Atlantic Ocean. Give two reasons.

A. Rivers flow into the Baltic Sea, which have a desalination effect

B. The Baltic Sea is inland or the Baltic Sea has a weak connection with

7. The soils of the steppe zone have a much thicker humus horizon and

A. There is more precipitation in the taiga than in the steppe, so there is humus in the taiga

washed out into the lower horizons.

B. There is more plant litter in the steppe zone than in the taiga.

8. What are the negative consequences of deforestation on the southern slopes of the Himalayas?

Give two reasons.

A. Soil erosion increases or landslide processes intensify

B. Flooding during monsoon rains increases or decreases.

ability of soils to retain moisture

9. What negative effects on the environment can it have?

construction of a cascade of power plants on a flat river? List two consequences.

A. The construction of a cascade of power plants on a lowland river could lead to

to that that fertile floodplain soils will be taken out of circulation or

Soil waterlogging will occur due to rising groundwater.

B. Fish catch will decrease significantly.

10. Scientists in many countries warn about the dangers of global warming. According to them

According to calculations, by the end of the 21st century, air temperature will increase by 6 °C, and sea level

will rise to 88 centimeters. Explain the reasons for possible climate warming and

sea ​​level rise.

A. The amount in the atmosphere increases carbon dioxide due to burning

mineral fuel

B. The melting of mountain and cover glaciers leads to an increase in the level of global

11. Why on the western slopes of the Andes at latitude 50° the snow line extends more than

3000 m lower than at latitude 20°.

A. At latitude 50° has more precipitation than 20° latitude

B. At the same latitude the climate is colder than at latitude 20°

12. Why is the natural steppe zone in the Volgograd region replaced by deserts and

semi-deserts of the Astrakhan region?

A. Due to less precipitation

B. Due to higher summer temperatures

Is there more radiation than on the Malay Peninsula?

A. On the Arabian Peninsula the angle of incidence of the sun's rays is greater

B. Air transparency is higher on the Arabian Peninsula

B. There is more cloudiness on the Malacca Peninsula

14. Ocean coasts usually receive significant amounts of precipitation. However

on western coasts continents in tropical latitudes receive little precipitation.

Why? Give two reasons.

A. Along the western coasts of continents in tropical latitudes there are cold

B. Most winds do not blow from the oceans.

15. The cities of Yaroslavl and Perm are located at approximately the same latitude and

January temperatures in Perm are significantly lower than in Yaroslavl. Explain why this is

related by giving one reason.

winds coming from the Atlantic. In winter, Atlantic air is the main

It is in this direction that the continental climate is increasing, i.e. height

the severity of winters. Yaroslavl is located west of Perm, so it is warmer there.

16. The cities of Voronezh and Orenburg are located at approximately the same latitude and

at approximately the same altitude above sea level. However, the monthly average

January temperatures in Orenburg are significantly lower than in Voronezh. Explain why

East European Plain in winter time is influenced by Western

winds coming from the Atlantic. In winter, the Atlantic air is the main

source of heat. Therefore, winter temperatures change from west to east,

them en but in this direction the continental climate is increasing, i.e. height

the severity of winters. Orenburg is located east of Voronezh, so it is colder there.

17.The average salinity of the World Ocean is 35%o, but it varies in its waters.

For example, in the Baltic Sea the average salinity is below average: in the straits,

connecting the Baltic Sea with the ocean, it is 17-20%o, in the central part

sea ​​- 6-8%o, in the Gulf of Bothnia 2-4%o. Why is the average salinity of the Baltic waters

seas below the average salinity of the waters of the World Ocean? Give two reasons.

A. The reduced salinity of the waters of the Baltic Sea is explained by the fact that in the sea

Quite a lot of rivers flow into fresh waters which reduce salinity.

B. The Baltic Sea has a weak connection with the ocean or evaporation from the surface

seas are less than the amount of precipitation.

18. Why are there karst landforms in the Cis-Ural foredeep?

more widespread than in the Trans-Urals?

Karst landforms are formed if the territory is composed of soluble

rocks (gypsum, salts, limestones). For Pre-Ural

marginal deflection sedimentary rocks are more typical (many of which

dissolve when exposed to water). In the Trans-Urals, soluble rocks are less

widespread, predominantly hard crystalline rocks. In addition, in

The Cis-Ural region receives more precipitation than the Trans-Ural region.

19.In which region of Russia: Arkhangelsk or Saratov region - necessary

pay more attention to measures to prevent the development of water erosion? Mine

justify your answer.

The intensity of water erosion is determined by the amount of precipitation

precipitation, its nature, differences in absolute relief heights and the degree

plowed territory. The amount of precipitation that falls within

of these territories differs slightly, but the elevation differences in

There are more in the Saratov region than in the Arkhangelsk region. Also the degree of plowing

There is more territory in the Saratov region than in the Arkhangelsk region. Therefore in

In the Saratov region, water erosion poses a greater danger than in

water erosion.

20. The creation of a reservoir on the river put an end to spring floods downstream

flow, but after some time the owners of farms located downstream

flow, began to complain about a decrease in the productivity of land located below


Maybe. After spring floods, a layer of fertile silt remained on the floodplain.

The cessation of floods led to the cessation of floodplain lands, which

could cause a decrease in fertility.

21. Read information about the city of Nizhniye Sergi ( Sverdlovsk region),

posted on the Internet.

“Historical sketch: the city was founded in 1743 as a settlement during the construction of Ivan

Demidov of the Nizhneserginsky iron-smelting and iron-making plant on the river.

Serga. Economy: ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, timber industry. Architecture,

attractions: the city is located in

live picturesque intermountain basin, among spruce and fir forests. Prevails

one-story residential building. There are multi-storey buildings in the city center."

Guess what time of year and why in the city of Nizhniye Sergi it is observed

maximum air pollution.

The city of Nizhnie Sergi is located in the Sverdlovsk region. It's usually there in winter

An anticyclone with downward air movement dominates. Position in

intermountain basin further contributes to the stagnation of air in the ground

layer and the accumulation of harmful substances in it.

22. What negative consequences can it cause? fast growth th kind, located

on the river bank, for rural communities located downstream?

Justify your answer.

In addition to the possible increase in river water pollution from domestic and

industrial sewerage may increase river floods during the rainy season and

melting snow and shallowing of the river during the dry summer period. Such consequences

may be associated with the destruction of natural vegetation in the river basin

underground flow, which is a river regulator, and an increase

surface runoff.

23. What negative consequences can it cause? deforestation on the slopes of the Caucasus

mountains? List at least two consequences.

Deforestation reduces the soil's ability to retain moisture,

increased surface runoff, so in mountainous areas the destruction of forests

slopes leads, on the one hand, to increased river overflow, causing floods,

and on the other hand - to increased water erosion, the development of landslides, which causes

damage to agricultural land and populated areas.

24. Deforestation leads to numerous negative changes in nature.

Name the possible unfavorable changes in river regime associated with the reduction

human forests in river catchment basins. List two consequences. If you

indicate more than two wow consequences, only the two listed first will be assessed.

Forest vegetation delays surface runoff during rains or

melting snow and promotes the seepage of water underground. Deforestation

leads to an increase in the intensity of surface runoff and a reduction

underground. From - As a result, the intensity of floods and floods increases, which

mo can lead to floods, and the water level in rivers during low water

becomes, on the contrary, lower, which may complicate navigation or provision

consumer water.

25. In the tropical latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere on the western coasts of the continents

South America, Africa, Australia are deserts. What are the reasons s

the emergence of such deserts? Give two reasons.

A. B tropical climate zones are dominated by high atmospheric

pressure. The air sinks down and is removed from saturation with moisture.

B. Another reason is the passage of cold currents along the coast. They

also do not contribute to the formation of precipitation.

26. Glaciers form on the high peaks of the Andes mountains. They are especially numerous in temperate

latitudes on slopes facing the Pacific Ocean. Explain why in moderate

At latitudes, glaciers form on the tops of the Andes.

A. In temperate latitudes, westerly winds dominate, which blow onto the slopes

mountains moist air from the Pacific Ocean. When colliding with mountains, moist air

rises, cools, and precipitation occurs.

B. Since air temperatures are low high in the mountains, precipitation often falls

in the form of snow, during the warm season the snow that falls does not have time to melt,

it accumulates and glaciers form.

27. The Alps and Scandinavian mountains are located in Europe. Number of altitude zones and

The variety of landscapes in the Alps is greater than in the Scandinavian mountains. Explain with

what explains the difference in the number and composition of altitudinal belts of these two mountain systems.

The number of altitudinal zones depends on the height of the mountains and their geographic

provisions. The closer to the equator the mountains are located and the higher they are, the more

Abstract on the topic:

Florida (Peninsula)

Florida(English) Florida) is a peninsula in southeastern North America on which is located most of State of Florida, United States of America. Area 115 thousand km². From the east it is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, from the west by the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. It is separated from the island of Cuba in the south by the Strait of Florida.

The surface is a flat plain up to 99 m high. The plain is composed mainly of Paleogene-Neogene limestones, which causes the widespread development of karst. The eastern part of the peninsula is elevated, the western part is actively lowered, the shores are replete with lagoons and mangrove forests. The climate is oceanic, subtropical in the north of the peninsula, tropical in the south. Winters are warm and sunny, summers are humid. The average January temperature is from 14 °C in the north to 20.7 °C in the south, the average July temperature is from 27 to 28.7 °C, respectively. The amount of precipitation is 1200-1400 mm per year. The rivers are short but high in water (for example, the St. Johns River is navigable). Abundance of lakes and swamps. On the peninsula there is largest body of water southern USA - Lake Okeechobee The vast Everglades wetland area in the south of the peninsula has the status national park. The vegetation in the north is subtropical (pine trees, magnolias, dwarf palms), in the south it is tropical (palm trees, etc.). Mineral resources are represented by deposits of phosphorites and titanium ores. On the east coast there are winter resorts in the USA (the main one is Miami).

  1. E. M. Pospelov Geographical names peace. Toponymic dictionary. / answer ed. R. A. Ageeva. - M.: Russian dictionaries, 1998. - P. 440-441. - 372 s. - 3000 copies. - ISBN 5-89216-029-7
  2. Florida (peninsula) - slovari.yandex.ru/dict/bse/article/00084/51900.htm//TSB
This abstract is based on an article from Russian Wikipedia. Synchronization completed 07/11/11 12:53:52
Similar abstracts:

Option #1

Part I)
1. Select a climate feature characteristic of the subtropical zone: A. There is approximately the same temperature throughout the year. B. Two air masses dominate during the year. B. Precipitation falls primarily in the form of snow. D. Trade winds blow all year round.

2.This continent can be called the driest: A. Africa B. South America C Australia D. Antarctica

3. In the basin of this river there is the highest waterfall in the world A. Congo B. Amazon C. Zambezi D. Orinoco

4. The most people live here tall people(Karamojongs) and the shortest (pygmies) A. Africa B. South America C. Australia D. Eurasia

5. Africa is separated from Eurasia by: A. Strait of Gibraltar B. Isthmus of Suez C. Bosphorus Strait D. Panama Canal

6. Select a lake located in South America: A. Tanganyika B. Victoria C. Titicaca D. Air

7. Trade winds are: A. Constant winds blowing from 30 latitudes to the equator B. Winds blowing from the ocean to land in summer B. Winds blowing from the sea during the day D. Winds caused by tides

8. Boundaries lithospheric plates, the direction and speed of their movement, fault zones on land and at the bottom of the oceans are indicated on: A. Map of natural areas. B. Physical map. B. Comprehensive map. D. Tectonic map.

9. Air temperature decreases from the equator to the poles, as it changes: A. Angle of incidence of sunlight. B. Air composition. B. Thickness of the troposphere. D. Direction of constant winds.

10. In what part of North America are the Appalachian Mountains located? Part 2 .
1. Atlantic Ocean A. Yellow Sea 2. Pacific Ocean B. White Sea 3. Indian Ocean B. Black Sea 4. Northern Arctic Ocean G. Red Sea

AT 2. Match the continent with the animals living there 1. Africa A. Echidna 2. Australia B. Coyote 3. South America V. Capybara 4. North America G. Okapi

Q.3.Which three of the listed rivers are located on the North American mainland? 1. Parana 5. Mackenzie 2. Mississippi 6. Orinoco 3. St. Lawrence 7. Zambezi 4. Murray 8. Orange Q4 Match the continent with the plant growing there 1. Africa A. Eucalyptus 2. Australia B. Baobab 3. South America V. Sequoia 4. North America G. Ceiba

PART – 31. Why are swamps common in the Florida peninsula? Please provide at least two reasons.

Final test in geography in 7th grade

Option No. 2 Part I1.This continent can be called the hottest: A. Africa B. South America C. Australia D. North America

2. The deepest river in the world A. Amazon B. Congo C. Mississippi D. Yenisei

3. highest peak Earth is a mountain: A. Aconcagua B. Kilimanjaro C. Chomolungma G. Elbrus

4.What explains the high salinity of the Red Sea? A. Strong evaporation in desert tropical climates B. Features of the underwater world B. Near the Sahara Desert D. Severe water pollution

5. Trade winds in Southern Hemisphere deviate to the left and blow from southeast to northwest, since their direction is influenced by: A. The Earth's revolution around the Sun B. Rotation of the Earth around its axis B. Changes in precipitation in tropical and equatorial latitudes D. Direction of large mountain ranges

6. The main importance of the ozone layer for the Earth is that it: A. Protects the Earth from falling cosmic bodies B. Delays ultraviolet radiation from the sun B. Protects the Earth from overheating D. Promotes the water cycle in nature

7. In the subequatorial climate zone of the Northern Hemisphere in winter there are air masses: A. Equatorial B. Temperate C. Tropical D. Arctic

8. The direction of the winds on the climate map is shown: A. Isolines B. Arrows C. Color background D. Numbers

9. In what part of Africa are the Atlas Mountains located? A. Northern B. Southern C. Western D. Eastern

10. Which one climate zone is there in South America as opposed to Africa? A. Tropical B. Subequatorial C. Subtropical D. Temperate PART 2
Q1. Establish a correspondence between the sea and the ocean to which it belongs 1. Atlantic Ocean A. Baltic Sea 2. Pacific Ocean B. Chukchi Sea 3. Indian Ocean B. Red Sea 4. Arctic Ocean D. Sea of ​​Japan

AT 2. Choose three correct answers that characterize the natural area - steppe
1. The zone consists of coniferous forests
2. Trees such as oak, hornbeam, and beech grow on the territory of the zone
3. Moss and lichen flora are characteristic, and shrubs also grow
4. Open, flat landscapes predominate. Various grains grow
5.Vegetation is quite sparse, absent in places, a typical plant is saxaul
6. There is almost no vegetation, only lichens and mosses are found
7. Soils are predominantly chernozems
8. Mostly plowed

AT 3. Insert the missing words in the text according to their meaning and write them in order:
North America is entirely located in both the _________ and ________hemispheres. In the east of the continent there are ________ mountains. The most high point The mainland is located in the mountains _________, it is -________.

AT 4. . Match the continent with the animals living there
1.Africa A. Koala
2.Australia B. Skunk
3.South America V. Gorilla
4.North America G. Lama

PART – 3

C.1 Why is the Barents Sea much warmer than the White Sea?

Option 1.

Part 1











Part 2

B1 1-B




V2 1-G




B3 2,3,5

V4 1-B




Part 3

    High rainfall, lowland.

    Cold air penetrates far to the south, since the mountains are located meridionally.


Option 2.

Part 1





5 B






Part 2

B1 1-A




B2 4,7,8

B3 northern, western, Appalachian, Cordillera, McKinley

B4 1-B




Part 3

    The influence of a warm current.

    Tropical zone, downward air currents, no clouds, during the day with a clear sky it gets very hot, at night it cools down quickly.
