How to dress for skiing. Pro Tips: How to Dress for Skiing

Skiing is very interesting view sport, which is very popular in our country.

With minimal loads you can get amazing results, and at the same time, it is less dangerous to health than running.

When skiing, the load on the joints is significantly reduced, and in addition, during classes, the many muscles are strengthened our body - legs, arms, lower back, chest and abdominal muscles.

The load is evenly distributed throughout the body, making skiing easier than running.

However, almost the same amount of calories is spent in both cases. Next, we will analyze in detail what skiing is, its benefits and possible harm.

Skis: benefit or harm

Before they begin to list all the positive properties of skiing, it is worth saying that, like any other sport, it has not only positive properties, but also contraindications. However, its beneficial effects far outweigh the possible harm. In winter, you can often meet skiers of all ages in the forest, and surprisingly, older people predominate among them. With this simple but fun exercise, they can maintain their health throughout for long years.

There are many benefits you can get from skiing. Firstly, skiing takes place in winter, which has a beneficial effect on the immune system. Regular exercise in the cold fresh air force the body to adapt to conditions external environment, And tempers the body.

There is such a concept associated with skiing as landscape therapy. This term means treating and strengthening the human body by physical activity Outdoors. This allows you to improve sleep, strengthen nervous system, helps improve mood, and also relieves depression and stress.

Skiing is a great workout for heart and cardiovascular system. Like any other cardio exercise, it forces the heart to work harder. As a result, it pumps blood through the body faster and increases circulation. Regular skiing can strengthen and increase the volume of the heart muscle, which will have a positive effect on the entire body as a whole. In addition, during classes arterial pressure practically does not increase, since capillaries tend to increase in size in order to better cope with increased blood flow. Numerous muscle contractions improve the movement of blood through the veins and facilitate the work of the heart.

Skiing improves pulmonary ventilation and gas exchange in the body. Due to this, the amount of oxygen that enters the body increases.

Skiing prevents many diseases respiratory tract, and also allows the body to cope more easily with viral infections.

Of course, skiing helps strengthen the body’s muscular system and allows you to effectively get rid of excess weight. During skiing, the skier's arms and legs receive a good load, which helps strengthen both parts of the body. In addition, this activity is quite energy-consuming for the body. Due to this, he is forced to spend a huge amount of calories for this. Regular exercise allows you to burn excess weight while training your muscles. In addition to this, they also strengthen muscles and articular-ligamentous apparatus. The level of physical fitness, endurance and the body's resistance to fatigue increases.

However, despite all the benefits of skiing, in some cases they can cause harm. By themselves they do not provide negative influence, but it is important to observe the following contraindications:

1. You cannot ski if a person has a disability;

2. Serious illnesses cardiac or respiratory system;

3. Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, or problems with the spine;

4. Pregnancy;

5. Weak immunity and joints.

6. Any recent illnesses or surgeries.

In other cases, the benefits of skiing are undeniable, and it is recommended to all people without exception to improve their health in the winter.

Skis: where to start?

If you decide to take up skiing, but you do not have the necessary knowledge about this sport, then below will be given for you small recommendation how and where to start.

1. The first thing you need to do is individually select skis. Of course, for amateurs this is not such a big deal. great importance, but it's better to exercise comfortably than to try to figure out why you fall so often. Few people know, but skis are selected not by height, but by weight. The heavier the potential skier, the longer and stiffer they should be. It’s best to go to a specialized store to do this - they will pick you up skis, bindings, suitable shoes, and poles.

2. From school times, many remember that skis must be pre-lubricated before skiing. However, many modern skis glide well even without lubrication. In some cases it will be necessary special ointment so that the ski does not “shoot” when pushing off.

The best thing to do is learn to ride on an already skied track. There you will not need any special skills - all you need is to move your legs slightly and push off with sticks. It's important to start feeling confident on your skis before moving on to more advanced techniques.

Great amount Beginners have problems with climbing uphill. For those who have never skied, it’s quite difficult to imagine how they can go anywhere at all. This is a really difficult technique, but the main thing is sufficient quantity practices. To climb uphill, you should place your foot on the edge of the ski and herringbone lift upward while pushing off with sticks.

Skiing and its varieties

There are several types of skiing. The main ones are:

Skate style;

Classic style;

To begin with, you should master the classic style. When skiing in this style, as a rule, they use an already knurled ski track. Get on the ski track, bring your poles a little forward, and push off the ground with them. After this, try to slide along the plane, pushing off with one leg (the direction of the push should not be back, but down). Once you're comfortable with it, try it push off with legs alternately, while simultaneously bringing forward the opposite hand ( left legright hand, and vice versa).

Skating style will be a little more difficult for beginners, but it is this method that conveys the whole atmosphere of winter skiing. Gotta try to go Latin letter"V". At the same time, try to make it as narrow as possible. On one foot, slide forward and slightly to the side, while the other is placed on the inner edge of the ski and pushes you away. It looks like you can step one ski on the other, but in reality it is quite difficult. Almost all the time when riding this style, the legs are in different planes, and it is quite difficult for them to meet.

The skating style differs from the classic one in being more dynamic, and, therefore, it is more effective in terms of losing excess weight. The classic style is more suitable for beginners, as well as for older people who find it difficult to run at a fast pace. It is great for light walks and general health improvement.

Skiing for children: is it harmful?

Skiing is a universal sport that is useful not only for adults, but also for children. With their help, they can strengthen their immunity from childhood, and are much less likely to be exposed to various viral diseases.

Regular exercise can strengthen your heart and overall physical development. If you manage to instill a love for this sport in your child, it will be useful for him throughout his life. He will become much stronger and more resilient. In addition, skiing is a great way to channel a child’s energy in the right direction.

In many northern countries, such as Norway or Switzerland, children are introduced to skiing from the very beginning. early childhood. This explains a large number of professional athletes who are residents of these states. If you start skiing with your child from the very beginning early age, then perhaps you can raise a future world champion.

If we talk about harm, then there are practically the same recommendations as for adults. But it is worth remembering that the child may not have a fully formed the immune system. Therefore, you should not start exercising in too cold weather.

Skiing: benefits for weight loss

Since skis are good cardio exercise, then, of course, they have a positive effect on losing excess weight. Running is the best way to lose weight skating style. At a fairly intense pace, you will burn even more calories than running. This happens because you have to actively move not only your legs, but also make quite energy-consuming movements with your arms.

In one hour of intense exercise, you can burn up to 600 calories. Since you're burning fat and strengthening muscles at the same time, you can prevent sagging skin and stretch marks.

But, for effective fat burning you should do some recommendations:

Exercise 3-4 times a week;

One lesson should last at least an hour;

Eat about two hours before your workout and an hour after.

Regular exercise along with proper nutrition and lifestyle can provide stunning results. In just one season you can get rid of extra pounds, and besides, it’s good to work out your muscles and the body as a whole.

1. Try it first

Yes, skiing- This is cool. Blue sky, snow-capped mountain peaks, sun, cheerful people, enjoyment of speed. But before you spend a lot of money on “everything you need”, give it a try. Go to one of the nearby slopes - there are equipment rentals and instructors everywhere, and practice for a couple of hours. You probably have a sports jacket in your wardrobe, and regular gloves will do for the first time - after all, now your task is not to “look like everyone else,” but to try to see if it’s exactly what you need. And after a week or two - depending on your mood - try snowboarding, also under the guidance of an instructor. The movements when skiing and snowboarding are completely different - choose the type of recreation, not sport, but active recreation that you like best. Otherwise, there is a chance that after a couple of weeks the skis (or snowboard) will be abandoned. And the money was wasted. Do you need it?

2. Buy boots

If you like the movement and feeling of skiing, don't rush to buy a full set of equipment. First, buy the most important piece of equipment - ski boots. The fact is that rental equipment differs from what can be bought in stores: it is designed for long-term use by the “average” person. And each person’s foot is individual. Agree, any person feels comfortable in shoes. And comfort in hard and uncomfortable (at first) ski boots... And so that everyone can choose boots that suit their feet, the manufacturer produces a variety of boots: for narrow and wide feet, with high and low instep, for women and men, for beginners and experienced skiers, for skiing fast and slow, the most different colors. The choice is really large. Therefore, buy special ski socks and go with them to the store to pick up boots. And get ready to spend at least a couple of hours: the more time you spend now, the less you will have to regret or suffer later.

Under no circumstances take boots that are even a little loose, no matter how much you might want them to! Literally after two or three days on the slope, such boots will dangle on your feet, and an attempt to tighten the clips more will lead to the fact that your legs will begin to go numb or the boots will begin to press in several places at once, and they will press so hard that you will have to forget about comfort. Please also keep in mind that after purchasing the most suitable boots, you can have a boot fitting specialist fit them just perfectly - so that they fit your foot tightly and at the same time comfortably, literally like kid gloves, and not dangle like felt boots. And then your every movement will be transmitted to the skis - and they will become responsive and obedient. This is simply unattainable in rental boots.

3. Don't rush to buy skis

Strange advice for a store website? It’s just that “Sport Marathon” is not an ordinary store. We want you to get the most out of your experience, which is why we try to be honest with our customers. Of course, the equipment sold in the store is designed so that the owner gets maximum pleasure from riding. However, the choice of skis is huge. And first you better understand: will you ride on a small hill on weekends, spend your holidays in the mountains, or choose one thing.

The fact is that on short slopes, which you may ski on weekends, shorter and narrower skis work great, and when traveling to the mountains, longer and wider skis. The snow is different, and the speeds are different. And if you plan to ride on weekends, tell the consultant about this when you decide to buy. Many, by the way, when traveling to the mountains do not take their skis with them at all: not all airlines transport skis for free, and the cost of transporting your skis turns out to be approximately the same as the amount you leave at the rental office. In addition, in the mountains it is possible to rent different skis every day, although this will cost a little more than standard rental equipment. And we must not forget that few people enjoy dragging a case with skis in airports, buses, hotels... Especially if you are the head of a family and in addition to a bulky bag, you have three not very comfortable and light cases in your hands.

But on small slopes it is better to have your own skis, which making the right choice will last you for several years.

4. Learn to ride and handle equipment before going to the mountains

It's good in the mountains. But you must agree: it may be offensive to carry out such good days a short vacation in a “splash pool”, instead of traveling, albeit slowly, along the seemingly endless slopes, admiring the new and new landscapes opening up around every turn. In addition, on a small slope not far from home, the instructor is guaranteed to speak the same language, and the cost of his services may be significantly lower than at a large alpine resort.

And a couple of comments about equipment. If you are unaccustomed to wearing uncomfortable and unsuitable shoes, you can rub your feet. If ahead work week- this is a minor inconvenience, and it’s a completely different matter if you seriously rubbed your foot on the first day of a long-awaited vacation.

And about carrying: when you carry skis a short distance, you need to carry them vertically in your hand, while the sliding surfaces are applied to each other - so as not to damage the edges. If the distance is significant, then the skis folded together and linked with ski stops (snow brakes) are placed on the shoulder with their toes forward. And the sticks in the other hand will become a good support.

5. Learn with an instructor

There are a lot of reasons. Let’s just list the main ones, in our opinion... So, instructor:

  • will teach you how to properly handle equipment;
  • assess the situation on the slope - where it is dangerous, where it is not, where to go, where it is not necessary, and why;
  • will help you get up and collect equipment and teach you how to stand up independently;
  • will explain why skis slip in one place and cling to the slope in another;
  • will teach you how to use the lift correctly;
  • dress in such a way that it is neither hot nor cold;
  • how to behave in line so that no one walks on your skis;
  • brake without falling onto a slope;
  • ski without hitting other skiers;
  • will help you adjust your equipment;
  • he will tell you that he carries with him a first aid kit, a screwdriver, sunscreen, a handkerchief, or even a flask of cognac;
  • will teach you not to be afraid when you find yourself at the top of the mountain;
  • will help clear the soles of your boots from snow before fastening the bindings;
  • will protect you with your body from uncontrollable “flying crowbars” that have not learned to ride;
  • will help you choose the “right” cafe”;
  • will teach you to enjoy the ride, and not the fact that you survived;
  • turn without falling onto the slope to do so.

Joke? Certainly. But seriously, when training with an instructor, you will immediately master exactly those movements that work most effectively. This means you will spend much less energy and learn to ride much faster.

6. In the mountains, a mask is required

Even if you feel comfortable on the slopes of the middle zone without a ski mask, be sure to buy one before going to the mountains. In addition to protection from wind and snow, the mask's light filter protects your eyes from invisible ultraviolet radiation, which is much stronger in the mountains. And if you don’t protect your eyes, then even in cloudy weather in the evening you may feel like sand has gotten into them - very uncomfortable, you can believe it. This is not the worst thing, but the most common consequence lack of eye protection.

“You can’t trust anyone, but you can trust me,” as Muller said in the film “17 Moments of Spring.” You don’t know who will answer you, right? And as practice shows, most of those who answer are the same as you, inexperienced in alpine skiing. There are also “virtual skiers” for whom the answers are sometimes absolutely confident and unambiguous, just a way of self-affirmation. Of course, they will advise you on skis, boots, and clothes. But before you ask a question at the conference, answer yourself: do you seriously think that a person who spends his time surfing the Internet really knows all five hundred models of alpine skis or boots that can be found in a store? And he saw you riding? And does he know your height, weight, physical condition, level of fitness and ability to learn, finally? And he will probably recommend something that is right for you... Well, then you will go shopping in search of exactly the recommended model, and it will turn out that it is no longer on sale, since it was produced two years ago...

8. Take the time to shop

With a very serious caveat: do not choose equipment in a store where there are less than two or three dozen models of mountain skis or boots, and the salesperson runs from department to department and tries to sell everything at once - equipment, sneakers, and cross-country skiing, and sleds or snow scooters. Believe me, in most cases, the employee of such stores does not ski himself and is not a specialist, much less a well-versed consultant.

Start by communicating as thoroughly as possible with the consultants of a really good ski shop. If the seller is a really knowledgeable specialist and wants to help you, then he should be interested in your weight, height, approximate physical fitness, riding style, experience, where you plan to ride, etc., etc. The consultant of a store that sells at least a hundred different models of skis or boots, firstly, undergoes training, and secondly, such stores usually employ people who are passionate about skiing. If you want your requests to be taken seriously, don't choose boots or skis by color (if color is important to you). A consultant is also a person, and as soon as he sees that all his advice will be shattered iron argument like: “those little blue ones are so beautiful, don’t they fit at all?”, he will immediately lose interest in communicating with you. He will understand that you will not buy what he recommends, which means it is not worth wasting his time and knowledge on you. If you really pay attention to his recommendations, then the equipment that is truly most suitable for you will be selected. Well, then you can start choosing a case, bag, gloves, clothes...

9. Choose companions, not resorts

10. Take your time

It's simple: don't rush. After all, we spend money on equipment, travel, restaurants, experiences, for one purpose: to have fun. In other words, whatever you buy, you are not paying for skis or clothes, not for flights or accommodation, but for pleasure. Snow and speed, a sunny day or communication, discovering new places and new cities along the way... And every new purchase is another step towards pleasure, for starters - from owning and anticipating new sensations. And if you are constantly in a hurry, then a hasty choice of equipment (I like these, and in general they are all the same) may not be optimal. Movements mastered without an instructor (why waste time on learning - I want to ride!) will later look clumsy and ineffective. And in the mountains you will “fly by” a beautiful landscape, a nice mountain hut, and many other things that require very little time.

There's just no need to rush.

Georgy Dubenetsky, especially for “Sport Marathon”

The ski season in the Arkhangelsk region has arrived a long time ago, but not all novice athletes have yet learned to dress properly. Master of Sports Sergei Kislyakov answered Irina Spitsyna’s questions, giving recommendations that are suitable for both professionals and amateurs.

While skiing, I see that many sports fans dress incorrectly. For example, they ride in warm jackets, then they get hot, they begin to unbutton, take off their hats and as a result get colds.

– So, how to dress for a ski trip?

– During an intense workout, a person sweats a lot. This is normal, it means the training is not in vain. If you dress normally, the sweat will remain on your body, clog your pores, and upset your thermal balance. Clothes will become damp and heavy, begin to stick to the skin and interfere with movement. A wet body quickly becomes hypothermic. And in special clothes you will be warm and dry, working temperature the body will be preserved.

When going to the forest, you should decide what you will do on skis. If this easy walk When admiring the winter forest, clothes should be warm. And it’s a completely different matter if you’re planning to increase your mileage. Keep in mind your own characteristics: one will be chilly at 0 degrees, while the other will be hot even at -20.

– Have you heard that there is a rule of “three layers” in clothing? What it is?

– One of the leading companies sportswear developed the “three-layer” principle. We put on three layers, each of which performs its own task, and together they create an ideal microclimate.

– Tell us exactly what tasks are solved by all layers?

– The first one removes moisture and breathes. The best choice- thermal underwear: sweat moves away from the surface of the body, leaving it dry, prevents hypothermia, keeping you warm, and has “breathable” properties. The store will advise you: thermal underwear is for active pastime and passive, for example, for fishing - this is not suitable for athletes.

It will be comfortable to train in dry and light clothes. Thermal underwear should be worn directly on the body.

The second layer insulates, insulates, and protects you from hypothermia. Fleece performs these functions best. Moisture does not remain in it, but rather easily moves to the surface, where it evaporates or goes into the third layer.

Light fleece clothing protects the body from the cold.

The third layer saves us from wind, snow, rain and, again, cold.

Based on my own experience, I would add a vest to these three layers, especially in cold weather. The vest does not restrict movement and additionally helps to retain heat. If you are walking, the vest should be warm; if this is a training session, you should wear a special lightweight ski vest.

– How to choose a sports cap, given that we often have winds in the north?

– The hat must be a sports cap. Bulky woolen hats are a thing of the past. Nowadays, lightweight, tight-fitting hats, preferably with wind protection, are popular. When sewing sports caps, windproof and breathable membrane material “windstopper” is used. Ears must be covered. It won't hurt if there are headphones on top or under the hat.

– Is it possible to ride only with headphones?

– I have friends who ride like this, especially in warm weather. But as an athlete, I wouldn’t do this: when we work uphill, we sweat, and when we don’t descend, the sweat will freeze, causing hypothermia in the head.

– We saw the athletes wearing something similar to a stocking on their heads. What is it called and how convenient is it?

- This is a very good thing! “Stocking” has many names: “buff”, “bandana”, “pipe”, etc. Can replace headphones, sometimes worn only on the neck area. In frosty or windy weather, it can stretch from the throat and cover the back of the head, ears, chin and even cheeks. The “pipe” can be worn under a cap and over a cap. You can buy it in a sports store or online.

– Where can I buy clothes for skiing? Do you need to look for stores that sell things for athletes, or can you buy what you need in a regular sports store?

– Now there are no problems with buying equipment. There are several in Arkhangelsk specialty stores, where they sell clothing and equipment for cross-country skiers. There are large federal chains of sports stores whose products are more aimed at tourists and amateurs. healthy image life. And, of course, any clothes and equipment can be ordered online.

– Is it better to ski with gloves or mittens?

– This is decided on a purely individual basis. It is, of course, more comfortable to wear gloves, but if your hands are cold, it is better to wear special ski sports mittens. I ride with gloves in any frost. There are special warm models made from windstopper and breathable membrane materials.

– In frosty weather, your feet freeze. What can you do to make your feet less cold?

– Firstly, boots should under no circumstances put pressure. If even one toe rests, your feet will freeze. Secondly, keep in mind that there are special covers for sale. ski boots. Almost all well-known companies produce such cases. There is no need to wear several pairs of socks or thick woolen ones. Buy thermal socks and your feet will be warm.

– To what temperature can you ski without the risk of frostbite?

– Ski athletes cannot interrupt the training process, so they train even at -30. They joke that “there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes.” I would advise fans to stay at home if the temperature is below 20 degrees below zero.

Here we are talking about amateur cross-country skiing.

When and at what temperature can you ski?

Ski season, for example, in middle lane In Russia it begins with the appearance of snow cover (in November-December) and can continue until the end of March and even the beginning of April. You can ski at any temperature - from a slight plus to a big minus, as long as you feel comfortable and don’t freeze or sweat. To do this you need to dress properly.

What to ski in?

How to dress correctly?

Most often the problem is not freezing, but overheating First of all you need exclude various down jackets and warm jackets. You can often see “skiers” with their backs wet from sweat - these people are doing the wrong thing.

IN wearing the right clothes without movement it must be cold. Depending on the temperature outside and your speed of skiing, clothing and the number of layers may vary, but this rule should apply Always. In this case, of course, you do not need thin, tight clothing, like athletes. Wear synthetic thermal underwear (thin or medium thickness), preferably with a high collar. In any case, the throat needs to be protected: for this, a universal scarf-mask (balaclava) is indispensable, which can cover both the neck and, if necessary, the face. On top - a warm-up ski suit made of Soft shell material or any similar combination of a light jacket and pants.

Wearing the right ski clothing should keep you cold without moving, and should not make you sweat while moving.

You can take a light down jacket with you to wear at the rest, but then take it off and put it in your backpack.

An important element is sufficiently thick socks (special thermal socks for cross-country skiing are recommended).

In addition, you will need a windproof hat that covers your ears well (but your head should not sweat in it), and ski gloves. It is good if the gloves have a special coating applied to them to better hold the poles. If the hat and gloves use Windstopper material, this is a good sign.

A little tip: before skiing, apply chapstick to your lips to protect them from chapping.

What should I do if I sweat?

This means that you are dressed too warmly for the weather and speed you are traveling. Slow down! Otherwise, you risk catching a cold. Next time, take this into account and dress lighter. Please note what is said above: wearing the right clothes should keep you cold without moving, and you should not sweat while moving.

What to do if your hands are cold?

You need different gloves. If you have ski gloves, they are too thin. Look in the store insulated gloves for cross-country skiing. Mittens, knitted gloves - all this is nonsense; they are not suitable for skiing, as they are blown by the wind and do not hold well ski poles. If insulated ski gloves do not solve the problem, you can try ski gloves(just make sure there is a special coating there to better hold the poles).

Is it possible to cross-country ski in ski clothes?

Take note of what is said above about proper clothing. Still, alpine skiing is a different type of activity, and the clothing for it is different. But if your cross-country skiing is leisurely enough that you don't overheat or sweat in your ski clothes, you can continue.

Which ski boots are best?

Is it possible to ski at the beginning of winter when there is little snow?

When the snow cover is not yet very thick, you can already ski, but there is a risk of scratching your skis, since rocks, frozen ground, etc. may stick out here and there. Therefore, it is recommended to have at least two pairs of skis - one that you don’t mind - for the first and last snow, and the second - for the main skiing at the height of the season.

Is it possible to ski when it snows?

Yes, sure. A thin, fresh layer of snow even improves gliding, and skis with notches are better held on the track when pushing off. Of course, in heavy snow and wind you will not be very comfortable, since the snow will hit your face.

Is it possible to ski in above-zero temperatures?

Of course you can. Even necessary. Take into account everything said above about proper clothing - you need to dress lightly so as not to sweat. And if you are traveling outside the city, keep in mind that it will be colder there.

Is it possible to ski in spring when the snow melts?

If it seems to you that the snow has almost melted, then this means that you rarely get out of the city. As a rule, there is plenty of snow outside the city at this time. It's always a little colder there. It is enough to drive a few kilometers by car, and you can have great skiing in the forest or fields, despite the fact that the city is full of puddles. Snow lies especially long in the shade of trees, along the edges of fields - look for such places at the end of the season.

The skis ride well on a slightly melted ski track (in any case, such a ski track is much better than an icy one). Therefore, the spring time when the snow melts is a great time for skiing. And when minus and plus temperatures alternate (night/day), a crust forms in the fields, allowing you to ride in any direction and not fall through.

How often can you ski?

If you feel well and do not fall from fatigue after a ski trip, then you can ski at least every day (if the weather is comfortable for you).

What to do if snow sticks to your skis?

Lifting often occurs at temperatures around freezing when your ski touches water or wet snow.

Advice: drive through a shallow puddle or patch of wet snow on two parallel skis, accelerating or pushing with poles. Don't stop and don't push off with your foot. After driving on dry snow, you will “wipe off” your skis and the snow will not stick. If a slip does occur, clean the skis manually or repeat driving through the puddle and “wiping” the skis on dry snow.

When you ride fast, the skis usually clean themselves, but when you ride slowly, they tend to freeze over. Try to dry your skis before stopping.

Z Ima is a wonderful time of year. This is sparkling white, fluffy snow. These are blizzards. These are frosts, bright, blinding sun. And a fresh blush on the cheeks.

But winter is also a test for our body. In winter, all life-giving processes in the body slow down. People find it difficult to tolerate low temperature regime. And for some, the short daylight hours are accompanied by a heavy emotional background. In winter, in addition, various diseases may appear and worsen.

All this suggests that at this time of year we should not reduce the rhythm of life that is familiar to us, our body. We should respond to the slowdown of natural processes by being active, taking part in winter sports, and adapting our body to winter conditions. This is especially important for those who often suffer from colds.

In winter, you really want to go into the forest and breathe in the clean, frosty air. But most useful skiing. How good it is to get on your skis and walk along the track for 2-3, or even 5 kilometers. Active outdoor recreation in the winter forest gives amazing results. The purest frosty air contains 20% more oxygen than summer air. And also negatively charged ions.

What are the benefits of skiing and skiing?

Skiing does not require special long-term training and is accessible to everyone. A skier on the slope involves the muscles of his arms, abdomen, back, heart and other organs. The smooth swinging movements of the skier with the alternate involvement of all large and medium muscle groups and joints, due to the so-called Bykov-Mogendovich visceral reflexes, reduce vascular spasms and normalize blood pressure. On the ski track, a person does not feel the cold, often he even feels hot.

Skiing is not only an excellent climatic procedure, it provides an excellent opportunity to unload the neuropsychic sphere, restore and strengthen the cardiac and respiratory systems of the body.

The benefits of skiing: the kidneys, lungs, and sweat glands begin to work intensively. At the same time, the body is freed from accumulated in it harmful substances: waste, poisons and toxins. The skin turns red. The nervous system is strengthened, immunity increases. This is what gives noticeable advantages over those who run.

Of course, for skiing, the preferred ski slopes in Moscow and skiing in the Moscow region, where you can enjoy gliding on pure snow for several hours, breathe in light clean frosty air. Studies have shown that after a leisurely hour-long skiing trip, blood pressure in hypertension decreases by an average of 25 mmHg, remaining reduced over the next 24 hours.

You can successfully use skiing techniques to develop joints, fight obesity and restore your waistline. Skiing is highly recommended to improve sleep. And if you went to a sanatorium in winter, then ski “therapy” should become your specialty. By going out on the ski slopes at least every other day, you will soon notice significant improvements in your well-being - especially with regulation diseases and the initial stages of hypertension. They believe that in 10-12 winter days By doing only skiing, you can significantly improve your body’s health and mobilize your body’s defenses. Although to obtain a stable healing effect You need to go nude skiing at least twice a week, and 20-50 times per season.

But people are just lazy. And, as a rule, they look for an excuse for themselves - either the poles need to be repaired, or the boots, or even things are getting tight over time. As a result, according to our survey of three hundred Muscovites who own skis, only a few ski regularly. And as a result, during the season there are only about 2 times per person, although now there are places where you can ski in the summer, so the walks do not end in winter.

Well. Winter has just begun. Show your will and look for new places to ski in Moscow.
