Do dreams come true from Wednesday to Thursday, or how to distinguish an empty dream from a prophetic one. Why did I have a dream on Thursday morning, afternoon, evening

Dreams are metaphorical messages from the subconscious that can influence a person’s fate and life. Esotericists consider them encrypted information that comes to the sleeper from parallel worlds. Each of the visions carries a hidden meaning. A dream from Wednesday to Thursday may suggest a way out difficult situation, warn about unfavorable events or predict good news.

Such dreams are the best for predicting events in business, career and solving work issues. Poorly remembered pictures do not foreshadow any grandiose changes and activity in the professional field.

And vice versa, bright, juicy dreams promise a person personal and career growth. This means that a person can take on any projects, begin to implement his plans, and not be afraid to enter into new business acquaintances and agreements - luck and luck will accompany him everywhere.

Such dreams can also demonstrate a person’s secret dreams about love and family. The plot of night vision can directly indicate what and how needs to be done to achieve the desired result.

Folk legends say: in order to gain maximum useful knowledge at night, You must go to bed according to the following rules:

How to understand that the dream was prophetic? Such a dream is always very colorful, filled with vivid emotions and is remembered for a long time. If you wake up and can't remember anything, that means he's not worth it special attention.

Is it coming true or not?

It is believed that a dream on Friday night has important semantic meaning. Astrologers explain this by the fact that this day is influenced by the mystical Jupiter - the big planet our solar system. Thus, a person’s subconscious is influenced by this day.

Jupiter awakens the intuition and creative side of the personality, opens the doors to secret world knowledge.

Even in the old days, humanity was sure that the dreams of this night were prophetic or carried sacred meaning. So you should pay more attention to such tips from above.

To see and remember a dream on Thursday night, people resorted to various tricks. For example, it is recommended to take a warm bath with essential oils before going to bed.

When will it come true? It is believed that a dream seen from Wednesday to Thursday comes true on any Sunday - not necessarily the next one, it can take quite a while a large number of time.

Correct interpretation

To decipher the message, you first need to remember the overall picture, the context of the dream and, based on them, interpret.

What kind of emotions were present in the dream? If the general mood of the sleeper was joyful and positive, this indicates his great resource. vital energy. It can be used to implement your plans and implement strong desires. Perhaps someone close to you needs help.

There are many interpretations of what sleep means from Wednesday to Thursday. For example, if his events made a person afraid, nervous, suffering, then in this case the interpretation is also positive. Experiencing negative feelings symbolizes getting rid of everything bad, dirty and negative, both physically and psychologically. This is a kind of spontaneous release of black energy. The resulting emptiness must be filled with something, so on this day it is recommended to think and act only positively.

Most often, people manage to see their former loved ones this night. Such dreams on this day do not have much meaning and almost never come true. Their purpose is to once again relive situations that we still cannot let go of, in order to put an end to them once and for all.

If you see a friend who is in love with you, this may mean that in real life he deserves some attention. Maybe it is from you that he expects help or friendly support. Or he has a conversation with you.

The professional sphere may also appear in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday. What such visions about work mean depends on emotions. Unpleasant and heavy are a warning sign. It is possible that your colleagues are unkindly disposed towards you; you should be wary of vile intrigues and intrigues. There is also a high probability that the boss is dissatisfied with your results and intends to fire you.

Colorful, pleasant moments can mean a promotion or a good bonus. Accepting a gift at work in a dream means receiving a better job offer in reality.

If the sleeper returned to school or university, this is a clear clue that he lacks information. It is recommended to take refresher courses or fill in knowledge gaps in any other way.

To relax and experience great pleasure - most likely, the sleeper is too burdened with affairs and problems in waking life. This dream is a signal that it is time to take a vacation and rest from the hustle and bustle of work. Thursday morning might be worth spending at home.

Deceased relatives and close friends come to report possible financial difficulties: stupid spending or theft of your finances by others. It is recommended not to make any monetary transactions or sign contracts in the near future.

And also on this night the dead warn of accidents, injuries and accidents. It is necessary to remember as accurately as possible their words or associations that arose when they were seen.

Other images: a cold in a dream can attract illness in reality. If doctors were present - a hint that you need to pay attention to your health and undergo medical examination. An empty house symbolizes loneliness, while a filled house symbolizes great celebration.

Knowing these interpretations and drawing a parallel between them and your life, you can quite accurately understand the dreamer’s night visions.

It is important to know

If you dreamed of something good and desirable, promising him only joy and positivity, then You can attract events from a dream into your life as follows:

  • lying in bed in the morning after waking up with eyes closed, think clearly - this dream is the best thing that happened to you. Then go to the window and bow in its direction three times. For a few minutes, mentally transport yourself to the plot from the night vision, trying to experience in reality all the emotions and sensations that were in it;
  • in order to surely attract the events of the dream to yourself, you need to fall asleep after waking up for a few more minutes, scrolling through the remembered pictures in your head;
  • if the details of the dream are poorly remembered, you need to say the phrase “My dream controls me.” Thus, the subconscious receives a signal to act in reality according to the dream scenario.

But nightmares also happen, the embodiment of which a person is terribly afraid of. For this case, there are recommendations thanks to which you can ward off the potential adverse events:

  • after you wake up, you need to give yourself a clear mental attitude that the nightmare will never happen again in real life;
  • loudly, with iron confidence in your voice, say the phrase “I don’t believe it!”;
  • the likelihood of its fulfillment in reality will sharply decrease if you do not think about it and its meaning, and do not remember the details. It’s better to dream a little and replace negative moments with good and joyful ones. The subconscious mind will accept everything a person thinks about as truth.

These techniques are also effective when applied to dreams on any other day. By the way, whether the vision will come true or not depends entirely on the will of the person. By constantly thinking about something, people attract the embodiment of their thoughts to themselves. Conversely, by ignoring negative thoughts, we reduce the risk of their fulfillment in life.

Usually prophetic dreams come to people spontaneously. It is difficult to call them specifically, at will, and even more difficult to decipher. It happens that just concentrating on the desire to see a prophetic dream is not enough for a person. In our hectic and noisy times, when it is difficult to distract ourselves from the huge flow of information coming from outside, preparing and tuning in for a prophetic dream can be quite problematic. In such cases, it is best to resort to proven methods created by ancestors - folk conspiracies and rituals that will help adjust your consciousness.

Preparation for sleep

It should be noted that not every person has the ability to see a prophetic dream. In addition, such dreams, which carry a certain prophecy, are not always easy to decipher. Therefore, you should not take what you see in a dream too seriously, especially when a prophetic dream occurs for the first time.

Any ceremonies or rituals associated with preparing for a prophetic dream, as a rule, are carried out before falling asleep, exactly after everyday affairs are completed, conversations are completed, and the necessary silence comes.

It is better to start preparing an hour before bedtime. During this time, you need to reduce the amount of information coming from outside to a minimum - stop reading and watching movies, the Internet and computer games, late dinner. But taking a relaxing shower, on the contrary, will help put your thoughts and feelings in order, refresh not only the body, but also the mind.

Immediately after the shower, you can begin to carry out the necessary ritual, or read the plot. You should concentrate on what exactly needs to be learned with the help of a prophetic dream. This can be either an exact and specific question, or an abstract feeling, a desire to learn something about a topic of interest.

Carrying out the ceremony

Most often, conspiracies for prophetic dreams are read strictly on a certain day - it could be a church holiday, or, for example, the time Christmas fortune telling. IN common days, a prophetic dream is more difficult to see, but still possible.

There are several universal conspiracies that do not require complex preparation. For example, a spell for a prophetic dream, which should be cast at the moment of falling asleep, is that very intermediate state when a person already begins to see images of a dream, but is still able to be distracted and take action. In this thin period of time, on the verge of wakefulness and sleep, you need to have time to pronounce a conspiracy, in a whisper or mentally, repeating it five times: “Let me quickly dream about something that should come true. I wish it so!” After the words are spoken, you need to try to fall asleep immediately.

Another ritual that can be performed on any day of the week is performed with holy water and bread, preferably a few days before the full moon. To do this, you need to sit on your bed, holding a piece of fresh bread in one hand, and a glass of holy water in the other hand, and say the following words: “Dark Monday nights, prophetic Thursdays, lunar - Wednesdays and Saturdays! Sunday and Tuesday! Everyone unite on Friday so that true visions will appear to me. Help me see prophetic dreams. What I see will come true, and what I hear will come true. Tuesday, Sunday, the nights of Monday, Thursday, Saturday and Wednesday, endow Friday with your strength, so that today in the dark a vision will appear to me, which will undoubtedly come true!”

These words must be said six times, then words of gratitude must be said: “Thank you, powers of Monday, Thursday, Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday! Thank you for your participation, support and real dreams!” After this, a glass of water is placed under the bed, and a piece of bread is placed on top of the glass, then you just need to calmly fall asleep.

Decoding a prophetic dream

After waking up, you need to try to remember the dream down to the smallest detail. Usually what is remembered is what contains useful information. If you can’t remember something, then this detail of the dream is not so important. It is useful to write down your dream and your feelings from the images you saw on a piece of paper, and move on to dream analysis later, when the emotions caused by the dream dissipate and give way to reason.

If the images you saw caused negative emotions, or seemed anxious, frightened by something, then before getting out of bed, you should say the following words: “Where there is darkness, there is a dream. Amen". It is important to know that no matter how frightening the dream images may be, they often carry a completely opposite meaning. Therefore, do not rush to get scared. A “bad” dream does not necessarily predict bad events. It can be a warning, it can indicate that something should be changed in the present in order to avoid troubles in the future.

There are no clear rules that could help decipher dream images - they are too individual for any standards to be applied to them. Only your own intuition can help, so when interpreting a dream, you need to hear your inner self, which will tell you the right direction.

Prophetic dreams should not be told to anyone, even the closest people, since the dream was intended only for the one who needed it, and only this person is able to interpret the dream for himself.

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Why do you dream from Wednesday to Thursday? This is always a signal that someone will break into your life major changes. And, as a rule, they will affect career and work. Yours professional activity can reach a new level: a long-awaited promotion, a new business, meeting influential people, successfully investing money.

In the dream, all the events happened to you - expect changes in financial situation, thanks to a promotion. Is waiting for you a pleasant surprise in the form of a bonus, or you will be offered a new job. If you saw close relatives who have already died (grandparents, etc.), perhaps you will take up a new activity or go to study, realizing your childhood dreams. A hobby can become your main occupation, bringing profit and even making you a famous and sought-after person. If you remember sleep from Wednesday to Thursday- it will definitely come true. And if you can’t remember the details, positive changes won’t come in the near future. You will be immersed in gray everyday life work and you will be dissatisfied with your occupation. Career growth is delayed, but don’t give up - the “stagnation” will not last long and in a couple of weeks new opportunities will open up for you.

Jupiter is the patron of Thursday dreams

Pragmatic Jupiter rarely gives us spiritual dreams that are filled with secret knowledge. He talks about pressing problems and dreams: money, career, well-being. But this is not bad at all - after all, you will have a chance to solve your problems. So, why do you have a dream on Thursday:

  • It is on this day that you can see a dream in which the Universe will tell you what is best to do in life. An activity (even an unusual one) can bring good profits and become a start to new achievements! Jupiter rules social relationships, so its “tips” relate to a person’s professional sphere of activity. Do not ignore such dreams, but rather think about how to realize them.
  • Holidays, noisy events where you are awarded or honored for your services - you will certainly begin climbing the career ladder in the near future.
  • But the dream is gray and unmemorable - a sign that you have exhausted your resources at this job and you are unlikely to be offered a promotion. It's worth thinking about changing jobs.

Why do you dream from Wednesday to Thursday? It can portend success and good luck in business, because its patron is the extraordinary giant Jupiter. The planet helps you take a strong place in life, make the necessary connections and quickly get closer to your goal.

Pay attention to obvious clues: the planet will give answers to your main questions and help you get out of a difficult situation with minimal losses.

If you become a participant in a major event where you are surrounded by many people (acquaintances and strangers) - expect bright changes in your career.

Dream from Wednesday to Thursday - why do you dream?

Jupiter is a real “leader” among the planets and not only due to its gigantic size. He has incredible energy. And the dreams you see on Thursday may also indicate your internal energy and potential. Or perhaps this is a hint that the people around you are ready to share positive energy with you. Pay attention to who you had contact with in the dream - in reality, it is this person who will help you or open up new opportunities for you. A dream from Wednesday to Thursday will definitely come true soon. What does it mean:

  • Dream from Wednesday to Thursday about love. As a rule, bright events associated with romantic relationships do not come true. This is just a reflection of your desires, or longing for lost love. On this day, in a dream, you will be able to communicate with your lover, whom you have not seen for a long time, and express your grievances - this will help you get over the breakup. But there is no need to talk about the new relationship that you saw in a dream. Events can happen, but in the distant future and not with the person you contemplated in the dream.
  • Dream from Wednesday to Thursday about a wedding. Seeing yourself with your lover under the aisle is a symbol of your connection, close relationship. But it is impossible to call a dream a prophecy. Hanging out at other people's celebrations is a pleasant company in reality, positive emotions.
  • Dream from Wednesday to Thursday about work. It is very important to correctly interpret such a dream. Unpleasant emotions in a dream (gossip, conflicts, failures and mistakes) - intrigues are being weaved behind your back, the bosses are dissatisfied with you and perhaps want to fire you. But joy and positive emotions, on the contrary, indicate career growth and salary increases. Receiving an unusual gift at work means you may be offered a position that has nothing to do with your current activity. A dream from Wednesday to Thursday about work is always very informative, so remember it.
  • Dream from Wednesday to Thursday about relaxation and entertainment. See yourself in a pleasant environment where you can relax and enjoy peace - you need a break, you need to recuperate. True, now is not the right time for this. You should not go on trips or long trips - events may be overshadowed by unpleasant circumstances or your vacation will have to be interrupted due to work. But you can start planning for future events.
  • Dream from Wednesday to Thursday about dead people. The dead (especially close people) appear to protect you from rash steps and financial risks. They are also trying to protect you from a serious problem or incident: accident, loss of money, apartment, etc. Be sure to listen to such “advice”.
  • Dream from Wednesday to Thursday about success and fame. Success in a dream in any field - great sign and accurate prediction. Jupiter gives you good luck, so it is ready to show you new opportunities in life. In a dream you can feel how your life is changing, do not ignore the smallest clues. Traveling, shopping, reading a certain book, communicating with a certain animal - everything has to do with future success and prosperity.
  • Dream from Wednesday to Thursday about studying. To dream that you have become a student means that in life you should think about improving your qualifications, learning a foreign language, or acquiring an additional profession.

A dream from Wednesday to Thursday often tells only about work and career, but if you carefully analyze the details, you will be able to establish relationships with loved ones.

Thursday morning dream

Thursday morning dream

Dream about buying a watch

I dreamed that I was buying wrist watch. The seller tried to persuade me for a long time, saying: “It’s a good watch, take it - you won’t regret it! " Let me try it on. The first time I put them on incorrectly (the dial was upside down). Then he took it off and put it on again. The glass fell out of the clock and parts scattered on the floor. The seller started telling me something, but I didn’t listen to him - I started collecting everything that had scattered. I never fully assembled the watch - the dream ended.

I understand that this information is most likely not enough, but I would like to know what this is for?

Dream about a cemetery

Today, from Thursday to Friday, I dreamed that I was standing in a cemetery at a grave. The weather is good, summer, sunny, I’m all elegantly and expensively dressed. There are 2 graves with monuments in the enclosure. The grave is not new, but very beautiful and well-kept. One monument is larger, there is a plaque and a photo of my mother on it. The second one is smaller, there is a photo of the sister and for some reason the year of death is not indicated. By the way, both are alive, my sister is 10 years younger than me. She is now 24, her mother is 59. Both are healthy and not sick.

Dream about the soul

Everything I talk about happens in a dream.

I’m lying in bed, almost falling asleep... Suddenly my grandmother comes up to me (although she doesn’t live with us) and begins to baptize me. I feel warmth in my body, I decided to look at grandma, but it wasn’t her... There was a man standing, it’s not clear what gender. My soul began to rise, as it were, from my body, I felt good, and at that moment I felt terribly painful, my soul was not completely separated from me. I grabbed the arms of my body and pulled myself back in. I quickly jumped out of bed... I ran up to my father, woke him up and asked him to call my grandmother... Then the dream ended.

Dream with snakes and beloved

At first I dreamed of hugging my beloved, after that I walked alone in the park and there were snakes crawling around me. They didn't touch me, they just crawled through. Only one snake was dead and hanging on the branches.

What worries me most is why did I dream about my beloved and snakes at the same time? What does it mean?

Dream of the Ring

I had a dream that it was as if my boyfriend and I were engaged, we both had rings on our right hands, but my ring was like it was not just an endless circle, but in one place of the circle the ring was not completely soldered, but it was all even ring and he is my boyfriend going into the army...

Then in the same dream, a complete stranger (he is my friend) gave me a bouquet of beautiful flowers, I brought it and then when I was driving home in a wheelchair, this bouquet fell apart and then I went with my feet to collect these flowers that had scattered.??

Dream about work

I dream that I am walking along the corridors and with me are 2 people dressed in costumes like Mickey Mouse or Ninja Turtles, some cartoon characters, these people work in an advertising agency, and they lead me to the main thing.

We arrive - a young guy sits behind the table and asks me - what do you want. I say - make money. In the dream, it is not clear exactly what amount they are offering, but I am not very interested in the work until I think that they will pay me enough.

Dream about a child

My 8 year old daughter gets behind the wheel of my car and starts driving. Then, unexpectedly for me, instead of stopping, she leaves. I understand that she went to the track and I’m very afraid, because she doesn’t know how to drive. Then before my eyes is the highway and the bridge over which she drove, and I see that some of the cars that were driving there were broken down, that is, some drove off the bridge, some were simply broken down. And I understand that these are the consequences of her driving. I feel both fear for her and anger that she went without permission and did this. Then she comes back, and I’m already standing with a belt and ready to spank her. And then she tells me that her pants are wet. I thought she peed herself out of fear, but I looked and saw a lot of blood. That is, the pants were all covered in blood. She also had an abrasion on her face. But overall she was fine.

Dream about my paintings

I dreamed that I took a room in a hostel, rented a nice, big room. And all my paintings are in it (in life I paint slowly), but the truth is I have a lot of them in my dreams, as many as 139 pieces. In general, I’m leaving somewhere - packing my suitcases and bags. While I was traveling somewhere (not for long), it seemed like my room was robbed and my paintings were taken (it seems like there’s nothing to take))). And I think I suspect who this thief is - some bandit with a scar, he still comes up to me to introduce himself as if nothing had happened...

Dream about a fight with your ex-boyfriend

This man did not behave well in the dream. He brought a woman to my house, said that she was an old friend of his and was obviously going to have sex with her. And there was even a moment when I fell into a hole open door I saw something similar to sex.

His very attitude towards me was somehow dismissive and mocking.

I, in turn, also behaved inappropriately: I grabbed a heavy crystal vase on a leg and began hitting him on the head. What’s strange is that I seemed to be swinging with all my might, with the intention of killing or severely injuring, and the blows, I myself felt, were light and helpless. It was as if the air, creating powerful resistance, dampened the force of the blow. At the same time, I felt powerless anger and fatigue in my hand.

The blows did not cause any harm to the man; he looked at me with indifference. I also hit my opponent a couple of times, but with a different vase, also crystal, but smaller. And she didn’t really react to it either.

At that very time, my mother came through the gate and carried a huge stack of flat cakes in her hand.

These comrades intended to take some cakes as well, but I made it clear that they would not receive anything else and closed the gate.

The house made of large gray bricks is almost completed. There is a roof, white plastic windows, but there are no floors. Not on any of the five floors. And not only floors, but also floors between floors. And standing inside the house on the ground, I see the entire height of the house and rows of windows.

A former man in white sneakers walks along the scaffolding and then, clinging to the windows, moves, stepping unsteadily along the narrow ledges separating the floors. I really want him to stumble and fall, but this doesn’t happen.

Dream about childbirth

I dreamed that I was pregnant, the birth itself, and I was born Fluffy kitten with eyes different color. What is it for?

Dream about the masculine in the feminine

I don’t remember all the details, but I remember how strong the sensations were in the dream.

I see myself naked in my female body, I feel strength, physical strength. Bed. Room. Man. Physically well built. Then the most interesting thing is that I feel the male genital organ. I see him - he delights me - a beautiful, erect penis. I want to experience it, feel the emotions that a man experiences during sex, understand what it’s like to be the owner of an organ, what it’s like to have power over a woman.

It’s as if we exchange genitals with a male partner. But at the same time, we each remain in our own guise. Contempt and strength awaken in me, but I don’t want to take control of my partner roughly. I don't mean to cause pain, but my actions are not without rudeness. I forcefully spread “his” legs, introducing my organ into his female one. I remove his hands and have him passionately and furiously. I lean over and ask in a low voice: “How do you like it, bitch...”...

This is such a strange one...

I really appreciate your help in explaining this.

Thank you in advance.

Dream about a man

Hello! Sometimes I have dreams about a man who is 12 years older than me. In a dream, he hints in every possible way that he likes me. In real life, he treats me indifferently, or doesn’t particularly distinguish me from others. Perhaps I like him myself? Although I don't feel any sympathy.

Dream of Visual Poetry

I dreamed that I was relaxing with friends near a lake. We're having a good conversation and, as always, I'm thinking about the idea of ​​visual verse. I imagine some images made up of letters. Then certain objects are added to the letters and become part of this text. Then I generally begin to understand that everything that surrounds me is visual verse. A famous poetess is relaxing next to our company. In the end, I decide to talk to the poetess and tell her about my vision of visual poetry. She replies that she has been writing visual poetry this way for a long time. She shows me her album with photographs of trips to different countries and says that this album is a collection of visual poetry. Then I think about how to take the idea of ​​visual poetry even further. I decide to publish in my mind, as it were, links to her photographs in the form of tables of red squares on a black background. I draw about twenty such tables before looking through each of her twenty albums.

After this, our company gets ready to go home and we arrive at the station. But I decide to stay for a while longer. The Chinese have a custom of writing poetry on concrete with water. The water dries quickly and at the same time the verse immediately merges with the sky. And it seems to me that the area in front of the station is very suitable for such poetry writing. But first you need to clear it of autumn leaves. After my company leaves, I begin sweeping the area in front of the station with an aspen broom. A passerby asks me what I’m doing, and I answer that the concrete cleared of leaves is visual poetry. Then he replies that there was a certain Fedya here in 56, who also wrote poetry in a similar way.

Dream about a former director and sandals

I dream that I met my ex-director, I go and chat with him, but not a word to work, it seems like we’re just talking so much fun. And suddenly I look at my feet - and I’m barefoot. I tell him, oh, I forgot to wear sandals at your work. Well, we seem to have returned, I see a bunch of sandals in the hallway, and among them are mine, which I wear now in the summer. I put them on and went... The sandals are good, comfortable, but not festive or elegant.))

Dream about the family of a former young man and a cat

Hello, please help me interpret my dream about the family of a former young man and a cat.

I dreamed of a cat in a white lizard skin with spikes, who lived in an aquarium with boiling water. This is a kind creature and looks like it is still a kitten; it acquired its appearance due to its habitat (it lives in boiling water). He is even tame, but I raise my hand and he hides, afraid of me... But there is no other person. But later, as the dream progresses, he gets used to me and his image changes to an ordinary fluffy black cat, also kind, although strange of course. At the same time, I dream about my ex-boyfriend, whom I dated for 7 years and broke up with about the same number of years ago.

My family life doesn't add up. And he often dreams.. Just without a plot, I just see him in a dream and even more his family. In the dream with the cat, his mother and sister were clearly present, with whom we were friends and, after parting with him, stopped communicating. I've been dreaming about them about once a week lately...

Sometimes more often. I can’t let go of their images, there is no negativity open in dreams, but for some reason I’m tormented...

Thursday morning dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols appear Thursday morning dream. By clicking on the link Interpretation of sleep under the text of a specific dream, you can read online interpretations, written free of charge by the dream interpreters of our site. If you are interested in the interpretation of a dream according to the dream book, follow the Dream Book link and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, as they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what the dreams of a Thursday morning dream mean, or what it means to see a Thursday morning dream in a dream.

Sleep from Thursday to Friday

My funeral best friend childhood, everyone is very upset, I’m generally in shock because K. I haven’t seen her for a long time, but in early childhood we were very close. Her mother asked me to go to the morgue and take her things. When I arrived at the morgue they told me that a miracle had happened and Tanya was alive but in an incomprehensible state.

I met her, calmed her down and took her home. I felt very bad and scared, but she felt even worse. It was a shock for everyone.

I had a dream on 11/27/08, I didn’t remember about her. Help me explain - this is scary.

Sleep from Thursday to Friday

I dreamed that my husband was tearing the skin off our son. I see all the entrails and meat without skin. My son is alive and looks at me and doesn’t feel any pain.

We are going to fry him and eat him, I’ve been worrying all my sleep about how we will put him in the oven alive, whether he will feel pain. I woke up at four o'clock in the morning on December 19th

The second night I can’t sleep, I close my eyes and see this horror. Please answer my dream from Thursday to Friday!

Sleep from Thursday to Friday May 13

I had a dream from Thursday to Friday. I dreamed of a light white staircase, very clear. Walking ahead was a man in the white robe of a saint, with long brown hair. Very similar to Jesus, he walked to heaven. I saw him from the back. But everything was very light, white, clear. Feelings of joy in the light.. I don’t remember whether I rose or not, but the feeling of joy was present!

Sleep with your loved one

I had a dream from Thursday to Friday. It was at school...

Me and my friend did something...

We somehow made offensive jokes on the younger children. Then we went to the canteen and there we got our classroom teacher said: “Get to the office quickly!” "

There was nothing to do and we drowned. On the way, our physical education teacher met us and said: Oh, hi... (our names)! We have a volleyball competition soon, will you participate, let's go to practice?! “- he asked me. I love volleyball, but I said that I wouldn’t because we are busy right now. That didn’t stop him. He began to talk me through it, and in the end I agreed.

The gym was located not far from the canteen, so I only had to take a couple of steps to get to it.

I walked in there and immediately started looking around for the boy I liked. It was as if I knew that HE was right there.

I just didn’t understand this in my dream. Each hall has a line that divides it into two parts, so here it is. We all, our entire team, worked on one of the halves. And there was a net on it. Although, it cannot be positioned like that.

She began to read us: “Where have you been?!” I'm looking for you all over the school?! “We started making excuses. We were in training...” And then we were interrupted. It was a boy I like with a friend. It was like she was playing around. And they ran between us and the teacher. She told him:... Don't interfere! "

He didn’t go anywhere, but remained standing nearby. And then one of his classmates also walked between us and said: “Good luck!” "


A dream in which I fought with dogs and won, but I had

In a dream, in some building, then on the street I fought with dogs. I don’t remember what kind of dogs they were (neither color, nor breed, nor appearance in general).

I remember well that one dog bit me on the stomach. There were two bite wounds from which blood flowed, but I stopped it. I had this dream on May 19 (dream from Wednesday to Thursday).

And today - another nightmare: some island in the ocean, with a city on it. The city was attacked by monsters (flying and in the form of huge crocodiles). Everyone started hiding, and so did I. One of them tried to get to me, but he failed. What does it mean? Can you explain please!

Dream about getting a job

It's like I'm being hired. But they give me a task to test my abilities. But at the same time, the same task is given to the girl whose place I am applying for. And so, I find myself even worse than her or at the same level. And they won't hire me!

What could a Dream about getting a job mean?

Dream about a loved one

I just registered specifically to find out about my dream. And I dreamed that my beloved, who was at my house, suddenly got ready for work, put on some work clothes and, taking my real dust cloth, began to wash the floor after himself, leaving!! Right on the threshold, from the corridor to the exit - on the contrary, as if... Well, you understand!!)) Then, almost furtively looking around, he snatched my mirror (small cosmetic) from somewhere and took it out of the apartment, along with himself, - left.

At the same time, he placed the mirror on the door of the opposite apartment - I saw it, and when he came down the stairs, I took him back... And at the same time, he suddenly turned out to be short - just like a dwarf!!

And when I went back home in a dream, I saw that there were no keys, he took them too!!! Specially!!! That’s why I was in a hurry, but why?? At first I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to lock myself, but I found my key, albeit only one. He took the bundle! So I was able to close and calmed down. But what is the dream all about???

I feel that maybe something happened - maybe someone died, but I don’t know... What can I say??? If only it weren’t with him... But I’m more interested in the mirror and the keys - I’m completely confused, I can’t figure it out!!!

Dream come true

I have to fight against dark forces, my family and friends stand as outside observers, my friend betrays me, everyone seems to submit to him, to this creature. And so I begin to fight with a terrible creature, without fear, without emotions at all, but with submission and humility!!! that I have no other way but to fight. I crossed him, read a prayer in a dream... He seems to have fallen, but then three snakes come at me, I catch them with my bare hands, one bites me, and I die... And then I see how from this darkness, from A thin, luminous “thread” separates from me - my soul rises up, and with it little angels. And next to me, my Angel stood all the time and cried.

I feel very sad somehow, still lonely... And I also know that if I were offered a choice, I would not give up this fight, I would not give up my faith!!!

The dream is so vivid that I have been returning to it for several months, and even now, and trying to understand it...

A dream about the upcoming marriage of a beloved man

I had a dream on the night from Saturday to Sunday!

In a dream, I had a pleasant time with my beloved man, with whom we have been “friends” in real life for almost a year.

In the dream, we were standing in line for some entertainment event when suddenly his phone rang. And he, with sadness in his voice, told me that this was his bride, her name is Yana, that he was getting married to her on November 27th. That he doesn’t really want to marry her, but he has to. She is nice and gave him a manicure - after which she showed it to me. The manicure was worn out :-) .

Dream on Christmas night

Tonight (from January 6 to 7) I saw an unclear dream. Mourning the death of a son. In fact, the son is alive and well. At the same time, all the other plots of the dream were also unclear and did not seem to be in my favor: I was walking through the city alone at night, the rapid melting of snow in the spring...

Dream within a dream hypnosis

I had a dream within a dream. It’s as if I’m falling asleep and having a dream, I understand that what’s happening is unreal and I’m trying to wake up, but I can’t. I try to scream, it doesn’t work out well, but after strong efforts I still scream, but I don’t wake up. Then, in order to wake up, I start scratching myself, hurting myself, and eventually wake up (not in reality, but in a dream). I understand that I fell asleep right on the street, it’s already dark and I need to get home, but I can’t, because while I’m walking, I constantly fall and fall asleep, and again I can’t wake up, I have to scratch myself with my nails until I bleed. Then I end up in some school where they teach hypnotists, and they explain to me that I was hypnotized, that’s why I fall asleep so suddenly and can’t wake up, and they don’t know what to do about it. I remember that some guy actually came close to me and looked intently into my eyes. And again I fall asleep and try to wake up, but I can’t.

Like this one a strange dream. He brought me a lot discomfort. When I was in this dream within a dream, I felt panic, helplessness, because I didn’t understand how I could wake up!

Dream about a guy you used to like

In my dream I dreamed of this guy, as if I saw him at a crossing, why this dream? The main thing is that I just dreamed of such a fleeting meeting, but in reality what happened is that after a while this guy adds me as a friend on VKontakte and starts communicating, now he is in the army, I’m wondering what this dream means, that he remembered me or something else ? It’s not for nothing that I first dreamed about him, and then he appeared in my life again and started communicating.

Dream on Good Friday night

I had a very realistic dream the night before on Good Friday. Lately I don’t have such dreams often, a small child gets exhausted during the day and wakes up more than once at night, of course I have dreams, but usually in fits and starts and not coherent, as if different scenes were filmed overnight.

So, I dreamed that my husband brought a girl into the house who began to live with us, as if he had nothing with her. So she lived with us for some time, and then it turned out that she was his mistress. In a dream, I clearly saw how my husband and I went to bed, our son’s crib stood next to her, and a little further on the bed in the same room she was sleeping, why I don’t know in our room, it’s a three-room apartment. In general, I found out about his betrayal and I calmly tell him, “You know what, take your things and leave.” I didn’t see the moment of his departure in my dream, he simply disappeared later.

By the way, not everything is so smooth with my husband and I. After the New Year, I left him because “he was tired of everything, and everyone, including me, ruined his life by appearing in his way” - these are all his words. But after I moved to my apartment with the children, he came, began to ask, said that he was wrong, in short, I accepted him and we now live on my territory.

Since childhood, I know that dreams from Thursday to Friday are considered prophetic, but what does a dream on the night of Good Friday mean? Thank you in advance

Dream within a dream

Another but this time for the first time a very unusual and ambiguous dream, I had a creepy and very horrible dream, as if I was standing behind the house where we have a forest plantation, there was an unusual person, it seemed to me that he was not a person at all, I flew at him with all my might, I wanted to demolish him because fear emanated from him, and in a dream I tried to show in this way that I’m not afraid of anything and that I can control myself, then I woke up, it was still night, and I saw that all the doors were open, as if someone had walked and been in the apartment, I went to the bedroom and told everything to my sister and mother, then as it turned out I was still sleeping, although I didn’t feel the feeling of sleep, then I woke up for real and in my soul there was a panicky fear that I had turned on the lights everywhere and was afraid to fall asleep for a long time, it felt like someone was watching me from the window, that it was me I don’t know, but until I read the prayers to the guardian angel and thought about something bright, I couldn’t even go to bed, it was 3 o’clock in the morning, then after the prayers I calmly fell asleep and everything was fine in the morning, I remembered this dream and still remember , although three or four days have already passed!

Sleep on the night of January 6-7

This time I wake up next to him in a dream, I feel him as if in life. Calls me by name in a dream ex-girlfriend(he called her the same thing a couple of times in his life, but) the last one was Elizabeth. He sees what a shock it was for me, he himself is in shock - he makes excuses and says that he loves only me, but called me by a different name, because too little has passed since their separation. Then we get up, I clean the apartment, wash the floor, wash the dishes.

We get dressed and leave. Do Christmas dreams mean anything? It is noteworthy that I don’t think about him, there is another martyr.

Thursday morning dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols appear Thursday morning dream. By clicking on the Dream Interpretation link under the text of a specific dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by dream interpreters on our website. If you are interested in the interpretation of a dream according to the dream book, follow the Dream Book link and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, as they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what the dreams of a Thursday morning dream mean, or what it means to see a Thursday morning dream in a dream.

Dream about birds

I dreamed that one bird was sitting on the back of another (flying) and pecking at its head and neck. He tears out pieces and throws them at me. After some time, a large amount of blood pours out of the first one (also on me), and the bird falls dead...

Dreaming with deer

I dream that there are many little deer around me. They are so cute, fluffy, horned, they run and play. Some are in their arms, some are lying next to them. I felt such peace and joy. In my life, specifically with me, nothing happens. Everything goes on as usual, but dreams... They are always different, bright, fantastic.

Dream where I was killed

17th century I’m sitting in a room in a private house at an oak table. There are many men sitting with me in hats with feathers, with swords, with long hair to the shoulders. They cackle and drink red wine. I'm dressed like a man, but I know in my mind that I'm a woman. I drink wine with them. Then I feel that I really want to sleep, I collapse from fatigue - I get up and go to the next room. In that room, a candle burns on the table and illuminates the disassembled bed, with a soft blanket and pillows, but does not illuminate the whole room. I unbutton my white lace ruffled blouse. I have a large ring with a large stone on my finger. I fall onto the bed, cover myself to the waist with a blanket and sleep soundly without undressing. I lie with my back to the door on my side. Then a bearded man appears at the door, scary-looking, black-haired, poorly dressed and with a knife or dagger in his hand. He stood there, made sure I was asleep, came up and stuck a knife under my left shoulder blade. It became dark and nothing was visible. THEN I heard a woman’s scream of horror and I see my body lying on the street near this house. A crowd of people surrounded me, they leaned over me and looked at me. Women are crying. I wake up in horror with a feeling of mental suffering, not understanding why and feeling sorry for those crying.

I had a red mole under my left shoulder blade on my back. It threatened to grow all over my back and was burned out when I was a child. Now there is a scar. Since childhood, I have been afraid to fall asleep with my back turned to the door. I'm afraid that they will wait until I fall asleep and kill me.

Dream about abortion

I see a woman on the operating table, undergoing an abortion. I see this through the eyes of a little boy, the doctor brings him down and says, “Look, you men are responsible for all this.” And so this boy is scared, I feel it all myself... I see the blood inside and I’m very afraid to see dead child, but never saw him..... (she never had an abortion herself)

Dream about a dog

I heard my dog ​​barking in a dream, calling as if she was bored or was attracting attention. She approached her, and the dog was on a chain.. Right hind leg tangled almost to the point of bleeding... A chain around a currant bush. The dog is spinning, worried and begins to get even more confused. My father tells me to untangle the dog. Came up. The dog calmed down and allowed himself to be untangled. He licked his hand in gratitude. He was dirty.. Flies were circling over him.. I started stroking him... he turned from black to white...

The feeling that all dreams are interconnected" indoor flower".. "pectoral cross"... As if I have to do something.. What?

Dream about graves

Hello! Today I dreamed that I was walking between gravestones, they were well-groomed, and some military personnel or heroes were buried there. They are buried not in a cemetery, but as if in some kind of room, it seems that this is either a greenhouse or a front garden, but there is only little vegetation around. I have a lot of carnations in my hands, and I gave almost everyone 2 carnations. Tell me why this could be a dream?

Dream about fish

Someone please help me interpret the dream about fish:

I'm in a room and there's a lot in it big fish. The fish are alive and seem to be swimming, but not in the water but in the air, one literally falls on my head and then falls straight into my hands, and in front of me I see my mother who died 2.5 years ago, and I hold this fish in my hands and It’s as if I’m showing her: “Well, look!”

The dream has subsided

And I dream of a warm, warm house And I dream that my mother no longer cries And I dream that this is not a dream And I dream that tomorrow will be different...

Dream about a foundling

On the street I saw a girl who was lost, about 3 years old and already talking. I approached and she began to tell me that her mother had gone somewhere. I didn’t understand and thought that maybe my mother had lost the girl, but she didn’t abandon her. I took the girl, fed her, I think it’s a pity to give her to the police, they’ll send her to an orphanage, I think I’d keep the child for myself, but how? And the girl suddenly saw a mobile phone and asked to call her mother, it turns out she remembers the number - 15-17. She calls and the mother can be heard making excuses, I understand that the mother purposefully abandoned the child. Now the child suddenly looked about 9 years old. And I’m sitting thinking about how to register a child for myself.

Dream about a rainbow

Please explain, I saw several rainbows in a dream, many small ones and there was one big one, all were multi-colored

Dream about a friend

I dreamed that I was kissing a young man who was avoiding me both in my dreams and in reality. Let me also explain that I went to his house and looked at him and started kissing him. And I started dreaming when I had already found another guy. The first one most likely doesn’t care about me, but why he dreamed in such a scenario is a mystery to me. Help me figure it out. Let me also explain that I went to his house and looked at him and started kissing him.

Dream in 3 parts


1 I need to pick up stones. I see them on the territory of the stadium, fenced with iron bars. I notice a hole and, squeezing into it, I pick up small white stones

2 I notice that a sewerage system has burst in the basement of an apartment building. And the drain moves back to my apartment through the pipe. I'm telling my mom about this. She reacts quickly, goes down to the basement - I see the floor filled with gray slurry - and corrects the problems.

3 I go out into the clearing. Strawberries attract attention. There's a lot of it. But it lost its appearance a little, although it was tasty - I tried it and decided to collect it. There is a restaurant nearby open air. There are people sitting at the tables and I’m surprised how they didn’t notice and pick the berries.

Dream about the deceased

I dreamed that my dad started drinking and grabbed two bottles of vodka and ran out into the street to remember my mother. But I don’t know what to do, and I’m so indignant, I go into the room, and my mother is lying there and I start telling her everything. Then my mother got up and let her neighbor into the house (she was also deceased). I was very surprised and asked, “Mom, are you walking?” and she told me a little and lay back down. Then Mom asked if I had gotten enough sleep and sent me to bed, and I said that I would stay with her. Then the neighbor turned to my brother - “come to me to chop wood when you have time”, but he didn’t tell me when, and my mother said that he would come. I woke up.

I had a dream on the morning of the funeral. Dad hasn't drunk for many years. In the dream it seemed to me that everyone was alive, but both were not happy with something. Mom died of cancer and was bedridden. I didn’t see my mother’s face, but I saw my neighbor’s, and her arms were crossed on her chest.

Sleep from January 6 to 7

I dreamed that my husband and I were in some kind of dacha, I brought water in a kettle, and when I went to get water I met a woman, we came to the dacha together. After sniffing the water, my husband said that it stinks, I remember well the question where did you get it? And the woman who came with me says that she knows where there is good water. And we went with her again to get water, taking a kettle. On the way, she began to tell me that she and my husband had been lovers for many years, her words were “we started dating when you bought an apartment.” I remember counting in my sleep for 8 years. I asked her “does her husband know”, she replied that not yet. She said a lot more, I don’t remember anymore, and when we returned my husband asked “well, you know everything.” I answered him, “What are you suggesting?” In the dream, I didn’t feel anything, and when I woke up so sad, it “hurt.”

Dream for Christmas

Preface: In January, at a corporate event where I was part of the organizer, I saw a man about whom I had a lot of information before. It was immediately clear that we really liked each other and he would like to get to know each other, but his position does not allow such liberties. I was very pleased that he drew increased attention at me, because K. is a man of very high position. I gave myself a plus, thought about it for one day and forgot.

From January 6 to 7, I first dreamed of this man: It was some kind of business meeting of his, I found myself at it, at first he was just standing next to me, but then by some force of attraction he gradually got closer and closer, touched my hand, then hugged me behind me and began to sprinkle kisses on my head and tell me how long he had been waiting for me. He squeezed me so hard and everyone around me saw it that I felt uncomfortable and I broke out of his embrace. I can’t really understand my feelings in the dream: it was as if the inevitable had happened, something I had been heading towards for a long time, but at the same time it was a little scary, because he is a very powerful man and in fact I felt the same thing in the dream. And I understood that I really liked this man.

Sleep from Thursday to Friday

Here you can read dreams in which symbols appear Sleep from Thursday to Friday. By clicking on the Dream Interpretation link under the text of a specific dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by dream interpreters on our website. If you are interested in the interpretation of a dream according to the dream book, follow the Dream Book link and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, as they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams mean: Dream from Thursday to Friday, or what it means to see a Dream from Thursday to Friday in a dream.

Sleeping in a dream and dreaming an earthquake

I dreamed that I was sleeping on a train heading to Moscow and dreaming about an earthquake, waking up in the dream and remembering what I dreamed about. I arrive in Moscow, and at night there is an earthquake (which I did not feel, but I know that it happened, as if I slept through it), in the morning everything is in ruins, not a single whole house, the roads are flooded with water, there are half-submerged cars. I understand that there are a lot of dead, but I don’t see them. The survivors are collected and taken somewhere in closed vans, I am with them, I manage to call my relatives on someone else’s phone and report that I am alive. We are driving between the ruins and for some reason there are military men standing around with machine guns pointed at us.

From Wednesday to Thursday morning sleep

Good morning!

I dreamed that I, my daughter and grandfather lived in a spacious, bright, beautiful and richly furnished apartment.

Grandfather is at work, and my daughter and I are at home.

And suddenly our dad comes to us (but in real life he left us for another woman...), the door in the apartment is new and iron, I brought him into the apartment, but I forgot the keys from outside in the door.

We began to communicate calmly, but he behaved distantly and distantly. I began to seduce him and pester him, but we just kissed and that’s it, in his dream he says that he just began to calm down and tuned in to life with her, and we lead him astray from the accepted path and lead him astray.

Then I sprayed myself with perfume on my neck and chest under my clothes to please him, and he excitedly and in a raised tone said that I was yellow.

Suddenly I look at my face in the mirror, and I see that it is covered with yellow and sparkling sparkles, my entire face, I didn’t see anything else in the mirror.

I also remember that my daughter and I went to the toilet in a big way, I didn’t see her bowel movements, but I saw mine, a lot and light, but I flushed them down the drain, in an old street toilet.

Then again, as if we were in the bathroom of our updated apartment, the bath was clean and bright, I again tried to seduce him, but he persistently pulled away.

And then I saw that I had forgotten the keys in the door outside, and some elderly woman unpleasant and cunning, with a repulsive appearance, she pulled them out of the new and iron door and ran away from me, I chased after her, and she jumped into the elevator (stopped), I ran in and took my bunch of keys, and returned to the apartment and closed the door from the inside, and at home there was still a husband and daughter playing on the palace under an umbrella.

And my husband and I were sitting next to each other and talking, I looked at him, and he was naked to the waist, his collarbone, shoulders and part of his back were covered with pimples and scaly spots, his skin looked painful. And I began to clean his skin...

And I woke up... That’s it! Thanks for earlier!

Morning sleep from Wednesday to Thursday

I dreamed that my car got stuck in the mud, in the black soil. My husband and I pulled it out, we were able to pull out the car, but we got very dirty. The husband was slightly drunk at the time. Then I looked into the hole that had formed in the place where the car was stuck. The hole was very deep.

Second dream: I dreamed that I was laying a mattress, dirty and torn, on an iron bed. The premises were government-owned, like a hostel, I understood that it was temporary, but then I left there.

From Friday to Saturday sleep

On Saturday morning I had this dream. I arrive in another city (which I go to every fall) and a guy meets me at the station (we don’t get along very well, but I really like him). He hugs me, kisses me, tells everyone that I am his girlfriend and we are going to his house... What could this mean?

From Friday to Saturday in a dream

I don’t know... Some psychos, using hypnosis, tripled the chaos on earth, such that people lost loved ones, homes, and generally understanding of what was happening around them.

They did not kill immediately, but offered some a choice.

They give you a brochure, an advertisement for a travel agency or a cosmetics catalog, nothing special at first glance. They let you into an empty, newly built house, there are no numbers on the doors, all the corridors are the same, and you have to find your apartment. If it works, they won't touch you and will let you start new life. The brochure is a hint.

I turned it over in my hands for a long time, checked it against the light, re-read everything from beginning to end - there is not a single number or any hints there at all.

I saw how people make mistakes and how something kills them in these apartments. And then, after a while, she began to involuntarily peer at the brochure as if at a stereo picture, probably out of fatigue. And here it is!

My brain was blown, the text on the brochure had changed, it seemed like it was time to go look for an apartment, the number was known, but these psychos suddenly looked at me approvingly, supposedly I understood what the point was. And the brain continues to fade into oblivion. I’m lying there, I can’t move, the memories are erased, I don’t need anything anymore.

A strange dream

The dream begins with the fact that we are driving in a car with my cousin. We are going to the town where our grandmother lives. Everything surprises me, both that she and I are alone in the car (where are the others?) and that we are going there. I don't want to go. Driving past the neighboring house, I see my father standing next to the car. I'm shocked, what is dad doing here??? I ask the driver to stop the car, but he doesn’t listen to me, I demand, but he stops the car only when we approach our house. He slowed down, I ran out of the car and ran to look for dad, but he wasn’t there. I ask everyone where is he? Didn't they see him? They keep telling me everything, but I feel like they don’t want to help me and confuse me even more. I run looking but can’t find it. Throughout my sleep I feel tired and apathetic. WHAT does this all mean? Please explain. This dream left such a residue and I want to know what it all means.

What was the dream about

Such a dream. I'm flying on a plane with my child. In the salon there are desks like at school, my school friend is sitting at the next desk - he loved me at school, I refused him. When the flight comes to an end and my child and I go to the exit, he seems to want to tell me something, but in the end he only gives me a folded piece of paper, out of the corner of my eye I see the words “it’s a pity that nothing worked out...”. I get off the plane, he remains inside.

A few days later I found out that this guy died 5 years ago...

The dream was 3 days before parent's day and 5 - before the day of his death.

I often have the same dream

I often have the same dream - a dog, sometimes a big one, or a small one! As a result, she rushes (rarely on the sly, more often directly) at me, bites (I know and feel that she has bitten, although there is no blood)...

There is a struggle (quite long) between us, I resist, in the end I always kill the dog (there are always two endings: 1. I tear the mouth apart; 2. I strangle the dog either with my hands or with improvised means (today, suddenly with a stool that came from somewhere)).

I can’t understand why I often have the same dream!

Prophetic dream in the hospital

Late at night I was taken by ambulance to the hospital and indifferently left in the corridor near the resident’s room. On the next bed, my grandmother was quietly moaning, still calling for someone, Kolya, probably her son.

I walked up to her, staggering, to help her with something. She called the women from the wards, at least to draw attention to her. We tried to understand her complaints. The medical staff were never found. With deep regret we went to bed. In the morning, having difficulty eating breakfast, I fell asleep. I had a very vivid dream of me and the women from the neighboring wards standing near my grandmother’s bed.

I saw the faces of all the participants in the experience, and she was quietly dying before our eyes. The dream was so vivid. After running around with procedures, I forgot about sleep. And then, somewhere around five o’clock in the evening, this happens.... Words cannot describe... My grandmother dies quietly and we, as if in a prophetic dream, are standing near her bed. All our actions were repeated.

It was something to be amazed at; I had never had prophetic dreams. It was a pity

That the relatives never said goodbye to their grandmother.

The third dream associated with one person


From Wednesday to Thursday I had a strange dream. The third dream associated with one person.

I get on the tram, but it is not an ordinary one. It is clean and has tables and chairs. You could say the coffee tram. It is almost empty - three people are sitting at the end. They cannot be homeless, most likely they are tramps. They were drinking. I looked at them and abruptly looked away - their faces were terribly adored. Then I sat down at another table. Your back to them.

The tram began its journey. I looked out the window. Suddenly I noticed my ex-boyfriend’s car crashed into the bushes. The tram stopped. My boyfriend and the cops were in the car. Then I suddenly found myself next to him, but in a different place. He was sitting on a black bench, all in black. And then he spoke with a grin: “Imagine, they imprisoned me for several years because of a little thing.”

This is where I wake up.

Please tell me how to understand this dream? Thank you.

A strange dream

Here’s the dream I had: “I go into a cafe, I see two fish on plates, I went up and broke off one piece and chewed it, the waitress comes up to me and says, what are you allowing yourself to do, it wasn’t for you, I reassure her and say that I’ll pay for everything, she leaves and brings me this big, plump, even seemingly cheerful SOMA, I take him in my arms and can’t understand how I wanted to eat him, I hold him in my arms for a long time, and he seems to smile at me , and then I give it to this woman and it seems she went and cooked it.... "a strange dream, I woke up and remember this wonderful catfish, and to be honest, I don’t understand fish at all, but in the dream I was absolutely sure that this is CATFISH!!!

Tell me what my dream means. He was there in the morning!!!

My dream

I dreamed that I was bathing my little newborn son in the river, I was surprised that he already knew how to swim. He pushes off with his feet and breathes underwater, after a while I realize that I left him alone on the shore, I’m looking for him and crying. I wonder where he went. The next day I dreamed that my husband was dipping his child in clear water I’m completely amazed that he can breathe under water, then I dip him myself. He skillfully breathes underwater, I wake up in horror

Important prophetic dream

I dream that I am walking along a busy avenue, late evening, the street is dark, but nevertheless it is sufficiently illuminated by lanterns.

Walking leisurely, I notice that a girl with waist-length hair as black as night is lying on the sidewalk and seems to be drunk..... I was about to pass by, but I was stopped by the thought that maybe she was really unwell.

Having stopped, I called out to her, she responded and, muttering something incomprehensible, extended her hand to me. I helped her get in line and we walked on together. I remember. What she told me about someone, it seemed like she was offended by someone.... I won’t hide the fact that I was hooked by this dream, as if I had a feeling that it was somehow important to me, but I couldn’t figure it out.

I really ask for your help - to interpret this dream for me. It should probably be noted that for some reason I remember her black hair and my slight distrust of her. Thank you in advance for your attention and help!

Good dream

I dreamed about it today Good dream that I look in the mirror, I like the reflection, but one eye is missing (the second one is in place). Then I seem to ask someone: “Please, let me have an eye,” and the socket begins to open and a new eye grows there. Very beautiful. Now I look and I have two big beautiful brown eyes(they are big brown in my life too), and the rest of the face, compared to the eyes, is not particularly noticeable. I leave the mirror satisfied.

Please explain my dream, because the dream was positive for me, but in dream books both a mirror and one eye carry some kind of negativity

This dream again

This dream again.

Warm sunny day. A familiar square that I have never been to. Benches that have not been painted for a long time.


Hello! I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you?

You know, great. But I really miss you.

Yes, I miss you too. Where have you been all this time?


Live to dream; dream in order to live. To hell with a reality in which there is no room for dreams. Why in the morning, your mood is very close to zero. Because you are being torn away from the embrace of a dream that you would never have come up with on your own. Your subconscious plays with you like a mirage designer with wanderers in the desert. Well, you drank strong coffee, with warm croissants, and went about your business. And the only thing you care about is being on time, many other more or less important things, but completely unrelated to dreams.

You know, I don’t remember at all why we broke up.

But did we break up, we just go down different roads. But, I receive all your letters.

But I didn’t write anything.

I know.…

There is nothing more incredible and confusing than the entries in the Chronicles of Dreams. Sometimes it seems to me that instead of having a fun night with friends, it’s better to just go to bed after watching one of your favorite films. The problem is to remember that same dream. It happens that it seems that you don’t dream at all, although in fact, you looked through dozens of them during the night. And it would be good if it was just a video series of fragments of unnecessary information that the brain had difficulty chewing. And sometimes, he persistently tried to draw your attention to something, but he didn’t save it himself. Contradictions have crept into the genome of this world since its birth.
How to dream about a loved one in a dream In a dream you dreamed of lice, why is it? I had a dream that my mother died

The dreams a person has on the eve of a holiday are very different from ordinary everyday night visions. Since hoary antiquity, people have had a strong belief in the great power and peculiarity of dreams dreamed before church holidays. In particular, a large number of signs and beliefs are associated with dreams before Easter - very important day in the life of Orthodox people. In this article we will talk about the features of dreams before this significant date.

The word “Maundy Thursday” itself is associated with cleansing the body and putting one’s home in order. On Maundy Thursday before Easter, according to ancient customs, it is customary to swim, do general cleaning in your home and wash dirty clothes. There is a belief that those whose homes are dirty during Maundy Thursday will live in dirt and quarrel throughout the next year.

But Clean Thursday is notable not only for the global cleansing of one’s living space, but also for the high probability prophetic dreams that you may dream about at this time. Therefore, pay special attention to your night dreams, and also do not neglect the signs that the Higher powers often send you at this time.

Prophetic dream before Easter

Believers are convinced that throughout the week before the Great Holiday of Easter, they may have dreams that provide information about future events.

If on the very night of Easter you dreamed unusual dream, thoughts may arise: will it come true? Most Orthodox Christians are confident that the days before Easter are a supernatural time, and all dreams that occur during this time are classified as prophetic. But at the same time, there is a certain classification of night visions, which we will consider in more detail later.

Varieties of prophetic dreams before Easter

Dream experts have conventionally divided dreams that occurred on the eve of the Resurrection of the Lord into 3 subcategories:

  • Category 1 - in a dream you re-experience what you actually experienced on the day before the dream;
  • Category 2 – prophetic night visions;
  • Category 3 – dreams sent from above by demonic entities.

Message from angels in a dream

Even hardened atheists are firmly convinced that our lives are controlled by two opposing forces - good and evil, which are inextricably linked with one another.

Dream interpreters express their opinion that Easter dreams can be sent from above, both by good and evil forces. A person has the opportunity to try to perform an analysis himself in order to understand what type of dream he encountered last night. But in most cases, doing this on your own is quite problematic.

Religious interpreters believe that dreams dreamed on the eve of big church holidays, are carried out either in the first half of the day, or are implemented in life over the next 365 calendar days.

Demonic night visions

It is very difficult to talk about such dreams. Atheists tend to ignore them, and most Orthodox Christian believers try to spend the night before Easter in church. Although, of course, this does not mean at all that the Higher Powers will not send them a special dream in the morning, when they return home and lie down for a little nap after the night service.

It should immediately be noted that most interpreters of night dreams are convinced that on the eve of such a great divine holiday, dark entities cannot in any way negatively affect human life. And if a sleeping person saw something very unpleasant in a dream, this means that the Higher Powers are simply trying to warn him about something.

Be that as it may, it is worth paying special attention to such a dream, because it may contain useful hints and predictions regarding your future.

Church ministers express the opinion that on Easter Eve, a demon can penetrate people’s night dreams, pretending to be your loved one. He will try in every possible way to direct the person in the wrong direction. Therefore, it is important to treat such dreams with extreme caution.

On the eve of the holiday

Traditionally, Easter among Orthodox Christians is considered the biggest holiday, which overshadows even the Nativity of Christ or the Epiphany. This is a bright celebration when Christ was resurrected and ascended to heaven to unite with his father.

It is noteworthy that Easter is celebrated every year on different numbers– its celebration falls on the first Sunday after the new moon. All night visions that you had on the eve of the divine resurrection can be prophetic; you will just need to interpret them correctly.

Dreams about the Divine Holiday

  • Celebrating Easter in a dream - most of these dreams are devoid of any special meaning or foreshadow positive events in your life.
  • On the eve of Easter, a deceased relative came to you in a dream - this foretells that the next 365 days will be very favorable for you. You and your family will experience various happy events during this time and none of your relatives will die.
  • Search in a dream Easter eggs– very soon you will meet your soulmate, the dream promises you a strong mutual feeling.
  • Bake paska - the conflict with your loved one will end. You are the culprit in this quarrel, so it is important for you to seek forgiveness.
  • From time to time, dreams before Easter can also tell about not very pleasant events - for example, if a girl dreams of kissing a guy in a dream, it means that she will soon find herself in a very unpleasant situation.
  • Another pre-Easter dream with a negative meaning is when you attend a church service in a dream. Such a dream foreshadows events that cause a person great disappointment.

What does the Church think about this?

Contrary to the doubts of many people, church ministers fully admit that in night dreams a person can find out the truth. Often they themselves talk about different cases concerning the issue of prophetic dreams.

And even in situations where the dreamers are far from Christianity, the night visions dreamed on the eve of church celebrations will still have an impact on their lives.

Most important point in this case, learn to correctly interpret what you see and recognize the clues sent to us from heaven.

It should also be separately added that the clergy are convinced that the devil is capable of manipulating the human unconscious. Therefore, you still shouldn’t trust 100% everything you see in your dreams at night.

Scientists' opinion on this matter

For those who are not believers or who simply always strive to verify the information they receive, the opinion of representatives of science on this matter will be useful.

Thus, scientists are firmly convinced that all night dreams lack any meaning. At the same time, they argue that the time when you saw your dreams also does not matter. In their opinion, in a dream we are just once again confronted with the information that we received during the day.

Especially a shining example, which is often cited by geniuses of science, is the famous dream of Mendeleev, in which he dreamed of his famous table. But scientists do not see any divine sign in this, believing that Mendeleev constantly studied information, which was subsequently processed in his subconscious and transformed into a table of chemical elements.

The geniuses of science have an opinion regarding prophetic dreams that no one can say in advance whether a dream will be prophetic or not. But this, of course, does not mean at all that this is the case in reality.

Let's sum it up

If you had some unusual dream on the eve of the Great Easter holiday, you should pay special attention to it and not ignore it. It is likely that it contains some signs or clues from above that will help you accept correct solution if you are in deadlock and will guide you on the right path in life.

At the same time, both church ministers and ordinary interpreters of night visions are unanimous that it is necessary to believe in good predictions. After all, if you concentrate on the bad and set yourself up for the negative, the negative will be attracted into your life, and vice versa, by focusing on the positive, you will definitely attract happy events and positive people!

According to statistics A person spends a third of his life sleeping. Does this mean that sleep is the most important informative part of our life, which reflects its conjectures and secrets?

Do our dreams come true and how are they reflected in the real world? The article “Control your destiny” will answer these questions. Interpretation of dreams from Wednesday to Thursday."

Do the dreams of this night come true?

Humanity is accustomed to viewing reality and everyday life as something real and predictable. Dreams are short-term fantasies, a changeable mirage that can disappear without a trace at any moment.

In reality, the whole world is filled with unpredictable events, bizarre surreal images, terrible crimes and mind-blowing works of art. Dreams, on the contrary, contain the absolute truth of our unconscious thoughts turned to reality.

If only people could capture and project the meaning of dreams into reality. Then we could feel and enter into dialogue with higher powers and see prophetic dreams that could provoke corresponding actions and emotions. If dreams are interpreted incorrectly, then fate may not go according to the “scenario”.

These include dreams such as:

  • , broken items made of gold or jewelry of a similar color;
  • sand, desert, small pebbles;
  • driving a car;
  • loss of any things;
  • market, trade;
  • look for, lose what is not important;
  • plant growth;
  • profit;
  • medal;
  • donated .

Thursday is subordinate to Jupiter - the most powerful planet after Saturn. This planet carries information about growth and development and combines all the good that exists on the planet, therefore dreams from Wednesday to Thursday are associated with a person’s self-realization in society, his career growth.

Ideal time to realize a dream

A lot has been written about this useful information, but the main thing about it is that evening sleep, night and morning are not the same thing.

  • Dreaming any day of the week at lunchtime does not mean anything.
  • In the evening and at night the soul just begins to leave the human body. It is still enriched with all the problems of the day, unsolved problems. Therefore, people’s consciousness seems to get stuck in these problems.
  • If you have a dream immediately after falling asleep, it can help a person rethink his purpose in society in a new way.
  • In the dead of night, we usually dream about so-called answers to important questions.
  • Exactly morning dream on Thursday and will make a difference. So you can trust him.

How to make dreams “work” for you

Relaxing procedures can contribute to the arrival of dreams: a bath with soothing aromatic oils and a correctly formulated question. In the morning you need to try to remember in detail what you saw at night and concentrate on it.

  • As soon as you wake up, do not rush to get out of bed immediately, but rather say to yourself the words: “This dream is the brightest part of my future.” Get out of bed, bow three times and mentally find yourself in the situation that you dreamed about. Feel as realistic as possible about the situation, relax and go do your daily work.
  • When you wake up, do not rush to get out of bed immediately, lie down and simulate the dream situation as much as possible.
  • Convince yourself mentally that what you dreamed about is already part of your life.
  • If possible, roll over onto your left side and immediately fall asleep.
  • Girls are advised to sleep with their hair down this night.
  • When you wake up, don’t rush to wash away your sleep. Walk around for a while and enjoy the dream.
  • If you are not satisfied with professional self-realization, earnings and business relationships, then when you wake up on Thursday morning, try to remember the dream you had as accurately as possible. This will help you understand what steps to take in the near future, whether you should expect a promotion, whether fate promises you to meet influential people, whether you need to invest money in a new project.

The meaning of dreams from Wednesday to Thursday

Let's look at the interpretations of different plots of dreams that night.

I dreamed about professional activities

  • If the dream is colored by vivid emotions and impressions, then your bosses are pleased with the results of the work done. As a result, further career growth and promotion are possible.
  • If you are rewarded or given a long-awaited gift, then such a dream means that you will be offered a highly paid job.
  • If the emotions in the dream are far from unpleasant, most likely your bosses are really not satisfied with the results of your work activity.

I dreamed of entertainment and bright events

Dreamed about deceased friends or relatives

  • Most often, friends and relatives who have passed on to another world carry with them their dreams. important information related to the flow of finances into your life.
  • they want to warn about some major losses in the field of property registration, insurance, and real estate sales.
  • They also want to protect you from complex problems, accidents, losses associated with fires and natural disasters. You should always listen to these tips.
  • The deceased can guide and suggest what type of activity will be most successful and profitable for you, therefore, you need to remember as accurately as possible what the dead man told you in the dream.

I dreamed that you became the owner of fame and success

  • If in a dream you dream of success in any area of ​​activity, this is simply an excellent sign.
  • The combination of your thoughts in combination with the message of the planets foretells good luck in the future.
  • Must be planned accurately further activities in the direction of sleep. You should not ignore even the most insignificant subconscious clues, because they can show you how your life will change in the future.
  • It is worth thinking about obtaining a new or improving an old qualification.

I dreamed about a guy, a husband, a former lover

Dreamed of pregnancy or love relationship

The data from these dreams says that the sleeper needs good rest. But it is worth remembering that it is after such dreams that it is not recommended to go on long trips; your vacation can be ruined due to unforeseen circumstances. It’s better to relax near home and start planning your near future.

Dreamed of a baby or child

  • A child is a symbol of hope for the future.
  • A sign that you have reached a point in life when you need to reconsider and change your life.
  • If you dreamed crying baby, then you are putting your future at risk.
  • picking flowers brings spiritual enlightenment to a person. After such a dream, it is recommended to confess and take communion.
  • Holding a child in your arms in a dream means you are trying to find a way out of a difficult situation.

If you're scared

If you think that the dream you had from Wednesday to Thursday is just a flight of your imagination, we recommend that you do the following exercise. Sit on the floor, cross your legs and arms, then stretch your arms forward and say in your thoughts: “I don’t want and won’t believe!” Even if you dream about the most unpleasant dreams, use this method and you can avoid trouble.
