Implementation of an electronic journal system at the Russian State Social University (RGSU). Financial support for student families

The Social University occupies a leading position in many rankings among universities in the region, country and world. This is achieved through the coordinated work and interaction with others of each individual element: teachers, students, administration, faculties, material resources, social work, international activities and many other areas and structures. What is the secret of the success of RGSU?

How did the university begin?

The university began its history long before it began to have its modern status.

The progenitor of the educational institution was the Moscow Higher Party School, established in 1978. A little over 10 years later, it was reformed into an institute of socio-political work.

Soon the Russian government began to receive proposals that it was necessary to create a university that would produce qualified professionals for social area. The requests were heard, and in 1991 the university was created on the basis of the institute, combining training in social sphere and political.

In 2004, after a series of reorganizations, the university received its current legal status.

The rating of RSSU is increasing not only because of long, effective and versatile activities educational organization, but also thanks to outstanding graduates. In the Russian State social university studied:

  • Famous tennis player and coach Evgenia Borisovna Kulikovskaya.
  • Acting Governor of the Primorsky Territory Andrey Vladimirovich Tarasenko.
  • Alexey Vitalievich Stukalsky, member of the Russian curling team at the 2014 Olympics.
  • Holder of the title of the youngest grandmaster with an entry into the Guinness Book of Records - Sergei Aleksandrovich Karyakin and many others.

Thus, it can be noted that over time the university only flourishes and graduates famous people.

general information

The main founder is the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. The rector of the university is Natalya Borisovna Pochinok.

The university operates in accordance with all educational standards and basic laws Russian Federation.

The inclusion of RSSU in the ranking of universities from the QS World University Rankings indicates that at the global level its scientific, educational, and international activities are in a state of maximum impact. In addition to the social university, only 14 Russian educational organizations are included, including the Higher School of Economics, RANEPA, and the Financial University. In addition, according to some criteria, RGSU received the highest rating - 5 stars, and this takes the institution to a new planetary level of recognition.

  • Klin, ;
  • Minsk, Republic of Belarus;
  • Osh, Republic of Kyrgyzstan;
  • Pavlovsky Posad, Moscow region and others.

All of them defend the honor of the parent university and support its status.

University structure

Thanks to quality work RSSU's place in the rankings compiled by various research agencies for its faculties is always high. For example: the Expert center, having analyzed its activities structural divisions, concluded that the Russian State Social University is among the 10 best in the country among economic faculties and ranks 12th among humanities.

In addition to those listed, RGSU has the following faculties:

  1. Information technologies.
  2. Ecology and technosphere safety.
  3. Communication management.
  4. Linguistic.
  5. Psychology.
  6. Training of scientific, pedagogical and scientific personnel.
  7. Sociology and social work.
  8. Management.
  9. Physical culture.
  10. Legal and economic.

Thus, there are 14 main divisions in total.

The RSSU rating is high not only among those who want to get a bachelor's or master's degree, but also among visitors who want to improve their language skills, school graduates who want to get a secondary specialized education, and other categories of citizens. For example:

  1. Center for Russian Language and Culture.
  2. Faculty of preparation for foreign applicants.
  3. Higher School of Music.
  4. Faculty of Further Education.
  5. RGSU College.

List of educational areas

  • Humanities: political science, history, theology, international relationships, foreign Regional Studies.
  • Information technology: pedagogical education in the course “Informatics”, business informatics, Information Security, systems and technologies in computer science, Computer Engineering, Applied Mathematics.
  • Environmental: ecology and environmental management.
  • Communication: journalism, advertising and public relations.
  • Linguistic: translation and translation studies, linguistics.
  • Psychological: defectological education, psychology, clinical psychology, psychology of professional activity.
  • Social: organizing work with youth, social work, psychological and pedagogical education, sociology.
  • Economic: tourism, finance and credit, economics, trade, economic security.

These and also legal, sports, management, scientific and pedagogical areas invariably enjoy high popularity among RGSU applicants, and their rating is constantly growing in general list specialties taught in Russia.

Material base and equipment

Providing literature, scientific samples, teaching aids, and equipment is the basis for successful training. At a social university, there are no problems with equipment: computer classes and libraries in each academic building (of which, by the way, there are 11 buildings), interactive teaching tools, equipment for laboratory and practical work for each student, access to electronic scientific resources - everything is calculated for a full educational process.

For students who came to study from afar, 4 dormitories were built, which are located almost within walking distance of the main buildings.

In addition, the university has a sports base with a stadium, skating rink, swimming pool, gyms. All this is in excellent condition and receives only positive reviews.

The RSSU rating is high due to the high-quality environment for people with disabilities disabilities: the dormitories have special rooms, all buildings are equipped with ramps and handles, classrooms are designed for students in wheelchairs.

Social and educational activities

A lot of work is being done at the university aimed at developing students’ personal qualities. For example, since 2011, a volunteer center has been established that works in the following areas:

  • Social help.
  • International volunteering.
  • Organization of sporting events.
  • One-time public events and much more.

In addition, the university is interested in developing scientific aspirations, so support for future scientists is provided on a daily basis.

The sports successes of students also do not go unnoticed, and the university makes every effort to ensure that young people take part in international competitions.

Features of student admission

  1. You must have a passport, a document confirming your education (or a copy), 3*4 photographs, and a medical certificate.
  2. Documents can be submitted electronically.
  3. The admission campaign begins on June 20, the acceptance of documents ends on July 28 (August 8 on correspondence form) for those who want to enroll in undergraduate or graduate programs.

International activity

  1. The university has branches in several countries.
  2. Students regularly undergo internships at foreign universities.
  3. Representatives are trained at the university different countries and nationalities.
  4. Various international events are held on the basis of RSSU: presentation International Congress UNIV 2018, International Chess Cup, educational camp “Gathering of Concerned”, conference “ Current issues philology, cultural studies and linguodidactics” and much more.
  5. Students and teachers become regular participants in various international events, for example: the Financial centers: Traveling around the world forum, the Education and Career and Intourmarket exhibitions, the aesthetic gymnastics tournament and other various events.

Contacts, addresses

The main address of RGSU in Moscow: street 4, building 1.

In order to submit documents for training, you need to get to Stromynka Street, 18. To resolve questions regarding admission, you should call the phone number listed on the official website of the institution.

Commission operating hours: from 10 am to 7 pm, except Saturday - on this day reception is open until 2 pm.

Thus, the RSSU rating is formed not only due to good scientific programs, which are quoted at the global level, but also active work with students in their free time, international cooperation and an extensive structure. For those who want to connect their lives with the specialties that can be obtained at this university, RSSU is an excellent chance to climb the career ladder, gain many useful contacts and grow as a person.

Competence of the Russian Federation in the field of education. The procedure for creating and regulating the activities of an educational institution. State control over education. Implementation of an electronic journal in RGSU, website development and the cost of its creation.

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current monitoring of knowledge of RGSU students (extracts)

  1. General provisions

The modular rating system, as one of the components of the education quality management system at the Russian State Social University and its branches, is the basis for the ongoing monitoring of students’ knowledge full-time forms of training.

This regulation on the modular-rating system of current monitoring of knowledge of RSSU students has been compiled with the aim of enhancing independent work students, ensuring systematic, regular educational work of students when mastering academic disciplines during the semester, as well as optimizing and increasing the objectivity of the assessment of students’ current academic work by teachers.

Modular system aims to confront students with the need for regular work throughout the semester, which is achieved by dividing the didactic units of the taught discipline into large blocks, upon completion of each of which the student passes control point(hereinafter referred to as “CT”).

Rating system control of students' knowledge is to form student rating in each discipline as a result of the summation of the rating points scored by the student in the discipline during the semester based on the results of the current knowledge control (hereinafter referred to as the Student Rating in the Semester), and the rating points received by the student in the discipline at the midterm knowledge control - exam, differentiated test or test (hereinafter - "Student's milestone rating).

This Regulation does not apply to full-time students who are provided with an individual attendance schedule training sessions.

IN in this case assessment and monitoring of student progress is regulated separately legal act RGSU.

Student's milestone rating in a discipline consists of the assessment in rating points of the student’s answer on a midterm exam or test in general concepts, methods and methodology of the discipline, for the correct analysis and solution of practical ticket problems.

Student rating in the semester for the discipline, it consists of rating points with which the teacher evaluates the student’s attendance at classes during the semester; his current independent study work to complete homework, the results of intermediate knowledge control (hereinafter referred to as “KT”), which logically completes the study of a specific module of the discipline.

A student’s attendance at one practical or laboratory lesson in a discipline is assessed by the teacher in 1 rating point.

Current classroom academic work student in a 2-hour practical or laboratory lesson, assessed by the teacher in 0 rating points or 0.5 rating point depending on the degree of implementation and participation.

Interim classroom control of a student’s knowledge is assessed by the teacher within the following limits:

calculation and graphic work, abstract - up to 8 rating points,

one task in the classroom test work(test) - up to 2rating points.

At the end of the last semester practical lesson according to the discipline, each student is assigned his semester rankingdiscipline, which is an assessment of class attendance, the quality of the current classroom and the student’s independent work.

The student is allowed to take midterm control in the discipline (exam, differentiated test, test) without the procedure of adding points, if his semester rating in the discipline was no less than:

A student can take an exam (differentiated test, test) in the “automatic” format if his rating in the semester in the discipline is Notless:

Rating score for the discipline and the corresponding
a certification grade on the scale of “passed”, “satisfactory”, “good” or “excellent” for a student who has agreed to receive a grade in the “automatic” format is entered by the examiner into the grade book and test report only on the day of the midterm control of that group, Where does this student study?

A student’s milestone rating in a discipline on an exam or differentiated test less than 20 rating points is considered unsatisfactory (regardless of the student’s rating in the discipline in the semester). In this case, the student’s test and examination record will be marked “unsatisfactory” in the “Certification grade” column.

The student's milestone rating in the discipline less than in10 rating points is considered unsatisfactory (regardless of the student’s rating in the discipline in the semester). In this case, in the student’s test and examination report, in the “Certification grade” column, “not credited” is entered.

A student who did not arrive as scheduled examination session for border control good reason or who received an “unsatisfactory” (“failed”) grade, has the right to retake it in an individual direction in the prescribed manner. In this case, an employee of the dean's office of the faculty (branch) must indicate in an individual direction for a retake the student's rating in the semester in this discipline, copying it into the test and examination sheet of the planned midterm control.

A student who fails to show up as scheduled educational and thematic plan and timetable for CT scan for good reason, receives 0 rating points, but has the right to last week semester for additional passing of this CT.

Student who failed laboratory workshop for a good reason, is allowed to be completed additionally during the semester laboratory work on days and hours in agreement with the head of the department. A student who fails to complete laboratory work for an unexcused reason is allowed to perform laboratory work after concluding an agreement for the provision of additional educational services on a reimbursable basis.

A student who has not received the established minimum rating points (30 - for disciplines with an exam or differentiated test and 40 - for disciplines with a test), in the last week of the semester passesprocedure for increasing rating points to the established minimum in those academic sections of the discipline in which the student did not demonstrate sufficient quality of knowledge during the CT semester.

The department responsible for teaching the discipline also develops a methodology for obtaining points to the established minimum. She sets the dates, organizes the procedure for collecting points, determines the form of the test (written, oral, computer test, etc.), criteria for evaluating CT retakes in rating points, and appoints teachers.

If the result of a student’s retake of a CT does not meet the requirements established by the department when going through the procedure for gaining rating points, then the student’s rating score for this CT does not change.

If a student failed to achieve the established minimum during the procedure for gaining rating points in a discipline, then, upon arriving at the appropriate midterm control according to the schedule of the test and examination session, he receives additional questions on the unmastered sections of the discipline on the ticket.

The student is allowed to take midterm control in disciplines during the study of which mandatory implementation of practicalworks(laboratory, coursework, calculation and graphic work, projects, abstracts, etc.) only after they have been completed and defended.

If this requirement is not met, the student is automatically given a grade of “unsatisfactory” (“not passed”) in the test and examination sheet of the planned milestone control in the discipline.

4.8. If the student failed during the procedure for gaining rating points in the discipline, not providing for mandatory implementationpractical work(laboratory, coursework, calculation and graphic work, projects, abstracts, etc.), reach the established minimum, then, having arrived
according to the schedule of the test and examination session for the corresponding midterm control, he receives additional questions on the ticket

unmastered sections of the discipline.
Scholarships and social support

RGSU students


Where to contact


Required documents

Federal payments

State academic scholarship

900 rubles per month

(The amount of the academic scholarship is determined for the student based on the calculation of the average rating indicator of his academic performance)

Dean (Deputy Dean) of the Faculty
Faculty Student Council

*full-time form of training;

*training paid for funds federal budget ;

* training for “good” and “excellent”.

*decision of the faculty scholarship committee.

State (municipal) social scholarship

1650 rubles per month

Dean (Deputy Dean) of the Faculty
Faculty Student Council

*full-time form of training;

*training paid for federal budget funds;

* V mandatory appointed students:

From among the students, orphans and children left without parental care;

Recognized in accordance with the established procedure as disabled people of groups I and II;

Those injured as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other radiation disasters;

Those who are disabled and combat veterans.

* has the right to receive student:

Provided in educational institution issued by the authority social protection at the place of residence a certificate to obtain a state social assistance (annually).

*personal statement student

With attachment of documents, confirming the right to receive social scholarship(certificate from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, certificate of family composition, VTEC certificate, certificate of participant in hostilities, etc.)

City payments

Subsidy for Moscow university students in dire need

(order of the Mayor of Moscow dated August 19, 1999 No. 897-RM, order of the rector of the RGSU)

600 rub. per month

Dean (Deputy Dean) of the Faculty

* face-to-face form of training;

* training in State University Moscow

* need for social support:

Orphan students;

Disabled students; students from large families;

Students with children;

Students participating in military operations;

Chernobyl students; - students with disabled parents, retired parents;

Students from single-parent families;

Students not receiving a scholarship; - students who are registered at the dispensary (with chronic diseases)

*student’s personal statement;

* with the attachment of documents confirming the right to receive a subsidy (VTEK certificate, certificate of family composition, certificate of participant in hostilities, certificate from a dispensary, medical institution about being registered with chronic diseases, a child’s birth certificate, etc.)

Personalized scholarship

Government of Moscow for students of universities in Moscow and the Moscow region

(Moscow Government Decree No. 534-PP dated 07/08/2003, Government Decree No. 996 dated 06/09/2006, order of the Rector of the RGSU)

850 rubles per month

Dean (Deputy Dean) of the Faculty

  • full-time form of training;

  • studying at a state or non-state accredited university in Moscow

  • training in the most important specialties for the urban economy

  • training in 4-5 years of university

University payments

Scholarship of the Academic Council of the RSSU

(order of the rector of the RGSU No. 803 dated 09/05/2006)


Where to contact


Required documents

Monetary sum, in the amount corresponding to the tuition fee in the academic year following receipt of the Scholarship

Dean (Deputy Dean) of the Faculty
Student Council - Senate of RSSU

  • full-time form of education ( on a contractual basis)

  • excellent grades throughout four last semesters

  • systematic and effective participation in scientific and (or) public activities of the RSSU

*memo from the dean of the relevant faculty;

* a copy of the applicant’s record book;

Financial support for student families

(order of the rector of the RGSU No. 387 dated May 10, 2007)

Up to 100,000 rubles upon marriage (at one time)

Dean (Deputy Dean) of the Faculty
Student Council - Senate of RSSU
Office of Student Affairs

full-time federal budget;

* achieve “excellent” grades;

* Active participation

*copy of spouses’ passports;

* extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Student Council - Senate of the RSSU.

Up to 300,000 rubles at the birth of a child (one time)

Dean (Deputy Dean) of the Faculty
Student Council - Senate of RSSU
Office of Student Affairs

* a young family in which both spouses are students of RGSU full-time forms of education receiving education at the expense of federal budget;

* achieve “excellent” grades;

*those who achieve “excellent” and (or) “good”;

* no academic debts for the entire period of study;

* Active participation in public and scientific life RGSU;

* have no other sources of income.

*application from each spouse;

copy of the child's birth certificate

*copy of marriage certificate;

*copy of spouses’ passports;

*copies of grade books with grades for the entire period of study;

*certificates of students studying at RSSU;

*certificates from the hostel (in case of spouses living in the hostel);

*characteristics of students signed by deans of faculties;

* extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Student Council - Senate of the RSSU
