Photos of guard dogs. The best guard dog breeds: review and characteristics of pets. Watchdog - what is he like?

To say that only a powerful and reliable lock can save you from thieves is only someone who has never seen a watchdog in action. This is a special type of canine that man created to protect territory, property, his home and even children. By the way, some experts call a guard dog a guard dog, but it would be more correct to say that a guard dog is one of the types of guard dogs.

The best watchman can be seen immediately: by the way the animal carries itself, by its behavior, by its gait, and even in the photo. Thus, the ideal watchman is constantly studying the surrounding environment, examining the territory and “mentally” noting even the slightest changes. When a dog enters the “own zone” entrusted to it, it will show aggressiveness not only to strangers, but even to other animals. Although, outside of “its zone,” a guard dog can quite nicely “communicate” with other dogs and even pretend that it does not notice strangers. The best guard dog perfectly distinguishes the usual territory from the one entrusted to its protection and behaves accordingly.

The guard is the result of genes and training

The qualities of a guard dog are not just good genes from equally attentive ancestors, it is also the result of long and hard training. Each class of animals has its own scale by which the leader is determined, so in the top 10 best guard dogs always hit:

  • Caucasian Shepherd Dogs;
  • Asian;
  • South Russian;
  • Moscow watchdog, etc.

The best of the best guard dogs

The top 10 best watchdogs include primarily the Caucasian Shepherd Dog. This breed combines all the qualities of an ideal watchdog, which makes it not only very popular, but also one of the most common. In principle, any guard dog evokes respect with its appearance, but especially the Caucasian (its power can be seen even from the photo). Few would dare to ignore a beast with a height of 74 cm to 88 cm and a weight of 65 to 100 kg! The uniqueness of the Caucasian lies in his adaptability. Thanks to its thick coat, the dog is not afraid of either cold or heat, and can be kept in an enclosure or simply under open air. But before you get a Caucasian Shepherd as a dog to guard your home or yard, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons, since this breed has a rather ferocious disposition and requires not only special regular training, but also socialization.

Another luxurious and powerful beauty that is always included in the top 10 who can protect and is the most reliable is the Asian Shepherd, better known to the average person as the Alabai (see photo). Alabai is distinguished by endurance and fearlessness. At the same time, the animal has a pronounced guard instinct and remarkable self-confidence. A dog whose height reaches 70 cm and weighs up to 60 kg can show aggression not only towards a stranger who accidentally or intentionally wanders into a protected area, but also towards its four-legged relatives. Despite the fact that the Alabai is still less aggressive than its Caucasian counterpart, it is impossible to do without intensive training and regular training, nor without socialization when raising it.

Experts also included the South Russian Shepherd Dog in the top 10, which, in addition to its excellent qualities, is also distinguished by its unpretentiousness in maintenance. This dog is not just reliable, he is a workaholic. The South Russian Shepherd loves to “serve” and amazes with its tirelessness in the performance of its official duty. In addition, this guard dog ranks first in speed among its colleagues. It’s unlikely that even a runner-athlete will be able to escape from such a watchman, so it’s better not to provoke her into demonstrating a dog’s running record.

As for the peculiarities of upbringing, this animal will unconditionally obey only one and very morally strong owner. The slightest manifestation of weakness on the part of a person and the animal is unlikely to recognize you as its leader.

The Moscow watchdog continues the top ten. Even the name of the breed of this dog speaks for itself. This breed appeared as a result of a combination of genes from such serious canine representatives as:

  • St. Bernard, with which she is sometimes confused, especially in the photo;
  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog;
  • Russian piebald hound.

From the first she “took” diligence, from the Caucasian - ferocity, and from the hound - endurance.

Well, what would the top 10 guard dogs for your home and yard be without a German Shepherd! Despite its almost miniature size (especially in comparison with Caucasians or Moscow watchdogs), the German Shepherd is considered one of the best in its class. The uniqueness of this animal, whose height is no more than 60 cm and weighs only 40 kg, is in its intelligence. Folk wisdom, that “strength is intelligence, you don’t need it” is not about the German. It is the combination of strength, agility, speed, lightning-fast reaction and high intelligence that makes this breed “terrible”. It is thanks to its intelligence that the German Shepherd is considered not just an excellent watchman, but a universal soldier who can be taught:

  • protect people;
  • to be a "cop";
  • cope with the search no worse than professional bloodhounds;
  • act as a companion;
  • work no worse than working breeds.

Despite its aggressive past (the dog was originally trained to attack humans) and the fact that the shepherd dog is one of the top 10 most dangerous breeds, a German can easily be brought even into a family with small children. And again, it's all about intelligence and prudence. In relation to the children of its owner, the dog will show its completely different qualities, such as calmness, condescension and endurance. Well, parents don’t have to worry about the safety of their child around such a guard. The animal will protect its little ward even at the cost of its own life.

In addition to the various types of shepherd dogs, the top 10 best guard dogs include:

  • Dogo Argentino, which can scare away with its appearance alone (photos can be found on the Internet). Few people, looking at this large animal, would want to be convinced of its fearlessness and ability to defend and guard its territory. It is almost impossible to overdo it in the strictness of training a Dogo Argentino. Since the animal initially wants to dominate not only other animals, but also people, the owner of this handsome guy will have to work hard to prove his primacy and right to power. Only a special, almost individual course of training and socialization is capable of making this breed a loyal, and, most importantly, obedient guard;
  • bullmastiff. The first thought that comes to mind when meeting a Bullmastiff one-on-one is to say goodbye to family and friends. The dog is truly impressive, or rather terrifying, with its appearance, even in the photo. At the same time, her functions were almost childish. So, in the 19th century, the bullmastiff’s task was to protect game from poachers. But the modern bullmastiff copes perfectly with protecting children, as it has the instinctive ability to distinguish enemy from friend. Although, some experts advise not to allow children close to this breed, given its simply innate aggressiveness. But other dog experts say it's all about training;
  • rottweiler Another one German breed, which knows how to protect and guard. Despite the fact that the Rottweiler is one of the ten most dangerous dogs, he found his place of honor in the top 10 best watchdogs for both home and yard. With the right training course, this dog can be raised into an excellent watchman and protector. Moreover, in addition to self-confidence, Rottweilers are also distinguished by their complete incorruptibility. So, you shouldn’t hope that the dog will leave his post for the sake of a treat;
  • The Doberman also consistently finds its place in the top 10 among the best watchmen and security guards. Despite its truly aristocratic appearance (see photo), the Doberman is distinguished by its strength and quick reaction. But the distinctive features of these lean dogs are alertness and agility. If German breeders created the Rottweiler as an animal capable of defeating an enemy by force, then the Doberman was created as a unique breed that would detain the enemy and not injure him. Such jewelry work in security is characteristic only of the Doberman. Another feature that distinguishes the Doberman’s guard behavior is the dog’s ability to “make the rounds.” Such a watchman can be entrusted with both an apartment and a luxurious country house;
  • The South African Boerboel is also valued as a watchdog, but it is quite difficult to call this breed widespread in our region. Distinctive features Boerboel (except for his guard instinct and constant desire dominate) is fearlessness, high level intelligence and an excellent sense of ownership. In order for the Boerboel not to create problems for the owner, it must be properly trained and mandatory The dog must undergo a socialization course. If there are children in the family, it is better not to have a Boerboel;
  • The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, better known as the Grosse, is an ideal watchdog especially in families with children. The animal is ready to give its life for its owner, his child and even his property. Despite the not very pronounced possessive instinct, the gross can weakly protect its territory, but the property entrusted to it or its owner - until the last breath. The main trait of the Gross is one hundred percent devotion, and this trait compensates for the absence of any other characteristics that are characteristic of watchdogs;
  • if the Thai Ridgeback is in the top 10 most rare dogs, then his Rhodesian relative confidently takes his place among the best guards. Despite its not too large size (as can be seen from the photo), the animal is very mobile. And the lack of aggressiveness is observed only as long as its owner is not in danger. If there are small children in the family, the Rhodesian Ridgeback will become not only an ideal watchdog, but also ideal assistant in their upbringing;
  • Entire legends are made up about the Cane Corso and this is due to its Italian origin. Despite the fact that the southern part of Italy is considered the dog’s homeland, whose inhabitants have always been distinguished by their quick temper and bright temperament, the Cane Corso surprises with its poise and calmness. Long time for this powerful dog, a photo that is available online was used during the hunt. The advantages of the animal, whose weight reaches 50 kg and height 68 cm, include easy adaptability, endurance and composure. But the disadvantages include a dislike for four-legged relatives. After a course of socialization, the Canne Corso, in addition to all its advantages, also acquires a certain friendliness, which is true only possible with complete absence danger. Ideal for protecting your home and property.

Angry does not mean guard

There is a stereotype that any dog ​​can be made into a guard, the main thing is that the animal is aggressive. But this is a misconception. An incorrect approach to education will not only not make an animal a good protector of home and property, but will also easily ruin the breed. To raise, train and train guard dogs, it is better to use the services of a professional dog handler who not only knows the psychology of the animal, but knows how to apply this knowledge in practice.

It’s not worth getting a watchdog just to let the animal languish in a city apartment. In limited conditions, both his character and his psyche will deteriorate. And the “shaky” psyche of any pet is very dangerous, even for the owner.

Better than any castle, guard dogs will protect the house from unwanted guests if they are trained correctly. There are many different breeds of dogs that can be guard dogs. The article talks about the five most popular guard dogs, for which their main function is to protect the home, property of the owner and his family. Attached are photos and videos that will help you evaluate each breed and decide which breed is best to get.

The habits of a guard dog are immediately obvious: it behaves in a special way, walks and even stands, this can be seen in numerous photos. A true watchman is always in a tense state, analyzing the situation for the presence of danger. When a dog is in a protected area, he is aggressive not only towards strangers, but also animals that may accidentally run into him. When walking, he is not aggressive and can easily come into contact with other brothers. Guard dogs are excellent at distinguishing between their territory and public territory.

In order for a pet to perform the functions of a hunter, it must have genetic predisposition to that. However, sometimes a dog with guardian genes cannot fulfill its duties.

The breeds listed below belong to the Molossian group, which is characterized by large size and late maturing Therefore, training aggression in dogs of this group at an early age is not recommended.

Not every breed is suitable as a guard for a private home.

A guard dog must not only be aggressive, but also have a balanced character, and also have a good psyche, otherwise it can easily become uncontrollable.

Popular watchdog breeds

There are many breeds that are more or less suitable for protecting a private home and yard. Any of them can be chosen as a guard.

The most popular breeds of guard dogs are:

  • rottweiler,
  • doberman,
  • German Shepherd,
  • Moscow watchdog;
  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog.

The video from “Mood Workshop” presents the 10 best guard and security dog ​​breeds.


Rottweilers are one of the best guard dogs. They perfectly perform the functions of a private home guard. These watchdogs are able to protect their owner from danger. By nature, they are very attentive and calm, in case of danger they are able to react instantly. Despite the small size of the puppies, Rottweilers grow into reliable and strong guards for private homes.

In order for a Rottweiler to become a guard, it must be trained from childhood. During the training process, the owner must show his authority. If the dog is taught the necessary commands, then the Rottweiler becomes a fearless and devoted guard.


The best guard dogs are obtained from Dobermans, since they try to defend their territory more than other dog breeds. To protect the owner and his home, Dobermans are not afraid to show cruelty and rage. They are extremely sensitive, even during sleep. Therefore, it is impossible to approach the house without them noticing. Even in the photo you can see that Dobermans are always on the alert.

Training should be taken seriously, as the dog may try to show character. During training, you need to show that you are the owner. They must be taught to obey unquestioningly. In return, you will receive a guard capable of tearing apart anyone who threatens the health or life of the owner. The Doberman is the fastest guard dog; it is capable of covering a long distance in a few seconds and catching up with an intruder.

German Shepherd

German Shepherds are the best guard dogs because they have high intelligence, increased attention and an excellent sense of smell, which can be the envy of most other breeds. Photos of these guards cannot leave anyone indifferent. Shepherd dogs are very obedient, but this is achieved through persistent training aimed at developing the dog's guarding abilities. You can rely on a shepherd dog in any situation, as it is able to discern a threat and instantly select a plan of action in a given situation.

If you want to take a German Shepherd as a guard for a private home, then you need to remember that she always needs to be in shape, so you need to provide her with daily training and walks. This breed is capable of both aggression towards the enemy and friendliness towards the owner’s family and children.

Moscow watchdog

One of the most popular guard dogs is the Moscow Guard. She is aggressive, capable of attacking the enemy at any time on command. In order for her to grow into a loyal and strong protector, it is necessary to make a lot of effort, namely, provide regular walks and training.

While at the “security post,” the Moscow watchdog will selflessly and aggressively defend the territory of its owners. In your free time, your pet will become a great friend; you can play with him, run around and have fun. Moscow watchdogs are extremely balanced and can be both good-natured and very aggressive.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Caucasian Shepherd Dog It is most popular in the CIS. She is one of the most large breeds dogs. Only a pack of wolves can compare in strength to a Caucasian. And his devotion knows no bounds. He can protect his owner from attack at the cost of his own life. In addition, the Caucasian Shepherd is no stranger to a good-natured attitude towards children. He is able to play calmly with small children, realizing that they are not a threat to life.

In terms of walking, the Caucasian Shepherd is undemanding, and an hour will be enough for her to get some exercise. However, so that she does not lose physical fitness and was capable of guarding a private home, she needed to be trained and subjected to physical stress.

The guard in the form of a Caucasian Shepherd is extremely aggressive, as it is characterized by cruelty and aggressiveness. You should not offend a Caucasian, as he may take revenge over time. During the training process, it is better to encourage him with treats and teach him obedience, but the use of physical force is unacceptable.

What breed of dog would you prefer as a watchdog?

  • Rottweiler (0%, 0 replies)
  • Doberman (0%, 0 replies)
  • Moscow Watchdog (0%, 0 replies)
  • German Shepherd (0%, 0 replies)
  • Caucasian Shepherd (0%, 0 replies)

How not to make a mistake in choosing the best home security guard?

When thinking about which breed of dog to choose for protection, you need to focus on several fundamental points that are important for the breed.

  1. Dog's fur. It does not have to be beautiful, as this is not important to the watchman. But since the guard dog will live outside the house, it is necessary that it does not freeze. To do this, the pet must have a thick undercoat. This is most important for areas where the temperature is extremely low in winter. Breeds such as the Rottweiler or Doberman can freeze in winter, so you need to provide them with a warm place. Such a place could be a booth or an enclosure.
  2. How big a pet do you need? For a guard dog, it is very important what size it will be. Big sizes will allow her to perform her functions and be able to protect her owner in case of danger. At a minimum, the pet should be medium size, but the larger the better. True, we must not forget that the larger the dog, the more food it eats, so you need to pay attention to this. The pet must receive enough food to be able to defend its territory. Numerous photos with pets give an idea of ​​the size of the “Caucasians”.
  3. Aggressiveness. It is very important to pay attention to this, since if the breed of guard dogs is characterized by increased aggression towards others, then it is necessary to provide proper education so that the dog does not rush at everyone, but distinguishes where there is a threat and where there is not. In addition, if a dog is not naturally aggressive, then teaching him to rush at people will be extremely difficult. This may have a negative impact on his psyche.

The choice of a watchdog for guarding a country house must be approached very responsibly, since it serious dog, which must have sufficient aggression to perform its functions. Therefore, she needs serious education and control. The owner is responsible for the behavior of his dog.

Video “Raising a pet for protection”

The video from “Dog in the Frame” is dedicated to the guards of country houses, how to raise them correctly.

Watchdogs differ from other types of dogs by the presence of special instincts that determine the ability to protect a person, his home and property, as well as various industrial, military and other objects. The most valuable is a dog that feels calm in the absence of danger, but at the right moment suddenly becomes active, warns the owner and is ready to defend him with his chest.

Properties of guard dogs

The following qualities and properties are desirable for each guard dog breed:

  • learning ability, ability to train;
  • a sense of belonging to a particular territory, a readiness to repel attacks on it;
  • endurance, physical strength;
  • acute intuition;
  • the ability to recover from an act of aggression towards a stranger;
  • calmness, balance;
  • the ability to feel the owner, obedience to him;
  • keen hearing, vision, smell;
  • a tendency to act independently, including non-standard ones.

List and brief description of the main guard breeds

The best guard dog breeds are German, South Russian, Central Asian Shepherds, as well as the Moscow Guard. In addition to them, there are a number of worthy representatives of this canine division, ready to become reliable guards of the life and property of the owner.

List of guard dogs:

  • The German Shepherd is rightfully considered the most intelligent guard dog breed in the world. They are involved in the protection of personal property and important government facilities, and are also capable of performing many other functions. The dog appeared in the 1940s in the Soviet Union as war trophy from Nazi Germany And. These animals are distinguished by their courage, resourcefulness and devotion to their owner. They are completely predictable, and owners usually do not expect aggression or mischief from them. German Shepherds are considered a classic guard dog breed.
  • The Rottweiler breed was developed in Ancient Rome, from there it came to Germany and spread throughout the world. Initially, it specialized in protecting the property of butchers, then its functions included control over the territory as part of the police. With an inept owner, it can become aggressive, so it needs a competent owner who can raise the dog to be a reliable guard and a good friend. These dogs can be kept indoors without any problems. The only thing you should prepare for in this case is molting twice a year. In winter conditions it freezes very much outside, so it is usually not used to protect external areas.
  • Dobermans were bred primarily to protect the owner. In addition, they can also be used to protect territories. The dog has a frightening appearance and is large physical strength. With the proper level of training, Dobermans are indifferent to other animals, however, in relation to those who encroach on the life or property of the owner, they do not know pity. It is advisable to keep dogs in apartments, but with regular walks in the fresh air, where they can release pent-up energy. Dobermans, as a rule, do not show independence, listen only to the owner’s commands and act well only in his presence.
  • One of the most common guard dog breeds in our country is the Caucasian Shepherd. It is considered one of the best guard breeds. According to some reports, these animals took part in the Russian-Turkish wars as guards. The dog naturally has the ability to guard property; it does not require additional training. The best owner for a Shepherd will be an experienced owner who can give the Shepherd the necessary level of basic training and high degree socialization. Can protect both residential premises, as well as livestock. The dog needs a constant overview of the territory entrusted to it, so the booth should be located in the central part of the yard. Permanent living in an apartment is not for this breed. It is not recommended to anger or mock Caucasian Shepherds - this can lead to irreparable consequences.
  • Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai). Also known as the “Turkmen wolfhound”. It is one of the “modifications” of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog. Dogs are suitable for control over flocks of livestock. Physically very hardy. The dogs are very calm and balanced, they never attack first, and are easy to train. Central Asian Shepherd Dogs more sociable and friendly than their Caucasian counterparts, they require regular walks and communication with their relatives. Animals are resistant to adverse factors external environment and are not afraid of cold and heat. Alabai prefer freedom, so it is undesirable to keep them within four walls. It is better to place a kennel for her in the yard.
  • Moscow watchdog. A breed of guard dogs that is not yet recognized in the world. However, dogs are very popular in the post-Soviet space. Created by crossing St. Bernards, Caucasian Shepherds and piebald hounds. Outwardly, they resemble St. Bernards, but in character they are closer to Caucasian Shepherd Dogs. The animals are quite calm and partly even phlegmatic, but they will never leave their owner in trouble. Moscow watchdogs get along relatively poorly with their relatives, especially with puppies. But dogs treat human children well and do not pay attention to their pranks.
  • The Black Russian Terrier is a rather rare breed of guard dog, specially bred in the 1950s in the USSR to serve at specially protected sites. This is a fairly large and massive breed with a difficult character that requires an individual approach. In the event of an attack, she is always ready to protect a person, however, when the danger factor disappears, she immediately becomes calm. The dog copes excellently with its guard duties, but you should not keep it outside. Constant communication with the owner is extremely important for this breed.
  • The South Russian Shepherd Dog was specially bred to work with livestock and farm property, mainly in rural areas. Thick fur protects the animal from low temperatures, A White color The coloring protects against overheating in hot weather, so the animal can be used in any weather conditions. The dog is quite active, willful and independent, capable of making independent decisions. Usually she chooses one of the family members as her master and subsequently obeys only him. However, the South Russian Shepherd considers the owners’ house to be its property, and early age she begins to try to protect him. The issue of raising puppies should be taken seriously so as not to raise a vicious, aggressive animal.
  • Bullmastiffs are descended from a cross between the English Mastiff and the Old English Bulldog. The breed was bred for protection and control over the territory. The dogs are relatively compact and can be kept at home. By nature they are calm and patient, disciplined, easy to train. They prefer an active lifestyle and love walks in the fresh air. In addition to security, they are used by security forces to detect explosives, weapons, drugs, and people under the rubble of buildings.
  • Cane Corso is one of the most ancient and the rarest guard dogs. Initially, they were part of the ancient Roman troops and took part in hunting animals, however, they subsequently spread throughout Europe and were everywhere retrained as guards. The breed is quite expensive to maintain, and after World War II, during the height of economic turmoil, it almost disappeared. Now dog breeders are working on its restoration. The dog is balanced and independent, does not attack a stranger without the owner’s order. Famous for his intelligence.


This is far from full list all existing guard dog breeds. The range of dog breeds for protection is truly huge, and any dog ​​breeder can choose one for himself. suitable pet. However, you should remember that you should not choose an animal based on the description of its appearance, psychological assessment or pedigree, but according to the owner’s ability to control the animal. Without proper care, training, and education, even the smartest guard dog will grow up to be a stupid, vicious and aggressive animal. Before buying a dog, you need to study absolutely all the intricacies of keeping your favorite breed and only then the dog will become for the owner reliable friend and a dedicated guard.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that guard dogs of various breeds have always been held in high esteem, which affected their cost, which has always been very significant. Today, in a very serious crime situation, the popularity of animals used to protect both a private home and an ordinary city apartment is quite justified.

What breeds of such pets are there? Which dog should you choose, how do these animals differ from each other and which of them is better? All these questions will be answered in detail in this article.

As most people know, guard breeds dogs must perfectly perform the only task assigned to them - to protect the territory or property entrusted to them. In another way, these pets are called guard pets. The best guard dogs are immediately noticeable due to their walking style. This animal constantly marks and studies the territory, and in its personal space it shows aggression even towards its friends’ dogs, with whom it communicated so well on neutral territory.

Asian Shepherd

The Asian Shepherd or Alabai is one of the most unusual and amazing dogs found on planet Earth. These guard dogs will cause a whole storm of delight and genuine surprise in all other people during a walk. After all, one cannot help but be surprised by the exotic appearance of the Asian Shepherd, as well as its size and penetrating, deep, and most importantly, very intelligent eyes.

This pet, on the one hand, is a classic Molossian dog, while on the other, it has a special, subtle difference from its other brothers. Without a doubt, such a gigantic animal, distinguished by its innate protective instinct, requires a special approach to itself both in matters of education and other aspects of relationships. By the way, such a dog will not sit on a chain; it needs an enclosure.

The first thing a potential owner should think about is whether they have the ability to handle such an animal. After all, these guard dogs are very large in size, even in purely physical terms.
It is also necessary to remember that the Asian Shepherd is characterized by a rather difficult character.

These animals are very proud, independent, self-confident, and sometimes self-willed. The Asian Shepherd is quite capable of receiving independent decisions. For this reason, commands will only be carried out when he truly understands the need for it.

South Russian Shepherd

Today the most best dogs for protection they also have on their list the South Russian Shepherd Dog (also known as the Ukrainian), which in its external characteristics is very similar to a giant lapdog. A characteristic feature of this species is relatively little laziness, as well as a very long coat of hair that completely covers the animal’s muzzle. Even with this characteristic, these dogs can be considered one of the most independent and courageous “bears,” which is not at all surprising.

This is due to the fact that the main purpose of such pets is to protect the territory or serve as a shepherd. According to some data, these dogs first appeared in the 18th century in Crimea. These animals were described as dogs covered with thick “sheep’s wool” and possessing great speed. This home guard dog is also called the Russian Shepherd.

It should be noted that during the Second World War this species was almost on the verge of extinction, which was only miraculously avoided. Thanks to the efforts of enthusiasts, by 1996 the animal, having achieved worldwide recognition, was registered by the community of international dog handlers. The height of this animal is about 60 cm or more, while the weight is 35 kg or more.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Today there are various breeds dogs for protection, but the Caucasian Shepherd is one of the largest available. These animals almost always played the role of herding dogs in the territories of Russia, as well as former USSR. Historically, this breed has several types. Such dogs are excellently used not only for protecting flocks of sheep from wolves, but also for security service.

They are characterized by viciousness towards strangers, sensitivity to “their own” and considerable unpretentiousness. The Caucasus is considered the homeland of the animal, which is what the name of the breed is associated with. The formation of the breed took place in the harsh conditions of a mountain climate. It should be noted that males reach 65 cm at the withers, while females reach 60 cm. Moreover, the average weight of animals is about 70 kg.

The Caucasian Shepherd Dog has a balanced and calm type of behavior, and thanks to its thick fur, regular dog bedding can be used to protect it from frost in winter, which will not affect its health in any way. These dogs come in a variety of colors - white, piebald, brown, brindle, red, fawn, and also spotted with various shades. However, regardless of color, continuous lining of the lips and eyelids is mandatory.

Most often, the Caucasian Shepherd lives up to 10 years or a little more. It should be noted that, despite their gigantic size, these animals are very friendly and cute, which is the reason for their popularity.

German Shepherd

Without a doubt, this animal is the most beloved breed not only in Russia, but also throughout the world.

No mongrel dog living in a kennel can compare with this pet. Films such as “Commissioner Rex” and “Come to me, Mukhtar” became a kind of advertising for these people’s favorites. It should be noted that such popularity is not something strange. There is probably no animal more loyal than the German Shepherd.

No one can remain indifferent once they see these graceful and beautiful animals, which always remain the center of the closest attention from dog lovers, even despite the changeability of fashion. Brave and strong, they are well trained and will always come to the aid of their owner. These dogs are simply ideal for living with people. They never show aggression towards children; they are a real caring nanny for them.

No yard dog can provide children with the kind of supervision that a German Shepherd can provide. These animals belong to service dogs, which are characterized by such character traits as attentiveness, endurance, fearlessness, perseverance, obedience, energy and self-confidence. These pets are simply amazingly smart; they can easily learn both security and search skills. All dog experts say that there is no better service dog than the German Shepherd.

Moscow watchdog

Unlike the majority of dog breeds, the Moscow Guard Dog cannot boast of having any secrets or mysteries related to the history of its origin. However, its origin story is no less interesting. This breed was bred thanks to an order government authorities. After the victory in the Second World War in the USSR, there was an urgent need to establish a process for restoring service dog breeding. At this time, many breeds were almost on the verge of complete extinction.

Naturally, amateur dog handlers were not able to single-handedly prevent the Moscow guard dog from disappearing completely.
For this reason, the task of preserving and increasing the population was assigned to the Krasnaya Zvezda nursery, located in the Moscow region. The nursery staff coped with this task brilliantly.

Today the Moscow Watchdog is large dog, having a powerful skeleton and developed muscles. The animal is distinguished by a slightly elongated body, large limbs, straight and long. The height of a male dog at the withers is about 78 cm, while females are 73 cm. It should be noted here that there are no upper height limits, but they are more valued tall dogs. For this reason, the Moscow Guard dog breed is the most popular in Russia.


When describing different breeds of guard dogs for a private home, we should also talk about Doberman Pinschers. Many dog ​​lovers claim that these animals are distinguished by an unbalanced psyche and uncontrollable disposition. However, professional dog handlers do not agree with this opinion and claim that the Doberman is an easily trained, very intelligent and truly devoted animal to its owner.

It should be noted that even though Dobermans are not the most best breeds Dogs for guarding a private home are, however, some of the most beautiful. Muscular, slender, lean and long-legged - not dogs, but real athletes. They are characterized by a slightly elongated, graceful and very beautiful muzzle. They also have an elegant build, proud posture with slightly protruding withers, a sloping croup and a deep, broad chest.

The Doberman, of course, does not weigh like a mongrel dog living in a peasant's yard. The male's weight is about 40-45 kg with a height of 68-72 cm. The knots are somewhat smaller. It is believed that these animals are choleric in appearance nervous system, i.e. stubborn and poorly trained. In fact, the Doberman is an attentive and vigilant guard and protector, as well as simply a wonderful companion that fits well into any family.


Today, the Rottweiler is one of the most ancient breeds of dogs, whose ancestors are mentioned back during the reign of the pharaohs of Egypt. There are various breeds of dogs for home protection, but only Rottweilers were used even during military operations. In addition, they are excellent guards, hunters and just family favorites.

The modern breed standard was first recorded in Germany in the town of Rottweil, thanks to which the dog itself received its name. Representatives of this breed are characterized by a large number of advantages, which include:

Today, these animals are mainly used as guards for apartments or private houses, but can also be used for hunting large animals. To prevent your pet from getting sick, it needs to be up to date with vaccinations for large breed dogs.

What is the reason for the popularity of guard dogs?

Summing up the results of this article, we can conclude that today the issue of getting a dog to protect the private territory of a house or apartment is especially relevant.

All this contributes to the fact that guard dog breeds are gaining more and more popularity. By the way, their significant cost on the market is associated with this. These animals are endowed by nature with excellent guard qualities.

The best guard dog breeds have been perfecting their skills for centuries. Weak individuals died in battles with opponents, the strongest, smartest and most balanced dogs survived and gave birth to offspring. The so-called aboriginal dogs show excellent results in work, although there are a number of specially bred breeds for home guarding.

All guard breed dogs have a number of similar qualities:

  • Cold mind - the dog quickly gets angry, but knows how to pull itself together.
  • Desire to learn.
  • Balance - does not attack until he sees a clear threat.
  • Innate territoriality (not to be confused with sexual or dominant aggression).
  • Focused on the owner, that is, on one person. Most guard dogs for private homes once defended flocks and spent months communicating only with the shepherd (shepherd).
  • Endurance.
  • Sensitive hearing.
  • Acutely developed intuition.
  • The ability to make your own decisions and cunning are very important qualities, since the typical behavior of a security guard is predictable for an enemy.

Some breeds do not need special training; their main mission is protection. Universal four-legged animals must clearly understand their task, that is, the owner will have to place emphasis in the process of basic education.

The future owner should know that not every barking dog is a guard dog. There are a number of breeds that were bred for other work:

  • dogs They guard their territory only in packs. If a four-legged animal lives alone, it can imitate protection, but you should not expect full protection from it.
  • Cops bred for hunting, this is their passion, their excitement... and guarding is something boring.
  • They need serious exercise, they happily run around the yard and chase birds, but they do not have a pronounced protective instinct.
  • – they adore people and are completely devoid of aggression.
  • Burrows dogs are very capable of learning and can begin to guard, but when the choice arises: hunting or guarding, the pet will succumb to instincts.

It is quite difficult to list all the breeds “suitable” for protection; it is more reasonable to highlight the twenty most worthy and “proven” ones. For convenience, we will divide our TOP into groups, depending on the size of the dogs. So, names, photos and descriptions of the best security breeds for apartments and houses.

Large breeds are suitable for keeping in a house, but some can live in an apartment. Most large guard breeds are strongly discouraged from being kept on chains or otherwise having their will limited. Dogs that have worked over large areas for generations need activity and daily work.

- by right, one of the best security guards. An independent and confident dog. Needs an experienced owner, basic training and active socialization. He knows how to protect by nature and does not need specialized training. The breed is suitable for the street. The Caucasian Shepherd can sleep in a snowdrift and feel comfortable. If you decide to purchase a booth or build an enclosure, place the shelter in the center of the yard. If the dog does not have a view, he will not rest in the “house”.

– a “light version” of the Caucasian Shepherd. SAOs are more sociable and patient than Caucasians, and they are easier to train. Representatives of the breed need walks and communication with their relatives. Similar to Caucasian Shepherd Dogs, Alabais were bred to guard large flocks of livestock. Dogs are distinguished by their balance and endurance.

- a deliberately bred service breed. The state project was not completed, and the Moscow Watchmen were not recognized in the world. The breed is bred successfully in Russia and former countries CIS, but is not popular. Many people compare the Moscow Watchdog with the St. Bernard; the breeds are similar only in appearance. In terms of character, it is more logical to draw an analogy with the Caucasian Shepherd Dog.

Note! The Moscow Watchdog is officially recognized in Russia, but the FCI (Canine Federation Internationale) has not registered the breed. The reason for the refusal is the similarity with St. Bernard and the not always stable psyche in the blood lines.

Black Russian Terrier– a relatively rare breed of dog due to its size and complex character. Quadrupeds were bred according to state project, as a working breed for service at important facilities. Having received a large, powerful and restive dog, dog handlers were faced with the difficulties of training. Similar to the Moscow Watchdog, Black Russian Terriers take a long time to mature and require an individual approach.

This is interesting! The Black Russian Terrier is recognized by the FCI, and its second name by which the breed was recognized for a long time- This is “Stalin’s dog”.

Read also: Caucasian Shepherd Dog: history, standard, character, care and health (+ photo)

South Russian Shepherd– the breed was bred to work with herds and protect the property of farmers. The rich hair allows the South Russian Shepherd to work in any weather conditions, and the white color of the coat protects the four-legged dog from overheating when spending a long time in open areas. Representatives of the breed have only one drawback - the required care; otherwise, Yuzhaks are excellent guards and companions.

Bullmastiff– the breed originated from two legendary ancestors – the English Mastiff and the Old English Bulldog. Mastiffs belong to the group of Molossians, that is, service (in the past), fighting and guard dogs. The bulldog was bred to bait animals (bulls). The poisoning dogs were hardy, ferocious and fearless. The Bullmastiff was bred intentionally to guard and patrol territory. Despite their size, representatives of the breed are quite compact and can live in an apartment. A nuance that the future owner should know about is profuse drooling, which is characteristic of the breed.

- a breed that has close connection with gladiator dogs, which became famous for their fighting qualities during the Ancient Rome. After serving in the Roman army, the Cane Corso was actively used in hunting large animals. Having become an object of admiration, the breed spread throughout Europe and was retrained as a guard dog. Large four-legged animals helped with moving livestock and guarded the flocks and houses of their owners. Even during the war, Cane Corso continued to carry out their usual service.

After the fighting, the economic crisis elevated the Cane Corso to the rank of luxury; such large tailed animals were difficult to feed. The breed became very rare and was even on the verge of extinction. Today breeders are restoring the Cane Corso population.

This is interesting! The Hungarian Watchdog (Komondor) is an excellent guard and very clever dog, but due to difficulties with care, the breed remains rare.

Medium sized dogs Suitable for protecting houses and apartments. It is worth noting that a security guard and a bodyguard are different areas of training. The former protects the house and property, the latter protects the owner. Almost any companion breed can act as a bodyguard. Even if the four-legged dog does not have a developed instinct for protection, dogs are trained in ZKS courses to protect their owner. Bodyguards include American Pit Bull Terriers and Staffordshire terriers, but they (most likely) will not be able to be trained as guards.

For many dog ​​lovers, medium breeds are the perfect combination of strength and efficiency. Most four-legged animals are listed as universal working breeds, that is, hypothetically, they can be trained to do any job.

Note! Short-haired guard dogs must be kept indoors or have an insulated enclosure.

– the smartest breed among its generalist relatives. Shepherd dogs are rightly called universal because they work in special services, are trained in rescue and guide work, are excellent guards, protectors and excel in any type of dog sport.

The breed appeared in the USSR as a war trophy. There was a crisis in the country, there were few dogs, and importing them from abroad was expensive. Having trophy ones at hand German Shepherds, cynologists of the USSR tried to develop their own breed - the East European Shepherd (VEO). Soon, work on improving the new breed was abandoned. Today, breeds are not separated, although international exhibitions, a German with VEO blood may be rejected.

– it is believed that the breed originated from Roman fighting dogs that came to Germany during the wars. The breed was named after its hometown - Rotville. It is known that the ancestors of modern four-legged animals worked for butchers, helped drive cattle to slaughterhouses, transport meat to the market, and after work, guarded the wallet of the drunken owner.

The breed has been widely used by the police for quite a long time. It must be said that the reputation earned during service in the German police continues to this day. Many characterize the breed as aggressive and dangerous, but in fact, the Rottweiler is a serious dog that should be owned and raised by one owner. With a sensible approach to socialization and education, a better companion and watchman cannot be found.

Read also: Wire-haired dachshund: appearance, maintenance and care, health (+ photo)

Doberman- a four-legged animal bred to intimidate others and protect the owner. A well-groomed Doberman evokes mixed feelings, but few would doubt its physical strength and fighting ability. Representatives of the breed are excellent for keeping in an apartment, but are capable of protecting a large territory. When kept in an apartment, Dobermans need to be productively walked, near water bodies in the summer, and on training grounds in the winter.

Four-legged animals cope well with the general course of training (OCD) and ZKS. When properly socialized, Dobermans are indifferent to other people's animals, distrustful of strangers and ruthless towards bullies. The dog gets along well with a large family and is patient with children.

– another great breed for an apartment. Representatives of the breed differ greatly in character depending on gender. Males are more decisive, females are more patient and affectionate. Boxers are very territorial, and they protect not only the home, but also the owner’s belongings. Trained dog will guard the bicycle you left or the bag left near the store or entrance.

Boxers are great with children. During a walk, the dog makes allowances for the young owner, does not pull on the leash and avoids conflicts in every possible way. If the child is in danger, the Boxer is decisive, but reasonable. The dog will not touch a young bully, but will boldly rush into battle if the owner is disciplined stray dogs or an adult.

This is interesting! With proper upbringing and maintenance, Akita shows itself to be an excellent security guard and bodyguard.

– a cute bear with a blue tongue has an unexpectedly decisive disposition. Even as a puppy, the four-legged dog is not shy in its actions and can get involved in fights. At the time of the birth of the breed, four-legged animals were kept in monasteries and faithfully guarded their homes. Chow chow is one of the excellent guards, which does not belong to the “service breed clan”.

– representatives of the breed were dubbed dogs with a human mind. Dogs are capable of mastering literally any skill and serving with dignity throughout their lives. Representatives of the breed honor and instinctively protect the owner. The Miniature Schnauzer will successfully guard your home if you let him. The dog should feel confident, receive enough attention and freedom of choice.

There are also nuances of keeping, for example, dogs are very active and if they don’t let off steam, you need to expect trouble. An overstayed mittel turns into a destroyer and a fugitive, poorly trained and cunning. The Miniature Schnauzer needs to be cut and trimmed. In winter and autumn, the dog needs to be dressed, otherwise frequent bathing will ruin the dog's coat and harm the dog's skin.

Airedale– Despite its harmless appearance, the Airedale’s wavy coat hides an athletic build and impressive strength. The true purpose of the breed is hunting large animals. Erdels were bred to be hardy, courageous, strong and controllable dogs. The closest ancestors of the breed hunted otters, and this is very hard and exhausting work.

The Airedale Terrier gets along comfortably in urban environments. There are no problems with keeping it in an apartment, since the dog does not shed. For the sake of preservation appearance, the dog needs to be cut and trimmed.

Small breeds are traditionally viewed as companions. It would seem, what can such a baby do if he finds himself in a critical situation? You shouldn’t “meet them by their clothes”; among the small dogs there are worthy guards.

Welsh Corgi – small service dog with enviable endurance and developed intelligence. There are two varieties of the breed:

  • – larger, with small ears, the neck is well arched, the back is wide, the abdominal line is slightly tucked. Some puppies are born without tails. They are emotional, active and very sociable.
  • – have large ears, the body tapers towards the croup, the groin line is well drawn out. All dogs have a long tail. By nature they are more reserved than their fellows and are distrustful of strangers.

Representatives of the breed were used for herding small livestock and were used in search operations. Today, Welsh Corgis are viewed as sporting companion dogs, although they have not lost their working skills.

Schipperke– funny shepherd dog small size. Representatives of the breed are famous for their courage and desperation when guarding. A cute dog with sparkling button eyes suddenly turns into a teeth-snapping gladiator. Schipperkes always act unexpectedly. Before an attack, the dog weighs its tactics for a few seconds, and as a deception maneuver, it can pretend to be scared.
