Which cat is suitable for a child? Top best cat breeds for children

Each cat breed has its own characteristics, which it is better to know about in advance, and its own character. If there is a child in the family, it is of course better to choose a cat among non-aggressive, friendly, playful breeds. Before purchasing, familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the breed and prepare for possible difficulties.

If you have decided on the breed, pay close attention to breeders. Unfortunately, now everything is becoming more people who are trying to make money from breeding without caring about the health of the animals. Low cost may indicate that the animal was raised in bad conditions and were fed cheap food, without veterinary control, or the kittens were the result of inbreeding. Such cats can have a number of serious defects and diseases.

It is important for parents to remember: no matter what animal they get, they must carefully monitor the health your pet. Firstly, we are responsible for those we have tamed, and secondly, our smaller brothers themselves can become carriers of some diseases dangerous to humans if basic prevention rules are not followed.

Be sure to visit veterinarian with the aim of preventive examination And vaccinations, at least 1-2 times a year. Worms should be removed at least twice a year by special means: even if the cat sits in the apartment forever, you yourself can bring helminth eggs or dangerous viruses from the street. When going outdoors, don’t forget to treat your fur against fleas and ticks.

It is also better to immediately discuss the method and timing with your doctor. sterilization of an animal: This will protect the cat from a number of diseases and improve its disposition. Teach your child to always maintain hygiene and wash their hands after contact with an animal. A healthy cat can become a true friend to you and your children and a full member of the family for a long time. long years.

As a rule, all responsibility and care for a pet falls on the shoulders of the parents, so before purchasing, you should take into account all the details of caring for and raising a pet. After all, if you pay due attention to the animal and become responsible for its life and health, then very soon the cat will become a member of the family.

A furry pet is chosen not only by its appearance, Special attention You also need to pay attention to the character of the animal. Many people think that depriving a pet of a daily walk makes life easier for the owner, but this is not so. An animal deprived of interaction with the outside world becomes a real tyrant and tries in every possible way to attract the attention of its owner.

When choosing a four-legged pet, you need to consider characteristics the children themselves. Any, even the most docile and pliable pet is capable of injuring a baby if he shows violence towards the animal.

When choosing a kitten to live with children, you should consider some features:

  • Character and temperament - the kitten should not be withdrawn and timid; on the contrary, it is good to make contact with people;
  • Reaction to sound - you should not buy a kitten that is scared loud sounds, since living in the same area with a child will become real stress for the animal;
  • Getting to know the outside world - the kitten should show interest in an object that is unusual for it;
  • Loud meowing - usually pets that are talkative do not change their habits and preferences.

When choosing a pet you should be guided by:

  • child’s health (cat hair can cause allergies in children);
  • the child’s temperament (an active toddler should not be given a kitten with a calm character);
  • the age of the child (young children have no sense of fear; they can hurt an animal and get hit back).

An important role in choosing a pet is played by the type of housing in which it will live. For a private home, if you plan to walk your cat outside on your own, it is better to purchase a short-haired animal, otherwise you will have to spend a lot of time fighting tangles. Such cats should be sterilized, since during walks accidental mating with outbred cats is inevitable.

It is preferable to castrate a male, since an uncastrated animal can be aggressive, scratch and bite.

To begin with, you need to decide what you need a pet for. You have decided to get a cat for your child, but are you prepared for the fact that your four-legged dog might get sick? The likelihood of a change in priorities for the child himself is also important, because the animal will live with you for 10–15 years, and during this time the child will have time to grow up, and maybe start his own family.

The next important aspect is the presence of an allergy to wool in one of the family members. There are cats in the world with hypoallergenic fur, there are not many of them, kittens are quite expensive, but sometimes this the only way out. If you suspect an allergy, you should not rely on intuition, lab tests much more reliable. You or your child may have a reaction to the animal's skin secretions. In this case, no breed of cat or dog will suit you.

Are you a busy parent, but your child needs a pet? In this case, it is worth foreseeing the activity of the breed in advance. The integrity of furniture and belongings directly depends on the physical activity available to the pet. The main restrictions are related to the type of housing, so:

  • Independent breeds with innate balance are suitable for the home. At the same time, the pet must be able to stand up for itself, because a stranger may come onto your territory. Keeping with free access to the street excludes breeds that do not tolerate anesthesia well, since in order to avoid a constant litter of kittens, the pet must be sterilized. An uncastrated cat will not “bring in the hem”, but, guided by instincts, will get into fights for females. The fight of males “for the lady’s heart” is sometimes quite cruel, the animals lose their eyes or are seriously injured. The next nuance is elastic, short or semi-long wool, otherwise you will have to get rid of tangles literally every day. In addition, your pet will need to be accustomed to a collar with an address medallion.
  • A medium-active breed that does not require “round-the-clock” attention is suitable for an apartment. To be fair, most adult cats spend 60% of their time busy with themselves and sleeping, but there are exceptions. The next question is the length of the fur, is your child ready to scratch the cat every day? Then there are no restrictions. As a rule, only teenagers can be expected to take a responsible approach, so it is better to purchase a pet that is easy to care for.

Useful video

A furry pet is not only a responsibility and a chore, as future owners think, but also great benefit for a child. Beneficial factors from cats great amount, These include:

  • A four-legged pet can teach a child responsibility not only for himself, but also for people close to him;
  • Babies who grow up next to cats rarely get sick, and, as a rule, are less likely to allergic reactions;
  • At a certain age, a child simply needs a four-legged friend, because furry pets are natural antidepressants;
  • Pets that are with the baby not only during the day, but also at night, can have a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state during sleep.

Veterinarian advice

Video on how to choose an affectionate cat for a child

When deciding which breed to choose for your child, you should think, first of all, about the child’s peace of mind, health, and safety.

  • It is recommended to take a small kitten into your home to monitor its development and accustom it to the rules of living in the house.
  • Large and aggressive cat breeds should not be kept in a family with children; this may be unsafe. Some cats are too jealous of their privacy; they do not like to be picked up or even stroked.
  • Parents should take into account that even the most calm cats will require regular care and attention. Children will not yet be able to responsibly care for a pet; many processes are simply beyond their ability. That's why adults should have time for a pet.
  • If a domestic cat has kittens, the child should not play with them as toys. Any cruelty to a pet should not be tolerated.

The best cat in this case is Canadian Sphynx, since this breed lacks hair, causing allergic symptoms. The appearance of the sphinx is specific; not everyone is able to sympathize with such an animal. But if you take even small kittens into your apartment and raise them, the breed will seem the most attractive.

What other cat is suitable for a family with allergies? An excellent option is Peterbald. It is also hairless, making it easy to care for. It is only important to provide the cat with warmth and monitor its health. The absence of hair is an important advantage; no one in the family will have health problems due to the pet.


In addition, every parent should know that children are not able to take on all the care and upbringing of an animal. All responsibility for the new family member falls on the shoulders of adults.

Cats can calm a child or distract him. Children learn responsibility and kindness from pets. However, the animal should not be too aggressive and not cause allergies in the child.

There are 6 breeds that are ideal for families with children.

The calmest cats

The calmest cat breeds include:

Cat breeds for children with allergies (hypoallergenic breeds)

On given time There is only one hypoallergenic cat known in the world and this is the Canadian Sphynx.

This cat has no fur, it is pleasant and warm to the touch. Sphynxes quickly become attached to their owners, and thanks to their friendliness and sociability, they calmly tolerate other animals or strangers in the house. This breed is very dependent on attention, they do not like loneliness, so they are ready to spend time with you all day long.

Sphinxes require special care, hygiene and nutrition. Since this cat is recognized as hypoallergenic, many mothers prefer it as the first pet for their child.

The most sociable breed

Do you want an animal that will always be in front of your eyes, that will often demand attention and purr sweetly on your lap? Then this breed is just for you: Maine Coon.

This breed is distinguished by its size and intelligence. They have a beautiful satiny coat that requires brushing twice a week. Despite their size, Maine Coons are very calm and friendly.

Maine Coons rarely release their claws due to their enormous patience. This breed is an excellent choice for you and your children.

Friendly Cat Breeds – A Brief Overview

Not every cat breed is suitable for a child, because any pet has a lot of features that it is better for the future owner to know about in advance. Selecting a cat for the family where he lives Small child, you should pay attention to calmer, non-aggressive and playful breeds. Before deciding to take such a responsible step, you should prepare for possible difficulties and weigh the pros and cons of having a cat in the apartment.

A mongrel cat - if you want to teach your child compassion and responsibility, you should not look for catteries. Adopt a kitten from a shelter or pick up a homeless baby on the street. In the future, when the child’s priorities begin to change, you can remind him that he saved this life and must be responsible.

The Abyssinian cat is a graceful and very active breed. Abyssinians never get enough attention and games; they are always on the move and never get tired. An excellent breed for “restless” children. However, it is worth understanding that representatives of the breed require respectful treatment and are able to fight back, therefore Abyssinians are not recommended for children under 10 years of age.

The American Shorthair cat is a once aboriginal breed line of cats that has gone through a very long path of formation. Natural selection and varied living conditions have made American Shorthair cats versatile pets. The pet will adapt its daily routine to the child, sleep and eat with him. In addition, the breed is not picky about food, is clean and has a short, low-maintenance coat.

The American Curl is a fairly friendly breed that is not prone to rancor. The original appearance will charm both the child and his guests.

The Angora cat is a fluffy beauty with an ideal family character. He is easy to train, quickly adapts and finds a common language with children. It is worth understanding that Angora wool requires daily care. With timely training, the combing ritual takes place without conflicts; on the contrary, the pet demands to be combed! It is worth remembering that blue-eyed and heterochromic Angora cats are prone to deafness.

British cats are playful, friendly, moderately active, do not require special coat care, but are quite demanding in terms of nutrition. Most often, it is recommended to keep the breed on high-quality industrial feed, but this is a plus if the care of the pet is completely entrusted to the child. The British cat is an ideal pet, loving all family members equally.

The Bengal cat is a strong, graceful, rather obstinate, but very loyal breed to its owner. Behind the semi-wild appearance lies a balanced character, playfulness and “dog intelligence”. Bengals enjoy being outside and playing. At the same time, the cat will in every possible way protect the child, even the smallest age.

Ragdoll - This breed is commonly called a rag doll. The best cat breed for children under the age of reason. Ragdolls do not scratch or bite, they are ready to take any position and spend hours in the arms or next to the owner. Naturally, you are obliged to ensure that the baby does not “overdo it with affection” and does not harm the cat.

The Siamese cat is a loyal, devoted, but rather “characteristic” breed. Be prepared for the fact that the cat will protect the child even from you, but more true friend in the cat world, perhaps, not to be found. Another nuance is a passion for meowing and a very shrill voice. To avoid disturbances to your sleep (and even the sleep of your neighbors) during the period of sexual heat, it is recommended to sterilize this breed early age. The breed is not recommended for children under 7 years of age.

The Scottish cat is a confident, affectionate breed that is not prone to aggression. Scots are playful even in adulthood and old age, they love attention and affection. One caveat - buy a kitten only from an official cattery, since ill-conceived matings can lead to chronic diseases offspring.

Breed Characteristics - Brief Overview

A calm character is an important criterion for choosing a pet. When deciding what kind of cat you want to take into your home, you should pay attention to calm cat breeds. The Persians, Scots, and British are distinguished by their even, friendly character, calm disposition and ability to train.

  • Scottish lop-eared– these are pets that will quickly find a common language with children and adults. They are easy to train, unpretentious, and rarely cause trouble to their owners, to whom they also become strongly attached. The only thing is that the Scots do not really like new people in the house, a noisy atmosphere, they can hide from loud guests
  • The most calm breed or one of them is British Shorthair. Cats, especially small ones, resemble cute Stuffed Toys, therefore they evoke special tenderness and tenderness in children. British children get along well, but it must be explained that the animal has its own character and should not be bored.
  • In many ways it is reminiscent of the previous Scottish Fold breed - an ideal apartment cat. She will never strive for street walks, enjoying the comfort of home and her own secluded corner, the presence of the owner.
  • You can have a little Persian in your home, which over time will turn into a luxurious beauty, the pride of the house. The Persian loves attention from his owners, you will need to find time to communicate with him. This is also a very calm pet, which only in the most exceptional cases may show claws.
  • Maintenance free Burmese cats also great for those who want to take a pet into their apartment. This animal is playful, affectionate, and will gladly accompany children in their games. Kittens of this breed are very funny, cute, any child will become attached to them.

British shorthair cat breed

You simply cannot find a better cat for home than this breed. This cat is suitable for any age and will become a real companion for both large and very small children. British cats They have excellent intelligence and are unpretentious in care and maintenance. The main feature of the British is their independence and independence.

The British feel equality in the family, be it an adult or a child. Experienced owners of such breeds note the absolutely identical attitude of the animal to the person, that is, the better the child or adult treats the animal, the more responsive, affectionate and kind the cat will be.

Which cat is better to have in an apartment?

It is worth paying attention to the characteristics of the Russian Blue. Her character combines independence and goodwill, calmness. She calmly tolerates the long absence of her owner, which is important for those owners who spend many hours at work. A cat of this breed is considered an intellectual, it is easy to train and requires easy care. The owner, nevertheless, should find time in the evening, after work, for his “neighbor,” talk to her, and take her in his arms.

Do you want to have a calm, silent cat in your house with good manners? A shorthaired exotic will do. This is a loyal and friendly pet that will not bother or pester its owner. Caring for it is also simple, but we must not forget about the most important needs of the animal. With such a sweet and well-mannered cat, you can live comfortably for many years without encountering problems.

What kind of cats do you choose for your home? There are many options, the priority may be the presence or absence of fur, a calm or playful character, how much do kittens of the breed cost. But even with the most making the right choice an animal can cause a lot of problems and inconveniences if you care for it incorrectly and do not pay attention to the pet.

  • At proper care and good genetics, cats can live on average 10-15 years in an apartment. There is no need to bring an animal into your home if you are not sure that there will be enough love for it. long time.
  • How to care for your pet at home? Necessary proper nutrition (taking into account the breed), coat care, regular visits to the veterinarian. And, just as important for the cat, there should be time to communicate with him.
  • Children must understand that a kitten, even the cutest one with a plush fur coat, is a living creature that requires careful treatment and safety.
  • Features of the breed and character of the cat should coincide with the character and rhythm of life of family members.
  • A must learn all the information about the cat breed who will live in the house. About what food is suitable for him, how often he needs to be bathed, combed, what diseases he might encounter.

If the family has decided on the breed of the cat, they should go to a good breeder or a reputable nursery to get the kitten. Many kittens in at a young age similar, they are difficult to distinguish by breed characteristics. If you buy a pet at the market, for example, you may encounter a dishonest seller.

Mongrel cats

A popular choice among the population is the appearance of outbred kittens in the apartment. Surprisingly, even street animals give amazing offspring, which include the character and habits of noble purebred animals.

So if you are still wondering what kind of cat is best to get, take a walk down the street and you are guaranteed to find a cute fluffy one that you can bring home.

Angora cats

Even those pets Angora breed who have lived in the house for quite a long time (5-10 years) are distinguished by their playful character and will always bring their owners a lot of pleasure.

Angoras easily adapt to their surroundings, quickly get along with kids and are even friends with other animals (including dogs). True, they shed quite actively, the cat’s fur is like fluff, so sometimes you will have to carry out a radical cleaning of the premises.

Siamese breed

Talkative cats who love communication. If you're one of those animal lovers who appreciates hearing a meaningful "meow" in response to your next question, Siamese cats are a good option.

These are not all breeds popular cats who can live in an apartment. The above “cat nationalities” are ideal options if you live in an apartment and not in a private house.

In addition to the contact between children's and cat's characters, when buying a kitten, the owners will also receive a “all the best” section with the new roommate.

Most cat owners living in high-rise buildings are concerned with the question: how to fit the free spirit of a cat into a cramped apartment? That is, for a person it may not even seem cramped at all. But only until it turns into a playground for the cat.

To prevent a cat from feeling like a prisoner of four walls, city dwellers need to pay attention to breeds that adapt well to life in big cities.

British shorthair cat

For this breed, home is not the most important thing. Such a cat attaches more importance to communication with humans and the cat’s inner harmony. Therefore, this breed adapts perfectly to almost any living conditions. Also, these cats are able to adapt to moving and survive repairs painlessly.

Persian cat

The most popular furry creature adapts perfectly to the urban lifestyle. The Persian is absolutely not embarrassed by cramped conditions, and for harmony in life he only needs the attention of his owner.

Persian Murks are very friendly and loyal. Having chosen a “favorite” owner for itself, such a cat will faithful companion person in any conditions. As they say, “there’s heaven in the hut with the darling.”

Russian Blue

This pet, on the contrary, is independent and reserved. Such a cat is not embarrassed by the absence of a person, so it is perfect for busy city dwellers. Murka won't get bored alone. The only condition is a carefully prepared lunch, which she will eat in her free time from her cat affairs.

Sacred Burma (Burmese cat)

A cat of this breed is distinguished by a calm and balanced character, as well as incredible affection and devotion. Compliance and balance make the animal not only smart, but also intellectually developed. Luxurious appearance and incomparability, such qualities can win the heart of all animal lovers.

For small children, the Burmese breed is a real find. A pet of this breed eagerly watches the child’s games and takes the initiative to participate in them.

Canadian Sphynx

Many parents are quite confident that a hairless cat is an excellent pet option for children who are prone to allergic reactions. But this belief is incorrect, since an allergy is a reflex reaction of the body to the saliva and skin secretions of an animal, and fur has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Allergic reactions also occur to wool, but this is a very rare occurrence. People who suffer from allergies develop a reaction quite quickly in the presence of a cat without fur, since their skin always come into contact not only with the hands of the owners, but also with all objects in the house. Therefore, before getting a naked cat for an allergy sufferer, you should not think that this is a panacea and the only way out; first of all, you should take allergy tests.

When communicating with a child, Sphynx cats show restraint and watch the children's games with interest. It is the child that the pet pays special attention to and is able to do the most interesting games with the baby.

Scottish Shorthair cats and cats

Such animals are considered to be a living portrait of the British Shorthair. By character and temperament, the pets are good-natured and affectionate. They become very attached to their owners and can easily be friends with other pets in the family. In relation to children, Scottish cats show tenderness and patience, not perceiving children as their potential owners. Scottish cats need constant communication and responsiveness from the owner.

Animals of this breed are intellectually developed. Cats understand perfectly well if the owner cannot give them proper attention. At such moments, they prefer to go to their place and silently watch the owner. Short-haired pets of this breed are the best cats for children of any age. Scottish four-legged animals quickly adapt and can easily coexist in the same territory with children.

Siamese cats

Siamese cats will become faithful friends, protectors and companions for children. Such a pet is able to support and protect the baby in any situation. Siamese pets are distinguished by perseverance, enterprise and excellent intelligence.

Cats of this breed are morally strong and devoted to their only owner. Simply put, if a Siamese cat “raised” a child, they remain faithful and devoted to him all his life.

Cheerful companion

Considering which breeds are suitable for home care, you can focus on the sociability of the animal. There are breeds that love most to communicate with people, play with children, and will always be close to their owners, even when performing various tasks. household work. These cats include the Maine Coon.

Cats of this breed enjoy active games and can even be taken with you for a walk.

Persian cats and cats

Persian pets are considered to be gentle, affectionate and friendly representatives of the cat family. Cats of this breed attract the attention of others due to their long hair. Successful owners pay daily attention to their pets, caring for the animal’s fur, and the latter, in turn, gives all their love and tenderness.

Outbred cats and female cats

If parents want to teach their child responsibility and compassion, there is no need to buy a kitten for a lot of money. You can go to a homeless animal shelter and take the baby there. In the future, when the child’s priorities change, parents will be able to remind him that he saved the pet’s life and must be responsible for it.

These cats are very playful and, like no other, are suitable for playing with restless children. Outbred pets usually have good health, a good appetite, and also not picky eaters.

The choice of breed is an important component of living together between a person and a cat in a city apartment. The calm disposition of the animal, the absence excessive activity and ease of care are the main selection criteria. There are many cat breeds that are suitable for keeping in limited spaces and do not cause unnecessary trouble. All that remains is to decide on the characteristics of each breed and the personal preferences of the future owners.

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    Cats with a calm disposition

    An important criterion for choosing a cat breed is its character. The animal must be balanced and non-aggressive. In families with children, this is very significant.

    A cat should not pester people with its attention. The animal must also treat other pets favorably.


    Persian cats are the most passive and calm. They love the company of their owner, cannot stand loneliness and follow a person on his heels. Kittens of this breed are charming and inquisitive: they will not leave any family member indifferent. Persians are not aggressive towards strangers and children. They are the best option for apartment maintenance. They do not require walking, they love to lounge on a soft sofa. They rarely meow. To attract attention, they look piercingly into the eyes of the owner, sitting opposite him.

    Advantages of the breed:

    • They don't need walking.
    • Quiet and non-aggressive.
    • They eat natural food and calmly take vitamins.


    • Long coat that requires careful grooming with daily brushing. During the molting period, attention to fur doubles.
    • Sniffling. This is due to the anatomy of the cat’s nose, its flatness. Sometimes snoring turns into snoring.
    • Tearing. Eye care - mandatory procedure for Persian cats. It consists of washing the eyes daily and removing discharge from the fur around them.

    Original and unusual breeds of cats - description, appearance, character

    Exotic Shorthair

    Close relative Persian cat. The only difference from the Persians is their playful nature. Balanced, calm and meek; do not show aggression. They do not bother their owners with excessive attention and meowing. They have a quiet voice. They become attached to family members and cannot stand loneliness. These cats will be the best friends for small children because they are very playful. The coat of exotics is short and thick. Unlike Persians, they require less grooming.


    • Affectionate, calm, non-aggressive cats.
    • They don’t need a walk, but they won’t refuse it either.
    • Not annoying.
    • Unpretentious in care.


    • These cats should not be fed natural food. Only balanced feeds are suitable.
    • Unlike adult cats, exotic kittens need daily eye care.
    • They need nail trimming twice a month.
    • There is a risk of genetic diseases.
    • Possible breathing problems.

    Sacred Burma

    Burma is distinguished by intelligence, sociability and good habits. Calm and affectionate, she loves to be held and sleep on her owner’s lap. These cats never get angry. They are impatient about domestic conflicts, preferring to wait out the quarrel in a secluded place. They are very smart and easy to train. Burms show independence, but do not try to be leaders, so they are friends with other pets. Representatives of the Burmese breed are shy and afraid of loud sounds.


    • Unpretentious in food. They prefer natural food to special feed. They don't overeat and don't get fat.
    • They have no undercoat.
    • Tactful, restrained, not annoying.


    • They have difficulty withstanding the heat. They need regular ventilation of the room, but cold is contraindicated for them.
    • They require their own personal space in the apartment.


    These cats have a unique character. They accept the caresses of their owner with trepidation and pleasure. Very gentle and affectionate, cannot stand loneliness. Representatives of the Ragdoll breed are considered the kindest and most patient, therefore they are most suitable for families with children. They never scratch or hiss. IN conflict situations prefer to hide. They are very calm, to some extent even passive and lazy. They are obedient and easy to train. Having a gentle character, cats cannot tolerate rude treatment and are very offended if they are scolded.


    • Smart, gentle, affectionate.
    • They treat children very well.
    • Clean.
    • No need for walks outside.


    • Slow. They do not know how to group, so you need to protect the cat from falling from a height.
    • Poor health. There is a risk of dysplasia hip joints and cardiomyopathy.
    • They require regular examination by a veterinarian to monitor the condition of their ears and teeth.
    • They prefer only high-quality feed or natural food with plenty of meat. Food should be rich in calcium.
    • They gain weight quickly, so you should not feed them fatty foods.

    American Shorthair

    These cats have a very friendly character. They enjoy playing with children, they are kind and non-offensive. They easily adapt to the conditions and daily routine established by the owner, they love to walk on fresh air. Characterized by high intelligence and extreme curiosity. They are not at all afraid of loud sounds and screams. The energy of this cat is easily replaced by regularity. They learn easily and follow simple commands. They have an independent disposition.


    • Suitable for families with children and single people.
    • Loneliness is easy to bear.
    • Easy to care for. They need ear care and nail trimming once every two weeks.
    • They have good health.


    • Prone to obesity. Two meals a day at specific times are recommended.

    British Shorthair

    The British are independent, reserved and very stubborn. It is impossible to force this animal to do anything if it does not have the desire to do so. Cats British breed show independence more strongly than cats. In general, they are friendly and get along well with everyone in the household. They do not become attached to a specific person, they are neat and tidy. They know where the toilet is and never walk past the litter tray. They are undemanding to affection and attention; to be happy, it is enough to periodically stroke them and scratch them behind the ears. They categorically do not accept rude treatment. They are touchy, will never take the first step towards reconciliation, and will expect it from the offender.


    • They are completely indifferent to walks, so there is no need to walk them.
    • Restrained and non-aggressive. Suitable for families with children.


    • It is necessary to brush daily, as the British have a thick coat with an undercoat. During the molting period, attention to combing doubles.
    • Prone to rapid weight gain. It is preferable to feed balanced feeds. They need medications to remove hair from the stomach.
    • Kittens of this breed are extremely active, so disturbances in the apartment are possible. As you get older, activity decreases.
    • Requires ear and eye care.

    Selkirk rex

    These cats are meant for family. They become strongly attached to their owner and cannot stand being alone. They are quite active and patient, so they enjoy playing with children. They are not touchy, unforgiving and not aggressive. They do not impose their attention on the owner if he is busy with something, and will gladly accept any manifestation of affection and tenderness towards themselves. Ready to be on the owner's lap all day. They behave calmly in unfamiliar surroundings and are not afraid of strangers.


    • Calm, non-aggressive, easy to get along with children.
    • Obedient.
    • Unobtrusive.


    • Demanding in hair care. Brushing and using a special conditioner for the dry coat of these cats is necessary.
    • There is a risk of developing a genetic disease - polycystic kidney disease. It is recommended to visit the veterinarian 2-3 times a year.
    • Need proper nutrition, preferably premium food with high content vitamin B and low content fat
    • They need careful care of their teeth, eyes and ears.

    Moderately active cat breeds

    In order to decide which breed of cat to choose for an apartment, you need to pay attention to the activity of a particular breed.

    There are cats that are not overly energetic and will not disturb the order in the house.


    Siberian cats are charming, very kind and affectionate, despite the fact that they are natural leaders. Even dogs take into account the opinion of this animal. They become strongly attached to a certain person, but also get along well with the rest of the household. Very loyal by nature, Siberian cats really miss their owner in his absence. Sometimes melancholy turns into depression with refusal to eat. This cat's peaceful disposition and lack of aggression means you don't have to worry about children. They are taciturn and will not annoy their owners with incessant meowing. They are easy to train, but obey only their master.


    • Non-aggressive and patient towards children.
    • They have excellent health.
    • They don't bother you with attention.


    • Requires walking 1-2 times a week.
    • They do not like closed spaces, so doors should be open throughout the apartment.
    • Requires regular grooming.

    Maine Coon

    Despite their size, Maine Coon cats are very affectionate and friendly. They are calm, but love to play without making a mess in the apartment. They need time to get used to to a stranger. If a trusting relationship is established, then he can become a devoted and reliable friend. These cats do not like to be held, preferring to be close to their owner. Their flexible nature and sociability allow Maine Coons to get along well with children. A unique property of this breed is its ability to get along with dogs. They do not know how to meow, but make subtle melodic sounds. The Maine Coon is one of the few breeds that can be walked on a leash.

    Representatives of the Maine Coon breed are considered the largest domestic cats in the world: the animal's weight can reach 15 kg.


    • Calm and friendly.
    • Quiet.
    • Adapt to the habits of the owner.
    • They are not afraid of water.
    • They are calm about the leash.


    • The coat requires high-quality care and combing 2-3 times a week.
    • Need physical activity, so they need to be walked.
    • These cats should be washed regularly.
    • Nails need to be trimmed and ears taken care of weekly.

    Scottish lop-eared

    Scottish fold cats perfectly suited for living in an apartment. They have no need for walks and are homebodies. These cats are calm and balanced. Suitable for large families with children and single people. They are not touchy or vindictive. They have a playful disposition, but also do not create disorder in the apartment. Loyal by nature, they will seek their owner's attention, but will not intrude if the person is busy.


    • Quiet.
    • Well-mannered. They know where the toilet is and never walk past it.
    • They do not show aggression.
    • Does not require walking.


    • Grooming requires daily brushing.
    • Ears should be inspected and cleaned regularly.
    • Have genetic diseases, leading to disruption of the skeleton and joints.
    • Susceptible to colds.


    Very affectionate and sociable Manx cats will become... good friends to all family members. They are moderately active but love to play. Breeders recommend having these cats for families with children. They are friendly with other pets in the house. They are well trained, can follow the owner’s commands and do simple tricks. They love water procedures very much.


    • Sociable and friendly.
    • Excellent contact with small children.
    • Unpretentious in food, with the exception of small kittens who need calcium supplementation.


    • They require grooming, which should include brushing, trimming nails, rubbing eyes and cleaning ears.
    • Have weak immunity, making cats susceptible to many diseases.
    • They need a timely visit to the veterinarian.

    Cat breeds that do not require special care

    Grooming your cat is essential to its well-being. This is especially true for animal fur. Also, when keeping a cat in an apartment, the problem of excess hair appearing on the floor and furniture appears. This can cause serious inconvenience to household members.

    There are cat breeds that do not require a lot of grooming and do not experience excessive hair loss.

    Norwegian forest

    These cats are best suited for family life. They cannot stand loneliness. They are undemanding to affection; on the contrary, they will not tolerate persistent displays of tenderness on the part of the owner. Not very friendly with other pets, especially dogs. They are not afraid of strangers and are happy to make contact. They love to play with children. They are great for apartment living, but also love walks on a leash, especially in winter.


    • They are in good health.
    • They get along with children.
    • Do not require special care. Even though they have long hair, it is enough to comb cats 1-2 times a week.
    • Undemanding to nutrition.


    • They require walking.
    • Prone to obesity.


    Cats of this breed are very smart and easy to train. Munchkin's curiosity knows no bounds; he can spend hours watching what is happening on the street, sitting on the windowsill. They are not aggressive towards family members, but can defend themselves when meeting an unfriendly stranger. They are mostly peace-loving creatures, loving and loyal. They follow on the heels of the object of their adoration. These cats are docile and can be a toy for small children. Get along well with domestic dogs. Active, can play for a long time. They are distinguished by dog-like behavior, they like to walk on a leash and bring sticks in their teeth to their owner.


    • Calm.
    • They love children.
    • Devotees.
    • Unpretentious in care.


    • Susceptible to diseases such as lordosis.

    Russian Blue

    Russians blue cats tactful and independent. They will not tolerate excessive affection and being carried in your arms. These are cats for large families. They willingly play with children. They never scratch, even if they are accidentally hurt. They are subject to education and training, but only if this is done in a calm tone. Wary of strangers. These cats are very playful and active. They don't need to walk outdoors. They know how to protect themselves from any dog. Ideal for keeping in an apartment.


    • Do not require increased care.
    • They shed lightly.
    • They don't need walking. It is enough to ventilate the room.
    • There are no genetic diseases.
    • You can feed both natural food and special food.


    • They will not sleep on a special bed or bedding. They prefer beds, chairs and other elevated positions.


    Peterbald cats are sociable and loving animals. They cannot live without their owner, they follow him anywhere and everywhere, adapting to his rhythm of life. They have difficulty withstanding the long absence of their owner. These cats are very active and require active play and walking on a leash. They love children, but do not allow themselves to be used as toys. They are smart, easy to learn, freedom-loving, and do not tolerate violence or coercion to act against their own will.


    • Devotion and communication skills.
    • Not picky about food.


    • The skin of these cats secretes a special secretion, so it is necessary to wipe the skin with a damp, soapy cloth.
    • Tendency to overeat.
    • Tearing.

    Before getting a kitten to live in an apartment, you need to decide on the breed and personal preferences. It must be borne in mind that individual representatives of a particular breed are unique and have their own unique character. Therefore, it is impossible to call a certain breed the best.

    It should be understood that keeping a cat in an apartment involves caring for it and providing it with personal space. It is worth setting aside a place for the toilet and accustoming the kitten to it from the first moment it appears in the house. In addition to bowls, a tray and personal care products, you need to get a scratching post in order to preserve the furniture and not enter into conflicts with your pet on this basis.

If you are expecting a child or purchasing a cat for a family with a child, then the process of studying the best cat breeds for children has already begun.

Cats and children

Cats and children are an ideal combination, especially if you live in an apartment. Playful and energetic cats can get the attention they crave from children, and children learn responsibility if they have pets. Memories of cats are formed in childhood and will remain in the memory of your children throughout their lives.

Friendly personality type for a child

When choosing a cat for a child, it must have the following qualities:

  • Not aggressive towards loud sounds and sudden movements
  • Not territorial
  • Not prone to biting or scratching when groomed
  • Sociable
  • Not whimsical
  • Easily adapts to new things

In addition, you need to take into account the character of your children when choosing a cat. If your children tend to be loud and your home is a country of chaos, then Persian breeds are contraindicated for you.

The best cat breeds for children

Most of these breeds are known for their calm, affectionate, tolerant and playful temperament. They do not tend to form attachments to individual family members, which means they are less likely to see the newborn as an intruder and a threat. All of these breeds are social and people-oriented.

    Abyssinian A: The Abby is extremely friendly and sociable, a breed that loves to play.

    American Shorthair: Happy, social and energetic cats, they also get along well with dogs.

    Birman: Calm and adaptable.

    Burmanskaya: Friendly and people-oriented, Burmese cats are very affectionate with children.

    Maine Coon: These big cats very sociable with children.

    Maine: This tailless breed loves attention and is also social and friendly.

    Persian: Like the Maine Coon, the Persian requires daily grooming, so be prepared for this. They are social and love attention.

    Ragdoll: If you want a long-haired cat that needs less grooming than a Maine Coon or Persian, consider the Ragdoll. They are gentle giants.

Note: Choosing a cat solely based on breed is not straightforward and does not guarantee an ideal result. If you limit your search to certain breeds, you could be missing out on some great mixed breed cats, many of which would make the best pet for a child.

Choosing a cat

Take your children with you when choosing a cat.

  • The cat should approach your children easily and show affection. Purring is a very good sign.
  • When caring for a cat, it should not bite or scratch.
  • Does your cat have a habit of hiding or running away when exposed to sudden loud noises? If so, she may not best choice for families with small children.
  • If the cat is hiding or being pushed into a corner, then it may not be a good choice.

Also, if you have small children, an adult cat is a better choice because she can't accidentally harm small kittens.

Spaying/neutering: You should not breed a cat in front of children for the subsequent miracle of birth. Spaying or neutering your cat is the most important step to ensure that your cat does not lash out at your babies while pregnant. Mother cats become more territorial and unpredictable after giving birth to kittens, which increases the likelihood that the cat will bite or scratch your baby.

Because of this, it is never too early to instill in your children the importance of spaying and neutering as part of the responsibility of pet ownership.

Exposing your children to cats will teach them to love and respect animals. Choosing only a cat with the right temperament for your family will provide a rich and rewarding experience for everyone.

A cat in the house is happiness. This is comfort, warmth and tranquility. Of course, you need to choose a cat with your heart and soul, but an informed decision is also important. If you want to take this issue seriously and create comfortable living conditions for your future pet, then you will need to read special literature, and it is advisable to get acquainted with experienced and trusted felinologists who will help you choose a breed. In order to simplify the choice, craftsmen have compiled the top 10 best breeds for an apartment.

Top 10 good cat breeds for apartments

You need to choose a pet, of course, weighing the pros and cons, and also taking into account housing problem. Some breeds require a lot of space and more careful grooming.


Burmese are well suited for small families, where they can receive enough attention and affection.

These animals are easy to care for and do not require too much space to live. They are very playful and affectionate, which will be a plus for families with children.

Maine Coons

Cats of this breed attract many people. Their unusual appearance and almost human features attract the eye. By nature, these proud animals are quite affectionate and loyal to their owners. They treat strangers coolly and without much enthusiasm.

They get along well with other animals, but require a lot of space to live as they are one of the largest cat breeds. These beauties are suitable for adults or families with adult children.

Genetic testing has revealed that Maine Coons are descendants of Norwegian forest cats and a mysterious extinct domestic breed.


Ragdoll takes any pose that the owner chooses for him.

Ragdolls are one of the most popular family breeds. They were specially bred to be affectionate, obedient and patient with their owners. These cats are suitable for families with children, especially small children.

The unique ability of these pets is to remain completely relaxed even during a tight hug. Not in vain literal translation their breed sounds like a "rag doll".


The British are not a particularly playful breed. They prefer a calmer and more measured lifestyle, so such pets are suitable for adults or families with older children.

Despite some laziness, the British remain patient and obedient animals.

If, according to myths, cats of other breeds have 9 lives, then the British have no less than 20! With proper care, representatives of this breed live on average two decades.


This unusual tailless cat is an example of true devotion and love. These cats are very playful and intelligent, so you can often hear comparisons of this breed with dogs.

Some skillful owners manage to teach their Manx some commands. These cats are very sociable and active, so they are suitable for both active adults and children.


These beautiful short-haired felines have wonderful personalities.

They are smart, playful, active and loyal to affection. They will fit perfectly into an active family or a family with children.


This short-haired breed also sometimes called the “eternal kitten”. And for good reason. Representatives of this breed retain the character of a kitten until the end of their lives, which makes them an excellent choice for families with children or small families where they can pay enough attention to this playful and affectionate pet.

These graceful animals are people-oriented.

The weight of a Burmese cat can reach 6 kg. Hence their nickname - “brick wrapped in silk.”

American Shorthair

Americans are considered one of the most unpretentious and easy-to-care representatives of the cat family.

These cats have an easy-going character, they are affectionate, affectionate, and playful. They get along well with other animals and have good health.


And although for many Siamese are associated with aggressiveness and bad character, this does not prevent these animals from remaining one of the most lucky cats for an apartment.

Representatives of this breed are very intelligent, playful and affectionate. It is better to give preference to males; they are believed to be more loyal and gentle than females.


These walking ottomans love a measured and leisurely lifestyle. They become very attached to their owners, while strangers do not arouse any interest in them.

They love to explore new things and can be quite active if played with.

Of course, choose a pet based only on general descriptions it is forbidden. Each animal has its own character, sometimes unusual for the breed. So try to find a middle ground between your mind and your heart when choosing.
