Proposals to improve the efficiency of social work of the State Public Institution JSC “Center for Social Support of the Population of the Kirov District of the City of Astrakhan. Proposals Proposals for improving social

Social protection of the population is a system of principles, methods, social guarantees legally established by the state, measures and institutions that ensure the provision of optimal living conditions, satisfaction of needs, maintenance of life support and active existence of the individual, various social categories and groups; a set of measures, actions, means of the state and society aimed against situations of risk in the normal life of citizens, such as illness, unemployment, old age, disability, death of the breadwinner and others; a set of government measures of a socio-economic and legal nature to ensure a state-guaranteed minimum level of material support for socially vulnerable segments of the population during the period of economic transformation (transition to market relations) and the associated decline in their standard of living.

In Russia, the right of citizens to social protection is guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The social protection system of the population includes: social security, social insurance and social support (assistance). It is carried out at the expense of the federal and local budgets, specially created funds for social support of the population, and non-state funds.

One of the main tasks social work currently - further development and improvement of existing forms, methods, methods and techniques of activity used by specialists to solve social problems of clients, stimulating the activation of their forces to change an unfavorable life situation.

The need to improve the system of social protection of the population is caused by the transition to market relations in society.

The more difficult the situation in a particular country, the more and louder the calls for social protection of the population sound. Such protection is urgently asked for, demanded from the government. The complexity of the situation under such conditions lies in the fact that if a country experiences an economic recession, production decreases, and the national product created decreases, then the government’s ability to allocate additional funds for social protection of the population is extremely

limited. Stress on the state budget increases, government

forced to resort to increasing taxes, and therefore, the income of workers is reduced. And this gives rise to new social tensions.

To correct this situation, people’s desire to receive social protection from the hardships of a deteriorating life is not enough, just as the government’s intentions and promises to improve life are not enough. The problem can be completely solved only when the economy goes up and begins to create the minimum benefits that people need. This is ultimately what salvation consists of. But what to do before that, during a period when the economy is in decline and is unable to satisfy the needs of the entire population for goods and services? How to help

people in dire distress and who exactly needs to be helped?

It is necessary, first of all, to understand that if the production of goods and services in the country is reduced and at the same time assistance from abroad, if import purchases are not able to compensate for such a decrease, and stocks and reserves are brought to a minimum, then it is almost impossible to prevent a decrease in the standard of living. Can. Equally unrealistic in these conditions is the task of complete social protection of the entire population from a decrease in the consumption of goods and services in general and per person. Worse, if we try to provide benefits in the required, desired quantities to some, then others will certainly suffer because they will not receive these benefits.

Therefore, both the government and the people must realize that universal social protection of the population from a decline in living standards in conditions of economic recession is impossible.

The main prerequisites for the development of social protection of the population are changes in forms of ownership; changing the system of distribution of material goods and services and the formation of new relationships between members of society; the need to solve a number of social problems (unemployment, guarantees of social protection in old age, the required level of expenses for education, medical care, the possibility of making a profit in the form of dividends on shares, etc.), social stratification of society, as well as ensuring the legislative basis for the social protection of human rights and freedoms.

The social protection system of the population performs the function of maintaining the real preservation of the monetary unit in conditions of inflation, an operational mechanism for protecting certain segments of the population (disabled, low-income, unemployed, families with children, amateur population) from innovations leading to a decrease in their standard of living (indexation of cash income, establishment of preferential prices for goods and services for pensioners, preferential taxation, etc.). The main goals of social protection of the population are getting rid of absolute poverty (when the average per capita total family income is below the subsistence level), providing material assistance to the population in extreme conditions, promoting the adaptation of socially vulnerable groups of the population to the conditions of a market economy.

An integral element of social protection of the population in crisis conditions of the transition to market relations is social assistance, provision in cash or in kind, in the form of services or benefits provided taking into account social guarantees legally established by the state; a set of social services, medical and social, socio-economic, social, everyday, socio-psychological, socio-pedagogical and other support for a person from government and non-state structures during a period of crisis, in difficult life situations. It performs the function of poverty relief separate groups population in extreme conditions; is in the nature of periodic and one-time cash supplements to pensions and benefits, in-kind payments and services in order to neutralize critical life situations and unfavorable economic conditions. Social assistance (support) is provided at the expense of local authorities, enterprises (organizations), extra-budgetary and charitable funds in order to provide targeted, differentiated assistance to those in need.

The topic of research is currently very relevant, since the need to specialize forms, improve methods of social protection, and emerging issues of financing the social sphere have led to an increased interest in solving the problems of many specialists.

The purpose of this thesis is an analysis of state regulation of the social protection system (using the example of the city of Troitsk, Moscow region).

In accordance with the set goal, it is expected to solve the following tasks:

Study of the essence and principles of social protection of the population in the Russian Federation;

Consideration of the principles of state social policy(including the example of the city of Troitsk, Moscow region);

Characteristics of forms of social support and protection of the population (including the example of the city of Troitsk, Moscow region);

Study of the subjective structure of socially disadvantaged groups (in the city of Troitsk, Moscow region);

Consideration of social protection authorities in Russian Federation;

Characteristics of the social insurance and social security system both in Russia as a whole and in the Moscow region;

Consideration of the advantages and disadvantages of targeted social policy in the city of Troitsk, Moscow region.

The work consists of four chapters, introduction, conclusion and list of used literature.

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Section 1. Theoretical part

1.3 Main directions and ways to improve social protection of the population

Section 2. Analytical part

2.3 Characteristics of the department of social protection of the population of the municipality

Section 3. Design part

3.2 Organization of urgent social services

3.3 System development social services for unprotected and weakly protected groups of the population. Family educational groups

Section 4. Economic part


List of sources used


Currently, our country is undergoing profound economic transformations, the essence of which is the abandonment of the previous exclusively administrative means of managing the economy with the help of state structures and the transition to market mechanisms of functioning and regulation. The relevance of the chosen topic of the diploma project is confirmed by the following facts:

During the transition to a market economy, the problems and objectives of social policy in Russia have changed significantly. During economic reforms Significant differences have arisen in the livelihoods of the population, the majority of whom have incomes beyond the minimum level of subsistence. Such population groups include not only traditionally disadvantaged pensioners, large families and disabled people, but also workers in the fields of education, culture and healthcare, unemployed people and people working in enterprises, but receiving salaries extremely irregularly.

Transition Russian society to market relations, which aggravated the social problems of large sections of the population, demanded the creation and development of a new social institution - social protection of the population (SPP), making it the center of public opinion.

The experience of countries that have transitioned to market relations indicates that the market can function normally only in parallel with the creation of a reliable social protection system, which is a necessary and unique payment by society, business, employers for social peace and stability social system and the ability to conduct normal business activities. social protection population

The social protection system should be focused on the general population, but its actual implementation in relation to various social strata and groups is differentiated: healthy, able-bodied, active members of society, it should help get equal opportunities in the field of education, mastering a profession, inclusion in the system of labor relations, entrepreneurship, and for disabled and socially vulnerable layers and groups of the population (disabled people, pensioners, large and single-parent families, children, etc.) - to provide a range of social services at the expense of the state, to guarantee the receipt statutory benefits and allowances, i.e. create the necessary conditions for life.

A certain regulatory and legal framework for organizing social services for needy citizens began to take shape in our country in the early 1990s. Reorganization took place at the regional and territorial levels, and social service centers for pensioners and the disabled were created in cities.

Target course work consider the existing system of social protection of the population in the city of Krasnogorsk and ways to improve work to strengthen the social protection of the population.

The subject of the study is the social protection system.

Problems solved in the work:

Consider theoretical and legislative aspects social protection of the population in Russia;

To characterize the system of social protection of the population of the city of Krasnogorsk;

Suggest ways to improve the social protection system for the population of the city of Krasnogorsk.

Section 1. Theoretical part

1.1 The concept and need to ensure social protection of the population

Social protection is a system of legislative, socio-economic and moral-psychological guarantees, means and measures that create equal conditions for members of society, preventing the adverse effects of the environment on people, ensuring a decent and socially acceptable quality of life for them.

Social policy in our country is an important set of socio-economic measures aimed at protecting the population from unemployment, rising prices, etc.

The main principles of social policy are: Ignatov V.G., Baturin L.A., Butov V.I., Mashchenko Yu.A. and others. Economics of the social sphere: Proc. manual, M: MarT, 2005, p.135

1) protecting the standard of living by introducing various forms of compensation for price increases and carrying out indexation;

2) providing assistance to the poorest families;

3) provision of assistance in case of unemployment;

4) ensuring social insurance policy, establishing a minimum wage for workers;

5) development of education, health protection, and the environment mainly at the expense of the state;

6) pursuing an active policy aimed at ensuring qualifications.

The problem of social protection of the population falls on the state. A modern state governed by the rule of law must guarantee the right to a standard of living that takes into account the provision of people with food, clothing, housing, medical care necessary to maintain health, and the right to social security in the event of unemployment, illness, disability, widowhood, old age or other means of death. existence under circumstances independent of man.

The need for social protection follows from the presence of a social need to have in the state a system of laws that compensate for the social imperfections in the organization of the production of material goods and their distribution. Therefore, the essence of social protection is legislative support for economic, political, socialAndal and other rights, freedoms and interests of citizens.

The sphere of social protection of the population is regulated by the laws of the Russian Federation, regulations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and authorities local government.

According to Article 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation:

The Russian Federation is a social state whose policy is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of people, Article 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

In the Russian Federation, labor and people’s health are protected, a guaranteed minimum wage is established, and governmental support family, motherhood, paternity and childhood, disabled people and elderly citizens, a system of social services is being developed, state pensions, benefits and other guarantees of social protection are being established.

The goals of providing state social assistance in accordance with Article 2 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On State Social Assistance” (as amended by Federal Law dated August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ (as amended on December 29, 2004)) are:

· maintaining the standard of living of low-income families, as well as low-income citizens living alone, whose average per capita income is below the subsistence level established in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

· targeted use of budget funds;

· strengthening the targeting of social support for citizens in need;

· creating the necessary conditions to ensure universal accessibility and socially acceptable quality of social services;

· reducing the level of social inequality;

· increasing incomes of the population.

1.2 Modern social protection system

The following categories of citizens have the right to receive state social assistance in the form of a set of social services. Law of the Russian Federation “On State Social Assistance” (as amended by Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ (as amended on December 29, 2004) Article 6.1:

1) war invalids;

2) participants of the Great Patriotic War;

3) combat veterans from among the persons specified in subparagraphs 1 - 4 of paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the Federal Law “On Veterans” (as amended by Federal Law No. 40-FZ of January 2, 2000);

4) military personnel who served in the military military units, institutions, military educational institutions that were not part of the active army, in the period from June 22, 1941 to September 3, 1945 for at least six months, military personnel awarded orders or medals of the USSR for service during the specified period;

5) persons who worked during the Great Patriotic War at air defense facilities, local air defense, in the construction of defensive structures, naval bases, airfields and other military facilities within the rear borders of active fronts, operational zones of active fleets, in front-line sections of railways and highways, as well as crew members of transport fleet ships interned at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War in the ports of other states;

7) family members of deceased (deceased) war invalids, participants of the Great Patriotic War and combat veterans, family members of persons killed in the Great Patriotic War personnel self-defense groups of facility and emergency teams of local air defense, as well as family members of deceased hospital workers;

8) disabled people;

9) disabled children.

Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated November 24, 1995. N181 “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” defines the state policy in the field of social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation, the purpose of which is to provide disabled people with equal opportunities with other citizens in the implementation of civil, economic, political and other rights and freedoms provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and also in accordance with generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation.

1.3 ABOUT main directions and ways to improve social protection of the population

The sphere of social protection of low-income citizens (pensioners, disabled people, children, single mothers, etc.) in non-stationary forms is developing in difficult conditions. First of all, due to its insufficient funding. The situation is aggravated by a significant number of low-income citizens requiring social support, as well as by the fact that local social protection authorities are increasingly forced to take on functions unusual for them, in particular, medical, consumer and trade services to citizens.

As before, the work of various social service structures is financed to a greater extent by the state, despite the increased participation in the process of financing municipalities.

At the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the activities of the social protection departments are carried out by the Social Protection Committees of the constituent entities, which have a controlling and regulatory function through the implementation of state social policy V.V. Kiselev. Management and organization of activities of the Moscow district government, M., Prometheus, 2002, p. 257.

The committees supervise various government social institutions located on the territory of the constituent entities, and also, together with local governments, develop the content and methods of work of social services. The Committees are also entrusted with the responsibility of participating in the formation of the state policy of urban construction and public planning to create infrastructure favorable for various categories of citizens (persons with disabilities and veterans), as well as cooperation with local governments in matters of labor conditions and safety.

Regional social protection authorities not only determine policy in the field of social protection in the territory under their jurisdiction, but also participate on an equal basis in the development and financing of targeted programs in the territories.

The final decision on the issuance of social assistance, after analyzing the reliability of the information, will be made by a commission, which will include representatives Pension Fund, deputies of local governments, public organizations social protection.

A social passport is a document containing a set of information about a person that determines his social, property and legal status. A social passport will be a plastic card that gives access to information about a person’s health, social benefits, education, profession and other socially significant personal information.

The social passport will record information about a specific person, which will allow you to receive accurate information about all the benefits and allowances entitled to him, as well as about the fact of their intended use.

A social passport includes socially significant information about a person that determines his social, property and legal status. The creation of a social passport will make it possible to effectively solve the problems of targeted interaction with the main categories of socially vulnerable citizens.

In the future, it is necessary to develop and implement a multi-agent system for targeted interaction between the population and executive authorities in the social sphere, when the databases of the department of social protection of the population will be connected to the electronic passport system. In addition, Internet kiosks can be installed in these institutions to organize free access population to the system of targeted interaction.

The use of such a system will ensure transparency of management and targeted provision of services to citizens in the social sphere, increased openness, accessibility and reliability of information on social benefits and payments, integration in a single place for citizens of information about laws in the field of the social sphere, regional and municipal levels, reduction of time and simplification of the mechanism for processing documents confirming the right to receive social benefits.

A social passport will save citizens from the need for multiple visits various organizations social sphere, will facilitate the effective exchange of social information in the region between government agencies, will increase the availability of information about ongoing activities, events, projects in the field of culture.

Child protection is one of the most important tasks at the municipal government level. One of the forms of family rehabilitation of a child can be the opening of a family educational group (FEG) at territorial centers for social protection of the population, whose task is to develop family life skills. To give an idea of ​​family roles, traditions, moral and cultural values, responsibilities of family members towards each other, responsibility. SVG gives the child the opportunity to experience the time in a warm family atmosphere while work is going on with his biological family, and if it is not possible to return, he gets the chance to stay in a foster family rather than an orphanage. Smirnova V.Yu. There are no other people's children. Cooperation program between the EU and Russia., M., Orgservis-2000, 2005, p.112

Section 2. Analytical part

2.1 Socio-economic characteristics of the municipality

Area: The area of ​​the Krasnogorsk region is 22 thousand hectares. Green areas in the Krasnogorsk region make up 60%, including forest fund - 55%.

Population: The permanent population of the district is 150.25 thousand people, of working age - 96.56 thousand people, or 64.3%. The migration increase in the working-age population is 570 people. Economy: The district's economy employed 37.8 thousand people, of which 26 thousand were employed in material production. The basis of the economy of the Krasnogorsk region is industry. 13.3 thousand people are employed in industry. Of these, 85% work in large and medium-sized enterprises. The number of workers in industry increased by 700 people compared to 2002. Average wage in industry in 2006 increased by 18% and amounted to 12,642 rubles. per month. In 2006, the number of people employed in the district's agriculture was 971 people. The average monthly salary was 8,886 rubles (in the Moscow region - 5,113 rubles).

Construction: In 2006, more than 40 multi-storey residential buildings were simultaneously being built in populated areas of the region. Using all sources of financing, 133 thousand square meters were put into operation. m of comfortable housing stock. During the year, more than 2 billion rubles were spent in construction as a whole.

Roads and transport: A special feature of the Krasnogorsk region is the insufficient density of the road network; not all areas of the region have convenient connections. The radial direction is clearly expressed by the existing highways, but transverse road directions are almost completely absent, which negatively affects the living conditions of the population. From year to year, the interchange between Volokolamskoye and Ilinskoye highways remains a problematic issue.

Law and order: In 2006, 1,544 crimes were registered, which is 11.2% more than in the same period in 2002 (1,389). A third of all solved crimes were committed by unemployed people, a quarter by nonresident citizens.

Sports: More than 30 sports are practiced in the region. About 10 thousand people are involved in physical education and sports. About 100 mass sports events and competitions are held annually. Working 4 sports schools(two of them are Olympic reserve - in bandy and basketball). There are three operating in the region sports club"Zorkiy" - hockey, volleyball, football

Communication: The density of main telephone sets in the Krasnogorsk region in 2006 was urban telephone communication: per 100 residents - 32.2 (Moscow region - 26.8); per 100 families - 77.3 (Moscow region - 67.6); rural telephone communication: per 100 inhabitants - 10.0 (Moscow region - 11.4).

Education: In the Krasnogorsk region, 1007 teachers and 664 educators work in 27 educational institutions. Of these, 267 have the highest qualification category, 309 teachers have the first category.

Culture: The volume of budget funds allocated for culture in 2006 amounted to 2.6% of the budget expenditures of the Krasnogorsk district municipality. As of January 1, 2006 online municipal institutions culture and additional education Krasnogorsk district - 49 institutions employing over 500 people. The largest companies (taxpayers): JV "TIGI Knauf", "Moscow Country Club", CJSC "Betsema", MZhK "Rosinka", SO UDP of the Russian Federation, "TIGI-Knauf-Marketing", "Autocentre KAMAZ", "TIGI-Richter" , Valentina LLC, Nikolskoye JSC, Krasnogorskmezhraigaz.

2.2 Analysis of categories of citizens in need of social protection

Of the 64 thousand people of retirement age living in the Krasnogorsk region, 23 thousand are registered with the social protection authorities and need social assistance. Of these, 40 percent need financial assistance, and every second one needs social services. And this is understandable. The situation of older people is aggravated by factors such as deteriorating health, loneliness, and loss of usual social status. The district is home to 51,300 residents. The number of residents of preferential categories is 14,684 people (29% of total number residents of the area). Of these: 653 are participants and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, 1559 are war veterans (home front workers), 739 people are single pensioners receiving home care at the Tverskoy Center for Social Security, 6075 are disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3 From the report of the Department of Social Protection Central administrative district in 2004. As of January 1, 2007, a total of 4,641 families in the Krasnogorsk region are registered as needing social support. Final report for 2006 by the Social Protection Administration of the Krasnogorsk region. The categories of those registered as a percentage of the total number of those registered are shown in Fig. 2.1.

Rice. 2.1 Diagram of the distribution of categories of the population registered with the social protection authorities in municipalities in 2006 (as a percentage of the total)

The activities of 6 municipal institutions and departments providing social services to older people are aimed at solving the problems of older citizens.

In 2006, more than 7.9 thousand people used the services of various branches of social service centers; 11 thousand elderly and disabled people who partially or completely lost the ability to self-care were served by departments of social and socio-medical services at home; 5.2 thousand pensioners and disabled people received urgent social assistance, 2.6 thousand took advantage of household services. Final report for 2006 of the Department of Social Protection of the Krasnogorsk District

Thus, more than 26.1 thousand people received various types of support, and the need for various forms of social services was satisfied by 82.0 percent.

2.3 Characteristics of the department of social protection of the municipal population b education

SSZN exercise administrative and methodological management of the bodies and institutions of social protection of the population subordinate to them, control over their activities and ensure, within their competence, the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of social protection of elderly citizens, disabled people and other disabled groups of the population in need of social support, residing in the territory of the corresponding administrative district. The activities of the USZN are carried out in close cooperation with other executive authorities, as well as with public, charitable, commercial and other organizations.

The main objectives of the USZN are:

· implementation of state policy in the field of social protection of citizens living in the district;

· participation in the development of draft social support programs, as well as carrying out organizational activities for their implementation;

· organization of work and control over the activities of bodies and institutions of social protection of the population of the district for the purpose, recalculation and payment of pensions, benefits, established compensations, additional payments and other social payments, social and material services for disabled citizens, medical and social examination and rehabilitation of the disabled;

· analysis of the state of social protection of the population and forecasting ways of its development;

· ensuring control over the correct and simultaneous application by bodies and institutions located on the territory of the administrative district of legislation on social protection of the population, providing them with legal and methodological assistance.

USZN of the Krasnogorsk region is a structural unit of the administration of the Krasnogorsk region. The department implements the Laws of the Russian Federation and regulations of local government on social protection of the population, manages the work to ensure a unified social policy, coordinates and interacts with social institutions, ensures the rights of citizens in the field of social protection in the Kransogorsky district of the Moscow region. Regulations on the Department of Social Protection of the Krasnogorsky Population district dated December 20, 2003

The department carries out its activities in cooperation with other executive territorial bodies state power and local government. The department is created on the basis of an order from the head of the district, and is accountable to the district administration and the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of the Moscow Region.

In its activities, the Administration is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Presidential Decrees, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Moscow Region, regulatory legal acts of the head of the Administration, Orders, instructions of higher social protection bodies.

The department is a legal entity, has an independent balance sheet, current and other accounts in banking institutions, a seal with its name and other seals, stamps of structural units. The department may create, acting as a founder, in agreement with the city administration, separate structural divisions as with the right legal entity, and without it, forming in combination with it unified system social protection of the population in the territory of their district.

Based on the Laws of the Russian Federation, regulations of the Council of Deputies, the administration, on issues of social protection of the population, the Department creates a social protection system capable of comprehensively solving social problems of the population of the region.

The functions of the Department of Social Protection of the Krasnogorsk District Administration are as follows: Regulations on the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Krasnogorsk District dated December 20, 2003:

A. In the field of organizational work.

· management organizes its activities and the activities of others structural divisions on the basis of plans (annual, quarterly, monthly) that provide for a comprehensive solution to their tasks;

· organizes certification of categories of the population and the formation of information databases “Targeted social assistance” in order to analyze the socio-economic state of the population, planning and forecasting the activities of the Committee and subordinate institutions;

· organizes the reception of citizens, analyzes letters, appeals, complaints, statements of citizens in order to solve the problems they identify and improve work with the population;

· carries out interaction and coordination of the activities of structural units in order to effectively provide practical assistance to socially vulnerable categories of the population;

· informs the head of the administration on issues of his activities, prepares statistical, accounting and other reporting;

· carries out analysis of the activities of structural divisions and subordinate institutions;

· informs the population of the district about the activities of the Department of Social Protection of the Population and subordinate institutions;

· conducts reference and codification work to systematize the current legislation on social protection and pensions;

· ensures the implementation of automated technologies;

· organizes personnel training, certification, studies and summarizes work experience.

B. In the field of social protection,controlsocial protection Regulations on the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Krasnogorsk District dated December 20, 2003 :

· ensures the implementation of the current legislation of the Russian Federation on social protection of the population;

· develops targeted comprehensive measures and proposals for city and district social protection programs;

· develops a network of institutions and services for comprehensive social services and rehabilitation of certain categories of the population;

· develops directions, forms, types and geography of social services;

· together with the Center, subordinate to the department, organizes targeted material, urgent (in the form of food and industrial goods, food coupons, etc.);

Refers disabled people for medical examination medical institutions and medical and social examination to identify medical indications for the provision of special vehicles, prepares documents for their receipt;

· contributes to solving issues of providing prosthetic and orthopedic products and rehabilitation means;

· draws up and issues payment documents for the payment of compensation established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

· promotes the creation of jobs for people with disabilities, organizations of specialized enterprises for people with disabilities, the development of home work, vocational training and retraining;

· promotes the creation of services to serve lonely and lonely elderly citizens and disabled people by departments of social and specialized assistance;

· assists in purchasing vouchers for sanatorium and resort treatment;

· carries out, together with other interested departments (education, healthcare, guardianship and trusteeship authorities, internal affairs, etc.) the necessary measures to prevent the neglect of minors, normalize family relations, and accommodate street children;

· interacts with non-state structures that provide charitable and social assistance to disabled and low-income citizens;

· carries out coordination, methodological guidance and control over the activities of subordinate institutions.

Controlsocial protection has the right to Regulations on the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Krasnogorsk District dated December 20, 2003 :

· Take part in the development of federal, regional and intermunicipal regulatory documents, programs and activities for social protection of the population.

· Contact district, city, regional authorities, public and charitable organizations with questions about providing socially vulnerable families and management categories of citizens with benefits, allowances, compensation, credits, loans, etc.

· Develop and approve cost estimates, funds allocated for social protection of the population of the district, and monitor their implementation.

· Manage the work of subordinate social protection institutions. Monitor the status of accounting and reporting in subordinate institutions.

· Request and receive information from committees, departments, departments, district administration departments, public organizations, enterprises to perform the tasks and functions assigned to the committee.

· Enter into civil legal relations with any government or other organizations or individual citizens.

2.4 Analysis of the organizational structure of the social protection department

The district social protection department is a complex, branched system consisting of several sectors, each of which has its own functions. Structure

consists of four social work departments:

In accordance with the structure of the Department, work on social protection is carried out in several directions. Each area of ​​work is handled by several specialists. Specialists in the implementation of benefits consider requests from citizens, organize and maintain a database of records of benefit categories of the population, ensure interaction with health authorities, prepare the necessary documents for organizing sanatorium and resort treatment of benefit categories of the population, and provide prosthetic and orthopedic care Job description Specialist in the implementation of benefits, dated March 15, 2000

Fig 2.2 Structure of the Social Protection Department of the Krasnogorsk District Administration

Specialists working with disabled people keep track of preferential categories of disabled people and organize work to implement measures for the rehabilitation of disabled people. Carry out activities for the rehabilitation of disabled people. Organize explanatory work among the population on social protection measures. Keep records of the job description of a specialist working with disabled people. From 01/10/2001

Specialists on family, motherhood and childhood issues review incoming applications and letters. Complaints from citizens regarding problems of family, motherhood and childhood, measures are taken to eliminate them. Organize work on the calculation and payment of state benefits to families with children. They maintain a database and provide methodological assistance. Job description of a specialist in family, maternity and childhood problems. From 03/05/2000

Specialists in the implementation of targeted assistance keep records of citizens in need of support. They identify those in need and facilitate the implementation of the necessary targeted assistance. They organize surveys and surveys of housing conditions in order to identify specific needs.

The accounting and reporting group maintains all accounting records, ensures assigned payments, and conducts cash settlements with organizations and sponsors.

The lawyer deals with everything legal work department, provides assistance in preparing documents for privileged categories of citizens. Organizes methodological assistance to department employees.

All workplaces are computerized. All categories are recorded electronically.

2.5 Analysis of the main activities of the department of social protection of the population

According to the State Statistics Committee, the population of the region has been steadily declining for the past six years. The birth rate not only does not ensure expanded reproduction of the population, but is also insufficient even for simple replacement of generations. Over the past decade, mortality has increased significantly and is 2.5 times higher than the birth rate. The share of people over working age is almost 23 percent.

In such a situation, the work of social services aimed at supporting elderly citizens and people with disabilities is especially relevant and significant.

Social services in social service centers are more varied; the individual needs of a person are taken into account to a greater extent, and what is important is that they are less expensive and provide the opportunity for older people to live in their own home.

In accordance with the Guaranteed List of Social Services, all our institutions provide a wide range of social, social, medical, psychological, economic, legal and rehabilitation services. The Krasnogorsk Social Assistance Center provides services in occupational therapy, physical therapy, herbal medicine and others.

The most problematic area of ​​activity remains home-based services, which remain the most popular and widespread form of social and medical-social services.

The best results in this work are achieved in the city of Krasnogorsk, where the number of visits by a social worker to the citizens being served is three or more times a week, and up to ten types of services are provided per visit.

In Nakhabino and Krasnogorsk, elderly people are provided at home with hairdressing services, home repair services, shoe repairs, delivery of hot meals, and assistance in their garden plots, which allows for prompt and targeted solutions to the problems of elderly people.

A lot of work is being done to develop home-based services; the coverage rate of home-based services per 10 thousand pensioners is more than 1.5 times higher than the regional average (284 people). According to the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of the Moscow Region

But today there are still many reserves in this work.

One of the ways to increase the efficiency and quality of home-based social services is to change approaches to its organization.

It is necessary to build work to determine the list of social services taking into account the health status and level of self-care ability of a particular client. This will make it possible to optimally use the social worker’s working time, increase the efficiency of his work, and increase the volume and quality of service.

An important area of ​​activity of the centers is inpatient social services.

The main contingent at these departments are elderly citizens living in rural areas and who have partially lost the ability to self-care. In winter, the share of rural residents in such departments was up to 85 percent.

The work of inpatient departments for elderly citizens remains relevant and significant also because our region is rural. A significant part of pensioners and disabled people live in remote settlements without transport links and utilities. It is for such citizens that inpatient departments are needed.

It is necessary to continue work to improve the efficiency and quality of service in inpatient departments by expanding the list of services provided, rational use of human resources, and reducing the length of stay in the department. Everything must be done to ensure that these structures serve as basic platforms for organizing social services for older people in need of outside care.

The third important aspect of the centers' activities is the social rehabilitation of disabled people. Annually according to the service medical and social examination More than 15 thousand people are recognized as disabled for the first time, of which every third is of working age. Last year, about 516 disabled people underwent rehabilitation in social institutions. Final report for 2006 of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Krasnogorsk District.

The social rehabilitation of disabled people is greatly facilitated by sports Olympiads, including among young wheelchair users, exhibitions and creativity festivals held jointly with public organizations of disabled people and the Culture Committee.

2.6 Analysis of financing of social protection of the population

Funding for social protection measures is provided from regional and local budgets (Fig. 2.3).

Rice. 2.3 Total expenditure of funds aimed at providing social and domestic assistance to the population of the Krasnogorsk region

As can be seen from the data presented, there is a positive trend in the allocation of budget funds for social protection. Over the past three years, the volume of funding for the sector has changed upward and increased by 10% over the past 5 years. The growth was 21%.

In this case, financing is carried out in equity, as follows (Fig. 2.4)

2.4 Financing of social protection from regional and local budgets in 2002-2006

The program-target approach to management is one of the methods for organizing current and future activities. The program-target approach to management is used mainly when solving large, large-scale problems, the solution of which involves a large number of participants. The use of this method allows you to coordinate the actions of numerous participants, solve assigned tasks more effectively and use available resources. In addition, solving large management problems cannot be completed in a short period of time. Therefore, the peculiarity of the program-target approach is that it involves actions to solve problems over a long period of time.

The content of the program-target approach lies in the formation of target programs that help coordinate goals with available resources. A program is a complex control tool that must have certain qualities, and its preparation requires special technology. The program in its meaning is a normative model joint activities groups or multiple groups of people, defining:

Initial system state

An image of the desired future state of this system

Composition and structure of actions for the transition from the present to the future. See: Management: Textbook for Universities. /Gerchikova I.N. - 2nd ed., revised, additional. - M., 2003. P.37.

If there is such a model, then it gives confidence to the manager; he knows what final result should be obtained by a certain point in time, what actions, who should take it and when, and that these actions will be enough to achieve the desired result. The important purpose of the program is that the manager not only sets a goal, but also determines the intermediate results that are necessary to achieve this goal. It will be possible to detect a threat to achieving the goal in a timely manner. Below I will consider the classification of programs, the content of program-target management, and the technology of program development.

2.7 Analysis of the implementation of programs for social support of socially vulnerable groups

An important area of ​​activity of the department of social protection of the population is the implementation of municipal target programs. The municipal programs “Family”, “Disabled Children”, “Older Generation” and “Social Support for Disabled People” are systemic and targeted. The goal of the programs is measures aimed at strengthening the material and technical base of the social service center and providing targeted social assistance to needy pensioners, disabled people and families with children. A program-targeted approach to solving issues of organizing social support for low-income categories of citizens is being implemented in the Krasnogorsk region and already has its own history. For the period 2005-20010 Five targeted programs have been developed and are being implemented in the region:

1. "Older generation"

2. “Social support for people with disabilities”,

3. "Family"

4. “Children with disabilities.”

5. "Summer"

All city comprehensive programs are approved by the decision of the deputy corps of the municipal formation "Krasnogorsk district"

According to city comprehensive programs“Older Generation”, “Social Support for Disabled People”, “Family” and “Disabled Children” are working to provide social and domestic assistance to low-income citizens of the city.

The total amount of funding for social regional and municipal target programs for 2006 amounted to 1123.9 thousand rubles, including from the regional budget - 546.4 thousand rubles. (49%), local - 566.5 thousand rubles. (50%), other sources - 11 thousand rubles. (1%) Data from the report of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Kransogorsky District for 2006.

Fig.2. Volume of financing of target programs from various sources

Table 2.1

The volume of financing of measures for social protection of the population in 2005 -2006


Amount of funding

Amount of funding in 2005

Amount of funding in 2004

Month "Family"

50 thousand rubles

50 thousand rubles

50 thousand rubles

Summer rest

RUB 3.15 million

RUB 2.9 million

Activities of the “Older Generation” program

167.5 thousand rubles

150 thousand rubles

150 thousand rubles

Activities of the program “Social support for people with disabilities”

75 thousand rubles

70 thousand rubles

68 thousand rubles

Activities to support people with disabilities

44 thousand rubles

47 thousand rubles

45 thousand rubles

Targeted assistance to those in need

1.7 million rubles

RUB 1.6 million

RUB 1.6 million

Events under the “Family” program

65.5 thousand rubles

75 thousand rubles

62 thousand rubles

Strengthening the material and technical base of social protection

32 thousand rubles

15 thousand rubles


31.2 thousand rubles

65 thousand rubles

45 thousand rubles

Material (monetary) assistance to those in need

200.0 thousand rubles

320.0 thousand rubles

200 yys rub.

As can be seen from the presented data (Table 2.1), the amount of financing by cost items remains approximately at the same level and increases from year to year.

In accordance with targeted programs, 1,749 people (78.2%) received assistance. 611 families are registered with the OSZN as having incomes below the subsistence level; 843 children live in these families, 73 of them are disabled. Data from the report of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Kransogorsky District for 2006

Funds from the programs are aimed at solving the problems of families and children in difficult life situations. Many low-income families are also socially disadvantaged. To identify such families, the “Family” month event is held, the second stage of a complex operation for teenagers. Children from such families need social assistance and social services, rehabilitation services.

30.0 thousand rubles were spent on the implementation of the event - the “Family” month. from local budget, from the regional fund for social support of the population, 50 families received food packages worth 20.0 thousand rubles. 24 large families enjoy a 30% discount on housing and utilities, these are only low-income families

Events such as Family Day, Mother's Day, and International Children's Day are organized annually and have become a tradition, which helps to attract public attention to the role of the family in society.

The work of the department of social protection of the population in organizing summer holiday and children's health is an integral part of a whole block of organizing recreation and health for children in the city, where each committee and department has its own goal, solves its own problems, and has its own field of activity. The department’s activities for organizing summer recreation and employment for children were carried out on the basis of the target program “Summer 2007.” and were aimed at improving the health of children in difficult life situations: disabled children, street children, children without parental care.

Every year, 25 camps are organized with day and round-the-clock stays, where up to 3,000 minors recover their health.

The organization of health camps helps reduce child homelessness and reduce the number of illegal actions; each camp has developed programs aimed at developing skills healthy image life, involvement in work and cultural leisure.

A distinctive feature is the labor-oriented camp, where teenagers had the opportunity to earn money and have an interesting time free time. Minors worked on the improvement of the city. The work of family educational groups continued, in which 9 minors underwent a rehabilitation course in family conditions over three shifts.

167.5 thousand rubles were spent on the implementation of the “Older Generation” program, “Social support for the disabled” - 75.0 thousand rubles Data from the report of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Krasnogorsk District for 2006.

The problems of active life of veterans and older people are very relevant today. A total of 7,682 people are registered as pensioners. incl. preferential categories -5900 people.

A series of events was carried out within the framework of the “Older Generation” and “Social Support for the Disabled” program. These include surveys of the social and living conditions of war invalids, veterans, and widows in order to identify low-income single citizens. More than 1500 people were examined. (inv. WWII - 69 people, UVOV - 243 people. Financial assistance was provided for minor home repairs and the purchase of firewood for low-income veterans. Meetings, charity dinners were held, trips and exhibitions of creativity of disabled people were organized.

Every year the city hosts a decade of disabled people; there are 1,671 of them in the Krangor district. 25.0 thousand rubles were spent on holding events for the ten-day period. under the program “Social support for the disabled” and 19.0 thousand rubles - “Disabled children” Data from the report of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Kransogorsky District for 2006

The fact that program activities are being fully implemented makes it possible to strengthen the material and technical base of the social service center and create a sustainable system of support for socially vulnerable groups of the population.

In 2006, funds were allocated for the following activities and distributed as follows. Data from the report of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Kransogorsky District for 2006:

· to provide targeted assistance to needy pensioners, disabled people and families with children 102.2 thousand rubles. (535 people);

· to strengthen the material and technical base of social services for the population 32.0 thousand rubles.

· for holding events for Victory Day, Family Day, Mother's Day, International Children's Day, Day of the Elderly, Desk of the Disabled, Golden Weddings 31.2 thousand rubles.

There are 632 families registered with the social protection department in Krasnogorsk with incomes below the subsistence level, in which 883 children live.

In 2006, about 1,200 people applied to the department for problems of family, women and children; 960 of them were covered under the “Family” program various types social assistance: financial - 129 people. (22.0 thousand rubles), natural - 239 people. (43.5 thousand rubles), assistance in the form of benefits and services - 523 people. and etc.

Despite the financial and other assistance provided to vulnerable categories of the population, the need for assistance remains not only in demand, but necessary. The majority needs targeted help and is waiting for it.

For a more rational distribution of budget funds, their accounting and targeting for specific purposes, it is recommended to introduce a citizen’s social passport, which should be issued for each citizen who requires social assistance and support. At first, social passports can be maintained locally in social protection services municipalities district, in the future the system should become electronic, all institutions related to the distribution and provision of assistance must be connected to it.

Section 3. Design part

3.1 Improving the organization of work with preferential categories. Drawing up social passports

The main goal of improving organizational work with preferential categories is to provide targeted and differentiated support to socially vulnerable segments of the population; maintaining a guaranteed level of social services, developing a social network. protection on the territory of the district, strengthening its material and technical base.

To achieve these goals, it is advisable to draw up social passports for benefit categories, which contain information about the composition of the family, the availability of documents on the right to benefits, the assistance received, and most importantly, their need for specific types of assistance.

A social passport will help increase the effectiveness of targeted assistance. The social passport will be a database where information about those who should receive assistance will be entered.

Information about goods and services (from a refrigerator to an operation) that a pensioner needs will be obtained with the help of neighbors and acquaintances

The final decision on the issuance of social assistance, after analyzing the reliability of the information, will be made by a commission that will include representatives of the Pension Fund, deputies of the district assembly, and public social protection organizations. Assistance will be provided on Victory Day, Day of the Disabled, and Day of the Elderly.

Below is an approximate form of a citizen’s social passport, which can be proposed by the author of the diploma project as the main one

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Proposals for improving the activities of social service organizations in the Lipetsk region

  • Informing recipients of services about the location of information stands on the premises of social organizations upon admission to the organization.
  • Explaining to recipients of services, especially in social organizations for the disabled and elderly, the content of the necessary information about the activities of the social organization, as well as the opportunity to obtain information on the organization’s website.
  • Improving the quality and completeness of information about the organization’s activities posted on the organization’s official website, as well as expanding the ability to access the Internet to search for the necessary information of service recipients.
  • Compliance with the standard when providing services regarding the waiting time for the service to be provided by the recipient of the service, especially in social service organizations for the disabled and elderly.
  • Additional training of personnel providing direct services on issues of professional ethics to increase the satisfaction of service recipients with the friendliness and politeness of social workers.
  • Expanding forms of remote interaction, both with recipients of services discussed in social organizations, and with their relatives and potential recipients of services.

To improve the information support for the activities of social organizations in the Lipetsk region (in terms of compliance of information about the activities of a social organization posted on the official website of a social organization with its content and procedure (form) established by regulatory legal acts), it is necessary to update the following information:

  • on financial and economic activities,
  • information on the number of recipients of social services by forms of social services and types of social services at the expense of budgetary allocations of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the number of recipients of social services by forms of social services and types of social services for a fee,
  • information on the number of free places for receiving recipients of social services according to forms of social services, financed from budgetary allocations of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and the number of free places for receiving recipients of social services according to forms of social services for a fee, partial payment in accordance with agreements on the provision of social services services at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities.

Also, a number of organizations need to pay attention to providing the technical ability for the recipient of services to express an opinion on the quality of the conditions for the provision of services by a social sector organization on the organizations’ websites.

  1. Krasninsky social rehabilitation center for minors “Ochag”
  2. Zadonsk social rehabilitation center for minors "Nadezhda"
  3. Yeletsk social rehabilitation center for minors “Kovcheg”
  4. Volovsky Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children “Istok”
  5. Verkhne-Matrensky small-capacity boarding house for elderly citizens and the disabled
  6. Center for Rehabilitation of Disabled and Elderly People "Sosnovy Bor"
  7. Center for Social Protection of the Population in Khleven District
  8. Dolgorukovsky center for social assistance to families and children “Trust”
  9. Dankovsky Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors "Harmony"
  10. Yeletsk orphanage for mentally retarded children
  11. Lipetsk boarding house for the elderly and disabled people of general type
  12. Center for Social Protection of the Population in Dolgorukovsky District
  13. Center for Social Protection of the Population in Krasninsky District
  14. Lipetsk night stay house for persons without a fixed place of residence


Suggestions for improving the quality of services providedsocial service institutions of the Lipetsk region

Overall, the study revealed sufficient high level services in social service institutions. The current state of service in social service institutions, when taking certain measures in relation to the surveyed institutions, allows us to give a positive forecast regarding achieving the highest possible level of satisfaction of service users with the quality and level of their provision.

Regarding information policy:

  • Cover the activities of social service institutions in the media.
  • Post information on electronic resources.
  • Ensure completeness and sufficiency of information.

In terms of comfortable conditions and availability of services:

The specifics of the activities of social protection institutions determine the need for their maximum accessibility for persons with disabilities. The study identified institutions whose accessibility and comfort indicators did not meet the requirements.

In order to improve consumers’ assessment of the level of comfort and accessibility, it is advisable to analyze the wishes expressed by service users for the organization’s activities and take these wishes into account when drawing up the institution’s work plan.

In terms of friendliness, politeness and competence of employees:

The overall assessment of this indicator by both service users and employees indicates a fairly high level of competence of employees of social service institutions.

To develop and maintain the required level of this indicator, it is advisable to conduct trainings for employees in the areas of “friendliness, politeness and competence in relation to the institution’s clients.”

Regarding satisfaction with services:

The study showed a fairly high level of satisfaction with services and the desire of users to recommend the services of institutions to their relatives and friends.

In order to increase the level of satisfaction with services, it is advisable to work to increase ratings for all indicators considered in the study, as well as to introduce advanced methods of working with service recipients.

1. OBU "Center for Social Protection of the Population in the City of Lipetsk"

  • Increase the level of accessibility of the building (buildings), premises of the institution and its structural divisions for all categories of citizens served, including for people with disabilities and other people with limited mobility in accordance with paragraph 5.2.2. GOST R 52497-2005 “Social services for the population. Quality system of social service institutions" and SP 59.13330.2012 "SNiP 35-01-2001. Accessibility of buildings and structures for people with limited mobility":

Equip the institution with lifting devices for the disabled;

Equip the bathroom according to the requirements for disabled people.

2. OBU "Center for Social Protection of the Population in the City of Yelets"

  • Analyze the reasons for customer dissatisfaction with the waiting time for social services and organize activities to eliminate them. Ensure the recommended waiting time for services for the client is no more than 15 minutes;

3. OBU "Center for Social Protection of the Population in Lebedyansky District"

4. OBU "Center for Social Protection of the Population in the Lipetsk District"

  • When organizing the activities of the institution, take into account the wishes of clients to ensure accessibility of services, since some respondents believe that the territory adjacent to the organization is not fully equipped for people with limited mobility.
  • To study the issue of satisfaction with the quality of services by their recipients, since 5% of respondents are not ready to recommend this institution to relatives and friends.

5. OBU "Center for Social Protection of the Population in the Terbunsky District"

6. OBU “Center for Social Protection of the Population in Dobrovsky District”

  • Conduct an analysis of the effectiveness of telephone calls to a social service organization, and appoint a specialist responsible for receiving telephone calls.
  • Analyze the reasons for customer dissatisfaction with the waiting time for social services and organize activities to eliminate them. Ensure the recommended waiting time for services for the client is no more than 15 minutes.
  • To study the issue of satisfaction with the quality of services by their recipients.

7. OBU "Center for Social Protection of the Population in the Yeletsk District"

  • work on issues of improving information openness and accessibility in terms of the location of information stands in publicly accessible places.
  • Conduct an analysis of the effectiveness of telephone calls to a social service organization, and appoint a specialist responsible for receiving telephone calls.
  • Analyze the reasons for customer dissatisfaction with the waiting time for social services and organize activities to eliminate them. Ensure the recommended waiting time for services for the client is no more than 15 minutes.
  • To study the issue of satisfaction with the quality of services by their recipients, since 5% of respondents are not ready to recommend this institution to relatives and friends.

8. OBU “Center for Social Protection of the Population in Lev-Tolstovsky District”

  • Conduct an analysis of the effectiveness of telephone calls to a social service organization, and appoint a specialist responsible for receiving telephone calls.
  • Explore issues of improving information openness and accessibility, for example, using local media and Internet resources.
  • Check the address of the social services department on Internet resources.

9. OBU "Center for Social Protection of the Population in Dobrinsky District"

  • Conduct an analysis of the effectiveness of telephone calls to a social service organization, and appoint a specialist responsible for receiving telephone calls.
  • Explore issues of improving information openness and accessibility, for example, using local media and Internet resources.

10. Regional Institution “Center for Social Protection of the Population in the Chaplyginsky District”

  • Conduct an analysis of the effectiveness of telephone calls to a social service organization, and appoint a specialist responsible for receiving telephone calls.
  • Explore issues of improving information openness and accessibility, for example, using local media and Internet resources.
  • Conduct monitoring among service recipients regarding the availability of services. When organizing the activities of the institution, take into account the wishes of clients to ensure accessibility, improve the material and technical base and expand the range of services.

11. Regional Institution “Center for Social Protection of the Population in Khlevensky District”

  • Conduct an analysis of the effectiveness of telephone calls to a social service organization, and appoint a specialist responsible for receiving telephone calls.
  • Explore issues of improving information openness and accessibility, for example, using local media and Internet resources.
  • Conduct monitoring among service recipients regarding the availability of services. When organizing the activities of the institution, take into account the wishes of clients to ensure accessibility, improve the material and technical base and expand the range of services.
  • Analyze the reasons for customer dissatisfaction with the waiting time for social services and organize activities to eliminate them. Ensure the recommended waiting time for services for the client is no more than 15 minutes.

12. OBU "Center for Social Protection of the Population in the Dolgorukovsky District"

  • Explore issues of improving information openness and accessibility, for example, using local media and Internet resources.
  • Conduct monitoring among service recipients regarding the availability of services. When organizing the activities of the institution, take into account the wishes of clients to ensure accessibility, improve the material and technical base and expand the range of services.
  • Analyze the reasons for customer dissatisfaction with the waiting time for social services and organize activities to eliminate them. Ensure the recommended waiting time for services for the client is no more than 15 minutes.

13. OBU "Center for Social Protection of the Population in the Dankovsky District"

  • Conduct an analysis of the effectiveness of telephone calls to a social service organization, and appoint a specialist responsible for receiving telephone calls.
  • Explore issues of improving information openness and accessibility, for example, using local media and Internet resources.

14. Regional Institution “Center for Social Protection of the Population in the Stanovlyansky District”

  • Conduct an analysis of the effectiveness of telephone calls to a social service organization, and appoint a specialist responsible for receiving telephone calls.
  • Explore issues of improving information openness and accessibility, for example, using local media and Internet resources.
  • Equip a bathroom for the disabled.
  • Equip the area for people with limited mobility

15. OBU "Center for Social Protection of the Population in the Volovsky District"

  • Conduct an analysis of the effectiveness of telephone calls to a social service organization, and appoint a specialist responsible for receiving telephone calls.
  • Equip a bathroom for the disabled.

16. Regional Institution “Center for Social Protection of the Population in the Krasninsky District”

  • Conduct an analysis of the effectiveness of telephone calls to a social service organization, and appoint a specialist responsible for receiving telephone calls.
  • Work with employees of the institution to comply with the requirements of the Code of Ethics and Official Conduct of Employees of Social Security Administration Bodies and Social Service Institutions.

17. Regional Institution “Center for Social Protection of the Population in the Usman District”

  • Conduct an analysis of the effectiveness of telephone calls to a social service organization, and appoint a specialist responsible for receiving telephone calls.
  • Explore issues of improving information openness and accessibility, for example, using local media and Internet resources.

18. Regional Institution “Center for Social Protection of the Population in Izmalkovsky District”

  • Conduct an analysis of the effectiveness of telephone calls to a social service organization, and appoint a specialist responsible for receiving telephone calls.
  • Ensure the accessibility of the building and premises of the institution for all categories of citizens served, including the disabled and other groups of the population with limited mobility:

Provide parking spaces for disabled people in the immediate vicinity of the institution;

Install ramps that comply with standards for ensuring the accessibility of buildings and structures for people with disabilities;

Bring doors, stairs, and traffic paths in accordance with the above standards; - equip premises intended for citizens’ stay with visual, sound and tactile information.

19. OGBU "Lamskoy psychoneurological boarding school"

20. OGBU “Dyomkinsky psychoneurological boarding school”

  • Identify a specialist responsible for email requests and monitor responses to these requests.

21. OGBU “Rehabilitation and health center “Forest Fairy Tale”

  • Due to the presence of a complaint in the organization’s complaint book about food in the institution, it is recommended to analyze the organization of catering for the institution’s clients, identify shortcomings and eliminate

reasons for dissatisfaction.


Proposals for improving the activities of social protection institutions in the provision of social services

  1. Bring information about the organization into compliance with the procedure for posting information approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated November 17, 2014 No. 886n “On approval of the Procedure for posting on the official website of a social services provider on the Internet information and telecommunications network and updating information about this provider (including content specified information and the form of its provision)".
  2. Place information about the activities of a social service organization (including the list, procedure and conditions for the provision of social services, tariffs for social services) on information stands in the premises of the organization where recipients of services live, and supplement the information in brochures and booklets.
  3. Create alternative version official website of a social service organization on the Internet for the visually impaired.
  4. Set up feedback via email or using electronic services on the organization’s official website on the Internet.
  5. Ensure that information on the procedure for filing a complaint regarding the quality of social services is posted in publicly accessible places on the organization’s official website.
  6. Ensure the availability of video and audio informants on the premises of social service organizations for persons with hearing and vision impairments.
  7. Equip premises for the provision of social services in accordance with the list of social services provided in this social service organization.
  8. Ensure that social service institutions are staffed with specialists providing social services and timely advanced training/professional retraining of the organization’s employees (except for administrative and managerial personnel) in the field of social work or other activities carried out in the social service organization.
  9. Ensure the friendliness, politeness, and competence of employees of social service organizations.
  10. Improve the technical equipment of institutions (transport, equipment, instruments, equipment, musical instruments, sports and other equipment, etc.).
  11. Develop a modern rehabilitation base to improve the correctional and developmental activities of service recipients.
  12. In institutions for social support of family, motherhood and childhood, for the full mental and personal development in accordance with the individual capabilities and characteristics of children who find themselves in difficult life situations, strengthen work on methodological development and the implementation of individual and group correctional and developmental programs, providing sports facilities or gyms with the necessary equipment, creating or expanding computer classes, creating or equipping playrooms, playgrounds and recreation rooms for children of primary school and preschool age.


Proposals for improving the activities of social protection institutions in the provision of social services

1) Openness and accessibility of information about the organization.

Pay attention to the quality of openness and accessibility of personal websites, create an alternative version of the official website of a social service organization on the Internet for the visually impaired.

2) Comfortable conditions and accessibility of social services, including for citizens with disabilities.

When organizing external and internal improvements, take into account the specifics of institutions and the needs of consumers of social services. Conduct an assessment and continue work to create an accessible service environment for people with disabilities (including disabled children) and other low-mobility groups. It is important not only the formal presence of a ramp at the entrance to the institution, but a ramp that can be used. Purchase video and audio informants for persons with hearing and vision impairments for the premises of a social service organization.

3) Friendliness, politeness and competence of the organization’s employees.

Establish a feedback channel between the recipient of social services and the organization in order to determine satisfaction with the quality of interaction with staff.

4) Satisfaction with the quality of service in the organization.

Introduce internal monitoring of recipients’ satisfaction with the quality of social services and, based on its results, approve an action plan to improve the quality of service.

An analysis of the situation of elderly citizens and people with disabilities indicates that they are the most socially vulnerable categories of the population in need of special attention and social protection from the state. The most important thing for those served is health; many people served are lonely and rely more on government services, which should provide them with help and protection, rather than on their loved ones and relatives; Many clients consider themselves active people, but not everyone has the opportunity to show their activity.

One of the important ways to improve social services is the introduction of new technologies and methods of social work. Therefore, specialists must undergo regular training.

The training course should be aimed at expanding and deepening the knowledge of specialists about the system of social services for the elderly and disabled; familiarization with modern technologies training of social workers; structuring information for the development of new technologies for social services for the elderly and disabled.

It should include the following steps:

Legal provisions government institutions to improve the quality of services by reforming the budget network in the light of changes in legislation.

Management system for social services for the elderly and disabled.

Scientific and methodological support for the activities of the Comprehensive Center for Social Services for Elderly and Disabled People.

Development and implementation of new effective technologies to serve the elderly and disabled to provide comprehensive assistance to improve the quality of life of people.

Using Russian and foreign experience in caring for the elderly and disabled.

Modern forms work on organizing leisure time for elderly and disabled people in a social welfare institution using domestic and foreign experience.

Organization of social services for elderly and disabled people in the non-state sector (private social services). Semenovsky's work experience charitable foundation.

Syndrome professional burnout» specialists in helping professions. Prevention methods.

Visit to modern social welfare institutions.

Services rural population difficult to organize due to their labor intensity: social service institutions in rural areas have to provide hard work– digging up vegetable gardens, delivering fuel, sawing firewood, etc. Currently, there is a need for the development and widespread implementation of an innovative technology that is in demand in rural areas – the provision of social assistance on a mobile basis. Mobile social assistance is provided in areas that consist mainly of rural settlements with a large number of single elderly people.

It is clear that the activities of mobile social services can at least to some extent improve the quality of life of lonely elderly people in rural areas.

One of the innovative forms used in the work of social assistance departments at home is also the introduction of a team form of service at home. Social workers of the department, numbering 4-6 people, unite to perform labor-intensive work: cosmetic repairs of housing (whitewashing, painting, cleaning), fuel procurement, processing personal plot. This helps to provide social services quickly and with better quality.

Services to the rural population are difficult to organize due to their labor intensity: social service institutions in rural areas have to provide heavy work - digging up vegetable gardens, delivering fuel, sawing firewood, etc. Currently, there is a need for the development and widespread implementation of an innovative technology that is in demand in rural areas - the provision of social assistance on a mobile basis.

Mobile social assistance is provided in areas that consist mainly of rural settlements with a large number of single elderly people. The creation of “Mobile social assistance in rural areas” turned out to be very relevant for many areas, since large number In populated areas, social services for the elderly and disabled at home are provided only in half of the villages. It is not possible to serve the residents of other villages using traditional technology due to the significant distance of many villages from the administrations of rural districts, poor development (and in many cases, absence) of social infrastructure, lack of regular bus routes and poor roads.

The most popular services were the purchase and delivery of food, industrial goods and medicines; house cleaning (washing floors, ceilings, windows); delivery of items to laundry and dry cleaning; repair of household appliances, stoves, roofs, fences, wells, etc.); bath and hairdressing services; consultations with doctors at home; assistance in the garden and in the preparation of firewood; legal (mainly notarial) and psychological assistance. Considering the need to provide address, operational assistance, as close as possible to citizens who live in remote rural settlements, social protection authorities are actively developing various models of mobile social service. The feasibility of this form of social service is increasingly confirmed in practice. For many veterans and disabled people, it is extremely difficult to contact medical, law enforcement and other socially significant institutions, including those providing household and commercial services to the population. Mobile social services cost people at least half as much as the prevailing rates for transport and other services in the area.

The Social Express mobile service, based on a specially equipped and equipped vehicle, delivers a visiting team consisting of various specialists to rural areas. The main task of its activities is to serve elderly and disabled people in rural areas by promptly responding to incoming requests from citizens.

When introducing this technology, working meetings were held with the heads of rural settlements and village elders, and the needs and problems of the villagers were identified. “Social Express” visits are carried out strictly according to the route and schedule approved by the administration of the Social Service Center. The visiting team is formed according to requests from the population.

“Social Express” provides home-based services using “live letter” technology, through which elderly and disabled people can contact loved ones, congratulate them on certain dates, express painful issues, remember the past, and see relatives and friends. The letter filmed is delivered to the addressee along with video equipment for viewing and recording the response (if such a desire arises).

In addition to the above-mentioned home-based services, the Social Express mobile team provides services for the delivery of essential items (household chemicals, equipment, seeds, etc.), hairdresser, shoemaker and worker services), medical and advisory assistance (on legal and social issues) . It is clear that the activities of mobile social services can at least to some extent improve the quality of life of lonely elderly people in rural areas.

One of the innovative forms used in the work of social assistance departments at home is the introduction of a team form of home care. Social workers of the department, numbering 4-6 people, unite to perform labor-intensive work: cosmetic repairs of housing (whitewashing, painting, cleaning), fuel procurement, cultivation of a personal plot. This helps to provide social services quickly and with better quality.

How innovative technology In social work with older people and people with disabilities, the voluntary (volunteer) movement can also be considered. Volunteering is a low-cost part of social services. Clients of social service centers can use the help of volunteers.


The level of civilization of a society is directly dependent on the position occupied in society by the elderly, disabled and children. It is quite obvious that the sustainable social development of the country depends on the extent, depth and consistency of solving the problems of older people.

Despite the fact that our state is working to improve the organization of social services for the elderly and disabled, many problems are still far from being resolved. First of all, this concerns quality and volume. free services, organizing targeted assistance to low-income elderly and disabled people, solving the problems of lonely old people and disabled people.

The most important task of the state at the present stage is to create effective system social services as a set of services for various categories of the population located in the social risk zone, including the elderly and disabled.

A difficult life situation is a situation that objectively disrupts a citizen’s life (disability, inability to self-care due to old age, illness, orphanhood, neglect, poverty, unemployment, lack of a specific place of residence, conflicts and abuse in the family, loneliness, etc. .), which he cannot overcome on his own. Elderly citizens (women over 55 years old, men over 60 years old) and disabled people (including disabled children) in need of permanent or temporary outside help due to partial or complete loss of the ability to independently satisfy their basic life needs due to limited ability for self-care and (or) movement, they have the right to social services provided in the state and non-state sectors of the social service system.

In the Perm Territory, a public service is provided for “Home-based services for disabled people and elderly citizens.” The public service is provided to elderly citizens (women over 55 years old, men over 60 years old), disabled people and other citizens in need of permanent or temporary assistance due to partial loss of the ability to independently satisfy basic life needs due to limited ability to self-care and (or) movement in accordance with the following regulatory documents:.

The above public service is provided free of charge and for a fee. The main customer of this service in the territory is the territorial department of the Ministry of Social Development of the Perm Territory at the place of residence. On the territory of the Dobryansky municipal district, the customer of the social service is the territorial department of the Ministry of Social Development of the Perm Territory for the Perm and Dobryansky municipal districts, the provider of this service is the Limited Liability Company “Management Company “Novoletie”. The establishment of LLC Management Company "Novoletiye" is intended to carry out organizational, practical and coordination activities to provide social services to elderly citizens, disabled people, disabled children, as well as families and children who find themselves in difficult life situations. LLC “UK “Novoletiye”, specializing in home-based services for citizens, has existed as an independent organization for the third year. Social workers for home care in the city of Dobryanka work under the leadership of manager O.V. Parfenova in close cooperation with the Tererographic Directorate of the Ministry of Social Development of the region. The team employs 40 social workers, most of whom have been caring for older people for 10-20 years. Each social worker has 8-10 elderly people in his care, whom they visit 2-3 times a week.

The department for home-based social services for disabled people and single elderly citizens provides assistance aimed at improving the quality of life of clients; one of the main tasks is to increase the availability of social services for elderly and old age.

The work on social services for elderly disabled people in the department includes medical - social, social - household, social - psychological, legal assistance. The social services department at home uses various forms of social services, taking into account age characteristics disabled people, in collaboration with various social work actors.

The most important thing for those served is health and everything connected with it; many people served are lonely and rely more on government services, which should provide them with help and protection, rather than on their loved ones and relatives. Many clients consider themselves active people, but not everyone has the opportunity to show their activity. Not all clients have the opportunity to satisfy the need for communication; some clients are dissatisfied with the way they are informed about social services. The results of the survey must be taken into account when organizing social work.

Adaptation rates among clients are average; however, for some patients they are low. This indicates the need to improve the work on social services for elderly people with disabilities in order to social adaptation and meeting their basic needs.

In accordance with the results of the study on the partial satisfaction of the client group with social home-based services, the following recommendations were proposed for the social workers of the department: improving the qualifications of social workers, providing them with the services that are most in demand for the client group, emphasizing the provision of services in rural areas, a team method of providing services, which is currently innovative form service.

List of used literature

Regulatory documents

1. Federal Law of November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ “On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” Federal Law (as amended No. 351-FZ dated 12/09/2010).

2. Federal Law of December 10, 1995 No. 195-FZ “On the fundamentals of social services for the population in the Russian Federation (as amended on August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ).

3. Federal Law of August 2, 1995 N 122-FZ “On social services for elderly citizens and disabled people” (as amended on January 10, 2003 N 15-FZ).

4. Law of the Republic of Karelia dated July 24, 2007 No. 1106 “On some issues of organizing social services in the Republic of Karelia.”

5. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 7, 2008 N 240 “On the procedure for providing disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation and certain categories of citizens from among veterans with prostheses (except dentures); prosthetic and orthopedic products."

6. National standard of the Russian Federation "Social services for the population" GOST R 52884-2007;

7. Social services for the population. Main types of social services. GOST R 52143-2003;

8. Social services for the population. Requirements for personnel of social service institutions. GOST R 52883-2007.

9. Decree of the Governor of the Perm Region dated September 29, 2005 N 155 “On social services for the population of the Perm Territory”;

10. List of state-guaranteed social services, basic requirements for their volume, approved by Decree of the Government of the Perm Territory of May 18, 2007 N 99-p “On approval of the List of state-guaranteed social services, basic requirements for their volume”;

11. Appendices 4, 5, 6 to the Order of the Ministry of Social Development of the Perm Territory dated September 7, 2010 N SED-33-01-01-254 “On approval state standards social services for the population of the Perm region";

12. Order dated January 31, 2013 No. SED-33-01-03-51 “On the provision of public services“Home-based services for disabled people and elderly citizens” in 2013-2014.”

13. Books and methodological literature

14. Alperovich V.D. Gerontology. Old age. Sociocultural portrait / V.D. Alperovich. – M.: Prior, 2009. – 72 p.

15. Guseva N.K. Fundamentals of social protection of sick and disabled people in the Russian Federation: A guide for vocational education. – Nizhny Novgorod: Publishing House of the Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy, 2011. – 58 p.

16. Dmitriev A. V. Social problems elderly people / A. V. Dmitriev. - M.: Delo, 2013. – 294 p.

17. Kozlova T.V. Social time of a pensioner; stages of personal self-realization - M., 2010 - 236 p.

18. Kravchenko A.I. Technologies of social work with the elderly and disabled / A. I. Kravchenko. - M.: Vlados, 2008.- 538 p.

19. Krasnova O.V. Social psychology of old age / O. V. Krasnova. - M.: Academy, 2009. - 288 p.

20. Krasnova O.V. Workshop on working with older people: experience from Russia and Great Britain. - M.: Printer, 2010-231p.

21. Lopatin N. M. Social protection of elderly and advanced citizens. Collection of normative acts / N. M. Lopatin. - M.: UNITY, 2008.- 352 p.

22. Maksimova S.G. Socio-psychological adaptation: features of formation and development in elderly and senile people. - Barnaul: Alt Publishing House. University, 2011. - 145 p.

23. Maksimova S.G. Social and psychological characteristics of late-life personality / S. G. Maksimova. - Barnaul: Alt Publishing House. University, 2011. - 99 p.

24. Pavlenok P. D. Methodology and theory of social work. Monograph / P. D. Pavlenok. – M.: Infra-M, 2009 - 560 p.

25. Pavlenok P. D. Theory, history and methodology of social work - M.: Dashkov and K, 2009. - 214.p.

26. Elderly: Dictionary-reference book for social work / ed. E. I. Kholostova. - M.: Vek, 2010. – 384 p.

27. Smith E.D. You can age gracefully: A guide for the elderly, the elderly and those who care for the elderly / E. D. Smith. - M.: Sfera, 2015.- 119.

28. Social work: theory and practice: Tutorial/ Responsible editor Doctor of History, Prof. E.I. Kholostova, Doctor of Historical Sciences A.S.Sorvina-M.: Infra-M, 2008 – 34 p.

29. Dictionary-reference book for social work / ed. E.I. Single. - M.: VLADOS, 2010.- 573 p.

30. Social work with older people. Handbook for a social work specialist / ed. E. I. Kholostova. - M.: Institute of Social Work, 2011.- 429 p.

31. Social work with disabled people. Handbook for a specialist / ed. E. I. Kholostova. - M.: Institute of Social Work, 2011.- 519 p.

32. Social work with disabled people. From the experience of the Social Service Centers of the Rostov Region./ed. A. I. Zarezina. – – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2009. – 219 p.

33. Theoretical foundations medical and social rehabilitation disabled people / Ed. O.S. Andreeva, D.I. Lavrova. - M.: CBNTI Ministry of Labor of Russia, 2010, Issue. 26. – 119 p.

34. Technology of social work with the elderly and disabled / Ed. N. A. Chernyavskaya. – Rostov n/d: “Phoenix”, 2009. – 316 p.

35. Technologies of social work in various spheres of life / Ed. P.D. Pavlenok. – M.: “Dashkov and K”, 2009 – 596 p.

36. Uskova N.E. Institutional support for social activity of older people - M., 2010 - 278p.

37. Kholostova E. I. Social work with older people / E. I Kholostova. - M.: UNITY, 2011.- 382 p.

38. Shchukina N.P., Grishchenko E.A. Free access older people to social services as a theoretical and practical problem // Domestic Journal of Social Work. – 2005. -№1 P.29-33.

39. Yatsemirskaya R.S., Belenkaya I.G. Social gerontology / R.S. Yatsemirskaya, I.G. Belenkaya. - M.: Sfera, 1999. - 492 p.

40. Periodicals

41. Dolotin B. For people of the older generation / B. Dolotin // Social Security- 2009. - No. 7. – P. 35 – 39.

42. Kalkova V.L. Old age: Abstract review / V. L. Kalkova // Psychology of old age and aging: Reader / Comp. O.V. Krasnova, A.G. Leaders. - M.: Academy, 2013. - P.77-86.

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45. Pochinyuk A. Social work for older people: professionalism, partnership, responsibility / A. Pochinok // AiF Long-Liver. - 2013. - No. 1 (13). - P. 45 - 48.

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Appendix A

Sample of an individual social service plan

List of agreed services: (check as necessary)

1. Purchase and home delivery of food products

2. Purchase and home delivery of essential industrial goods

3. Handing over things for washing, dry cleaning and delivering them back

4. Assistance in cleaning the apartment

5. Assistance in paying for housing and utilities

6. Assistance in organizing the provision of services by city enterprises

7. Assistance in writing letters

8. Assistance in providing magazines and newspapers

9. Assistance in obtaining medical care in state hospitals preventive institutions

10. Assistance in providing medical products and medicines according to doctors' prescriptions

11. Rendering psychological assistance

12. Assistance in hospitalization, accompaniment to healthcare facilities

13. Visit during hospitalization in inpatient institutions

14. Assistance in obtaining vouchers for spa treatment

15. Assistance in paperwork

16. Assistance in obtaining benefits established by law

17. Providing assistance on pension issues

18. Assistance in obtaining legal assistance

Social worker ________ _________________________

Signature (full name)


citizen ________________ _________________________________

Signature (full name)

Head of department

social assistance

at home ________________ ________________________________

Signature (full name)

Appendix B

Sample application for enrollment in social services at the social services department at home

(Last name, first name, patronymic of the applicant, date of birth)




Please accept at _____________________________________________________

I have read and agree with the terms of admission and removal from social services (social and medical services), the list of services provided, and the rules of conduct for social services.

Date of completion _____________ ______________ /__________________

(signature of the applicant) (Full name of the applicant)

Application registered:

Conclusion of the head of the social service institution________



Appendixes B

Application of a guardian (trustee)

To the head of LLC Management Company “Novoletie”_________


(name of social service institution)

from ________________________________

(Last name, first name, patronymic of the guardian (trustee, date of birth)

registered at the place



passport: series___________No._________

issued by ______________________________

guardianship certificate No. _________

from "___" __________ 20___


Please accept at _____________________________________________________

(permanent, temporary - indicate for how long)

department service_________________________________________________

(name of department of social service institution)


(Last name, first name, patronymic of a citizen in need of social services at home)

I have read and agree with the terms of admission and removal from social services, the list of services provided, and the rules of conduct for social services.

Date of completion _____________ ______________ /_________________/

(signature of the guardian (trustee) (full name of the guardian (trustee)

Application registered:

"______"______200___g. No._________

Conclusion of the head of a social service institution


Signature ______________ /_________________/

(manager) (full name of the head)

Appendix D

Sample medical report

Medical report

about the need for social services at home and the absence of contraindications

FULL NAME. ________________________________________________

Date, month and year of birth _________________________

Home address ____________________________________

Health status: ability to move freely,

self-care (in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated August 22, 2005 No. 535)


Disability group _____________________________________

Consultations with medical specialists (as prescribed by the local doctor, doctor general practice)

Conclusion of a local doctor (internist, general practitioner) on the need for service in the department of social services at home (specialized department of social and medical services at home) and the absence of contraindications









Chief physician of the clinic _______________ ___________________

(signature) (signature decryption)

Date of issue, stamp


Appendix D

Sample report of inspection of social and living conditions of a citizen in need of social services at home

survey of the social and living conditions of a citizen in need of social services at home

I. General information

1.Last name___________first name________________patronymic___________

2.Date of birth__________phone number_______________________

3.Registration at place of residence



5.Last place of work_________________________

6. Disability group ___________________ re-examination period___________________________

cause of disability____________________

7. Type of pension ______________________________________________

II. Information about relatives

1. Family composition:_________________________________________________

(specify: living alone, single married couple, living with relatives)

2. Information about family members__________________________________________________________

(last name, first name, patronymic, age, social status, place of work, address, telephone)


Providing care for relatives:______________________________________________________________

(what types of assistance are provided, frequency)

3. Reasons why relatives cannot provide care_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Are there problems or tension in the family? Not really

III. Accommodations

1. Living conditions:________________________________

(separate apartment, room in a communal apartment, in a dormitory, private house)

2. Communal amenities:________________________________

(indicate the presence of central heating, running water, hot water, sewerage)

3.Sanitary and hygienic living conditions:___________

(good, fair, bad)

IV. Self-care ability

1. Determination of self-care ability

p/p Types of daily activities Grade
Maybe on my own Partially maybe can't do it on his own
1. Cleaning the apartment (washing windows, floors, washing clothes, etc.)
2. Buying food (goes to the store, walks up stairs, carries groceries, etc.)
3. Use public transport
4. Cooking food
5. Taking a bath and shower
6. Dressing and undressing
7. Using the toilet
8. Use of the vessel
9. Ability to sit up in bed and get out of bed
10. Eating

2. Determination of the ability to move independently

3.Mobility aids used_____________________________________________

(crutches, walkers, canes, wheelchair,)


V. Additional information

1. Reasons for applying for social services at home________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Bad habits_________________________________________________________

(whether there is alcohol or drug abuse, whether treatment has been carried out)

3. Other information that the citizen wants to provide_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

All information contained in this act was provided by me voluntarily and is true.

Personal signature of the citizen_________________________________

(signature) (full name - transcript of signature)

VI. Conclusion of the commission based on the results of the survey:__________

(brief rationale for the conclusion)


VII. List of necessary social services_________________

(indicate the name of the service and frequency of delivery)


Appendix E

Customer survey questionnaire

We kindly ask you to take part in a small study, the results of which will be used in scientific interests. Your participation is of great importance to us, but it will only be useful if you take the matter seriously, sincerely and personally. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the social services provided. It is important for us to study the attitude of clients towards the assistance they receive, their opinion about the services and their quality, as well as their desire or ability to receive any additional services. The questionnaire consists of 12 questions, for each of which you are asked to select one (2-3) answer options that you you think are most suitable for you.

Thank you in advance for your participation!

First, please provide some information about yourself.

1. Your age:

3. Education:

Incomplete higher


Specialized secondary

4. How did you find out about the work of the Social Service Center?

From the Center employees

From a conversation with those served

On radio, television, newspapers


5. What services do you receive from Home Social Services?

Home service

Material aid

Consultations on various issues

6. Are your needs and needs taken into account by those who provide you with social services?

Are taken into account

Not taken into account

7. What additional services would you like to receive?

Help at home

Organization cultural events

Hairdresser services

Lawyer services

Shoe repair


Other (please specify)

8. Does anyone help you?

I get help from children

I get help from neighbors

I get help from friends

I receive help from the organization

Nobody helps

9. If you have the opportunity to remain an active person, be a member of any organization?

I don't have the opportunity

I don’t have the opportunity, but I have the desire

I am a member of a veterans organization

10. Would you like to receive more information in the field of health, social and legal assistance? Who could do this?

There is enough information

There is not enough information (please indicate what information you would like to receive)

11. What is most valuable to you at this time?


Attention of doctors

Your own safety

Keeping Calm

Safety and tranquility of loved ones

Care from social services

Respect from relatives

Material well-being

Respect from the state

The demand for my life experience

Respect for rights

12. Do you have the opportunity to express your feelings? Who do you share them with?

With relatives

With neighbors

WITH social workers

With peers

With former work colleagues and friends

Survey results

Diagram 1. Age of clients

Diagram 2. Gender of clients

Diagram 3. Education

Diagram 4. How clients learned about the work of the Social Service Center

Diagram 5. Services received by clients

Diagram 6. Are the needs and demands of clients taken into account by those providing social services?

Diagram 7. Additional services that customers would like to receive
