So that you always have luck. May good luck accompany you. Simple words so that good luck will always be with you

Agree, it’s hard to imagine happy person, who is not lucky in his affairs. There is a widespread belief that luck is just an accident that a person is not able to influence, even using it. But that's not true.

Why does it seem like luck accompanies some people everywhere, some simply, while others face only bad luck? Why do some ladies have good relationships with the stronger sex? They meet young man their own dreams, get married successfully, and their husband adores them all his life, gives them amazing gifts, but for other women everything is different? Why does it happen that in one area of ​​life everything is in order, everything seems to work out by itself, but in another, for example, in personal life, as if there is eternal silence, and no events are foreseen? Why can it sometimes seem as if success is following someone on their heels? And what needs to be done to attract luck into your own life?

What needs to be done so that wishes finally begin to come true simply and easily?

A person himself builds his own life and shapes various events in it. Thoughts, emotions, sensations - these are what determine the quality of our life. And if a person has difficulty in how to attract good luck, then, first of all, he needs to think about what thoughts he could have attracted to himself bad luck, difficulties and other negativity. Having analyzed his thoughts, sensations and emotions, a person will most likely determine the source of his own difficulties. Your life is entirely in your hands, and if you are lucky, in your thoughts and desires. Try to understand exactly what factors prevent you from being successful, analyze the state of your affairs on this moment. Remember that thoughts very quickly become reality, therefore, thinking and dreaming about a good, positive, successful future, you make it exactly that way. Actually, inner confidence, the inner emotion “I am worthy” attracts good luck, new opportunities, deep feeling, security and luck. Self-respect and the feeling of “I am worthy” make it possible to reach a moment when fantasies begin to be fulfilled simply and easily, and success begins to follow us, as if on our heels. In order to change the world and the situation around, a person must change himself, change his thinking. Get rid of your own complexes and fears, because it is this negativity that prevents luck from settling in your life. Use psychological techniques to change your thinking and magical techniques to cleanse your own energy. Together, these techniques will help you quickly and reliably change your life for the better.

Is it possible to attract good luck on your own, with the help of magic?

Certainly! For this, there are special rituals for good luck that have existed from time immemorial and have been tested by time and man. These rituals not only ensure good luck in your affairs, but also set your thinking in an optimistic mood, allowing you to believe in your own strengths and the success of any endeavors in the future. We will describe several such rituals in this article.

Attracting good luck using a mirror at home

Say the spell while holding a small mirror in your hand. Say:

“Mirror, mirror, bright window, reflect all troubles and obstacles, remove them from my path, only attract good things, luck and success to me. Amen, amen, amen."

Sew a bag for the mirror blue color, put a mirror and a piece of paper there, on which write your first name, last name, patronymic and date of birth. This good luck ritual will not only ensure success, but will also protect you from future failures. You need to carry the bag with you for the first week. In the future, take it with you whenever your heart desires - this talisman will bring you good luck in business and protect you from troubles.

Attracting good luck with a horseshoe

It's no secret that a horseshoe has brought good luck to a person since ancient times. If you can’t get a real one, buy a horseshoe souvenir from the store and hang it above the door of your room or apartment with the horns facing up. Before doing this, say the following spell:

“The horse galloped, bringing good luck. And you, horseshoe, bring us luck, success, goodness and happiness.”

Treat the horseshoe with care, wipe off the dust and take care of it. If you suddenly feel that the horseshoe has lost its strength, then put it under the sun’s rays, it will recharge with energy, clean itself and gain strength. Then you can hang her again after saying a spell.

Attracting good luck with clothes

Indeed, ordinary clothes can become a real talisman for you. You will need blue pants, no matter whether they are trousers or jeans. On the pockets you need to make embroidery in the form rune raido and soulu, appearance You can view them on the Internet, and have no doubt that this will bring you good luck and success in your future endeavors.

Showering yourself with grain

When there is no money, you need to earn it or find it, as an option, and to speed things up you can attract good luck, and, as a result, finances. Despite their simplicity, these methods of attracting good luck have not lost their effectiveness. To open the way to new achievements, you need to independently shower yourself with grains of barley, wheat and coffee. The grains must be natural - not roasted; they are not suitable due to the fact that they become “dead” after processing. The grain contains a symbol of life; it leaves a mark, an influence on the “shattered” person.

Ritual for success on the waxing moon

In order to attract finance, you need to take yourself into your personal pocket and turn to the moon so that it illuminates it. Place a silver-colored coin in your pocket (right) in advance. The coin must be removed from the pocket Moonlight, so that the moonlight shines on the surface of the coin. Keeping the coin under continuous moonlight all night will enhance the effect. Carry this coin with you continuously. She will attract finances for you. This is not the last and good luck associated with the moon's waxing cycle. In order to attract good luck and revenue, you need to stand with your right side to the moon and say:

“You go, merchants, go and bring me gifts.”

After this you need to expect good luck.

Meditation for good luck

Find verbena plant oil and add it to your aroma lamp. Fantasize about an event in which you need luck. As an option, buying a brick house with a burning fireplace in a prestigious location. Imagine the appearance of the house, what style this house will belong to. While inhaling the scent of verbena aromatic oil, try to look at the interior details and be sure to find out how many rooms there are in the house. Don't forget to see the path to achieving your goal.

Meditation to attract good luck, luck

Required aromatic oil almonds, drop it into the aroma lamp. Try to draw a picture in your head where good luck will be in the form of a beautiful patchwork quilt. Do you see how many pieces of multi-colored fabric there are? Then add yourself to this picture. The aroma of almonds will help you see how a multi-colored blanket, like a yellow brick road in a fairy tale about the wizard of the emerald city, spreads out in front of you, going into the distance. As you set out on your journey, you will feel step by step how the energy of luck fills you and leads you to success.

How to grab a star from the sky?

If your loved ones say that you don’t have enough stars in the sky, as in the proverb, then don’t be upset! Need to do magic exercise- “tear a star from the sky.” Then no one else will be able to declare that you are a person without celestial body. Stand straight, lower your arms straight along your body. Close your eyes and imagine a starry sky above you. Do you see brilliant and mysterious stars in the sky? One is yours. Enjoy its rays. Stretch your arms up, they became long, reached across the entire sky and grabbed the star. Take it between your palms and press the star to your heart. Do you feel like a star has lit you up from within and now you're shining like a superstar? You have star eyes! Any ritual “for good luck” needs you to believe in it. Put a desire into every word, imagine the desired result, think about how happy your life will become. And after the ritual, immediately forget about it - this will allow the energy to be released and bring the ritual to life. If you doubt your abilities, you can turn to professionals in this field.

The question of how to make luck turn to us practically always haunts us, regardless of whether we are happy at the moment or vice versa.

If we turn to the statements of ancient thinkers and sages, then it is still possible to get a little closer to resolving this problem that gnaws at humanity.

Ancient Chinese formula for luck

According to Chinese beliefs, our luck depends on three factors. The first is the stars, the second is ourselves and the third is positive feng shui or the place where we are.

Stars are what we received from birth and what cannot be corrected (family, city and country in which we were born, genetic data, health, etc.) Simply put, if we were born into a rich family somewhere in California, inherited good health and a rich house, then our star luck is higher than that of those born into an alcoholic family. But stars are just a factor that can provide only a third of success.

The next third of the luck formula is up to us. Our will, hard work, skills and perseverance. In other words, everything that depends solely on us and our qualities. The more we work on ourselves and put in the effort, the more likely it is that luck will be with us.

Well, the third component is Feng Shui. This, one might say, fashionable word caught on with us quite quickly. And all because many are interested in the answer to the question of how to be happy, but not everyone wants to utter a long phrase, something like “the ability to create a house in which everyone will live richly, happily and for a long time.”

Despite the fact that positive Feng Shui does not cancel personal efforts, a third of success should still not be ignored. So, Feng Shui involves filling the house with air, light and carrying out some specific rituals.

We will tell you about two of the simplest of them. First, the correct direction of the head while sleeping. Determine your personal successful direction and sleep with your head only in that direction. This direction depends on your date of birth and other individual characteristics.

Look for a spectrum of wealth in your home. This is the far left corner of your home, which should not be opposite the entrance. Clear a space there (about a square meter) and hang a floor lamp or lamp in that place, the light of which should be directed upward. Let this lamp always burn when you are at home. In just a week you will see how much luckier your financial situation will become.

Vedic secret

The ancient Vedic texts, a collection of sacred Hindu texts, say that happiness and luck are in our hands, but it is impossible to achieve it if you are dissatisfied with yourself. A person’s progress is possible only after he accepts the situation in which he is in for granted, comes to terms with all the disadvantages and does not ignore all the advantages of his situation. And then you need to pray a lot and do as many good deeds as possible, and luck will not keep you waiting long.

Psychological approach

The psychological approach to attracting good luck is based on the formation of a positive image of yourself and, accordingly, of what is around you. To ensure that luck does not leave you, often remember all the good things that have already happened in life. Concentrate on some of the most pleasant episodes and remember everything down to the smallest detail. Think about the people who were with you during the happiest moments of your life. After this, mentally transfer yourself to the future, think about the upcoming situation, be it a deal or a conversation, but only in a positive way.

Luck will not leave you if you think positively.

By applying these rules, luck will always help you in all vital matters:

1. Set a big goal for yourself. You must see it clearly and imagine it in the smallest detail. A clear vision of the goal is already 80% of success. You will begin to walk towards it without noticing obstacles, because from now on the whole Universe will help you on your way. Only losers never set goals for themselves, limiting themselves to materialistic desires. At least once a day. Try to live as if it has already been achieved or that you are about to find yourself in end point. By doing this, you will attract good luck and success to yourself like a magnet.

2. Increase your energy level. Scientists have found that some people manage to do five or even six times more things than others. The energy of these people plays a very important role in this. And you need to increase your energy level. This will make you a more disciplined person. Do everything on time and never put anything off until later. Meditation also significantly increases energy levels. It will not only increase the body’s defenses, but also relieve unnecessary stress and poor health.

A few more secrets for good luck

3.Be honest. Eliminate lies and falsehood from your life. Be sincere with your friends, loved ones and especially with your work colleagues. Such qualities are highly valued among decent people, so they will begin to treat you with respect and trust.

4. Cultivate perseverance and responsibility. Go forward! Move towards your goal, and do not pay attention to criticism and obstacles. Only by overcoming obstacles and not reacting to other people’s opinions will you become stronger in spirit. Try to acquire and constantly train your abilities and skills that will be useful to you in life. Only a person who does not stand still, but constantly moves forward in life, achieves the highest results.

5.Develop your personality. Exude a smile and friendliness. Try to be surrounded by successful and positive-minded individuals as often as possible. Avoid lazy people and those who are constantly dissatisfied with their lives. Devote as much time as possible to your health. Organize small holidays for yourself. Go to an expensive restaurant or buy yourself a membership to the fitness center. Spread love into the world and wellness, and then there will be even more happiness, harmony and good luck in your life.

It was often possible to notice that old people before some important matter, whispered something, uttered some words. Why did they do this? Yes, they just wished good luck and goodness. And now even with scientific point From a perspective, this can be explained quite simply: by uttering kind words, a person programs his actions. And there is no black magic here, but there is the impact of words, sounds on our lives.

A variety of conspiracies and whispers can be read not only by healers, but also by you yourself. Often short conspiracies were pronounced so that there would be money in the house, there would be prosperity, to attract good luck, and there would be success and prosperity in work. A person can come up with these conspiracies himself to adapt to any life situation.

When getting out of bed and touching the floor with your foot, you can say the following whisper:

“I get up and go towards my happiness!”

You can remember the grandmothers’ reminder that when leaving home, and especially if you have to return from the road, you need to look in the mirror.

Mirrors are generally credited with magical properties. great power. There are a lot of fortune telling and beliefs associated with them. And there is no need to be skeptical about this. Just try not to brush aside the age-old tradition and say, looking at your reflection in the mirror:

“Let my reflection be a good luck reflection!”

And be sure to smile sincerely.

Almost every person starts their day by washing or taking a shower. These mandatory actions can be used to attract good luck and good mood. Try saying a simple whisper while washing your face:

“I wash my face with clean water and gain strength!”

Get in a good mood and say what you want to wish for yourself on this day. As experts explain, it doesn’t matter what words you say, the important thing is that they bring light and goodness, so that they don’t bring trouble to anyone. Then such wishes, spoken with hope and confidence, will definitely come true and will bring you good luck.

The main thing is to be sure of this. Let many now call it self-hypnosis. What difference does it make what you call your actions, the main purpose of these words is luck!

Evening whispers

In the evening, before going to bed, many also wash or take a shower. You can gain a lot of negativity in a day, pick up bad things, someone’s negative influence, so it will be good if you say the following whisper:

“I wash away the negativity, I erase the grievances, I wash away the melancholy.”

Grandmothers often advised their granddaughters to say the following words when they went to bed:

“The blanket and sheet are my protection, and the pillow is my girlfriend! Everything I plant for her will come true in reality!”

Closing your eyes, it’s good to wish yourself the following sleep:

“Let it be as I want in my dreams and in reality!”

Whispers for different occasions in life

When you leave home, and a very important matter or meeting awaits you ahead, on which a lot depends, you can read various conspiracies, among which there is a simple but effective one:

"The Lord gave me a way, and evil spirit gave me anxiety. The Lord will defeat evil and free us from evil. God is holy and God is strong. Amen".

Often, before an important matter, old people, in order to attract luck to their side, said that they needed to call their Guardian Angel. You can do this with these words:

“My angel, Guardian, come to me and never leave me, no matter where I go (went). Amen".

Try to have time to pronounce these same words when a crucial and anxious moment in life comes and trouble will not happen to you.

If things aren’t going well at work and your boss is often angry and angry with you, then, looking at his door, quietly whisper:

“I’m on this side, you’re on that side, you shouldn’t shout in front of me, keep quiet. Everyone is equal before the Lord. Amen".

Such words help a person gain honor and respect at work, especially if said before entering the boss’s office:

“I’m going to court, the coffin is being carried ahead of me. Just like that dead man is silent, he won’t say a word against me, God’s servant (name), so that (name of the boss) is silent and doesn’t say a word against me. There are angels in front of me, angels behind me, angels on top, angels on the sides. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

How to keep unwanted people away from your home?

Some people notice that after some people visit their home, everything starts to go wrong, things don’t go well, quarrels and disagreements begin in the family, in order to discourage such people from home and attract good luck again, after they leave, you should sweep the threshold of the house with a broom and read whisper:

“I sent you away, got you out of trouble. Truly."

Conspiracies to have money and luck in the house

To ensure that money is always in the house and not transferred, it is recommended that when you have a fairly large amount with you, say the following words:

“I bring wealth, I go with money. I hold it tightly with my hands. I carry it not for strangers, but for my own. Amen!".

If you are in need and do not have enough funds, then you should drink holy water and say the following whisper:

“The water is holy, and I, Thy servant, O Lord, am rich. Help in need, amen!” To increase your income on the day of the new moon, you need to pour water into a bucket (its size does not matter), throw a coin in it and splash a little water on the threshold, saying: “Water as water, money as a river.” Amen!".

As you can see, any conspiracies to have money are a wish for prosperity for yourself. Will attract money and prosperity to you, and such a whisper:

“Just as there are many stars in the sky, just as there is enough water in the sea, so should my wallet have a lot of money and always have enough. Amen".

To ensure that you have money for your intended purchase, you should say to your wallet when you leave the house:

“Everything bad is forgotten, everything planned is bought. Amen. Amen. Amen".

This must be repeated 7 times. And in order to attract money into the house, there are words that are spoken on a broom. You need to get up before the first rays of the sun appear, take a new broom, which has not been used before, and, sweeping a pedestrian intersection, say:

Wallet spell

“Like dust follows a broom, So let big money follow me. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

There are special whispers, conspiracies that are pronounced near the temple so that there is money. After the service, when people leave their church, they need to cross themselves and quietly say:

"God! How many people here prayed to you, So much money would stick to me (name). Amen".

It is clear that it is advisable to do conspiracies on major holidays, when there are especially many people in the temple.

For whispers to work, you must follow the following rules:

Conspiracy in the temple

  • pronounce words clearly and distinctly, although you can do it very quietly;
  • truly believe what you say;
  • put your energy and strength into words.

Only in this case will you be helped by the words that you pronounce, wishing yourself happiness, health, good luck, family warmth and all the best. When reading conspiracies to attract good luck and money, think about the good, don’t wish harm on anyone, don’t compare, don’t envy. It is important that you are neutral. Just say the words.

And remember that conspiracies and whispers are effective when you don’t tell everyone about them and boast about them. This is all done quietly, unnoticeably, while pronouncing these words, try not to attract unnecessary attention, do not boast later that you have attracted money or something else good to yourself in this way. It was not for nothing that old people pronounced conspiracies in public quietly or in private when no one was around. Then money, love, prosperity, and luck will be in the house.

Very often, in common parlance, you can hear such a word as “attack.” IN in this case this word denotes a description of failure, bad luck. Every person strives to avoid this, and everyone has their own way to do this.

"Native walls"

All people know that the formation of personality and character is influenced by both the area where he was born and the clan into which he was born. Everything that a person should experience in life is already laid down initially, during his formation and birth. Some attribute this to the will of fate, others to the stars and planets. There is some truth in all this, but a person himself is capable of influencing his own destiny.

The main thing is a smile!

Every person, leafing through glossy magazines, noticed that all rich people always smile. A smile is the main bait for fortune. Luck does not come of its own accord. This guest is where she is expected, and where preparations have been made for this lady’s visit. As banal as it may be, fortune loves hard workers, those who do something for their success, and do not vegetate, sitting by the window hoping for chance.

Influence of temperament

Many of us, without having a psychological education, know that by nature a person is divided into choleric, melancholic, sanguine, and phlegmatic.

Based on this, we can understand that a person who is more positive about life will receive more positive points, in contrast to a depressed, lethargic and sad person. Fortune loves happy people.

Thoughts are material

You can often hear the following expression: “Treat people the way you want them to treat you!” The same principle works with fortune. The more positive emotions give life, the more often life will begin to respond to a person in the same coin. If a person constantly sees one negative in everything, then fate will answer him in the same way.

You just have to take one step in the opposite direction, and the world will immediately begin to change and play with colors. You need to start small and daily. It may not be so noticeable to everyone, but it will bring joy and pleasure to the person himself. Gradually, such little things will begin to grow into significant things.

Happy people attract attention to themselves. Learn to think correctly. Even when everything is already too bad and it seems that there is no way out, you must always believe in luck. After all, in nature, the sun always appears behind the clouds. Does not exist hopeless situations, and the problems that arise are just a step on the path to success and dreams.

In their practice, psychologists very often encounter such cases. Nowadays, there are a lot of desperate and confused people who have completely lost faith in themselves. In this case, experts advise using a very simple but very successful method of increasing your self-esteem.

  • First, you need to try to stop speaking derogatorily about yourself and others.
  • Then you need to write down all the positive statements on a piece of paper, compliments for yourself, so to speak, and repeat them every day in front of the mirror.
  • You need to read them with a smile and good mood. And it’s not easy to read, but you must believe in what is written.
  • There is no need to be afraid to fantasize and dream. Imagine yourself in a car, in beautiful house, in the rays of fame and success. Then a smile will begin to appear on your face, and self-confidence will increase inside.
  • Be sure to learn to be grateful. Don't be afraid to say these words. Kindness is also a definite step on the path to success. Be grateful every day and appreciate what you have at the moment.

"Correct" dreams

Another important factor on the path to success is the ability to correctly make your wishes. Many of us have known since childhood that if we really want something, it will certainly come true.

The main rule in this case is that you need to correctly formulate your desires. Any request we make to the universe must be fulfilled within a certain period of time. The main rule remains that you must believe that everything will definitely come true.

Many people have been accustomed since childhood to obey their parents in everything and not listen to their own at all. inner voice. This also affects a person’s luck. When man walking not in his own way, but in the way that was invented for him, then the fate planned for this person changes. As people are used to saying, one must follow what the heart says. You must definitely listen to your inner voice.

And of course, in any case, you need to love yourself. No matter what, you need to repeat to yourself every morning how lucky and beautiful you are. Self-hypnosis is a very powerful thing on the path to success. Each person is unique in their own way. Any of us should understand and know this and, if necessary, then tell everyone about our uniqueness.

When making a wish, you need to see yourself with a dream come true, and the clearer and brighter the picture, the faster your plan will come true. You must believe that everything will come true. Despite the accepted principles about our universe, it is very changeable, and everyone has the right and power to change it.

Photo source: depositphotos
December 6, 2015 I like:

In this article:

Every person in life has a situation that falls out of the blue - a nuisance. It wipes the smile off your face, interferes with your work day, ties your arms and legs, and prevents you from thinking soberly and positively.

Time passes, people leave and new ones come. Waste and debt are covered and the pain of loss is dulled, but failure still follows on the heels of a person, enjoying his new tears and disappointments.

It’s good to have friends and steely willpower: you can force yourself to distract yourself, take up a hobby, join friendly interests and get away from the problem. But even very strong people there is a glitch in the program and new, even the smallest troubles that happen after a big shock hit the energy so hard that the person changes physically and spiritually.

Here are the main factors where bad luck comes from:

  • Constantly thinking about the problem and making a huge conflict out of an unimportant incident;
  • Reasoning about the problem “What if...”;
  • Bringing trouble upon yourself with the words “I feel bad, now this trouble will last for a long time, I have no money and it’s hard for me, I’m sick, I’m unhappy, etc.”;
  • Damage, evil eye;
  • The inability or inability to solve one’s problems and repay debts.

The main enemy of potential bad luck is the phrase “I can do anything.” Your “can do” requires time: for some a day or a minute, for others a month or decades, but the fact remains that the goal will certainly be achieved. If you don't give up. While you arrive within the walls of despair. The world seems gray and hopeless.

Let's return to the question of how to escape from failure if you don't even have the strength to open your eyes in the morning and don't know what to live for next?

Take advantage kind words which contains a conspiracy against bad luck and start life with clean slate. Believe me, it's never too late to do this.

First aid for bad luck

If you feel the shackles of bad luck and you urgently need to get rid of them. Repeat to yourself simple, familiar words:

"Water is off a duck's back, all thinness is off me."

In this case, it is better to get under the shower or just shake your hands and feet, make rotational movements with your neck.

Draw one of the runes on your wrist for good luck. These ancient signs have the strongest energy that is transmitted to all generations and, thanks to your correct request, within the next few hours, they will remove the negativity that has stuck to you lately.

Name of runes for luck:

  • Fehu;
  • Laguz;
  • Soulo;
  • Dagaz.

When interacting with your body, the rune will begin to itch or warm the place where you drew it. This will last a few minutes. Then positive energy, like an antidote, will flow through your cells, destroying the symptoms of prolonged bad luck.

Fehu, Laguz, Soulo, Dagaz

When drawing runes, you can repeat the following words:

“Go away sadness - trouble, through the heavy gates. In my world there is no place for you, in my world there is luck and luck. In my world I am the master (mistress). I can do anything.”

Spell for luck on your favorite thing

It is customary to carry talismans and amulets with you for good luck. It's very easy to make one for yourself. The main thing is to love your thing. This could be clothing, an accessory, a keychain, a toy, or jewelry. Even a card in your wallet or a pompom on a pin.

Take such a talisman, hold it in your hands, convey all your warmth to it and mentally ask for protection. You will be heard by all the saints and the Universe and any power that can help at this moment. Read the following plot above the amulet:

“I will not go out into the field or into the forest,
I will open neither the window nor the door,
I will meet neither a swamp nor a sea.
There I will find myself an interesting little thing so that I can be lucky everywhere,
You are my beloved, good one. I will always be with you forever, and you know my soul, take care of my heart,
Attract money and dry your tears. May you and I be lucky forever and ever.”

Good luck spell for your food

Blessing food is a wonderful practice that should become a rule

Before eating, sit comfortably over it, relax and close your eyes. Do deep breath and exhale. Imagine that when you inhale, you launch a golden stream of air into yourself - the spirit of food, and exhale gray-black negative oxygen, which will scatter without a trace through the air.

Food spell

“The sun rose to give energy to the sprouts of wheat for my bread, the rivers flowed to give life to my drink. Everything inside me will be filled with life and joy. Thanks to bread and water for bringing me luck.”

Conspiracies are based on gratitude to nature and to the Universe for giving us strength and help, and on the very request that you want to fulfill at the expense of higher powers.

Well-being for each of us lies in our material condition. Conspiracies and prayers for good luck in work and attracting money will help you find a way out if you find yourself in a difficult situation. Many people doubt the effectiveness of these methods, but try them when there is nothing else left and get amazing results.

Every person thinks about the well-being of his family. When all methods have been tried, what remains is magic.

Often modern people They neglect magic, believing that it cannot help. But when faced with a problem and completely despairing, they can look at conspiracies with different eyes and, unexpectedly for themselves, get results.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

No one can guarantee that luck in work and financial well-being will always be unchanged. Even if a person has incredible abilities, capabilities and talent, Lady Luck can still turn her face towards him, or, on the contrary, turn away. After all, everyone knows that she is a flighty and deceptive lady.

Even in ancient times, our ancestors used spells for good luck in any business. Why not to modern man not turn to magic?

For many people these days, a good job means great importance and comes first. At the same time, employment should not only bring prosperity to a person, but also bring pleasure. But finding such a place is not at all easy. In this case, they can come to the rescue.

Don't wait for better times, but create them yourself by turning to magic.

A collection of powerful conspiracies

Option 1: Plot for a new job

Buy a new woven handkerchief for the nose and cast the spell on it seven times:

I, the servant of God (voice my name), will have prosperity and success along the way.

Wherever I go, I’ll find what’s mine and I won’t get any refusals.


Carry the scarf on which you made the spell with you at all times.

Option 2: Muslim conspiracy

Muslims read spells over milk cream, which in their culture is considered the best part milk.

Remember the Russian proverb about luck - “skim the cream.”

You need to skim the cream with a wooden spoon; during this process, the words of the conspiracy are whispered. After completing the ritual, drink them when you are alone without prying eyes. And this must be done before midnight.

Option 3: Plot for an interview

If you are invited to an interview, there is a high risk that it may not bring the desired result. To make it easier for you to pass it, turn to the help of magic words:

I’m going to the boyars, not too old and not too young.

I’m going with the hope of getting hired, to show myself to the boyars.

He likes my face, my soul does not fast.

Everyone would be amazed at me, the boyars would only smile, they would rejoice at my words.

He cannot let go of his baptized soul.

Lord Jesus, Lord help me any hour. Amen.

Option 4: For good luck in the workplace

Perform a small ritual on your first day in a new place to stay there for a long time and work successfully.

So you've found Good work yourself, or turning to magic, but now the main thing is not to lose it. To do this, you can use a small and simple spell for good luck at work.

On your first day at work, you should resort to magic and ask for help from higher powers. It is read at the very beginning of the journey, after leaving your home.

I am going as an excellent fisherman, and I will also enter as a brave merchant.

I am a tiger, I am a bear, I am an arctic fox, everywhere I have a tall ladder,

Some may be lower than others, but I am always and everywhere higher than everyone else.

May my soul and I be loved, exalted and revered everywhere,

At the very high position I'm invited.

All the words I said earlier be very strong and molded. Let it be so.

You need to repeat the plot for several days in a row until you have fully studied all your work responsibilities, become acquainted with management and all your colleagues.

Option 5: Conspiracy from Stepanova

To fulfill this plot, you need to get up early in the morning on Easter Day, earlier than all the other members of your family. Wash your face first and when you dry your hands and face say the words:

Lord and I have mercy to heaven.

My shadow is higher than heads with crowns,

Higher than houses with columns.

How people love Easter cakes,

So they would give me love and affection

All the mighty of the world this

For the sake of my savior angel.

In the name of the Son, Father and Holy. Amen.

If you tell about the ritual performed, the spell will stop working.

Repeat the prayer several times without looking at the leaves. Before performing the ritual, learn the prayer by heart and say it, carefully thinking about every word spoken.

Often even wealthy people, businessmen, having failed, believing that financial position it’s simply impossible to fix anymore, turn to magical spells. Only many of them do not talk about it and secretly hide it this information. This is not at all because they are not grateful, this is the law of magical rituals.

The main thing to remember is that if you have anger, resentment or hatred in your soul, then under no circumstances resort to prayers and conspiracies. Before this, you need to let go of all these feelings and ask the saints for forgiveness. And only after this can you ask the saints for help in attracting money.

Option 6: Conspiracy to attract money

Don't forget that just wanting a lot of money is not enough. First you need to have a clearly defined goal and a specific amount. Money arrives only for specific goals and dreams.
