How to properly clean a baby's ears. Proper care of a newborn baby's ears

Often, young mothers do not know how to clean the ears of a newborn baby and what to do if water gets into the baby’s ear. As a rule, everything is more or less clear with bathing, washing and other hygiene procedures, but disputes about these issues still do not subside. Let's figure out how to properly clean your baby's ears and is it worth doing?

Caring for a child's ears is not difficult, but requires extreme care, since inept actions can damage the baby's delicate skin. Hygiene procedures must be carried out regularly, otherwise accumulations of contaminants can cause the development of bacterial infection and hearing loss.

Is it possible to clean a baby's ears?

Everyone has their own opinion on this matter, but if we consult with a specialist who has medical education, then he will definitely say - it’s impossible! What to do? Leave your ears dirty? Not at all, this question just requires additional explanation. The ears really can't be cleaned. Inside.

A special secretion is produced in the ears - sulfur, it performs important protective functions, preventing harmful bacteria from entering inside. This is a natural physiological process characteristic of every person. Its excess is excreted over time and accumulates in the auricle, so it should be cleaned. However, you cannot penetrate into ear canal trying to clear it. With such actions you will only harm the child by pushing wax deep into the ear; in addition, there is a risk of accidentally applying mechanical damage, which can lead to the development of serious diseases.

So, let's summarize. It is necessary to clean only the auricle, without penetrating the ear canal, even if water has flowed into the child’s ear. You should definitely pay attention to the area behind the baby’s ears, as there may be prickly heat or manifestations of allergic reactions in the form of dry crusts that need to be removed. To do this, you should blot this area after each bath. wet towel or a napkin.

Separated cotton pads can be used to make turundas, which are used to clean children's ears.

How to clean a child's ears?

Let's start with what absolutely should not be used to clean a child's ears. Such prohibited devices include cotton buds for adults, as well as cotton wool wound around a toothpick, match, etc. This is due to the fact that if the baby suddenly twitches or becomes capricious, there is a risk that these objects will get into the ear canal and harm the child.

To remove wax, it is advisable to use a cotton pad previously soaked in oil. tea tree(if the baby is not allergic to it), you can also use Vaseline. This is necessary to ensure that the cleansing process is as easy and comfortable as possible for the child.

In addition, not so long ago, children's ear sticks with special limiters appeared on store shelves. It is believed that they are safer for the child, since due to their design they prevent accidental penetration into the ear canal. However, the feasibility of their use is still questionable. Many otolaryngologists do not recommend getting carried away with them, since there are cases when such sticks, with a sudden movement, still penetrated the ear canal and caused damage to the baby.

A safer alternative is the so-called turunda - these are special cotton wool flagella that do not have a solid base. Thanks to them, you can easily clean your baby’s ears without causing discomfort or harming him. Doctors recommend that mothers opt for them.

How often should your baby's ears be cleaned?

It is recommended to carry out hygiene procedures daily. And besides this, it is worth regularly checking the baby’s ear for regurgitation or leaky milk, since the appearance of such contaminants is not uncommon for newborns. Once a day, wipe the area behind the child’s ears with a cotton pad, and once a week, remove wax from auricle with the help of turundas. Experienced mothers recommend doing this immediately after bathing, since at this time earwax softens, which greatly facilitates the process of its removal. At the same time, be extremely careful and avoid sudden movements so as not to harm the baby.

Nature provides that babies release excess wax during swallowing, so after feeding you should always check your newborn’s ears for dirt.

If your ears get wet

No less actual question for young mothers: what to do if water gets into your child’s ear? Is it dangerous? The main thing is not to panic. Nothing wrong with that. The ears of small children are designed in such a way that if water gets into the child’s ear, it usually flows out immediately without any outside help.

But still, to be on the safe side, you should wipe the ear with a cotton pad and alternately place the child first on the left side and then on the right side, so that any water that gets in goes away and does not cause discomfort to the baby.

You should not resort to methods such as blow-drying or, for example, applying a warm heating pad, this will not achieve anything, and besides, it can harm the newborn.

But there is another side to this issue. Is it possible to wet the ears of a baby who has recently been ill? IN in this case this can be very dangerous and have unpleasant consequences. Therefore, if you notice that water has gotten into your child’s ear and after some time he begins to be capricious and behave strangely, showing his discomfort in every possible way, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Cleaning a baby's ears with a regular cotton swab is dangerous!

How to clean a child's ears?

To cleanse dirt, take a turunda or a cotton swab soaked in tea tree oil. You can use special cotton swabs, but be extremely careful and avoid sudden movements. It is not recommended to use other devices, as they can compress the sulfur and there is a risk of sulfur plugs, which can be dangerous for the baby.

If the child already has similar plugs or water has gotten into the ear, you should seek advice from a specialist. It will help to gently clean your baby's ear canal without harming him. In this case, you should not resort to independent experiments.

Use a cotton swab to gently wipe the baby's ear. Do not forget about the skin behind the ear, as milk often flows there during feeding; later it dries out and tightens the skin, which can cause discomfort in the baby and he will begin to be capricious. After this, blot everything again with a dry cloth or towel.

When removing contaminants, always pay attention to the sulfur; its color should vary from yellow to dark brown. This is normal and depends on natural physiological processes. But if the color of the sulfur has changed dramatically, then this may be the first sign of problems in the baby’s body, in which case you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

Also, consultation with a specialist is necessary if:

  • earwax accumulates in the ear canal and does not come out on its own;
  • an unpleasant, sour smell emanates from the child’s ears;
  • the appearance of redness and inflammation is observed;
  • foreign body got into the ear canal.

Compliance simple rules hygiene and regular examination of the child’s ears will help avoid the appearance of various diseases. It is very important to take this issue seriously and remember to regularly remove accumulated dirt, following the tips described above.

WITH early years Parents try to accustom the child to order, instill in him the basic rules of hygiene. By the age of three, a child can wash his hands, brush his teeth and ears on his own. And while he is still small, you will have to do it for him. How to clean a child’s ears to make the process as safe and painless as possible? Let's figure it out in order.

Should my child's ears be cleaned?

The fact is that the human body is largely autonomous. He can do without outside interference. The auditory system is no exception. The human ear canal produces a special lubricant – sulfur. It protects the thin skin of the passage from inflammation, dirt, and infections. Sulfur lubricates eardrum and prevents it from drying out.

The human body is designed in such a way that sulfur itself is excreted. This involves cartilage located on the anterior wall of the external auditory canal. When chewing, sucking, coughing, laughing, swallowing and talking, the cartilage moves and removes excess wax. It can be gray, yellow and greenish color, depending on humidity and contact with oxygen. When wax ends up in the ear canal, that's when cleaning is needed. That is, only the outer parts need to be cleaned. auditory system, but do not go inside the ear canal.

How to clean your child's ears

Cleaning your ears is a rather delicate process that requires attention and great care. It is not recommended to clean children's ears in the first weeks of life. Immediately after birth, the baby’s organs should adapt a little to the outside world; you should not immediately expose them. It is best to clean your baby's ears after two weeks of age.

  1. It is best to clean your ears after bathing - the skin at this moment is soft and pliable.
  2. After water procedures Place the baby on the changing table and turn him on his side.
  3. Prepare a small flagellum from cotton wool - just twist a sterile piece of cotton wool in the form of a turunda. Under no circumstances should you clean your child’s ears with a cotton swab, even with restraints. The cotton swab should only be used to clean the external parts of the auditory system.
  4. Gently place the cotton swab into your ear and use a rotating motion to clean out the ear canal.
  5. The auricle can be wiped with a towel or cotton pad.
  6. If you notice a piece of wax that cannot be reached with a flagellum, drop a drop of oil or Vaseline into the ear canal. The fatty substance will soften the sulfur and make it easy to remove.

A newborn’s ears should not be cleaned often, once a week. You can wipe your ears with a towel after each bath.

Sulfur plugs

If you have been using cotton swabs since birth, your baby may have a wax plug - be prepared for this. The fact is that a cotton swab only removes part of the sulfur. The stick simply compacts the rest of the part, compacting it near the eardrum. This leads to the fact that the body can no longer remove this sulfur on its own. In addition, frequent cleansing leads to dry skin and more sulfur is produced. All this leads to the formation of sulfur plugs.

Often, the wax plug does not reveal its presence until it covers more than half of the ear canal. The child begins to hear worse, and is bothered by itching, pain, or buzzing in the ears. A newborn baby may rub or scratch his ear, is capricious, and cries a lot. This is especially worse after swimming. The fact is that the sulfur plug swells after it gets wet. Due to the increase in volume, this plug puts pressure on the eardrum, which causes serious inconvenience to the baby.

If you notice in a child similar symptoms, it must be shown to an ENT specialist immediately. Never try to remove the plug yourself. If an exacerbation occurs at night, when it is difficult to get to a specialist, you can temporarily get rid of the pain in the following way. Pour warm water into a heating pad and place the baby with the sore ear on the heating pad. This will ease the baby’s suffering and help you wait until you see the doctor.

The doctor will assess the situation and decide whether to remove the plug. Usually the cork is washed out using a syringe and a powerful jet. If the cork is soft, rinsing can be done immediately. If the cork is hard and hard, it must first be softened. To do this, you need to drip hydrogen peroxide or warm water into each ear in the morning and evening. vegetable oil. After three days of such softening, you need to see a doctor. He does weak solution furatsilin and washes out the plug with a fairly strong stream of water. Then you need to make sure that there are no pieces of wax left in the ear. After this, a cotton swab is placed in the ear canal for several hours.

To avoid wax buildup, do not use cotton swabs to clean your ear canals. If a child is prone to the appearance of wax plugs, he should be seen by a doctor every six months.

Water procedures

Sometimes careless bathing can lead to unpleasant consequences. During water procedures, keep the child's head on the surface so that water does not get into his ears. After all, a newborn baby is still so small that he cannot shake his head to get rid of excess water in his ear. If moisture gets into your ear, you need to place a cotton swab in your ear for a while to absorb moisture. excess water. After this, you need to remove the tourniquet and cover the ear canal with a cotton swab for a couple of hours so as not to chill your ears.

Of course, every mother wants to ideally meet all hygiene standards, especially when it comes to her child. However, sometimes an excessive desire for cleanliness can be harmful and even dangerous. A sterile environment for a baby can lead to serious allergic reactions in the child. Thoroughly cleaning the ears will lead to inflammation and the formation of wax plugs. Protect your baby from himself - know moderation in everything!

Video: how to properly clean the ears of a child and an adult

Human ears are complex internal structure which allows us to hear. To protect its three sections from external factors wise nature provided for the presence of a natural antiseptic - earwax. It is produced daily in large quantities and covers the outer part of the ear canals. When there is a lot of sulfur, it appears in the ear. And it is these excesses that need to be removed. If you actively extract the natural secretion from the “depths” of the ear, its quantity will actively increase and bring even more pollution.

5 rules for caring for a newborn's ears

Caring for your newborn's ears should become part of your daily routine. You don’t doubt that you need to wash your eyes every day, do you? And you probably won’t calmly watch how the newborn is doing? But in this delicate matter you need to know when to stop. Here are a few rules on how to clean a baby's ears that must be followed.

Ear hygiene technique

It is advisable to clean a newborn’s ears after bathing: dirt will be removed better, and soaked wax can be easily removed with a cotton swab. You can also clean your ears after feeding. The sucking movements of the baby's mouth push the wax to the exit.

  1. Prepare special children's cotton swabs with limiters or make a gauze swab.
  2. Turn the baby's head on its side and begin to lightly wipe the ear with a stick or swab dipped in water. Pay attention to each fold of the ear and wipe visible part ear canal.
  3. Change the stick or swab and wipe the second ear. If there is a lot of sulfur, do it as it gets dirty.

Do not exert any physical force or forcefully pull on your ears. If the baby finds this procedure unpleasant, maintaining hygiene will become more difficult in the future. And if the baby is spinning or protesting, leave the cleaning until you are in a more favorable mood. It’s better to let your ear remain “dirty” for a couple of days than to accidentally poke it into the depths of the ear canal with a stick.

A pediatrician tells how to treat a baby's nose, ears and eyes.

Parotid problems

It is important to maintain cleanliness not only in the ears themselves, but also behind them. Often, inattention to this area results in discomfort for the baby. When a newborn’s ears get wet, the integrity of the skin is compromised, which is unpleasant and dangerous, as it can lead to the development of a bacterial infection. Let's look at possible problems.

  • Scabs behind the ears of a baby. They arise due to a lack of basic hygiene, when breast milk or formula flows down the baby’s cheeks during feeding and partially remains in the ear folds. If this area is not washed and dried daily, the mixture may dry out and form crusts. They provoke itching and anxiety in the baby, and removing them dry is painful. However, they quickly soak in water and are simply removed with a cotton swab. In other cases, crusts appear as a manifestation allergic reaction. Remember what foods you ate the day before (if the baby is on breastfeeding), whether you used a new baby cream or oil. Eliminate anything suspicious mercilessly, as allergic peeling of the skin will only increase.
  • Diaper rash behind the ears in newborns. They occur due to insufficient drying of the parotid area after bathing. Perhaps the moisture remains on the hairs, and after the “bath” you put a cap on the baby and prevent the skin from drying. At the initial stage, it will help to get rid of diaper rash Free access air and thorough blotting after bathing. If the skin has acquired sickly look, turns red and causes discomfort in the baby, be sure to consult a doctor. He will prescribe you an antiseptic ointment that will quickly relieve inflammation.

Now you know how to clean your newborn's ears and why it's important to do it regularly. Spend just a couple of minutes a day on this activity, and ear problems will not affect you!

Many mothers believe that it is better to clean their child's ears as deeply as possible in order to completely get rid of wax. But doctors warn that this is far from a correct opinion.

Many people know how to properly clean the ears of an adult, but the ears of a newborn require careful and careful care, since they are easily damaged. Young mothers should always remember that in children the eardrum is not yet protected, and the ear canal is much shorter than in an adult.

How to clean your ears infant, how often to carry out the procedure and is it necessary to do it at all?

A question of necessity

Of course, both adult and newborn ears need cleaning. But you shouldn’t do this too often; 1 or 2 times every 10 days is enough. Pediatricians strongly do not recommend that parents carry out this procedure more often.

Sulfur has many useful functions:

  • Moisturizing the ear canal;
  • Protecting the eardrum from drying out;
  • Protection against germs getting inside.

If you carefully clean your ears every day, this can lead to unpleasant consequences and illnesses. Also, with constant cleaning, sulfur will be released several times more.

For the procedure of cleaning small ears, regular cotton swabs or small pieces of cotton pads that are twisted into a flagellum are suitable.

Even before the baby is born, parents should take care of a first aid kit for the newborn, which includes mandatory Special ear sticks for small children should also be included. These sticks differ from adults in that they are short and have a limiter that will prevent the mother from damaging the child’s small ear.

When is the best time to perform the procedure?

Experienced mothers and pediatricians strongly recommend cleaning your ears small child after evening bathing or morning feeding. Why at this time? In the morning, after feeding, the baby begins the process of pushing out wax, and it will be easier to remove it without damaging the delicate skin.

And in the evening, while swimming, drops of water fall into the ears, which soften the wax, and it is easy to clean. It is also worth remembering that children do not like water getting into their ears, and will tolerate such an evening procedure much easier. If moisture is not removed from the ears in time, this can lead to painful inflammation or otitis media.

Children's ears need to be cleaned just like adults. But this must be done slowly and carefully to avoid injury and discomfort for the baby.

To easily and quickly clean wax from your ears, you should follow some recommendations:

  • Only the part of the ear that is clearly visible and the pinna should be cleaned. Otherwise, you can penetrate deep into the passage and cause injury to the child.
  • You cannot use other means for this purpose, except for special cotton swabs with limiters or flagella.
  • Before you begin to clean the ear canal and auricle, the child should be placed on a flat surface, with his head turned to one side and held.
  • If you find a wax plug, you should not try to remove it yourself. It is better to entrust this procedure to an experienced doctor so as not to harm the baby.
  • In order not to scare the baby, especially if he is 1 or 2 years old, you need to choose the right time for the procedure; it is better to do this during daylight hours. It is better not to clean when the child is sleeping, wants to eat or is not in the mood.
  • Don't start cleaning your ears small child if an adult has long nails or jewelry that could harm delicate skin.
  • Do not use sharp or thin objects for cleaning, even if they have cotton wool wrapped around them, otherwise you may damage the eardrum.
  • It is necessary to clean the ears of a sick child carefully and carefully. Under no circumstances should you use drops or medications to rinse your ears on your own, without a doctor’s prescription.

Ear cleaning algorithm:

  • Moisten a cotton wool or stick in warm water or in hydrogen peroxide. Do not wet the cotton wool too much, otherwise excess liquid will remain in the ear canal.
  • Look carefully to see if there is any wax plug, discharge or inflammation in the ear.
  • Breasts need to clean their ears with special care and caution, since they are very small and residues often get there. breast milk and other secretions.
  • At the end of the procedure, lightly moisten the cotton wool in warm water and wipe the auricle and the area behind it.

Such tips will help young mothers make hygiene procedures easy and hassle-free.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

Although the movements of the jaw and face contribute to the self-cleaning of the ears, regular examination of qualified doctor is also necessary. Visiting a doctor once every six months is quite enough if there are no complaints. During routine checkups, the doctor should evaluate the child's hearing and check for any inflammation. You need to contact an ENT specialist not only for routine examinations, but also in the following cases:

  • Wax deposits have difficulty coming out of the ear. In this case, you shouldn’t take them out yourself at home, since the wax can be pushed even deeper and then it will be more difficult to clean your ears. And an experienced doctor will be able to clear the passage quickly and without unnecessary problems.
  • If a child feels it coming from his ears bad smell– this is also a reason to immediately consult a doctor.
  • It is also necessary to visit a doctor if discharge appears from the ear canal, and the baby is restless and constantly crying.
  • Normally, the shade of sulfur can range from light yellow to dark brown. But if its color or consistency changes, you should immediately consult a doctor about this.
  • The child's ear is red or swollen.
  • A foreign body is stuck in the ear canal. In this case, it is forbidden to take out the object yourself; it is better to consult a doctor as soon as possible.
  • If wax is difficult to come out, but there are no problems with the ears, then the doctor may recommend instilling warm hydrogen peroxide in each ear to soak out the wax deposits.
  • If a child behaves capriciously and restlessly for no apparent reason, cries, if he touches his ears, or his body temperature is elevated, then it is better to contact a pediatrician or ENT specialist. The doctor uses special instruments to examine the auricle and ear canal to determine if there is inflammation or damage there.

How to prevent otitis:

  • If water gets into the ears while swimming, it must be removed immediately. To do this, you need to take a piece of cotton wool, roll it into a tube and apply it to the ear canal so that the liquid is absorbed into the cotton wool.
  • After each feeding, the baby should be held in a column so that in case of regurgitation, milk does not get into the ears.
  • Wear a hat according to the weather, and when walking in cold and windy weather, wear a warm hat that covers the baby’s ears well. It is important that the child is neither cold nor too hot in the hat, otherwise he is guaranteed to catch a cold or heat rash.

You need to clean your baby’s ears not only carefully, but also regularly. Such procedures will help prevent the occurrence of sulfur plugs and inflammation. If you devote a few minutes a week to this, the child will quickly get used to caring for the auricle and ear canal, and later will do it independently.

With the birth of a baby, mothers have certain responsibilities. And we are not talking about regular diaper changes and hourly meals. Regular bathing and changing clothes, treating the umbilical wound and, of course, cleaning small ears - any hygiene procedure makes new parents tremble at the knees. Today we’ll talk about how to clean newborns’ ears.

Is this hygiene procedure necessary at all? Of course, yes - this part of the body needs regular care and attention. To properly perform the hygiene procedure, you need to become familiar with the structural features and the most important properties of the ears.

Something about the structure of the auricle

The ears of a newborn baby differ in structure from the auricle of an adult. That is, if you really want to pick your ears with a cotton swab, then do so, but under no circumstances clean your child’s small ear with it.

The thing is that in the first days of life, the baby’s shell is not fully formed - the eardrum is very close to the entrance and is not protected by natural cartilage. This means that one wrong move can lead to unpleasant sensations, for which, if the child was older, you could get your own ear.

A newborn's ears are a delicate part of the body that should be treated with care. special attention and clean carefully.

The auricle produces a natural antiseptic - earwax. It accumulates in inner ear and only when there is a large amount it shows out. It is these excesses that need to be removed from the outer ear of the newborn.

Speaking in simple language, sulfur is not dirt and not a sign of an unkempt baby. Therefore, dear mothers, take care of your baby’s ears, do not overdo it with your efforts - leave a little wax in the canal. For what? - you ask. It turns out that its absence is not good for the ears.

Sulfur is needed in order to:

  1. Moisturize the ear canal and prevent the eardrum from drying out;
  2. Protect inner ear from penetration pathogenic microbes and other evil spirits.

Sulfur cannot be removed completely, since its complete absence will provoke even greater production. Strong intensity of cleansing (mechanical movements with everyone's favorite cotton swabs) can cause a number of other complications that will bother the ears of a newborn baby.

Ear cleaning: why and how often?

After reading all this, you will probably think about whether and how to clean the ears of a newborn baby. Of course, it is possible and even necessary. You just need to follow certain recommendations so as not to harm your child.

Ears, like any other part of the body, need proper attention and care. You don’t doubt that you need to brush your teeth every day and wash your face in the morning? Yes, and calmly watch how it bleeds umbilical wound, you won’t, right? Likewise, a newborn’s ears need to be given attention every day, every fold of the ear needs to be cleaned.

For these purposes, it is best to choose a specific time - after bathing or after feeding (the baby’s sucking movements help push wax out. Read an important article about how to properly attach a baby to the breast >>>). It remains to figure out how to properly clean a newborn’s ears.

Do you still clean your ears with cotton swabs? Then we are coming to you with useful news:

  • For a long time, special devices with a limiter have been invented for infants, which allow you to effectively clean the ears of a newborn.
  • For hygiene procedure Under no circumstances should you use common cotton swabs. Buy only special ones for children, with a limiter that will not allow you to reach the eardrum.
  • After bathing, be sure to remove water from the ear. You might be thinking about whether it’s okay to wet a newborn’s ears? Of course you can, but very carefully. If liquid gets in, roll up two halves of a cotton pad and carefully place them in the ear for a while, and then clean with gentle movements.

Attention! Under no circumstances try to get the sulfur from the inside and push it through with cotton wool. But if you still happen to get into trouble, do not try to remove the foreign object yourself - take your newborn baby to an otolaryngologist who can remove the fruits of your efforts.

How to clean?

  1. Prepare all the necessary tools in advance: special cotton swabs and a swab;
  2. Turning the newborn baby's head on its side, gently wipe the ear with a cotton pad or swab dipped in a small amount of boiled water. Pay attention to every fold and visible part of the ear canal;
  3. Do the same with the second ear.

Your baby may kick and be fussy. After all, he shouldn’t be purring with pleasure like a kitten. If there is an obvious protest, it is better to postpone the procedure until safer times. It’s better to leave your ears dirty than to accidentally poke a newborn baby’s eardrum with a stick.

For more information about how and why to clean your ears, watch the video:

Cleanliness behind the ears

It is necessary to clean your ears not only inside, but also outside the auricle. Failure to pay attention to this area can cause the newborn to experience discomfort. The skin in this area can become wet, dry and break down, which causes inflammatory processes and also delivers serious concern baby. Frequent problems that “live” behind the ears:

  • Crust formation. It is formed when basic hygiene rules are not observed. During feeding, milk can flow down the chubby cheeks and end up in the folds behind the ears, where it dries, forming those same crusts.

Important! Do not remove them dry under any circumstances - this is very painful.

Don't believe me? Try pouring milk onto the crook of your elbow, dry it thoroughly, repeat the procedure after a while, and only then try to rip it off. Liked? It’s just that it’s much more painful for the baby. It’s better to apply a cotton swab soaked in water and blot the formations with it. By the way, such crusts can be a sign of an allergic reaction in a newborn.

  • Diaper rash. They appear when the ears are not sufficiently dried after bathing. It is likely that you completely dry your hair and put on a cap - because of this, diaper rash occurs. Let your baby's skin enjoy fresh air. Stop wrapping and swaddling your baby - these are all relics of past eras. Let your baby's skin breathe freely. Read more about what temperature should be in a newborn’s room >>>

Now you know how to properly clean a newborn’s ears and you can confidently do it without trembling knees and without fear of consequences.
