Year of the monkey for a woman's dog. Money, material well-being

Year of birth: 1934,1946,1958,1970,1982,1994, 2006, 2018

What awaits the Dog in 2016?

You should analyze what you have already achieved in order to boldly move forward to new heights. The Year of the Red Fire Monkey will present many opportunities for development and self-realization. Active work will lead to many interesting solutions. And yet, you shouldn’t chase big money; it’s better to choose a job you like, leaving time to take care of your home and family. You are very loyal to your friends, your business and your ideals, so your integrity cannot be doubted. Most of you are expecting a change in your place of work or general field of activity. This change will come in very handy for you, as many of you will find your dream job.

Love horoscope of the Dog for 2016 of the Monkey

In 2016, it is recommended to spend more time with your family and learn to have a heart-to-heart conversation with your loved one. Singles may not find it easy to find their soulmate, but if they succeed, the relationship can last a lifetime. However, excessive temper can become an obstacle to the only true love. Therefore, it is better to think twice before saying something out loud.

If you have not yet started a family, but have serious intentions to do so, pay attention to the end of spring. At this time, a sensual adventure is very likely, which by the beginning of October will result in a serious romance.

Finance Dog in the Year of the Monkey 2016

Your financial situation will be secure, but you should avoid unnecessary expenses and try to save for the future. If you start investing in own business, then this will become the basis for continuous growth and increased productivity.

Climbing the career ladder will still happen (beneficial changes will begin to make themselves known starting from the end of May), only this ladder will be located in another building, in another organization and in a direction that does not intersect in any way with the type of your last place of work. So you have to think about additional education. If you have previously worked as an electrician and suddenly decided to become an actor, then at least you will have to take courses on memory development. You will be surprised - the year of the Goat is preparing the most unexpected turns for you.

Dog Health in the Year of the Monkey 2016

Very emotional, not always able to fully control themselves Dogs may encounter health problems such as strange anxiety, jumping blood pressure etc. It is advisable for you to take breaks occasionally in the middle of your hectic work schedule and relax for a while. Exercise, fresh air and good dream. The main thing is to stop worrying and enjoy life.

In cold weather, it is recommended to protect yourself from colds- they can be complicated by bronchitis. Strengthen your immune system - you are surprisingly frivolous about it. Try to get proper rest: get enough sleep, move more, if not medical contraindications, try active species sports - it will save you from chronic fatigue chasing you. Remember that sometimes best vacation- this is a change in activity, so don’t waste a short break, do a few simple physical exercise, and you will always be in good shape.

CELEBRITIES BORN IN THE YEAR OF THE DOG: Brigitte Bardot, Naomi Campbell, Michael Jackson, Sophia Loren, Madonna, Elvis Presley

Zodiac Stone: Diamond

Totem plant: Marigolds

Best time: from 19 to 21

Season: Autumn

Favorable colors: silver, red

The patroness of 2016, the red Fire Monkey, promises representatives born in the year of the Dog a very eventful year. Numerous changes await them, which will make their heads spin. A dog by nature is a constant animal and they perceive any changes as a test. The cycle of events will not give them time to think, which will significantly complicate their life, since Dogs tend to first carefully study, think through, analyze the situation and only then decide whether they need it or not.

Representatives of this sign prefer to lead a calm, measured life, delve into the smallest details of what is happening and make informed decisions. But the nimble mistress of the year will not give them the opportunity to think. They can only silently accept all the twists of fate and try to anticipate the Monkey’s next antics several steps ahead. It didn’t work out, which means we’ll have to clear out what we have. Don't get upset and give up in advance. Dogs have a pretty good sense of smell. This gift will help them prepare for the next blow of fate and new changes.

During the first months, the Dog needs to take stock of the past year, analyze his achievements and defeats, soberly assess his capabilities and not set impossible goals for himself. A carefully planned plan of action will help the Dog keep the situation under control. In March-April, representatives of this eastern sign You will have a great opportunity to realize yourself as a professional and develop your creative potential.

The rest of the year, the Dog will have to work hard to achieve the desired heights. She will be quite picky and demanding in choosing her work environment.

All serious financial investments, opening a new business and valuable projects should be postponed until more favorable times, since the restless Monkey will always get in the way successful outcome affairs. The dog will not strive for career growth or change profession, because she is dedicated and faithful to her work. Despite the fact that any change of environment is a kind of test for the Dog, in 2016 it is better not to sit still, but to go on business trips as often as possible. This will provide an opportunity to make new useful contacts that will lead to strengthening social status and professional stability.

Unemployed representatives of this sign will be offered a decent position in a huge enterprise. But they should reject it outright. The dog should be surrounded only by a few and trusted people.

All the problems in personal life will sink into oblivion and life will get better. The inventor-Monkey will satiate the love sphere of the Dogs’ life with novelty in relationships, add bright colors and interesting events to it. In 2016, the Monkey promises family representatives of this sign a strong union, in which feelings will flare up with new strength. But as summer approaches, a problem in the relationship will be brewing, which will need to be resolved without making hasty decisions.

At home, the Dog will have to give his family the opportunity to change their surroundings. Major renovations this year are inevitable. Let the project and design remain with the family members, but all expenses for this matter need to be controlled by the Dog. The stars themselves do not recommend representatives of this sign to take direct part in arranging the family nest. It is better for them to observe everything from the side and provide moral and financial support.

From the very beginning of 2016, the Dog needs to be extremely attentive to his health. Constantly sacrificing oneself for the good of loved ones can negatively affect the well-being of representatives of this sign. Most likely, they will be tormented by fatigue, apathy, and insomnia. To restore their strength, Dogs need to spend as much time as possible on fresh air and balance your diet.

The Year of the Fire Monkey wants to introduce Dogs to new people. Don’t close yourself off from people, otherwise the meeting may not take place, but thanks to a new acquaintance you will look at the world in a new way. The emotional charge provided by this meeting will push you towards success. It is possible that triumph will be delayed, but a lot of pleasant surprises await you on the way to it. Do not separate from the team; successful completion of assigned tasks is only possible through teamwork.

2016 is the year of the Dog woman

In 2016, Dog women will remember the past, pleasant and warm. Positive emotions, this is wonderful, but you shouldn’t get too carried away with the past, because you need to live in the present. Closer to winter, a new surge of nostalgia is possible, and slight fatigue will make itself felt. Doing something you love will help you get rid of nervous tension. The budget requires a reasonable approach to yourself; it is better to spend money on your own professional development rather than on purchasing things that are not urgently needed.

2016 is the year for the Dog man

This is not a year for risky business. Therefore, the stars advise Dog men not to be tempted by tempting offers from an unknown company or unfamiliar people. There is a possibility that if you agree, instead of the promised profit, you will lose your business. On the personal front, the most successful strategy in 2016 is planning ahead. Make decisions with a long-term perspective.

Love and family

In the personal life of Dogs in the year of the Fire Monkey, they can count on harmony. Only in such a positive scenario for the development of relations will you have to convince the other half. Do not be upset if your loved one has doubts about your bright future together. You will be able to convince him, you have enough strength for this. In the second half of the year, children can become a source of trouble. Additional expenses are possible, but you should not focus your attention on the material side of the issue. This is secondary, your attention and care is primary for the child.

Finance and career

Money loves counting, as well as control; Dogs should not forget this in 2016. Intensity cash flows it should completely satisfy you, in other words, it will be enough for your usual life. However, the structure of the flows is poor, and therefore they can be unstable, and unforeseen expenses are also possible. This can be corrected if you plan your budget. Most likely, at work you may be offered to take advanced training courses or attend a seminar; do not refuse and take into account the information received, but do not forget about your experience; perhaps in some cases it is more useful to use it.


You should not expect unpleasant surprises; they must be prevented through serious work with the body. This is a timely prevention of seasonal diseases and good rest, and not only on legal vacation, but also on weekends. Even if you feel like a green cucumber, don’t forget to pass medical checkup, this will help prevent the development of many ailments. And it's time to quit smoking.

Horoscope 2016 according to zodiac signs

Aries dog

you will manifest amazing ability, connecting processes that do not depend on your will with work towards achieving your goals. It turns out that the “elements” will work for you. There is simply no shortcut to success! When swimming against the current, you will have to apply where more strength, and the time spent on the journey will also increase significantly. Leave it to Don Quixote to fight windmills. Direct the saved time and resources into a peaceful direction, for your own rest and pleasant surprises for relatives.

Taurus Dog

New control levers will be available to you. However, first you need to eradicate your biggest drawback, since it is precisely this that is an obstacle to success. Having understood yourself, the stars will give you additional power over the world around you and over your own life. In the first autumn month it will require your attention own health because there is a risk of injury musculoskeletal system which can be avoided by being careful. You may have already been injured, be careful when gym, this will prevent the recurrence of old damage.

Gemini Dog

Fate will prompt Gemini more than once. Don't miss the clues as they will help you solve difficult ones faster. life circumstances. The signs will be different: in the form of successful coincidences of circumstances, almost mystical signs or sudden insights. Go without looking back towards your goals. Any events that the Fire Monkey has prepared will, in any case, have a positive impact on the development of the situation. Only financial sector requires extreme caution from you, do not accept offers from scammers as a gift from stars.

Dog Cancer

In 2016, Cancer dogs will receive an offer to take part in a worthwhile project. If you feel that the proposals of your partners and superiors will benefit the business, support them, even if such steps seem unpromising to many, in the end you will be right. Also, do not be afraid of responsibility if you are entrusted with a difficult area. In personal relationships, minor quarrels may arise due to your busy schedule. Compensate for the lack of time by expressing your feelings more vividly. Romance has not been canceled, as have dinners with candles.

Lion Dog

Leo Dogs' instincts will be phenomenal in 2016. Your intelligence will be no less phenomenal throughout the year. Your intuition will help you find a way out of life’s labyrinth of any complexity. Listen to your inner voice and don't be afraid to follow his tips. The stars have prepared many roads for you, the path will be quite thorny, but at the finish all your efforts will be generously rewarded.

Virgo dog

Virgo dogs will have a successful year. Harmony with your own “I” and the favor of the stars will allow you to crack tasks of any complexity like nuts. In the year of the Fire Monkey, you will especially shine with your analytical qualities. Nature has endowed you with the ability to compare facts and make accurate conclusions, but in 2016 this talent will intensify. It is possible that in the spring you will have to be nervous about the health of loved ones; if you know that someone is chronically ill, make sure that they pass preventive treatment, this will prevent the complication of the disease.

Libra Dog

Libra dogs will discover that they have good deposits of powerful energy that will help you in solving difficult, but very interesting tasks, prepared by the Fire Red Monkey. However, you shouldn’t just waste your energy, you also need to think about restoring it. Therefore, alternate shock work with quality rest. Next, it is important to properly “refuel” your body, and therefore the course for balanced diet, not containing harmful products.

Scorpio Dog

The opposite sex will definitely be interested in Scorpio Dogs. Such interest will benefit you. For example, your performance will increase, which in turn will bring you closer to your cherished goal. Don't lose your balance in family relationships. If there are any left unresolved issues, then finally solve them. More romance! Give small joys to your other half more often. Don't let everyday life consume you.

Dog Sagittarius

The Fire Monkey requires constant challenges for Sagittarius Dogs, so get ready to perform a lot of important, but very interesting tasks. During a calm period, when fate takes a time out for challenges, you set yourself tasks that you carry out: work on your body, say goodbye to bad habits or complexes, learn something new. This position will ultimately bring in decent profits.

Capricorn Dog

Capricorn dogs have the gift of persuasion, which will be greatly enhanced in 2016 thanks to the stars. By properly managing your colossal influence on others, you will be able to solve problems in any area: at home (in love/family matters) you will resolve any misunderstandings that have arisen, and at work you will have a chance to improve your situation. By summer, fatigue will accumulate, and therefore, in the summer heat, minimize the consumption of strong drinks and rest as often and as much as possible.

Aquarius Dog

It will be a very successful year if you manage to forget about your own laziness. The stars require that they show sincere interest and initiative in the matter. Aquarius dogs, who have been thinking about changing jobs for a long time, can begin an active search for it in the year of the Fire Monkey. However, before deciding to leave your previous place, think again about what you are losing here, and what awaits you in the future in your new place. Perhaps you just need to improve the working conditions at your old place, tell this to your superiors, most likely they will meet you halfway, because they will not want to lose a specialist with such creative potential.

Dogs Pisces

Your path in 2016 is a creative search and intellectual development. In this area you can reveal yourself 100%. Only, having received new knowledge, you need to try it out in practice, because without such confirmation it will be of no use, and the path to the next level will be closed to you. Having materially implemented new knowledge, you will quickly move on to a new high level and continue your successful march. Take a break in the fall: minimize unnecessary information noise, get proper rest and spend more time simple communication with your surroundings.

Dogs with their behavior in 2016 will cause shock and bewilderment among others. As soon as the freedom-loving Fire Monkey seizes power in this world, a large-scale revolution will take place in your consciousness. You will rethink your position in the Universe and make the following verdict - you, the owner of wonderful human qualities, are the guardian worldly wisdom and other “great blessings”, are not obliged to dance to anyone’s tune. If so, you decide alone with yourself, then it’s time to learn to say a categorical “no” to all the tearful requests and pleas for help that you endlessly hear from friends, relatives and just good acquaintances. Your refusal to act as a savior of the weak and oppressed will attract universal criticism and condemnation. But this is not a reason for you to return to familiar framework! Let those around you learn to find a way out of their troubles without you. It will be much more useful and enjoyable for you to focus on yourself in the Year of the Monkey. Remember that there are sports, spa treatments and the most banal form of “relaxation” - relaxing in front of your TV. And let the whole world wait while the Dog proudly rests on his throne!

In 2016 healthy selfishness won't hurt you, dear Dogs, and in organizing your affairs of the heart. Who said that you must obediently run after everyone who tells you kind word and stroke the fur? No no and one more time no! The Pliable Dog is a thing of the past! From now on, representatives of the opposite sex will have to use all their imagination to conquer and tame such an unapproachable person as you in your newly created status. Rest assured, these traits (conceit, self-confidence and a little vanity) will only benefit you (you must admit, the more expensive the crystal, the more you want to become its owner). Family Dogs in 2016 will also try to become the “center of the Universe” for their family. Yes, reluctantly, yes, through repeated scandals, but you will still be able to convince your relatives - in this house you are the head, and therefore you should be treated with more respect. In the year of the Fire Monkey, you are unlikely to plunge into the abyss of romance in a relationship with your long-time chosen one. Why? More than dinners under the moon, in 2016 you will value peace and stability, and therefore the main demand you put forward to your marriage partner will sound like this: we are comfortable together, so why disrupt the course of events with this useless romance?

You will take an equally strict approach in 2016 in the area of ​​your finances. Where is that Dog, ready to give everything to the last penny to save the world (or to help a bankrupt relative)? She, dear friends, is a thing of the distant past! From now on, rationalism will become your life credo when planning your spending for the near future. No, you won’t turn into a miser, ready to give up your usual benefits in favor of hoarding, but you won’t waste money left or right either. And it is right! The capital that you have amassed in 2016, which is not yet very large, will be an excellent help for large financial projects and other important matters to which you will turn your attention a little later. Another important aspect of the Year of the Monkey for you will be numerous conflicts with colleagues. Some of these people will try to drag you into behind-the-scenes games or begin to weave a conspiracy against you in order to expel you from the team. Be alert and do not lose your inherent caution! “Dog Scent” will help you recognize in time where the smell of danger is coming from, and as soon as the enemy is discovered, he will be in trouble, because an angry Dog is more terrible than hundreds of hungry tigers!

Attention, Eastern horoscope Dogs for 2016 published in abbreviated form. To have a complete picture of the coming 2016, the Red Monkey should make a personal forecast for 2016 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.

2016 of the Monkey is quite favorable for Dogs. The Lady of the Year calls for freedom, independence, independence and will definitely help those who can give up everyday life and routine. And this applies equally to work and love.

Love horoscope for 2016 Dog

The first half of the year is an extremely bright and romantic period. You become amorous, sensitive and finally understand that life is not just work. A bright romance is possible, and if it has already begun in the recent past, its continuation is guaranteed. This is not bad for single people, but it will bring a lot of problems to those who already have a couple. However, it is what it is - and love inspires you to take risky actions, creativity, and gives rise to brilliant ideas.

It is possible to restore and strengthen relationships with a lover living in another city or another country and move to another place of residence. Stable people with family will be happy with the success of their children, whose business is going uphill. Many families will have children or grandchildren.

The second half of 2016 is less romantic, and in order for the “Love Boat not to crash into everyday life,” you will have to adapt to a lot and take a lot into account. The stars urge you to be patient and advise you not to rush to conclusions - every relationship has its ups and downs.

Horoscope of work, career, business for 2016 for the Dog

The beginning of the Year of the Red Monkey is an extremely favorable period for career and work. You become extremely popular in your circle, arousing sympathy not only among friends, but also among opponents. Charm, persuasiveness, and the ability to make non-standard decisions will attract many people to you, and in some cases the birth of some kind of union of like-minded people is possible. Particular success awaits representatives of creative professions - actors, artists, musicians - their popularity will increase significantly, and new trends will appear in their creativity.

Fortune will smile on diplomats, politicians and everyone whose activities are in one way or another connected with the public. Contacts with colleagues from other cities or countries are developing successfully - you can expect new ones from there interesting offers, in some cases, moving or frequent travel is likely.

Difficult moments for the Dog in 2016 include difficult relationships with one of their partners, possible opposition from certain high-ranking people or insincerity from friends. Most likely, it's all about finances or other material obligations. The peak of problems will occur at the end of March, April and May, and then the tension will begin to subside.

Starting from July, a responsible and very practical period begins. At this time, many plans and projects conceived in the past will receive material implementation, but this will lead to new problems. Everything you've worked so hard to achieve can take you into a world that has nothing in common with what you imagined. But be that as it may, there is no turning back - you need to adapt to a new situation for you and learn a lot.

An employee who has received a new job will face opposition from secret enemies, and it will not be at all easy to fight them. Those who have contacts with colleagues from other cities or countries may be somewhat disappointed by the constant pressure from foreign colleagues.

The Eastern horoscope 2016 recommends defending your positions, but doing it correctly and carefully if cooperation is of interest to you. Otherwise, this advice can be ignored. Entrepreneurs and bosses should prepare for inspections, which can appear unexpectedly at the very end of the year and cause many problems. In this period chinese horoscope advises Dogs to solve problems gradually and not lose sight of the little things. And as a result, victory will be yours!

Financially, the first half of the year is the most difficult, when you will have to pay off old debts, pay off loans, or fight for your funds with certain people in your circle. We will be able to cope with this, and the second half of the year will be more successful. During this period there will be more money, and for the employee this is due to new job, and for an entrepreneur - with profitable short-term deals and reliable long-term contracts.

Health horoscope for 2016 for the Dog

Throughout the year you will feel good and look very good. A slight decrease in energy may be observed from October and here are your faithful helpershealthy image life and good sleep.
