Class hour "Planet of Tolerance". Class hour (3rd grade) on the topic: Tolerance. “Is it worth banning them from something, teaching them how to live and making decisions for them? Let them do as they want, the main thing is that they are happy. I'm not a savage, but a tolerant modern person

Once worms gathered in the intestines of one person for a political symposium.

The roundworm came out first. She told the high assembly that progress cannot be reversed, and therefore those dark times have passed when worms were fought cruelly and inhumanly. And we need to decisively and finally put an end to discrimination against worms in the body. Because globalization processes require the development of tolerance.

Opisthorchii enthusiastically applauded and chanted equal rights to liver cells.

Then the broad tapesman took the floor. He gave a report on the history of the issue. They say that there used to be a golden time, when no one knew about worms, much less fought them. But then came a troubled and dark time, when the worms were found and they began to treacherously poison and remove them. However, development does not stand still. And now no one dares to question the equality of worms to food and their freedom of self-determination in the body. No one is allowed to suppress worms with medications and other obscurantism. And that it is necessary to eradicate glistophobia by all means. Since worms are equal to all human organs. And that it is not good to stand in the way of progress.

The liver fluke in the block with opisthorchids advocated allocating a blood supply quota to the worms in accordance with their needs. And equal rights to the brain.

Everyone was very happy and satisfied with the established liberal order and there was a complete worm parade. But then suddenly everyone present felt that for some reason it was starting to get colder. And oxygen supply became very low. And they even decided to stage a protest against such blatant discrimination. However, we didn’t have time.


Let's try to look at this issue from the point of view of evolutionary biology. Scientific knowledge we will draw from A. Markov’s book “Human Evolution. Monkeys, Neurons and the Soul.”

In the overwhelming majority of cases, altruistic behavior in animals is either directed towards close relatives (which is well explained by the theory of kin selection) or is based on the principle of reciprocity. Truly selfless care for non-relatives is very rare in nature (see the chapter “In search of the spiritual edge”). People are also more willing to help “their own” than “strangers,” although the concept of “friend” for us does not always coincide with the concept of “relative.” Yet why does altruism seem to be more developed in humans than in other apes?

Many anthropologists believe that wars could have played an important role in the evolutionary development of altruism among our ancestors. The idea of ​​a connection between intergroup conflicts and the evolution of altruism was expressed by Charles Darwin in his book “The Descent of Man and Sexual Selection,” where he literally wrote the following:

When two tribes of primitive people living in the same country clashed with each other, the tribe that (other than equal conditions) included larger number brave, loyal and devoted members, always ready to warn others of danger and protect each other, without any doubt, should have more success and conquer the other... A tribe possessing the above qualities to a significant extent, without any doubt, will spread and gain the upper hand over other tribes. But over time, as the history of all past centuries shows, it will, in turn, be conquered by some other, even more gifted tribe. In this way social and moral qualities develop and spread little by little throughout the earth.(Darwin argues here as a group selectionist, that is, a supporter of the theory of group selection, which is now out of favor. Many experts doubt that groups of people can be considered “units of selection.” It also needs to be explained why egoists did not spread within each group due to ordinary, individual selection, and why such individual selection did not “overpower” the hypothetical group selection, which in its effectiveness in general case must be much inferior to the individual. Modern models, supporting Darwin’s basic idea, justify it with more accurate and sophisticated arguments, which will be discussed below).

The old idea about the connection between intergroup conflicts and the evolution of morality has been actively developed in recent years (albeit in a slightly different vein) within the framework of the new theory of “the coupled evolution of parochial altruism and war” (Choi, Bowles, 2007). According to this theory, altruism among our ancestors was initially aimed only at members of their own group. Such altruism is called parochial, that is, parochial, narrow, “only for our own.” Using mathematical models, it was shown that altruism could only develop in combination with xenophobia - hostility towards strangers. In conditions of constant wars with neighbors, the combination of intra-group altruism with hostility towards outsiders provides the greatest chance of survival and successful reproduction of the individual. It turns out that such seemingly opposite human properties as kindness and belligerence developed in a single complex: neither one nor the other of these traits individually would have contributed to the reproductive success of their owners.

Although this theory took shape quite recently, it looks solid and is generally very similar to the truth. To test it, psychologists and anthropologists have already conducted several special research, the results of which will be useful for us to get acquainted with.

Swiss and German psychologists have studied the development of altruism and parochialism (preference for “one’s own”) during children’s development (Febre et al., 2008). For the sake of brevity, I omit the course of the research itself (those interested can find it in the cited book); I’ll just give you some interesting results:

Girls make almost no distinction between their own and strangers, while boys already at the age of 1-4 years show increased jealousy of strangers. In addition, boys, especially in early age, take care of their own even at the expense of “fairness” (allowing their partner to get extra candy)

The share of "harmful" children from three to six years old is 22%; at the age of 7-8 years it decreases to 14%. The authors note that there are approximately the same number of harmful individuals among adults.

The share of “kind-hearted people,” oddly enough, does not change with age: such selflessly kind children turned out to be about 5% in all age groups. The share of “moderately kind people” decreases from 39% at the age of 3-4 years to 11% at 7-8 years.

The share of “lovers of justice” grows rapidly with age: from 4% in the younger age group to 30% in the older. The share of “moderate lovers of justice” is also growing (from 17% to 30%).

Something similar to egalitarianism has been found in American capuchin monkeys. The monkeys were taught to exchange treats for stones that they had in their enclosure. In exchange for the pebble, the experimenter gave the monkey a treat. Everything went well until the monkey noticed that she was given a piece of cucumber, while her neighbor received a sweet grape for exactly the same stone. The offended animal made a terrible scandal and refused to work (de Waal, 2005).

The results obtained are in good agreement with the theory of the joint development of altruism and parochialism ("parochialism" is a preference for one's own, for example, when one shares with one's own, but not with strangers. Note "Ruskolan") under the influence of intense intergroup competition. It is possible that the evolutionary history of the formation of these properties of the human psyche in general outline is repeated during individual development children. It is characteristic that altruism and parochialism develop in children almost simultaneously.

Since the main participants in intergroup conflicts and wars have always been men, it seems quite natural that parochialism is more pronounced in boys than in girls. In conditions of primitive life, male warriors were personally interested in ensuring that not only themselves, but also other men in the group were in good health. physical fitness: there was no point in “preserving justice” at their expense. As for women, if the group lost in an intergroup conflict, their chances of successful reproduction most likely decreased not as much as for men (see chapter “The Social Brain”).

Of course, the authors of the study are aware that the properties of the child’s psyche they studied largely depend not only on genes, but also on upbringing, that is, they are a product of not only biological, but also cultural evolution. Which, however, does not make the results less interesting and informative. After all, the laws and driving forces of biological and cultural evolution are partly similar, and the processes themselves can smoothly flow into each other. For example, new behavioral sign can first be passed on from generation to generation through learning and imitation, and then gradually become entrenched in the genes (see the chapter “Genetics of the Soul”).

Conscience is incompatible with tolerance.


Yesterday my son held a tolerance day at school. One day seemed not enough for this; the bacchanalia was extended until today. Something in neither church calendar there is no such holiday. We Russians, of course, are advised to be tolerant of the fact that the country is occupied by strangers, but we are simply thrown out - drink, smoke, inject drugs, and die out quickly! Others need your territory and resources! - "indifferent to the melting traces."

Why are they not holding tolerance days in China, Asian countries, former republics USSR, except Russia, Ukraine? Because these are invader countries, and tolerance needs to be instilled in those who are being conquered so that they don’t kick. It is impossible to imagine a situation where the Russians came to the same Azerbaijan, took housing there, positions in trade, apparatus, etc., and the local population would be tolerant.

As a doctor, I would like to give an analogy with medicine.

In allergology there is the concept of tolerance, as well as sensitization. When an allergen (a foreign substance for the body) arrives at the first stage and in small doses, the body gets used to it and becomes indifferent to this allergen - this, in popular terms, is tolerance. This is what they want to lead Russia and Europe to.

But sensitization is a state of the body when, upon receipt of an allergen in any doses, even small ones, the body reacts to the allergen in the form of a bright expressed rejection - allergic reaction. It is extremely difficult to fight her. This is what the authorities are afraid of, and therefore they are rushing to introduce tolerance, starting with schools and kindergartens. So we will not allow tolerance! Let every nation live peacefully on its own land. We don’t need a branch of China and the Caucasus in Russia! Long live the sensitization of the RUSSIAN PEOPLE!

Tolerant lamb.


In 1996, the General Assembly invited UN member states to celebrate the International Day for Tolerance on November 16 each year and to mark it with relevant activities aimed at both educational establishments, and to the general public.

The International Day of Tolerance is celebrated annually on November 16th. On this day in 1995, UNESCO member states adopted the Declaration of Principles on Tolerance and the Program of Action. In 1996, the General Assembly invited UN member states to observe the International Day for Tolerance on 16 November each year and to mark it with activities aimed at both educational institutions and the general public.

Tolerance in every home!


I first became acquainted with the word “tolerance” in ecology classes. This term denoted the degree of endurance (survival) of the organism when exposed to external factors(the limit of tolerance determines the upper and lower limits of survival). Around the same time (maybe a little earlier, maybe a little later), the word “tolerance” began to be actively introduced into the minds of Russians. True, its meaning was no longer ecological, but social: “tolerance is tolerance for someone else’s way of life, behavior, customs, feelings, opinions, ideas, beliefs.” This is exactly what we will talk about this time.

During the times of the forced introduction of Western ideology into the consciousness of Russian citizens, their “tolerance” was usually presented almost as the apotheosis of democracy. And the ability of the Russian people to get along well with their neighbors - as our centuries-old history has shown - was called into question.

Originally Russian word For some reason they began to replace “tolerance” with the word “tolerance”, although there is a big difference between them. The fact is that the term “tolerance” was first introduced into use by the English immunologist P. Medawar in 1953 to mean “tolerance” immune system organism to transplanted foreign tissue. The Russian understanding of tolerance runs counter to the concept of tolerance. It means (according to Dahl) a patient (merciful, condescending) attitude towards other cultures. But this does not mean tolerance for antagonistic alien worldviews that threaten to destroy the basic culture. Western tolerance forces one to come to terms with antagonistic worldviews and reduce one’s survival rate by giving up resistance to an aggressive alien worldview.

Maxim Ivanov

You must show tolerance...


There is a new political fashion in Russia - a fashion for tolerance or, as it is also called "tolerance" - the Russian word for this phenomenon is apparently not suitable.

What does tolerance mean in Russia today? Last year all the media in Russia actively accuse Russians of fascism, xenophobia and nationalism (if anyone can be accused of the latter).

Accusations are made both directly and indirectly: after each case of violence against people of non-indigenous nationality in Russia (usually Azerbaijanis, Tajiks, Uzbeks, etc.). The media immediately begin to write about “skinheads”, “skinheads”, “Russian fascists”, etc. - at the same time, it should become clear to everyone that, for example, there are no skinheads, Tajiks. It is assumed that it is we - the Russians - who shave our heads and kill, but who else?

But in all this policy of the Russian authorities there is an obvious flaw, and this flaw is associated with the constant weakening of the Russians themselves in Russia. All this gives rise to a lot of questions, for example:

1. Why are a lot of foreigners imported into Russia, while a huge mass of Russian people live in Russian regions and in neighboring countries who are ready to move to Russia and work here?
2. Why do the Russian authorities allow the already too obvious displacement of Russians by foreigners from business (for example, all markets in major cities controlled by Azerbaijanis - and this is absolutely no secret to anyone)?
3. Why gradual penetration is allowed foreign citizens V Russian authorities authorities?
4. Why is nothing being done to begin stimulating the targeted and systemic birth rate among Russians, and this despite the fact that there is a lot of money<перекачиваются>to foreign securities at minimum interest rates?
5. Why is it allowed to create entire districts in many cities populated predominantly by non-Russian citizens?
6. And, perhaps, the most main question: What is the current national policy in Russia?

After all this, when we are not only offered nothing to solve our problems, but on the contrary, the actions of the authorities create these problems at every step, we are given “pacification” - tolerance. What else remains is to come to terms with it.

This is what the Russian authorities decide, but we know for sure that the Russian people do not think so and will never think so! For the Russian people, the current situation is simply unbearable; for us, this is a challenge that should have been resolved by the authorities, but the authorities are openly betraying us at every step. Today we do not need humility, humility is the surrender of all our positions, the Russian people are very patient, but we cannot live in a situation that shows us that we have lost, that we have simply been “made.”

And therefore we argue that tolerance (aka tolerance) in Russia today is not only inappropriate, but it is simply an outright betrayal of the Russians. We have not lived and will never live by someone else’s rules, and a politician who does not understand this is a complete ignoramus.

Today we need a different strategy: we must feel not weak and weak-willed, no, the Russians have never been like that and never will be. We must show everyone and ourselves that we are a strong and strong-willed nation and only this will save us from that shrinking “spring” that will sooner or later explode. Only now, if it explodes later, then this explosion will be stronger and more violent. Another situation is also possible, when the Russian people are simply “broken”, befuddled with various ideas, such as the notorious “tolerance”, compliance, the need to give in.

We must not give in to anyone! Not in front of anyone! Stop retreating, we must start attacking, on all fronts, and we have enough strength for this! Responsible Russian politicians must turn to the Russian people and call on them to regain their strength, will and responsibility to themselves, to our common country, before our future.
Any attempt to appease the Russians today must be recognized as an attempt at national betrayal. We must get out of this “stagnation”, which is simply turning into outright insanity! And for this we need to shake ourselves up and make sure that no one has the question: who is the boss in Russia.

"Yes, you are simply not tolerant enough!"

Once worms gathered in the intestines of one person for a political symposium.

The roundworm came out first. She told the high assembly that progress cannot be reversed, and therefore those dark times have passed when worms were fought cruelly and inhumanly. And we need to decisively and finally put an end to discrimination against worms in the body. Because globalization processes require the development of tolerance.

Opisthorchii enthusiastically applauded and chanted equal rights to liver cells.

Then the broad tapesman took the floor. He gave a report on the history of the issue. They say that there used to be a golden time, when no one knew about worms, much less fought them. But then came a troubled and dark time, when the worms were found and they began to treacherously poison and remove them. However, development does not stand still. And now no one dares to question the equality of worms to food and their freedom of self-determination in the body. No one is allowed to suppress worms with medications and other obscurantism. And that it is necessary to eradicate glistophobia by all means. Since worms are equal to all human organs. And that it is not good to stand in the way of progress.

The liver fluke in the block with opisthorchids advocated allocating a blood supply quota to the worms in accordance with their needs. And equal rights to the brain.

Everyone was very happy and satisfied with the established liberal order and there was a complete worm parade. But then suddenly everyone present felt that for some reason it was starting to get colder. And oxygen supply became very low. And they even decided to stage a protest against such blatant discrimination. However, we didn’t have time.

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  • It was somehow undignified for Capricorn to jostle in the general queue, and he sent a courier - Sagittarius. Sagittarius took a backpack full of tolerance, but on the way back he got carried away, went to another country, lost his backpack there, wrote to Capricorn that only horned goats give such tasks, and went on traveling light.

    The tolerance lost by Sagittarius was picked up by thrifty Cancer. And he hid it somewhere. Sometimes he finds it all at once, then he is afraid that it will be stolen, he hides it and again forgets where. And when Cancer begins to say that everyone around him is not heartfelt friends, but shameful wolves, it means that he has simply lost his sweet spot again.

    Libra arrived on time, politely asked for a couple of more graceful tolerances, and since then they have hardly used it, since they cannot decide which of the two is better.

    Aquarius was one of the first to arrive, but he was thrown out of the queue when he began to say that the One who created tolerance actually glued together garbage according to the drawings from “ Young technician“, and Aquarius, when there is time, will do much better.

    Virgo spent a very long time counting how much tolerance of the highest grade GOST 5508-84 she needed, and missed her turn. Therefore, she received only a tiny example of tolerance of the highest grade and, so that she would not be so upset, a steelyard with which tolerance was weighed. Since then, Virgo has been walking around and weighing other people’s tolerance, but almost never shows her own, tiny, top-class tolerance to anyone.

    Aries wanted to come first, but on the way he met Pisces, who were already stocked with tolerance. The fish managed to escape, but their tolerance suffered. Where Aries reached, it became crooked and cracked, but he reached almost everywhere. Aries went home, because he is not a fool to be the first, much less after Pisces. Although he liked the word “tolerance” so much that he even carved it on his favorite baseball bat.

    Lev didn’t come at all because he didn’t know what tolerance was, and if that’s the case, it’s clear that it’s bullshit that no one needs.

    Taurus came and convincingly explained that he already has his own tolerance, the best, it couldn’t be better, and whoever doesn’t agree is to hell with marching. And he came, in fact, to explain that he already has his own tolerance, the best, it couldn’t be better, and whoever doesn’t agree - to hell with marching!

    And late at night, when everyone had long since left, and only a small dump of leftovers, scraps and surplus goods remained, the slightly delayed Gemini arrived. I looked around and took away all the remains. And that’s why Gemini has a hell of a lot of tolerance, only sometimes it seems like he found it in a trash heap.

    We live in turbulent times when the words “terrorism,” “armed conflict,” and “violence” have become commonplace. Unfortunately, the meaning of these words becomes clear at an early age. Television and the Internet convey a lot of negative information. It is clear that children also become more conflict-ridden and aggressive. Therefore, activities aimed at peacefulness and tolerance are important for the formation of a harmonious and humane personality.



    “Now that we have learned to fly through the air like birds, to swim under water like fish, we lack only one thing: to learn to live on earth like people.” (B. Shaw)

    Peace Lesson

    "What is tolerance"

    3rd grade


    We live in turbulent times when the words “terrorism,” “armed conflict,” and “violence” have become commonplace. Unfortunately, the meaning of these words becomes clear at an early age. Television and the Internet convey a lot of negative information. It is clear that children also become more conflict-ridden and aggressive. Therefore, activities aimed at peacefulness and tolerance are important for the formation of a harmonious and humane personality.

    Methods of conducting: search, discussion, game (simulation of vital situations in a story game).

    Target: developing a respectful attitude towards other people, recognizing the differences and individuality of everyone. Contribute to the formation of such value guidelines as a friendly family, a friendly class.


    1) Study the concept of tolerance.

    2) See from the example of your class that we are all similar and different in some ways.

    3) Developing the ability to listen to another person.

    Equipment: pencils, sheets of paper, glue, markers, cards with letters of the word “tolerance”, ball.

    Progress of the lesson:

    1.Organizational moment of the lesson.

    Guys, today you will sit differently than always. We will split into groups. There are suns on the tables different colors, but they don’t have enough rays. You will take one ray and sit down at the table where the sun is the same color as your ray.

    You are divided into 4 teams. Smile at each other, give me your smiles too! Thank you! A smile always encourages communication.

    Guys, have you heard this expression?

    "There are lees to every wine".

    How do you understand these words?

    The beautiful sun, our beloved luminary, has barely noticeable spots. Stains are flaws. We see shortcomings in other people and tell them about it. We are trying to change them. Let's listen to the parable of Rabbi Zussi. (Tells a prepared student.)


    Rabbi Zussi decided to change the world. But the world is so big, and Zussi is so small. Then Zussi decided to change his city. But the city is so big, and Zussi is so small. Then Zussi decided to change his family. But Zussi’s family is so big, there are ten children alone. So Rabbi Zussi got to the only thing he can change, being so small - himself.

    Questions for conversation:

    1. How did you understand the parable?
    2. What conclusion did you draw for yourself?
    3. Do you have any weaknesses? Who told you about them?
    4. Would you like to change yourself?

    Conclusion: a person strives to change himself in better side, live in peace with yourself, be happier.

    What is happiness in your understanding?

    What kind of person can be called happy?

    On the path to happiness, a person can make mistakes. You just need to notice them in time, correct them and not do them again.

    A Tale of Happiness

    There lived one king in the world,
    Rich and powerful.
    He was always sad. And sometimes
    It was darker than a cloud.
    He walked, slept, had dinner,
    And he knew no happiness!

    But always whine and grieve
    The poor guy has had enough.
    The king cried out: “You can’t live like this!” -
    And he jumped off the throne boldly.
    Yes, instantly destroy your lot
    Not in royal power?

    And so the king got into the carriage -
    And he went for happiness.
    The king looks out the window,
    The carriage is rolling fast.
    Wait a minute, who's on the way?
    A girl in a tattered dress.

    Oh my almighty king,
    Please give me at least a penny.
    - Hey, beggar, let me in
    Hurry up my carriage.
    Get off the path immediately
    After all, I’m going for happiness! –

    The king said and drove off.
    And the month was freezing in the blue sky...
    The carriage rushes at random
    God knows in which direction.
    Suddenly a soldier stands in the way,
    Wounded, ragged.

    Oh my king, cried the soldier,
    I'm very glad to see you!
    I humbly ask: arrange
    You are at my service,
    I stood up for you,
    I really fought like a hero,
    I won the battle.

    Come on, servant, let me pass
    Hurry up my carriage.
    Get off the path immediately
    After all, I’m going for happiness! –
    The king said and drove off,
    And the month was freezing in the blue sky...
    The carriage rushes at full speed,
    The horse gallops as fast as he can.
    Suddenly she came out onto the road from the mountains
    Stooped old woman.

    Forgive me, my dear king,
    Lonely old woman.
    My house is over there, you see, behind the mountain,
    I've gone far in the morning.
    I carry firewood from the forest -
    Hard work.
    I look around, barely alive:
    What if someone helps...

    Come on, old woman, let me pass
    Hurry up my carriage.
    Get off the path immediately
    After all, I’m going for happiness! –
    The king said and drove off,
    And the month was freezing in the blue sky...

    Summer is over. Heat
    Gives way to bad weather.
    The king hurries:
    - It's time to go,
    A little more - and hurray!
    I will find my happiness!

    And it would all end in disaster -
    There is no doubt about it.
    Yes, an old man with a white beard
    He stopped the carriage.
    Having crossed himself, slowly,
    Solemnly and strictly
    Said: "Lost soul,
    King, fear God!

    Are you looking for happiness for yourself?
    You are traveling around the world.
    But, only loving your neighbor,
    You will find this happiness.
    Quickly listen to me:
    Turn your horse back around
    Warm and feed the child,
    Hire a soldier as a watchman,
    Do it all, but first
    You can help the old lady:
    You will bring firewood from home,
    You’ll cut it and lay it down...”

    Then the full moon came out.
    And she illuminated the way.
    It's not an easy journey, the way back.
    The path to happiness is not just anywhere.
    The king is still in the palace
    Helps all people.
    And happiness on his face
    It shines like a clear day!

    Issues for discussion:

    1. How would you title this story?
    2. Why didn't the king want to help the girl, the soldier and the old woman?
    3. What was the behavior of the king at the beginning of the story? What personality traits can you name?
    4. Why do you think the king changed?
    5. Do such changes always happen in life?
    6. Have similar stories happened to you? (They didn’t help you or you didn’t hear someone?)
    7. Have you ever had to change anything about yourself after someone pointed out a flaw in you?
    8. Let's determine what qualities the king lacked before meeting the elder?
    9. Did the king have a goal in life before meeting the elder?
    10. Did his goal change after the meeting?
    11. What does this fairy tale teach us?
    12. How do you perceive indications of your mistake, comments from adults? Comments from friends?
    13. What does this fairy tale teach us?

    Conclusion . A person should strive to change himself for the better, to live in peace with himself.

    Do you think people fell in love with the king?

    Then let's talk about love.

    Once upon a time there was a girl named Lyubov. She was bored living on earth without a girlfriend. She decided to turn to the old, gray-haired wizard:

    Help me, grandfather, choose a girlfriend so that I can be friends with her throughout the life God has given me.

    The wizard thought and said:

    Come to me tomorrow morning, when the first birds sing and the dew has not yet dried...

    In the morning, when the scarlet sun illuminated the earth, love came to the appointed place... She came and saw: there were five beautiful girls, one is more beautiful than the other.

    Here, choose,” said the wizard, “one is called Joy, the other is Luck, the third is Beauty, the fourth is Sadness, the fifth is Kindness.”

    “They are all beautiful,” said Lyubov. - I don’t know who to choose...

    “You’re right,” the wizard answered, “they are all good, and you will meet them again in life, and maybe you will be friends, but choose one of them.” She will be your friend for life.

    Love came closer to the girls and looked into each one’s eyes. Love thought.

    Who would you choose? Why? (Answers)

    Love approached a girl named Kindness and extended his hand to her.

    Why did Love choose Kindness? (Answers)

    2. Staging educational task. Identifying the problem.

    To find out the topic of our lesson, you need to guess the rebus. You have pieces of paper on your tables, letters are written on them, we need to find their place and then we can read the name of our lesson, but to find out in what order we need to put the letters, we need to count the examples on the back.








    Read, what word did you get?

    Today our conversation is about tolerance.

    3. Discussion of the concept of tolerance.

    Guys, how do you understand what tolerance is? (children's answers)

    Dictionary of a tolerant personality

    The word "tolerance" is best translated as "tolerance." This is the ability to understand and respect backgrounds, cultures, views and other manifestations of human individuality that are different from one's own. main reason intolerance in the world - differences between people - differences in appearance, language, views, etc.

    Understanding tolerance in different languages ambiguous. In English, it is “the willingness and ability to perceive a person or thing without protest.” In French - “respect for the freedom of another, his way of thinking, behavior, ethical and religious views.” IN Chinese to be tolerant means “to allow, allow, be generous towards others.” IN Arabic tolerance - “forgiveness, leniency, gentleness, compassion, leniency, benevolence, patience, goodwill toward others.” In Persian it means “patience, endurance, readiness for reconciliation.”

    In Russian, the term tolerance was used mainly in medicine as “the absence or weakening of a response to some unfavorable factor as a result of a decrease in sensitivity to its effects.” And the term “tolerance” (the ability, ability to endure, put up with other people’s opinions, be lenient towards the actions of other people) did not include all the meanings inherent in tolerance until the last five to seven years.

    Today, tolerance is considered in the context of such concepts as recognition, acceptance, understanding. Recognition is the ability to see in another exactly the other, as the bearer of other values, a different logic of thinking, and other forms of behavior. Acceptance is a positive attitude towards such differences. Understanding is the ability to see another from the inside, the ability to look at his world simultaneously from two points of view: your own and his.

    Seven Basic Principles of Tolerance:

    Respect for the human dignity of all people without exception.

    Respect for differences.

    Understanding individual uniqueness.

    Complementarity as the main feature of differences.

    Interdependence as the basis for joint action

    Culture of peace.

    Memory preservation.

    Tolerance – tolerance for other people’s opinions, religion, behavior, culture, political views, nationality, that is, it is a manifestation of tolerance, understanding and respect for the personality of another person, regardless of any differences.

    Tolerance is respect, acceptance and correct understanding the rich diversity of our world's cultures, forms of self-expression and ways of expressing human individuality.

    Show tolerance- this means recognizing that people differ in appearance, position, interests, behavior and values ​​and have the right to live in peace while maintaining their individuality

    5. Dynamic pause.

    Stand in a circle. We will now play the greeting game. The teacher invites the children to greet each other by passing the ball around. Children say their name and their inherent qualities.

    9. Creative work.

    Population of the clearing with little men. U different groups little men of different colors, and in each group of different sizes.

    Let's write on the little people the nationalities that are found in your family and make a friendly round dance of the little people, attaching them to the clearing.

    Discussion: all the little people are different and that’s why it turned out to be a bright, friendly round dance.

    We are all very different. Is this good or bad? Children's statements.

    Hail, our Fatherland is free,

    An age-old union of fraternal peoples,

    This is the folk wisdom given by our ancestors!

    Hail, country! We are proud of you!

    The blood of our ancestors flows in each of us. And they were people of different nationalities. Let us have different colour skin. Let people speak different languages ​​and live on different continents. Could all people living on our planet have something in common?

    8. Game.

    First of all, tolerance is manifested at home, at school. Everyone knows that we need to live together, but sometimes it is difficult to restrain ourselves when we see the shortcomings of others. Sometimes we have the feeling that we are being picked on; in an effort to be strong, we become intolerant and remain alone. How can we become tolerant? First of all, you need to remain yourself, see your mistakes. Let's play. I name the situation, and you raise the red circle if the first expression suits you, the black circle – the second.

    1.Your younger brother broke your toy.

    1. You forgive him.
    2. You hit him.

    2.You quarreled with your sister.

    1. You will try to explain yourself to her.
    2. You take offense and take revenge.

    3.You are dissatisfied with yourself.

    1. You say that there are no people without shortcomings.
    2. You blame everything on others.

    4.You don't want to go for a walk with your loved ones.

    1. You're throwing a tantrum.
      2. You go for a walk with them.

    5. You think that one friend betrayed you...

    a) You are taking revenge on him.

    b) You are trying to explain to him.

    6. You disagree with someone...

    a) You don't let him talk.

    b) You still listen to him.

    7. In class you already answered...

    a) You want to answer more, and you interrupt the other.

    b) You give others the opportunity to respond.

    8. Sasha is poorly dressed...

    1. It doesn't matter.
    2. You laugh at him.

    9. Elderly woman walks slowly.

    1. You push her to overtake her.
    2. You help her and hold the door.

    10. You are a boy, they put you next to a girl...

    1. You say that all girls are zeros.
    2. You are talking to her.

    11. You are a girl, they put you next to a boy...

    1. You say that all boys are zeros.
    2. You are talking to him.

    12. A disabled child approaches you...

    1. You naturally talk to him.
    2. You walk away from him and don't know what to say.


    At school, as everywhere else, everyone is different: there are small ones, big ones, thin ones, fat ones. Why do we sometimes laugh at them? Because we are afraid of them, we don't want to share or we are not confident in ourselves.Be tolerant– means respecting others, regardless of differences. This means being considerate of others and paying attention to what brings us together.

    6. Work with micro groups.

    Now let's try to solve some situations. The teacher gives a sheet of paper with the situation, the children read and answer the question: What would you do in this or that case?


    1. A new student comes to class. In the first two days he manages to get 3 deuces. Someone says that he is a “fool,” let’s not be friends with him!” Your actions.
    2. Your classmate friend asked you for a notebook for the weekend and stained it. The teacher decided to test her on Monday. Guess possible development events. How will you behave? Your friend? Teacher?
    3. Your parents forbid you to be friends with a boy (girl) because their family is not so wealthy. What will you say in defense of your friend or will you agree with the opinion of your parents?
    4. Your classmate took a game from you to play (read a book) and hasn’t given it back for a month. Is it worth reminding him of his duty or is it better to remain silent?

    7. M/F: “The Ugly Duckling”

    Sample questions for discussion:

    What does it mean to be an ugly duckling? What is the duckling experiencing? How does this cartoon end? Conclusion?

    Why do they admire him now? Conclusion.

    What are the main features

    tolerant person? This



    Sense of humor;

    Tolerance of differences (national, religious, etc.)



    The ability not to judge others;

    The ability to listen to the interlocutor;


    Possible options:

    1. Help each other, be more friendly, protect the weak.
    2. Don't quarrel, try to understand each other
    3. Do not pay attention to nationality, religion, appearance, habits
    4. Communicate more, get to know each other
    5. Respect each other, try to become better yourself



    Respect for human rights




    Accepting others as they are


    Respect for human dignity

    Final words from the teacher.

    Some birds trust people
    And a swallow for its chicks
    Builds a nest near people's homes
    And trusting people, he is not afraid of them.

    Thanks to the swallows for being friends with us.

    And I’m talking to people now

    I say: try to be no worse
    What the birds think of us.

    K. Lomia (Abkhazian poet)

    In the end I would like to say that our class is a small family. And I would like kindness, respect, mutual understanding to always reign in our family, and there would be no quarrels or swearing. What is needed for this?

    Chinese parable “Good family”And at the end of our meeting, we would like to tell you the Chinese parable “Good Family”.

    Once upon a time there lived a family. She was not simple. There were more than 100 people in this family. And she occupied the whole village. This is how they lived with this family and this village. You will say: so what, there aren’t many big families in the world. But the fact is that the family was special - peace and harmony reigned in that family and, therefore, in the village. No quarrels, no swearing, no, God forbid, fights and strife.

    Rumors about this family reached the very ruler of the country. And he decided to check whether people were telling the truth. He arrived in the village, and his soul rejoiced: all around was purity, beauty, prosperity and peace. Good for children. Rest in peace, old people. The lord was surprised. I decided to find out how the villagers achieved such harmony, I came to the head of the family, tell me how you achieve such harmony and peace in your family. He took a sheet of paper and began to write something. He wrote for a long time - apparently he was not very good at reading and writing. Then he handed the sheet over to the bishop. He twisted the paper and began to sort out the old man’s scribbles. I took it apart with difficulty and was surprised. Three words were written on paper: love, forgiveness, patience. And at the end of the sheet: a hundred times love, a hundred times forgiveness, a hundred times patience. The bishop read it, scratched it behind his ear, as usual, and asked:

    That's all?

    Yes,” answered the old man, “this is the basis of the life of all good families.”

    And the world too.

    “If I’m not like you in some way, I don’t insult you at all, but, on the contrary, I reward you.” (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

    Final action – « Texas Hugs"

    Everyone stands in a circle facing inward, very close to each other. Then they put their hands on each other’s shoulders, raise right hand and pull it to the center of the circle and, at the command of the leader, everyone takes a step inside.

    12. Reflection.

    On the tables you have emoticons, one is happy and the other is sad. If you liked our activity and you felt good, attach a happy one to the sun, and if you were sad and not interested, then attach a sad one.
