How Tanuki is translated from Japanese. Tanuki - raccoon dog. Tanuki can take various appearance, for example, turn around a beautiful girl. However, if the Kitsune-Fox girl is a creature that builds malicious intrigues, often with a gloomy ending, then

Tanuki - raccoon dog

The word "tanuki" is often translated as a "badger" or "raccoon". This is not true. Retal dogs belong to the family of a dog. Tanuki are the largest wild animals in Japan. Now they are on the verge of extinction. Motherland Retal Dog (Nyctereus Procyonoides) - Moderate Areas East Asia: East China, Korea, Japan, and in Russia - Amur and Primorye. From there, another name for this beast went - Ussuri Raccoon. The raccoon dog really has some external similarity with a rometro-barn, only on its fluffy tail there are no transverse strips.

Retal dog - Tanuki - the famous hero of the Japanese folklore. Along with the fox - Kitzune - this beast was considered a clutter capable of appearing in different guides. Kitsune - a diagonal figure, a deceitful and treacherous being. But, just as in the "Fairy Tales of the Uncle Rimus" on the Lisa, the trick in the face of the agile broth rabbit, and in Japanese legends there is a hero, which "not on the teeth" of cunning kitsune. This is Tanuki. Why did the selection of the Japanese fell on this beast? The shaggy snaps on short paws, grazing and slow, not very suitable for the role of the hero ...

The raccoon dog is the only representative of his family, which lies for the winter in a hibernation. The bears and badgers fall into the hibernation - representatives of respectively families of bearish and kunih. But for the pieces it is absolutely not characteristic - except for Tanukka. For wintering, the beasts use holes badgers, often residential. There they occupy one of the free records and do not go far out of the hole. Only with strict compliance with this rule Barsuk suffers such a neighborhood.

Some outstanding legendary Tanuki Japanese build temples and worship as gods. Believe that Tanuki could fool people, especially monks, but not from evilness, but for the sake cheerful joke. These transformations have symbolized the Buddhist idea that the beautiful may well turn terrible and vice versa that they are one - illusion.

In one of the ancient Japanese narches Tanukka to play a local sage, takes the image of the famous Buddhist Deity of Fugan. The sage was delighted, he saw a deity, and even on a white elephant, on which Fugan always travels. The sage is divided with his joy with commoners, and Tanuki in his prank was not a joke and once again appeared before those who gathered in the Child. However, there was an incredulous hunter. If this is a deity, the hunter thought, then the boom would not harm him, and if the deceiver, then the deception would immediately open. The hunter launched an arrow into a vision. It disappeared with terrible. In the morning, the inhabitants discovered the dead tanuk's pierced arrow. It is a pity, but everything has a limit, even jokes. Of course, the meaning of this legend is much deeper. This is a comparison of approaches to the life of the sages and a practical hunter who went into theoretical arguments.

Genitals Tanuki - the traditional symbol of good luck. Often you can meet the sculptures of the Tanukka with huge genitalia and a bottle of sake in the paw.

In everyday life of the Japanese with a dozen words, allegorically connected with this animal. Tanuki-about Sura means that someone is pretending to sleep when the situation becomes complex and immediate action is required. Tanuki Oyovy (Father Tanukkah) or Furu-Danuki (Old Tanuki) - the so-called cunning elder. Tanuki-Baba (grandmother Tanukkah) - grumpy old woman. However, it should be remembered that since Tanuki is characterized as smart, resourceful animal, a cute animal, these negative expressions always carry humorous subtext, they are used not only for the eyes, but also in person, with admiration or irony

In the east, however, the meat of Tanuki was appreciated. In Japan, you can find restaurants where Tanukijir will be served you, meat soup Tanuki with miso, radish and other vegetables. Currently, however, under this title, you can meet a purely vegetarian dish - the soup, the basis of which is a jelly-like product from the flour of a special type of bathata, causing an appetite, but a practically not absorbed by the body. Maybe the connection of the title of this dish with Tanukka is also based on "deception" - delicious food for calibration is not able to maintain strength.

"Bumbuc-traction" is a story about the magic bowler for tea. During the years of Olya (1394-1428), in the Zensky temple of Mornefi, located in the southern part of Tatebayasi, there was a monk named Syukaku. He had a bowler for tea, who had an inexplicable feature: it was impossible to paint out all boiling water from it. Somehow Syukaka showed the bowler to the abbot of the monastery, and he determined that it was a tanukkah that wrapped with a bowler. Exposed Tanukka took his present species and ran away from the monastery.

Some of the early legends about Tanuki can not seem so funny ... "The hunter caught Tanukka and, bringing home, told his wife to cook him for dinner. Then left for other matters. However, Tanuki himself dealt with the woman and accepted her appearance, prepared a hunter dinner out of her meat. After dinner was eaten, Tanuki took his appearance, thus explaining the hunter what happened, and ran away. Wanting to revenge, the hunter turned for help to his dog ... she made a boat from clay and offered Tanuki to go fishing. In the middle of the lake, the boat was dissolved ... "

The belly of raccoon dogs, chubby and rounded, have long been the subject of jokes and proverbs. According to one of the legends, on rural holidays, Tanuki laves beat on belly, helping the peasants who would like to participate in the holiday, but shy their inability to beat rhythm on the drums. There is even the word "Tanukibayasi", which means "drum fight Tanyuki."

Tanuki can take various appearance, for example, turn around beautiful girl. However, if the Kitsune-Fox girl is a creature, building malicious intrigues, often with a gloomy ending, then the stories about Tanukka's tricks are usually intended to launch a listener. Perhaps this is exactly what the ability to submract fate, pretend and survive under any circumstances - did the Japanese noted in the raccoon dog?

In addition, this beast has another feature for which real tanuki - and not mythological characters - appreciate in Japan. This is their voice, something like a bird's voice, is a high pulling call, which are often exchanged separated male and a female of one pair.


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Who is the tanuki? In the West, many have not even heard of such an animal. In Japan, he is attributed to mystical abilities, some of which can even break the innocent children's psyche. In this article, you will know what Yokai-Tanuki can, you will understand why the restaurant was called in honor of them, and just amaze a stormy Japanese fantasy.

The word "Tanuki" (狸) can translated into Russian as " retal dog"Or" badger ", because the ancient Japanese with difficulty distinguished these two animals. In nature, Tanuki is animals with a size of small dog. On coloring, they are similar to raccoon.

However, if you refer to modern Japanese images of Tanukka, then you may be shifted into a stupor: what is this ridiculous chosen creature with a huge scrotum, who has a straw hat on his head, and a check and a bottle of sake in the paws?

Such a transformation occurs when animals turn into popular characters. After all, you see that Teddy's bear is also not very similar to Grizzly.

Previously, the Japanese hunt the tank. It was believed that the meat of raccoon dogs has healing properties. Fur Tanuki was used to make brushes and clothes. But how did you go all the unusual beliefs about them?


It is believed that the appearance mystical stories Chinese legends about the Las who came to Japan in the IV-VII centuries of our era contributed about Tanukka. However, the first references to Tanukka-Werettes appear only in the XIII century in the work of "stories collected in UDI" (宇治 拾遺物語). There Tanukka takes the appearance of Bodhisatva Fugan Bosaca.

Tanuki. for a long time He remained a little-known character, but from the end of the XVI - the beginning of the XVII centuries, many stories began to appear about it. It was probably connected with the desire of servants of various schools of Buddhism to attract more followers through interesting stories.

Japanese writer Kökuti Bakin (曲亭馬琴, 1767-1848) suggests that the word "Tanukka" comes from the phrase 田 之 怪 ta but ke "Spirit of rice fields" or 田 猫 that NEKO. "Cat rice fields." In favor of the last option, the fact that the Japanese could call Tanuki yabyu: or jame: 野 猫, that is, the "field cat". At the same time, the cats themselves could call a word kary 家 狸 Assault. "Home Tanuki".

Abilities Tanuki

Already reading that the Japanese called Tanuki, which are similar to dogs and raccoons, badgers and cats, you can think about the mysterious essence of these creatures.

Like foxes, Tanuki can take a human appearance. However, two of these Ekayev has preferences in images. You can find stories about Tanuki, turning the classic Lysius deception with the transformation into the beauty and seduction of a man, who the next morning wakes up in the foliage in the midst of the forest. But most often they take the appearance of Buddhist monks. The Japanese even has a special word to designate such a turning tank - tanuki Bo: DZU 狸坊主 "Monk-Tanuki".

Just like Fox is associated with syntoism, Tanuki binds to the Buddhist faith. But this connection is different, because Tanuki is rather an ironic character. In the art, the monk-Tanukka is usually depicted full and happy. Asceticism Zen-Buddhism here and does not smell.

Still Tanuki love to get together and depict human activity. For example, it is not an exception to such a Buddhist ritual as a funeral. Yokai come at night in a cemetery with lanterns and pretend that Buddhist mantras read.

But Tanuki can turn not only in people. They can become a tree, stone lamp or even the moon. In the moon, they especially love to turn when she is not in heaven, because because of this, people begin to think that they were crazy.

A classic example of turning the tanuki in an inanimate object is a fairy tale "Bumbo-Tianama". The plot of one of its variations is as follows:

The peasant saves Tanyuki from the trap, and that in gratitude turns into a kettle who man can sell to earn money. But when a person who bought this kettle puts him on fire, Tanuki does not stand up heat, growing back his head and paws and runs away. This last episode was often depicted when creating engravings and Netzke.

Tanuki love to noise. Sometimes they even do it without the use of magic, which once again proves their mischievous temper. They scare people at night, rushing with stones at their home. They throw the shoulder in the wells, knock on the saucepans and frying pan. But most of all the Tanyuki are known by the fact that drums in its great abdomen. They can use this sound in the forest so that people come down from the trails and got lost.

In addition, Tanuki can imitate sounds. As a result, people, for example, think that hear thunders hear. In the era of Maidzi (1686-1912), this ability of Tanukka could even cause dangerous situations. At that time, Japan opened for the West and new technologies. Then, for example, trains appeared, and people composed a story about the driver who suddenly heard puffs and beeps right ahead on the road. At that time, there was only one way for which the trains went in both directions. So the driver stopped the train, afraid of the clashes.

But no other train ahead never appeared ...

It happened again and again, until one evening the driver did not decide to go further. And nothing bad happened. But the next morning he found on the roads of the dead tanuki. Obviously, he imitated the sounds of the train.

Among other things, Tanuki can create illusions. For example, pay money, which ultimately turn into leaves. They can do so that people see around a completely different landscape and have come down from the path even on a familiar territory. More Tanuki, like Fox-Kitzune, can create wandering lights. Also, they like to make fun over fishermen, making heavy nets. Fisherman happily pulls them, but in the end he discovers that they are empty.

There is also such a story about Tanukka: he decided to make a jerked over a man, forcing him to think that turned into a performer on Syamysen. The man believed that he was painted. He understood that the performer on Syamysen is Tanuki. And so, when a man has already been going to reveal to the crowd around the crowd all the truth, he suddenly realized that in fact, all this time looked not on the musician, but on the ass of the horse.

But despite the fact that Yokai-Tanuki seemed to the Japanese cunning and deceivers, they had good features. After all, if you help Tanukka, he will also provide you with the service.

If you ever want to drop it on this, then know that it is best to do with food. It is believed that Tanuki love fish and dried beans.

But why does Tanuki have a big scrotum?

And it is not just big, and may also stretch. This property of the Japanese attributed Tanuki in the XIX century. Yokai can use their scrotum as boats, fishing nets, umbrellas, drums, raincoats, rooms, homes and other things.

It is believed that the big scrotum Tanukka brings money income. And everything is in the peculiarities of Tanuki from wildlife. The skin with their scrotum is durable and can well stretch, so metal workers in the city of Canadzaw used it in gold processing. They created thin plates, knocking the hammer on the slices of gold, wrapped into that very skin of the tank. They said that she could stretch to the sizes of eight tatami.

These features of Tanukka influenced even for medical terminology. Because (sorry) men's eggs Japanese called 金玉 kintama Ass "Golden Balls".

And the Japanese has a children's song dedicated to the genitals of Tanuki:

Tan Tan Tanuki No Kintama WA,
Bura Bura.

What is translated as:

Tan-Tan-Tanukina Eggs,
Even when the wind is not,

If you suddenly want to learn this song, then you will help the video below, where it is performed by the Japanese ▼

Tanuki in modern Japan and the world

As for real living Tanyuki, then initially they lived only on Far East (China, Japan, Korea, Mongolia and the North-West of Russia). Now Tanuki spread across Europe. Their wool is still used by people, for example, in Japan, they make tassels for calligraphy.

Tanuki is very easily adjusted for a new environment. They are omnivores, and are also the only dogs that can fall into the winter hibernation. It also helps them survive in the wild.

However, tanuki can deliver problems. In the 1980s and 1990s, the Japanese Tanuki moved from wild seats in the suburb and the city, where they got well, getting food from garbage and taking handoffs from people. However, because of this lifestyle, they began to be perceived as infection carriers.

Tanuki are often seen in the vicinity of the temple of Maidzi Jingu and the Imperial Palace. They can fall into the subway or even run right through the streets. Once again, Tanuki ran into a ballet school in the Tokyo quarter Ebisu, where he washed.

To the Christmas Tanuki, modern Japanese powered only warm feelings, because in the XX century it turned into a cute fat man in a straw hat. Figurines Tanyuki can often see near stores and restaurants. It is believed that they attract guests and attract profits.

The image of the tanukka can be used on posters. Cute Tanuki, which brings good luck, choose various companies as a mascot.

Poster in the metro

Now you will not be surprised, seeing the hieroglyph "Gold" (金) at the restaurants "Tanuki". Once the tricky and even dangerous character was supposed and in our days I am pleased with everyone around your funny external species And the ability to bring prosperity to the house.

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Our hero can be found in the most different types: That he is a warrior with swords, then a stray monk, then the merchant. He turned into one of these people for some of his need, because for him just just contact anyone, how can we click with you with your fingers. He never does anything bad.

And in general, our hero is not a person, but a pretty fluffy animal. Not a badger, not a raccoon and not a dog, but by itself: therefore we will call him own japanese name - Tanuki. In science, he is called a raccoon dog, but on the structure closest to Lisam. Outwardly, the animal is more like a badger looks more like a badger, but the haggards resembles an opossum: frightened with a sudden noise, especially shot, chanting and pretending to be dead, then suddenly jumps and surprises.

Probably, because of his pretense, because of this ability, suddenly resurrected from the dead for Tanukkah was established in Japan the glory of the great cunning and a deceiver, and he became the hero of many fairy tales and legends. However, the animal is really pretty smart, he is deficient and easily tamed.

Tanuki is distributed throughout Japan. In the afternoon he sleeps, and at night it goes to the fishery. Catching frogs, mice and other small albums, do not mind climbing in a garden, gnawing sweet potatoes, even in trees can climb, sparkling fruit. Harm, however, from him a little, especially since he himself risks paying for the night pumpnings with fluffy warm skin, or even get into the soup bowl: Summary of beans with meat Tanyuki - Northern Japan's gathering dish. Someone where it is even diluted with the sake of fur, but at the same time and meat.

The Japanese has a lot of legends about the iswolf. Very often foxes appear in them, but this character is borrowed from China. Foxes necessarily turn into beautiful womenThey can fall in love with people, they even have sincere good intentions, but anything good any story with the fox can not end: something tragic and hopeless is always connected with them.

In contrast to the fatal foreigners-fox Tanuki - the character is purely Japanese, and there is nothing tragic in his character. He is also a werewolf, but the wereworn is harmless and good-natured, some kind of property.

Maybe because very unlucky.

And in most fairy tales, if anyone ultimately suffers from the Tanuki-Werette Tanuki, so it he himself. Whatever he did, everything goes sideways.

I decided to save myself somehow tanuki and your brothers from the misfortunes, who threaten them to hunt. He turned into a stray monk and, having met the hunter in the forest, began to admonish him that he was sinful to kill in no obey animals. The hunter, however, noticed something wrong in the manners of the monk: very much Barzuchi ordered him to her nose - and jokingly shoved him a rifle. The abusive "monk" immediately turned into a tanukkah and launched a bowl.

Another Tanuki really wanted to see the capital. He turned his samurai and went on a journey. The respectful guards missed the "samurai" unhindered, but the street dogs learned the familiar tall smell of Tanukka, and the unlucky traveler did not have a long time. I had to carry my legs, losing the samurai sword and wooden sandals.

Tanuki is known for their Melomania, but also nothing good for him comes out. Somehow children gathered in the evening in the Temple Grove to sing a chorus. Tanuki, who lived in a grove, came to such a delight from the songs that they got into the glade and joined the chorus. At the same time, they were discouraged with such a diligence, as in the drum, tact on their tight animals that they themselves were swollen to death. Good abbot of the temple buried Melomanov and put the monument to them. It can now be seen in the temple of Södzödyzi.

A pretty animal, puzzled and pitched, depicted in a straw peasant hat, in his paws is a kitomka and a wine bottle. The fact is that the priest who drove friendship with animals, loved to drink, and the responsive tanuki ran to him for wine in the shop. And the priest faded the tanuki what they brought parishioners. And when he admitted quite large money, the rector decided that this is a reward for a good attitude towards animals. Since then, probably, the Tanuki Talisman good luck. And the images of it - stone and clay - can be found in Japan everywhere. They put them in gardens for decoration, keep in homes for happiness, and children have a tanoka - a favorite toy. And, as they say, he really brings happiness, although the record loser itself. But moreover, the loser is cheerful and nonsense, always ready for new tricks ...

Friday and anticipation of the last summer weekends - this is a great time to tell about Tanuki. (Yap. 狸) or (Yap. タヌキ) - a voiced, cheerful and deurbant badger, a second most popular in Japanese mythology after Kitsune Fox.

As a rule, in the Japanese culture, tanuki, foxes and cats can become beasts.

In the country of the Rising Sun, this funny animal is Symbol of happiness and well-being.Tanyuki distinguishes evil spirits from the home of the hearth. Laying on the head of the leaves, it is able to turn into anything (in people and different animals, kettle or moon).

Although Tanuki often loves to reincarnate and play with people all sorts of stupid jokes (sometimes unkind), his mythological image is deprived of ominous coloring.

Tanuki in the Japanese folklore restless and not very smart; He is in bed and a big amateur to have fun, drink warm sake and delicious to eat in debt.

Stylized Tanukka's figures, in a straw hat, with a large belly, a bottle of sake in one paw and a long list of restaurant debts in another, you can meet in Japan with houses, food institutions, restaurants, shops and recreation sites. It is believed that the huge sizes of the genital of the animal bring good luck.

Some outstanding legendary Tanuki Japanese build temples and worship as gods.

Tanuki in nature

Although "Tanuki" translates into Russian as "badger-waswolf", in nature his prototype is a racker dog that refers To the family of doggyAlso like fox or wolf.

Tanuki - strong addition Animal, reaching 60 cm long, with short paws and fluffy tail. It differs from the raccoon shorter and deprived of the strip tail. On the badger, he is also not too similar - he has a short face and there is no stripes on his back.

In Japan, Tanuki will be found almost everywhere, with the exception of the most southern islands.

Outside of Japan, these animals are found in Manchuria and the adjacent areas of Siberia.

These cautious animals prefer to settle in dense forest arrays, often near reservoirs.

The most active tanuki in the evening clock (after sunset) and early in the morning. In search of food, these animals can take up to 10-20 kilometers per day.

Tanuki are almost omnivores: they feed on vegetables and fruits, seeds and rhizomes of plants. From lively Tanuki with the same appetite insects and frogs, small rodents and lizards, and cases like to enjoy river fish. Often eating eggs of birds, nesting on Earth.

Tanuki living near the ocean coast, collect the ocean fish, crabs and other marine animals.

Near settlements Tanuki willingly feed on the garbage and make raids on gardens, especially located on the slopes of the mountains or apart from houses.

Since in Japanese fairy tales, legends and myths, Tanuki is sometimes portrayed by a kind, albeit icy, god good luck, their owners and personnel of hotels and roadside restaurants in the mountain and small areas of Japan are willing them.

Tanuki is actively equipping the weight in the autumn months, and from November to April, they are preferably hidden in Norah, although they do not fall into hibernation. They are extremely rarely seen in the cold months, only in southern regions.

Back in the 70s of the last century, various dishes were preparing on Tanukkah and various dishes were prepared from his meat, including "Tanuki-Jiru." From his fluffy soft fur, they made a brush, and there was belief that the bones of the tanuki had a healing force.

Tanuki were delivered even to western regions former USSR For fur breeding. Some escaped animals penetrated in the 1950s to the west until Scandinavia, and south to France.

Although at present this animal has practically ceased to be the object of hunting, its livestock in nature is rapidly reduced.

Tanuki in Japanese culture

Tanyuki, or still called Mujina (Mujina), in Japanese folklore (songs, fairy tales, legends and myths) is as popular as a bear in Russian.

In the Japanese mythology, Tanukkah and Kitzune (Fox) - Werewolves, capable of changing their appearance own willing. But if Kitsune usually prefers to turn into a person (especially often in a beautiful girl) and uses complex techniques for reincarnation, then the tanuki is easily and without any problems turns anything.

His ability to reincarnations Tanuki uses for stupid, and sometimes dangerous, jokes over people. Most often suffer from jokes Tanuki hunters, woodcutters and travelers. Werewolves can create powerful illusions - can leave fake money on the road, horse or delicious dinner to lure people trap.

The most serious harm of Tanuki causes the gullible to the dysfil who had the negligence to take money from him. The crawler turns usually into the coins of fallen leaves.

One of the most popular stories in the Japanese folklore tells about the Tanukkah, turning into a kettle to thank the poor fellow.

Most often, Tanyuki falls into trouble, from which he frees his kind, but poor man is a beggar, a weak old man or a ruined trader. In gratitude for salvation, Tanukka turns into a bronze bowler for tea (or in the kettle). A person sells it in the bazaar, and at night Tanukka takes his own appearance and returns to the owner. Thus, it repeats the deception until the Savior is getting rich.

In another legend, Tanukka is pretending to be a kettle in order to punish a greedy monk.

According to many legends, Tanuki is the most cheerful of all Japanese craft animals that loves to enjoy delicious food and drinking. Therefore, the figures of good-natured pushed tanuki with a bottle of sake (rice alcoholic beverage) And the list of debts from restaurants (which is not going to return the tricky)) necessarily occur near all the features and restaurants, setting good luck, well, and customers in addition.

Also, this refinement is like a society of young girls.

As for the huge size of the test, they are not connected with the hypersexual abilities of Tanukka. According to legends, Tanuki can inflate them to incredible sizes - up to 13 square meters. It is believed that the brighter these signs are expressed (than more Size scrotum), the more Tanyuki brings happiness.

And uses tanuki their giant wealth to resolve any life problems, turning it into a blanket, then in a raincoat, then on the network, and sometimes in balloon or shelter in rainy night 🙂

Frequently on the streets of Japan cities near the entrance to the Ryank Hotel, the Mgazinchik or restaurant can be found in the statuettes and statues of such a beast. His name is tanuki..

Tanuki. - Subsidiary dog, who lives on country islands Ascending sun. The beast is completely harmless and therefore, probably gained particular popularity in folk mythology.

Here about mythical Tanuki I would like to tell me. He is a merry and lover of drink, always depicted with a bottle of sake. Very often depicted with a scroll of paper in one of the paws. This is a list of debt restauchors who are not going to pay. Tanuki is traditionally considered one of the incarnations of God's good luck. Therefore, the ceramic figurine of the rolled joker can be found near restaurants, hotels and even at the door of the residential buildings.
Thanks to this, Tanuki is revered not only as a patron of peteed establishments, but also as a patron of commerce.

In folk myths, Tanuki can turn around with people and things. For example, it can turn into an excellent girl, and can turn into the moon or a branch, the evil does not cause anyone. He loves to drink well and eat, does not fight society beautiful girls. Tanuki has one distinctive celler in appearance - big scrotum. According to the legend, the area of \u200b\u200btancic tesquil is equal to eight tatami, and this is not much between the other - almost 13 square meters. Tanuki can turn their tests into the blanket and sleep, hiding them. Can turn them into a raincoat to hide from rain, use in a fight with tribesmen or people as a double. Maybe even turn them into small harmful demons to intimidate relatives. Particularly advanced tanuki can turn their tests into a room or even a small house and lure travelers there. Therefore, in the people there is a believer that if in the skin of the tanoka wrap a piece of gold and breed, it will also increase in size.

Classic Ukiyo Kuniyashi Utagawain the 1840s, he created humorous engravings with legendary Tanuki.

River fishing

Umbrella from rain

Masking under monster

Weightlifting %)

Dummy Soma.


Tent for fortune telling



Fishing with "Navy"

Traveling tanuki in their "tents."

Tanya Taiko (drum).

And yesterday I came across a wonderful animeh Hayao Miyazaki, probably the only thing that did not get - War Tanuki in the periods of Haysey and Pompoc. So, there, too, did not pay attention to the tanya feature.
Tanacious landing, parachutes from the test.

And this "carpet-plane", I think it is clear from what.

Here Tanuki bravely fighting with the police. Yeah, its only magic weapon.

In general, for the Japanese, Tanuki are the popular heroes of children's songs, fairy tales and legends, not particularly smart restless creatures, unsuccessfully trying to hang over people.

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