Microwaves kill germs. A tasty seasoning and a healing plant: does garlic help against viruses? Does it matter how it's cooked?

What spices kill harmful bacteria and protect the cells of our body

Spices act as powerful antibiotics, blood thinners, anticancer agents, anti-inflammatory factors, insulin regulators and antioxidants

Anti-inflammatory: Ginger.

Inflammation is a suspected cause of heart disease, stroke, cancer, Alzheimer's disease and arthritis. Here's some exciting news: active ingredients ginger (gingerols) reduce pain in animals and act as COX-2 (cyclooxygenase) inhibitors, just like anti-arthritic drugs such as Celebrex. In addition, gingerols, like aspirin, thin the blood, which is useful for heart disease.
The best evidence that ginger is an anti-inflammatory agent comes from University of Miami researchers: Patients with knee osteoarthritis who took 255 mg of ginger extract twice daily for six weeks had significantly reduced knee pain compared to those who did not receive ginger. . As a side effect, they also had fewer cases of gastrointestinal disorders.

Anti-germ: Oregano

"It's not surprising that oregano has been used since ancient times to fight infections," says Dr. Preuss. He recently discovered that oregano oil is as effective as the antibiotic vancomycin in treating staphylococcal infections in mice. In addition, it destroys fungal infections.

Anti-Cancer: Turmeric

Yellow turmeric, a spice found in curry powder, contains high concentrations of the powerful antioxidant curcumin. According to recent research, curcumin helps suppress cancer. In in vitro (test tube) experiments, 80% of malignant prostate cancer cells self-destructed under the influence of curcumin.

Additions of curcumin to the food of experimental mice sharply slow down the growth of implanted mice. human cells prostate cancer. The same thing happens with colon cancer and lung cancer cells. Researchers believe that curcumin blocks the activation of genes that cause cancer.

Additional benefit: By reducing inflammatory activity, curcumin reduces joint swelling and progressive brain damage in animals. In a University of California study, supplementing small doses of curcumin into the diet of mice with Alzheimer's disease reduced S-plaques in the mice's brains by 50%.

Anti-diabetes: Cinnamon

Adding cinnamon to foods, especially sweet foods, helps control blood sugar spikes, says researcher Richard Anderson of the Department of Agriculture USA. "Cinnamon helps normalize blood sugar levels by increasing insulin sensitivity," he says. He recently isolated the active component of cinnamon - methylhydroxychalcone, or MHCH, which in a test tube accelerated the processing of blood sugar by 2000%, or 20 times!

Thus, adding cinnamon to your food in small quantities - for example, sprinkling it on desserts - you make insulin work more effectively. Cloves, turmeric and Bay leaf also have the same effect, but weaker.

This is very important discovery. This way, you can avoid increasing blood sugar and insulin levels, and thereby prevent diabetes. It has been established that animals have stable low level Insulin is a factor that slows down aging and increases lifespan.

The strongest spices.

The strongest antibiotics. The strongest killers of 30 types of bacteria, according to Cornell University researchers, were (in descending order) onions, garlic, Jamaican peppers, marjoram, thyme, tarragon, cumin, cloves, bay leaves and cayenne pepper.

The strongest antioxidants. Topping the list are oregano, thyme, sage, cumin, rosemary, saffron, turmeric, nutmeg, ginger, cardamom, coriander (cilantro), basil and tarragon. Researchers from the University of California (Davis) believe that antioxidant activity thyme is similar to vitamin E.

Dried spices or fresh? Dried and fresh spices have similar properties.

In many cases, “Whiteness” for disinfection is the best option. This drug contains 8% active chlorine, therefore it is a powerful antiseptic and successfully fights most microorganisms. The basis of “Whiteness” is sodium hypochlorite. If you use it without exceeding the recommended proportion, then it cannot cause harm to a person.

It can be used for linen and dishes, floors and enamel baths. “Whiteness” is used to clean aquariums, water filters and wells. She is also indispensable in subsidiary plot– for disinfection of animal cages and their bedding.

Rules for using “Whiteness” in an apartment

Many housewives use this product to bleach fabrics and know the dosage. However, for disinfection, a solution of a different concentration is used: 60-100 ml of “Whiteness” per 1 liter of water. They can be used to wash dishes after an infectious patient, floors, washbasins and toilets.

A different method is used to disinfect sewer drains. At night, pour 1 liter of undiluted “White” into the toilet bowl or washbasin neck and close it with a stopper or lid. In the morning, wash off with plenty of water. This method allows you to get rid of both microbes and unpleasant odor.

When working with “Whiteness”, do not forget about safety precautions - wear gloves. For prolonged contact or when using a concentrated solution, a respirator and safety glasses are required.

If there are animals in the house

Sodium hypochlorite is an inexpensive, effective and easy-to-use product for cleaning and disinfecting pet litter boxes.

  • You need to add 100 ml of “White” per liter of water.
  • Rinse the tray with the resulting solution.
  • After this, rinse it thoroughly.

It is enough to carry out this treatment once a week. The rest of the time, the “pot” is cleaned with ordinary detergent. If there are a lot of animals in the apartment and they leave marks, then “Whiteness” can perform the functions of both disinfection and deodorization. In this case weak solution(no more than 50 ml of “Whiteness” per liter of water) you need to treat the floor and walls (where animals mark them). This type of cleaning should be done as often as possible.

Cleaning the water filter

Disinfection of filters in the “Reverse Osmosis” cleaning system with “White” is carried out when replacing cartridges.

Instructions for use

  • After removing the cartridges and reverse osmosis membrane, you need to screw in the second and third flasks in the direction of water flow.
  • The tube from the purified water tap is connected to the tee (instead of the carbon filter).
  • 10 ml of “Belizna” is poured into the first flask and water is added, after which the flask is twisted.
  • After 15-20 minutes, you need to open the water supply tap and the purified water tap.
  • When the smell of chlorine is clearly audible from the purified water tap, close the taps and wait several hours.
  • After this, the taps are opened again and water flows until the chlorine is completely washed out.

After this treatment, the filter is completely disinfected, you can insert the membrane and a new carbon filter.

"Whiteness" for cleaning the well

Chlorination in a well must be carried out in the correct proportions and strictly following the instructions for use.

  • Pump out the water or scoop it out (at shallow depths).
  • Clean the walls with a stiff brush.
  • Prepare a solution: 600 ml of “Whiteness” per 10 liters of water.
  • Treat the walls of the well and the upper superstructure along with the lid. This is best done with a spray bottle.
  • After filling the well with water, the same solution is poured into it at the rate of 1 liter per 1 ring.
  • Stir the water by lowering and raising the bucket.
  • Cover the well head with polyethylene to prevent chlorine evaporation and leave for 6-10 hours.
  • Pump out the water until the smell of chlorine disappears.


During disinfection, well water should not be used for drinking or cooking. After chlorination, it is recommended to boil it for 5-7 days.

Aquarium disinfection

Sodium hypochlorite is often used to clean the aquarium of growths and microorganisms accumulated there. Moreover, the walls (glass) and decor are cleaned with a solution of varying concentrations.

Instructions for disinfecting aquarium decor

  • 8-10 liters of warm water are poured into the container.
  • Add 1 liter of “Whiteness” there.
  • Immerse the aquarium decor in the solution and leave for several hours.
  • After this, all elements are thoroughly cleaned and washed.

Decorative elements with a porous surface should be washed especially thoroughly, shaking out the remaining water from the pores. If this is not done, sodium hypochlorite will enter the aquarium and may negatively affect its inhabitants.

The aquarium glass is treated with a chlorine solution after cleaning the algae. This can be done in two ways.

  1. Apply the solution (dosage - 50 ml of “Whiteness” per liter of water) with a sprayer, trying to cover the entire surface. After a few hours, rinse the aquarium thoroughly with water.
  2. Pour the “White” solution into the aquarium and let it stand for 6 hours, then rinse thoroughly.

Disinfection in animal cages

Disinfection in animal cages must be carried out at least 2 times a year. If an infection gets there and the animals get sick, then additional treatment is carried out.

Instructions for disinfecting rabbit cages

  • Animals are removed from the cages (or go to slaughter).
  • “Whiteness” is sprayed over the entire surface of the cells, especially careful treatment is carried out in the corners and on the floor.
  • After 2-24 hours, the treated surface is washed with a strong stream of water. If you have a steam generator, it is better to use it.
  • After the rabbit enclosures have completely dried, the young can be populated.

To treat bird cages (aviaries), a different solution is used - 200 ml of “Whiteness” per 5 liters of water. Five minutes after surface treatment, they are washed clean water. Processing is carried out in the absence of birds.

Period and storage conditions of “Belizna”

You can store undiluted “Belizn” for up to a year. Specific terms are indicated by the manufacturer. It must be kept in a tightly closed container and in a dark place. Do not allow the product to freeze. At sub-zero temperatures, the solution loses its properties and is not restored when heated. Like other household chemicals, “Belizna” should be kept out of the reach of children.

Source: MsChistota.ru

As inquisitive English scientists have calculated, an average of up to 80 thousand bacteria live on one square centimeter of surface near and inside a kitchen drain. Microorganisms happily feed on food residues, which are very, very difficult to completely wash off, and quickly multiply in a fertile environment.

A lot of contamination can also be found on the water tap, where dirt, splashes and, again, food waste end up when washing dishes. But most of all, the infection loves non-drying and constantly dirty sponges and table rags: ironically, it is the cleaning products that become the most problematic sources of dirt.

What to do. Don’t be lazy and wash the sink and faucet after every cooking or washing dishes. And don’t just rinse with warm water: yes, water can wash away germs, but microorganisms will get stuck somewhere in the drain, begin to multiply and quickly come back to the surface. But they will help kill the infection detergents, gel or powder - whatever suits you.

And don't forget to rinse sponges and rags after you finish cleaning.

Cutting boards

According to the US FDA food products and medications, the most likely sources of bacteria are potatoes, berries, leafy vegetables and all kinds of greens. Therefore, if you cut any of the above on a cutting board, there is a high chance that there were uninvited guests on both it and the knife. After this, microorganisms will easily get on other food products, and then on your table.

What to do. First, wash all vegetables and fruits thoroughly before eating, and cook meat only when high temperatures. Secondly, wash the boards themselves with soap and a brush - everything is as it should be. And it is advisable to have separate boards for different types products.

Also keep in mind that traditional wood planks are the best environment for germs to grow; The infection does not get along so easily on glass and plastic. Plus, it is better to replace scratched or cracked boards: any depressions in the surface can become a haven for infection.

Washed linen

The smallest particles of human waste remain on clothes and linen even after thorough washing. And along with them, bacteria survive and begin to multiply in a humid and warm environment already inside the washing machine. Basically, when you take your laundry out to hang it out to dry, germs can get onto your hands and from there into your mouth, stomach, and so on.

What to do. Most bacteria die at temperatures above 65 degrees, so this is the number that should be set on your washing machine. If you wash your clothes by hand, use mild bleach: it will also kill up to 99% of microorganisms. Do not mix underwear with bedding and outerwear; it, as a rule, is the primary source of spread of infection.

And, of course, wash your hands after washing and drying clothes.


Up to 100 million (!) microbes live on one square millimeter of the human oral mucosa. Moreover, when you brush your teeth, the brush does not kill microorganisms, but only collects them on itself. Along with them, food debris gets into the bristles, and thus the brush turns into an excellent place for bacteria to multiply.

What to do. After cleaning, rinse the brush hot water, and then put it in a glass to dry. Do not place the brush on the bathroom shelf, where it can collect even more various pathogens, and do not hide it in a case, as moisture will only make the infection more aggressive.

Shower mesh

Last year, scientists from the Hygiene Center at Boston's Simmons College (USA) examined the bathrooms of several thousand volunteers and found bacteria Staphylococcus aureus in about a quarter of them. Microorganisms multiplied on the shower heads and with each water turn on came into contact with the skin of the apartment owners. They also took a liking to corners, cracks between tiles, shelf joints, drains and other “secret” places that are difficult to clean and constantly damp.

What to do. Wash the bathroom with disinfectants once a week and constantly ventilate it to avoid moisture stagnation. If funds allow, you can install a small fan in the hood that will automatically work every time the light is turned on. A cheaper option is to simply keep the bathroom door open.

Keyboard and handset

Any technical devices that you touch hundreds of times a day can become a haven for influenza viruses, staphylococcus bacteria and other unpleasant microorganisms. As for the PC keyboard, that’s a completely different story. According to statistics, over a year of use, the keyboard becomes 1-1.5 kilograms heavier due to debris and food debris that gets into it. All this, naturally, becomes wonderful food for any infection.

What to do. Wipe handsets, mice, screens, etc. with wet wipes, and literally shake out the keyboard at least once a month. Even better, try not to eat while sitting at the computer and wash your hands before starting work.

Floor in the toilet

Paradoxically, there are more bacteria on the bathroom floor than on the toilet seat. It's all about micro-sprays of water that are formed during flushing and transfer fecal particles to the floor and even walls of the toilet. And along with them, microbes get there.

What to do. Close the toilet lid before pressing the flush handle. Wash the floor in the toilet at least once a week, using any cleaning product. Wash your toilet mat frequently hot water and dry thoroughly before returning it to its proper place.


Even if you're not a keen walker, hundreds of thousands of different bacteria stick to the soles of your shoes within minutes of being outside. They all get into your apartment and very easily find ways to spread.

What to do. It is better to take the foot mat outside the apartment, into the corridor, and inside front door Always keep slippers for changing shoes. Dry your feet thoroughly, immediately take your shoes to the bathroom and wash the soles. If you decide to leave this procedure for the evening, during this time the infection can spread far beyond the confines of your hallway.


Constant heat and moisture allow germs to multiply easily and quickly in our beds. Plus, microparticles of our skin and, oddly enough, leftover food become food for microorganisms (admit it, everyone at least once allowed themselves to eat right in bed). But the most common problem remains, perhaps, the population of so-called house mites: they cause allergies with symptoms similar to severe cold and even asthma.

What to do. Bed linen should be washed once a week. House mites die at temperatures around 50 degrees, no additional cleaning or disinfectants not required. And one more thing: don’t accumulate a bunch of stale home clothes in your bedroom; microbes multiply in them no worse than in spoiled food.

"Dust collectors"

This word is popularly used to describe all places and objects that you don’t get around to cleaning and washing. For example, the surfaces of tall cabinets, carved chandeliers, figurines with small details and recesses, and so on. Theoretically, microbes cannot live in the dust itself (there is too little moisture for them), but dust particles may well become food for infection. Plus, it can hide the remains of various household chemicals, which will constantly affect your household and can also cause allergies.

What to do. Carry out wet cleaning at least once a week. If you turn on the vacuum cleaner, do not be lazy to process not only the floors and carpets, but also the upholstered furniture, shelves, and all cabinets. Most radical method- minimize all kinds of decor in your apartment, removing toys, candlesticks, figurines and other excesses away.

Thanks to the presence of powerful essential oils and phytoncides in its composition, garlic is able to destroy viruses and microbes in the air, preventing them from multiplying.

Benefits for the human body

Garlic and preparations made from it are effective against viral infections and influenza, and can also prevent some complications that may arise after ARVI. This product contains the substance acillin, which can block the formation of enzymes that help viruses enter the human blood.

Attention: Getting inside gastrointestinal tract, garlic has a detrimental effect on many viruses and inhibits pathogenic microflora. To do this, garlic can be consumed with food, and you can also take various folk remedies prepared on its basis.

What bacteria and viruses does it destroy?

In progress large quantities research found that garlic has powerful antiviral and antifungal properties. Experiments have shown that this miracle vegetable is able to fight viruses and bacteria that cause the following diseases:

Taking into account that antibiotics are ineffective against viral infections, and can also aggravate the course of the disease, the use of garlic for these diseases will contribute to a faster recovery.

Substances such as natural sulfur, nearly two hundred biologically active components, including phytoncides, various minerals (selenium, potassium, magnesium, iron), and vitamins were identified in garlic cloves. All these substances give the vegetable healing properties.

The vegetable kills plague pathogens, typhoid fever, diphtheria, cholera. And garlic can destroy the tuberculosis bacillus faster than carbolic acid. Garlic phytoncides can compete with antibiotics such as biomycin and tetracycline.

Even in ancient times, herbalists valued garlic so much that its white flowers were made symbols of some apothecary guilds in Europe and Asia.

Does it matter how it's cooked?

Garlic is useful for consumption in any form, the main thing is not to exceed the norm, since overindulgence This vegetable can bring not only benefits, but also harm to human health.

Experts advise choosing a fresh vegetable, since for any heat treatment Part useful substances evaporates. An exception may be intolerance to this product in its fresh form. It could be heartburn increased gas formation in the intestines, etc. Then it is better to eat garlic fried, boiled or baked.

There are also biologically active nutritional supplements created on its basis. Typically these are capsules or tablets made from dried garlic. Of course, they are not so active in the fight against viruses, but they do not have an unpleasant odor and do not irritate the walls of the stomach and intestines.

Important: People suffering from stomach ulcers, gastritis, liver and kidney diseases, and epilepsy should use garlic with caution.

For those who have no contraindications, raw garlic you can season sauces, marinades, salads, meat. In order for garlic to share its healing properties, put in ready meals It is better finely chopped or chopped.

Garlic added to salads, first and second courses has the following effects on the body:

  • antiviral;
  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunostimulating (read about strengthening the immune system with garlic);
  • antifungal (you can find out how to cure fungus on toenails);
  • decongestant.

Step-by-step instructions on how to spread it around the apartment to disinfect the room

The ability of garlic to improve immunity and fight viruses and bacteria can be used at home, especially during flu epidemics and other viral infections. To do this, the head of the vegetable is divided into cloves, cut into several parts and placed on saucers, which are placed throughout the rooms, and certainly at the bedside of a sick family member. Cut cloves will dry out, so they should be replaced daily with fresh slices..

Volatile compounds (phytoncides) and essential oils, contained in the plant lobes, will disinfect the room and fight pathogens floating in the air. This is a kind of aromatherapy.

Garlic can also be used to disinfect a room. During colds this is very relevant. You need to peel 7 cloves of garlic, chop them, and leave them in a room you often visit, for example, the kitchen. Garlic can fight germs in the air.

Useful video


The beneficial properties of garlic are not limited to fighting viruses and bacteria. This affordable vegetable is the main component in the manufacture folk recipes and from other diseases. When helping the body fight illnesses, garlic should be consumed carefully and within acceptable limits so that the effect it has on a person is exclusively positive.

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