Folk remedies for different types of cough - decoctions, tinctures, inhalation and rubbing. How to cure a dry cough with folk remedies

Exhausting attacks keep you awake? Does the agonizing coughing up tire all day? Autumn is the time for colds, and such serious condition overtakes many people. There are many ways to heal and get rid of an unpleasant phenomenon. Treatment of cough with folk remedies quickly in an adult is the topic of the article for those who want to overcome the disease in a short time and be healthy and active again.

What is a cough

It is a natural way of protecting the body from the adverse effects of pathogenic microorganisms, food particles or allergens on human health. In this way, the respiratory system is cleansed. In fact, only a symptom, so it is always important to identify the cause feeling unwell.

After infections or allergens enter the respiratory tract, a special secret is produced. Such mucus envelops unwanted particles in order to remove all unnecessary from the body outside. Muscles contract - a cough is triggered. In this way, phlegm comes out. This phenomenon is a defensive reaction. It is required to determine the reason that prompted the body to resist.

Attention! The patient must be protected from drying out of the respiratory tract mucosa. Frequent drinking and high humidity are required.

The reflex variety manifests itself when any foreign body enters the respiratory system.

Causes of occurrence

There are many prerequisites for the appearance of a painful syndrome. But most often it is infectious in nature. A similar reaction of cleansing the body can be provoked:

  1. All kinds of allergens - pollen, pet hair, dust particles, a couple of various substances (for example, building materials - glue, paint).
  2. Viruses (especially influenza).
  3. Streptococci, staphylococci, legionella and other bacteria.
  4. Various types of fungi.
  5. Mycoplasma.
  6. Smoking. Even if the patient is a passive smoker.
  7. Small food particles remaining in the larynx.
  8. Drinking cold drinks.
  9. Uncomfortable air temperature when you have to inhale too cold or too hot.
  10. Accumulated mucus in the nasal passages.
  11. Side effect with certain medications.
  12. Psychoemotional states.
  13. All kinds of diseases (from ascariasis and ending with angina pectoris).
  14. Various congenital disorders physiology.
  15. Gastroesophageal reflux. With this pathology, the contents of the stomach are ejected into the esophagus.


The type of defense reflex will differ depending on the disease. In the first phase of the flu, from the very beginning the patient suffers from excruciating dry urges. Then purulent contents gradually begin to separate. There is severe chest pain.

When acute bronchitis the unfortunate one is tormented by the wet species. Initially, the sputum is completely colorless, then it becomes just light, mucous. At the same time, the cough is ringing, the breathing process is complicated. Chronic form disease suggests the presence of a muted variety of the protective reflex. It worsens in the morning and when cold air or dust enters the respiratory tract. The discharge is of a purulent nature.

With tracheitis, it manifests itself suddenly, sometimes painful sensations in the chest. The reflex is enhanced by inhalation of icy or dusty air. The phlegm will be purulent.

Laryngitis gives rise to a barking type of defensive syndrome. It is characterized by dryness. Hoarse voice, the mucous membrane of the throat begins to swell. In the process of breathing, wheezing is heard, accompanied by a characteristic grinding.

With pneumonia, at the very beginning there will be "dry" urges. But as the disease progresses, the contents will separate. It has the color of rust if there are blood veins there. In the process of coughing up, there is obvious pain from the side of the affected lung.

With pleurisy, sputum will not go away, and the painful sensations will be strong enough.

Exacerbations bronchial asthma often triggered by the presence of allergens in the air. Therefore, seasonal manifestations are characteristic. There will be seizures during which the victim will feel suffocated. The amount of content allocated is minimal.

With sinusitis, pharyngitis, or rhinitis, there will be no sputum. Usually, heavy coughing without mucus occurs regularly, more often at night. Sometimes there is a sore throat.

With measles, a dry, exhausting, very violent cough overtakes. Rapid development is typical.

Convulsive, sonorous is characteristic of whooping cough. It can be so intrusive and strong that it can even induce vomiting.

Heart failure manifests its presence in torturous approaches. The most hectic time in this sense is night. The unhappy one feels constant fatigue- even insignificant loads make themselves felt. The manifestations are similar to the condition with asthma, but additional hallmark there will be a coughing up even in a standing position.

Tuberculosis begins with a "dry" version, then begins an equally exhausting and heavy "wet" version. There may be blood clots in the discharge. The most stressful time of day for the patient is at night. The variety and characteristics of the disease are directly related to the characteristics of the course of the disease and its type.

At cancer the lung will be "dry". They will become productive over time. An exacerbation is evidenced by the appearance of blood streaks in the discharge.

When smoking is chronic, but not too intrusive. It catches up right after waking up. Passes after the first few puffs.

Know! The phlegm is often colored as smoke particles remain and accumulate in the lungs.

Types of cough

The classification of varieties can be based on various parameters. By strength, there is a hysterical type and a cough.

Depending on the duration, the following types are distinguished:

  • acute, its duration usually does not exceed 2 weeks;
  • protracted, sometimes manifests itself within 2-4 weeks;
  • infraspinal (from one month to two);
  • chronic (more than two months).

Important! The reason for the latter is often smoking, regular presence in a dusty environment, and inhalation of pesticide vapors. Night attacks torment.

By nature, they share a productive and nonproductive cough. The first type assumes the presence of discharge from the respiratory tract. Thus, the body gets rid of the ballast of pathogens. This type usually indicates a speedy recovery of the patient. The dry look is annoying with chest pain. In such a situation, it is important to correctly diagnose the cause of the appearance of the protective reflex in order to avoid the development of dangerous complications.

In terms of timbre, there are the following types: voiced, barking, hoarse, muffled, short, soundless.

Sputum happens:

  • mucous membrane (watery or light);
  • purulent (has a greenish tint);
  • serous (yellow or yellow-green);
  • bloody (orange).

It is necessary to mention the time of the onset of symptoms. Often this happens in the morning, in the evening, at night or according to the season (in spring with allergies, in autumn or winter with ARVI).

Features of cough treatment

When choosing the right strategy in dealing with this unpleasant phenomenon, it is important to correctly diagnose. The fundamental factor will be to identify the cause of the appearance of the protective reflex and the accompanying symptoms - elevated temperature, runny nose, pain in the head.

Attention! It is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. He will find out the cause of the disease and prescribe treatment.

It is better to exclude self-medication from the very beginning. Different situations require different means. What can be useful in one case is harmful in another. For example, antibiotics are not cough medicine. This is a surefire remedy for infection. When receiving similar drugs the clinical picture is changing - it is more difficult for a doctor to carry out the necessary diagnostics.

Immunity also suffers from antibiotics. The body weakens quickly. Such a fundamentally wrong strategy provokes the emergence of other diseases and problems.

When to treat a cough

It is not worth delaying the adoption of adequate healing measures. This is really dangerous. Be sure to pay attention to the alarming manifestations:

  • swelling of the lower extremities;
  • hard breath;
  • fainting attacks;
  • blood in the sputum;
  • chills;
  • a sharp decrease in weight;
  • increased sweating;
  • recurrent bronchitis;
  • change of voice;
  • purulent sputum;
  • fever for 3 days or more;
  • severe attacks of coughing lasting more than an hour.

Attention! Any of these signs indicate the need for an urgent visit to the doctor. You can't hesitate.

Methods for treating cough in adults

You can get rid of an unpleasant phenomenon in various ways. An effective therapeutic method is determined individually.


To defeat an unpleasant symptom, experts use various medicines. In order for the unproductive form to be replaced by a more gentle option with the release of sputum, the use of the following drugs is relevant:

  • bronchodilator;
  • oxeladine;
  • plantain syrup;
  • butamirate.

Then it is required to completely clear the respiratory tract from the discharge. Here fit various groups drugs:

  1. Medicines with mucolytic action.
  2. Expectorants. It can be primrose syrup or hexapnevmin.
  3. Antibiotics They are used in the treatment of bronchitis and pneumonia. The activity of pathogens is suppressed.
  4. Antibacterial. Often useful for asthma.
  5. Steroid. In case of whooping cough, bronchial asthma or even tracheitis.

Attention! Any medicine can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Homeopathic remedies

Preparations for plant based usually act as an auxiliary component in therapy. By themselves, they cannot cope with getting rid of the main ailment, but they help to strengthen the weakened immunity.

In case of painful seizures, the following can help:

  • stanum;
  • Dr. Mom;
  • antimonium tarkarikum;
  • bromium;
  • conium;
  • ipecacuanha;
  • lukopodium.

Lots of positive feedback testify in favor of these drugs. But only a doctor can prescribe medications even on a natural herbal basis.

Folk methods

Sometimes the use of traditional medicines is restricted due to the patient's health condition or other reasons. In such situations, rubbing, compresses, inhalations, the use of herbs and fees will help out. This allows you to defeat poor health.

For rubbing and compresses, the following substances are often used, as well as some food products:

  • potato;
  • goose, badger or bear fat;
  • vodka;
  • various essential oils.

When preparing broths, herbal teas, tinctures, it is important to understand that maintaining the proportions guarantees efficiency and safety. After all, some herbs in large doses are toxic or even poisonous. Famous green healers will help out:

  • fireweed;
  • sage;
  • yarrow;
  • thyme;
  • elecampane rhizomes;
  • coltsfoot;
  • pine buds;
  • wild rosemary.

Know! For inhalation, baking soda, boiled potatoes, lavender, mint, eucalyptus, and cedar essential oils are good.

How to quickly cure a cough

Of course, it will not be possible to defeat the malaise in a day, but it is quite possible to significantly alleviate the condition and improve well-being.

With bronchitis

To achieve the best results for maximum short term it is recommended to adhere to special diet... Sweets, fried, pickles and spicy foods should be removed from the diet. The use of vegetables, fruits, dairy products and foods is relevant. Required to accept a large number of liquids. Tea, compote - warm drink should form the basis of treatment.

It is imperative to quit smoking. The main thing is to ventilate the room in a timely manner and carry out wet cleaning.

Medicines are an indispensable component. The following dosage forms are commonly used:

  1. Pills. Allow to resist initial signs ailment. Promote expectoration. Liquefy phlegm and remove it outside. The attending physician should prescribe drugs.
  2. Syrup. Flavamed, Lazolvan, Ambroxol are most often used. Eliminate microbes and viruses from the bronchial system, relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane, block spasms. Usually used to treat babies.
  3. Inhalation. Help out when chronic course illness. They have anti-inflammatory, expectorant or antiseptic effects. It all depends on the agent used. Various herbs are suitable - sage, mother and stepmother, plantain, licorice, Birch buds... Lots of options from the natural pantry will help you recover.
  4. Antibiotics help heal chronic bronchitis. These medications do not relieve coughs. But they are struggling with harmful microbes that negatively affect the bronchi. The site of inflammation is destroyed - the cough disappears.

Know! With bronchitis, it is also important to pay attention to the condition of the throat and nasopharynx. There may accumulate pathogenic microorganisms, which then freely enter the respiratory system.

This is why gargling with the right medication is so important. The nose is usually flushed with saline.

During pregnancy

If a protective reflex appears along with a cold, rinsing will help to cope with it, as well as inhalation using soda. Strong attempts can be neutralized using a traditional remedy - just mix warm milk, a little honey and add a piece of butter.

Effective is popular and absolutely natural recipe based on black radish juice. It was written about him above.

Know! Such natural medicine will be safe for the health of the unborn child.

In cancer patients

The tactics of therapy are associated with the course of the disease. Treatment is possible in the early stages. It is possible to reduce the manifestation of an unpleasant symptom through the use of appropriate medications. Substances that promote expectoration and liquefaction of secretions will be active:

  1. Pertussin. As active ingredients - potassium bromide and extract of useful herb - thyme.
  2. Mukaltin. An effective medicine that allows you to remove excess mucus. It is based on the extract of the root part of the medicinal marshmallow.
  3. Lazolvan. Increases the secretion of mucus in the respiratory system.
  4. Flavamed. Reduces the viscosity of the discharge.

Similar options are suitable for getting rid of wet form unpleasant syndrome. But what can be done to improve the condition with a painful dry form? The assistants will be:

  • bronchodilator (with basil oil);
  • stoptussin (severe attacks are alleviated by the anesthetic effect on the nerve roots of the bronchi);
  • paxeladine (helps to achieve a normal breathing rhythm).

Attention! Do not take expectorant drugs with antitussives. Pneumonia can result.

After a cold

If, after getting rid of the disease, an unpleasant symptom still bothers, then pathogens continue their destructive activity. It is very dangerous to self-medicate in such a situation. Better to do X-ray, then take the necessary blood tests, you may need to analyze sputum. To avoid a chronic process, the therapist often prescribes antibiotics.

The post-infectious type of obsessive-compulsive disorder makes the inflamed bronchial mucosa endlessly irritated. Itching, sore throat, general weakness are accompanying symptoms. The unpleasant condition can last up to two months. Sometimes it lasts even longer.

It is required not only to use plant-based syrups as the main method of therapeutic action. All kinds of warming ointments, the use of mustard plasters, the use of badger fat or diluted vinegar will be useful.

Attention! It is required to gently warm up the chest area. Do not touch the heart area.

A balanced diet helps a lot. It is recommended to include a variety of plant foods in the daily menu. A baked black radish root vegetable will be useful. Onion juice with the addition of honey is healing. Vitamins are recommended.

If you are worried about an unproductive type of protective syndrome, an allergic reaction is most likely a prerequisite for the occurrence. If the substance that causes such a condition is unknown to the patient, a special test is taken to determine the irritating factor. It is important to exclude him from your life in a timely manner.

Honey with chopped onions and a garlic clove helps well. This will kill harmful bacteria and soften the throat.

Asthma is a chronic ailment. If a person suffers from it, then the usual ARVI can cause another exacerbation. A severe attack causes a condition close to suffocation. The doctor will consider a cough in asthma chronic if it lasts more than a month. Usually, a serious condition excruciates during physical activity and at night.

Cough treatment at home folk recipes

Our grandmothers were deprived of the entire arsenal of modern medicines. But they coped with the manifestations of poor health with the help of improvised means.

To alleviate the disease

In combination with a runny nose, a protective reflex can lead to a narrowing of the lumen of the larynx. It becomes difficult for the victim to breathe. Among the prerequisites are infection, colds, laryngitis, allergies.

Attention! This situation is quite dangerous. In case of suspicion of closing the lumen in respiratory tract urgently need to call emergency help.

If the protective reflex causing a spasm in the respiratory system is caused by a runny nose - you need to regularly wet cleaning and get a device that humidifies the air in the apartment. Frequent drinking and rinsing is recommended.

Simple recipes and procedures will help you recover faster:

  1. At the first signals of the development of ARVI, the palms and feet are rubbed with garlic. They put on woolen socks on top, put the unfortunate man to bed and cover him with a warm blanket. Hands should be under it.
  2. Rubbing your hands with apple cider vinegar is a topical measure. This should be done before bedtime. Preliminarily, the palms are dipped into a warm bath for ten minutes.
  3. You can rub your feet with other substances. Good for this Castor oil... Take one turpentine for two tablespoons. This composition can also be rubbed on the chest.
  4. Hot tea with lemon, linden flowers or raspberries is the right solution.
  5. Warm milk with honey and soda will help neutralize colds. And obsessive-compulsive syndrome caused by a spasm of the respiratory tract is overcome with the help of a pepper patch. On feet - socks with mustard powder, it is better for the patient to be in bed and be wrapped in a blanket. Relief should come after sleep.

If the cough is dry

Milk and onions

The unproductive variety requires a special approach. You can peel 4 onions, boil them in milk until tender. The onions that have given all the nutrients are removed, add a little honey to the milk. They take such a drug every hour in a large spoon.

Mineral water milk

This recipe will require an alkaline mineral water. It is introduced into warm milk in a 1: 1 ratio. Such a drink effectively liquefies the discharge, contributes to its rapid exit from the body.

Milk and butter

A lump of butter combined with hot milk can work wonders. The excruciating perspiration will go away, the sore throat will ease. All you need is a glass of milk and 50 g of butter.

Know! A mixture of two parts of badger fat and one honey helps well. She is taken at night. Drinking the drug is not required.

With a wet cough

Method 1

Honey, aloe and lingonberry juice - 2 large spoons each. Divide the resulting amount into three parts and consume it per day.

Method 2

Juice from one lemon, six tablespoons of honey. Mix, take a day.

Allergic cough

  1. Dissolve a small spoonful of honey and 0.2 grams of the miraculous component of the mumiyo in a glass of highly heated milk. Drink before bed.
  2. Insist a large spoonful of crushed chamomile raw materials in a glass of boiling water. Strain. Add a little honey to the broth. Consume hot after a meal.

Strong cough

A good way to heal is with poppy milk. To prepare it, you will need to take a few tablespoons of poppy seeds and steam them in hot water. Then remove the water, and grind the swollen poppy in a mortar. Add a glass of boiling water. Insist for about fifteen minutes. Pass through a gauze filter. Drink only warm.

Old cough

It will be optimal to use a collection based on Bogorodskoy grass, lungwort, pine buds, linden, coltsfoot, marigold, mint. Insist such a composition in 700 ml of boiling water for 2 hours. Then it is filtered. You need to drink three times a day. One glass at a time or a little less.

For chronic cough

A simple recipe will help out:

  • put 2 large spoons of sage herb in boiling milk;
  • bring to a boil again;
  • take hot before going to bed.

Another option gives a good effect. Mix a small spoonful of honey, vodka, badger fat. Warm up the received drug. With this balm, rub your feet and back (excluding the area on the left).

With a lingering cough

A special healing cocktail works well. For its preparation, vodka, honey, milk with a high percentage of fat, and soda are taken in equal proportions. All ingredients are added to the beaten egg. The mixture is heated. You need to drink on an empty stomach. A couple of treatments are usually sufficient.

Attention! Eggs must be from veterinarily inspected hens to avoid salmonellosis contamination.

Rubbing the back with turpentine ointment will provide reliable help.

Inhalation with home remedies for cough

An effective method to overcome the painful syndrome is to carry out simple warm-wet procedures. For this, the temperature of the solution should not exceed 42 degrees. The duration of the manipulation is about ten minutes. You can use salt, mineral water, herbal decoctions.

The steam version of the procedure should not take more than five minutes. Temperature - 45 to 50 degrees. Various infusions are suitable, as well as effects with the help of essential oils. Good method, with the help of which it will be possible to stop the development of the disease at the very beginning.

Oil inhalations have a softening effect on the mucous membrane of the throat, relieve the condition, and ensure the discharge of secretions. For such manipulation, take a choice of olive, camphor, eucalyptus or Peach oil... The temperature of the solution should not be higher than 38 degrees. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.

Dry inhalation involves inhalation of chopped vegetables phytoncides - horseradish, onions, garlic. You can also inhale essential oils or powders. Such manipulations are relevant for early stage ailment in the treatment of babies.

Attention! Even such a seemingly harmless procedure requires agreement with the treating doctor. Self-medication can lead to serious consequences.

In general, there is a useful device for performing manipulations - an inhaler. But in home environment by tradition, a kettle is used with a funnel inserted into the spout. Or they simply breathe over a saucepan, covering their heads with a towel.

There are also a number of contraindications for inhalation:

  1. Steam exposure is prohibited when the body temperature rises, the presence of purulent discharge, deterioration of health.
  2. Such manipulations are not carried out with pneumonia and purulent sore throat. Only the direction of the doctor can serve as an indication.
  3. Do not do for nosebleeds.

With soda - help if you want to eliminate an unpleasant symptom in asthma. This action promotes the production of phlegm. 3 large tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate are stirred in a liter of boiling water. They breathe over the steam for about forty minutes. This approach to solving the problem is safe - no allergies, suitable for pregnant women, children after seven years.

Inhalation with a tablet of validol 2 small spoons of eucalyptus leaves, a spoonful of garlic gruel, a quarter of a briquette of coniferous extract helps to overcome the dry form of the protective syndrome. These components must be placed in 1 liter of boiling water. Manipulations with infusions of raw materials from calendula or sage are also good.

Know! In the event that the cause of poor health is an allergic reaction, medicinal herbs are prohibited.

Steam inhalation should not be done:

  • baby under one year old;
  • up to 7 years old, the appointment of a pediatrician is required, otherwise it should not be carried out;
  • regardless of age, you can not do with high temperature body.

Essential oils will also provide relief from severe conditions. It takes only 15 drops and half a glass of well-heated water. To improve your well-being, 5 minutes will be enough.

Herbs and infusions against cough recipes and preparation

The natural pantry already has everything you need to preserve human health. All that remains is to take advantage of these riches. For each person - his own version.


The natural properties of this plant make it possible to call it a real green doctor. Ledum effectively fights against pathogenic bacteria, softens and stops inflammatory process... The ability to liquefy the discharge made this herb a sure remedy for tracheitis, whooping cough, laryngitis, bronchitis.

For the broth, take ten grams of dried raw materials. Add two hundred and fifty milliliters of water. Then they are heated. After boiling, turn off the heat and leave for 30 minutes. Before taking it, be sure to thoroughly filter the infusion. Consume at least three times a day before starting a meal. Can even be given to children over three years old.

Crow's feet

One of specific features this infusion is a pronounced bitterness. Babies are not always ready to use this broth. One of side effects with prolonged use of the green healer, there will be a strengthening of the chair. Constipation can be severe.

With an unproductive form, ten grams of herbal raw materials, pour 250 ml of only boiled water. Drink at least 5 times a day. Preferably before or after meals.

Pine or spruce buds

A sure remedy for the unproductive form of the disease. You will need a large spoonful of dried herb. It is poured with half a liter of only boiled milk. Leave to stand for an hour. Drink warm. Every 1.5 hours, 50 ml of natural medicine.


To cook healthy drink not difficult at all:

  1. Take two large spoons of anise seeds and honey. A glass of water is required.
  2. Pour boiling liquid over the seeds.
  3. Simmer on low heat for twenty minutes.
  4. Cool down.
  5. Filter through cheesecloth. Sweeten with honey.
  6. Drink 50 ml three times a day before the start of the meal.

Seasoning mix

Pour a quarter of a small spoonful of black cumin seeds, dill, anise, coriander, fennel into a thermos and pour 200 ml of water. It must be boiling. Leave for half an hour. Drink a glass four times a day.

Icelandic moss

Faithful, time-tested, the potion is obtained from this plant. To prepare the syrup:

  1. Pour 150 grams of dried raw materials with a glass of water.
  2. Let it simmer for about seven minutes.
  3. Cool down.
  4. Pass through several layers of gauze.
  5. Pour in 800 g of sugar, a pinch of citric acid.
  6. Keep on fire for thirty-five minutes - let it boil.

The syrup is pleasant, without the typical bitterness of the plant in taste. Children willingly accept such a sweetness.

You can also make an unusual drink. Pour a small spoonful of moss into 250 ml of milk. Boil for 15 minutes. You can enhance the effect by adding tasty and healthy jam from elderberries. Take it hot before heading out for a night's rest.

Know! You can get rid of the bitter aftertaste in different ways- put sugar or jam. It will be nice and useful.


Nature itself gives a good healing effect. The power of this plant in the fight against obsessive ailments has been known to herbalists for a long time.

Add a large spoonful of raw materials to a glass of milk. Hold in a water bath for half an hour. Pass through a gauze filter. What happened, drink sips during the day, dividing into several parts. Promotes the production of mucous discharge to alleviate the condition and speedy recovery.

You can use the infusion for rinsing. 1 tbsp in a glass of water. It should be boiling. Gargle three times a day.

The use of sage is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women. As this leads to a stop in milk production.


A large spoon is steamed with 250 milliliters of boiling water. Wrap in a towel or blanket and leave for 45 minutes. Pass through cheesecloth, squeeze out the herbal part. Consume warm with honey after a meal, three times a day. If taken before bedtime, undisturbed sleep and improved condition are guaranteed.

Know! A few drops of eucalyptus essential oils combined with chamomile can be placed in an aroma lamp. It is good to breathe this mixture for half an hour.

Forum, reviews

In the vastness of the worldwide network, users share proven ways to combat this phenomenon. Many of them were helped by the folk method using black radish juice. Many grateful reviews are evidence of this.

Anna, Syzran

- Were tormented by exhausting attacks. There was no longer the strength to endure. On the advice of a neighbor, I tried the radish. And what do you think? Several days have passed. She sighed with relief. It's good that I listened to the older generation. From the pills, such benefits were not noticeable.

Galina, Tambov

- This is the only way I treated my kids. I don't like any synthetics. And she did not give this to children. The folk medicine is always the best and most reliable. My grandmother taught me that. And what? Everyone was on the mend quickly. Until now, we are saving ourselves in the season of colds.

Kirill, St. Petersburg

- I laughed at my wife, because I thought it was self-hypnosis. A bunch of gears in recent times show - what ridiculous things they just do not offer to do! I have no words! So I didn't believe any such things. I even laughed at it. And when the cough got sick, I had to try that too. And you know? It helped! Still, there is some truth in all of these tips. In any case, the radish helped me recover.

Antonina, Khabarovsk

- I was tormented, already in the first-aid kit I tried a whole bunch - no sense! A friend's mom said about the radish. I asked my husband to buy it and immediately cooked it, as they said. I made such a deepening and poured honey there. I liked the taste too - sweet! And I still have a sweet tooth. I felt the improvements the very next day. I recovered, I am very pleased that I took the advice. Now I will apply.

Interesting and simple methods of healing are offered by many members of the forum.

Inga, Vladivostok

- You need to spread the cabbage leaf with a thick layer of honey. You need to take about four of them. Yes, bigger in size. Put two on the chest (honey down), the rest on the back. You don't just need to put on the spine area. With a film, then wrap it on top, put on your pajamas and get under the covers. This is done at night. Usually it goes away after two procedures. A maximum of three will be needed. Our family is still fighting for their health.

Tamara, Kazan

- I gave figs in milk to kids - it helps. And I myself am saved by the same. Tasty and conquering ailment helps. Almost a treat, not a medicine. I love these delicious options.

Boris, Perm

- My wife and I have long tried porridge from raw onions to do with a honey. Everyone knows about the properties of onions to kill microbes. We also use this ability. And from bees, any food is good, unless, of course, there is no allergy. But if there is, then it will not work here already to try. Propolis is also useful to take a piece to chew - it disinfects so well. A proven option.

Mikhail, Serpukhov

- And we cook onions in milk. Not a bad thing, especially when you don't want medicine or not. And here is such a gift from Mother Nature. Chamomile also helps - try it. The tea from it is fragrant and healthy. It is inexpensive - you don't have to spend too much.

Evgeniya, Samara

- I found the perfect option for myself. This is the wild rosemary known to all mushroom pickers. I know that in large quantities it is dangerous. So you need to be more careful - just take it according to the instructions. The broth helps wonderfully. The torment ends.

Inga, Saratov

- I'll tell you about my favorite methods. Exclusively natural, I consider only natural to be good. And it is inexpensive - it grows almost under your feet! I prepare a decoction of nettle. You need to pour one teaspoon of dried herb into a thermos and pour boiling water. It will be steamed, brewed, and after that, after about half an hour, you can drink it. Helps my family a lot. And I hope it will come in handy.

Timur, Ufa

- Told a friend about a good thing. You can chew some seeds of field mustard on an empty stomach. Said it was a reliable method. I will use it myself - maybe it will help me.

Marina, Kaliningrad

- I make a saline compress on the chest (the main thing is in the area where the heart is not put). Wrap myself up, wrap myself up This is how it gets easier. Now this problem has ceased to scare me. Malaise has begun - I'm saving myself with salt. The main thing is to make the solution stronger. Then it will definitely work.

Karina, Omsk

- Honey, lemon and glycerin. I heard about this. But I myself am afraid to use glycerin inside. The bottle says what is outwardly? But a friend praises, says that she helps a lot.

Egor, Tomsk

- I use chamomile for this purpose. Good infusion in a thermos it turns out. I just throw in a couple of ordinary bags from the pharmacy and fill it with water. Then I drink this tea.

The Most Effective Methods for Rapid Cough Treatment in Adults

Onions are a popularly recognized medicine for many ailments. A healthy vegetable will also help in in this case... Grind one head, add a couple of spoons of sugar and half a glass of water. Cook over low heat for half an hour. After cooling, add honey. Two spoons are enough. They use a folk remedy in a large spoon up to 6 times a day.

Onions fried in butter are mixed with a little honey. This combination is sure to be beneficial.

Garlic also helps to quickly overcome the disease. A few cloves are mixed with honey and eaten throughout the day. One more the best option- dissolve a few drops of garlic juice in milk. It should be warm. Drink before bed for a relaxing break.

For colds, many people are traditionally treated with honey. This beekeeping product is perfect for eliminating painful coughing. It is enough just to take it with warm cow's milk several times daily. A recipe with black radish will also be a reliable assistant. The amber product is ideally combined with various plants making it easier to cough up. It can be raspberries or, for example, mother and stepmother.

Discussion: 6 comments

    Folk remedies must first of all be affordable. Does it make sense to buy the same ivy leaves if it's cheaper to take a ready-made Gedelix? This is no longer a folk remedy. But milk with onions - please, always have the ingredients at hand.

    Svetlana, I do not quite agree with you. All people are different, and everyone has a different attitude to their health. Someone can buy expensive medicine but every medicine has side effects, the same Gedelix. It should not be used by pregnant women, people with heart and thyroid problems. So each person must choose the desired cough treatment method for himself.

    Svetlana, first of all, I would not say that ivy leaves stand like gedelix. And it is not at all necessary to take them, treat yourself with onions and honey. And secondly, read about Gedelix more carefully. It seems to me that it is wrong to drink such medicines at every convenient opportunity, even if there is no harm from them. How will we be treated then if something serious happens?

    Of course, Irida, you are absolutely right. There are many different recipes, which are used for diseases in alternative medicine. The main thing is that the treatment is effective, and this is achieved only under the condition of an individual approach and the tolerance of certain therapeutic agents.

    You know, I am confused by such an aggravation of interest in grandmother's methods. In the garden, at school, in the yard, many parents discuss with what means they treated the child. Why? And why? There is a mass safe medicines on the same plant basis. If you don't like gedelix, take the herbion. Or overslept. Or something else. This medicine was made by specialists. Especially for children. And we neglect them. For what purpose?

    Polina, you don't understand correctly. Nobody forces people to neglect modern medical drugs. Everyone is free to do as he sees fit. Here are the medicinal herbs and plants that have been used by people for a long time.

Irritation in the respiratory tract caused by an allergic, infectious, viral pathogen causes a natural reaction - a dry cough.

With its help, the body is cleansed of allergens, toxins, foreign bodies.

Dry cough if taken alone is not an independent disease... This is a symptom of pathologies from the common cold to more serious ailments such as asthma, heart disease, oncology, etc.

As a rule, a dry cough persists for several days, then turns into a wet cough with sputum production.

There are varieties of this symptom:



If the immune system works flawlessly, then the problem goes away in a few days and the patient is gradually recovering.

But if there are factors that aggravate the patient's condition, then a dry cough can be quite protracted.

These factors include:

Weakening of immunity

Bad habits (smoking and alcohol)

Dry indoor air

Inadequate fluid intake during illness

Some types of complications caused by poorly treated underlying medical conditions

Lingering dry cough may indicate the presence of such ailments as pneumonia, bronchitis, whooping cough, tuberculosis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, diseases of the nasopharynx, oncology of the respiratory tract.

Besides, this symptom can cause: allergies, asthma, some gastrointestinal diseases, intake drugs reducing pressure, contact with household chemicals, and helminthic invasion.

The cause of a dry cough that does not stop over more than 7 days, can only be established by a specialist based on the study of the results of blood tests, sputum, as well as using radiography, MRI, etc.

Traditional medicine, thanks to its centuries of experience, knows many recipes available, able to alleviate the patient's condition, to get rid of the annoying exhausting dry cough.

Folk remedies for dry cough - thermal procedures

1. Compresses are considered a universal method of treating ailment. They need to be done in the absence of elevated body temperature. They put compresses for about 4 hours, after which they lie for another 2 hours under a warm blanket.

Fundamental rules use of compresses:

Place the compress on your chest, bypassing the heart area

If the compress consists of liquid honey or vegetable oil, then simply rub in the components at first

Always put plastic on top and then insulate

Most Popular constituents compresses used for dry cough:

Honey, flour, vegetable oil (making a cake)

A mixture of components taken in equal proportions: dry mustard, honey, radish juice

Jacket potatoes, to which you can add quite a bit of vegetable oil and vodka

2. Inhalation- not less effective method fight dry cough. With the help of inhalations with antiseptic oils of rosehip, eucalyptus, peach, sea buckthorn, spasms are reduced, sputum liquefies. Inhalation is one of the best treatments for dry coughs.

3. Mustard plasters have been successfully used to treat cold symptoms for a long time. They are usually placed on the chest or back, and with a dry cough, it is recommended to put mustard plasters on the calves or feet (put on socks on top).

Attention! Mustard plasters should not be used at high body temperatures, as well as for people suffering from asthma, oncology, allergies and some dermatological problems.

Do not use mustard plasters for more than 4 days, keep them for 5 to 15 minutes. At the end of the procedure, drink tea with honey (raspberries).

Folk remedies for dry cough - medicinal plants

1. Ledum marsh is widely used in folk medicine in general and for the treatment of respiratory diseases in particular. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, expectorant, bactericidal effect.

In addition, wild rosemary is widely used as a diaphoretic for various colds, tuberculosis, bronchitis, asthma, cough, angina pectoris, etc.

Recipe An effective cough suppressant is simple. Brew a tablespoon of the plant with a glass of boiling water, boil the mixture over low heat for literally a minute, set aside to infuse for half an hour.

Drink little wild rosemary (1 spoonful a couple of times a day is enough), without trying to increase the portion.

Attention! Ledum is poisonous, so it is important not to overdose while taking it.

2. Elecampane- the plant from the "nine ailments" has a strong anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antiseptic, diaphoretic and antihelminthic action.

Elecampane is used (as its name implies) to treat a whole range of diseases. It does a great job with dry coughs too.

For cooking special healing tea from elecampane, add boiling water (1 l) to the crushed roots of the plant (1 tsp). Set aside the composition to infuse for 15 minutes, then strain and drink it in a glass 1-2 times throughout the day.

For greater efficiency, add a spoonful of good honey to the infusion (naturally, if you are not allergic to it).

A stronger folk remedy is elecampane with alcohol. Grind (on a metal grater) the roots of the plant. You should make 2 glasses. Pour the raw material with vodka (500 ml) and send it to a place where the rays of light do not penetrate (for 10 days).

After the allotted time, strain the composition, squeeze and drink a tablespoon before meals (do not forget to drink water).

A course of treatment long-term, but with patience and making an effort, with the help of such a composition, you can not only defeat a dry cough, but also get rid of tuberculosis.

Elecampane has its own contraindications... It should not be taken by people with cardiac and renal pathologies, with gastritis with low acidity, with hypotension, with heavy periods, during pregnancy.

3. Viburnum contains a lot of vitamins, organic acids, pectin, carotene, tannins... Viburnum tea strengthens the immune system, helps to overcome the disease faster.

For cooking healing drink it is necessary to pour the crushed berries of the plant with boiling water (in arbitrary proportions) and allow the composition to brew (an hour or two).

Drink medicinal mixture from dry cough as an adjuvant to the main therapy, half a glass a couple of times a day.

4. Use collection such medicinal herbs: raspberry, coltsfoot, oregano... Combine all components in equal proportions, mix. Brew in the classic way and drink when you feel thirsty.

Folk remedies for dry cough - simple recipes

1. Has an excellent expectorant effect salt and soda solution... Add half a teaspoon of baking soda and a pinch of salt to half a cup of warm water. Stir and drink the whole composition in small sips. Consume 2 times daily before breakfast and lunch.

3. Dry cough can be cured in just 2-3 days if taken onion with milk... “A strange combination,” you say. Not at all. Onions are famous for their anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties, while milk softens the effect of onions and warms them up.

So, prepare a healing mixture. Chop a medium onion into smaller pieces, place in a saucepan and cover with a glass of milk. Put the composition on the stove, wait until it boils and, reducing the heat to low, leave to simmer for another hour.

To increase the effectiveness, after the allotted time for cooking, add to the mixture (slightly cooled) some honey.

Take this composition often (ideally every hour) in a tablespoon (warm). For children, the dose should be halved.

Advice: to ensure that each time you take a lukewarm product, lightly heat the spoon over a fire before using it. After that, you can pour onions with milk into it and drink (carefully!).

So simple folk way dry cough treatment allows you to forget about the problem in a couple of days. Your cough will gradually begin to moisturize, phlegm will appear, and this is the beginning of recovery.

Dry cough ... Who doesn't know him? A painful condition or symptom is much easier to treat if therapy is started on time.

Do not delay taking effective means for later". Use them as soon as you feel the first signs of illness. Then serious illnesses and complications will bypass you.

A dry, sore cough in an adult may indicate symptomatic signs of various diseases associated with the respiratory system.

Except, traditional ways treatments offered official medicine, folk remedies for dry cough for adults are no less effective.

Seeing a doctor

Traditional drug treatment of dry cough in diseases of the bronchopulmonary system using pharmacological agents, is divided into several categories. Before prescribing treatment, the specialist determines the cause of the disruption in the respiratory tract. Such causal factors can be:

  • reaction of the bronchopulmonary line to different kinds allergens;
  • reflex defense of the body against viral or infectious attacks;
  • chronic diseases respiratory system etc.

Analysis of all symptoms and signs allows the otolaryngologist to establish accurate diagnosis and prescribe an appropriate therapeutic regimen.

On a note! The selection of drugs of various actions, combined, peripheral, expectorant, etc., allows you to transform a dry cough into a productive form, that is, to achieve the discharge of bronchial secretions (sputum).

Only after consulting a doctor can an effective folk remedy for dry cough be considered for adults as alternative way treatment.

Traditional medicine help

You can get rid of a debilitating dry cough using various recipes. traditional medicine... Such alternative treatment involves the use of some traditional methods:

  • gargling;
  • the use of decoctions and tinctures from medicinal herbs;
  • herbal inhalation;
  • massage;
  • warming up the chest with compresses, etc.

With a dry cough in an adult, treatment with folk remedies has its own characteristics, and each of the above methods is used for certain types of diseases of the respiratory system.

Gargling with a dry cough

How and how to soften a throat with a dry cough? This way home treatment provides not only softening of the mucous throat, but also relieves pain, removes the accumulated mucus on the tonsils, reduces swelling and makes it easier for the patient to breathe.

Important! The solution or decoction for gargling should be warm, at a comfortable temperature and applied at least 5-6 times a day.

Consider the most popular and effective remedies for soothing a sore throat with a dry cough:

  • a glass of boiled water with the addition of salt, soda (1 teaspoon each) and 4-5 drops of iodine;
  • tablespoon lemon juice 200 ml of warm boiled water;
  • healing broth of calendula, medicinal chamomile, coltsfoot and oak bark - one teaspoon of each ingredient is taken for 250 ml of water;
  • eucalyptus, licorice root and mint leaves in equal proportions (1 teaspoon each) are stirred in a glass of boiled water.

Mixtures, decoctions and infusions

In addition, fruit and vegetable juices and decoctions of medicinal herbs will help to soften the mucous throat with a dry cough:

  • A teaspoon is added to 100 ml of freshly squeezed carrot juice bee honey and 50 ml of warm boiled water.
  • Black radish juice can help turn a dry (unproductive) cough into a phlegm cough. With a teaspoon, a hole is cut in the root vegetable and filled with natural honey. After several hours of infusion, the drug is ready for use. The resulting healing potion is mixed with warm milk and soda. Such a home remedy for dry coughs should be drunk in small sips so that the walls of the throat are well moistened.
  • Aloe, lemon and honey juice is another miraculous home remedy to help clear phlegm from dry coughs.
  • Another effective folk remedy (medicine) for dry coughs for adults and children is onion juice with the addition of honey or sugar. Finely chopped medium onion is mixed with two tablespoons of honey or sugar. All this mixture is left overnight, and in the morning it is taken in small portions of 2-3 doses.
  • An old and proven recipe for traditional medicine: a teaspoon of honey, 100 ml each of milk and mineral water, juice of 2-3 figs. All medicinal ingredients are mixed with each other and such a drug is taken 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening before bedtime.

Herbal teas are another effective way to combat dry coughs. If the patient has no side effects allergic reaction on herbal medicinal herbs, the following methods of treating an unproductive cough can be recommended:

  • The crushed dry collection of raspberry leaves is brewed like regular tea.
  • Linden blossom, brewed in a glass of boiling water, will help alleviate the patient's condition, reduce congestion in the chest, eliminate dry mouth and ensure the removal of phlegm from the bronchi.
  • By brewing tea from black currant leaves, you can restore temperature regime body, achieve an expectorant effect with a dry cough and strengthen the general condition of the body.

On a note! The use of medicinal herbs for dry cough provides anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and expectorant effect, promotes liquefaction and removal of bronchial secretions.

The most popular and effective folk remedies for dry cough in adults include the following herbs:

  • thyme;
  • St. John's wort;
  • liquorice root;
  • mallow;
  • sage;
  • eucalyptus;
  • cowshed;
  • peppermint and so on.

All these medicinal components can be used for cough ingestion, as well as for herbal inhalation.

We get rid of cough with healing vapors

What is inhalation? There is a unique method of drug administration based on vapor inhalation. The purpose of the method is to provide a local therapeutic effect on the bronchopulmonary tract when various diseases respiratory system. In addition, inhalation has an effective systemic effect on the body as a whole. Inhalation as a method of traditional medicine for dry cough in adults and children is recommended for the following diseases:

  • acute respiratory complications (laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, and so on);
  • chronic inflammation of the bronchi;
  • diseases of the pulmonary system, such as pneumonia;
  • bronchial or allergic asthma;
  • tuberculosis.

What does traditional medicine offer in the treatment of dry cough:

  • Inhalation with boiled potatoes is perhaps the most common home treatment for dry coughs. Boiled potatoes in their "uniform" are placed in a clean dish. Covering himself with a towel, the patient bends over the pan, and inhaling warm and moist potato steam, receives a portion of the healing properties that have a beneficial effect on irritated receptors of the cough center and respiratory tract.
  • Inhalation with baking soda solution. An ordinary teapot is used as an inhaler. Boiling water is poured into the dishes and a teaspoon of soda is added. A paper cone is put on the spout of the teapot, thanks to which the vapors are inhaled.
  • To achieve an antibacterial and expectorant effect, you can use the vapors released by coniferous essential oils. 20 drops are added to water heated to a temperature of 70-75 ° C essential oil... The duration of the procedure is no more than 10-15 minutes.
  • Very effective folk treatment dry sore cough for diseases of the bronchi and lungs will be inhalation based on sage and honey.
  • The classic basis for inhalation will be herbal collection: eucalyptus, plantain, pine buds and licorice root. All medicinal components are taken in one teaspoon and brewed in the usual way.

Compresses and massages for dry cough

The warming effect of compresses lies in the thermal effect on subcutaneous tissue and blood vessels. Thanks to compresses, in the treatment of dry cough, an oxygen supply is provided, inflammatory foci are absorbed, swelling decreases, and the general condition of the body improves. Currently in the most effective and popular way heat treatment dry cough are mustard plasters. In addition, for dry coughs, it is very helpful to steam your feet in hot water with mustard powder. However, it should be remembered that such treatment should not be applied more than once a day, and a contraindication is the presence of an elevated body temperature in the patient. Overhead compresses prepared on the basis of various means home treatment:

  • Alcohol compress for dry cough for adults. A piece of linen or gauze is moistened in a heated alcohol-containing liquid and applied to the breast. A plastic wrap and a terry towel are applied on top. It is recommended to keep such a warming agent for no more than 3-4 hours.
  • Crushed boiled potatoes are placed in gauze and applied to the patient's chest and / or back. It is well fixed with foil and gauze cloth. It is recommended to keep such a compress until the potato mass has completely cooled.

If heat compresses do not bring the desired healing effect, then you should consult a doctor again. When the dry cough begins to subside, the person feels noticeable relief and improvement. Sputum forms and coughing up occurs, which is good sign a speedy recovery. Massage with the use of various healing agents will help to consolidate the positive dynamics of restoring the healthy work of the respiratory tract. You can do this treatment yourself:

  • The enriched badger fat will have a warming effect. Smearing the palm with this healing remedy, you should grind well chest... To improve the heat effect, the badger fat should be slightly warmed up.
  • Rubbing the chest with vodka or alcohol promotes the speedy discharge of bronchial secretions and the release of the respiratory tract from harmful impurities.

Cough is one of the first symptoms to signal a cold or any other respiratory illness. Almost every person who has a hacking cough against the background of a cold, bronchitis, sinusitis, pneumonia or any other disease, is in a hurry to get rid of this symptom faster. But coughing is not our enemy at all. On the contrary, it is a defense reaction of the body, designed to remove accumulated phlegm and pathogenic microbes from the body.

But cough cough strife. A wet cough is useful, which really helps to free the body of accumulated harmful substances. There is no special need to fight him, but you still need to speed up the healing process. Another thing is dry cough, which doctors call unproductive. Such a cough is dangerous, first of all, because the phlegm does not go away, pus appears in the sinuses, multiplying the number of pathogenic microbes. If you do not fight this phenomenon, an infection from the upper respiratory tract can penetrate the bronchi or even the lungs, provoking the most dangerous disease - pneumonia. In addition, a dry cough itself is extremely unpleasant. He fights his throat, does not let him fall asleep and get enough sleep at night, in general, delivers a lot of unpleasant minutes to its owners.

It becomes clear that, depending on the nature of the cough, it needs to be treated in completely different ways. Let's study together the basic folk recipes for dealing with such an unpleasant phenomenon as a cough.

Folk remedies for dry cough

1. Warm drinks for dry cough

To help a dry, unproductive cough quickly become moist and begin the healing process, it is useful to drink the following drinks.

Fruit drinks, jelly. Cranberry juice, jelly from raspberries or currants. Such drinks have anti-inflammatory properties, perfectly remove toxins and waste products of microbes, and also help to liquefy thick and viscous phlegm. Drink these warm drinks by a glass every three hours, and very soon your phlegm will begin to cough up, and the cough will stop sore throat.

Tea. Warm tea with raspberries, lemon and honey. Such a healthy gull perfectly quenches thirst, removes harmful toxins from the body and softens the throat well, due to which the process of transition of a dry cough into a productive, moist cough occurs much faster. However, after drinks with raspberries, do not forget to drink plain water, because raspberries dehydrate the body.

Milk. For dry coughs, it is extremely beneficial to drink warm goat's milk, especially with the addition of cocoa butter, honey, or almond butter. Such a drink is extremely useful for children who do not sleep well at night due to a suffocating cough. Give your little ones warm goat's milk at night and they will sleep undisturbed throughout the night. But with a wet cough, you should not give such a drink, because otherwise there will be even more sputum.

Garlic with milk. When coughing, you can use the following remedy: boil 5 cloves of garlic in 300 ml of milk, take 50 ml each.

Mineral water. Mineral water, especially Borjomi, can also help fight unproductive coughs. To fix the problem, simply mix 2/3 of milk with 1/3 of warmed mineral water and add 1 tsp to the glass. honey. An adult can take a glass of such a remedy three times a day, and children and pregnant women should be given 1/3 of a glass of a drink 3 r / day.

2. Herbal decoctions and infusions for dry cough

Medicinal herbs treat coughs as well as medicines. Don't believe me? Then take note of the following great recipes.

A decoction of wild rosemary. Of the medicinal herbs, the marsh rosemary will be the best assistant in getting rid of an unproductive cough. This herb has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, and besides, it is good at thinning phlegm, helping in the treatment of bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis and whooping cough. To prepare a decoction of wild rosemary, just pour 10 g of dry grass with 250 ml of water, bring the mixture to a boil and keep it on fire for literally a minute. After that, let the product cool for 30 minutes, strain it and drink half a glass before each use, write. True, remember that for children under 3 years old, treatment with wild rosemary is not suitable.

Pine buds. From time immemorial, dry coughs in children and adults have been treated with pine and spruce buds. To prepare a medicine from this raw material, 1 tbsp. the collected kidneys are poured into 1 liter of boiled milk and left for an hour. You need to use such a remedy in a warm form, 50 ml every hour and a half.

Thyme. Thyme has a thinning and expectorant effect on thick and viscous phlegm. To do this, you need to pour 10 g of dry grass with 200 ml of boiling water and insist the product in a water bath for 15 minutes. After that, the broth is allowed to cool, boiled water is added to the previous volume of 200 ml and 1 tbsp is taken. before meals for three days.

Coltsfoot. Let's not forget to mention mother-and-stepmother, as one of the strongest medicinal herbs that can quickly and effectively thin phlegm in the respiratory tract. To do this, simply brew a tablespoon of dry foliage in 200 ml of boiling water and let the medicine brew for at least an hour. Having strained the finished product, it can be consumed half an hour before meals, 1 tablespoon each. three times a day - for a child, and a third of a glass for an adult.

Turmeric. It is an excellent helper for coughs, especially dry coughs. To get rid of a cough, you can make the following drink: 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder and 1 teaspoon of ajgon seeds in a glass of water, then simmer everything over low heat until half of the liquid boils away. Let cool and add a little honey. Drink this healing tea two to three times a day.

3. Medicines based on honey, plant juice

Honey. Everyone knows the healing properties of honey. It can be said without exaggeration that honey is the most effective cough remedy. Even a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of honey can quickly soothe a cough. For the treatment of coughs and colds, honey can be successfully combined with almost all other folk remedies for coughs.

Lemon. Citrus fruits are very rich in vitamin C, so they have long been considered the most beneficial in the treatment of coughs and colds. Vitamin C gives strength and improves immunity, which is very important in the fight against any disease. Combine the juice of 1 lemon with 3-4 tablespoons of honey, take a teaspoon for cough 3-4 times a day.

Onion. This root vegetable is very often used to prevent coughs and colds. To treat dry cough, mix the juice of two onions and half a glass of sugar, boil the mixture for 10 minutes, cool, add 50 g of honey and consume a teaspoon 4-6 times a day.

Mix finely chopped onions (1 onion) with three tablespoons of natural honey. Within an hour and a half, the onion will give juice, mix the product and take a tablespoon 5-6 times a day.

Black radish. Black radish juice is another excellent remedy that relieves a patient from a dry cough in a matter of days. To be treated in this way, it is necessary to cut the core out of the radish, fill it with honey, and then consume a tablespoon per hour. If you are going to treat a child in this way, and he does not like the taste of radish with honey, just add the drug to his tea to mask the taste.

4. Inhalation with dry cough

In the fight against dry cough, various inhalations are one of the first to come to the rescue.

Iodine and soda for inhalation. Take a glass of hot water, dilute 1 tsp in it. soda and 7 drops of iodine, and then breathe in this solution for 5-10 minutes. Iodine has an antibacterial effect on the body, and soda perfectly softens the mucous membrane, contributing to the early discharge of phlegm.

Boiled potatoes. One of the oldest recipes for an unproductive cough is inhalation with boiled potatoes in uniforms. Just boil the potatoes and, without taking them out of the pan, mash a little, then cover your head with a towel and inhale the healing vapors for 10-15 minutes. Carrying out such procedures twice a day, you will forget about a dry, barking cough in a couple of days.

Essential oils for inhalation. Do not forget about inhalation with essential oils, which are also extremely effective in combating the problem under consideration. Simply boil 500 ml of water and then add 10 drops of cedar, peppermint or lavender oils to it. Breathe in vapors of this solution for 10 minutes twice a day. This will not only facilitate the discharge of sputum, but also significantly strengthen the immune system.

Eucalyptus oil helps to relieve breathing and can be used to treat dry coughs. At the same time, it is recommended to use a mixture for inhalation. eucalyptus oil with chamomile oil. Add five drops of oils to hot water and carry out the procedure twice a day.

Herbs for inhalation. Medicinal herbs are also great at dealing with poorly flowing phlegm. In this regard, the most diverse representatives of the "green pharmacy" will benefit, for example: wormwood, St. John's wort, chamomile, calendula, viburnum or raspberry. Just brew 1 tbsp. crushed medicinal herbs in 200 ml of boiling water, then breathe them in healing vapors for 5-10 minutes several times a day. Already on the third day, not a trace of the painful cough will remain.

5. Gargling with dry cough

To eliminate dryness and soften the throat, to remove the inflammation of the mucous membrane that develops with a dry cough, do not forget to gargle every 3-4 hours.

Soda. The simplest, but at the same time effective recipe gargle with a throat-throat cough - a mixture of baking soda and water. Just dilute ½ tsp. baking soda in a glass of warm water and gargle with this agent every 2-3 hours.

Natural vinegar. Dissolve a tablespoon in 500 ml of warm boiled water natural vinegar(for example, apple cider) and gargle with this remedy. This mixture will help soothe even the most severe cough.

Sage, eucalyptus and calendula flowers. Mix the indicated herbs in equal proportions. Pour a tablespoon of such a mixture with boiling water (1 tbsp.) And hold it in a water bath for ten minutes. You should rinse your throat with the finished product, keeping in mind that the solution can be used only within 4 hours after preparation.

6. Compresses and warming procedures for dry cough

Warming compresses are another method of dealing with unproductive dry coughs.

Potato compress. Boil the potatoes in their uniforms and mash them well after cooking. Add 1 tablespoon to the potatoes. table vinegar... Spread the resulting puree on one edge of the cheesecloth to cover the outside with the other edge. Prepare two of these compresses. Put one of them on your chest, and place the other on your back between the shoulder blades, fixing it on top with plastic and a warm scarf. It is necessary to warm up the body with such a means before the potatoes cool, in the supine position.

Mustard compress. Adults can recommend an excellent warming mustard compress. To do this, stir with 1 tbsp. mustard, flour, honey and vegetable oil, and then pour the mixture with one and a half tablespoons of alcohol or vodka. The resulting product should be held in a water bath until it heats up to 40 ° C, and then spread on cheesecloth and warm the chest and back, as described in the first recipe. For children, such a compress is made without vodka.

For kids, gentle compresses with cabbage are more suitable. You just need to separate several whole cabbage leaves from the head, heat them in a steam bath and attach them to the baby's chest, fixing them with cellophane on top and wrapping them in a warm scarf. Put on such compresses 3 times a day, and very soon your baby will forget about a dry cough.

7. Acupuncture for dry cough

Try simple but effective acupuncture techniques to help your phlegm run out and run easily. In this plan, pay attention to 2 main points:

  • at the very base of the neck, at the edge of the sternum;
  • on the inner side of the hand on four fingers (except for the thumb), on the phalanges closest to the palm, slightly closer to the fold.

And also for 2 auxiliary points:

  • at the crease of the wrist, under the base of the thumb;
  • on the back of the hand, between metacarpal bones thumb and forefinger.

To relieve a coughing fit, alternately massage the primary and secondary acupuncture points until the cough subsides. Give each point 1-2 minutes.

Folk remedies for wet cough

1. Warm drinks for a wet cough

A productive cough requires completely different recipes, since in this case one should not dilute the phlegm, but promote its early discharge.

Vegetable juices. Heated vegetable juices perfectly remove phlegm from the body. It can be freshly squeezed cabbage or carrot juice, which should be consumed at 50 g every four hours. By the way, if the child does not like the taste of cabbage juice, it can be diluted with sugar syrup or a bit of honey.

Wine with pepper. To help the phlegm go away faster, try wine with pepper. Just heat up red table wine and add some black pepper to it. Take this remedy in half a glass after meals, and for a sound and restful sleep, you can drink 1/3 cup before bedtime. The main thing is not to abuse this medicine.

Onions, milk and honey. You can try to get rid of the cough with a decoction of onions and honey. To prepare it, you need to cut one large onion into several pieces, boil it in 300 ml of milk for 5 minutes, and then let the product cool and add 2 tablespoons of honey. It is recommended to take such a healing broth for 1 tbsp. every 4 hours until the cough disappears completely. With a strong and exhausting cough, they drink a tablespoon every hour all day, the next day they take it as indicated in the recipe.

Figs with milk. Try this remedy too. Take 2-3 fig berries, cover them with a glass of milk and boil the mixture over low heat for 5-7 minutes. Cool the finished product and take 1/3 cup three times a day until you recuperate.

2. Herbal decoctions and infusions for wet cough

Liquorice root. For a wet cough, it is good to use licorice root. You can take 1 tsp. licorice syrup, bought at the pharmacy, or you can prepare the medicine yourself. Take 1 tsp. chopped root, pour on top 500 ml of hot boiled water and hold for 10 minutes in a water bath. After an hour of infusion, this medicine can be taken 50 ml before meals up to three times a day.

Elecampane root. Pay attention to the elecampane root, because it is also famous for its powerful expectorant effect. A tablespoon of crushed raw materials is required to pour 200 ml of boiling water, and then cook for another ten minutes. After letting the product brew well (4 hours), it can be used for treatment, taking 1 tbsp. up to four times a day.

Eucalyptus leaves. Eucalyptus can help cope with a wet cough. The foliage of this exotic tree should be brewed at the rate of 2 tablespoons. for 0.5 liters of hot water. After letting the product brew for just a couple of hours, take it in 2 tablespoons. three times a day. The duration of treatment will be 2-3 days.

3. Inhalation with wet cough

Inhalation also contributes to the discharge of sputum, which can be carried out with a variety of folk remedies.

Essential oils. To clear the bronchi and relieve coughs, try inhalation with essential oils. It's easy to do, just add 5 drops of fir, juniper or pine essential oil to 500 ml of hot water.

To get rid of a wet cough, you can also use a mixture of eucalyptus oil (5-8 drops) with tea tree oil (2-3 drops) or rosemary (2-3 drops).

Cover yourself with a towel and breathe in pairs for 15 minutes, feeling your breathing ease. Carry out up to two such procedures a day, but remember that the treatment should not last more than five days.

Orange peel. Try this remedy too. Peel two oranges and grind their rind as much as possible. Pour a glass of boiled water over the peels, and after 5 minutes add 10 drops of fir essential oil. Inhalation with such healing solution they will quickly drive away the disease, the main thing is not to forget to do two procedures a day for 6 days.

Mint with garlic. This is another useful mixture to remove phlegm from the bronchi and eliminate annoying cough. Initially 2 tbsp. dry mint, pour two glasses of water and put on fire so that the liquid boils. After removing it from the heat, add two chopped garlic cloves. It remains only to cool the product a little and you can inhale for 20 minutes. 3 such inhalations are allowed per day, and they need to be carried out throughout the week.

4. Gargling with a wet cough

To relieve sore throat from irritation caused by persistent coughing, you should regularly gargle your throat. For this, the following tools are suitable.

Gargle with salt. The simplest remedy is 1 teaspoon of salt, diluted in a glass of warm water. Gargle with this mixture several times a day and the sore sensation will no longer bother you.

Herbal collection. In the meantime, if you need a really good throat gargle that will not only eliminate unpleasant symptoms, but also strengthen local immunity and will contribute to a speedy recovery, you cannot do without medicinal herbs. Mix in equal proportions the foliage of St. John's wort, calendula, currant and chamomile, eucalyptus and sage, and then pour 1 tbsp. such a mixture, 200 ml of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. The cooled medicinal liquid must be rinsed sore throat up to five times a day.

5. Compresses and warming procedures for wet cough

With a wet (productive) cough, hot compresses and rubbing help no worse than decoctions or inhalations.

Mustard and honey for the compress. With a wet cough, a mustard-honey compress works perfectly, the recipe for which is described in the section on dry cough.

Rubbing with fat. However, when phlegm begins to separate well, it is better to replace compresses with rubbing, which helps perspiration. For this purpose, you can use ghee oil, badger or goose fat, which is heated in a water bath (without letting it boil), and then add a little vodka. With this mixture, you need to rub the chest, back, nape and areas under the shoulder blades, then cover yourself with cellophane, and put on a terry robe on top or crawl under the blanket. The procedure is performed 1-2 times a day for 60 minutes.

Camphor oil. Good help in getting rid of a wet cough, camphor oil will also become. it universal remedy used in the form of compresses, taken orally and added to the bath, but the easiest way is to rub with camphor oil... Moreover, such a remedy is suitable for both adults and children (if they are not babies). To treat the disease and get rid of a cough, you need to rub your chest and back with camphor oil, then put on mustard plasters and put on warm clothes. Carry out the procedure within an hour, but if the mustard plasters are very burning, you can remove them earlier.

6. Acupuncture for wet cough

In the case of a moist cough with well-flowing phlegm, early recovery will be facilitated by massage of biologically active points. The main thing is to know their exact location:

  • the first paired points are on the neck, on both sides of the spine, about one and a half centimeters down from the skull;
  • the second points are also on the neck, in the place where the joint protrudes when the head is tilted forward;
  • the third paired points are located between the clavicle and the sternum;
  • two more points can be felt in the clavicular cavities.

Massaging these biologically active points for 1-2 minutes once or twice a day, you will contribute to the rapid discharge of sputum and a speedy recovery from bronchitis and other diseases accompanied by a strong cough. Take care of your health!

Coughing is a disease that is difficult to ignore. He can be caught in transport, at a business meeting, in the middle of a conversation, and he can even haunt him at night, not letting him sleep. Cough is a habitual accompaniment to colds and viral infections. It seems that everyone knows how to cope with it: it is worth buying syrup or putting mustard plasters. Medicines and folk remedies for dry cough are very diverse, but they bring real benefits only when used correctly.

Finding out the cause of the cough

Before buying cough medicine or treating with folk remedies, you should be sure of the reasons that caused the symptom. The cough reflex arises from irritation of the nerve endings of any part of the human respiratory system. The slightest inflammation of the mucous membrane acts as an irritating factor.

Common causes of dry cough in adults:

  1. Allergic reactions.
  2. Dust, smoke chemical compounds or microparticles in the air.
  3. SARS, flu, runny nose of any origin.
  4. Sore throat: pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis.
  5. Inflammations of the lower sections: pneumonia, bronchitis, pleurisy.

The inflammatory process is caused different reasons: viruses, bacteria, fungus. Treatment of the underlying disease is different in each case. Improper therapy aggravates the condition. "Removing" an annoying symptom with special drugs, you can greatly harm your health.

Note! Attacks of dry cough at night are symptoms of some cardiovascular pathologies (aortic aneurysm, cardiac asthma, mediastinum). Be sure to seek the advice of a therapist or cardiologist. Home methods of treating cough for heart failure are used with caution.

Having established the exact cause of the disease, receiving appropriate treatment, it is permissible to use home remedies for dry cough. Traditional recipes for dry coughs caused by respiratory diseases are able to quickly relieve symptoms. This therapy is approved by doctors and can be used along with medications.

Treatment features

How to quickly cure a cough in adults at home and not harm? A good dry cough remedy should do its main function of making it easier to cough up. By making the cough moist (productive), we help the body get rid of accumulated mucus, remove infections and toxins from the body with phlegm.

When treating dry cough in adults, some living conditions are observed:

  • moist, cool air in the room where the patient is;
  • minimum dust, tobacco smoke, volatile chemicals (household chemicals);
  • plentiful warm (not hot) drink;
  • limiting physical activity.

The sparing regimen reduces the risk of complications. Bronchitis, pneumonia, even sore throat, transferred "on the legs", can cause undesirable consequences. It is especially important to keep bed rest for elderly people.

How to treat a dry cough in an adult at home? The answer should be A complex approach... The use of several methods greatly enhances healing effect... The combination of traditional and traditional medicine quickly yields positive results.

Causes of dry cough in an adult and methods of treatment

Home remedies for dry cough:

  1. Ready-made syrups and tablets.
  2. Compresses, rubbing, applications.
  3. Herbal infusions, decoctions.
  4. Aroma oils.

Attention! Before treating a dry cough with folk remedies, make sure that there is no allergy to all components of the recipe. Allergic readiness of the body in case of respiratory diseases increases significantly.


Pharmacy cough suppressants are divided into two groups according to the mechanism of action. The effect of their application is fundamentally different. Some suppress the cough reflex, inhibiting a special brain center or respiratory receptors. Others promote productive sputum production. The simultaneous use of such funds is unacceptable.

Dry cough pills that "turn off" the cough reflex:

  • Demorphan, Codeine, Codipront (with narcotic effect);
  • Tusuprex, Sinekod, Paxeladin (without narcotic ingredients).

The listed drugs are prescribed only by a doctor for urgent termination attacks of severe coughing in adults, if there is no need to remove sputum. Drugs with narcotic constituents are addictive and are available exclusively by prescription. The popular combined drug Codelac Broncho also provokes addiction, it is not prescribed for long courses.

If there is not enough sputum or the mucus is thick, it is removed with difficulty, drugs with expectorant, anti-inflammatory, mucolytic actions are used.

To convert a dry cough into a productive cough, use:

  1. Libeksin - gently affects the nerve endings directly in the trachea and bronchi, which significantly reduces the intensity of attacks. Libeksin-muko additionally liquefies phlegm.
  2. Bronholitin - expands the lumen of the bronchi, relieves inflammation, gently suppresses coughing attacks, increasing their productivity.
  3. Ambroxol. Produce drugs based on it in syrups, tablets, inhalation solutions. The best anti-inflammatory, expectorant in acute conditions.
  4. Gedelix, Doctor Mom, Eucabal, Herbion - syrups based on medicinal herbs.
  5. Inexpensive, but effective mucolytics, reduce the viscosity of bronchial mucus, facilitate expectoration: Thermopsis, Mukaltin, Pectusin, ACC.

Cough drops are widely used to relieve sore throat and relieve acute cough syndrome: Falimint, Stopussin.

Important! After the transition to a wet cough, with abundant mucus, the treatment changes. It is no longer necessary to increase the production of sputum. Pay attention to the instructions for the drug. For example, Herbion syrup is produced in two types: from dry and wet cough.

Efficiency folk recipes dry cough in adults minimizes use pharmaceuticals or do without them altogether.

Folk remedies

The best cough suppressants for adults are generally simple. They are time-tested and many have experienced them for themselves. A slight coughing due to a sore throat eliminates copious warm drinks. Tea with lemon and honey, milk with butter, warm alkaline mineral water - softens the throat well.

Herbal tea

Expectorants antiseptic properties herbs are successfully used in home treatment. Infusions and decoctions of plants are taken orally as tea several times a day.

Treatment of dry cough in an adult at home

You can use one herb or make up a collection of the following ingredients taken equally:

  • marshmallow root;
  • mother-and-stepmother grass;
  • plantain leaves;
  • linden flowers.

Rosehip fruits are added to the collection for vitamin support; medicinal chamomile, as an excellent antiseptic.

With a strong cough in an adult, other procedures are added to the treatment.


Acting on the chest, increasing blood flow in the area of ​​the diseased organ, warming procedures accelerate the natural process of sputum formation, provoke its separation from mucous membranes and coughing up.

Remember! The main rule of using folk remedies for dry coughs is to carry out thermal procedures with warming up only at normal body temperature. In the acute period of the illness, limit yourself to warm drinks.

The most popular compresses for coughing an adult are:

  1. Mustard plasters. Traditional remedy for dry cough for adults. Not suitable for sensitive skin. It is advisable to remove mustard plasters after 15 minutes, avoiding mustard burns.
  2. Boiled potatoes with peel. Knead it hot and use it as a compress, covering it with polyethylene on top. Leave on the skin until it cools.
  3. Flour-based compresses. Dry mustard, honey, camphor or sunflower oil are added to the flour. Knead a tight cake. The amount of mustard in the compress depends on the sensitivity of the skin.
  4. Fabric applications. A cotton swaddle is impregnated with a mixture of honey, vodka, vegetable oil. The components are taken in equal parts. A simple honey impregnation is also used. Apply an applique to the chest and wrap it tightly.

After warming up, it is advisable to be warm. Compresses are often used at bedtime. Be sure to cough up after the procedure. The cooled mass is not recommended to be left on the body overnight. After removing the compress, wipe the skin dry.

The initial temperature of the compress should be closely monitored. The mass should be comfortable to the touch, not burn. Do not apply warming compounds to the heart area (from the chest and back).


Massage with animal fats (badger, goose and others) has a good therapeutic effect due to intensive rubbing. The type of fat or vegetable oil in such a procedure does not have a pronounced value.

Massage enhances the activity of the bronchi and provokes mucus secretion. Regular cough rubbing for an adult bedridden patient is especially helpful. Bed rest provokes congestion in the lungs, which leads to pneumonia.


Treatment of cough in adults with folk remedies necessarily includes inhalation. The procedure can be carried out directly over a warm medicinal composition... Monitor the temperature of the liquid - breathing over boiling water is dangerous. This process has been significantly simplified by modern home inhalation devices - nebulizers.

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