Durcey infusion - your best home healer. Infusion of grass droop

Can be said with confidence that this green tech It grows on a garden in everyone who is the owner of the cottage or country site. Dill seeds, medical properties And the contraindications of which are well known for knowledgeable people can help you! They are also called fruits. Dill seeds have a rich composition of vitamins, valuable elements. With proper use and thermal processing (brewing / bearing) seeds become present natural medicinewhich is not inferior in its effectiveness medical preparationswhich can be purchased at the pharmacy. Still long have been known to people healing qualities This product, today they are also appreciated.

Dill seeds, photo:

With the word "dill", many of us arise an association with a bunch of spicy greenery, which we use when preparing various dishes. However, if it is not cut on it at the stage of fragrant grass, and leave to grow further, the stalk of the plant will become powerful, it will form "umbrellas" with valuable fruits. To taste, the aroma they resemble greens, but much rushing, richer by essential oils. Seeds are also widely used by cooking, but along with this they are effective tool from many diseases. Be sure to store with this natural medicinal drug: Collect fruits from umbrellas, dry, store in paper bag or glass container. They can be stored for quite a long time, without losing their healing properties. Various sources call the different number of seed shelf life - from several months to 3 years.

Dill umbrellas, photo:

Dill seeds - useful properties

Let's start with the fact that the grains of this plant contain many useful chemical components, such as iron, manganese, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium. The composition also contains carotene, sodium, potassium, sulfur, rutin, selenium, zinc. Rich vitamin complexdistinctive trait Spicy Plant Seeds: A, B 1, B 2, B 5, B 6, B 9, RR, E, C, the caloric content of the product is 305 calories per 100 g. The presence of mono-allucing acids (Petrostlin, Linoleic, Oleinovaya, Palmitinova), ethereal Oils makes this product with excellent cardiophrotector, optimizes the work of cardio-vascular system.

Dill seeds - use:

  1. Strengthen the nervous system, calm, normalize sleep - applies to adults and children.
  2. They have a bactericidal, antispasmodic, campphic effect - with a cold, ORZ, flu, even the inflammation of the lungs is very useful with a decoction of fruits. To get an excellent expectorant drug, dill tea is better mixed with a pair of honey spoons.
  3. What are useful for the gastrointestinal tract? Their reception normalizes the work digestive system, cleans from toxic substances, has choleretic action. To improve the outflow of bile, it is better to take dry, crushed, can be coffee grung, fruit. They should be used as a powder during meals (watering water). Also, this tool stops manifestations of gastritis, heartburn.
  4. Can be used as a natural diuretic, recommended for various renal diseases, inflammation (the decoction is used before acceptance of food). They help with cystitis, for this it is better to take the freshest fruits - the action will be much more efficient.
  5. Natural laxative means of light, soft action. A dill decoction removes colic, manifestations of meteorism.
  6. It is help to reduce cholesterol in blood, help atherosclerosis.
  7. Used in hypertension (they contribute to pressure reduction). Help as an additional drug when various diseases of cardio-vascular system. With a wallpaper, it is better to use pre-ground seeds that are poured with boiling water, they insist about three hours.
  8. Useful for lactation, the decoction helps with insufficient production of milk in nursing women, as well as with toxicosis of pregnant women. Active substances As part of seeds, the plant contributes to an increase in the amount of milk, it is saturated. useful trace elementswho need a child for harmonious development.
  9. With different eye inflammations, conjunctivit. You should mix your woven disks with a decoction of seeds, attach them to tired, inflamed eyes.
  10. For newborns, they are used to remove colic or when the intestine is blown. Dill driver - ancient tool From the arsenal of all moms. In addition, this decoction helps to improve the digestive functions of the kid organism.
  11. For the healthy color of the face, removal of skin inflammations or irritation can also be used in the vintage of dill fruits, wipe the skin, wash.

As inside, the seeds of dill can be used inside. Use and harm when used are taken into account in both cases. In the form of ragners, all useful components begin to "work" when entering the gastrointestinal tract, but skin or eye diseases It is treated with external use of infusions.

Dill Seeds - Contraindications

If incorrectly or too actively use it natural medicineYou can harm the body. Should not be excluded allergic reaction On the components of the dill - everything is individually, someone dill seeds can help, and someone can aggravate the state.

Contraindications are:

  1. Reduced pressure (hypotension) - when receiving dill seeds or braveractions, it can decrease even more, lead to a decline of strength or even fainting.
  2. Don't use them if you suffer reduced acidity Stomach - this product is able to reduce it even more.
  3. Individual character allergies - seeds contain a large number of Essential oils that can provoke an allergic reaction.
  4. Critical days in women are a plant can sound blood, so in order to avoid excessive blood loss, it is better to abandon the reception of dill bums. Also, this clause refers to those who suffer from blood dilapidation.

It will never be superfluous to first consult with the doctor - do not neglect this advice.

How to brew seeds of dill?

  • One tablespoon of seeds, pour 250 ml of boiling water, boil on a small heat for about 10 minutes.
  • Willing to leave to leave for about 1 hour (you can bite the tank with a towel), then strain.
  • If there is a desire, then before applying inside the decoction you can warm up to the temperature acceptable for drinking temperature.

If you pre-grind the fruit in the coffee grinder, then therapeutic effect It will be even better. You can also use the "medicine" as a powder, drinking it with a small amount of water.

How to brew seeds of dill for newborns? For children's body We need a decoction Look: on 250 ml cold water 1 teaspoon of fruit is taken, poured, brought to a boil. After the water boils, cooking seeds is needed about 5 minutes, then cool, strain through clean x / b fabric. If the baby has not yet turned 1 month, then the amount of beam in one reception should not exceed half a teaspoon! You need to give drug every 2.5-3 hours until colicses go. If a older child, then the dose can be increased to 1 tablespoon. Such a decoction is an excellent means of constipation in children, give it to the baby before applying for food (feeding) and after it.

Preparation of dill, photo:

Contain seeds of dill useful properties for women who are preparing to become mothers or already feed their children with breasts. During pregnancy, before the use of decoction from seeds, it should be advised to consult with his doctor. If there are no individual contraindications, then dill tea will help prepare female organism To the production of milk. After the birth of the child this means will contribute to raising lactation if there is such a need. You should take 2 tablespoons of fruits, pour 1 liters of boiling water, pecking 10 minutes. When the decoction is enjoyed (about 30 minutes), it needs to be strain. Drink throughout the day. A similar infusion can be prepared using a thermos - just pour 2 spoons of seeds in a liter of boiling water, close tightly with a lid, insist for 1 hour.

Dill seeds during pregnancy (if there are no contraindications) help to cope with toxicosis, delicately solve the problem of constipation, improve appetite (if there is such a need), contribute to the elimination of edema. This is great natural tool To reduce pressure, improve the work of the kidneys, removing the alarming sensations, improving sleep, calm nerves. Even if a woman, being in a position, has bothered or cough, then the safest drug will be a decoction of dill fruits. Wherein natural product has a huge advantage over pharmacy drugs. If you are not stuck in time with this "medicine" from your garden, you can always buy them in a pharmacy. They cost quite inexpensive, useful, safe, as they are gifts of Mother Nature.

In addition to the advantages described above, the fruits of this plant are excellent To combat S. glisal invasions. Big plus that this drug can be applied on different stages Helminthosis, and you can treat adults and children.

Take a dessert spoon, pour it 300 ml of boiling water, cover the tank with a dense towel. Insist 48 hours. After the specified time, infusion should be used on a tablespoon 3-4 times a day. For a stronger effect, you can take the fruits of dill from the morning on an empty stomach. To do this, take 2 tablespoons of seeds, one crushing, pour a 1 liter of boiling water, bring to a boil. Then to insist for 3 hours, strain, take half a glass 30 minutes before meals.

Broth of fruit fruits, photo:

As mentioned above, this product helps to get rid of the ethnicity, the body's slapping (regular use), the intestinal discharge. The greenery of dope enters the lists of the most effective vegetable diets, and the transition to rich vegetables, the diet is often accompanied by flatulence. The decoction of a dill seed qualitatively solves this problem.

Dill seeds for weight loss You can use in a pure form - 30 minutes before the meal to become a quantity of 1 teaspoon. For convenience, this dose can be divided into parts, carefully chew to the formation of a homogeneous mass. It is also an excellent means to reduce appetite.

Fruits of dill can be brewing, use for taking baths - this reduces " orange Cork" on the problem places. Before bedtime or to calm the nerves, such a bath also does not hurt.

The classic decoction for weight loss is done like this: the grinding tablespoon of seeds is flooded with an incomplete glass of boiling water, it is about 15 minutes, focuses, is used 50 ml 5 times during the day (between food receptions). With systematic reception inside, the decoction will not only help get rid of excess weightBut cleanse the body, especially the thick division of the intestine. The ability of this plant (both fruits and greenery) to derive an excessive fluid, allows you to use it as a diuretic. It should not be forgotten about healthy diet, as well as on physical exertion, at least minimal.

This natural natural product really has wide spectrum therapeutic preventive action. Be sure to take him a place in my home first aid kit. In addition to healing qualities, the dill decoction has a rather pleasant, the original taste that you can always improve the addition of one or two teaspoons of natural honey. Now you will know what value is the usual seeds of dill, therapeutic properties and contraindications to the use of this ancient drug, who has not lost its relevance even now.

Dill is not only a spicy grass that we are all accustomed to yearogodically add to hot dishes, salads, use in blanks for the winter.

Green possesses medical actions, and especially much utility contain medical seeds Ukrop, properties and contraindications of which we will discuss in this article. The great value of seeds is that their use is practically not side Effects, infusion is given even newborn kids from intestinal colic.

In these, very tiny dill seeds, contain a very large number of acids useful for our organism.

Chemical composition

In terms of its composition, dill seeds will surpass any vitamin and mineral complex, bought in a pharmacy.

  • A nicotinic acid.
  • Ascorbic acid.
  • Palmitic acid.
  • Oleic acid.
  • Miristinic acid.
  • Linolenic acids are some others.
  • Omega fats.
  • Essential oils.
  • Vitamins.
  • These trace elements are present in them: copper, potassium, iron, phosphorus, selenium, magnesium, zinc, sodium.

Oh knew our ancestors since then to this day, the seeds are widely used in traditional medicine.

Action of dill seeds on the body

  • Strengthen immunity, bring slags.
  • Ensure meteorism, spasms, colic in the intestines, fermentation.
  • Prevent constipation, remove inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Improve digestion, increase appetite.
  • Remove inflammation B. urinary trait (with cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis).
  • Lower the pressure during hypertension.
  • Normalize the work of the liver and gallbladder.
  • Possess light Soothing Effect.
  • Help with a cold (as an expectorant antitussive agent).
  • Promotes milk production in nursing women.
  • Possess a diuretic, anti-edema effect.

Durce seeds in cooking

Many hostesses use seeds as seasoning and do not even suspect that they have a storehouse of useful substances. To taste, the grains are very fragrant, so they are mixed with other spices as seasonings to various dishes. Without them, no marinade harvested for the winter.

Seeds are freely sold in the markets in each bench with spices and in any store where there is a department with spices.

Now let's talk about how to brew the seeds of dill and take them at various illnesses.

Dill water for newborns from colic

Breasts are often tormented by colic from gases in the intestine. A dill driver is absolutely safe for kids and can be applied from the first days of life. This is a wonderful alternative chemical medicinewhich are so dangerous for newborns.

How to cook dopey clock for newborns

  • 1 teaspoon of dry seeds is poured with boiling water (200-250 ml).
  • Insist water 2-3 hours, then fixed and in a little warm form give a child along a teaspoon 15 minutes to feeding.

In how to prepare a dill bath for newborns there is nothing complicated, but most importantly, brew fresh water every day.

Dill infusion in liver and gallbladder diseases

A dill decoction has an excellent choleretic effect and improves liver operation.

  • On liter of water take 3-4 tbsp. Seed spoons and poured boiling water.
  • Water insists for at least 3 hours, after being filled.

Litter need to drink during the day, dividing it into several techniques. You can drink 15 minutes before meals or 15-20 after. A dill infusion when taking should be warm, not cold.

Dill seeds with urinary tract diseases

For chronic cystitis, Pyelonephritis and other inflammations can be boiled dill as a diuretic. It is perfectly washed with urinary channels, reduces inflammatory processes and reduces spasms.

How to brew dill as a diuretic

Preparing infusion in the same way as in the previous recipe (3-4 tbsp. Seeds per liter of water). Drink during the day. Brew fresh infusion is needed every day. Treatment of 7-10 days.

Dill seeds with bronchitis and cough

To get rid of cough and with inflamed bronchops, dill seeds are brewed in a thermos with honey.

  • 300-400 ml of water 2 tbsp. Honey.
  • Insist for a couple of hours. You can not flash, the seeds will fall on the bottom.

Infusion it is necessary to drink hot, like tea 3-4 times a day.

Also, with a cold, you can make inhalations: put a small container with water on the stove, throw a couple of spoons of seeds, wait for boiling and ride the ferry for 10 minutes, cover your head with a towel.

Dill seeds with stomach and intestines and intestines

Spasms, gases, colic, gastritis, colitis - with all these problems, dill water has a positive effect.

It is necessary to brew seed like this:

  • 1 tbsp. Pour 300 ml boiling water.
  • Insist 3 hours, strain and drink in warm form 100 ml 3 times a day shortly before meals.

The reception term depends on the severity of the disease, on average, can be from 10 to 30 days.

Dill seeds with bad lactation

When a nursing mother lacks milk, infusion on dill seeds becomes a real salvation.

  • On 1 liter of water you need to take 2 full art. Spoons of seeds and pour them with boiling water.
  • Insist a couple of hours, strain.

Drink several times a day, dividing the entire liter on equal portions.

Attention! Sticks for the eyes from this dopeful infusion are eliminated from redness, fatigue, swelling.

How to brew seeds of dill: universal infusion

  • On a glass of water takes 1 full with a slide tea spoon of seeds and poured boiling water.
  • Infusion is withstanding 2-3 hours and fastened.

Drink water 3 times a day can be bad blood circulation, migraines, women in the PMS period, to increase immunity, good digestion, cleaning vessels, improve work nervous system.

Contraindications to the use of dill seeds

Despite huge benefit And a rich composition, tincture of dill seeds have some contraindications.

Cannot take chasters when:

  • Reduced pressure.
  • Large stones in the kidneys and bile bubble.
  • Pregnant.

Now you know everything about the seeds of dope therapeutic, properties and contraindications of this product and the methods of application. But do not forget that with any treatment people's way, it is better to always consult a doctor.

Dill is an annual, short-lived plant of a family of umbrellas. It is all familiar and familiar seasoning to salads and first dishes. However, the useful properties of dill can be used not only in cooking, but also in medicine. Dill grows everywhere, it is possible to grow it on its own garden or a summer cottage, as a result we will get tasty, useful dishes, and inexpensive drugs from the ailments.

Chemistry of dill and its useful properties

The plant we use for the preparation of salads, soups, boors, and marinades has the richest "inner world", which includes the great many substances beneficial for us. All of them define its useful properties.

In the greenery of dill a lot of vitamins:

  • Vitamin A - Retinol;
  • Provitamin a - beta carotene;
  • Vitamins of group B - niacin equivalent, thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid, pyridoxine;
  • Vitamin C - ascorbic acid;
  • Vitamin E - tocopherol.

In addition, in the greenery and seeds of dope there are useful acids for us, essential oils, macro- and trace elements - potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sodium and others.

Why do you need to drink infusions and scales of dill? What are the testimony and properties of this amazing plant?

The use of dill is obvious. Regular use Ukropa helps to improve blood formula due to the fact that all substances contained in the plant are easily absorbed by our organism. Thus, folic acid activates the formation of erythrocytes, iron increases hemoglobin, ascorbic acid and magnesium contribute better assimilation gland. Hemoglobin is connected to the newly educated erythrocytes and together are saturated with blood oxygen.

Urope essential oil is useful for its diuretic and choleretic properties. It contributes to the formation of enzymes necessary for high-quality digestion.

Dill has bactericidal properties and increases the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria during the influenza epidemics and ARVI.

Fresh dill and decoction of seeds increase the release of milk, which is very useful for nursing women. At the same time, all substances, useful and for a child fall into milk from dill. In this case, the benefits of dill are for mom and for the baby.

Dill reduces pressure, it must be used by hypertensive. A decoction of seeds of dill will help get rid of insomnia and will calm the nervous system.

The benefits of dill manifests itself in its impact on the heart muscle. He strengthens the heart, due to the fact that the Anetin, which is in its leaves and stems, expands the heart and brain vessels.

Bars of dill I. fresh leaves Useful to soothing the ulcers of the stomach and intestines, besides, they improve appetite, normalize digestion and metabolic processes.

Essential oil of Ukropa has an expectorant effect, so it can be used for inhalation when strong cough.

Fresh dill or infusion of seeds are useful in the intestinal meteorism and bloating, so it should be taken simultaneously with the beans, peas and other bean.

Dill has invalurating and antioxidant properties, cleans the body from toxins and slags. All of these favorable effects serve one goal - to general rehabilitation and strengthening of a person, to increase the ability to resist various infections and a little gland.

Dill in medicine

Folk Medicine uses for treatment various organs All parts of dill, except the roots. Stems and inflorescences, and seeds go to the move - all of them are useful for us. Of them make water infusions, decoctions and tincture on vodka or alcohol. We give several recipes that are not difficult to do at home.

Recipe 1.

Infusion of dill from seeds. Infusion is useful for its anti-inflammatory, sedative, spasmolytic, expectorant, wind turbine, diuretic actions.

Preparation: Take 1 tablespoon of crushed dill seeds and pour boiling water with a glass. Seeds can be crushed in advance in larger quantities, with a coffee grinder, and harvest powder for cooking and infusions. Cover the infusion with a saucer and leave for 15 minutes, then strain through the siete or via gauze.

Indications and method of application:

  • as a diuretic need to drink 0.5 glasses three times a day before meals;
  • for the treatment of cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, with stones in the kidneys, drink 5-6 times a day for 40-50 milliliters.
  • for the treatment of the nervous system, as a sedative and expectorant, and with meteorism, the infusion you need to drink 1 tbsp. Spoon 15 minutes before meals. Infusion of dill, or dill water is completely harmless, it can be used even to treat chest babies to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Recipe 2.

Infusion of dill seeds with chamomile. The use of Ukrop in cosmetology is that it helps to eliminate some skin problems.

Cooking: Take on the floor of the tablespoon of daisy flowers and dill seeds, brew 100 ml of boiling water and negotiate for 5 minutes.

Indications and Application: Infusion is useful in treatment acne. To do this, cooled, with a strong infusion wactive discs and wipe the skin with a rumble several times a day.

Recipe 3.

There is from dill benefit and in ophthalmology. Carrot and dill juice improves eyesight and helps get rid of some eye diseases.

Preparation: squeeze the juice from carrots and dill in the proportion of 5 parts of the carrot juice one part of the dill juice.

Indications and Application: Treatment chicken blindness, or hemoralopia (nitgalopia), with the disease they drink 150-200 mixtures of juice during the day, regardless of meals.

Recipe 4.

Infusion of dill and other plants. Dill is used not only for the treatment of certain diseases, but also to increase the release of breast milk. The use of dill in solving this problem is supported by the benefit of other plants.

For the preparation of the infusion, it is necessary to take in equal proportions of the seeds of dill, fenugreek, anise, fennel, gallery, cumin, barley, as well as an overhead part of oats and a bump of hops. All components mix thoroughly, 2 tablespoons of the mixture put into the jar and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water.

Insist 15, -2 hours, strain and drink during the day, regardless of meals. So that the benefits really manifested themselves, it is necessary to drink 1-1.5 infusion per day.

Recipe 5.

Infusion of grass of dill on vodka. Preparation: 10 dill twigs rinse in running water, dry and put in a glass jar. Pour 1 liter of vodka (or alcohol), add 1 bay leaf, 1 garlic teeth, 5 black pepper peas, 1 teaspoon of honey. Put the jar into a warm and dark place for 3 days, then strain, pour into clean dishes and remove into the refrigerator.

Indications and application: For the treatment of hypertension and insomnia, you need to drink a tincture of 1 tablespoon twice a day, and in the evening after eating before bedtime.

Recipe 6.

Tincture dope on vodka. This drink has funny properties, and is not prepared for treatment, but for feasts. People argue that after dill vodka there is no hangover, dill neutralizes even harmful properties syuvous oilwhich is a lot in the moonshine. And the drink itself is losing an unpleasant moonshine smell. In a word - from dill vodka - one benefit, although it should not be forgotten here that everything is good in moderation.

Cooking: 3 grams of dry dill seeds, you can take seeds of different varieties, pour into three-liter bank And to edge to pour vodka. Insist for 10 days, then strain and pour into beautiful bottles and decanters.

Indications: Treatment of Handra, Depression and Depression. Drink small stacks, in the company of friends under a good snack. Why still need such a useful and delicious tincture of dill? Another drink can be added to fishing ear, right to the boiler during cooking. Among other things, the remedy helps in the treatment of insomnia.

Recipe 7.

Infusion of dill seeds. Cooking: 2 tablespoons are fluttered in the coofer of dill seeds put in the thermos and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist 30-40 minutes, then strain.

Indications and application: The useful properties of infusion from the dill are needed for the treatment of hypertension and headaches arising from atherosclerosis of the brain, to strengthen the nervous system, and strengthening the heart in heart failure. They drink infusion on the floor of a glass 4-5 times a day, regardless of food.

Recipe 8.

Infusion of dill seeds. Take 1 tsp. crushed dill seeds and pour boiling water with glass. After a hour, strain the drink and take 1 tablespoon four times a day. The tool helps in the treatment of glaucoma. The course of treatment lasts 20 days, then you need to take a break of 10 days, and repeat the course.

Recipe 9.

Powder from dill seeds take 1 gram three times a day 30-40 minutes before meals for the treatment of chronic heart failure. Put powder can be water or milk.


Wonderful therapeutic and taste properties of dill allow it to apply it without fear serious complications and side effects. Nevertheless, even the treatment with dill must be carried out under the supervision of the doctor, otherwise the benefits can become harm. We should not forget about the individual intolerance to the drugs from this plant.

Dill dies blood, so it should not be taken in large quantities during menstruation and during pregnancy.

Dill reduces pressure, therefore it should be taken with hypotonized with limited quantities.

Dill diuretic, and together with urine, toxins and salts, it may remove a lot of useful substances from the body.

Consider all these features and unique properties Dill, listen to yourself - how your body will respond to the reception of drugs from dill. Advance with doctors.

How to brew dill? This question worries young mothers, patients of gynecology and gastroenterology and all people who care about own health. Why exactly dill is used as the basis for the folk remedy? What is it useful and how to brew it? It is worth a details on it.

Amazing composition

In ancient times, our ancestors from August to September, folk remedies from dill seeds. They chose exactly this plant, as it contains an extensive range of useful substances that benefit the human body, namely:

  • vitamins E, group B;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamin RR;
  • in limited quantity Vitamins K and A;
  • organic acids (linoleic, olein, palmitic, nicotinic);
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • phosphorus.

In a word, in one meager seed laid a whole range of nutrients needed for the full functioning of the entire body.

Therapeutic properties of the seeds

All people should think about how to brew dill seeds. This plant is provided useful impact. For example, it can restore male strength. Seeds of Ukrop are encouraged to take patients with potency problems with reduced sexual activity and with poor or premature erection. And in the old days, this green grass was considered an aphrodisiac capable of awakening a sexual desire.

Infusion of dill seeds are recommended to drink women. Its regular use contributes to the improvement of the brain, the elimination of insomnia, normalization menstrual cycleAnd also there is an opinion that this healing agent can cure infertility.

A person who thinks about how to brew dill is pleasantly surprised to find out that there is practically no influence from it from it. Durce water can be drilled by everyone, including children from birth. For small patients, it is necessary for eliminating constipation, normalization of the intestine and for soothing.

As it turned out, the fragrant plant has huge number Healing properties. Now it is worth talking more about how to brew dill. This process is burdened with several rules:

  1. The very first stage is the collection of products. It is recommended to select only the brightest seeds. Only they are able to change the liquid into a saturated color with heat treatment.
  2. The fruits of the plant are required to pour boiling water in the ratio of 1 teaspoon of seeds on one glass of water. Adults can get a more saturated solution, brewing in one cup 2-3 teaspoons of dill seeds. This is a standard cooking method. dill waterDepending on the destination, it can change slightly.
  3. Heal must stand in 60 minutes.
  4. Next, it must be strain.
  5. IN obligatory It is required to prepare fresh infusion daily.
  6. General course of treatment or preventive event May last from 7 to 14 days. Next you need to take a break for at least 30 days. Such a folk remedy can be applied only once. For example, to eliminate pain symptom.

Separately, you need to accept decoction or sparkled seeds. Durce water can be purchased ready in the pharmacy. It is produced in the form of tea bags, but the folk remedy cooked at home from a fresh plant is the most efficient.

Is it possible?

In addition to brewing the seeds of dill, a person should know about some contraindications to use this healing Plants. It cannot be taken:

  • Hypotonized, as it can provoke a sharp decline Pressure.
  • Pregnant women, if there is a threat of pregnancy interrupt.
  • Patients having problems with the functioning of the gallbladder.
  • People having individual intolerance to this component.

You can temporarily refuse to eat dill seeds in the event that a person feels nausea, pain in the abdomen, dizziness. If a similar symptoms arose after the use of this fund, it means that the body does not accept it, it is worth choosing the most suitable method Treatment.

Benefit for healthy people

How to brew dill? It is mistaken to think that this question concerns only those people who are subject to any diseases. In fact, seeds and decoction from this plant are useful and healthy people. First, this remedy positively affects the work of the brain, relieves fatigue, helps to get rid of stress and depression.

Secondly, dill is an excellent source of beauty. It rejuvenates the skin and gives it a whitening effect. In addition, the folk remedy improves metabolism, which contributes to weight loss and purification of the organism from toxins.


If there are no contraindications, then we can safely begin treatment with such a folk remedy as dill. However, it is mistaken to think that it has only benefits for the body. For excessive use Seeds or infusion from this plant may appear pain in the abdomen or nausea.

For children up to 10 years daily dosage It is 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, adults are allowed to accept the decoction as much time, but half a glass. As for the seed of dill, an adult is recommended to chew 2-5 dill seeds per day.

Means with a diuretic effect

In modern times, dill is often used as a diuretic. How to brew it? Cooking infusion consists of 4 main stages:

  1. It should be thoroughly rinsed and dried by dill seeds. For the preparation of infusion with a diuretic effect there will be enough 5 grams.
  2. It is required to fill them hot water in the volume of 250 milligrams.
  3. The medium is required in a dark and cool place for 20 minutes.
  4. As soon as this time expires, it is enough to strain the infusion.

The finished folk remedy can be taken by 40 grams 3 times a day. Such a simple and cheap drink has a triple effect for the urethra: displays toxins, normalizes the work bladder, stimulates iteming gastric juice.

Infusion that promotes the removal of kidney cumsions

Stones in the kidneys - common and very unpleasant disease. A person with a similar diagnosis constantly feels a sense of discomfort. There are many versions of the people about the fact that the brewed dill helps. I did not exception and similar problem. To create a folk agent required:

  1. Grind or recycle in a coffee grinder 30 grams of dill seeds.
  2. Sleep dry powder into the container and pour boiling water in the amount of 250 milliliters.
  3. Leave the drink to languish for 20 minutes.
  4. Strain mortar after the expiration of time.

To remove stones from the kidneys, it is necessary to pour a glass of dopeful infusion and drink it three times with intervals equal to 6-8 hours.

Kidney stones are serious diagnosis. If it is not treated in time or wrong, then complications may arise. The use of dill water refers to the type of self-medication. Before taking such measures, it is required to consult with a specialist.

Cumber to eliminate

Up to three months of life, the baby can disturb colic. Modern pediatricians assure that this is a normal phenomenon due to the formation of digestive organs. Young moms, with the appearance of whims, the crumbs run in the pharmacy and buy the most expensive means from a similar illness. But you can cope with him at home, if you know how to brew dill from colic. The process of cooking the drug is similar to the recipes shown above. To do this, it is enough to pour 5 grams of crushed dill seeds with 250 milliliters of water, and in the future insisted and strain infusion.

You can give such a folk agent to a baby on a 1 teaspoon before meal, three times a day, you can also add it to a written breast milk or mixture. If a few hours after its use, it appeared red on the skin, then such self-medication should be immediately stopped. Each newly minted mother should be aware of how to brew dill for newborns. It is worth noting: a dill driver is sold in a pharmacy in the finished form.

Folk remedy for hypertensive

Many people S. increased pressure Wills the question of how to brew dill? This is due to the fact that this agent almost completely neutralizes all the symptoms of hypertension, namely:

  • reduces pressure to normal boundaries on the tonometer;
  • prevents the appearance of angina;
  • eliminates headaches;
  • eliminates tachycardia;
  • soothes the nervous system;
  • cleans the blood vessels.

Hypertensive need to prepare a rich dill infusion. The process of its preparation consists of 3 main steps:

  • it is necessary to take 20 grams of dill seeds treated in a coffee grinder;
  • pour them half a glass of water;
  • insist the folk remedy for at least 1 hour, then strain.

Ready infusion you can drink 3 times a day for 1-2 tablespoons.

Infusion that contributes to the elimination of bloating

The bloating is a very unpleasant disease. It may appear due to the use of harmful food, reception medicinal preparation, stress or improper functioning gastrointestinal tract. If a feeling of fullness or nagging pain In the abdomen area, it's time to think about how to brew dill from bloating.

For the preparation of infusion, 20 grams of crushed plant seeds 220 grams of steep boiling water are required. The insteading time is 30 minutes. If it is required that the infusion is saturated, it is required to further cover the capacitance with a lid. The fluid solution must be divided into 4-5 parts, which are desirable for the day, preferably before each meal.

Folk remedy for nursing mother

Each sensible woman dreams to feed her baby breast. It will provide a strong immunity, will prevent the appearance of colic, a set of overweight body, and also significantly save money on the purchase of a mixture. But unfortunately, breast milk is actively produced from every woman. If it is not, then the tide can be achieved, we use a dill driver. It contributes to strengthening blood circulation and improving metabolic processes.

It remains to talk about how to brew dill for a nursing mother. To do this, you only need to pour one tablespoon with one glass of water, to insist the folk remedy and strain it. You can use it during the day, dividing into 3 equal parts. It is recommended to preheat it.

Folk remedy for cystitis

According to statistics, every second woman at least once in his life came across cystitis. Under this concept implies inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder. Often the patient does not wait for a specialist consultation and seek to eliminate the disease alone, using funds folk Medicine. Surprisingly, one of the most effective infusions can be created from the remedies. So how to brew

  1. To prepare this tool, plant seeds are also required in the amount of 5-7 grams (approximately 1 tablespoon).
  2. It must be poured 220-250 milliliters of boiling water (approximately 1 cup).
  3. Next, this tool can be insteaded for 20 minutes or cook on slow heat for 15 minutes.
  4. At the final stage, it is necessary to neatly strain the solution through the gauze.

It is not worth throwing away the seeds of dill, you can create a unique and harmless infusion from a variety of diseases and ailments.

In which cases it is worth taking the seeds of dill therapeutic properties and contraindications of which, we will consider below? Is it true that it is simple and inexpensive means Dozens of diseases can be defeated?

Seeds are fruits of unpretentious spiced greenery, which is used in dozens of countries when cooking dishes. Then let's consider in detail the therapeutic properties and contraindications of dill seeds.

From which the seeds of dill helps

So, the effects that can be obtained:

  1. Say a decisive "no" stress. Fruit intake contributes to the correct functioning of the nervous system. Spice is useful in neurosis various etiology, insomnia, nervous overvoltage and other similar problems.
  2. Refuse chemical pharmacy spasmolitics. Dill-based funds help relieve spasms internal organs, as well as muscles and vascular network. Thanks to this property, various decoctions And infusions help to easily reduce pressure and get rid of headaches, colic in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as other states caused by spasms.
  3. Prevent infarction and significantly reduce the risk of thrombosis. Spices seeds are considered healing with many heart disease.
  4. Forget about what constipation is. A soft lifting effect is useful to those who suffer from constipation.
  5. Partitioned with swelling, regardless of the reasons that caused it. Dropsy seeds are perfectly derived excess fluid from the body, so they are shown in eath, as well as other states associated with the body of fluid in the body.
  6. Take it difficult to remove the sputum. The seeds of dill are indispensable with a strong cough, including caused by bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs and other diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system. Respiratory system It is cleared more quickly, which contributes to the speedy recovery.
  7. Receive glocker Effect. Stimulation of the production of bile and its speedy evacuation is another property for which the dill seed appreciate.
  8. "Clean" without antibiotics and aggressive methods for the body. The tool struggles with pathogenic microorganisms and putrid processes in the gastrointestinal bodies.
  9. Disinfection infected areas externally. Various folk remedies based on dopeous seed are used for wound disinfection, including complicated.
  10. Get the wind-dry effect. Reception of seed removes fermentation processes in the gastrointestinal tract, speeds up the process of digestion of food, struggling with high meteorism.
  11. Remove inflammation inside. Anti-inflammatory properties and ability to suppress the growth of pathogenic microflora make it possible to fight with inflammatory processes in a variety of organs and systems.

Interesting fact: unlike many others folk remedies, the dill seed begins to help from the first and second day of treatment.

Seeds of dill benefit and harm to the body

On the benefits of a dill seed, we told the details higher in our article. It's time to learn about possible harm For the body:

  1. Seeds themselves, as well as infusion and decoction of dill seeds and the harm of which are about the same, are contraindicated by hypotonikes, as they reduce arterial pressure.
  2. The stones in the bustling bubble is an absolute contraindication to the reception of a dill seed, since the means can provoke their evacuation.
  3. Allergy to dill, although it meets extremely rarely.

For long reception Fruit of dill in large quantities is possible the development of the following unpleasant symptoms: dizziness, weakness, fast fatiguability, funding states.

Dill seeds for pancreas

The most common pathology of this body, in which spicy fruits apply is pancreatitis.

What are good seeds "for pancakes":

  • the acidity of the stomach becomes optimal;
  • surplus bile gently leave the body;
  • spasms and edema will be stopped;
  • diarrhea passes;
  • the intestine microflora is normalized

It is important to know: dill seeds in pancreatitis is permissible to apply only outside acute stage, during acute pancreatitis Increased production and evacuation of bile can only aggravate the state.

The best recipes for the healing of digestive organs:

  • broth classic. Slowly heated on the plate a glass of water, in which you first need to pour out one teaspoon of seed. Boiling ten minutes, insist eight hours, filter. We accept this: three times a day, before eating, on a teaspoon;
  • grind dry fruits in flour, put in a container with a lid. We accept this: on a quarter of a teaspoon three times a day, drinking water;
  • classic infusion. Inspect the tablespoon of the original raw materials in the glass of boiling water for an hour. We accept this: in the course of the day the infusion you need to drink in equal shares.

The course of treatment should not exceed fourteen days, then you can take a break and repeat the medical program.

Seeds of dill from pressure recipe

Dill seed in treatment hypertensive disease It is valued for its ability to provide a comprehensive effect on the patient's body.

Useful effects for hypertensive:

How to use? First, the classic decoction of the seed of dill, the recipe of which is given above. Secondly, it is possible to apply the following infusion: a tablespoon of ground seeds insisted on a glass of boiling water a quarter of an hour, take one hundred milliliters before eating three times a day.

If there is a problem with falling asleep, you need to insist a tablespoon on a glass of boiling water for a quarter of an hour, strain, drink half a package before going to bed. Take hot.

Dill seeds for newborns

Long until the invention of modern bags and jars with probiotics and prebiotics, the mother of infants were saved exactly by dill water. Against the background of regular reception, bloating, pain, spasms, problems with the digestion of milk, etc.

Recipe: connect the spoon of seeds and a glass of boiling water, hold on the water bath of half an hour, fill the water to the source volume, flicker.

Take half an hour before feeding, three or four times a day, the norm: from a tea to the tablespoon to receive.

It is important to know: carefully follow the reaction of the infant, dill can cause allergies. For achievement best Effect The tool can be taken and a woman during lactation.

Dill seeds when cystitis

With this common female problem Durce seed helps:

  • stop inflammatory process;
  • reduce body t;
  • improve immune function;
  • accelerate regeneration at the cellular level;
  • remove spasm;
  • improve the work of the whole system of urinary;
  • keep pain syndrome.

Three useful recipe against cystitis:

  1. Within two weeks four to five times a day, half an hour before eating two tablespoons of infusion. To obtain infusion of a teaspoon of seeds with a glass of boiling water, to insist a quarter of an hour, strain.
  2. It is useful twice a day to take grinding seeds, half a teaspoon. Wash down warm water.
  3. A teaspoon of a ground seed insisted on a glass of boiling water within an hour. Take all the contents of a glass once a day, before breakfast.

The general course of treatment should be at least two or three weeks.

Important: any infection must be treated under the control of the doctor. Dropy infusions and decoctions - means of auxiliary, not basic therapy.

Dill seeds for weight loss

Dill is able to significantly improve digestion, save the gastrointestinal gap bodies from rotary processes, remove flatulence, as well as accelerate the absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. But it is worth understanding that without a rational diet and adequate level physical Loads Lose weight with seeds - will not succeed.

The easiest way to use for those who want to get rid of the problems with digestion are pouring a tablespoon of dill flour with a glass of boiling water, cover, after a quarter of an hour, they focus and take, dividing into three parts. Best time Reception - Twenty minutes to meals.

Treatment of dill seeds when urinary incontinence

The treatment of Enurraw is always complex, therefore the use of folk remedies is an excellent addition to the medication, psychological and other types of therapy.

Two best recipe from Enurrawa for children and adults:

In both cases, after a small break, the course of treatment can be repeated.

Dill seeds with prostate prostaty and adenoma

With such pathology, the seed of dill is also able to remove unpleasant symptoms And help in recovery. Reached effects:

  • fighting pathogenic bacteria. This effect is especially useful at the prostate infectious nature;
  • antispasmodic. It takes the pain that gives a discomfort man and, as a rule, poorly removed even by medicines;
  • normalization of the nervous system. Improving the emotional background, the fight against insomnia, increasing stress resistance - it also helps in solving "male" problems;
  • normalization of urine outflow. A man stops getting up to the toilet every hour;
  • the vasodilatory action helps to improve the blood supply to the genital organs, delivering to them useful material And ensuring normal operation.
  1. Alcohol Tincture counter chronic prostatitis and adenoma. Fifty grams of crushed seed fill with 50% alcohol, insist two weeks, we take on a teaspoon before each meal.
  2. Means for enhancement male power and restoring sexual function. We mix in the thermos 35 grams of crushed valerian root, 200 grams of seeds, 400 ml of honey, add 1.6 liters of boiling water, insist for a day. Take fifteen milliliters, several times a day, before meals. The course can be sufficiently long.

Useful advice: Seeds in the amount of teaspoon per day can be used for the prevention of male sex disorders. Fresh or fried product you need to warm well and drink water.

Dill seeds during pregnancy

Let's start with the fact that take the gift of nature during pregnancy is not prohibited, on the contrary, this tool allows:

  • reduce the urge to vomiting during the period of toxicosis;
  • reduce level blood pressure;
  • improve kidney work;
  • establish the work of the nervous system;
  • normalize the work of the GCT.

How to make the mammy to take seed of dill? The remedy in the form of beads and tinctures perfectly relieves swelling, helps with insomnia and headaches, stops inflammatory processes and establishes the work of the gastrointestinal organs.

But to defeat the attack of nausea, it is better to chew dry seeds and drink them with water. The quantity should be small: no more than one teaspoon per day.

It is important to remember: Using dill during pregnancy, you should not be guided by the principle: "The more, the better," because with excessive use, the product can contribute to premature launch generic activity.

Conducting treatment with spicy fruits, you not only get several more useful effects for health effects, but also satisfy the body with a large number of vitamins, minerals, food fibers and trace elements.

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