Design of a project in kindergarten. Short-term project in kindergarten. Senior group

Documentation of the project.

Shatokhina Rita Vyacheslavovna, teacher additional education MBU DO "House of Children's Creativity in Kalininsk, Saratov Region"
In modern pedagogy, the project method is considered as one of the personally oriented teaching technologies. Project method - educational technology, focused not on the integration of factual knowledge, but on its application and acquisition of new ones, sometimes through self-education.

Approximate design of the project.

Introduction. There is a problem. Work on a project is always aimed at solving a specific problem. No problem - no activity. What is innovation? this project? Summary project, a list of questions that project participants pose to themselves.
1.1.Section. "The main part of the project."
Setting goals and objectives, relevance. Determining the time to work on a project (short-term, long-term), determining the type of project:
Projects are:
a) research;
b) creative;
c) gaming;
d) information projects;
e) practice-oriented.
1.2. Action planning. During the analysis and discussion of the project, a plan of joint action between the student and the teacher is developed. A bank of ideas and proposals is being created. Throughout the entire work, the teacher helps in setting goals, corrects the work, but in no case imposes his vision of solving the problem.
Project participants are divided into groups of 2 to 5 people, depending on the number of students in the group. Roles are assigned in each group: for example, idea generator, presenter, designer, critic, encyclopedist, secretary, etc. The tasks assigned to each group and the deadlines for their completion are clearly stated. The stages of work on the project can be reflected in an example table:
Tasks or task.
Responsible for implementation. Or a group.
1.3. Budgeting: what pedagogical, student, and material resources will be used to implement this project. It could just be a list.
1.4. Definition of customer of this project: for whom?
1.5. Search for information. Provide sources.
1.6. Planned result. What will students gain? What will the teacher gain?
2. Section.
2.1. Result of work– product. Description of the work result: script, report, presentation, etc.
Students, having chosen feasible technologies to create their work, clarify, analyze the collected information, and formulate conclusions. The teacher acts as a scientific consultant. The results of completed projects must be, as they say, “tangible”. If this theoretical problem, then its specific solution, if a practical concrete result, ready for use (in class, at school, in real life).
2.2. Presentation of results- presentation of the finished product. In other words, the implementation of the project requires, at the final stage, the presentation of the product and the defense of the project itself, which can be carried out in the form of a competition, exhibition, presentation, or speech.
During the defense, students demonstrate and comment on the depth of development of the problem posed, its relevance, explain the result obtained, while developing their oratorical abilities. Each project is assessed by all class participants. Students watch the work of others with interest and, with the help of the teacher, learn to evaluate them.
The result of the presentation can be reviews or comments from listeners, a link on the Internet, guests or parents, articles in the media, diplomas, certificates.
3. The final part of the project.
Conduct reflection. Diagnostics. Suggested questions: Have you acquired new knowledge or skills while working on the project? What was the most interesting thing about working on the project? What were the main challenges and how did you overcome them? What comments and suggestions can you make for the future? Students can be encouraged by expressing gratitude with words or by presenting a diploma for a project developer, scientific researcher, best designer, etc.

This project on the intellectual development of older preschoolers through play contains methodological developments and practical material. The practical significance of the project lies in the creation of a developmental environment that includes an area for independent play activities. The project is addressed to teachers of preschool educational institutions and parents.

Project passport

Project name"Play and develop."

Educational areas: social-communicative, cognitive, speech development, artistic-aesthetic, physical.

Project type: group, creative.

Project implementation timeframe: 01.10.2014 to 31.05.2015

Project focus: complex ( different types children's game).

Project type: creative.

Duration: long-term, intended for older children preschool age(5-6 years)

Fundamental Principles implementation of the project principles of the federal state educational standard preschool education:

  • supporting childhood diversity; preserving the uniqueness and intrinsic value of childhood as important stage V general development person;
  • personal developmental and humanistic nature of interaction between adults and children;
  • respect for the child's personality;
  • implementation of the program in forms specific to children of this age group, primarily in the form of a game, educational and research activities, in the form of creative activity that ensures the artistic and aesthetic development of the child.

Relevance of the project.

Life in the twenty-first century confronts us with many new problems, among which the most pressing is the problem of the intellectual development of preschoolers.

There are probably no parents on the globe who would not dream of their baby growing up as a healthy, intellectually and comprehensively developed child.

Every child is curious and insatiable in learning about the world around them. In order for the baby's curiosity to be satisfied, and for him to grow in constant mental and intellectual development All adults are interested.

Federal state educational standards preschool education (FSES) provide for the creation of favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, the formation general culture the personality of children, including the values ​​of the intellectual development of a preschooler. All five educational areas of the Federal State Educational Standard are aimed at developing the intellectual abilities of preschoolers.

It is in preschool age that it is very important to stimulate development thought processes: the ability to compare, recognize, generalize, and draw conclusions for a painless, smooth transition of a preschooler from preschool to school.

Working with children of senior preschool age, I noticed that a child’s intellect develops best during play, when he unconsciously and naturally absorbs new knowledge about the world around him. I take this fact into account in my work, but I try not to overdo it and not to extinguish the child’s cognitive interest. In order to effectively stimulate the child’s intellectual development in the game, I offer him options for continuing the game that the child started on his own initiative. I offer children new interesting activities, maintain their keen interest in all new objects and phenomena, but their preferences remain the main factor when choosing educational games and exercises.

Celebrating each child's achievement and encouraging him kind words and affection, we thereby increase his self-confidence and desire for new results, and these qualities are simply necessary for the child’s intellectual development and his success in the future.

The purpose and objectives of the project.

Objective of the project: creating a comfortable gaming environment for the development of an intellectually developed personality.

Project objectives:

  1. To form in children a desire for self-improvement.
  2. To instill in children a desire to acquire new knowledge and skills.
  3. Strengthen the skills acquired in the game.
  4. Replenish and enrich the subject-specific educational environment.

Project participants: children , teachers, junior teacher, parents.

Project target group: The project is intended for children of senior preschool age.

Main forms of project implementation can be traced in the educational process and are divided into:

  • Educational activities carried out during the organization process various types activities,
  • Educational activities carried out during restricted periods.

Organized educational activities include:

  • Games aimed at the comprehensive development of the child;
  • Reading and discussion of fiction;
  • Creation of pedagogical situations;
  • Examination and discussion of subject and subject pictures, illustrations;
  • Productive activity;
  • Listening and discussing folk and children's music;
  • Games and exercises based on the texts of poems, nursery rhymes, songs;
  • Comprehensive game classes in all educational areas

Group, intergroup and garden-wide events:

  • Thematic leisure activities;
  • Holidays;
  • Intelligent KVNs;
  • Open days;
  • Theatrical performances.

Expected results of the project.

For children:

  • apply acquired knowledge and methods of activity to solve new problems;
  • plan your actions aimed at achieving a specific goal;
  • master the universal prerequisites for educational activities;
  • solve age-appropriate intellectual problems.

For parents:

  • uniting parents, children and teachers on issues of intellectual development.

For teachers:

  • increasing knowledge on improving intellectual skills in children of senior preschool age;
  • uniting parents, children and teachers on issues of intellectual development;
  • equipping the subject-developing educational environment with didactic games, manuals, methodological developments on the development of intellectual abilities in children of senior preschool age.

Project activity product:

  • photographic material;
  • development of methodological recommendations;
  • project presentation.

List of main directions of the project

Equipment for the subject-developmental environment of the senior group of kindergarten:

Corner decoration:

  • formation of elementary mathematical concepts,
  • cognitive development,
  • speech development,
  • artistic and aesthetic development,
  • physical development.

2. Production of teaching aids.

3. Make a selection of games for intellectual development.

Methodical piggy bank:

  • draw up a long-term work plan for the intellectual development of older preschoolers.
  • develop notes on activities, entertainment and leisure activities.
  • select and prepare methodological material for the development of intellectual abilities in older preschoolers.

Working with parents:

Increasing the competence of parents in the development of intellectual abilities in children of senior preschool age through individual consultations, workshops, conversations, master classes, parent meetings, intellectual KVNs.

Brief description of the project by stages.

Stage 1 – preparatory.

October 2014

Diagnostics at the initial stage of the project helps to identify the degree of activity of parents in organizing games for the development of intellectual abilities in children through a questionnaire. In subsequent activities, diagnostics help to monitor the dynamics and effectiveness of project activities. Diagnostics are carried out by teachers.

Stage 2 is the main one.

November-March 2015

Includes execution detailed plan work on all types of activities with children; joint educational work with children and parents to solve assigned problems; selection works of art, nursery rhymes, riddles, various games on this topic, logical problems, exercises, direct educational activities in the five educational areas of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Stage 3 – final.

April – May 2015

Summing up the work on the project; survey

parents and children survey; project presentation.

Resource support

No. Name of the resource base Quantity
1. Game room 1
2. Game material, including non-traditional In sufficient quantities
3. Technical means:
  • record player,
  • projector for multimedia presentations
4. Visual material:

picture material (illustration, poster),

demonstration material (didactic toys),

teaching aids, cards

In sufficient quantities
5. Methodological material:

general developmental preschool education program,

calendar - thematic plans by educational areas,

developmental program for older children “Intellectual development of children through mathematical games”

In sufficient quantities

Project Implementation Plan

Preparatory stage

(October 2014)

Events target participants deadlines
1. Selection of material on the project topic Systematization of the received material Educators 1st week of October
2. Diagnostic examination Planning activities for project implementation Teachers, children 1st week of October
3. Planning activities on the project topic Compilation calendar plan work Educators 2-3 week of October
4. Interaction with parents aimed at project implementation Introducing parents to the project Educators,


4th week of November

Main stage

(November 2014 – March 2015)

Contents of the activity Tasks Resources Performers and co-performers Implementation deadlines

Social and communicative development:

1. The plot-role-playing game “Let’s go for a visit.”

2. “Birds in a Trap.”

3. “Toys Alive.”

4. "Dandelion".

5. We have order."

6. Excursion to school, library.

Develop the child’s interaction and communication with adults and peers.

Involve parents in creating conditions for role-playing games.

Classes, excursions, didactic and educational games.

Role-playing games

Children and teachers


November December

January February


Cognitive development

1. “Letter from Dunno.”

2. “High - low, far - close.”

3. “Chicken Ryaba.”

4. “Pick it up quickly.”

5. “Find the same one.”

6. "Bats."

7. “What are we doing.”

8. “Mysterious fingerprints.”

9. Logic problems, puzzles, crosswords.

10. Games with Dienesh blocks

Develop interest, curiosity, cognitive motivation Form primary ideas about yourself, other people, objects of the surrounding world, their properties and relationships Classes, didactic, educational board games, word games, logic problems. Role-playing games Children and teachers, parents According to the plan of the educational process.

Speech development

Finger games - we depict numbers and letters with our fingers;

Exercises to develop mobility, strength and flexibility of the fingers;

Riddles (reading, writing, concepts of time, plants, etc.)

physical education minutes

in class, etc.

Develop coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech. Learn to speak as a means of communication and culture Use of poems, riddles, proverbs, sayings, etc. in classes, game training for speech development, theatrical games Children and teachers, parents According to the plan of the educational process.

November December

January February


Artistic and aesthetic development

Logic exercises:

Continue the series, finding the error, drawing conclusions.

Modeling “Russian nesting doll”, “I have a mustachioed friend, the cat Matroskin Striped”

Application “New Year's fun”, “Kitchenware”

Drawing “Dear Mommy, My Mom”

"Good Doctor Aibolit"


independent creative activity when drawing various objects, hatching, etc., when modeling from plasticine, applique

Workbooks, exercise books for the development of a child's hand, fun homework, graphic dictations, albums on modeling and do-it-yourself appliqués Children and

teachers, parents

According to the plan of the educational process.

(in the first half of the day)

November December

January February


Physical development:

Escape games:

"Tag", "Rockets"

Jumping games:

"Bag Running", "Jumping Rope"

Ball games:

“Tag with the ball”, “Relay race with the ball passing”

Word games:

“Repeat it again”, “Let the crow get wet”

Riddles - folds; pure tongue twisters and tongue twisters; Folk games;

"Paints", "Chain Break" Develop physical qualities in a child. Strengthen gross and fine motor skills during physical education sessions included in every lesson and in children’s free activities

Folk games,

Children and teachers, parents According to the plan of the educational process.

(in the first half of the day)

November December

January February

Dynamic breaks, psycho-gymnastics, physical education, outdoor games

Working with parents Carrying out The content of the work
1 Methodological support October


“Does a child need a game and why?”

"Research on gaming activity"

Magazine – “Directory of a senior preschool teacher

2 2007 No. 6-8 november Consultation for parents: “Intellectual development of a preschool child”

L.I. Sorokina Website for teachers preschool institutions

3 mail. ru December
4 Meeting with parents at a round table. Speech by parents about their experience of organizing children's games at home January Working together with parents to organize the “Center entertaining mathematics » Games: “Find a Pair”, “Make a Picture”, “Logical Lotto”, etc.
5 E.V.Serbina “Mathematics for kids” February Consultation for parents “The importance of entertaining material for children’s development” Z.A. Mikhailova “Game entertaining tasks
6 for preschoolers March

Joint competition with parents for savvy people “Hurry up, don’t make a mistake”

The final stage

(April-May 2015) Events Target Participants
1 . Diagnostic examination: "Development mental processes at a preschooler." Educators Identification and
May Questionnaire “Parents’ attitude to the intellectual development of their child.” determination of implementation effectiveness
Parents Children, Questioning of parents “Play and develop.”
"Card index of games for the formation of intellectual abilities in preschoolers"

“Entertaining physical education minutes”;

"Games that teach"; “Relaxation games”, “Developing hands”;

Increasing the competence of teachers in terms of developing mental health in children Teachers Educators April
“Games in the air, with water”; Outdoor games.
3. Intellectual marathon:


Consolidation and generalization of the material covered. Educators 05/15/2015
4. Creating a folder for parents: “Preschool childhood - first period mental development child" (memos, recommendations, booklets, consultations). Improving the pedagogical culture of parents according to

the issue of intellectual development





1. Belousova, L.E. Amazing stories [Text]: library of the “Childhood” program / L.E. Belousova. – M.; Enlightenment, 2003. - 214 p.

2. Buktakova, V.M. Games for kindergarten [Text]: a manual for teachers / V.M. Buktakova. – S.–P.; Sphere, 2009. – 168 p.

3. Kolesnikova E. V. I solve logical problems [Text]: Tutorial/ E.V. Kolesnikova. – M.; Sphere shopping center, 2015. – 48 p.

4. Matyushkin A.M. Thinking, learning, creativity [Text]: A.M. Matyushkin. - M.; Voronezh, 2003. – 85 p.

5. Mikhailova Z.A. Entertaining game tasks for preschoolers [Text]: a manual for educators /Z.A. Mikhailova. – M.; Enlightenment, 2007. – 287 p.

6. Psychology of giftedness in children and adolescents [Text]: a manual for teachers / ed. N.S. Leites. - M., Sfera shopping center, 2010 - 205 p.

7. Mikhailova Z.A. Logico – mathematical development preschoolers / Z.A. Mikhailova, K.A Nosova - St. Petersburg. LLC Publishing House Childhood - press, 2013. - 128 p.

8. Sorokina L.I. Intellectual development of children, 5 - 6 years old:

[Text]: manual for teachers / L.I. Sorokina.-Humanitarian Publishing Center VLADOS, 2014 – 145 p.

9. Yuzbekova E.A. The place of play in the intellectual development of a preschooler [Text]: Moscow, 2006. – 256 p.

The full version of the work is available.

Unfortunately, in modern society Many parents leave the upbringing, education and development of their children to general education institutions. Often, parents have little interest in the success of their children. It is very difficult to interest them, and it is almost impossible to attract them to joint activities. But it is in joint activities that the child’s full development occurs. Preschool age is a period very susceptible to everything that happens around. Everything, absolutely everything that happens to a child under 5 years old leaves its mark on his entire life. later life. It is during this period that children especially need the attention of their parents. What was lost during this time will never be made up.
Each child has his own Zone of Proximal Development - this is what the child already knows how to do together with an adult, but is not yet able to do on his own. It is these skills that the child is ready to master in the near future. In order to teach a child something, you need to do it with him. And do it several times. At first he will just watch, then he will make his minimal contribution, and then he will be able to do it himself. And in this the main role belongs to parents.
It is very difficult to convey to modern, educated and very, very busy parents the idea that a child must not only be fed, clothed, put to bed, but also communicate with him, teach him to reflect, think, empathize. And how great it is to do everything together - play, walk, talk on different topics, share secrets, come up with different stories, do crafts, read books and even watch cartoons. For a child aged 3–4 years, an adult is a whole world, so mysterious and unknown. He is interested in everything that mom and dad do, what they talk about, etc. And if the parents do what the baby needs and is useful, then the baby will perceive this as the norm. This is also useful for developing adequate self-esteem in children. After all, when a child receives praise from a significant adult, he feels truly important and valuable, and understands that his efforts were not in vain. And when his mother helps and guides him a little in the process of joint creativity, he understands that nothing is impossible, if only he has the desire.
Working in kindergarten with children, I came to the conclusion that one of the main stages of a teacher’s activity is to find mutual understanding with parents.
Working with parents is one of the conditions for the development of creative abilities in preschool children. Creative tasks for parents, organization of competitions, participation in project activities, joint events aimed at developing the creative abilities of children - all this helps to establish trusting relationships between the kindergarten and the family, and also opens up opportunities for parents to participate in the educational process. That is why I decided to create a long-term project “We are together.”
The project is ultimately aimed at solving one main problem - Involving parents in joint activities with children and participation in the educational process.

Relevance of the project creation
Often, modern parents do not know what to do with their child, much less what to do with a 3-4 year old child. Most parents do not want or are afraid to participate in joint activities in kindergarten. Many people do not understand why, for what purpose and for whom this is needed. But it is they and their children who need this, because what older child, the further in his interests he becomes from his parents, who did not take part in his “garden” life. And how confident in himself and his abilities is a child, whose mother or father will always come to the rescue. How nice it is for a child to see and feel the support of a loved one.
Employees of educational institutions must clearly convey this information to parents and carry out sufficient quantity activities with the involvement of parents, so that parents understand from experience the importance of joint activities with their children.
That is why the development of the “We are together” project is becoming relevant.

Upbringing modern child and his cognitive abilities is a priority, the most important task of preschool pedagogy, especially in modern conditions, since any country needs knowledgeable people who are confident in themselves and their abilities, constantly developing people who will be successful in business, diversified and, in a word, interesting personalities.

Goals, objectives, expected results and products

Strategic goal: Strengthening the relationship between parents and children through joint creativity in a preschool institution.
Tactical goals:
1. Creating a plan for conducting master classes with sample topics.
2. Creating conditions for parents to attend events at the preschool.
3. Formation of the correct attitude among parents towards the upbringing and education of their child.
4. Organizing events for parents to participate in together with their children.
1. Involve parents in educational process.
2. Promote parents' desire to interact with their child.
3. Encourage parents to support children's interest and curiosity.
4. Involve parents in joint activities with children.
5. Increase parents’ readiness to develop the child’s creative potential.
6. Develop the literacy of parents as educators of the child’s cognitive activity.
7. Build skills and ability to organize joint activities with kids.
8. Develop communication between an adult and a child, the ability to find common interests.
Expected results:
1. Increasing pedagogical literacy among parents.
2. Participation of parents in the educational process and in educational activities.
3. Strengthening the relationship between parents and children.
4. Establishing trusting relationships between the kindergarten and the family.
1. Presentation-report on the results of the events.
Ways to solve the project:
Draw up a plan for conducting creative master classes and events with the involvement of parents.
Take into account the requirements and opinions of parents regarding the time period for conducting master classes (day of the week, time of holding).
Take account age characteristics children when preparing for events and taking notes.
The project implementation is expected to last 9 months: from September 1, 2016 to May 31, 2017.
No. Stages Goal Time frame
1. Preparatory and design stage
Draw up an event plan, think through the tasks to be solved for each event.
Select materials for creating notes. 01.09.2016 – 01.10.2016
2. Practical stage
Conducting master classes, achieving the objectives set at the first stage. 01.10.2016 – 15.05.2017
3. Project presentation
Report on the work performed. 05/15/2017 – 05/31/2017

Event plan.
No. month Direction Topic of the event Form of delivery
1. October “Artistic and aesthetic development” “Golden Autumn” (co-creation of parents and children) Competition-exhibition of creative works of children and parents
November “Artistic and aesthetic development”
“Social and communicative development” “Plate for Grandma” (drawing in unconventional ways on a paper plate) Master class for parents with children
December “Artistic and aesthetic development” “Winter patterns” (co-creation of parents and children) Competition-exhibition of creative works by children and parents
December “Artistic and aesthetic development”
“Social and communicative development” “Soon, soon New Year"(making gift wrapping in the form of candy from a toilet paper roll) Master class for parents with children
January “Artistic and aesthetic development”
“Social and communicative development” “Drawing while playing” (drawing with grains and pva) Master class for parents with children
January “Physical development” “Come on, mommies!” ( sport competitions) Participation in the inter-district stage
February “Physical development” “Visiting Tuzik” Open lesson By physical culture for parents
February “Physical development” “February 23” Leisure activities with the participation of pupils’ fathers
February “Artistic and aesthetic development”
“Social and communicative development” “Gift for Dad” (making a boat from cleaning materials: rags, sponges) Master class for parents with children
February “Social and communicative development” “Sweet fantasies” (exchange of experience on how to create tasty and healthy dish for a child) round table
March “Physical development” “Come on, mommies!” (sports competitions) Competitions between families of gymnasium students
March “Artistic and aesthetic development”
“Social and communicative development” “Spring mood” (making flowers from colored napkins, creating a collective composition) Master class for parents with children
April “Cognitive development” “Journey on a magic train” Open lesson on FEMP for parents
April “Artistic and aesthetic development”
“Social and communicative development” “Landscape” (drawing using unconventional methods) Master class for parents with children
May “Artistic and aesthetic development” “Victory Day!” (co-creation of parents and children) Competition-exhibition of creative works of children and parents

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Municipal budget educational institution average comprehensive school named after D.D. Yafarov, village Tatarsky Kanadey



Senior group

Educator: Sanzhapova G.R.

2014 – 2015 academic year G.

Relevance of the project: in modern conditions the problem environmental education preschoolers acquires particular poignancy and relevance. It is during preschool childhood that the formation of human personality, the formation of the beginnings of ecological culture. Therefore, it is very important to awaken children’s interest in living nature, cultivate a love for it, and teach them to take care of the world around them.

Project type: informational and creative.

Project participants: children of the senior group, parents of pupils, teachers of the group.

Project implementation period: short-term (1 week).

The theme of the project “Wintering Birds” was not chosen by chance. After all, it is the birds that surround us all year round, bringing benefit and joy to people. During the cold season, there is significantly less available food, but the need for it increases. Sometimes natural food becomes practically unavailable, so many birds cannot survive the winter and die. And we, teachers, together with parents, must teach pupils to see this, expanding their understanding of wintering birds, their habits and way of life, and create conditions for the child to communicate with the natural world.

Events : formation of ecological knowledge about wintering birds and a responsible, careful attitude towards them.


Replenish the subject-development environment on the topic of the project.

Expand children's horizons about wintering birds.

To promote the development of creative and intellectual abilities of students.

Involve students and parents in helping birds in difficult winter conditions.

Stages project implementation:

Stage I – preparatory.

Discussion of goals and objectives with children and parents.

Creation necessary conditions to implement the project.

Long-term project planning.

Development and accumulation teaching materials on the problem.

Stage II – basic (practical).

Introduction into the educational process effective methods and techniques for expanding preschoolers’ knowledge about wintering birds.

Stage III is the final stage.

Presentation of the project result in the form of a presentation.

Organization and participation of parents in the exhibition "Best bird feeder".

Carrying out a promotion "Bird's Dining Room"

Parents are told the topic of the week and given homework:

Make a feeder together with your child.

By adding food, develop lexicon child.

2. Memorize poems about wintering birds.

3. Guess riddles about wintering birds.

4. Look at wintering birds in illustrations in books and magazines, bring books to the preschool group.

5. While looking at books with the children, I set a goal that we would talk about wintering birds all week. With the help of the children, we drew up a plan for the implementation of the project. The children planned to learn about birds from films, encyclopedias, presentations, etc.

Contents of work during the project implementation.

I. Game activity:

Didactic games.

Role-playing games.


Outdoor games.

Breathing exercises.

Development exercise fine motor skills hands

II. Cognitive activity:

Formation of a holistic picture

III. Conversations.

IV. Solving a problem situation.

V. Bird watching in winter.

VI. Work. VII. Communication.

VIII.Creative storytelling.

IX. Artistic creativity:


Modeling from plasticine.


X. Music.

XI. Working with parents.

Expected Result.

Expanding children's horizons about wintering birds.

Improving the subject-development environment.

Development of curiosity, creativity, cognitive activity, and communication skills in children.

Active participation of pupils and parents in helping birds in difficult winter conditions.

“So birds and people live side by side, often not paying attention to each other, sometimes quarreling, sometimes rejoicing at each other, like members of one big family. Which one of them needs more - man for birds or birds for man? But will man survive if there are no birds left on Earth?

E.N. Golovanov

Project implementation stages:

Stage I – preparatory

Discussion of goals and objectives with children and parents. Creating the necessary conditions for the implementation of the project. Long-term project planning. Development and accumulation of methodological materials on the problem.

Stage II – basic (practical)

Introduction into the educational process of effective methods and techniques to expand the knowledge of preschoolers about wintering birds.

Homework for parents Recommendations for walking together. Make a feeder together with your child. By adding food, develop the child’s vocabulary. Learning poems about wintering birds. Guessing riddles about wintering birds. Look at wintering birds in illustrations in books and magazines, bring books to kindergarten.

Game activities Didactic games:

“One-many”, “Name it affectionately”, “Counting birds”, “The fourth odd one”, “Guess the bird by description”, “Whose tail?”, “Who eats what”, “Find out by voice”, “What do birds eat " N/and “Domino” (birds), “Cut pictures”, Lotto. Labyrinth Wintering birds. Role-playing games: “Bird yard”. Theatricalization: “Where the sparrow dined.”

Lotto. Labyrinth Wintering birds.

"Cut pictures"

Outdoor games

“Bullfinches”, “Sparrows and the cat”, “Wintering and migratory birds", "Sparrows and the car", "Owl".

Cognitive activity:

Formation of a holistic picture of the world.

Subject:"Wintering Birds"

Goals: tell children about wintering birds, explain the reason for their migrations (migratory, wintering); teach to answer questions with complete answers, promote a caring attitude towards birds.

FEMP Topic:“How many birds flew to our feeder?”


“How do our feathered friends live in winter”, “Who takes care of birds”, “Do birds bring benefit or harm?”, “Birds’ menu”, “How do children and parents take care of birds in winter?”

Solution to a problem situation: “What can happen if you don’t feed the birds in winter.”

Bird watching in winter:

Tit watching, wintering bird watching, crow watching, pigeon watching.


making feeders, cleaning feeders, feeding birds.


Reading stories: I. Turgenev “Sparrow”, M. Gorky “Sparrow” + watching a cartoon, N. Rubtsov “Sparrow” and “Crow”. Sukhomlinsky “What is the titmouse crying about”, watching the cartoon “High Hill”, watching presentations: “Wintering birds”, “Feeders”. Creative story “How I saved a bird.” Learning and reading poems about wintering birds; discussion of proverbs, sayings, guessing riddles; looking at illustrations depicting wintering birds.

Artistic creativity :


Target: develop interest and a positive attitude towards the unconventional drawing technique - with palms.

Modeling from plasticine“Learning to sculpt birds”:

Target: learn to sculpt birds from a whole piece.


Target: learn to convey the structural features and coloring of the bullfinch using silhouette cutting. Music: Audio recording “Bird Voices”. Musically - didactic game“Birds and Chicks”, music. etc. E. Tilicheeva

Working with parents:

Consultations for parents:

“How and from what you can make a bird feeder.” Individual conversations: “Do you discuss the topic of the week with your child at home?

Stage III - final

Presentation of the project result in the form of a presentation. Organization of the exhibition “The best bird feeder”. Carrying out an event with parents “Bird Canteen”

Results of the project implementation.

Children's horizons about wintering birds have been expanded. The subject-development environment has improved: literature, photographs, illustrations, poems, stories about birds, riddles, presentations about wintering birds. Children develop curiosity Creative skills, cognitive activity, communication skills. The pupils and their parents took an active part in helping the birds in difficult winter conditions.
