Increased eosinophils in infants. What does this mean and the necessary actions for elevated eosinophils in a child. The function of eosinophils is to neutralize

Functions of eosinophils

Locations of eosinophils: lungs, skin capillaries, gastrointestinal tract.

They fight foreign proteins by absorbing and dissolving them. Their main functions are:

  • antihistamine;
  • antitoxic;
  • phagocytic.


The eosinophil rate is calculated by determining the level of cells as a percentage of the number of all white cells. Acceptable level Eosinophils in the blood vary depending on childhood age:

  • in infants up to one month old– no more than 6%;
  • up to 12 months – no more than 5%;
  • from one year to three years of age - no more than 7%;
  • from three to six years – no more than 6%;
  • from six to twelve years – no more than 5%.

In children over 12 years of age upper limit eosinophils should not exceed 5% of the total number of leukocytes.

What are eosinophils

Deviations from norms

Eosinophil cells exceed the norm in the blood if the child has:

  • scarlet fever;
  • psoriasis;
  • vasculitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pneumonia;
  • hepatitis;
  • heart defects.

Deviations from the norm occur after severe burns, surgery to remove the spleen, as well as as a result of taking antibiotics and hormonal drugs. A genetic factor also often causes high levels of leukocyte eosinophils in the blood.

Eosinophil abnormalities


An excess of eosinophils in the blood is called eosinophilia. Distinguish the following types pathologies:

  1. Reactive eosinophilia. The cell level is increased by no more than 15%.
  2. Moderate eosinophilia. The excess of the norm from the number of all leukocytes is no more than 20%.
  3. High eosinophilia. The number of eosinophilic leukocytes is more than 20%.

At serious pathologies excess of the norm may be 50% or more.

Eosinophilia does not have characteristic symptoms, clinical manifestations pathologies depend on the disease that caused changes in the blood. The child has elevated temperature body, heart failure, joint and muscle pain, weight loss, anemia, skin rashes.

Rash due to eosinophilia

If a child is detected in the tests large quantity eosinophilic cells, you should contact your pediatrician. He will prescribe a urine test, scraping for worm eggs, and serological tests. If necessary, the doctor will refer the baby to an allergist and dermatologist.

Important! If, even after the treatment, they remain elevated, it is recommended to undergo examination to determine the level of immunoglobulin.

So, the main task of eosinophils is to neutralize pathogenic microorganisms, destruction of histamine produced during allergies. A high level of eosinophils indicates the presence of children's body diseases such as dermatitis, rubella, scarlet fever, asthma, tuberculosis. The concentration of cells in the blood depends on the age of the child. In infants, a rate of eight percent is allowed in relation to other leukocytes, and in older children it should not exceed five percent. At correct diagnosis and treatment of the disease that caused the increase in the level of cells in the blood, their indicator will soon return to normal.

Eosinophils (EO) are a type of segmented granules containing leukocytes that are stained with the pigment eosin. If eosinophils in a child’s blood are elevated, it means the body has reacted to something unknown to itself: a mosquito bite, a new dietary component, a recent vaccination, or an invasion of a pathogen. In any case, if you have a child, this means it’s time to go to see a pediatrician.

Orderlies who free the body from biological waste from the confrontation of leukocytes and foreign protein antigens.

In a standard blood test, EO is usually measured as a percentage of the number of all leukocytes. Eosinophils are born in bone marrow, from which, through the bloodstream, they are transferred to where they are needed. A young organism differs from an adult in increased vascular permeability for EO, ​​therefore, the reaction of eosinophils to unfamiliar substances or creatures is more pronounced.

What are the causes of eosinophilia in a child? Tracking the dynamics of an increase in the number of eosinophils in a child’s blood, according to Dr. Komarovsky, is prognostic in nature. If at the beginning of the disease they are observed, then at the beginning of recovery, moderate eosinophilia is recorded, that is, the cells have overcome the 5% bar.

An increase in the number of EOs in the peripheral blood is caused by an imbalance in the processes of cell formation in the medula, their movement and death in tissues.

In a child, the most common cause of increased eosinophils in the blood is helminthic infestations (), allergic intolerance. main reason infection with worms - lack of habit of washing hands before eating, especially after contact with your favorite pets.

The most common cause of allergic reactions is individual food intolerance.

Other causes of eosinophilia in a child:

  • Staphylococcosis;
  • Mycoses;
  • Deficiency;
  • Inflammatory processes in blood vessels4
  • Skin diseases;
  • Oncology;
  • Eosinophilia, inherited.

With the development of allergic eosinophilia in children, calculating the leukoformula can give up to 15% EO at normal number leukocytes. Such symptoms of eosinophilia are characteristic of diathesis, atopic dermatitis. Angina pectoris, Quincke's edema, urticaria.

Much attention should be paid to the allergic effects of medications: antibiotics, sulfonic acid-based drugs, serums, vaccines. Parents often wonder: can they be vaccinated or not if their child has elevated eosinophils in the blood? The answer is obvious: you can’t. The fact is that vaccines can provoke an allergic reaction. A increased level EO indicates that the allergic factor is already present in the blood. One way or another, the decision to vaccinate in each specific case must be made by a pediatrician.

If the child is over a year old, high EOs indicate possible infection meningococci, Koch's bacilli, streptococci. For a long time, EOs remain on high level after hepatitis and pneumonia.

Helminthiasis, giardiasis, infectious, polyarthritis, rheumatic inflammation, accompanied by eosinophilia.

Major eosinophilia

The term “Major eosinophilia” applies to a group of diseases in which EO exceeds 15%. The diseases are accompanied by monocytosis and general leukocytosis. The most common cause of such an increase in eosinophils in the blood is helminthic infestation. There is a disease, the causes of which have not been established. This is a contagious eosinophilosis characterized by fever, joint pain, runny nose and sharp fluctuations in EO levels.

Eosinophilia is not an independent disease, but a symptom. Treatment of eosinophilia consists of treating the underlying disease.

Video - Doctor Komarovsky about a clinical blood test:

Eosinophils in a child, as in an adult, are formed in the bone marrow. The process takes about 3 days, after which the cells penetrate into the bloodstream and remain there for 8–12 hours. The development of various pathologies changes this time period to a lesser or greater extent.

The level of eosinophils can be used to assess the child’s well-being against the background of an ongoing disease or before vaccination. The indicator will tell you about the state of immunity and hidden invasions that cannot be determined in any other way.

Eosinophils are a special subtype of leukocytes - white blood cells. Characteristic feature cells are considered to have granules in the cytoplasm and the ability to be stained with acidic dyes. Segmented cells take part in the formation of antibodies (lg E) and the creation immune mechanisms protection during illness.

Upon contact with foreign microorganisms, eosinophils disintegrate and release rather aggressive substances that destroy the structure of the pathogen, and then absorb and digest the destroyed cells. In addition, granulocytes regulate the intensity inflammatory processes and participate in the restoration of tissues that have been attacked by “strangers”.

The growth of segmented cells is typical for weakened, often ill children with poor immunity; it is observed in liver pathologies and endocrine system disorders.


The concentration of eosinophils in newborn babies is always slightly higher than in adults. With age, this figure decreases, and after 6 years it can approach zero.

Changes in the norm of eosinophils in children are shown in the table:

The number of eosinophils can fluctuate throughout the day - at night the concentration of cells is highest. The most low content granulocytes are observed in the morning and evening: almost a quarter less than the average daily norm. This difference in values ​​is explained by the peculiarities of the adrenal glands.

So that the result leukocyte analysis was more reliable, blood should be donated in morning time, on empty stomach.


Eosinophilia is said to occur when the level of granulocytes in a child’s blood exceeds 320 cells per 0.001 ml or 4%. This is a rather serious deviation from the norm, which can cause damage to organs and tissues.


In children, eosinophilia can occur in different forms:

  • reactive;
  • primary;
  • family.

The first type is most common and is manifested by a moderate (5–15%) increase in granulocytes. In newborns, may be a reaction to medications or a consequence intrauterine infections. In an older child, reactive eosinophilia develops as a symptom of the disease.

The primary type is rare in children and is accompanied by lesions internal organs. Hereditary excess of eosinophils occurs in very early age and quickly becomes chronic.

In some serious pathologies, the concentration of granulocytic cells can be 35–50%


Elevated eosinophils in a child’s blood are a companion to many diseases. The cause of the disorder is most often allergic conditions and helminthic infestations. In these cases, the baby usually exhibits reactive eosinophilia.

In infants, eosinophils may be elevated due to the following diseases:

  • staphylococcal infection;
  • incompatibility with the mother by Rh factor;
  • pemphigus;
  • eosinophilic colitis;
  • hemolytic disease of the newborn.

If eosinophils are elevated in an older child, this may indicate other pathologies:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • gonococcal infection;
  • lack of magnesium.

IN separate group eosinophilia caused by a hereditary factor is isolated. Besides, increased content eosinophils may be present in the blood of a child who has recently had serious illness or surgery. After such conditions, granulocytic cells are still for a long time behave actively.

A test for eosinophilic cationic protein will help determine what exactly caused the disorder. If the indicator is elevated, the baby is likely to suffer from allergies. A parallel increase in monocytes indicates the development of helminthic infestations.

Associated symptoms

Since eosinophilia is not an independent disease, but a symptom, its manifestations repeat clinical picture main pathological process. The child may develop a fever, joint pain, anemia, and interruptions heart rate, loss of appetite, enlarged liver.

With allergic syndrome, a small patient will suffer from itching and skin irritation, runny nose, and watery eyes. If the growth of granulocyte cells is caused by worms, the child’s body weight decreases, he begins to suffer from weakness and nausea, and sleep is disturbed.

Children have a more pronounced predisposition to the development of “large” eosinophilia than adults (35–50% with significant leukocytosis). This group includes several forms of illness with unknown etiology, united by the term “infectious eosinophilosis.”

Such a significant deviation from the norm manifests itself acute onset, fever, inflammation of the nasopharynx, dyspepsia, multiple joint pains, enlarged liver and spleen.

There are descriptions of tropical eosinophilia, which is characterized by asthmatic-type shortness of breath, persistent dry cough, fever, infiltrates in the lungs, and a granulocyte level of up to 80%. Most doctors recognize the invasive nature of this condition.

Why is it dangerous?

What can a long-term increase in eosinophils in a child’s blood lead to? Most dangerous form malaise regarding the consequences and complications is primary eosinophilia. It is often accompanied by damage to vital organs: liver, lungs, heart, brain. Excessive saturation of tissues with granulocyte cells leads to their compaction and impaired functionality.


Pediatricians believe that reactive forms pathological condition don't require specific therapy. Soon after the root cause is eliminated, the level of granulocyte cells returns to normal on its own. Dr. Komarovsky shares the same opinion. He believes that if elevated eosinophils do not impair general well-being child - you don’t need to do anything.

As soon as the disease passes and the baby’s well-being improves, leukocyte formula recovers quickly.

Deviation of eosinophil levels from the norm is always a sign of a pathological condition. You need to remember this and if there is any deterioration in the child’s blood counts, contact your pediatrician.

Useful video about clinical blood test

List of sources:

  • Korovina N.A. Gavryushova L.P. Kuznetsova O.A. Timofeeva T.A. Khintinskaya M.S. Berezhnaya I.V. Kataeva L.A. Malova N.E. Zakharova I.I. Clinical aspects eosinophilia in children // Russian Pediatric Journal, 2002.

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Eosinophilia in children can develop for a number of reasons, some of them very serious, so if an increase in eosinophil levels is detected, you should undergo full examination. Eosinophilia is a phenomenon in which the number of eosinophils increases. These cells are a type of white blood cell. They “live” in the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, capillaries, and skin. The main task of eosinophils is to absorb and dissolve foreign proteins. If the level of these cells increases, it means that some pathological process is occurring in the body.

Why might eosinophil levels increase?

Childhood eosinophilia can cause a lot of anxiety for parents. But first you need to understand the essence of the problem.

IN in good condition the number of eosinophils in the child’s body should not exceed five percent. For infants, the norm is eight percent.

This indicator may move upward for the following reasons:

  • allergic reactions, with eosinophilia occurring moderately. This response of the body can be caused by certain medications or food;
  • intrauterine infection. In this case, they say that eosinophilia was inherited by the child;

Eosinophilia in a child manifests itself depending on what disease caused it.

The most dangerous is considered to be an increase in cell levels above twenty percent. In this case, hypereosinophilic syndrome is diagnosed.

In this condition, serious damage to vital organs occurs:

  • hearts;
  • lungs;
  • brain.

If the cause of the disease is autoimmune diseases, That:

  • the child is losing weight and suffers from anemia;

  • a rash appears on the skin;
  • joint pain occurs;
  • vascular walls become inflamed.
  • there is an enlargement of the liver and spleen;
  • lymph nodes enlarge and become painful;
  • appetite worsens;
  • headaches, nausea, swelling, weakness occur.

With eosinophilia caused by allergies, a rash and blisters appear on the skin, which is accompanied by itching and peeling of the skin.

How is eosinophilia treated?

Eosinophilia is treated by a hematologist.

Therapy is prescribed depending on what caused the increase in cell levels, as well as general condition child's body:

  1. If the problem is caused by an allergic reaction to medications, then simply stop using them.
  2. If it is not possible to identify the disease that caused the increase in eosinophils, then a course of glucocorticosteroids is prescribed. They suppress the production of this type of leukocyte.

After the course of treatment is completed, the child needs to have his blood tested to evaluate the therapeutic effect.

With a significant increase in eosinophil levels, urgent hospitalization is necessary. In the hospital, the child is examined in detail and appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Eosinophilia is an unfavorable process in the body, which most often indicates the presence of serious illnesses. If the cells begin to be intensively produced, it means that harmful microorganisms have entered the body.

Even if there are no signs of any disease, you still cannot ignore this phenomenon.

A high level of eosinophils may indicate a very serious illness: the sooner the diagnosis is made and treatment begins, the higher the chances of recovery. It is very important to periodically take blood tests to determine abnormalities in blood cells and eliminate this phenomenon in time.

Eosinophilia in children can cause great concern among parents, both about the health of the baby and about the health of themselves, since it can be hereditary. However, there is no need to draw early conclusions. It's worth understanding this issue better before you start worrying.

First, let's remember what eosinophils are. They are a type of white blood cell produced in the bone marrow. Their action extends to the tissues into which they enter along with the bloodstream, that is, their area is the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, skin and capillaries. They perform a number of functions: phagocytic, antihistamine, antitoxic, and also take an active part in allergic reactions. Their main goal is to combat foreign proteins by absorbing and dissolving them.

Acceptable eosinophil levels depend on age. For example, for infant a level of up to eight percent will be considered the norm, but for an older child this figure will already exceed the norm. In order to diagnose the indicator, you need to take a detailed blood test.

Since eosinophilia indicates some kind of disorder occurring in the body, you need to understand what could be the cause of this differential diagnosis in children?

Causes of the disease

Leukemoid reaction of the eosinophilic type in children can develop for a number of reasons.

It is clear that the symptoms of eosinophilia depend on the underlying disease and its manifestations. We mentioned some of these diseases in the previous subheading. It is worth noting that the level of eosinophils can exceed twenty percent. In this case, hypereosinophilic syndrome occurs, which indicates that damage to the heart, lungs and brain has begun.

In the previous subtitle, we also noted such a cause as tropical eosinophilia syndrome. This syndrome has its own symptoms:

  • dyspnea;
  • asthmatic cough;
  • eosinophilic filtrates in the lungs.

Since the leukemoid reaction of the eosinophilic type can occur as a result of certain skin diseases, you don’t need to ignore their signs. Such diseases can be: cutaneous lichen, dermatitis, pemphigus, eczema and so on.

Diagnosis of the disease

It is clear that the diagnosis is made on the basis of analysis peripheral blood. After this is done, there is usually no need to count the absolute number of eosinophils. The doctor needs to clarify your medical history, including information about allergies, travel, and medications used. Diagnostic tests include additional studies:

  • Analysis of urine;
  • stool analysis;
  • chest x-ray;
  • serological studies;
  • kidney and liver function tests;

If the cause of eosinophilia is not found, the patient may be in great danger, since it will not be possible to prescribe effective treatment.

Treatment methods

Reactive eosinophilia does not suggest individual treatment. The number of eosinophils will gradually decrease as the underlying disease that caused such changes in the blood is treated.

If, during the diagnostic process, the patient was confirmed to have serious diseases that provoked hypereosinophilic syndrome, or hereditary eosinophilia, then drugs that suppress the production of large quantities of this group of leukocytes can be prescribed. After the course of treatment, you need to take a blood test again.

If you don’t delay treatment and don’t wait for the symptoms of the disease to go away on their own, but this won’t happen, you can avoid serious consequences and maintain your health at an acceptable level that does not threaten your precious life.
