A conspiracy for the guy to want. To make your loved one feel sad, so that the person who is bored will come to me. Incredible horoscope for love from Kerro

When a girl or woman likes a man, she has an irresistible desire for her lover to think about her as often as possible. And ideally - constantly. This desire pushes girls to resort to the help of psychologists, and sometimes magical rituals, which, in their opinion, will help solve the problem of how to make a guy miss them. The main thing here is not to overdo it.

Individuality of cases

Before you make a man miss you, or rather try, you should consider some points:

  • A guy may like a certain type of girl;
  • I don't like you to this man. Take advantage of your experience: if you don’t like a guy, then all his efforts to attract attention to himself will not cause you, except irritation, and soon disgust.

If you notice that a guy is deliberately ignoring you and not paying attention to you, then don’t waste your energy. Making him think, and even more so, miss you, is simply unrealistic, and no techniques from the field of psychology will help you.

But, if you notice that a guy is happy to communicate with you and has begun to show interest in you, then, in this case, it won’t be too difficult to “hook” him.

Girls - what are you like?

The stronger sex thinks, and even more so, begins to miss only those women he likes. IN in this case, meaning, them appearance, as well as behavior. A big role for a guy is played by the girl’s external attractiveness, her sexuality, manners, habits, and vocabulary. For example, a guy may like a beautiful, spectacular lady, he begins to imagine himself next to her, etc. But as soon as she speaks, all illusions disappear without a trace, and further communication makes no sense. A young man loses interest in a girl, despite her ideal appearance.

According to psychologists, one cannot ignore such an aspect as accessibility. Girls who hang themselves around a man’s neck and are easily available for sex are unlikely to arouse his (long-term) interest in themselves. A completely logical development of the situation, in this case, is this: the man will take advantage of the obsessive assumption, pursuing selfish goals, and in the best case, he will remember this girl at the moment when the desire to have fun again appears.

At the same time, women are less accessible, create intrigue with their behavior, and make their chosen one a gambler. They seem to let a man into their space, but at the same time, not completely. Flirting, making advances, nice talking, without getting close to your body, they attract the stronger sex, make the guy miss you and think about you. He gets involved in a unique game that is pleasant for him, the main prize of which is you.

There is another extreme that irritates the stronger sex - this is excessive shyness. If a girl is afraid of everything, constantly shy, then most likely a man will get tired of her. In order for a guy to be bored and not try to forget you as quickly as possible, modesty should be in moderation.

How to influence a man - psychology

From a psychological point of view, a woman is less dependent on the opinions of acquaintances, friends and relatives than a man. This fact can be used to your advantage if you want to make a guy miss you.

Try to ensure that your chosen one’s inner circle speaks about you as often as possible, of course, in a positive light. The more people talk about you, the more the guy will think about you, and soon he will begin to feel sad without communicating with you. It follows from this that in his eyes, and the eyes of his friends, acquaintances and relatives, you must be:

  • A pleasant conversationalist. The information you present should be interesting or useful for the interlocutor. Remember, communication is not only about talking non-stop, but also about listening carefully to your interlocutor without interrupting him.
  • Charming. Feminine beauty not only men, but also women can admire. And when combined external beauty with a noble character and manners, the result is a mesmerizing effect.
  • Interested in those areas that your chosen one is interested in. Support topics and interests that fascinate him. If you don’t understand anything about this, read articles on this topic on the Internet and gain at least basic knowledge in this area. When a man sees an interesting interlocutor in your face, he will begin to happily share and discuss with you topics that are interesting to him, and as a result, he will feel bored without communicating with you.
  • Super prize. An example from school years: all the boys fall in love with one girl, consider her unattainable, everyone dreams of dating her, and the one who wins the beauty’s favor considers himself the winner of the super game. Adult men, in this regard, are not much different from schoolchildren. If other men like a woman, then conquering her becomes a matter of honor.

It's important not to get bored

To make a guy miss you, it is very important not to bore him with your behavior. Being surrounded by nice girl, will undoubtedly appeal to any man, but, as can be seen from practice in the psychology of relationships, it will not last for a long time. Soon, the idyll will get boring, and you will need to liven up the relationship a little, with a slight disruption to the usual way of life:

  • Show the guy that you are not completely conquered: answer calls late, don’t always write an answer via SMS, sometimes don’t get in touch. Explain this by being busy, and not by ignoring him. Guy, this technique can make you miss you and think more about you when you are unattainable.
  • To make a man miss you and be afraid of losing you, of course, if everything is serious with you, sometimes you need to add a little tension to the relationship. Tell the guy in soft form that he doesn’t suit you in some way, let him understand that some of his qualities can lead to separation. If you do this, the tension introduced will make your chosen one think more about you and worry about being with you.
  • Adding a feeling of jealousy to a relationship should be done with caution, and only in order to “cheer up” a situation that is beginning to become boring. Make your chosen one jealous so that he does not feel humiliated. But this method is considered extreme and should not be abused. Men can show jealousy in different ways, sometimes behaving inappropriately.

Also, from a psychological point of view, if you and your chosen one do not live together yet, it will be useful to leave things that remind you of you in his home: various trinkets, figurines, you can give a flash drive, etc. The more often a guy sees a reminder, the faster he might get bored.

You can make a guy fall in love with you using simple magic. There are many proven spells that will provide quick results. He won't be able to take his eyes off you. Each conspiracy will require a ritual that must be performed entirely as indicated in the manual. Only the combination of all the elements of the ritual will give the right and quick effect - the love of the one you dream of. Do not think that only a young girl can pronounce such a conspiracy. There is no age limit for magic. At any age, you need to strive for love, look for it and be happy. You can do this, because the forces are on your side. A man, boyfriend, friend or even your own husband will be crazy about you.

Bewitch according to all the rules

What does it take to be happy? Love, of course. Sometimes it’s not easy to find her. And it can be even worse - you found your love, but only without reciprocity. Anyone you want can fall in love with you simply, quickly and forever. To do this, you need to carry out the ritual according to all the rules. There is no need to use strong love spells that will destroy a man. In order for your relationship to be safe for both, and for the family to be happy, you need to protect against side effects.

Advanced practitioners work this way. There is a line of people waiting to get help. You can do everything at home. To make any man fall in love with you, you need to perform a ritual and learn the spell by heart. This is called “bewitching according to all the rules.” Practitioners advise updating the result, but not more often than once every 10 years. The desired love will come to your home.

Protection against side effects

It is very important to protect your loved one from side effect any love spell. It's about deflating it vital energy. In the old days, witches used this method - they tied a man to themselves, and they themselves took his powers for their rituals and practices. He thought he was in love, but quickly faded away. Such a love fever led to the death of a man, and the witch looked for a new victim for herself. They were all young, healthy and strong. Today, few people practice love spells from this point of view. But unknowingly you can harm your loved one. The guy will love you, but his health will deteriorate, the will to live may disappear, and a craving for alcohol and drugs will appear. To prevent all this from happening and him falling in love with you, be sure to put protection immediately before the ritual. To do this you will need:

  • the most recent photo of a person, where he is alone;
  • black thread;
  • Holy water.

Tie the photo crosswise with a thread and say:

“Hetro, the unstoppable hurricane sent to refute the present in the name of the future! I call upon yours Great power the law of eternal Unity. Turn into a fiery wind for those who harm (name) - sweep away and destroy - all evil, black - will, desire and actions that are directed at (name) - Return to the source! Burn - leaving no life! By the power of Abraz - so be it!!!"

Repeat three times, and on the third, pour holy water onto the cross of the threads. This way the energy will not leave your loved one. After this, you can safely make any man fall in love with you.

The most powerful love spells

Any guy or man can be yours. In order for it to work, you must consider:

  • Fall in love with yourself completely stranger will not work.
  • You need to do exactly as the ritual suggests.
  • Learn the spell by heart. Simply reading a plot from a piece of paper is not an option for magical work. Make an effort to learn.
  • Do not perform the ritual if you feel unwell or are sick.

In the rest, a whole world of possibilities opens up before you. Falling in love and making a man fall in love with you is within everyone's power.

There must be a channel between you and the object of the love spell

Candle spell

For this ritual you will need one black candle, the other white. You can buy them in an esoteric store; they always sell thin candles there. different color. On the white one you need to scratch your name with a knife, and on the black one - the name of your lover. Hold the candles in your hand until they become soft. Then they need to be twisted in a spiral so that two wicks can be lit at the same time.

  • Light matches, holding them in your left hand.
  • As soon as they light up, say the spell:

“I call on love in the heart of (boyfriend’s name), I kindle fire and strong passions in his soul! Go love into the heart of (guy's name) and settle there forever! His feelings for me (his name) will flare up with a hot flame, he will be drawn and strive for me, wanting to unite his life with me! With all your gut, heart and soul! As I wish, so be it. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

  • Repeat three times.
  • The candles should burn out and collect all the wax.
  • Keep the wax in a red bag where no one can find it.

This way you will always be together. The guy will love you quickly, This effective remedy will attract love into your life.

Holy water spell

You need holy water from the church. You need to go get her yourself. Cross yourself before starting the ritual with holy water. For everything to work out, do it on the waxing Moon - along with it, the guy’s love grows. Kneel down, looking out the window, say:

“I, servant of God, (name), will go out into the canopy, then into an open field and pray to the Most Holy Theotokos and look in all four directions, and pray to the Lord himself: Lord, Lord! Lord and Mother Holy Mother of God! And I ask: pull the violent winds, and blow my melancholy away from white body, with a zealous heart and clear eyes. Apply my melancholy to dear (name of the chosen one) in his clear eyes, black eyebrows and white face, to a zealous heart. So that for daytime sadness and nighttime melancholy, and so that he could neither eat nor sleep, and would always think about the servant of God, (his name), and so that he would still walk and fang, like White Swan, and would think about me, about the servant of God, (your name). Be, my words, strong as iron and dear as gold. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

This spell is pronounced only once. At the end, whisper the name of your loved one and imagine him. Say kind, affectionate words mentally. Very soon you will realize that the guy is showing interest. This means it worked.

A needle is a very small, but very working tool in rituals

Hex on the needle

Buy new needle. You will need to pay in small change from your wallet, and if you receive change, take it to the intersection.

This needle must be new; it cannot sew anything. In order to make a conspiracy, you need to have access to the man's personal belongings. A great option if it's your husband. He may move away from you, but this conspiracy will bring him back and give you all his love.

Prick forefinger left hand until it bleeds. Say to the needle:

“I will get up at dawn and go out into a clear field and look into the clear sky - and a sharp arrow is flying across the sky. So fly, a sharp arrow, into the zealous heart, into the hot blood, into the clear eyes of the servant of God (name of the beloved). So that she would dry out and yearn for me, the servant of God (her name), always and everywhere. My will is firm, my word will come true.”

Now, hide this needle in his personal belongings. If this is your boyfriend and you come to his house - too a good option. The needle should lie there unnoticed and so that it is not thrown away during the first 13 days. If it lies in this place, then everything worked out. Now the man is yours. This good way make a person fall in love with you.

Love ritual from photo

It is believed that the most powerful rituals are carried out using photographs. This is a clear image that has absorbed a small part of a person’s soul. You will need a single photo. It must be new, no more than one year old. Such a photograph best preserves the memory of the energy of the person captured in it. The guy should be without dark glasses, his eyes are visible.

  • Take in left hand photo, and into the right church candle.
  • Drip wax onto the guy's face, repeating to yourself:

“I conjure that (name of the object) becomes one with (your name) just as Fire, Air and Water are one with the Earth, so that thoughts of (name of the object) are only about (your name), as the rays of the sun rule the Light of the world and its virtues. And let the high spirit (your name) circle above the spirit (name of the object), like water above the earth. Make sure that (object’s name) cannot eat, drink, or enjoy life without (your name).”

No more than 9 drops per photo. This is a strong love spell that will last for 7 years. If you want to update, then exactly 7 years later, perform this ritual again. Very soon there will be signs of attention from the guy, interest on his part.

This is a stronger option, it will require you to spend energy

Bewitch by photo

There is another option for a love spell based on a photo. You can't do it if you're not alone at home. Taken at night for a single photo.

  • Poke the photo with a needle in the area of ​​the heart. The needle must be new, not used for its intended purpose.
  • Say three times:

“I call love in the heart of (name), I will kindle the fire of passion in the soul! Go love into (name)'s heart and stay there forever! Let your beloved eyes flare up with a hot fire towards me (name), so that he reaches out to me and strives to unite with me, with all his heart, with all his soul. I want it that way and he will be with me. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

  • Now, use the same needle to prick the ring finger of your left hand. The needle is still inserted into the photo.
  • When a drop of blood appears at the end of the needle, quickly drag it through the photo so that all the blood is smeared from the tip.

The needle must be taken to the intersection and left there. Very soon your lover will come to you or call you.

To return love

The most terrible love is unrequited love. It gives no rest, eats the heart and soul from the inside. In order not to torment yourself with this pain of love, just achieve reciprocal feelings. This plot will help you in this way: all your feelings will be reflected and transferred to your lover. He will feel the same. This way your love will become mutual. Taken on a photo or personal item.

The candle must burn completely

You need to put a thing or a photo on the table, a black candle is placed on it. You need to carve your lover's name on the candle with a knife. When the candle is lit, start saying:

“I ask the Lord to miraculously allow my feelings and thoughts to come into contact with the heavenly cloud so that my aspirations will be accepted by it, and my heart will show it the way to meet the one for whom I am suffering. With feelings and words, I call on the power of the Lord to shed rain from a cloud on my beloved (name) so that the water, touching him, gives him the desire and the way, the desire to meet me and the way to me. Let the cloud heavenly way He will find, guided by the power of the Lord, to where (name) is now, and drops of heavenly moisture will revive his heart, and his soul will accept the call of my soul. I know that the Lord heard me, and I thank Him for his help. Amen"

The text is repeated until the candle burns out. You may see strange, frightening things. The wick spins, the candle either flares up or almost goes out. It may go out and then light up again. There is no need to be afraid, nothing threatens you. This only means that dense energy is concentrated around you. It is this that makes the candle behave so unusually.

When you finish repeating, take everything that took part in the ritual to the crossroads of 4 roads. You need to leave it there and leave. Don't look around, you might be scared by what you see.

Before you make a conspiracy, think carefully

You need to think seriously. This is not just entertainment for those who have nothing better to do. Such magic creates a connection that is stronger than that of other couples. You will be energetically connected. Falling in love with a person and being with him always is what a magical contract will require of you. Leaving him later, after a year or 5 years, 10 years, is a serious mistake. This kind of magic is created so that people can be together all their lives. It is suitable for those who desire it. To avoid disappointment later, take a closer look at your lover.

  • Is he the one?
  • Are you ready to spend your whole life with him?
  • Enter his family, make it yours?
  • Will you give up this decision in a month?

If you answered yes to all questions, then go ahead. You have the perfect opportunity to fall in love with a man who will be yours forever. If you are in doubt, then wait. A person may not show his best side, you will be disappointed and want to leave him. What should he do? He will love you with that same mystical love and will be tightly attached. Without you, his life will be empty. Do not condemn a person to suffering if you are not ready to be with him.

Complete collection and description: prayer for a man to love and miss for the spiritual life of a believer.

Love is a complex and multifaceted feeling, important for every representative of the fair sex. Love inspires a girl and lifts her to the skies if it is mutual, and falls as a heavy burden on fragile female shoulders if it does not find a response in the heart of the chosen one. Quite often it happens that, despite all the girl’s attempts to attract attention, the young man dear to his heart does not notice her at all.

The situation is common, but not as critical as it might seem. A young lady in love can turn her in her direction if she begins to read a plot to make the guy bored. How to make a man think about you from a distance? There are a great many such rituals in the arsenal of magic.

Distinctive features of rituals for longing

The purpose for which the conspiracy is used can be judged by the very name of this ritual. The ritual is intended to evoke in a young man a feeling of longing for the performer, to impose on him a desire to see her, to be near her, to force him to constantly think about her.

According to the duration of their effect, melancholy spells are divided into short-term and long-term. Short-term ones are characterized by a weaker effect and have a shorter period of influence - they work until the young man meets the girl who used the spell.

Such rituals are used when a couple has not yet reached a relationship. Long-term rituals are designed for the case when a man and woman are in a long-term relationship with each other. Such rituals, as a rule, are used in the event of an upcoming separation - as a means of protection against betrayal, when a potential rival appears, or in a situation where the feelings in a couple have cooled a little.

The performer should use rituals only in relation to the young man for whom she really has a feeling of sympathy, infatuation or love. Magic does not forgive a frivolous attitude.

Execution specifics

Spells for melancholy are considered a light type of magical influence and belong to white magic, and therefore differ safe use. Risk of manifestation negative consequences the benefit from them is minimal, however, and no conspiracy guarantees 100% effectiveness. The ritual to make a guy get bored will be effective if the performer really believes in his power. It is also useful to carry out visualization during the ritual, i.e. mentally, in detail, imagine the image of your lover.

Effective magical plot it will be depressing if you read it in right time. This is the period of the waxing of the moon, or the full moon.

Spells for independent reading

White magic conspiracy

This plot must be read on the waxing moon, for several days in a row, at sunrise, at noon and during sunset. It is advisable to pronounce it on a photograph of the chosen one or on some personal item. If there is neither one nor the other, then you need to clearly imagine its image in your thoughts. Words are spoken out loud or in a whisper, from memory. Text:

“I will go out, God’s servant (your name), in the world - there is no one better and more beautiful than me. I will go to a clean field, a wide expanse, and I will find 77 stone ovens there. On those stones there are cakes of fire, oohs and sighs, love stirs. 77 oohs, 77 sighs, aahs and suffering, day and night experiences, impatience and love languor. Get up and go, God's servant (name of dear) find him, drag him to me, God's servant(your name), lead. I will fill him, I will entice him, I will take him into confinement. An hour, half an hour, minutes, twist and mingle, throw yourself at his liver and heart. Let him think about me, don’t forget me, don’t let him drink or drink. He gets bored and grieving, cries and grieves for me, the servant of God (his name), laments bitter tears, when he sees him, he doesn’t let go of me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen!"

Candle spell to make a guy miss

Magic words are pronounced during the growing or full moon, exactly at midnight. The performer must light a church candle, take a piece of white paper and write her full name on it. boyfriend and his date of birth. This is followed by visualization of his image for at least 10 minutes. When this becomes as clear as possible, the piece of paper with the inscription needs to be set on fire from a candle flame and as it burns, read the text 3 times:

“I’m casting a magic spell on the servant of God (guy's name). So that he misses and yearns for me, so that he does not see his life without me. I bring sadness upon him, a strong melancholy. Let him walk around and around me, let him please only me, let him see happiness only with me! Amen!"

After reading, the ashes remaining from the paper are carefully collected and blown into the wind through an open window or window with the words: “As I said, so be it!” There is no need to extinguish the candle - let it burn out to the end. The cinder that remains must be hidden in a safe place. The action will begin in a few days.

On the falling snow, so that a man thinks about you constantly

On a waxing moon in snowy weather, you need to go outside and catch a few snowflakes by placing your palms on the falling snow. Then imagine your loved one in your thoughts and pronounce the spell:

“Just as the snowflake in my hand disappears, so will your indifference melt, turn into melancholy and boredom, and twist you into an evil blizzard! Come, I’ll warm you up and melt your heart with love! Just as snow cannot warm a hand, so God’s servant (guy's name) Burn for me, suffer and glow, yearn and miss me! Amen!"

Another way, watch the video:

Has any of these conspiracies helped anyone?

I don’t know, maybe it’s a coincidence, but I made a conspiracy on one guy whom I recently met at the company (I really liked it). About a week later, somewhere he got my phone number (I didn’t give out my number), called and said that he had been thinking about me all this time, and invited me to go for a walk. We took a walk and enjoyed spending time together. I think this is just the beginning))

In my youth, my friend and I read something similar, but didn’t notice any significant changes. Maybe because it’s still not a love spell.

My niece tried it and claims it works perfectly! The young man, who had previously been withdrawn and taciturn, suddenly began calling constantly, writing all sorts of endearments, which had never been noticed before...

When I was 15 years old and I was constantly falling in love, I often made such conspiracies. But after a couple of months, she cooled down towards the object of her sympathy, so she was even glad that the plot did not work out. Probably for it to work there must be real sympathy or even love.

I somehow found a conspiracy on the Internet. I read it. Surprisingly, the guy called me an hour later, although we hadn’t communicated for a year before that.

In one of the books I found a conspiracy against a loved one. I read it for about 10 minutes because it was very long. I was amazed, but it worked within a few days. Later the guy said that he started missing me madly on Monday. and I just started reading the plot that day.

Natalya Nikolaevna, could you drop this conspiracy??

Cool conspiracies, but I'm afraid of this whole topic. You can harm yourself in the future, it’s dangerous in general.

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The unknown world of magic and esotericism

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A conspiracy to make your beloved man bored

So many various reasons maybe the desire to make your beloved man miss you. For example, he goes on a trip without his fiancée or the girl needs to go somewhere for a long time.

Or maybe the betrothed just got busy with his everyday affairs and forgot about his beloved. There can be a lot of situations, but there is only one solution. With the help of a longing spell, you can awaken in your lover longing for your chosen one. Then, without realizing it, he will begin to get bored and look for a meeting.

What is it for

Features of love rituals

Below is an example of a strong and effective conspiracy that is worth reading whenever you need to make your loved one miss you.

“My beloved person (name), I want, servant of God (name), for you to miss and yearn for me alone, and white metal and spring water will help bring sadness and melancholy. Let you follow me on my heels, And I would visit you in my dreams, and never leave you in my thoughts. I appeal to the heavenly powers, the earthly powers, I ask for help, I repent and submit! Amen!"

When you really need it

Is it worth reading the plot every time you want? Of course not. Any love rituals should be performed only when there is a very compelling reason. spend magical power for the sake of all sorts of little things is not reasonable. It is very important to be sure that the person in the name of whose love the ritual is being started is really needed.

If you harm someone with a spell, you can receive double punishment for this. The following plot is designed for quick results. To perform the ritual you will need a fresh ripe apple. The fruit must be chosen beautiful, without flaws. It is desirable that the apple is sweet.

“As the apple dries, so will the servant of God (name) be bored!”

After saying the above words to the apple, you need to put it on the window. Let the fruit dry, and in the meantime the guy will begin to yearn and grieve for his beloved.

General principles of love magic

Magic is a very serious thing. Usage love magic must be responsible and reasonable. Before you decide to perform rituals aimed at a man’s love, you need to decide for yourself how important this man is.

Conspiracies for boredom or melancholy are very powerful. The person on whom such spells are cast begins to experience corresponding feelings. The power of magic will act on the selected object until he meets his woman, and some magical rituals may have a longer effect.

Features and general rules

All love rituals should be performed on the waxing moon or on the full moon. The only exception is a ritual designed to eliminate unwanted feelings. Additional attributes for performing a ritual for boredom can be pure water, apple, candles, paper, etc. The basis of such rituals is conspiracy and spells, which, using the power of words, evoke the desired feelings in a certain person.

The following magic words are said for a gift or souvenir that you need to give to your lover. After a man accepts this thing, longing and boredom for the woman who gave him this small amulet will settle in his heart.

“I give you a thing, and you take it, but at the same time you give me your peace. And you will not be without a slave either day or night ( given name) peace and strength. Amen".

There is no need to choose anything symbolic as a gift. This can be an ordinary souvenir in the form of a pen, handkerchief, notepad, lighter, etc. It is worth noting that if a guy loses or throws away an item given to him, the conspiracy will disappear along with this gift. The following slander is also very strong and causes incredible melancholy in the one for whom it is intended.

“I cast a magic spell on the servant of God (name). So that he yearns and misses me, So that he doesn’t see his life without me! I bring upon him great melancholy, sad sadness! Let him walk around and around me, Let him only make me happy, Let him only see happiness with me! Amen!"

Another very powerful ritual with a spell for boredom is given below. It is worth noting that the power of this ritual does not dry out for six months. Therefore, you need to think carefully before performing it.

“I pronounce magic words and direct their magical power to the servant of God (name of my beloved). I wish that he languishes without me and always misses me greatly, that he constantly yearns and cannot imagine his life without me! I bring sadness and intense melancholy to him with these magical words. So that he always walks around me and pleases only me. His happiness is only next to me and that he always remembers this. Amen!"

How long should an apple lie on the windowsill and what should you do with it then?

Conspiracy so that the guy

The article gives you the opportunity to use time-tested solutions that will help you quickly cope with any situation.

Conspiracy guy will not dare to push the first step

The girl bites her tongue slightly and pronounces the words at sunset or sunrise: “I bite myself, I call upon God’s servant (the name of my beloved). I want him to be very bored, to know no peace and rest, to miss me. So that you will be bored in summer, and in winter, and during the day, and in the dark night.” Read the plot once a day, 7 times, for a week.

A strong conspiracy to make a guy call on the phone and invite him on a date

The plot is read alone so that no one knows several times:

“Dear, anyone, (the name of the person you are addressing) is mine!

Call me and tell me what’s in your heart.

Essential ligature – mobile connection, connect us!

I am a virgin queen, there is no one more beautiful than me, take the phone and say “hello!”

Take the phone and make a call.

I will respond - I will make my way into your heart!

A conspiracy to get a guy married read while drinking

For the ritual, you can choose any liquid that the guy likes, except alcohol. Drink is talked about and given young man: “As water pours into your stomach, through your veins to your very heart, so the path will lead you straight to my door. Don’t linger anywhere, don’t falter and don’t forget. I will shine the light on your path to me. Come, my dear. I'll be your wife! Pecking, tongue, lock!

The ritual takes place on a full moon. A red candle is lit, the girl sits on the floor in the “lotus” position and focuses her attention on the photograph of the man.

You need to think about what your loved one is doing, remember the pleasant moments of meetings and say the following words: “In the name of the energy of the fire of the red candle! I conjure and command (name) to desire me, look for me, run to me as fast as I can! So that he can’t live without me! I command and confirm!” Having said the last word, clap your hands loudly.

Read a prophetic dream spell on a guy before going to bed

Before going to bed, put a small mirror under your pillow and say: “Just as everything is reflected in a mirror, both light and darkness, so in the dream of God’s servant (name) her future will be reflected. Let it be so. Amen". At night you will dream about the future that you wanted to know.

Read a spell on a man at home that will definitely work

You can bring back your loved one or rekindle love with the help of a bread spell. Sprinkle a small piece with salt and place it in the corner of the room. Open the window and say into the air: “My beloved, come home, come to me like air to water. Need me like you need your daily bread. Long for me as I miss you. You come to me, and I will feed you, and I won’t let you go anywhere else!” As soon as your loved one arrives, you need to feed him this bread.

How to make a guy miss you from a distance - an effective plot

Pour holy water into a glass and lower a silver spoon into it, thinking about your loved one and say the words: “My beloved person (name), I want, servant of God (name), So that you miss and yearn for me alone, And white metal and spring water will help bring sadness and melancholy. Let you follow me on my heels, And I would visit you in my dreams, and never leave you in my thoughts. I appeal to the heavenly powers, the earthly powers, I ask for help, I repent and submit! Amen!".

After finishing reading, leave the spoon in the glass until the morning, and then hide it. Pour water onto the threshold for the guy to step over.

A very strong spell for a guy’s love read on an egg

For the ritual you need to prepare an egg. Punch holes on both sides with a needle to allow the egg to flow out. The resulting shell is strung on a red thread like a bead, tying a knot on one side. Fill a bucket with water, but not from the water supply, but from a river or lake.

Take the egg by one end and lower it into a bucket of water and say: “Through distant mountains, forests, seas and oceans, my dear (lover’s name), come to me and stay with me forever. With my strength and will I conjure you. With magic words I conjure our love forever.”

The spell is pronounced 5 times, while a thread is wound around the finger, lifting the egg up. But it cannot be pulled out of the water until the end of the ceremony. After finishing reading, take out the shell and go outside. Pull out the thread and bury the whole shell.

A conspiracy if a guy left a pregnant girl, doesn’t call for a long time, doesn’t marry her, has grown cold, is offended and doesn’t go, deceived, fell out of love, left for someone else

If the guy has lost interest and there is a suspicion that a rival will appear, then they use a spell on a photograph or any thing. Light a candle, put the thing down and read the spell: “As a candle burns in front of me, so all other paths burn out in front of you. From now on we have one road. Leading us through life together. Amen!"

Lapel spells for a guy from his rival girl at home

Take the onion and the lapel text, lock yourself in the toilet and read the magic lines:

“Like my onion, bitter and sharp,

So I will send the girl discord.

The guy's turn away will be quick,

My business is correct and pure.

The witchcraft that connects them

The lapel will catch fire.

Let the guy grow cold towards the girl,

As soon as he touches it, he becomes cold and sleepy.

I'll load my bow for an angry quarrel,

And I’ll let you down with water, as if into a hole.

Let it be done! Three times done!

Forever locked! Amen! Amen! Amen!"

After these words, wrap the onion in paper with the text of the conspiracy and flush it down the toilet.

Conspiracy of a guy from drunkenness

The guy is told to drink water, which will weaken his craving for alcohol. Give the guy water to drink until he turns away from alcohol.

“Just as Jesus Christ did not know and did not know alcohol, How the Holy Mother of God and all the apostles did not drink alcohol, So that the servant of God (name) did not drink and did not drink. I could drink spring water, pure and cold, but I didn’t drink vodka or wine, I didn’t know! Amen!".

How to make a guy fall madly in love with you forever and be afraid of losing you.

Prepare white and black candles for the ceremony. On the white one we scratch the girl’s name, on the black one we scratch the guy’s name. You need to hold the candles in your hands until they become soft, and then twist them together.

You need to light two wicks at the same time and recite the spell 3 times:

“I call on love in the heart of (boyfriend’s name), I kindle fire and strong passions in his soul! Go love into the heart of (guy's name) and settle there forever! His feelings for me (his name) will flare up with a hot flame, he will be drawn and strive for me, wanting to unite his life with me! With all your gut, heart and soul! As I wish, so be it. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

The candles should burn out completely, and the remaining wax should be collected in a red bag and hidden.

If you want to attract the attention of your chosen one, then you can use a conspiracy to make the guy bored. Such rituals belong to the means of white magic, therefore they are harmless both for the target of the directed influence and for the performer.

Popular rituals

Conventionally, rituals that cause melancholy can be divided according to their time component. There are short-term effects and long-term rituals.

The first type of rituals is considered safer. They usually stop working right after the guy decides to meet you. Further relationships depend entirely on the partners. Most often, such influences are used after an accidental quarrel or disagreement with a loved one.

Long-term effects are used, as a rule, in cases where it is necessary to eliminate a rival. After the magical effect, your chosen one begins to constantly yearn for you and, naturally, moves away from your rival. Most rituals of this type are performed either during the waxing phase of the moon or during the full moon.

Using silver

This ritual will increase a man’s attention to himself at the very beginning of dating. This will allow you to build a more stable relationship with your chosen one.

The ritual uses:

  • Small silver spoon;
  • Holy water, but it can be replaced with melt or spring water;
  • Glass glass.

It is necessary to read the plot so that the guy gets bored, secluded in a separate room after sunset. You need to pour water into a glass and place a silver spoon in it. All this needs to be placed on the table in front of you. Next, you should sit down and, looking at the spoon, completely concentrate on thoughts about your loved one.

When you feel like you have disappeared into space, you need to read the following plot:

“Servant of God, (name of the chosen one), you are my favorite person. I, the Servant of God, (proper name), want you to yearn only for me alone. White noble metal and pure spring water will bring sadness and melancholy to my beloved. Let him constantly follow me and think only about me. Let me visit him in my night dreams and never leave him in my daytime thoughts. I appeal to all the powers of earth and heaven about this. Amen".

Used in magical rite attributes should be left untouched until the morning. And the next day you need to hide it in a secluded place so that it does not catch the eye of a stranger. It is advisable to pour water from a glass in such a place that the person at whom it was directed will walk across it. magical influence.

Can be carried out strong ritual, which will affect the chosen one remotely. But for this it is important to have naturally strong energy.

Having secluded yourself in a separate room, you need to focus on your chosen one and visualize his image next to you. It is imperative to create mental contact. To do this, you need to imagine that an energy rope is stretched between your foreheads, which unites all your thoughts. If you are not sure that you will succeed, then you can try using an additional photo of your loved one. But if you feel that even with the photo it was not possible to establish a mental connection with your chosen one, then you should refuse to perform this ritual.

After establishing a mental connection, you need to bite your tongue and say (mumble) the following spell:

“I, the Servant of God (my own name), bite my tongue so that the Servant of God (name of the chosen one) will come to me forever. Let him miss me and not notice the joy around him without me. Let him find no place for himself and wander under my windows. Without me, let him shed bitter tears, he cannot sleep and always stomps to my doorstep. Amen".

This ritual must be repeated three days in a row. It is important to communicate with your chosen one between rituals, but after the end of the magical action, you must disappear from his field of vision for three days. If the ritual was successful, then soon your loved one will begin to seek a meeting with you.

Charming food

The fastest-acting rituals are those involving food. In this case, a dish or drink is charmed with special words, which should subsequently be treated to your chosen one. Of course, to perform such a ritual you need to be able to communicate with the guy you like. For this type of ritual, it is not necessary to prepare the dish yourself; you can buy something tasty in the store.

The magic words used to enchant a treat may sound like this:

“I, the Servant of God, (my own name) conjure a magic pie. He is in my dear, Servant of God, (name of the chosen one) in his mouth, and longing for me in his zealous heart. My words are strong, I close them with a lock. Help the strong wind, bring boredom to my dear one and interrupt our separation. Amen".

The treat should be presented as quickly as possible, otherwise it will lose its magical properties.

When a relationship is just beginning, it seems that feelings will always be just as strong. But time passes, passions subside a little, many girls begin to worry that their beloved guy is not as bored and sad as at the beginning of the love affair. It also happens that love flares up only on one side, the girl wants her lover to dream and think only about her. The assistant will be a conspiracy to make the guy miss. With its help, you can change your loved one's attitude for the better.

Magical actions will help change your loved one’s relationship for the better

A conspiracy to make a man miss will be much more effective if there is a photograph of him. In the photo you can read magic words at home. It is recommended to carry out such manipulations with the first rays of the sun, always within a week, so the effect will be better and come faster. Looking at a photograph of your lover, stroking it, say:

“I will go out into the world, for my beloved there is no one better and more beautiful than me. I’ll go out into the pure pole and into the vast steppes. And I will find a hot oven in them. Bread and fiery cakes are fried. Oh, get up, go, find my betrothed, call me and direct the path only in my direction. I will be my only sweetheart, I will take his dreams captive, I will become my only betrothed. In his heart, only I will live alone, I will entice his soul and body. Let him think only about me, don’t rush at strangers, don’t eat, drink, or sleep without me, just cry and lament. Reward me with boredom and sadness, so that he will grieve, lament, and when he sees me, he will not let me go. Let what is said, called and whispered come true. Let no one be able to open, break, or turn the words spelled or sealed against me. Amen".

Per voice

This conspiracy to make a guy very bored is very simple to carry out. He will need to call to hear the voice or cast the spell in a personal conversation. While you hear the voice of your chosen one, you need to quietly whisper:

“I can hear you now, but you will breathe only me alone. I will direct my sincere, pure and bright speeches to him. Nothing can change the deterioration of our relationship.”

With the help of such a simple ritual, you can make your chosen one feel bored.

On fire

To make your loved one miss you, a magical effect is carried out using fire. Since ancient times, with the help of fire, our ancestors performed various rituals to make a guy bored, to save love relationship. How to make a guy miss you from a distance? To make a man think about you and miss you, you can effective rituals with the help of fire. If it is not possible to light a fire, you can light a candle. Looking at her flame, say:

“Burn, candle, bright and glorious. As your flame burns and blazes, so let him (name) burn without me, like wax fades, and he will not know peace until he comes to me. I will occupy all his thoughts and thoughts. As was spoken in the bright hour, so let it come true.”

The power of fire has long been used in conspiracies against a loved one.

This ritual is powerful and helps to ignite a strong passion.

You can also cast a salt spell to make the husband miss his wife. You will need the following attributes: a church candle, a clean handkerchief, red thread (preferably silk), a container of water, salt. Next you need to follow the following ritual algorithm:

  1. Light a candle and place it in front of you.
  2. Carefully spread the scarf on the table near the candle.
  3. Lay out the red thread in the form of a circle on the surface of the scarf.
  4. Place a container of clean water in the center (it is better to take well or spring water).
  5. Take a container of salt, imagine how your loved one thinks and yearns, wants to call and meet.
  6. Take a pinch of salt and throw it into the salt shaker.
  7. Repeat again. Next, take a pinch of salt and throw it into a glass of water, salt the water.

While the salt dissolves in the water, recite the following spell:

“As salt dissolves in water, let your thoughts be only about me. Let them dissolve in you, the high shore, the water washing it, and you only need me. The circle will close, the darling will smile. Let him dial the number, call me and be sad. May everything said come true and I will get better results. Let it be so. Amen".

During the ritual, you need to dissolve salt in a glass of water.

Next, pour half of the water into the flower pot with a masculine flower, and the other half into the flower pot. female. With the help of such powerful rituals, you can make your chosen one feel very bored and evoke reciprocal feelings if your feeling is not mutual.

There is another version of the ritual for salt. To carry it out, you need to prepare salt. Wait until midnight during the waxing moon and light a candle. Pour salt into a clay pot, then read the following love spell to make the guy start to get bored. While reading the text of the love spell, stir the salt clockwise with your hand:

“I’ll pour in some magic salt. I command me to obey God’s servant (name). I’ll pour in magic salt, I’ll create a love fog, I’ll pour in salt, I’ll cover his eyes. My words are strong, true, and my desires are strong. Let everything that is said come true. Amen".

“It’s not that I’m pouring out salt, but I’m bringing melancholy and boredom. May you know no more peace, servant of God (name). You don’t see peace, and thoughts and longing for me will not allow you to eat, sleep, live, day or night. But you will only love me alone. Just as no one can collect grains of scattered salt, so no one can remove my conspiracy. My words are strong, strong, true. May everything that has been done, whispered and spoken come true.”

After the ritual for a guy to get bored has been carried out, you need to quickly leave, without looking back, without speaking to anyone and without answering anyone’s questions.

Having placed salt at your loved one’s house, you need to leave without turning around and without talking to anyone

To the apple

Among the powerful rituals, one can highlight the ritual with an apple. To do this, take a red ripe apple and cut it into two parts. Pull out the middle and put a small note with the name of your dear one in place of the core. Words to read:

“As this apple dries, let the servant of God (name) be bored, let him not eat or sleep without me. Amen".

With a church candle

You can also perform the following ritual. During the waxing moon, you need to do this: light a candle previously purchased in the church. Next, write the name of your chosen one on a piece of white paper. Set fire to the leaf from the candle flame, while it burns, have time to read the following text three times:

“I will read my magic spell on you (name). May you miss me greatly, worry and worry. I will bring such melancholy into the universe that you will never be able to get rid of it. Walk around me, make only me happy, you will feel happiness only with me. Amen".

Paper ashes need to be scattered through an open window.

When everything is done, carefully collect the ashes from the paper, throw it into the wind through an open window or window, accompanying your actions with the words: “As said, let everything come true.” Do not extinguish the candle; it must burn completely. Hide the cinder in a secret place. And the first results will be felt after a few days.

Gypsy way

When you come home, you should definitely pray with a lit candle.

When feelings weaken a little, a girl can return them with the help of an ancient gypsy ritual. To do this, go out to a deserted place so that no one sees. In progress magical actions at night. Raise your hands and shout three times:

“Illuminate my face, mother moon! Become the fulfiller of my desires. Let my dreams come true. I thirst for my beloved, let him fly, hurry to me faster than the wind, faster than the sun. Bring him, make him so sad that there will be no life for him without me. Magic powers, help, let him reach out to me like a magnet!”

You can also cast a spell on the wind. They pronounce it while standing near open window. You should choose windy weather during the waxing moon:

A spell for the wind is pronounced at an open window

“In the middle of the ocean sea there is a secret island of Buyan. There is a strong wind there. It does not subside either during the day or at night. Rush, wild wind, to my beloved. Bring powerful sadness to his heart. Let him begin to weep and be sad without me, and longing pushes him to meet with me. Like a newborn child without mother’s milk, like a clean fish without water, let my beloved not be able to live, drink, eat, or sleep without me. There will be neither day nor night for him. And the magical words will come true, spoken from the heart, spoken in this bright hour. Amen".

To smoke and steam

“Burn, clear light, let there be smoke. Fly, smoke, to anyone - your betrothed. Reward him with sadness and longing. Let him come to me quickly, like smoke flying fast with the wind.”

After two or three days you can expect the first results.

You can also do a bath ritual. Heat the bathhouse, undress, take a good steam bath. Then take a broom and cast the following spell on it:

The broom needs to be taken home

“So I took a swim and steamed, Venicek took care of me. I washed away the melancholy and sadness from myself, and sent it to you (name). Take it for yourself, suffer, without me you will not know peace or sleep. I will become your only boredom and sadness. Let what has been said come true.”

At dawn

At the first rays of sun on Saturday, get up and go outside. Read these words there:

“I’ll get up early in the morning and go outside. There I’ll go into the yard and go out into the open field. I'll turn to the sun. Let it illuminate me with its first rays, warm me with its warmth. Meet my beloved, sunshine, let him wait and wait for me. When he sees me, he will rejoice, be happy, and have fun. Without me he misses, suffers, is sad, at dawn he longs to meet me, he is sad. I'll take over all his dreams. Let longing for me occupy your soul, body, mind, heart. Won't leave him alone."

When carrying out any magical effect on another person, it is important to remember that you should not play with magic. Only if a person is firmly convinced of his intention to win over another person, can he contact higher powers for help.

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