White conspiracy for luck. Listen to your heart. For women for luck

In this article:

To achieve something in life, not only the effort we put into achieving what we want is important, luck also plays a big role. However, she doesn't smile at all of us. You shouldn’t be upset, because there are various rituals for good luck and luck that will help you achieve what you want.

Rituals for good luck in everything

This simple ritual will help you achieve good luck in all your endeavors. On Tuesday morning (before sunrise), stand facing east. Light three church candles and read the plot seven times:

Put out the candles and put them away. They can be used next time. The ritual for good luck in everything can be performed every week or as needed.

If you are looking for a job, but can’t find anything useful, then try the following ritual. On the new moon, buy a handkerchief at the market and recite the following spell on it:

“Where I, servant of God (name), will not go,

I can find work anywhere.

Success awaits me in all endeavors,

And there is prosperity in business.

As she said, so it will be. Amen".

You should always have a charmed handkerchief with you. But to find a job, a conspiracy alone is not enough, you don’t need to be idle, engage in active searches, and then luck will be on your side.

Plot before an interview: to get hired

The following plot will help you pass the interview successfully. When leaving home, read three times:

There are all sorts of situations in life. Sometimes, despite all the searches and efforts, you still can’t find your soulmate. In such a situation, it can come to the rescue love magic. A ritual for luck in love will help you not only find your soulmate, but also improve your relationship with your loved one.

It should be done on the new moon. At night, light a red candle, place a piece of paper in front of you, and write your wish on it. After that, reread what you wrote several times. Fold the piece of paper and put it in an envelope. Then read the plot for luck in love:

“I, the servant of God (name), left the house and went into an open field, and I saw a large stone there. Just as this stone stands alone, so I am alone. Suddenly a pair of white doves landed on a stone. I asked the Lord for help. Help me meet my destiny. I don’t want to be alone anymore, I want to meet my soul mate. Just as this pair of doves is inseparable, so I will find my man. We will always be together in joy and sorrow, in health and in illness. Help me, Lord, hear my prayer and heed it. Let it be so. Amen".

After this, drip wax from the candle onto the envelope and seal it. Place it under your pillow. Let it lie there until your wish comes true.

It is better not to tell anyone about the ritual, and not to show the envelope to anyone.

To become lucky, some people prefer to turn to black magic. If you also have such a desire, then you can try to perform this ritual. It should be done at night during the full moon. Before this day, spend general cleaning in the house, throw away all old and unnecessary things.

At midnight, light a church candle and walk around your entire house with it three times, starting from the front door from left to right. Then circle the candles around your body three times. Take a new pin and drip candle wax into its eye, saying:

“A thousand devils I call on you for help,

I expect good luck from you.

Let my pin turn into an amulet

And he has been helping me for 10 years.

I close my conspiracy with a lock.

I cover it with candle wax.

My word is stronger than stone,

As I say, so it will be!”

Now take some yellow coins and go to the intersection. Throw 'em through left shoulder and say, “Paid.” Then return home. Don't talk to anyone until the morning.

Ritual for good luck and money

If you want to attract money and luck to yourself, you can perform a ritual with three candles:

  • white will represent you;
  • brown will help bring good luck to you;
  • green – cash.

The ritual for good luck and money should be performed on the waxing moon after sunset. Place candles in the shape of a triangle. White should be in the center, green on the left, and brown on the right. Light the candles. First white, then brown and green. Read the conspiracy to attract money and good luck into your life:

“I light the candles,

I invite profit and luck into my life.

Let the candles burn brightly,

And my house will be filled with goodness and gold.

There will be success in all my affairs,

I will become richer and luckier than everyone else.”

After reading, you need to wait until the candles burn out. Collect the rest and hide it at home. You will soon notice that luck is on your side.

For the ritual you will need:

  • new small mirror;
  • a small bag made of blue fabric;
  • sheet of paper and pen.

It should be done in the evening. Take a mirror in your hands and, looking into it, say three times:

« Mirror-mirror, bright window, reflect all obstacles and troubles, remove them from my path, and attract good luck and success into my life. Amen".

After this, write your last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth on a piece of paper. Hide the sheet and mirror in a bag, which will become your talisman. Carry it with you always.

If you are having troubles at work, they want to lay you off, or your boss is picking on you, then a spell for good luck at work can help you. It should be carried out on the waning moon in the evening. Sit at the table, light a church candle in front of you and, looking at its flame, say:

“Candle-candle burn brightly,

Take all the troubles and failures for yourself.

Give me back luck and success,

Make me the happiest of all.

May my colleagues respect me

But the bosses don’t offend you.

Money will come into my hands,

But only good people meet on my way."

After that, take a coin out of your wallet yellow color and drip wax on it. Always carry this coin with you.

Ritual for good luck in studies

Despite the fact that school and student years are considered one of the best in a person’s life, many children and teenagers do not want to study. This happens by various reasons. One of the main things is that studying is difficult for a child. To fix this, you can perform a ritual for good luck in your studies. It can be conducted either by the student himself or by his mother.

To do this you will need:

  • brown candle;
  • Holy water;
  • Bowl;
  • a ring, bracelet or keychain worn by a child.

The ritual must be performed on the last day of the full moon.

Pour holy water into a bowl. Place your chosen item there. Place the bowl on the window so that it can be exposed to Moonlight, and say:

“Moonlight gives power to (name the object),

Charges him with special energy.

Let this thing help the servant of God (name);

Rewards success and good luck in studies.

It will be easy for the servant of God (name) to study,

And his head will be filled with knowledge.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

After this, extinguish the candle. Pour out the water and give the enchanted object to the child. It is important that he always carries it with him.

Ritual for good luck in the exam

In order not to fail the exam and get a high score, you need to prepare well. In addition, magic can come to your aid.

At midnight before exams, pour a glass of water and say:

“I call upon you good luck and luck,

Let them help me with my studies.

It’s not in vain that I’m working hard today,

After all, tomorrow good mark I'll get it."

After this, leave the water and go to bed. In the morning, drink half a glass and go to the exam. When you return home, drink the remaining water.

The ritual should be performed on the waxing moon on the first Wednesday. Time: midnight. For the ritual you will need:

  • a glass filled with holy water;
  • three yellow coins;
  • Golden ring.

Place a ring and coins in a glass of water, clasp it with both hands, and read the plot for good luck in business:

“I’ll put the coins in the water,

I will ask the Lord for help.

Help me, Almighty, to achieve success in business,

Always in right time V in the right place be.

May my guardian angel accompany me,

And it helps me with business!

My word is strong, but my deed is moldable!”

You need to read the plot seven times, after each reading, take a sip. At the end, you need to drink all the water. Always carry a ring and coins with you. These are now your talismans that will attract good luck to you.

Ritual for good luck in business

If problems arise in business, then this ritual can come to the rescue. It can be held on any Thursday at dawn. For the ritual you will need:

  • coin;
  • remnant;
  • red thread.

Early in the morning, leave the house and find a deserted place. Dig a hole there, put all the above items in it, and say:

“How quickly the soap runs out,

So all my bad luck will end,

How coins jingle in other people's wallets,

So they will ring in mine too.

How a red thread brings luck and good fortune,

This will bring me success in business too.

Everything will work out for me,

And things in business are improving.

As I said, so be it. Amen"

After that, bury the hole and use your right hand index finger draw a cross on the ground, saying: “ My word is law " Now go home, don't look back, and don't talk to anyone on the way.

In order for success to always accompany you in everything, you need to speak a pin. The ceremony is held on the new moon on Wednesday. When it gets dark, go outside, take a right hand pin and, looking at the moon, say:

“As the new moon ascended to heaven,

So everything will be fine in my affairs.

Success and prosperity will await me in everything.

And my failures and suffering will end.

Amen. Amen. Amen"

Always carry this enchanted pin with you.

Ritual for Luck, Success and Increase in Fortune

Are there laws of luck or is it a game of probability? How to become lucky and attract good luck? I do not consider esotericism, feng shui or the “noodles” of positive psychology. You will get acquainted with the analysis of the patterns of events in our lives and learn practical conclusions.

What is luck?

Luck is not just an abstract concept. Recognizing and referring to luck and fortune is a way of talking about the complex and largely unexplored patterns of life.

In my blog, I already discussed the fact that some knowledge about a person seemed to be taboo. For those interested, read “What is fate?” In addition, I posted a little practice in the post “A simple tool for changing fate.” Read and try to apply. Interesting information can be found in this post - “Fate number and life scenarios”.

Luck or fortune is a process that obeys its own rather harmonious and strict laws. You will recognize most of them now. I found answers to the questions: what is luck and luck, what does luck depend on, what are the laws of luck and how to become lucky.

Laws of luck - sacred knowledge?

Most researchers in this field subscribe to the esoteric paradigm of thinking. It says the following: the laws of luck are sacred knowledge, to which laymen should not be allowed. I fundamentally disagree with this and occult nonsense in general. Knowledge protects itself, so sacred truths can be written on fences.

For understanding and even more so practical application Some knowledge requires preparation and a certain development of consciousness.

The first-grader is unaware of the groom's experiences and reasoning. A young person will not understand the position of a mature one, even if he sincerely agrees with them. A mature person will not understand an old man, and a young person will condescendingly dismiss his wisdom.

Fortunately, our world is built in such a way that no one has ever managed to jump over their heads. No one ever! Therefore, what I give will be understood partially by some, superficially by others, and deeply by others. Each reader will take exactly as much as he can digest.

Morale and luck

I hasten to disappoint those who like to speculate about karma. Luck is neither directly nor indirectly related to moral and ethical principles. The world is full of lucky scoundrels and good ones, believers or just ethical losers. Following ethics will make you a better person, possibly healthier and happier, and most likely prolong your life, but it will not affect your level of luck in any way.

Authors who say the opposite are either stupidly rewriting sources or are being disingenuous. They didn't bother to collect even minimal statistics. Laziness or prejudice did not allow us to analyze the surrounding reality. There is zero faith in such authors. Moreover, their works are harmful - they lead away from the truth and perpetuate the illusions of readers.

Definition of luck and luck

Luck is a deviation least likely events leading to a favorable outcome.

Luck – manifestations of good luck in life with a frequency above average.

A lucky person is a person for whom deviations towards the least probable events occur with enviable consistency.

It turns out that to become lucky, you need to increase the frequency have a nice day. To do this, you must at least have criteria for determining a successful day and know their approximate frequency.

The nature of luck and luck

If at first the idea does not seem absurd, it is hopeless.

Albert Einstein

Perhaps what I say now will be rejected by you as incredible. Perhaps this knowledge will revolutionize your view of the world. But it’s more likely that I simply put the knowledge you latently sensed in a visual, and in some places, strictly scientific form.

How often does Lord Kelvin come to mind when he claimed that mechanisms heavier than air would not be able to fly? I also remember other retrogrades, unlike Kelvin, which have nothing to do with science.

The nature of luck is dual, like the nature of matter. Wave-particle dualism does not fit into consciousness. The duality of luck also bursts the convolutions.

On the one hand, luck is the fluctuation of system processes. On the other hand, there is a factor that acts in the same way as material energy phenomena. In this regard, the laws of luck resemble the laws of electromagnetism.

Undoubtedly, luck has a charge and is capable of being transferred from one carrier to another - induction. There are people whose mere presence eliminates luck. There are people in whose presence luck increases. There are objects charged with luck, and there are also their opposites. The presence of charge and induction allows us to talk about some kind of field, special cases of interaction with which are perceived by us as luck and luck.

People tend to interact with this field in varying degrees. But if we consider electromagnetism, the difference in interaction is determined by the difference in the structure and composition of the body, and the psyche interacts with luck.

Without a doubt, luck is related to a person's charisma and not related to his intelligence. The luck of fools and smart people is subject to the same statistical laws. We will look at them now.

Patterns of distribution of luck in society

If we take any sufficiently large team, then the distribution of success and failure will obey the normal (or otherwise, Gaussian distribution).

This law is typical for the distribution of growth, finances, accuracy of hits and thousands of other factors. In relation to luck, the distribution looks something like the graph below.

Distribution of luck in a large team

The x-axis ranges from 0 to 9. 0 is maximum failure, 9 is maximum luck. Most people are in the area between 2 and 7. The area from 4 to 5 is a stable plateau. Almost a quarter of all people on the planet are in it. This is a life without any special shocks, in which, however, there are no ups.

Distribution of luck in life

Explaining how I arrived at the inverse pyramid law would require a lot of time and preparation for the reader. I chose the path of least resistance and demonstrated it clearly. We will return to this law in the next round of deepening into the topic. This is not just theorizing. Knowing such things allows you to attract good luck into your life and avoid many seemingly random troubles and illnesses.

Laws of luck

I provide a list of patterns of luck and luck, knowledge of which, with the right approach, will help you become a lucky person. In addition to the patterns themselves, they are waiting for you illustrative examples. Read, think, apply and perhaps you will be able to attract good luck or at least avoid failures lurking at the corners of life.

Law of Investment

Luck is not a gift, but an investment.

The fact is that every major success is followed by a “reckoning” - unpleasant, and in some cases even fatal event. This law operates in the sphere of major successes - events that immediately take the person with whom they happened to a different level of life.

The pattern was first noticed by scientists from Stanford. After numbering the data of all the people who won big over a period of 50 years, they randomly selected 10 numbers. Imagine their surprise when it turned out that out of 10 lucky ones, 9 lost everything within 2 years! Moreover, 2 died, 1 committed suicide, 4 became disabled, 1 went crazy. And only 1 out of 9 became simply poor!

You can independently google the fates of people who won big in the lottery. In 97% of cases, within 5 years, events occur that either lead to death or return the person to the level at which he was. The downside is wasted physical and mental health and contact with loved ones.

Nadezhda Mukhametzyanova is not the only one who died in poverty, having squandered fabulous wealth in 5 years. Apartments burned, cars crashed, children became drunkards and committed crimes...

A lot of deaths. Scary, like the American truck driver Abraham Shakespeare, and ridiculous, like Stuart Donely.

Billy Bob Harrell, whose death was attributed to suicide, admitted: “Winning the lottery was the worst thing that ever happened to me.”

Many cases of disability. It is significant that the owner of the largest slot machine jackpot in the world, waitress Cynthia Jay, cursed her wealth. Sitting in a wheelchair, she admitted that she would give all the money for the opportunity to go back in time and walk past the casino.

I repeat: in 97% of cases this does not end well. And it’s not about retribution, as the vast majority of people who read about such cases think. Let me remind you that moral and ethical standards have nothing to do with luck and fortune. So a religious or esoteric explanation is an attempt to evade the answer. The answer you will receive right now.

Look at the year chart ordinary person. It reflects the notorious zebra principle. The graph is plotted along two axes – average proportions over time and intensity of events.

Average time proportions are the approximate number of good, normal, and bad days in a quarter.

If I were to build a graph taking into account their chronology, it would turn out to be a flickering of colors merging into one mass. Therefore, for clarity, the best, like worst days, connected together and separated from each other by the usual within the block.

Now let’s look at the diagram of the clearly lucky ones, who make up less than 1% of the total population. Most shining example such a person is Polish Barbara Rolya. She survived without consequences 4 plane crashes, 2 train crashes, 7 car accidents, 5 bridges and balconies falling and much more. All cases have documentary (many even notarized) evidence!

You need to run away from such people without looking back, without testing your fortune.

Lucky Distribution Chart

Gray areas are the norm or the average value of possible fluctuations. (Zero cannot be the norm; at zero there is no object of analysis.) Lucky people have much fewer gray days, and success and failure are almost equal. This “almost” and the speed of changing lanes is where their ability lies. Barbara Rolya constantly got into trouble, but also constantly, inexplicably to those around her, came out of it without a scratch. I constantly skipped work and lost money, giving it to swindlers. But she also constantly won, received inheritances and gifts.

The average person caught in a fluctuation in the field of luck does not meet these parameters. While in anomalous zone the luck index increases many times over, but then they come gray everyday life. Accordingly, the usual state of consciousness. And in his normal state, he is not able to manipulate a lot of money, so he inevitably loses it.

If a person is not burdened bad habits and a high ego that is not based on anything, the money will melt away painlessly. Otherwise, he will repeat the sad fate of the Mukhametzyanov family or Cynthia Jay.

Conclusion. Luck, especially big luck, is an investment in your development. If you remain stagnant and, moreover, degrade, a chain of failures will deprive you of all bonuses and, possibly, health or life.

The statistics of subsequent failures after a major gift of fortune are as follows:

From 10 to 12 months is the peak of trouble. The time when Fortune's favorite is most vulnerable.

Laws of distribution

1. Good and bad luck are transmitted

Success and failure are transmitted from person to person, from person to object and vice versa. In this respect, luck and bad luck are like an electric charge, although no charge known forms energies are not.

History knows thousands of examples of fatal people and objects. There are no less examples of people and objects that bring good luck. It makes no sense for me to give examples that can be easily found.

There are many answers to the question of how to attract good luck in life. One of them is to identify the losers in your environment and end relations with them. The second step is to try to attract the lucky ones to your project. IN as a last resort just meet lucky people, soaking up their energy.

There are people who literally draw a charge of luck onto themselves. I call them vampires of fate. Such people are constantly and inexplicably lucky, without any consequences. But there is a defining parameter. These people are forced to communicate a lot with different people. Live. Alone, their luck evaporates.

For those who like to rack their brains, here is a fact: the number of passengers on trains that crash is 12-16% less than normal. This has been proven many times over by statistics. different countries fact. They try to explain it by intuition. Like, someone feels that something is wrong and hands over the tickets. I have nothing against it, but there are not contradictory, but complementary explanations.

I don’t want to hide behind M. Zilberman’s Z-hypothesis and other branches of Kozyrev’s theory. Few people will understand this. Simply put, the number of people has decreased not because there will be a crash. In at least 50% of cases, crashes occur because the number of lucky passengers is less than critical.

2. Good and bad luck accumulate.

Good and bad luck can accumulate and create cycles of events. Most often, such cycles are tied to dates. This gave rise to legends about fatal numbers and dates and similar nonsense. There are no common fatal numbers for all. Everything is individual.

3. Good and bad luck can ricochet.

There is a lot we don’t know just because we don’t want to notice. Having noticed it, we don’t want to strain ourselves and analyze it. Remember similar situations, compare them with stories about similar cases and find common points.

Many promise to reveal how to attract good luck. They talk about the color of the wallet and the smoothing of bills, how many times you need to spit over which shoulder and what to draw in your imagination. And this is said by people who constantly step on the same rake in their own lives. People who do not notice the letter letters of the messages of fate.

The ricochet of good and bad luck can be seen in this case. You are lucky and you feel that your luck has not yet run out. Right away – and there’s nothing. At the same moment, your friend or relative, or sometimes two, have a surge of luck.

Interestingly, the rebound of luck is observed only in the case of sufficiently frequent and kind-hearted contacts. Why am I talking about rebound and not induction? Because at the moment of success and the subsequent one, you may not communicate.

Law of Congestion

Before a major failure comes a series of small ones

In esotericism this is called a chain of signs, and the Simoronites talk about a signal vortex and teach how to come out of it with laughter. The point is this. A minor unfortunate event occurs - coffee spills on his trousers. Then the phone doesn’t answer, but the conversation is important. Everything ends in a big bummer or an accident.

Law of the doublet

Success and failure in 8 cases out of 10 are repeated after a short period of time

This property has long been noticed by people in dangerous professions and card players. If suddenly (precisely suddenly) Fortune was kind to you, in 80% of cases she will pay attention to you again in the very near future. It's the same with misfortunes.

That's all for today. In the following notes on luck and fortune, we will arm ourselves with criteria for assessing successful days. You will become familiar with the theory of time inversion and ordinal series in the field of events.

As a recommendation, I advise you to master the technique of drawing up a life map. All the information is here: “Map of Life – Periods”, “Map of Life – Cycles”, “Map of Life – Cycles of Good Luck”. This is an incomparably accurate tool for predicting your fate, which has no analogues in the world. Numerology, astrology and mantics are baby talk based solely on faith. A life map is a tool based on the exact patterns of your unique and inimitable destiny.

With respect and gratitude,


Absolutely all spoken words carry a certain energy flow, it influences the person to whom the statement is addressed. A rude word can ruin a person’s mood, make him unhappy, and deprive him of self-confidence. good and good words have a positive effect not only on people, but also on plants and water.

It turns out that there are words that bring good luck. Repeating daily the phrases: “I am happy!”, “I am lucky!”, “I am rich!”, “I am loved!”, “I am healthy!”, imagining at this moment his future successes, a person builds a certain program for himself. Thus, programming your actions only to achieve the desired result. Such words must be pronounced confidently, in the present tense. By doing the exercises constantly, your desires will soon come true.

In order for good luck to always accompany you, it is recommended to clear your mind of negativity. In every little detail and things surrounding us Everyday life search positive points, only in this case luck will be nearby. Unforeseen situations arise in life that involve solving complex problems. By pronouncing the words “Everything will work out”, “Everything is fine” with confidence, a person makes efforts to achieve his goal.

It turns out that you can make your loved ones happy very easily. It is enough just to utter words more often about how you love them, value them and appreciate that they exist. By pronouncing words sincerely, a person receives from relatives positive emotions, which allows you to be confident. A confident man, always lucky.

Given the statistics, optimists are much luckier than pessimists. A person who is positive, always joyful when communicating with people, utters only words that make people happy. Therefore, people's reaction is positive. As a result, such people are blessed with good luck and success. A person who constantly complains about all the hardships of life and lack of money attracts only bad things with his words. In this case, what he complains about comes into his life even more.

If you get out of bed in the morning and say out loud: “Today will bring me only good things,” “What I have in mind will definitely work out.” A person excludes from consciousness negative thoughts and at the beginning of the day tunes in to positive emotions. This method of pronouncing words gives real results.


Any negative, no matter how small, comes back to the person. You need to learn to think before you speak and control the flow of your emotions.

Helpful advice

Scientists have learned that ordinary water can also bring good luck and success. You need to tell this water in advance that it is the best, gets rid of all ailments and brings good luck. Then you need to drink it throughout the day. If you water flowers with this water, they will grow better.

Many years ago, people noticed that some objects and actions bring good luck, while others bring bad luck. Some people believe in omens, others don’t, but people started bringing home a horseshoe for good luck back in the 5th century. People believed that if you nailed it over front door ends up, it will bring wealth, and if you place it with the letter “c”, then happiness will settle in the house.

Some lucky omens were born along with bad ones. For example, finding a small thing, especially on a bad one. You cannot pick up such coins. However, if you find a nickel that is heads up, then this is considered a lucky omen. Take the nickel, and at home perform the following ritual: place a candle on the coin, light it and, looking at the fire, repeat your very desire. When the candle burns two-thirds, put out the fire and hide it along with the coin in a secluded place. And when your wish comes true, light the candle again and let it burn out completely, and throw away the nickel at the crossroads.

Find old Rusty Nail- also a good omen. It is believed that this is the nail that should be used to nail a horseshoe for good luck. People said that only an old nail knows how to keep happiness in the family. Another find that brings happiness is an ancient key. If you bring it into the house, it will close the doors to any troubles.

Several lucky signs are associated with people. For example, it was considered lucky to meet a chimney sweep. Today this sign is not very relevant, but if you are lucky enough to meet a person of this rare profession– consider happiness “in your pocket”! Touching the belly or hump of a hunchback is also good omens. Moreover, you need to touch the hump so that its owner does not feel anything. If you succeed, you can safely go to the casino - you will have great luck!

Accidentally finding a clover with four leaves means catching happiness. This sign came to Russia from Ireland. There it is believed that the quatrefoil symbolizes the lost paradise. If you are lucky enough to find it, clover should be picked, dried and always carried with you. Three-leaf clovers are also considered to bring good luck because... Trinity. Trefoil is used to ward off witches and evil spirits, protect against black magic and.

Each person understands happiness in his own way. For one it is wealth, for another it is children, for a third it is health. You can be happy without noticing these signs. However, if they give you self-confidence, follow them and don’t be afraid to seem like a superstitious person.


  • signs to find the key

For some, luck knocks on the door, while for others, troubles follow. Why are some people lucky in life, while others have problems pouring out of a cornucopia of them?
Or it happens that a person is lucky in terms of career and money. But in personal life- complete calm.
A person can attract good luck. But for this you need to be ready to let her into your life.

You will need

  • sheets of paper, pencils, symbol of good luck


Be optimistic. Luck is a capricious lady and she does not smile at everyone, but only at optimists. Because they believe in it. Luck does not like pessimistic people. Only a positive attitude can attract you into your life.

All people want to be successful, lucky, to live in abundance and love. For some, luck fails, even in small things nothing works out. If failures and problems await you at every step, use the power of conspiracies to ward off troubles. Each spell for well-being will become a talisman and will help attract positive dynamics in business.

Along with other spells, all of the following can have certain effects. Be careful, read the text of the spell several times from the screen - if this is repulsive or frightening, it is better not to start the ritual. Attracting good things must be accompanied by good emotions.

The main thing is the mood for the ceremony. A conspiracy for well-being is done consciously. It must be positive. Luck comes only to people with a charge of positive energy. Therefore, no negative thoughts while reading prayers or spells for well-being. Only faith with positivity.

Every morning before you go to work, you should wash your face. cold water(looking east), pronouncing light words of the conspiracy:

“Work is good, if work is given, then let success and good be present in it and in me.”

Repeating three times - with positive attitude go to work. This will help you gain the favor of your superiors and open up new prospects. career growth and the limits of earnings.

For success, with a mirror

This spell is read for success in various matters: work, personal life, etc. It will take troubles away from you, like a strong talisman, which means only pleasant things will remain around.

To do this you will need a mirror ( big size, which hangs on the wall), a white cotton scarf or rag, a church candle. Of the vital things, this is all, of the energetic ones - faith, lack of fear, the desire to become successful. Running time is from midnight to three hours after midnight. The best day is from Saturday to Sunday.

We go to the mirror, light a candle and say a spell for good luck and luck three times:

“Deliver me, Lord, from the seduction of the godless and evil-cunning Antichrist who is coming, and hide me from his snares in the hidden desert of Your salvation. Grant me, Lord, the strength and courage to firmly confess Your holy name, so that I will not retreat from the fear of the devil, and may not renounce You, my Savior and Redeemer, from Your Holy Church. But grant me, Lord, day and night to cry and cry for my sins, and have mercy on me, Lord, at the hour of Your Last Judgment. Amen"

We extinguish the candle on a cotton cloth and put the attributes under our mattress so that no one will find it. You shouldn’t tell anyone about the ritual; it will affect the current state of affairs and can turn the situation in a different direction. For good luck, conspiracies are carried out in complete solitude.

This prayer is difficult to memorize - it can be read from a piece of paper. Don’t hesitate, and then burn the piece of paper with the flame of a burning candle. Scatter the ashes to the wind.

For women for luck

The conspiracy is considered feminine because to carry out this ritual you will need such a thing as a beautiful, expensive piece of jewelry. After performing the spell, the jewelry should not just lie there, it should be worn. Then success in business will accompany you. In general, good luck spells are divided by gender; this particular one is considered female.

You can also cast a spell on someone else’s jewelry, for the other person’s luck. It is only very important that the person personally gives you his jewelry in his hands.

Make sure that in addition to decoration you have: a church candle, spring water.

When starting, take a candle from the church and burn the decoration with fire. All bad things, all the energy that has been accumulated, will leave the jewel. Place the collected water on the windowsill. The highest score if the night is starry and the starry sky is reflected into the water. Now read the words on the water:

“I, servant of God (name), will go out at night - not during the day.
A door - not a window,
Dear - not a path,
In the field - not in the swamp.
I'll take a silver thing with me
For the servant of God (name of the one being charmed).
Silver thing.
Midnight water.
Take care of your mistress,
Call her luck.
Drive away sadness,
Attract money.
As said, so be it!

Place the jewel in the charmed water and go to bed. Early in the morning, take the jewelry out of the water and cross yourself three times while holding it in your hand. Now the enchanted item must be carried with you at all times. Was the decoration not yours? By the evening of the day you need to give the item, otherwise the plot will lose its power. When giving, ask the person for a coin that you don’t mind. Accept it with gratitude and keep it with you.

Many people worry about the consequences of this conspiracy, worrying that the things or coins that remain with them will bring failures in business. Do not worry. Just accept this thing with gratitude, everything will be fine. The main thing is that you acted for the good.

To win the competition

In competition, resistance, enemies prevent each other from achieving a goal. Some use conspiracies for crushing failure of an opponent, and others use conspiracies for their own success (for which the conspiracy is given below).

The autumn ritual is simple: under the light of a candle on a clear night, we speak a bowl of water with the words:

“As the day submits to the night, as ice submits to the sun, as fire submits to water, so my enemy (name) will submit in powerlessness, broken by weakness, lost in spirit. Amen"

We extinguish the candle, hide it in a safe place, and pour out the water at a crossroads. Now the spirit of victory will hover nearby, believe in it and think about victory every minute.

For a successful purchase

There are different conspiracies for good luck. This, for example, is a spell for good luck in shopping. Read it before going to the store. Before purchasing, make sure you are alone so that no one can hear or see you. Say the words three times:

“In a golden casket, on an age-old oak tree, the yachts are burning, the silks are shining, from that casket three horses are racing, on those horses are three goods. Give me vigilance, natural strength, so that I can spot that product and take it. To take from that horse that will not deceive me. And keep others away from me.”

May good luck accompany you!

As you can see, good luck spells are very different. They are used for health, victories, setting up personal life, business, even going to the store. Do you know which one is the most strong conspiracy for luck? The one they believe in.

Some people suffer from chronic bad luck. Someone gets fired from their job, a new car gets stolen. For others, on the contrary, everything goes like clockwork. Management constantly praises me at work, gives bonuses and promotions. But you can always make positive changes in life. At the same time, the internal attitude and desire live in abundance and luxury.

Why are people unlucky in life?

Some people believe that bad luck is God's punishment. A person may stumble out of the blue and decide for himself that he will not be able to achieve anything in life. He sincerely begins to believe that he is unlucky. And every event finds confirmation of this. This is how you program yourself for a certain role in society and will continue to trail at the end of the line-up.

The predisposition to bad luck begins in early childhood. Some people are not used to putting effort into achieving a goal themselves; their parents brought everything to them on a plate. Such spoiled sissies usually face the truth of life much earlier.

An unlucky person, looking at himself in the mirror, suffers from low self-esteem. It seems to him that he only attracts problems. You should stop relying on the authority of others and start acting on your own. The first step on the path to harmony is to gain faith in your own strength. Every person has potential, hidden opportunities will allow you to move mountains and remove the stigma of a loser.

Principles of Lucky People

Every self-confident person does not go ahead, but carefully weighs his steps and plans for the future. Life experience helps you assess the situation and choose for yourself best option developments of events.

Try to gather your will into a fist and direct all your strength to achieve your goal. Don't wait and rely on chance. Start solving problems immediately, and don’t think about whether you will be lucky or not.

Our every action finds a response. Therefore, be one hundred percent sure that if you put effort into something, it will definitely pay off. There is no need to constantly think about whether you are lucky or unlucky. This way you are distracted from more important problems.

Main factors of luck

1. Perseverance in achieving goals. This quality will help in short time realize your plans. You will continue to move forward and never stop, even if others are already exhausted. In this matter, it is important to educate yourself. Improving your professional skills will strengthen your position in society.

2. Honesty. If you are open in communicating with people, then they will definitely notice and trust you. To become honest with yourself, you need to do a lot of spiritual work. Only as a result of understanding life experience can one gain recognition from colleagues.

3. Optimism. First of all, it is important to develop in yourself best qualities character and an optimistic outlook on life. If you let light and goodness into your inner world, then you will attract positivity and joy. Try to communicate more with people, do not be afraid of new acquaintances. This is an opportunity to get advice during a difficult time.

4. Increased energy. Only energetic people achieve success. If you are prone to laziness, then do not expect fate to shower you with laurels. Rich and successful people They usually work harder than others and have a huge responsibility on their shoulders. Strong-willed people are able to bear any load, so they are immediately visible.

5. The desire for activity. Try to take on many tasks yourself. Any action you take leads to specific results. How more action you undertake, the more experience you gain.

6. Clarity. Every person needs to know clearly what he wants to achieve in life. If he paints a clear picture for himself, then the likelihood that he will achieve something in life increases.

You need to soberly assess your strengths, and then you will know exactly what is a priority on the path to achieving your goal. Luck loves self-confident people who have their own opinions on all the phenomena of reality. Try not to be passive, be overreactive to what life offers, and remember to push buttons and

17.07.2015 10:00

Accidents are not accidental - the laws of luck actually exist. Luck depends on certain factors...
