You can prepare lemon balm. Melissa officinalis: cultivation, collection and preparation

Melissa is one of the medicinal herbs, the properties of which were known in ancient times. As a rule, a healing tea is prepared from the leaves of this plant, which helps get rid of many ailments. However, the power of this drink may be lost if the preparation of raw materials is carried out incorrectly. For this reason, every herbalist should know how to dry lemon balm. And today we will tell you about all the rules for collecting and storing this useful herb.

Properly prepared lemon balm will give the tea not only all its aroma, but also its healing qualities.

Preparation of healing lemon balm

Melissa is a fairly unpretentious plant, so you can easily grow it in your own garden plot. In the most ordinary flower garden it will feel more than fine, and even being “in the company” of parsley and dill it will not grow any worse.

Advice! In order for lemon balm bushes to grow well, you need to choose an open, illuminated area for them!


So, harvesting lemon balm for the winter begins with harvesting. It is best done in dry, sunny weather. If you notice that in the morning the plant is covered with dew drops, then harvesting should be postponed until the afternoon, since moisture can provoke the formation of mold, and this, in turn, will lead to the loss of a significant part useful substances.

Important! Remember that lemon balm should not be collected in fog or cloudy weather!

It's very good if you grew it medicinal plant yourself and collect from your garden. After all, in this case you can be completely confident in its environmental cleanliness.

Harvesting lemon balm begins in June and lasts until it blooms. The tops and leaves are carefully cut from the stem and placed in linen bags. Here it is important to understand why you cannot use plastic containers, which many are accustomed to. The fact is that even short-term contact of raw materials with this material can affect the quality of the workpiece - the aroma will be spoiled and the color will be lost.


Now let's move on to the main thing - how to dry lemon balm for tea. The collected raw materials can be dried in three ways:

The bunches must be kept small, otherwise the stems inside will begin to rot and mold. And this will lead to damage to the entire bundle.

In addition, the harvest should sometimes be reviewed and damaged leaves removed.


Before storing dried lemon balm, it must be prepared. To do this, the raw materials are ground in the palms of the hands until they form small chips, which are placed in glass containers and tightly closed with lids.

Important! Plastic containers, as well as containers from other artificial materials Not suitable for storing lemon balm!

  1. If you have prepared several at once medicinal herbs, then a tag should be attached to each jar, which will indicate the name of the plant and the date of its preparation.
  2. From time to time you should check the condition of the grass and remove suspicious leaves.
  3. The shelf life should not be more than 1 year.
  4. The place where lemon balm is stored should be shaded, otherwise it will quickly fade and lose its benefits.
  5. The yield of this herb is approximately the following: from 5-10 g of fresh herbs, 0.25-0.5 g of dried raw materials.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Melissa officinalis or, in other words, lemon balm is a herbaceous plant with a pleasant aroma. Many years ago, it was grown by the Greeks to whet the appetite. It is not for nothing that the word lemon balm is translated from Greek as “honey”, because if you rub the walls of the hive with this plant, the bees will flock to it in an instant.

Europeans cultivate lemon balm in almost every garden and even on balconies. But in Russia it is extremely rare to find this plant in vegetable gardens and orchards.

Melissa officinalis is very similar to stinging nettle. It also has straight branched stems, each with 4 sides, reaching a height of about 100 cm. The whole plant is covered with dark green leaves. Melissa itself blooms from July to September. And its flowers are usually located in the axils of the uppermost leaves.

Lemon balm overwinters well in open ground. But in autumn period it must be mulched with dry leaves or peat chips. Do not forget that in plants that have reached the age of 5 years or more, winter hardiness decreases.

Melissa varieties

Dozya- a semi-raised rosette of leaves, can reach a height of 80-90 cm. The leaves of the dozi are dark green, slightly pubescent. Lemon aroma, white flower.

Pearl– a semi-raised rosette of leaves, can reach a height of 80-110 cm. The number of shoots is about 25-70. The leaves of the pearl are dark green, short-petioled, smooth. The aroma of the plant is delicate, strong and refreshing. A good plus is that the pearl is resistant to adverse conditions.

Isidora– a horizontal leafy rosette, can reach a height of about 80 cm. The leaf of Isidora is green, shaped like an egg. The flower is small, lilac in color, strong aroma.

Quadrille- semi-closed and raised rosette of leaves. The number of shoots of this plant can reach 15. The leaves are green, without anthocyanin. A small flower with a strong aroma.

Lemon scent– a semi-raised rosette, can reach a height of 60 cm. The leaves have a lemon aroma, dark green, similar in shape to an egg. The plant has a lemon aroma.

Freshness– a semi-raised rosette of leaves, can reach a height of 60 cm. The leaf is dark green, medium in size. A small light blue flower with a lemon scent.

Tsaritsynskaya semko is a branched and erect plant that can reach a height of 80 cm. Small leaves are light green in color and have a lemon aroma.

Growing lemon balm herb

Sunny and warm places, protected from strong winds- This is an ideal option for growing lemon balm. For example, illuminated southern slopes are among the best for this. It is best to select 5-year-old plants for propagating lemon balm and divide them into 4 parts in the third period of May or at the end of August.

Melissa can also be propagated by layering, such as, for example. In June, you need to pin the shoots of an adult plant to the ground, sprinkled with a mixture of peat and humus. Remember to water frequently. In the autumn, roots form on these shoots, and next spring the young plants can be divided and planted in permanent places.

Caring for lemon balm on the first year plantation– this means thinning plants, weeding, loosening between rows, watering and fertilizing after cutting greenery. In subsequent years, lemon balm is fed twice with a special mineral fertilizer, 1 teaspoon per 1 sq.m. The first time this should be done in early spring, and the second time after cutting the leaves.

Harvesting lemon balm

If you propagate lemon balm by hanging seeds, then in the first year you only need to collect the leaves once. But from young plants that are grown from separated plants, leaves need to be collected twice. U perennial plants Greens are collected twice - in the budding phase and after 30 days. The best time to collect greens is, of course, in the afternoon.

It is better to wash and dry lemon balm greens in the shade or in a draft. The drying temperature must not exceed 35°C. You can put lemon balm in glass jars and close them tightly with a lid. Storage dry greens can be continued no more than a year, since then lemon balm simply loses its smell.

Health effects

No wonder lemon balm has been considered for many years medicinal plant. The famous and famous Avicenna spoke about medicinal properties of this plant, and especially the ability to strengthen the heart.

The composition of lemon balm leaves is very diverse. They contain approximately 0.8% ether oil, which contains 60% of a substance that has a tart lemon smell - citram. It is thanks to this oil that lemon balm can be called medicinal plant, as it has a calming effect.

Also found in lemon balm tannins, resin, vitamins C, carotene, large mineral composition. It smells like lemon and has a bitter-spicy taste.

IN official medicine lemon balm rarely used, but in folk medicine it has wide application. It is often used for neuroses, atherosclerosis, insomnia, convulsions, various tinnitus, constipation, hypertension, diseases in gastrointestinal tract, anemia, poor appetite, rheumatism, colds.

If you drink a tincture of dry lemon balm leaves three times a day, you can reduce blood pressure and shortness of breath. Melissa officinalis also helps to stop various pains in the heart area. To prepare this tincture, you need to mix 1 large spoon with a heap of leaves with 250 ml of water, leave to brew, wrap in a warm place and strain. Take about 1/4 cup four times daily.

Alcohol tincture of lemon balm helps well with severe depression and mental turmoil. For cooking alcohol tincture you need to take 3 large spoons of weed, pour in about 200-250 ml of vodka, leave to brew in a dark place for 15 days and strain. You should drink the tincture 3 dozen drops 2-3 times a day after you have a snack.

When the first pair of leaves appears, the seedlings dive. At this time, it is imperative to maintain normal air, light, temperature and water conditions. At the end of May at open ground Seedlings are planted at the age of 65 days according to the above scheme.

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This aromatic plant found both in the wild in fields, gardens, along roadsides, and on personal plots.

Melissa is grown not only to add to tea and various dishes, but also as an effective aid in the treatment of many ailments.

Beneficial properties of lemon balm

  • The plant is rich in essential oils. Included essential oil There is citral, citronellal, myrcene, geraniol.
  • Resins, mucus, bitterness, tannins, and carotene were found in lemon balm.
  • The plant contains caffeic, oleanic, ursolic and ascorbic acids.
  • Melissa infusion lowers blood pressure.
  • Melissa has a calming effect on nervous system, therefore it is recommended to take it for neuroses, hysteria, increased sexual excitability and insomnia.
  • Melissa is used for heart diseases and atherosclerosis. When drinking lemon balm infusion, shortness of breath and tachycardia disappear, and heart contractions become less frequent.
  • Melissa tea is good for nausea and vomiting.
  • Tea with lemon balm is recommended for headaches, dizziness, and migraines.
  • Melissa – good remedy in the treatment of gastrointestinal infections. It helps with constipation, colic, bloating, and intestinal pain.

But there are also contraindications:

  • The plant is slightly toxic.
  • Infusions and tea with lemon balm are not recommended for low blood pressure and loss of strength.

How and when to collect lemon balm

Melissa is a perennial shrub that begins to bloom in its second year. Melissa has a strong minty-lemon odor and a spicy, slightly bitter taste.

For blanks use the leaves and tops of the plant.

The shoots are cut off at the beginning of flowering, which lasts from June to August. During the summer you can harvest two or three crops of grass. After each harvest, the cut plants must be fed with a full range of mineral fertilizers so that they regain strength and produce another good harvest.

Harvesting lemon balm is carried out in dry sunny weather after the dew has dried on the leaves.

Since washing the leaves negatively affects the quality of the raw material, lemon balm is not washed after cutting. But if the leaves are dirty, it is recommended to wash them in advance with a watering can or hose and let them dry thoroughly. If you cut plants with wet leaves, they may rot and become moldy during the drying process. For the same reason, harvesting should not be carried out soon after rain.

You must remember that you cannot tear up grass near highways, garbage dumps, or near industrial enterprises.

If the lemon balm thickets are extensive, cut off the tops of the bushes with sickles or pruning shears. On a personal plot, if there are few lemon balm bushes, then the leaves are torn off by hand. But you must definitely leave a few bushes for flowering, so as not to destroy the population of this plant in a given area. Melissa reproduces well by seeds. It is enough for the seeds to fall into soil fertile for their germination, and next year they will produce a good harvest of greenery.

Melissa does not tolerate freezing well, so it is dried. Cut branches of lemon balm are placed in the shade for easy drying, and then transferred to permanent place drying.

How to dry lemon balm

Melissa is dried in the shade, under a canopy, in the attic, where the sun's rays do not reach, periodically stirring the raw materials to prevent mold from appearing on the leaves.

Some producers dry lemon balm in a stove or oven, but then the temperature there should not be higher than 35°, so that volatile substances and phytoncides are not destroyed. But still, the quality of such raw materials will be significantly lower than those dried under natural conditions.

How to store dried lemon balm

Dried raw materials are stored in a glass container with a well-closing lid in a cool, dry place.

If lemon balm is stored in canvas bags or paper bags, then there should be no odorous substances or products nearby, as well as other dried herbs. The shelf life of raw materials is 2 years.

Among those who like to brew herbal leaves instead of tea, the leading place belongs to lemon balm. She is loved and appreciated for her delicate delicate aroma and unique ability to soothe. In order to preserve the full beneficial properties of lemon balm, you need to know how to properly dry this aromatic herb. Otherwise, you can end up with a bunch of useless, unpleasant-smelling hay. This article is devoted to the question of how to dry lemon balm at home. Knowing this, you can all year round enjoy your favorite dishes and drinks with the addition of this spicy herb.

Collection of raw materials

The first extremely important point in drying lemon balm for the winter is its correct collection. If this process is performed incorrectly, subsequent actions will not be so important, so we recommend that you thoroughly study all the rules. Lemon balm, as lemon balm is also called, can be harvested from May to August. Melissa should be collected as early as possible, before it begins to grow.

The stems of this plant are quite soft, so you need to cut them with a sharp knife and not with your hands, otherwise there is a risk of crushing the lemon balm and depriving it of a lot of beneficial juices. In addition, experts advise collecting raw materials between 10 and 11 am and only when there is no rain. What is noteworthy is that only tender leaves are collected for tea, for medicinal infusions- the whole plant.

Drying lemon balm

There are several ways to dry mint:

  • outdoors - the crop should be spread out on a pallet in a thin layer. For this purpose, you can use a sheet of cardboard or plywood, or a piece thick fabric. We cover the top of the lemon balm with a net, this is necessary to protect it from dust and insects. The next point is to provide shade so that the sun's rays do not take away the nutrients. From time to time the raw materials need to be mixed.
  • in room - this method involves using a well-ventilated room, such as an attic. You can use a tray, but hand-made mesh hammocks that allow the grass to be completely blown with air are better. Quite often, lemon balm is dried in bunches; this method is suitable when the leaves are not separated from the stem. The grass is collected in bunches and hung in a dark place so that they do not touch the surface. The bunches should be small, otherwise there is a risk that the stems inside will rot or become moldy.
  • in the oven or microwave - experts are against this method, however, despite this, it also has its admirers. Its main advantage is saving time. The chopped herbs should be spread out on a baking sheet and placed in a slightly preheated oven, leaving the door ajar. After two hours, the lemon balm can be taken out. During this time, it should be checked and mixed several times. In the microwave, the grass covered with a cloth dries for no more than 2 minutes. Naturally, with these methods, useful substances are lost, but to save time and space, you can sometimes resort to them.


When lemon balm has already been collected and dried, it is extremely important to follow the rules for storing it. If you violate them, then all your efforts will go down the drain - lemon balm will lose its amazing aroma and reduce healing properties. It is recommended to use glass jars for storage; you should avoid plastic, as mint can suffocate in them and acquire a not very pleasant smell. Cloth bags can also be used, but they should be kept away from foods that are too strong. pungent odor. It is important that the place where you store lemon balm is cool, low humidity and dark.

Among the varieties of mint, lemon balm is a favorite among gardeners. Many summer residents are sure that the main thing is to carefully follow the order of planting the plant and properly care for it, and it will give a bountiful harvest. Few people think about when to collect lemon balm and store it correctly. Although the quality and beneficial influence to your health.

Melissa improves digestion

General information about lemon balm

Melissa is a type of mint. IN natural environment it is found in the Mediterranean, the Caucasus, and the Crimean Peninsula. Its places of growth are the banks of reservoirs, forest edges, places near fences or fences. Summer residents successfully grow the plant in their garden plots for further use in cooking and as a medical product. Other names for this herb:

  • Lemon mint;
  • Apiary;
  • Queen cell;
  • Folder grass.

A number of lemon balm names are associated with honey, because Greek language this word translates to "honey bee". This variety of mint can range in height from 50 to 120 cm and has a tetrahedral stem. There are denticles on the edges of opposite leaves. Miniature multi-colored flowers are united in whorls, the fruit forms 4 nuts.

In addition to essential oil, lemon balm contains various acids, microelements, vitamins. Thanks to their presence, the plant is capable of:

  • regulate blood pressure;
  • restore mental balance;
  • improve the condition of the digestive tract;
  • minimize the effects of inflammation and skin infections;
  • cope with diseases of the respiratory system.

Features of collection

Collection and preparation of lemon balm are responsible activities; their nuances affect the preservation useful properties in herbs. The flowering of the plant begins the very next year after planting, and then lemon balm can be collected. Only healthy and strong specimens are suitable for this, which should not have any contamination; you can spray them after collection. In most cases, it is necessary to collect leaves; rarely, stems are taken for harvesting. The leaves are used to make nutritious drinks - teas, decoctions, infusions.

The collection of raw materials should be carried out at the very beginning of flowering - this guarantees preservation in the plant large quantity useful substances. But there is a point of view that this can be done throughout the summer. You should choose a dry and warm day. It is best to collect lemon balm in the afternoon, when morning dew completely dry, because moisture can cause mold, and the sun is no longer so hot. You can pick up the grass with your hands without resorting to cutting tools. You cannot uproot a plant - then it will no longer reproduce successfully. After harvesting lemon balm, it is necessary to add mineral fertilizers to the ground.

Melissa can be collected without gloves

Drying and storing lemon balm

An important stage in harvesting lemon balm for the winter is drying. Collected leaves and the stems must be laid out on paper at a decent distance from each other due to different drying times. It is best to leave them in a well-ventilated area out of direct sunlight. artificial ventilation can be created using a mosquito net. This could be an attic or a veranda. You can place herbs outside, but under a canopy. The stems and leaves need to be turned over from time to time to make drying more efficient and faster.

Another way of drying is in bundles, tightly tied with thread. This method is suitable when the leaves remain on the stems. It is strictly forbidden to freeze raw materials - this will lead to the complete disappearance of useful elements in it. Oven drying at a low temperature is sometimes acceptable.

A glass jar is great for storing dry lemon balm

Before storing, the grass should be ground into small pieces. You cannot store lemon balm in plastic containers; two ideal options are linen bags and glass jars. For successful storage, several conditions must be met:

  • A piece of paper with the name and date of preparation should be placed on each jar;
  • the jars must be placed in a place protected from sunlight;
  • open occasionally to check the condition of the grass;
  • You should not keep lemon balm in a jar for more than 1.5 years;

Remember that 5 g of greens yields approximately 0.25 raw materials.
