The procedure and features of employment of disabled people in Russia. State programs for the employment of people with disabilities Field work with people with disabilities for employment

People with disabilities have the same interests, needs and desires as everyone else. But while the ability of an ordinary citizen to work is not questioned, people with disabilities have to prove their right to work every day, claim fair working conditions and security equal opportunities without discrimination, career advancement, professional training and retraining. Why do problems arise when employing people with disabilities or people with disabilities? disabilities?

Until recently, people with disabilities were not considered a labor force at all. Their recognition as job seekers became possible only due to the simultaneous confluence of several circumstances:

  • general economic growth;
  • awareness healthy people needs of disabled people for self-realization;
  • widespread replacement of physical labor with mental labor;
  • the emergence and improvement of auxiliary, maintenance and IT technologies.
  • The problem of employment and employment of people with disabilities has received wide publicity in the recent past. The movement for equal rights in the world of work in Western European countries dates back no more than 60 years, and in Russia - about 20. The moment of its beginning can be considered November 24, 1995 - the date of adoption of Federal Law No. 181 on the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation. Its provisions regarding state guarantees of employment for this category of persons were expanded in 2001 due to the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. However, it is impossible to overcome centuries-old stereotypes and prejudices overnight; this requires time and effort on the part of the state, specialized public organizations and people with disabilities themselves.

    The root of the problem is in the field of psychology

    Ironically, a key part of the difficulty of finding a place for applicants with disabilities is in the social rather than the economic sphere. They are not integrated into society: they live, study, work and relax in their own circle, outside of other people.

    In this regard, Russia, like most post-Soviet countries, can hardly be called a civilized state. : For an ordinary citizen, the sight of a person with cerebral palsy evokes, at best, a desire to give alms, and at worst, withdrawal and hostility. This explains the psychological discrimination against people with disabilities in employment.

    Many employers and recruiting company specialists:

    • they simply do not know how to behave with such people, build relationships with them, evaluate their capabilities;
    • feel embarrassed while conducting an interview;
    • cannot formulate criteria for assessing their work activity;
    • find it difficult to organize special conditions labor for disabled people, their .

    Ill-conceived government policy

    Can't be overlooked normative factor. Previously, in the field of promoting employment of persons with disabilities, there was a balance of “carrots and sticks”. The first was job quotas, the second was tax benefits. However, with the loss of force of the Federal Law on the property tax of companies, the most significant benefits for the employer were canceled, and the employment of people with disabilities became less attractive. The Tax Code of the Russian Federation in its current version only exempts the employer from paying a single social contribution for an employed benefit recipient.

    The results of this policy are obvious: in the Russian Federation no more than 10% of people with disabilities work, while in the USA - 30%, in the UK - 40%, in China - 80%. Governments developed countries It has long been calculated that it is more profitable to invest in the rehabilitation, adaptation and employment of benefit recipients than to support them for life using benefits. Meanwhile, they influence employers mainly through economic methods. Job quotas for employing people with disabilities are not applied in most states and are considered a relic - discrimination on the contrary.

    The employment policy for beneficiaries implemented in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not correspond to market realities. With so many privileges, the state is doing them a disservice. As a result, individual entrepreneurs and institutions prefer to hire an able-bodied citizen and, if necessary, pay a fine, rather than worry about the adaptation of a disabled person and arrange work and living quarters for him. For example, hiring a wheelchair user requires remodeling not only the immediate workplace, but also the toilet, elevator, and possibly the construction of a ramp.

    Other factors that create difficulties in realizing labor potential

    The reasons for difficulties in finding employment for people with disabilities lie in three main areas:

    • factual – the level of performance of a disabled person is objectively lower than that of a healthy person;
    • legal - the legislator prescribed a broad scope in the labor sphere, but the financial and organizational burden of providing them was unreasonably placed on the employer (for example, the working hours of a disabled person are less than that of an ordinary employee, but the salary is the same; however, no compensation from the state is provided to the employer);
    • informational – there are a lot of misconceptions about the working conditions of benefit recipients (for example, that a person with disabilities cannot be fired or subjected to disciplinary action).

    Training and employment of people with disabilities: Video

    Are all organizations in the Russian Federation required to hire people with disabilities? Characteristics of federal legislation

    The only mechanism that encourages employers to hire people with disabilities today is the two-tier quota system established by Article 21 of Federal Law No. 181. According to her instructions:

    • in institutions where the number of employees exceeds 100 staffing units, regulations subjects of the Russian Federation must stipulate a quota for the employment of disabled people: 2-4% of the average annual number of employees;
    • at enterprises employing 35 or more workers, regional legislation may establish a quota in an amount not exceeding 3%;
    • Employers are exempt from compliance with these requirements – public organizations disabled people and business entities founded by them.

    Thus, the reins of government regarding forcing employers to employ people with disabilities have largely been transferred to the local level, whereas previously they were in the hands of federal authorities. In addition, from 01/01/2005 payment in federal budget compensation previously transferred by employers who, for some reason, did not fill the existing quota. This innovation was criticized by human rights organizations as removing the only economic incentive to hire beneficiaries and creating new difficulties in employing people with disabilities.

    Clause 5.42 of the Code of Administrative Offences, which provides for liability for refusal to hire a disabled person within the assigned quota, remains in force. Typically, an applicant comes to a potential employer from the employment service with a referral form in hand. What grounds for refusing employment to a disabled person were expressed by the employer can be seen from the mark on the form (affixed in accordance with Article 25 of Federal Law No. 181). If the applicant considers the refusal to be unlawful, he should contact the employment service. Chances of prosecution exist when:

    • there was a vacant quota position in the institution;
    • working conditions coincided with those prescribed in individual plan rehabilitation.

    Advantages of people with disabilities when hiring

    Profile Federal Law No. 181 and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulated in detail employment benefits, working conditions and standards for the duration of their work:

    Regional acts on employment rules

    Two opposing trends have emerged:

    • most of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have still not established a quota for the employment of people with disabilities, even at large enterprises;
    • Some regions transferred into their own acts the provisions of all-Russian legislation in the form in which it existed before 2005.

    The latter can be demonstrated using the example of the capital. Moscow employers with more than 100 employees are required to adhere to a quota of 4% (of which 2% is for people with disabilities and 2% for young people). Fulfillment of the quota for a benefit recipient is counted if a person with a disability who has a recommendation for work was actually employed for at least 15 days per calendar month. Failure to comply with the quota entails payment of compensation for each unemployed adult in the amount of the subsistence minimum in Moscow.

    Bodies and programs to promote the employment of people with disabilities

    The main structure that resolves the problems of employment of disabled people in Russia is the Federal Labor Service, its territorial departments in the regions and Employment Centers. Since the powers to regulate the employment of this category of beneficiaries are actually transferred to local authorities, the latter, at their discretion, create special structures. For example, in the capital there is a Department for Labor Adaptation of Youth and Disabled People of the Moscow Public Relations Commission.

    All these bodies have similar goals - to solve the main problems of employment of such people. In addition to monitoring compliance with quotas, they implement a lot of other useful programs in such areas.

The problem of employment of disabled people is one of the most significant in social sphere, along with pensions and benefits. According to the Pension Fund of Russia, over 12 million citizens with established disabilities are officially registered in Russia, and only a quarter of them are involved in the labor market. In conditions of economic instability, the situation with finding a job is becoming more and more neglected - even government centers employment are able to provide work for only a third of disabled people who apply. In this regard, experts call unemployment the most important problem for Russians whose physical capabilities are limited.

To resolve this issue, the Ministry of Labor has developed a bill that plans to increase employment among citizens with disabilities. Officials predict that over the next 8 years, the employment rate among this population will increase by at least 100% - it is planned to employ half of all Russian disabled people . But passing a law is one thing, but actually overcoming the stereotypes and obstacles that have developed in society is completely different. What hinders the increase in the employment rate among people with disabilities and how does the government plan to solve this problem? tried to understand the situation.

Everyone - according to the workplace

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation claims that, according to their data, over 12 million citizens with disabilities live in Russia, and only 5% of them are citizens of disabled age (children). Of the rest, according to the Ministry of Labor, only 25.3% work, which is significantly less than the figure for developed Western countries. State employment centers are actively engaged in finding employment for disabled people who contact them - even the capital’s authorities. However, the results of the labor exchanges leave much to be desired - Of those who applied, a maximum of 35% get a job.

In order to correct the current trend, the Ministry of Labor has developed a bill according to which employment authorities will be required to take the initiative in their activities to find work and employ people with disabilities. Their work model will be built in such a way that institutions medical and social examination will inform employment centers about whether disabled people have a desire to work. In fact, information about the desire of a disabled person to find a job will be received at the time of registration of disability, and immediately after that it will be transferred to the labor exchange.

More than 12 million citizens with disabilities live in Russia, and only 5% of them are citizens of disabled age (children).

Monitoring at the initial stage will allow not only to quickly select a job for such citizens, but also to immediately determine which of them and to what extent are capable of work, based on their physical capabilities. Moreover, those disabled people who, as a result of disability, have received serious limitations in their life activities will be provided with special assistance in employment as part of their rehabilitation programs.

As noted in some employment centers, problems with the employment of disabled people often arise that are not caused by them. physical health, but lack of education. For example, in Yamal, the proportion of citizens with disabilities who have higher education, is only 15%, another 35% have secondary vocational education, and half have only school certificates. But, despite this, the Ministry of Labor predicts that as a result of the adoption of the law it proposed and its work, over the next 2 years the number of disabled people employed in the labor market will increase to 40%, and in 4 years - to half of all disabled people in the country.

The document is now being coordinated with the authorities of the constituent entities of the federation.

Environment of stereotypes

Problems with the employment of disabled people, according to experts, are caused not only by their lack of education and passivity in matters of social adaptation. Stereotypes from many companies, as well as conditions environment play no less a role in this matter. Employers deliberately discriminate against citizens with disabilities, being confident that they are simply incapable of full-time work. And maladjustment public places and transport to the life activities of disabled people only adds to their confidence in this. And if it is not yet possible to change the opinion of employers, they have begun to deal with issues of fitness quite actively.

The largest and most famous project today is “ Accessible environment» – program, according to which since 2011 social infrastructure adapts for visiting by disabled people– ramps are installed in clinics, parking spaces are arranged, call buttons are installed, etc. But we are talking not only about standard devices - specialized equipment for different categories Almost 20 thousand infrastructure facilities have been equipped for disabled people since the beginning of the program, and by 2020 it is planned to equip as many more. For example, at the Samara airport there will be an elevator for boarding disabled people on board aircraft - today assistance in boarding is provided by special group. In other cities, special routes are being developed for people with disabilities, and new construction projects are accepted for operation only if they are adapted to citizens with disabilities.

But adapting the infrastructure is, of course, good, but it does not solve the issue of employing people with disabilities.

In solving this problem main role The educational work of the state plays a role, which will change the attitude of employers towards people with disabilities. But so far the state only uses “coercion” introducing quotas for people with disabilities and thereby forcibly obliging employers to employ them. And be that as it may, the scheme works - each region independently determines the volume of quotas, if it is set, then at the level of 3-4% of total number work places. But this approach does not eradicate discrimination, but, on the contrary, creates it, only in relation to applicants without disabilities - they may well lose their job or not get it, and the decision will not be made based on an assessment of business qualities. In such cases, disabled people become a burden for companies, which only creates negativity towards citizens with disabilities.

Another support option is subsidizing employers who employ disabled people and equip their workplaces. But most effective way However, training of disabled people in those specialties in which they can create competition in the labor market can be considered as stimulating increased employment among disabled people. Usually they are educated to work as accountants, salesmen, mechanics, IT specialists, administrators, operators, etc.

Going beyond

Even despite many barriers and difficulties, many people with disabilities do not choose the easy ways and comfortable options, and find employment in places where it is difficult for even physically able-bodied citizens to find work. For example, in the Urals, hearing impaired people work in jewelry companies, and visually impaired people from Sochi work as tour guides. Often people take issues of employment and social adaptation into their own hands. For example, Penza wheelchair users organized their own rehabilitation center, where they not only live together and help each other in everyday life, but also organize jobs on their own. In Penza, in particular, there is such a printing house and a unique entertainment facility for the disabled.

Often people take issues of employment and social adaptation into their own hands.

The last example is, in fact, the most striking, because the organization own business for a disabled person, allows him not only to find a job himself, but also to find jobs for citizens like him. Moreover, public services employment are even ready to provide small funding for this. For example, in Tomsk, Russians with disabilities, if their business plan is liked by the relevant commission, are provided with 60 thousand rubles for its implementation, plus compensation for the costs of registering an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. faces.

Of course, the money is small, but if you have your own savings, it often allows you to open workshops, hairdressers, agriculture and even an atelier.

And for such unique cases to develop into a positive trend, the state must rebuild the systemic work of employment services, which will not only look for jobs and issue referrals, but also to accompany the entire process of citizen integration into the labor market. And although “assistance in writing a resume” and other support measures are already the responsibility of employment centers, this needs to be specifically clarified at the legislative level. However, this would be useful not only for citizens with problems, but also for fully healthy Russians, whose employment problems are no less important than the employment of disabled people.

Many people with disabilities are willing and able to work. Development information technologies, automation production process and other achievements of technological progress influenced the nature of human labor, various professions and jobs appeared where insignificant physical limitations do not interfere with work.

This enables disabled people to adapt to society, feeling like full-fledged individuals. At the same time, the state plays an important role in providing employment to such persons.

What does the legislation of the Russian Federation say about this?

According to Art. 64 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, organizations cannot limit rights, determine indirect or direct benefits when signing employment contract based on nationality, race, skin tone, status, age, gender, place of residence and other circumstances that are not related to the business characteristics of the disabled person.

In order for employers to comply with legal requirements regarding the prohibition of restricting the rights of citizens, additional requirements have been established. Federal Law No. 181 of November 24, 1995 “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” prescribes:

  • for organs executive power subjects of the Russian Federation - determine smallest number specialized places of work for the placement of disabled people in each company within the quota;
  • for government bodies of the Russian Federation - in legislative acts, determine for organizations where the number of specialists exceeds 100 people a quota for accepting disabled people as a percentage of the average number of specialists (not less than 2-4%). Public associations of persons with disabilities and companies formed by them, the authorized capital of which includes the share of a public association of persons with disabilities, are exempt from quotas.

Quotas for places of work does not apply to companies with up to 35 employees and companies that are associated with a public association of disabled people.

That is, territorial employment centers create an information base on quota vacancies, provide people in need with directions to get a job, check the implementation of quotas and the receipt of payments. Assistance is also provided in retraining or professional training of workers, and subsidies are provided on a standard basis.

At the state level, the following measures are taken to employ such persons:

  • preferential credit and financial policies for organizations employing disabled people;
  • stimulation of the organization special places;
  • creation of optimal working conditions for employees according to IPR;
  • organizing the work place with special equipment and devices.

You can get detailed information about hiring such citizens from the following video:

Are employers required to hire them?

According to the established quota, the employer must create and allocate places for work for disabled people, provide employment in accordance with rehabilitation program, provide information for firms on the employment of persons with disabilities.

According to the Labor Code (Article 64), the law on social security and others regulations, even in the absence of special places, the employer has no right to refuse employment(If working conditions for the position for which a disabled person is applying, meet the conditions of the rehabilitation program).

If an employer refuses to accept a citizen under the established quota, an administrative fine of 2-3 thousand rubles is imposed.

An exception may be an ITU certificate indicating the person’s disability or contraindication for this type activities.

Recruitment procedure

The main documents confirming the condition of a disabled person include medical and social examination certificate (MSE) and individual rehabilitation program. The certificate must contain information about the level of disability and disability group. The rehabilitation program prescribes the rehabilitation mechanism.

When applying for employment, the applicant may not provide this documentation, since it is not listed in the list (Article 65 of the Labor Code). But if the future place of work has health requirements, then he must provide ITU certificates and IPR.

The main documents provided to the employer include:

  • passport or other identification document;
  • work record book (except for the initial conclusion of an employment contract or hiring a part-time employee);
  • military registration documentation (for persons conscripted for military service or persons liable for military service);
  • SNILS;
  • diploma of education, document on advanced training or special skills;
  • certificate of absence or presence of a criminal record, criminal prosecution.

A disabled person can independently contact an employer or be referred by an employment center according to an established quota. After the potential employee provides all the documents, he draws up an application, it is completed, and the employer issues an order. The specialist also familiarizes himself with job description and other regulatory acts of the company, a personal file is also drawn up, and an entry is made in the work book.

Regardless of the disability group, the employer must provide a workplace. Attention is drawn to the degree of limitation to work specified in the IPR.

When admitting disabled people of groups 1 and 2, it is established work week up to 35 hours; for group 3 such restrictions are not provided for in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Payment for work is carried out in full salary, regardless of the reduced time. The involvement of persons with disabilities in work on holidays and weekends is permitted in the absence of a medical prohibition in the IPR and the consent of the employee. The contract may contain a section on additional insurance for the specialist. Disabled people can take leave at their own expense for 2 months, and The duration of paid leave is 30 days.

Specialists with 1st and 2nd disability groups, disabled people since childhood can receive tax deductions for personal income tax in the amount of 500 rubles, which are provided regardless of the deduction for children. Personal income tax is not withheld from amounts paid by the company for means of rehabilitation and prevention of disabled people, purchase and maintenance of guide dogs. Financial assistance in the amount of 4,000 rubles for the purchase is not subject to personal income tax. medical supplies and the value of 400 rubles, provided to former specialists who have retired. To be exempt from tax, the employer must provide evidence of actual expenses for these activities.

For such employees it is not provided probation, they can be terminated if health deteriorates and it is impossible to fulfill work responsibilities.

Nuances of ensuring working conditions

Special places of work require additional measures to organize work, including: adaptation of auxiliary and main equipment, additional, organizational and technical equipment, provision of technical devices in accordance with the individual capabilities of disabled people.

The Ministry of Health adopted a law on increasing payments to the employing organization for an equipped place of work for a disabled person in the amount of 30-50 thousand rubles. Workplace must comply with sanitary rules, be located not on the basement or ground floor, be spacious and have ventilation.

Benefits for the employer

Due to the low demand for workers with disabilities, the state provides organizations with benefits and payments (for taxes and insurance contributions).

Tax benefits apply only to the payment of and. But not all companies can apply for them, but only public organizations of disabled people (the number of disabled people should not be less than 50%, and the payroll of workers should be at least 25% of the total wage fund) or companies that have shares in such public organizations.

In reality, the state does not provide such significant benefits for enterprises as to actively encourage them to employ people with disabilities.

What are programs for the employment of people with disabilities from the employment center and what practical benefit they bring. Today the portal will discuss whether it is worth participating in such events.

Practical experience: is it worth agreeing to work under the employment program for people with disabilities?

Hello. I registered with the Employment Center for the first time in September 2015, as soon as I completed my disability registration. There were no illusions, there are no jobs in our town for healthy people, and for a person who can barely walk, it is almost impossible to find anything at all. In the spring of 2016, they offered to take computer courses from the “exchange”, the offer is not bad, it would seem, but these courses last three weeks, during which time they will teach you the basics of using a computer and that’s it, you are a “cool” IT specialist, you are deregistered. The next time it is possible to register only in six months, which is what I did.

Six months later, after my second registration, a miracle happened. They called me from the central plant and said that there was work. It turned out that the Employment Program for Disabled People had opened. I was hired as a watchman to guard an old industrial boiler room. The employer, a young guy of about twenty-five, came to the meeting. We discussed the terms, I looked at the contract, and at that moment everything suited me. Schedule - day in three, salary 10,000, no delays in paying money, not far from the bus stop, just a fairy tale. Find out if there are similar programs in your region from the inspectors of the Employment Center.

Read the employment contract carefully. It must be stated that you are disabled, that you are arranged in accordance with Labor Code RF. Namely, payment of sick leave, payments to the Pension Fund, provision of regular paid leave, in our situation this is very important. With such employment there cannot be a temporary or civil contract, this Government program. In civil terms - legal contract you have no rights other than receiving a salary under a temporary employment contract; at the end of the contract, you can simply be thrown out onto the street.

Five months later the Program stopped and the money ran out. We talked with the director and decided to make a dismissal and a simultaneous appointment in order to continue working on a general basis, not according to the program. It is legal.

ATTENTION! The next contract with the company must be the same as the previous one. First, sign the hiring order and the new contract, and only when you have your copies - everything else.

In the seventh month of work, delays in salary payments began, a collective statement was made to the prosecutor's office, and inspections began. As a result, the director is under investigation. My colleagues and I did not wait until bankruptcy was completed and the company began to be liquidated; we wrote a statement.

Now I’m standing on the “stock exchange” again, and its workers are urgently looking for jobs for me and my former disabled colleagues, there are already plans. The city is small and rumors about the “combat” group of disabled people spread quickly.


How it works

Indeed, employment programs for socially vulnerable citizens and people with disabilities are supervised by the Employment Center in your city. Such programs work like this: the employer enters into an agreement with the Labor Center under which he employs a disabled person. The employer pays the disabled person a salary not lower than the established minimum, and the Labor Center pays an additional amount. This amount depends on the region and is indexed annually. The additional payment is transferred to the company’s account and its accounting department is obliged to issue this money to the employee.

In practice, programs of this kind “slip.” A good idea gets bogged down in numerous papers. To join such a program, an employer will have to formalize great amount documents. In addition, if a person hired needs to ensure special conditions labor, the state does not help in any way, that is, the enterprise must invest in this matter own funds. So it turns out that the employer has no benefit in this process. If the developers of such programs approached the task with full responsibility, there would be more benefit.

For a disabled person, the benefits are also questionable: you will have to go through the entire procedure of registering with the Central Employment Center, that is, collect a full package of documents and wait in line, and as a result you will get a temporary job, which will end with the receipt of funds from the budget.

We have already written. One has only to add that only disabled people with disabilities can count on participation in such programs. working group. And if a person is not officially registered with the Center for Significance, then he will not be accepted into the program. The maximum he can count on in this case is consultations and a list of vacancies.

And in conclusion, it should be noted that employment programs for people with disabilities are financed from funds collected from organizations that violate the law and do not comply with quotas for hiring people with disabilities. If you live in megacities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg, then you have at least some chance of getting into a similar project. And for other regions, the finances received in this way are so meager that there is no need to talk seriously about the effectiveness of such programs.

Write to us in the comments about your experience of participating in employment programs and your impressions!

The issue of employment of disabled people has long been a perennial problem for municipal authorities at the city level. It cannot be said that in every city this issue is being addressed with particular zeal - people with disabilities are rarely hired, and not all of them are capable of work. For example, according to the capital’s Department of Labor and Social Protection, in Moscow alone there are 1.2 million disabled people, 360 thousand of whom are of working age. Of these, as the department says, only 80 thousand people are employed in one way or another.

What do everyone else do? And do they want to get a job?

In order to answer these questions, the metropolitan government has initiated a social survey in which all Moscow disabled people will be surveyed. The organizers of the survey will try to find out the labor preferences of this category of citizens, and also hope to understand what they need to do so that everyone who wants to engage in socially useful activities has this opportunity. tried to find out why the Moscow authorities decided to have such a broad dialogue with people with disabilities, and what they plan to do as part of this dialogue.

Declarative principle

The capital authorities justify the need to conduct a social survey with the outdated principle of employing people with disabilities, which is in effect today. As Andrei Besshtanko, head of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of Moscow Residents, told Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Today, such people are helped with employment only if they have asked for it. In fact, few of these people even know about the potential opportunity to receive help in finding a job, also from the capital’s authorities. As Besshtanko says, this is very convenient for officials: no applications - no hassle in finding jobs. But this approach contradicts the goals of the department, because it is aimed at social adaptation such citizens, which cannot be promoted very successfully in such conditions.

The new program will solve the problem with the outdated principle of employing people with disabilities.

For example, for individual social rehabilitation Last year, almost 5.4 thousand people applied, 10% of whom no longer needed work. Of those who have completed this program, 3.3 thousand received advice from the capital's employment services, however, only 128 people found employment. Almost 1.2 thousand immediately refused assistance in finding employment, but the remaining 2 thousand simply decided to remain silent. Officials believe that such passivity is due to the specifics of the life of disabled people, and it is precisely these people who have long lost faith in the possibility of self-realization that the initiated survey is designed for.

Its implementation will be entrusted to social workers, to which people with disabilities are assigned.

There are several survey options, both in person and by telephone. The main thing, as Besshtanko says, is to establish a productive dialogue. But it can be hindered by a lot of reasons, ranging from psychological problems disabled people who prevent them from going to work, and ending with the material component. For example, the capital's government decree No. 1462 determines the procedure for providing additional subsidies to pensions for disabled people. So, according to it, if a disabled person gets a job that is not included in the list specified in this resolution, he is deprived of such an allowance, and it very often amounts to 2/3 of the amount of the pension received.

In addition, many people with disabilities avoid employment because it requires re-certification of their disability, which requires additional passage medical board. Within its framework, it may turn out that the citizen has become healthier and then he will be assigned, for example, not the first, but the second group. In this case, he will lose many benefits and compensations, losing a significant part of the funds due to him. All this forces people with disabilities to refuse to undergo medical examinations, thereby reducing their competitiveness in the market.

Flurry of activity

According to Besshtanko, quoted by “ Russian newspaper“, over the past year, over 3 thousand disabled people independently applied to the capital’s employment services, however, only 1.6 thousand were able to help find work. This year, only 1.7 thousand Muscovites came, but only 900 found work. Thus, effective assistance only 50% of those who apply receive it - for objective reasons, not everyone manages to find a job. In the future, Besshtanko hopes that his department will be able to find an approach to everyone, even if a Muscovite with disabilities has not applied to the employment center.

And for this, officials plan to make disabled people “offers that they cannot refuse”... For these purposes, they want to expand the range of vacancies offered to them, increase the average salary offered, and implement some other ideas that will allow people with disabilities to realize themselves in society . “They should consider what they gain, not what they lose”, says the official.

So far, only 50% of disabled people who apply have been able to find work.

Of course, Moscow has already tried to implement mass employment programs for people with disabilities, one of which was a call center for people with vision problems. However, it was not successful. To avoid this in the future, the capital’s government has developed a number of regulations that provide economic support for recruiters who employ people with disabilities. Moreover, Moscow enterprises with more than 100 employees are required to open 2% of jobs for people with disabilities.

Using this quota principle, it was possible to employ more than 30 thousand disabled people.

The situation with small enterprises is much worse - as Besshtanko says, funds were allocated to subsidize small businesses, however, the fact of employment of disabled people remained uncontrolled. The money received should have been spent on creating jobs, however, many, even in the courts today, cannot explain where it was spent. For this reason, they decided to abandon the employer advance program. Instead, a fundamentally opposite principle is being introduced: “first employment, and then subsidies from the city.”

Work in a new way

So, since 2017, the Moscow authorities have been launching new program to promote employment of people with disabilities.

Now, the main indicator of the official hiring of such a Muscovite will be his wage. The recruiter, of course, will pay from it insurance premiums, and if they are “transparent”, they will be fully compensated to the employer from the city budget. In fact, it will be even more profitable for an entrepreneur to hire a disabled person than ordinary person, because the compensation will be significant. And this is just one program.

It is also planned reimburse funds spent by the employer on professional education disabled people. So, if a company takes responsibility for training a disabled person new specialty, or his professional retraining, the funds spent by him as part of this will also be reimbursed. Although, according to labor legislation, payment for training is the direct responsibility of the employer.

In addition to such assistance, the Moscow government has provided funding for an experiment aimed at fully adapting disabled people to a new workplace. Within its framework, the authorities are ready to finance, during the first three months of employment of a disabled person, the provision of a mentor and an accompanying person. They are willing to pay these assistants a salary of three and two “minimum wages,” respectively. Such measures, according to Besshtanko, will help the disabled person join a new team and master new opportunities that were impossible for him to cope with on his own.

All this, according to the plans of the Moscow authorities, will stimulate employers who were previously far from this idea to employ disabled people and provide them with a full-fledged workplace, wages And social package. Already today, according to preliminary estimates by government experts, from 45 to 50 Moscow recruiters from a variety of sectors of the capital’s economy, from IT to trade and services, have agreed to participate in the experiment. When the results of the social survey are received, campaigning will begin among companies that have never hired people with disabilities.

In total, thanks to the new approach of the Moscow authorities, in 2017 they plan to find jobs for more than 140 thousand people with disabilities. Quite ambitious plans, what can I say. And even if they can only be partially implemented, this will still be significant progress. It would be nice if others big cities adopted the capital’s experience, especially since there are about 12 million disabled people in Russia.

The article is based on materials from the RG and the Moscow Department of Labor and Social Protection
