Victims of plastic surgery. Victims of plastic surgery and their own stupidity. Before and after Scary beautiful terrible consequences of mammoplasty in photographs

Surgical intervention on the human body is last resort to stabilize his health and well-being.

This also applies to plastic surgery. But in Lately plastic surgery is no longer taken seriously.

Those who really want to change forget that they are greatly risking their health. And it’s unlikely that anyone can guarantee a 100% result...

Disfigured bodies and faces of people prove that unsuccessful plastic surgery can be very unesthetic and even terrifying.

The worst thing is that plastic surgery is most often decided on by people who, in principle, do not need plastic surgery. They have a normal and even beautiful appearance.

These people will remain with such a terrible appearance for the rest of their lives. What do you think, is “such beauty” worth such sacrifices...

The most shocking plastic surgeries: photos

The most shocking plastic surgeries: the mother of famous actor Sylvester Stallone, Jacqueline Stallone, wanted to look younger. Although the surgeons warned the woman about possible consequences and allergic reactions... Stallone’s mother not only did not look younger, but also acquired the status of one of the most ugly women peace.
The most shocking plastic surgeries: Priscilla Presley, the widow of Elvis Presley, suffered from plastic surgery for a facelift.
The most shocking plastic surgeries: The Bogdanov brothers before plastic surgery
The most shocking plastic surgeries: The Bogdanov brothers, formerly handsome men, got hooked on plastic surgery and experimented with their appearance for 20 years, achieving a terrible result... Now the men look ugly.
The most shocking plastic surgeries: seventy-year-old Lyudmila Gurchenko, a famous Soviet film actress, changed horribly after plastic surgery. Such beautiful actress turned into something incomprehensible and unrecognizable for viewers and fans. Obviously, a facelift and lip correction did not return Gurchenko to his previous youth.
The most shocking plastic surgeries: Donatella Versace - this is the case when, having tried plastic changes once, a person can no longer stop... After one successful plastic surgery all other operations only distorted the femininity and naturalness of Donatella.
The most shocking plastic surgeries: Hang Mioku, a resident of Korea, also became a plastic “addict”. Due to the desire to change, the woman became psychologically dependent. After the doctors refused to operate, the Korean woman herself injected it under the skin. sunflower oil using syringes, which made her face swollen and terrifying.
The most shocking plastic surgeries: Dennis Avner - this man got such an ugly appearance not by doctors’ mistake, but by at will, wanting to turn into a “cat”. Avner also had psychical deviations, because when the new look resembled cat features as closely as possible, the man committed suicide.
The most shocking plastic surgeries: Amanda Lepore (seventeen-year-old Armand Lepore) had her first plastic surgery in order to enhance the image of a trans diva. As a result of all subsequent operations, the guy became a woman completely, but his face hardly acquired its real feminine traits
The most shocking plastic surgeries: Jocelyn Wildenstein, the wife of a billionaire, decided to try on a mask of a lion, her husband’s favorite animal. After plastic surgery, the woman looked terrible, and her husband divorced her.
The most shocking plastic surgeries: Vera Alentova - famous Russian actress after numerous lifts and changes to maintain youth, she now looks like this. After unsuccessful plastic surgery, Alentova became a hostage to her appearance. Now she has unequal shape and size of eyes and lips swollen from scars, which is very noticeable when compared with old photographs of the former movie beauty.
The most shocking plastic surgeries: Mickey Rourke had to undergo his first plastic surgery due to an unsuccessful boxing tournament. Next, Mickey Rourke, like most stars, decided to undergo plastic surgery to maintain his youth. But for this actor, everything turned out just the opposite.
The most shocking plastic surgeries: Michaela Romanini is one of beautiful women Italy in the past, became like a man after several plastic surgery. At almost 50 years old, a woman’s lips take up half her face, and her new ugly appearance is frightening.
The most shocking plastic surgeries: Model Farrah Abraham also went overboard with changes. The girl wanted to become even more beautiful so much that instead of a successful correction, she ended up with a terrible, sickly appearance and lost her successful career.
The most shocking plastic surgeries: Pete Burns, a shocking singer from England, wanted to stop with plastic surgery, but the changes were already irreversible. In revenge, the singer won a lawsuit against the surgeon who disfigured him.
The most shocking plastic surgeries: Michael Jackson's transformation is one of the most significant in show business, because after undergoing 50 operations, the musician turned from a handsome man into a man with a doll's face. Plastic surgery not only changed the singer’s appearance, but also had a detrimental effect on his health. IN last days In his life, the King of Pop could only go out to audiences wearing a mask.

People resort to plastic surgery because various reasons. Some people are forced to resort to them due to injuries or birth defects - in this case, surgical intervention is justified. But many go under the knife for other purposes - in the hope of prolonging their youth, changing some parts of their body or face, eliminating imaginary flaws, creating a certain image, or simply becoming a different person. These reasons are unreasonable, and the result of such intervention is disastrous. Let's take a closer look at examples of what people have achieved who have had plastic surgery for these reasons.

1. Plastic surgery as an attempt to escape old age.

IN modern world full of aging beauties and handsome men seeking to prolong their youth artificially. Among them are both media personalities and simple people. It would seem that there is a natural and correct way to prolong youth - not to grow old in soul, to lead healthy image life, constantly develop and do what you love. But the problem is that this path is quite difficult, while there is an easier way to rejuvenate in a matter of days - plastic surgery of the face and body. But this is a rather expensive method, and the result looks very unnatural, and therefore unattractive, not to mention the unsuccessful cases of operations. So here you go illustrative examples how people were “transformed” after plastic surgery. Compare before and after photos and decide for yourself if it's worth it.

2. Plastic surgery to create a certain image.

Plastic surgery is used not only by those who dream of preserving youth, but also by those who simply want to change the appearance given to them by nature in the way that comes into their heads. For some reason, they perceive their face and body as a field for experimentation or as Blank sheet, on which you can draw whatever you want, or like plasticine, from which you can mold whatever you want. They find some strange self-expression in this. But the problem is that the face and body are not the material from which you can endlessly fashion something. If a person doesn’t get a drawing, he can erase it, paint it over, or simply throw it away and take another sheet of paper. But this will not work with the body - a person has one for his entire life. And any manipulations with it do not pass without leaving a trace. Those who do not understand this are fools, and will be severely punished by life for their stupidity.

3. Changing individual parts of the face and body using plastic surgery and injections.

Have you heard the expressions “More is not better” and “The best is the enemy of the good”? And some didn't hear. When people with naturally quite good looks begin to “improve” it, nothing good usually comes of it. Especially if you don’t see limits in your zeal. Fashion for big breasts or big lips- pushes women and girls to make various changes to their bodies in order to meet standards. However, more does not mean better. Doesn't mean that at all. See for yourself:

Based on the examples listed - and this is only small part such cases, we can conclude: people set themselves the wrong goals and achieve them in the wrong ways. They completely lack any understanding of the consequences of their actions and they create their own problems. They are catastrophically unreasonable.

The stars constantly resort to plastic surgery to eliminate imperfections in appearance. There are cases in which plastic surgery is unsuccessful, and the photos before the operation look much better than after.

Plastic surgery technologies are developing rapidly, but the danger of mistakes still exists. To decide to correct your appearance, you need to be completely confident in the choice of clinic and doctor. It is important to consider such points as the qualifications and experience of the surgeon and the license of the institution. It’s better to check all the formalities in advance than to spend your entire life correcting mistakes.

Consequences of unsuccessful operations in the field of plastic surgery:

The surgeon who will perform the operation must be familiar with the history and heredity of the person. Smoking and drinking alcohol can cause complications. Before undergoing plastic surgery, the patient must pass necessary tests and check the portability of the used medicines.

When dramatic changes are not needed, you can use some salon procedures.

Alternative Methods rejuvenation without surgery:

Unsuccessful plastic surgery stars, photos before and after which will be presented below, are a reason to think seriously before agreeing to surgery. Striving for the ideal of beauty, women resort to plastic surgery, not always thinking about the consequences.

Many Russian pop and show business stars have used the services of surgeons to change their appearance, but not all have received positive results.

Celebrities whose plastic surgery is visible to the naked eye:

  • Masha Malinovskaya;
  • Masha Rasputina;
  • Olga Buzova;
  • Maria Maksakova;
  • Svetlana Loboda;
  • Ekaterina Varnava;
  • Lera Kudryavtseva;
  • Alena Shishkova;
  • Vera Alentova;
  • Alexa.

Masha Malinovskaya

The TV presenter often received injections to enlarge her lips, which is why upper lip took on an unnatural shape, taking on the appearance of a hare. The girl also had an unsuccessful mammoplasty, during which implants of different sizes were inserted into her breasts. Fortunately, these surgical errors Now it’s possible to correct it without significant consequences for appearance and health.

It is an unconfirmed fact that Maria had blepharoplasty, but her look became more open. The TV presenter herself admits that she has had terrible complexes about her appearance since childhood, but now, apparently, she cannot stop in pursuit of the ideal.

Masha Rasputina

Masha Rasputina always surprised the public with her extravagant images and strived to preserve her youth as long as possible. We can definitely say that the star corrected the shape of her nose, had a facelift and changed the shape of her lips.

Not all the changes benefited her, Due to constant Botox injections, the face became like a doll's, and the singer still denies the fact that she used the services of plastic surgeons. Still, the years take their toll, and age cannot be hidden behind numerous operations.

Olga Buzova

Following star trek presenter and singer Olga Buzova from the beginning to the present, you can notice changes not only in hair color, but also in her facial features. In interviews, Olga is a supporter of natural beauty, but when comparing her photographs from 3 years ago, the changes are clearly noticeable.

The singer did:

Aesthetic procedures did not worsen the star’s appearance, but only corrected it in better side.

Maria Maksakova

Opera singer Maria Maksakova has undergone a number of surgeries to correct her face and body.

She underwent rhinoplasty and lip augmentation:

Maria changed the shape of her face and eliminated the signs of aging.

Also done:

  • eyelid lift;
  • breast enlargement;
  • smoothing out wrinkles with fillers.

The star has radically changed her appearance compared to photographs of her in her youth.

Svetlana Loboda

It is difficult to answer the question whether Svetlana Loboda had plastic surgery, since there were practically no fundamental changes in her appearance. Plastic surgery specialists suggest that the star receives anti-wrinkle injections and corrects the shape of her lips.

The singer's cheekbones began to stand out more sharply thanks to the introduction of hyaluronic fillers, and the skin remains smooth due to Botox injections. The singer's nose cannot be called perfect, but she does not change its shape.

Ekaterina Varnava

The plastic surgery of the star Ekaterina Barnabas cannot be called unsuccessful; the before and after photos are strikingly different. The TV personality has recently significantly changed her appearance, hair color and facial features. The elongated nose attracted too much attention, so the star decided to reduce it surgically. The tip of the nose was slightly raised, but the shape remained natural.

Ekaterina removed Bisha's lumps to make her cheeks more sunken and her cheekbones sharper. The Comedy Woman star also eliminated facial wrinkles with beauty injections and corrected the shape of her mouth. A lift of the middle and lower parts of the face may have been done.

Lera Kudryavtseva

TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva has repeatedly undergone anti-aging procedures, which allows her to look somewhat younger than her years. Experienced experts claim that the star used biogel injections to get rid of nasolabial folds and increase the volume of her lips.

Most likely, Valeria had a breast lift and correction after the birth of her child. The presenter corrected the unevenness of the nasal plate and tightened the skin of the eyelids.

Alena Shishkova

Alena Shishkova's face seems perfect to many, but there was some plastic surgery involved. You can find out what operations the famous fashion model had done by looking at her photo at a young age. It is noticeable that the hump on the nose has disappeared and its shape has changed slightly. Alena's lips became plump.

The model's cheekbones became sharply defined thanks to the removal of Bisha's lumps. By tightening the skin on the forehead, the eyebrows became higher and the look became more open.

Vera Alentova

Unsuccessful plastic surgery of stars (photos before and after can be seen later in the article) sometimes attracts the attention of viewers more than creative activity. Actress Vera Alentova's passion for plastic surgery did not give the expected results positive result.

It is noticeable that the star underwent such operations as:

After interventions by unqualified surgeons:

Now Alentova has managed to slightly correct the unsuccessful plastic surgery, but still her face has changed beyond recognition.


Star Factory graduate Alexa has ended her musical career, but some fans are still following the changes in her appearance through social media. Alexandra's first operation was lip augmentation with biogel. Then came nose surgery: removal of the hump and correction of the tip.

The oval of the face was also changed, the cheekbones and chin were corrected. On this moment the singer's appearance has changed significantly compared to her photo at the age of 17.

Foreign stars and Hollywood idols: photos before and after unsuccessful plastic surgery

Unsuccessful plastic surgery of stars (photos before and after operations of Hollywood idols will be presented below) is the result of a constant desire for a distant ideal and failure to accept one’s natural appearance. Many foreign stars suffered from the wrong choice of surgeon or too frequent surgical interventions.

Most striking examples can be called:

  • Mickey Rourke;
  • Michael Jackson;
  • Donatello Versace.

These stars changed their appearance not for the better and these mistakes became irreparable.


At the Queen's foreign stage Madonna has not had any dramatic transformations, but she is still a frequent visitor to plastic surgery clinics.

The singer constantly does:

The contour of Madonna's face remains clear, there are no deep wrinkles or folds of the skin. For some unknown reason, the singer does not devote as much time to her hands. whose flabby skin betrays its age.

Joan Rivers

Comedy actress Joan Rivers' passion for plastic surgery was excessive. Joan was always skeptical about her appearance and sought to transform her face and body in every possible way.

The actress performed the following operations:

The star's facial features began to look unnatural, but this did not stop her in the pursuit of perfection.

Donatella Versace

Too frequent plastic surgeries turned the face of Italian fashion designer Donatella Versace from pretty to rough and swollen. The increase in lip volume made the mouth disproportionately large. The reshaping of the nose was unsuccessful; the hump and unevenness were not corrected.

It is noticeable that due to frequent laser resurfacing and tightening, the facial skin has become thinner and looks like a wax mask. Donatella also had mammoplasty.

Jocelyn Wildenstein

The famous Catwoman Jocelyn Wildenstein reshaped her face beyond recognition. The woman constantly received collagen injections, which turned her face into a swollen mask. To become like a cat, Jocelyn had implants inserted into her cheekbones, cheeks and chin.

swollen from frequent injections her lips and narrowed eyes further disfigured her appearance.

Michael Jackson

At the peak of his popularity, American pop star Michael Jackson began changing his appearance. The singer significantly narrowed the bridge of his nose and made contour plastic surgery faces.

An implant was inserted into the chin and an eyelid lift was performed. Correction of the shape of the nose led to the fact that it began to fail, and cartilage implantation was necessary. It is said that Jackson suffered from body dysmorphic disorder (a disease in which a person is extremely concerned about defects in his appearance).

Lindsey Lohan

Lindsay Lohan, famous for her shocking antics, often used the services of plastic surgeons.
First, the star enlarged her breasts, and later made her lips fuller. The actress also eliminated wrinkles by introducing fillers.

Nicole Kidman

A beauty in her youth, Nicole Kidman became interested in beauty injections in adulthood. Frequent injections disrupted the actress’s facial expressions; her face became puffy and emotionless.
In addition, Nicole changed the shape and contour of her mouth, and did breast augmentation and lifting.

Kim Basinger

Unsuccessful plastic surgery of stars (photos before and after confirm this) turns natural beauty into a tense mask. This happened with actress Kim Basinger.
After circular braces face and blepharoplasty, it seems that Kim has a constantly surprised face. The actress's eyes narrowed and her eyebrows rose too high.

Uma Thurman

Changes in Uma Thurman's face have become noticeable. The skin of the face became tightened, plastic surgery of the lower eyelid was performed. Additional volume was added to the cheeks, and a chemical peel may have been performed. In general, the actress’s natural appearance was not affected by plastic surgery.

Renee Zellweger

Opinions differ about Renee Zellweger's plastic surgery. Many experts suggest that in her case only regular cosmetic procedures.

Renee had unsuccessful plastic surgeries, and all this for different roles in films.

Perhaps the star received injections of botulinum toxins and fillers to smooth out the skin. Renee also had mammoplasty surgery.

Meg Ryan

As she grew older, actress Meg Ryan became interested in aesthetic surgery, but at one point the result stunned everyone. The star's face was so tense that it was difficult for her to smile. Apparently, numerous lifting and rhinoplasty procedures have led to such a disastrous result. A year later, she managed to correct the surgeons’ mistakes, and her face began to look more natural.

Tara Reid

Actress Tara Reid was constantly dissatisfied with her body in her youth, which forced her to adjust the shape of her breasts and undergo frequent liposuction of her abdomen and buttocks.
These procedures resulted in an anorexic appearance with breasts of uneven volume. But the star herself likes her appearance, and she doesn’t see anything wrong with her thinness.

Armanda Lepore

It's hard to believe that transsexual Armande Lepore was once a pretty boy.

Her first operation was rhinoplasty, then gender reassignment and many operations on:

The extravagant model removed her ribs to achieve a more dramatic effect. thin waist. The number of operations on Armande’s body can no longer be counted, but she does not stop there.

Janice Dickinson

Former model Janice Dickinson periodically undergoes skin tightening and filler injections. An unhealthy lifestyle has negatively affected her appearance, and cosmetic procedures can no longer correct the mistakes of her youth.

Janice often does:

Daryl Hannah

When Daryl Hannah's youth began to fade, the actress decided to turn to plastic surgeons.

Subsequently, the following operations were carried out:

  • correction of the shape of eyelids and eyebrows;
  • facelift;
  • botulinum toxin injections;
  • lip plastic

The actress’s skin became tense and lifeless, her gaze became too surprised, and the shape of her mouth became blurred.

Dolly Parton

Singer Dolly Parton stands out with her enormously enlarged breasts. The star corrected the shape of her chin and had repeated face and neck lifts.
Dolly carefully monitors her weight and sometimes resorts to liposuction.

Courteney Cox

The appearance of the heroine of the series “Friends” Courteney Cox has changed somewhat recently. Perhaps there were no serious surgical interventions, beauty injections or lipofilling were done. So the star corrected the oval of her face and got rid of deep wrinkles.

Mickey Rourke

After boxing fights, actor Mickey Rourke had to go under the surgeon's knife. His face was practically redone: rhinoplasty, restoration of a crushed cheekbone, all kinds of lifts.
But, to the chagrin of fans, he no longer looked like the handsome young man from the movie “9 and a half weeks.”

Famous idols who upset their fans by having plastic surgery

Many celebrities have made the mistake of getting carried away by aesthetic surgery in pursuit of eternal youth and beauty.

For some show business stars, plastic surgery turned out to be a bad idea (before and after photos can be seen above). For example, actress Melanie Griffith, after experimenting with her appearance, began to look older than her age.

Star of the Turkish TV series " Magnificent century“Meryem Uzerli lost her natural beauty, turning into a typical doll blonde.

No one can guarantee the ideal result of the operation, but this rarely stops stars who always want to remain at the peak of popularity.

Article format: Mila Friedan

Video about stars before and after plastic surgery

12 stars before and after plastic surgery:

These people wanted the best, but it turned out... No, not as always, but simply terrible, and even with irreversible consequences. Here are 5 victims of plastic surgery who, in pursuit of beauty ideals, harmed their health.

Hang Mioku
This Korean girl had a very pretty face until she got carried away with filler injections. These seemingly innocent acupunctures disfigured her face beyond recognition. After this, many doctors flatly refused to provide such services to Hang, realizing that they were fraught with consequences.

But there is always a fly in the ointment, and among health workers there will always be those who want to fill their pockets at any cost. They agreed to inject fillers into the already swollen face of the unfortunate woman.

When Hang did not have enough money for expensive cosmetic procedures, she independently injected herself under the skin... with sunflower oil and even paraffin. In 2004, she appeared on television looking terrible - her head was three times larger proper size. By that time, her eyesight had deteriorated, her ears hurt, she could not close her mouth completely, and her family simply did not recognize the girl.

In addition, she was diagnosed with schizophrenia. In 2005, a long process of rehabilitation for the patient began. In total, doctors performed 15 plastic surgeries, the purpose of which was not to give the girl a pleasant look, but at least to reduce her face to required sizes. This is what Hang looks like now.

Blonde Myra Hills, more known to the world under the pseudonym Bishine, has the world's largest unnatural breasts. The 31-year-old German woman is proud to have enlarged her breasts from size zero to size 26. Although she claims that she feels great, it’s hard to believe - each of her breasts weighs just under 10 kg! One can only imagine what a heavy load this is for the spine...

Andressa Urach

This girl won the competition for the most appetizing ass in Brazil in 2012. But one day Andressa went to the doctor with a complaint about severe pain in the buttocks and thigh. Studies have shown that as a result of the operation to introduce implants into the buttocks, her skin began to tear.

A little later, the beauty was moved to intensive care, because the inflammation turned out to be so severe that it led to tissue rotting. Now the girl urges everyone not to seek the services of plastic surgeons, citing her own experience. Of course, she miraculously avoided amputation of her legs!

Jordan Park
And here there are no words at all, only emotions. A 23-year-old UK resident spent almost 100 thousand pounds on plastic surgery to look like... Kim Kardashian! The guy changed the shape of his cheeks, made laser hair removal on the face and body, injected several Botox injections and tattooed the eyebrows.

In total, 50 surgical interventions And cosmetic procedures varying degrees difficulties - and from a normal guy you turn into... a victim of beauty. But Jordan, by the way, was very pleased with the result!

Derick Walters
Whatever the child amuses himself with, as long as... he doesn’t repeat the “feat” of one New York rapper who decided to get tattoos on eyeballs. After the procedure, when they injected him under his eyelid special ink, the 19-year-old unfortunate singer's eyes grew dim, he felt strong burning sensation and itching. He was immediately hospitalized. The guy was passing drug treatment for two weeks.

Recently, tragedies associated with unsuccessful plastic surgeries occur almost every month. At the end of May, during breast surgery in private clinic A 29-year-old patient suffered cardiac arrest. In June, a 17-year-old girl died during plastic surgery.

Today people flock to the “creators of beauty” in droves. All sorts of stars and bloggers who have decided to change their appearance talk about it as if getting size 3 breasts or a new nose is the same as brushing your teeth. And possible monstrous complications are reported only when it is no longer possible to hide the consequences. And the victim wants to punish “negligent doctors” with the help of publicity in the media.

“AiF” decided to figure out which plastic surgeons’ operations are the most dangerous and unpredictable. And what you need to know so as not to become a victim of the beauty business.

Making the nose is the hardest thing

Surgeons themselves answer this question extremely reluctantly and evasively. It’s clear: who wants to scare away potential clients horrors of the craft.

“It is difficult to distribute operations by degree of complexity, since in large quantities cases, plastic surgeons have priority areas in work and this kind of specialization allows you to apply skills honed to perfection in each case, explained AiF plastic surgeon, candidate medical sciences Sergey Petrin. — For some it’s nose surgery, for others it’s breast aesthetics, and so on. In my opinion, the least predictable operations are on bone structures, for example, nose surgery. It is also worth noting that a patient who decides to undergo rhinoplasty does not always clearly imagine final result. In other words, how harmonious the face will look.”

According to the expert, with regard to breast plastic surgery, methods have now emerged that can insure the doctor against possible future claims from a disappointed client. “3D modeling of the appearance of the breast allows the surgeon to demonstrate to the patient the new expected appearance with one click on a model of certain implants,” says Sergey Petrin. In addition, the doctor warns women who want to correct all appearance defects at once: so as not to suffer once again and save money. “It is not customary to combine many operations at once in one intervention, as this can create some risks for the patient and, as a rule, significantly increases discomfort,” warns the surgeon.

Does lidocaine kill?

But the doctor and lawyer who defends the rights of injured patients in court, the head of the Moscow branch of the Center for Medical Law, Andrei Karpenko, is sure that serious complications up to a tragic outcome can occur with any intervention, even at first glance as simple as liposuction (or pumping out fat) or increasing lip volume. Moreover, sometimes patients come to have an ingrown toenail removed, but it all ends with severe gangrene. And such cases do happen.

“Often, it is not even the intervention itself that is dangerous, but a drug called lidocaine and used for local anesthesia,” Andrey Karpenko clarifies. — This drug has a very unpleasant by-effect: violation heart rate. Moreover, such arrhythmia is then practically unstoppable and leads to cardiac arrest. For many years, forensic medical examination has attributed such fatal complications to the so-called anaphylactic shock: variety allergic reaction. They say that the body behaved unpredictably, it was impossible to foresee this. But I dare to express a different version. Lidocaine comes in different forms. There is a more expensive drug, imported, and there is a cheaper, domestic one. And no matter what the defenders of the domestic pharmaceutical industry say, their quality is also different. Let me give you the example of the well-known aspirin. An imported one costs from 250 rubles per pack, some people drink it almost every day and no matter what. Domestic acetyl salicylic acid costs from 8-10 rubles per pack, but after a few months of daily use, a person will almost be guaranteed a stomach ulcer. The fact is that any drug contains not only pure active substance, but also impurities. The more there are, the worse the quality and effectiveness of the drug. Due to production technology in acetylsalicylic acid There is always salicylic acid, without the prefix “acetyl-”. And it actively causes ulceration of the mucous membrane. So the more impurities, the higher the likelihood of a side effect, especially if a person drinks aspirin “from the heart.” The situation is similar with lidocaine. Much depends on the quality of the original substance from which the solution is made. But not only. Several years ago there was a series of deaths during operations when lidocaine was used. At the manufacturing plant the stickers were mixed up. And on ampoules with a 10% solution they put a label of 2%. A five-fold dose excess immediately caused arrhythmia and cardiac arrest in patients.

Behind last years There have been many deaths during plastic surgery. There is a feeling that private clinics are saving money and purchasing the drug cheaper. Either the manufacturer is doing something wrong.”

However, in the event of an unfavorable outcome, it is not always the case that the court orders an examination of lidocaine and other drugs administered to the patient. If this were done in every case, perhaps we would already know the cause of all the troubles.

Without face and hair

It is clear that the greatest risk (in any operation) is if a non-professional takes on the matter. There was a case when a plastic surgery clinic was organized by an ENT and an ophthalmologist and they themselves operated on women’s breasts. The mutilated victims sued the would-be surgeons.

“The most risky thing is when our cosmetologists undertake plastic surgery,” continues Andrey Karpenko. - But this is already a criminal topic. Responsibility for such acts is provided for by the Criminal Code. This is as obvious as killing people on the street. But, I repeat, it is not always a matter of the skill of the surgeon. The vast majority of doctors are not inclined to experiments that could land them behind bars. Notice how similar the cases are to each other adverse outcomes after plastic surgery. First the media writes that investigative committee began an investigation, etc. And then, after a month, two, three, information appears somewhere in the news that the patient has developed arrhythmia and heart failure. Typical side effect of lidocaine.

In addition, there are such individual characteristics human body, as the rate of wound healing. For some, everything passes without a trace. And someone will definitely develop a scar. Scar is connective tissue, collagen. And he has different people is formed with different intensity. Ideally, the plastic surgeon should take into account such individual properties. But this is not always possible."

It is clear that even if the patient is alive and well, she cannot appear in society due to her spoiled plastic surgeons appearance, then such an outcome cannot be called normal either. Let’s say I had a facial skin tightening, and a month later the hair line from my forehead moved to the back of my head...

How not to suffer at the hands of “creators of beauty”?

A fundamental point: choose a plastic surgery clinic where there is a resuscitation team. And even better - intensive care unit. As a rule, these are large multidisciplinary medical centers, which includes plastic surgery departments. A team of anesthesiologists and resuscitators is always on duty there. If something goes wrong, they will arrive in five minutes from the next department. And sometimes these minutes decide issues of life and death. The larger the clinic, the higher the chance of surviving in an emergency situation.

The price can also give you an idea. If it is an order of magnitude less than the market value, then it’s worth thinking about what you saved on: equipment, drugs (the same lidocaine), professionalism of the staff. Perhaps the surgeon has not yet learned how to perform such operations, he is “training”, and he needs to attract patients.

A doctor who easily agrees to fix “anything” also raises doubts. There are patients who need consultation with a psychotherapist, and not plastic surgery at all. Because happiness and recognition, the love of a man does not at all come with a beautiful nose shape or lush breasts, as some people think.

What possible complications Are the most popular plastic surgeries fraught with risks?

Liposuction. The worst complication is fat embolism, when a piece of fat breaks off and clogs vital vessels. For example, pulmonary artery. Ends with pulmonary edema and death. World statistics show that for every 10 thousand liposuctions there is 1 death due to fat embolism. It is impossible to predict this.

Blepharoplasty(eyelid surgery). Complications are mainly of an aesthetic nature, in other words, a disfigured appearance: sunken, deep-set eyelids (“dead man’s eyes”), eversion of the eyelids (“spaniel eyes”), round eyes, which for some reason are not considered a complication only in Russia.

Facial skin tightening. Again, appearance defects are the most common. During endoscopic (very fashionable today) lifts, inexperienced surgeons often cross facial nerve. Then the eye does not really open or close, the eyebrow droops or the front teeth are exposed and the corners of the mouth rise (“dog smile”).

Mammoplasty(breast enlargement). If the implants are chosen incorrectly and the surgical technique is performed, the breasts can easily slide over time onto the stomach, armpits, etc.

Rhinoplasty(correction of the shape of the nose). The “tail” of complications can be rich and lasting. If the operation is performed poorly, breathing becomes difficult and the blood supply to the mucous membrane that lines the nasal cavity is disrupted. And this leads to the proliferation of mucous membranes and chronic inflammatory diseases.

Otoplasty(correction of ear shape). In principle, nothing fatal, but aesthetic defects are possible.

Increase in lip volume. If the operation is unsuccessful, the sensitivity of the lips, facial symmetry, etc. may be impaired.

Improving the shape of the buttocks. Severe complications are rare, displacement of implants, scars, cicatrices, etc. are possible.
