How to change one life: about the procedure for adopting disabled children and HIV-infected children. Adopt a disabled child Can a disabled person of group 1 adopt a child?

Are Russians ready to adopt a “special child” and why is interest in babies with Down syndrome growing, says adoption expert Galina Semya.

About how the situation with the adoption of disabled children has changed over the past last years as part of the project “Everyone is included!” The doctor told Rosbalt psychological sciences, expert in adoption issues, co-chairman of the expert council of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children, member of the Coordination Council under the President Russian Federation for the implementation of the “National Strategy of Action for Children for 2012-2017”, head working group « Equal opportunities for children in need of special care from the state" Galina Family.

— Galina Vladimirovna, in recent years, legislation in the field of adoption has undergone dramatic changes. How did this affect practice?

— It’s interesting to look at the statistics since 2007. This is such a starting point. Then, for the first time, the family arrangement of orphans came into the focus of attention of the country's top officials. This was the famous message of the president to the governors and government of the Russian Federation (2005, it seems): to reduce the number of orphans in organizations, to find a mechanism through family arrangements. This was all supported - this has never happened before - both by changes in legislation and financial support from the federal level. Until this moment, there was no talk about any money that would go to the regions - the family arrangement of orphans has always been an expense item for the regions.

When money came from the federal level, the governors were forced to sign an agreement, raise child support payments to 4 thousand per month, and the amount of remuneration for parents to 2.5 thousand. Subventions and subsidies came from federal budget to the regions. We were talking about quite large sums, since a one-time payment was introduced to everyone who took children into any form of family arrangement (10 thousand rubles - with indexation).

— In other words, state policy has aimed at developing the institution of foster family.

- Yes. Receiving this money, the regions themselves began to develop a system of stimulating candidates and supporting foster families. Someone significantly increased the size of the lump sum payment. For example, Kaliningrad raised this amount to 600 thousand rubles for adoption.

Yes, the main emphasis was on adoption. This institute in Russia has always not developed very actively. The fact is that there is another form - guardianship and trusteeship, in which the child does not lose his rights to housing or admission to a university. Once you have adopted, that’s it, the state takes on a controlling position.

In order for the institution of adoption to develop, regions began to increase one-time payments at the expense of the budget. Some began paying benefits to adoptive parents. For example, the Belgorod region has established a monthly payment of 50% of the amount spent on maintaining a child in an orphanage. They gave us service apartments if living conditions did not allow us to take a child.

All this also worked because an indicator related to the family placement of orphans was introduced into the governors’ reports.

As a result, from 2007 to 2012 there was sudden jump placement of children in families.

At the same time, regions began to introduce their own small supplements - 100-200 rubles per month for those who adopted a disabled child from the shelter.

- Not a lot of money, I would like to point out. What happened next?

— In 2012, the “Dima Yakovlev Law” was issued and at the same time a presidential decree on simplifying the adoption procedure. In the same year, on June 1, the National Strategy for Action in the Interests of Children was approved.

As a result, the lump sum payment increases significantly: from 10 thousand (13 thousand by 2012, taking into account inflation) to 100 thousand if you take a disabled child.

The family arrangement procedure is simplified. This means abandoning strict requirements for housing and income, and extending the validity period of various certificates. In 2013, a working group was created in the State Duma, headed by Neverov. It includes deputies from different factions, a large number of experts and NGOs.

They sat for a long time, there was a lot of shouting, and social activists immediately brought to the surface all the cases when the law did not work or did not work correctly. I want to say that this productive work I've never seen it. Over two years, about 40 amendments were adopted. Moreover, if the amendment did not work, it was corrected.

For example, the Ministry of Health has compiled a list of those who cannot take children into care. Families with HIV-infected people were included there. It turned out that, having taken a child with HIV, you could no longer take a second one with the same diagnosis. Somewhere in June the first signals were sent, and by September-October the necessary amendments had been made.

Just when one-time payments were raised to 100 thousand, the regions stepped in with their budgets to strengthen this position. There are regions, for example, Krasnodar region, who pay 250 thousand for three years to adopt a disabled child. Of course, the largest payment is in Sakhalin: for the adoption of a disabled child living in the region, they pay a million rubles.

In the Moscow region, in a foster family that takes in a disabled child, each parent receives a remuneration of 25 thousand rubles per month (regularly). A little more than 20 thousand is child support. Moreover, if in other regions they add a relatively small amount for the second disabled child, then in the Moscow region you get exactly the same amount - for each disabled child taken from the shelter. When this measure was introduced in the region, their placement of disabled children and children with disabilities increased 2.5 times per year. disabilities health.

Moscow has launched a pilot project to allocate apartments to foster families. So, if you take five children, and three of them are disabled, you are provided with a service apartment. If you cooperate for 10 years, raise children, and receive support services, then after this period the city provides you with your own housing - according to the norms. Any citizen could become a participant in the project. Now they are planning to expand it. As far as I know, we are already talking about 100 apartments.

The Moscow region has introduced something similar. The project is called “Family Town”, in which apartments are provided to foster families, including children with disabilities.

— What results did you achieve in the end?

“Children began to be actively sorted into families. There are queues for kids. Blonde hair and blue eyes - classics of the genre - can no longer be found. Currently the following remain in the regional data bank: 70% are children adolescence, 25% are disabled children.

During this time, two more revolutions took place. In particular, the clause “placement in an organization for orphans” as a form of placement disappeared from the Family Code. Previously, an orphanage was an alternative to guardianship or adoption. Now, according to the law, shelter is only a temporary measure. Having placed him in an orphanage, it’s too early to call it a day. It’s clear that we won’t be able to accommodate everyone at once, but this point fundamentally changed everything. First of all, the direction of activity of organizations for orphans. They have never been actively involved in family structure, but now they are obliged to do so. How long a child spends in a shelter is one of the new indicators of the performance of orphanages. This also applies to orphanages - boarding schools (orphanages), where very difficult children live.

The second revolution was caused by Russian Government Decree No. 481, which is associated with the requirement to create conditions close to family ones in organizations for orphans, with the transfer of children to education outside the institution. In Moscow last year, all children, including kindergarten students, went to study in the education system. In the regions, this was a revelation for many children's institutions. Moscow did the following: if a child cannot go to school, “home” education will be organized for him. That is, for different categories children can be found different shapes including them in educational process. They should all receive education, if possible, outside of boarding schools.

— How is the format of orphanages changing today?

— Orphanages are being renamed into family support centers, boarding schools are being closed. We have many regions where there is no longer one. Boarding schools for complex children are combined with ordinary orphanages, in an attempt to ensure that disabled children are not isolated. These children show amazing progress in socialization and development when they enter the mainstream environment. If you look at the beginning of 2015, we had 270 correctional orphanages and boarding schools, which educated 21.5 thousand orphans with visual, hearing, musculoskeletal and intellectual impairments. At that time, 8.6 thousand disabled children were being raised in ordinary orphanages.

— Don’t you think that all this is a temporary effect?

— Of course, when there is a change in policy, an injection of money, we see a surge. But sooner or later it calms down. In order not to lose momentum, you need to come up with something new. Now this is the creation of the institution of a professional family. This is what will be called “social education” in legislation. These are amendments to the Family Code, and most importantly, to the Labor Code. True, it is not yet very clear to officials from the Ministry of Labor what the subject of labor is. This slows down the process.

The point is that a region, if it needs it, can hire social educators—a family—under an employment contract. Our adoptive and foster parents enter into a civil law agreement. Here we are talking specifically about labor, which entails all labor obligations - vacation, sick leave, length of service, pension. The region itself will determine for which category of children it needs social educators. These are, of course, disabled children, teenagers, siblings. That is, as soon as you have identified a child, he can immediately be transferred to such a prepared family for upbringing, bypassing the orphanage.

The scheme is as follows: at the beginning, guardianship or trusteeship of the child is established, that is, the family is the guardian of this child 24 hours a day. In addition to this, she enters into an employment contract stating that the parents will implement a special rehabilitation program for the child. For this they will receive a salary. They will have vacation, which will be compensated with money, they will be able to take sick leave, and so on. They work 8 hours a day, the rest of the time they are guardians, so there will be no talk about overtime on Sundays (what Belarus stumbled upon when implementing a similar scheme).

However, if you no longer want to “work”, you can refuse the employment contract and still remain simply guardians.

“I know that there is a school for foster parents that all candidates go through. Is there any special preparation for taking a child with a disability into a family?

— For families who are ready to take in a child with disabilities, it is important special training. Therefore, the Ministry of Education is now developing recommendations for an additional module within the school of foster parents. I’m not ready to say now what the volume of this module will be, whether it will come instead of something or additionally. We will know all this at the end of the year.

From 2012 to 2014, the number of children in the data bank decreased by 31%, while the number of children with disabilities increased by 60%. Our data bank is being severely disabled, since these children are the most difficult to place in families.

By the way, they “disassemble” very well, if I can use such a word, children with Down syndrome. This is largely due to the good work of Downside Up, which provides assistance to such families. In addition, it is very important that those media persons who have their own children with Down syndrome do not reject them and are not ashamed of them. Obviously, this also has its effect.

“And yet, despite serious preparation, parents often fail to cope, and the children again end up in orphanages...

— Yes, according to the results of 2015, the return increased slightly. This is a very worrying factor. Moreover, every fourth parent who returned the child went through the school of foster parents. Why this happened needs to be understood. Perhaps the fact is that the support service is not yet operating at full capacity. It is also voluntary for now.

— Do you think that the fact that the proportion of disabled people in the data bank is growing is somehow connected with the “Dima Yakovlev Law”?

— You can already forget about this law. He, of course, has his moral side. But at the same time, it was he who became the catalyst for the processes that began to occur here in Russia.

Adoptive parents began to take in disabled people. Of course, many fail. But this does not mean that they are returning them, although it is difficult. Something else is bad. In my opinion, thanks to strong support from the state, some families began to develop a dependent position. The payments were large, the children were accepted, good money was in their hands, appetites increased - to get a mortgage, to take out a better car on credit. But you also need to support your children. And so many come and say: “Give us more disabled children, we need to pay off the loan.”

And some say: “If you don’t want to do what I ask, I’ll give the child away.” In such cases, I always say - give it away!

This dependency and arrogance began to appear, especially in special projects where they promise a lot of money.

Exit - social support, strengthening control and meticulous selection of candidates. We have been fighting for several years to introduce mandatory psychological examination.

Otherwise, how convenient it is to take children, for example, with autism spectrum disorder, who will not say anything, and present them in the event of a test.

— Since the new year, maternity capital has been allowed to be spent on the rehabilitation of disabled children. Will this help reduce the number of refusals?

— I think yes, the percentage of refusals will decrease. We have a certain percentage of parents who are forced to hand over their children to the state simply because there is no money. After all, disabled children are much more difficult than normal, healthy children.

How do we differ from the States in this regard? We place children in families faster - for them it is a very complex and lengthy process. But there are generally very few disabled children in the system, because support for families with disabled children is very strong. But, alas, we don’t. That is, we will have to work with this too.

Photo - photobank Lori

A fairly large number of children in Russia are raised in foster families. The child's adoptive parents have the right to receive financial assistance from the state to raise a child.

We will consider the process of receiving benefits for the adoption of a child, as well as the amount of this benefit, in more detail below.

The concept of adoption exists for raising children who have lost their biological parents or were left without their care in full-fledged families and is regulated by Russian legislation.

Child custody is often not based solely on full adoption.

The legislation provides for the following forms of guardianship over orphans:

  • direct adoption;
  • registration of guardianship or trusteeship of a child;
  • patronage.

The procedure for adopting a child is quite lengthy and requires a court decision. A person can become a guardian by decision of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities without a trial. In addition, the verification by civil servants of candidates for the right of guardianship and trusteeship is more loyal.

However, full-fledged adoptive parents in the case of adopting a child receive much more rights.

An adopted child becomes a full-fledged member of the family, and the same mutual rights and obligations arise between him and his adoptive parents as biological ones, including the right to receive an inheritance.

Patronage gives adoptive parents minimal rights, and also implies regular monitoring of living conditions and the process of raising a child by the guardianship authorities.

When registering for patronage, the trustee is involved in the socialization of the child and representing his interests in government bodies, but the child can also be left in an orphanage.

When registering guardianship, trusteeship or patronage between government agencies and the adoptive parents enter into an agreement.

If the child is fully adopted, then by court decision the candidates become the official parents of the child and receive an adoption certificate.

Issues of adoption, guardianship and trusteeship are dealt with by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, but direct adoption will require a court decision.

The amount of the benefit, as well as the types of benefits provided to adoptive parents, depend on the form of adoption.

Normative base

Payment of benefits to families with adopted children is regulated by law.

The amount of the benefit, as well as the procedure for receiving it and the categories of families to which it is due, are established in the following laws:

  • Federal Law No. 81 of the Russian Federation “On state benefits for citizens with children”;
  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On additional measures state support for families with children.”

Registration procedure

Adoption benefits must be issued no later than 6 months from the date of adoption of the child. To do this, you need to submit an application and the required documents to the guardianship authorities.

Review of the application will take up to 10 days.

In most cases, the payment of benefits is approved, but if the adoptive parents receive a refusal, it can be challenged in court.

To receive benefits for the adoption of a child, you must submit the following documents to the guardianship authorities along with your application:

  • a copy of the applicant’s passport (other documents confirming identity are also possible);
  • bank account details for receiving benefits;
  • adoption certificate and court decision;
  • a certificate of residence confirming that the adopted child lives with the applicant;
  • certificate of income of the adoptive parents.

The court's decision

Payments for the adoption of a child are assigned on the basis of a court decision on adoption. This document, along with the adoption certificate, must be submitted to the guardianship authorities to assign benefits.

Child adoption benefit

Some adoptive parents and guardians are entitled to receive benefits for raising a child. The amount of this benefit may vary depending on the form of guardianship or adoption.

Also, benefits are not paid at all to certain categories of adoptive parents and guardians.

There are several types of benefits for the adoption of a child, the amount of which in 2018 may vary greatly. Let's look at each type in more detail.

It is worth noting that adoptive parents can spend the funds received only on improving the living conditions for the child, as well as on his physical, mental or spiritual development.

What does it take to adopt a child? See here.


If a family adopts two or more children born from the same parents, then the benefit is paid for each child.


Monthly payments can be received by those families who have adopted a child under one and a half years old. Before this age, it is possible for one of the parents to take paid leave to care for a child, and the amount of the benefit will be 40% of the income of the parent for whom the benefit is issued.

Also, the right to receive a monthly allowance for raising a child is given to guardians and trustees, and its amount is fixed in the contract and can range from 980 rubles to 7,700 rubles.

Right to maternity capital

Some families have the right not only to receive adoption benefits, but also maternity capital, which is allocated to all families with newborns from the state budget.

The following families have the right to receive maternity capital:

  • families who adopted a child while having children of their own;
  • families who adopted a child whose mother was deprived of the right to receive parental capital due to deprivation of parental rights;
  • families who adopted a child under 70 days of age.

If two children

Other benefits

In addition to benefits, families who have adopted children receive the following benefits:

  • compensation for paying utility bills;
  • free receipt of dairy products for children under two years of age;
  • free prescription medications for children under 3 years of age;
  • compensation for half the cost of preschool services;
  • the right to free meals at school.

How to write consent for the adoption of a child by another person? Sample here.

What is the procedure for adopting a child from an orphanage? Details in this article.

Are payments due when adopting a wife's child?

If a man adopts his wife’s child from a previous marriage, then in such a situation no lump sum payments are provided.

The adoptive father will only be able to receive official leave to care for a child under 1.5 years of age with the possibility of receiving benefits in the amount of 40% of income.

In the video about the benefit

Benefits and rights when adopting a child in 2018-2019

General concept

Adoption is the process of accepting a child left without parental care into a family. The term is perceived in a general manner, regardless of its gender. In the process of adoption, both parties acquire rights and responsibilities towards each other, in no way different from legal relations in an ordinary family.

The adoptive parent assumes responsibility for the child:

  • on his material support;
  • to create conditions for obtaining education, including professional education;
  • to ensure comfortable living conditions.

An adopted child receives all the rights of a native child. In addition, he has the same responsibilities towards new parents.

Important! Guardianship and trusteeship authorities are obliged to monitor the fulfillment of their duty by adoptive parents. If detected serious violations and abuse, they go to court to cancel the adoption.

State support for adoption

Federal legislation contains a number of preferences for adoptive parents. They can be divided into the following groups:

  • social support;
  • tax benefits;
  • preferences in the field of labor activity.

Important! Local benefits for adoptive parents are more varied. However, they come down to measures of social support for families raising orphans.

A family that has adopted someone else’s child may qualify for the following social support measures:

  • maternity leave with all payments (if you took a baby up to 3 months old);
  • obtaining a certificate for maternity capital (provided that there are two or more children in the family);
  • lump sum adoption benefit;
  • monthly payments to the mother until the child reaches 1.5 years of age;
  • preferential enrollment and free meals in kindergartens and schools;
  • free medicines for children under 3 years of age;
  • reimbursement of expenses for housing and communal services;
  • reimbursement of 50% of the cost of kindergarten expenses.

Benefits are provided only if the child is adopted from an orphanage. If children of a spouse from a previous marriage are adopted, no benefits are provided. Except for maternity leave.

The law makes no difference between parents. Maternity leave and monthly payments can be provided to the father if desired.

Who is covered by government support programs?

The assignment of preferences and their material expression depends on the conditions of adoption, including the health of the children. So, the one-time benefit when joining a family is as follows:

  • healthy child- RUB 16,350.33 (from February 1, 2017);
  • disabled person - 124,929.83 rubles.

At the same time, benefits in the field labor relations apply exclusively to people with an official place of duty. For example, these include preferences such as:

  • restrictions on involvement in night shifts and overtime work;
  • ban on working on weekends and holidays;
  • provision of vacation in the summer.

Attention! Preferences for working parents are described in Art. 264 Labor Code(TK). They are the same for biological parents and adoptive parents.

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Financial support measures for adoptive parents

Payments to people who take in stepchildren can be further divided into:

The first refers to those benefits and benefits that are due to biological parents. At the same time, there are payments accrued only to adoptive parents.

Maternity money

If the baby transferred to the family is less than three months old, then one of the parents has the right to apply for maternity leave. In practice, this is done in the same order as at the birth of a child:

  1. You should contact antenatal clinic with documents.
  2. The doctor will register the woman and issue a sick leave certificate.
  3. This document is submitted to the administration of the enterprise.
  4. The accounting department will calculate and pay the usual maternity benefit.

Important! When adopting twins, the period for requesting benefits is extended to 110 days, usually 70 days.

One-time payment to the adoptive parent

This type of payment is made once. The family has the right to it immediately after all the documents for the adopted child have been completed (in practice, a court decision). The amount depends on the age and health status of the adopted child and the number of adopted children.

Above are the amounts of benefits paid in 2018 for a healthy child and a child with health limitations.

  • child over 7 years old;
  • brothers or sisters are accepted into the family (paid for each).

Attention! If the baby is adopted a second time, and this type benefits were received by the previous family, then the next parents are not paid.

How to get

A lump sum payment is not automatically assigned. It should be applied for personally by the person to whom the court has established parental rights. To do this, you should prepare copies of the following official documents:

  • a court decision to legitimize the fact of adoption (must be in force);
  • if the child has established health restrictions, they are confirmed by an appropriate certificate issued by a medical and social examination;
  • When a family has accepted brothers or sisters, they need papers confirming this fact.

Important! Payment of benefits must be applied for within six months from the date of entry into force of the court decision. Otherwise, you will have to go back to the judiciary.

Documents must be taken to the local administration (guardianship authorities). Payments are made after ten days, subject to the provision of reliable and complete information.

Important! If the court decision indicates circumstances that increase payments (a disabled child, the age of the adopted child, or the adoption of brothers and sisters into the family), then no additional paperwork is required.

Care allowance for up to one and a half years

The amount of this type of payment is calculated in the usual way: based on average earnings over the last two years. Its value is 40% of the indicator. The minimum amounts from February 1, 2017 were:

  • for the first child (all children in the family are considered: natural and adopted) - 3056.69 rubles;
  • for the second and subsequent ones - 6131.37 rubles.

Attention! Payments are made by the enterprise that has issued parental leave to the adoptive parent (mother or father) on the basis of a birth certificate (it is not necessary to provide a court decision).

Maternal capital

Attention! The conditions for obtaining the certificate are as follows:

  • the fact of adoption must date from 01/01/2007 to 12/31/2018;
  • a family must raise two or more children (regardless of the degree of relationship).

Spending maternity capital funds is allowed only in four directions:

  • acquisition or reconstruction (construction) of housing;
  • children's education;
  • Mom's pension;
  • rehabilitation and habilitation activities for children with disabilities.

Tax benefits

When understanding what is required when adopting a child, do not forget about the procedure for reducing the tax burden for citizens with children. It is the same for biological and adoptive mothers with dads.

The amount of taxable income is reduced:

  • by 1.4 thousand rubles. upon adoption of the first and second baby;
  • by 3 thousand rubles. - third and subsequent;
  • by 12 thousand rubles. - for accepting a disabled child into the family (for each).

Attention! Preference is granted at the place of duty. To obtain it, you must contact the enterprise administration with the relevant documents:

  • children's birth certificates;
  • certificate of disability of a son or daughter.

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Do I need a report on the use of state aid?

Domestic legislation equates the institution of adoption with biological kinship. This means that parents have the same rights and responsibilities towards their children, regardless of blood ties.

The state provides additional assistance to adoptive parents so that they can take more care of their children and experience fewer difficulties. There is no need to account for budget money.

Attention! The fulfillment of parents' responsibilities is controlled by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities. This applies to all areas of life, including the material support of children.

Regional measures to support adoptive parents

In addition, the adoptive parent in Moscow receives:

  1. One-time 30 thousand rubles. The money can be transferred to the account of either one of the parents or the child.
  2. Monthly payment in the amount of 10,000 rubles. This payment is due only to citizens who successfully fulfill parental responsibilities, as confirmed by the guardianship service.

Attention! Specific preferences for adoptive parents in the regions should be checked with the guardianship authorities of the local administration.

Instead of a conclusion

The described rights and preferences are not mandatory. Citizens can receive them upon application. However, no one will oblige you to reveal the secret of adoption if the parents do not want it.

  1. Payments can be refused if this is due to moral aspect raising children in a family.
  2. Only this act will not cancel the checks of guardianship specialists, who are obliged to monitor the living conditions of children in the families that have adopted them.

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Adopting a disabled child

It is impossible to obtain parental rights for someone else's child without adopting him. The most difficult thing is to adopt a disabled child.

Where to go to adopt a disabled child

In order to adopt a disabled child, you should first contact the guardianship authorities. This important event, it affects the success of the entire procedure. It is necessary to get to know the guardianship staff, communicate with them and try to get along. Secondly, you will need to contact medical institution to pass the mandatory medical examination. Then you will need to file a lawsuit. The last point is the registry office.

What does the procedure for adopting a disabled child look like?

The procedure for adopting a disabled child takes place in several stages:

  • Experts check whether future parents meet the existing requirements.
  • Future parents collect the documents necessary for adoption.
  • The adoption case is being considered in court proceedings.
  • A child's candidacy is selected.
  • A trial is taking place in court.
  • The court makes a decision.
  • If successful, parents contact the registry office.

Requirements for future parents

There are a number of requirements that future parents must meet. They must be fully capable and have good health and have not previously been deprived of parental rights.

A sufficient level of income to provide for the child and a suitable living space are important. They decide whether specific citizens are suitable for the roles of future parents, medical workers and guardianship officials. In special cases, if a disabled child has real parents, those wishing to adopt him will need their consent.

The legislative framework

Payments for the adoption of a disabled child are regulated by:

  • RF IC, Federal Law 223;
  • Federal Law No. 81;
  • Other regulations.

Payments upon adoption of a disabled child

How much does it cost to adopt a disabled child?

Maternity capital (not accrued for children who will be adopted after January 1, 2019).
If the child is the second in the family, payment of maternity capital is due on a general basis. To receive it, you must write an application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, and also submit the following documents there:

  • Passport;
  • Certificate confirming adoption;
  • SNILS of the child;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • Parents' birth certificate.

As a rule, the response from the Pension Fund comes in writing (consent to payment of maternity capital or refusal) within 5 to 30 days.

Payment of maternity capital is regulated by Federal Law No. 256.

The lump sum benefit is not accrued in automatic mode. In order to receive it, parents are required to collect a package of documents:

  • court decision on adoption,
  • a certificate stating that the child is indeed disabled; if two children are adopted (brothers or sisters, brother and sister), a certificate confirming this will be required.

Documents must be submitted to the relevant authority no less than 6 months from the date of entry into force of the court decision. If you are overdue for six months, you will not be able to receive benefits. If there were good reasons for the delay, it is worth fighting for money, but with the involvement of the court.

What benefits are parents entitled to after adopting a disabled child?

What benefits are there for adopting a disabled child, in addition to cash benefits?

  • Tax deduction from wages(Article 218 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), the amount of which is 3,000 rubles. In order to receive it, you need to submit the relevant documents to the accounting department at your work.
  • The right to retire 5 years earlier (if they adopted a disabled child under the age of 8).
  • If the family’s place of residence is a region with special climatic conditions, an increased regional coefficient is applied to payments.
  • 4 additional days off (paid) per month for one of the parents (according to Government Decree No. 1048).
  • Discounts when paying utility bills and when purchasing fuel (the amount of the discount depends on the specific region).
  • Free meals or a discount on them for children at school and preschool educational institutions.
  • Discount vouchers to sanatoriums, camps, health resorts.
  • Issuance of land plots.
  • State assistance with lending, preferential conditions for obtaining a mortgage.
  • Free travel on municipal transport.

The state tries to support citizens who decide to adopt a disabled child. This is done different ways. The main thing is to know your rights and be able to use them.

What payments are due to the mother of a disabled child in Moscow?

By law, one working parent/guardian has the right to 4 paid days off to care for a disabled child.

  • One-time cash benefit for the adoption of a disabled child. It amounts to 124,929 rubles, but only when adopting a disabled child over 7 years old.
  • Tax deductions. Tax credits are fixed, tax-free payments made available to working parents/guardians to increase the family's net income. Sum tax deduction is 12,000 rubles for parents or 6,000 rubles for guardians. An important difference between deductions is that, firstly, they are provided at the place of work and, secondly, they are provided in proportion to the number of disabled children.
  • Other social benefits and guarantees.

Social payments and benefits for a disabled child

What payments and benefits are entitled to a disabled child from the state?

  • Statement.
  • Passport or document confirming the applicant’s permanent residence in the Russian Federation.
  • Child's birth certificate.
  • MSEC conclusion.

Amount of payments and benefits A child under the age of 18 who is recognized as disabled is entitled to a social pension. In 2018, the amount of payment for caring for a disabled child is 13,170 rubles. Also provided is a Monthly Cash Payment (MCV) and a Set social services(NSU).

  • Provided for by the Moscow City Law dated November 23, 2005 No. 60 “On social support families with children in Moscow."
  • Families with disabled children and registered for housing after March 1, 2005, in accordance with federal and city legislation, do not have a priority right to improve housing conditions and are provided with residential premises under a social tenancy agreement in order of priority, based on the time of registration .

Attention parents! benefits for families with disabled children under 23 years of age

Parents or guardians of a disabled child can completely or partially refuse the NSS in favor of cash payments. At complete refusal from the NSU, the EDV for disabled children in 2018 is 2,527 rubles, and upon receipt of the full NSU package, the EDV will be 1,478 rubles. The state also provides various benefits and payments to parents of disabled children:

    Monthly allowance for a disabled child to a non-working parent, guardian or other person.

How much do they pay to care for a disabled child? Non-working parents or guardians will receive 5,500 rubles. There are also compensation payments for caring for a disabled child to persons who are not legally the child’s guardians or parents, but are actually looking after him. Such persons can count on receiving a small benefit of 1,200 rubles.

  • Payment for days to care for a disabled child.
  • Benefits and payments for families with a disabled child (Moscow)

    You can also apply for payments and benefits through the MFC and the Unified Government Services Portal. To assign payments and benefits at your place of residence, as a rule, the following is required: 1) an application; 2) passport; 3) a copy of the child’s birth certificate; 4) certificate medical and social examination on recognition of a child as disabled; 5) documents confirming the fact of registration of the child in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation; 6) bank account details for transferring payments. Reference. Amounts of cash payments to parents of disabled children in the city.
    Moscow in 2017. Moscow parents of disabled children are entitled, in particular, to the following payments: Type cash payment Amount in 2017 Monthly compensation payment to compensate for the increase in the cost of food for children under three years of age to families with disabled children (Article 12 of the Moscow Law of November 23, 2005 N 60; clause.

    Payments to disabled children

    Category “benefits and benefits for disabled children”

    What benefits are available to parents of disabled children?

    After the birth of a child at the place of residence of one of the parents in Moscow, additional benefits, payments, benefits and compensation can be issued to the social protection authorities. How not to miss what is due, submit documents to the relevant departments on time, and know your rights? We are conducting an educational program! In legislative documents you will find the following working definitions: The large family- a family with three or more children, including adopted children, stepsons and stepdaughters. A family is considered to have many children until the youngest child reaches the age of 16, and those studying in an educational institution that implement general education programs- 18 years.

    Low-income family - a family whose average per capita income is lower than the value established annually by the Moscow Government in order to implement the Moscow City Law of November 3, 2004 N 67 “On monthly allowance per child."
    In RUSZN, the child’s birth certificate; an extract from the examination report at the ITU bureau; the work record book of the parent caring for the care, or a certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation about the absence of insurance premiums for wages; a certificate from the housing authority about the registration of the child at the place of residence together with the parent; a certificate from the civil registry office on the basis for entering information about the child’s father (for single mothers) or the child’s mother (for single fathers) into the birth certificate; divorce certificate (for divorced parents); death certificate of the child’s father (mother) (for widows, widowers); agreement on the transfer of a child to be raised in a foster family (for foster parents) agreement on foster care (for foster carers) 7. Monthly compensation payment to a disabled child and a disabled person from childhood under the age of 23 who has lost a breadwinner 1200 rubles.

    home— Benefits for adoptive parents in Moscow

    One-time benefit when transferring a child to a family

    1. Federal Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995 “On state benefits for citizens with children”
    2. The procedure and conditions for the appointment and payment of state benefits to citizens with children, approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of December 23, 2009 No. 1012n

    For those who have adopted an orphan or a child without parental care:

    a) a disabled child
    b) a child over 7 years old
    c) brothers and (or) sisters

    for those who have adopted an orphan or a child without parental care

    a) not disabled
    b) a child under 7 years old
    c) a child not adopted together with a brother (sister)

    Documents for benefits:

    1) application for benefits

    2) passport of the adoptive parent(s)

    3) birth certificate of a child

    4) documents confirming that the adopted children are relatives of each other

    5) documents confirming the disability of the adopted person

    6) a document confirming the transfer of the child to the family (copy of the court decision on adoption)

    7) name and details of the bank and account number for crediting payments

    Foreigners and stateless persons represent:

    1) ID card

    2) residence permit

    3) temporary permission. accommodation

    4) labor. book or contract

    5) a certificate from the Social Insurance Fund of Russia on registration in local authority Social Insurance Fund of Russia as an insurer

    6) refugee certificate


    One-time compensation for the costs of adopting a child

    1st Art. 7 of the Moscow Law of November 30, 2005 No. 61 “On additional. guarantees for social support for orphans and children left without care. parents, in Moscow"
    2. Post of the Government of Moscow dated May 15, 2007. No. 376-PP “On measures to implement the Moscow Law of November 30, 2005. No. 61 “About additional guarantees for social support for orphans and children left without care. parents in Moscow"

    The payment amount is a multiple of the minimum subsistence level established on the date of adoption. The value will last. the minimum is determined quarterly.

    a) first child – 5 years of age. min
    b) second child – 7 years of life. min
    c) third child and subsequent children - 10 years of life. min

    Post of the Government of Moscow dated May 26, 2009 No. 492-PP “On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for establishing and paying monthly compensation. payments to persons who adopted a child in Moscow after January 1, 2009"

    The benefit can be received from the month of adoption upon application within 12 months. from the date of adoption (the time of entry into force of the court decision), until the month the adoptee turns 18 years old (incl.).

    Documents for benefits:

    1) identity card of the adoptive parent

    2) passport of the wife or husband of the adoptive parent (if the child is adopted by both spouses)

    3) child’s birth certificate

    4) a court decision on adoption that has entered into force (a stamp of entry is required)

    5) adoption certificate

    6) unified housing. document or housing certificate authorities about the place of residence of the child with the adoptive parent

    7) a copy of the document with the bank details and the adoptive parent’s account number

    8) a document on the date of termination of the child’s state support or on the date of termination of payments for child support to the guardian

    9) a certificate from the Moscow social security authority at the place of residence of the adoptive parent’s spouse about his non-receipt of monthly benefits (if the child is adopted by both spouses)

    10) a certificate from the guardianship authority of another region of the Russian Federation on termination monthly payments in connection with the adoption of a child

    The article was written based on materials from the sites:,,,,

    Why adopt a child? How do children who have been abandoned by their adoptive parents feel? Who adopts disabled children? Interview with a specialist from the service for training and support of foster families.

    Tatyana Dorofeeva, specialist in the service for training and support of foster families. Photo from the site

    There are only 4 schools of foster parents in St. Petersburg, but experts say that this is already good, since there are relatively few specialists in this field. The leading specialist of the service for training and support of foster families of the Northwestern region talks about how specialists work with the motivations of candidates for adoptive parents and other nuances. charitable foundation helping children without parental care, “Children are Waiting” Tatiana Dorofeeva.

    – The less time spent training foster parents, the more varied the results can be. Committee on social policy St. Petersburg determines maximum term training, as well as the period from the moment a person submits an application to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, during which he must apply to the school of foster parents.

    But from the moment a foster parent contacts a school, it may take a year before a person takes the child. It's like being pregnant. The candidate preparation period ranges from six months to 9 months. No matter how much a person wants to adopt a foster child, he must create a space where this child can fit - both emotionally and socially.

    For example, people need to think about how they will work - after all, a child will greatly change their lifestyle. Emotional condition Adoptive parents should also not interfere with the child’s adaptation. So the school for foster parents is a process of learning about themselves for them.

    We provide psychological counseling. If a candidate needs psychotherapeutic work, then that is carried out. This applies to people experiencing loss - either the death of relatives, or a change of place of residence, and people who have other serious psychological disorders, for example, abnormal age-related crises. But for psychotherapy there must be a request - a person must be ready for it. If in progress psychological counseling family, a person with some difficulties is identified who is ready to work, then psychotherapy is possible.

    – Is changing your place of residence also a loss?

    People sometimes have difficulty adapting to a new place, and adopting a child can be a way to get rid of loneliness. Even if a family moves, it needs a new circle of acquaintances, new activities.

    – Is such motivation as trying to survive some kind of loss in this way bad?

    Trying to replace someone is not constructive motivation. Substitution is destructive for both the child and the adoptive parent. In this case, the adoptive parent does not have the strength to hear the real needs of a particular child - he hears mainly his own needs. And then he doesn't effective parent– absent-minded, inattentive, tense. He wants to be a very good parent, but he doesn't have the resources to do so.

    There is also this myth among candidates for adoptive parents: it is supposedly good when the child is an orphan whose parents died, for example, in a car accident, that in this case he will adapt better to the adoptive family. But these are the most difficult children, because they loved their natural parents very much, and when they end up in a foster family, they don’t need anyone for a long time. There are few such children in orphanages; more often they are taken in by other members of their blood family.

    Creative, constructive motivation is when someone wants not to take, but to give, when someone wants to help a child. For example, some mothers stay at home and are ready to raise many children - they like it, they succeed. Or when a husband and wife get along well with each other, but cannot have their own biological children, but want to experience parental feelings and want to raise a child.

    We tell parents: “A child is a separate being who does not belong to you completely, he is given to you for a while.” Parents themselves undergo preliminary tests for the intended type of upbringing, and we then discuss the results of this testing with them individually - this is how they understand their weak spots.

    – There are cases when childless couples come to the school of foster parents and after psychological or psychotherapeutic work they have their own biological children. Do such couples still take in adopted children? Or do they abandon this intention?

    Yes, we get pregnant after every training. Because worries are relieved, people begin to think more about their lives. And we support any positive changes. Sometimes in such cases people give up their intention to adopt an adopted child, but this is also a good result - after all, they have their own child.

    However, the topic of orphans continues to excite many of them; such couples are very good volunteers, they help children in a targeted, specific way, without expecting gratitude from the children. Some of them then take in adopted children - a few years later, when their own children are already grown up.

    – Do you formulate the main tasks of your school?

    The task of our candidates: learn to build long-term, accepting, honest relationships in the family, including with the child. We have principles on which we build our education - how we understand the harmonious upbringing of a child. These principles are based on a humanistic approach to personal development.

    Firstly, this principle of hope- the fact that a person already contains everything that is wonderful in him. No one can radically change anyone, we can only contribute to the manifestation of certain traits and combine them with our own traits. Every person has something precious. We encourage both parents and children to explore themselves and find their strengths and weak sides, learn to explain to others about your weaknesses, and grow your strengths and combine them with the world.

    No doctor will point a finger - this is good, this is bad, you will have to study this yourself. You can consult with specialists, but you will have to do the work yourself.

    Secondly, this principle of balance in the world. We do not proceed from absolute concepts of good and evil, but from specific family rules, and we say that equal attention should be paid to four aspects of personality: psychological, biological, spiritual and social.

    That is, parents must take care of the child’s emotions, his inner world, his communication with other people, his games or other activities, and his health. And they should also pay attention to these aspects of their lives. That is, it is a person-oriented approach.

    And thirdly, the principle of family as a system. A family is a dynamic entity that lives its own life, but is influenced by external factors. Some parents have the idea that someday some kind of stability, some kind of peace will come. We debunk this myth - I immediately tell candidates who come to us: “Today you are leaving your comfort zone.” Because in reality there is always dynamics, something is always happening. In general, something always happens to any person.

    And healthy predictability appears when there is specificity: on the one hand, something is happening, on the other hand, we have a developed type of behavior. And no matter what happens in the family, everything is subject to consideration, and some useful conclusions can be drawn from everything.

    - Do you think that family relationships can’t be viewed through the prism of someone’s guilt?

    Yes, we are not looking for those to blame, we are looking at the situation, looking at what everyone can do to correct it or somehow resolve it. Of course, we are trying to understand the reasons for what is happening, but main reason problems: someone did not understand someone, there is a wrong message.

    There is such a common term - “green light”: someone did something, and in our minds “the green light came on,” that is, we came up with an explanation for the other person’s action, which has nothing to do with his motives. Therefore, we try to ensure that people's messages are clear, so that people learn not to think for others.

    Any family member can contact me or other specialists at our school with a request to talk - not to give advice, but to talk. Why am I for long-term and sincere relationships? If something happens, I encourage both parents and children to talk about it - how we feel, what we will do with these feelings, how we will show them.

    “Isn’t it obvious that we need to talk about this?”

    It's not obvious. There are long-term, but insincere family relationships. Most people here do not know how to realize their feelings. There is such a term in psychology - alexithymia. This is when a person feels, but cannot express his feelings in words, and, accordingly, it is difficult for him to understand what the other person is feeling. That is, it is such an obsession with oneself. That’s why there are so many trainings for developing emotional intelligence now.

    – But a person who talks about his feelings can also be fixated on himself.

    Certainly. And if we find out this about one of our candidates, we draw his attention to this, find out why he talks only about himself and cannot listen to others. But the main problem of children is that they are not aware and cannot express their feelings. And the adult must, firstly, set an example for the child, and secondly, let him understand that he will accept him with any emotions and will help him do something with them.

    For example, a child might say, “I’m angry.” The adult tells him: “Let’s think about where this anger came from, what to do with it, how to express it so that no one is hurt.”

    We do not make a fundamental difference between an ordinary family, where there are parents and their natural children, and a family where there are adopted children. But our candidates receive additional knowledge about the characteristics of adopted children, about what adopted child will be different from their blood. And candidates get the opportunity to measure their resources, think about whether they can adapt this child.

    An adopted child is much less aware of his emotions and needs. Because of this, his behavior is disturbed, because of this he can put his life in danger, because of this he is scared, because of this he changes the whole life of his family. I myself have an adopted child, and I try to help him. My natural children ask: “Will it be better someday?” I answer: “I don’t know. He can do it any way he can.”

    – People also come to you who didn’t just want to take some child from orphanage, and who already have a history of relationships with a specific child.

    Happens. We are studying the history of this relationship. If conditions permit, I get to know the child and the staff of the institution where he is located. We look at the situation and decide what to do the best way in the interests of the child.

    If for some reason the adult who contacts us still cannot become the adoptive parent of this child, then he can become his assistant - a tutor, a volunteer... And at the same time, a family will still be found for this child. Everything is very individual; it cannot be said that there are any universal schemes. A lot depends on the personal growth of the candidate, which occurs during classes at the school of foster parents: people are either ready to change a lot in their lives, or they realize that they are not ready and abandon their intention. And we believe that this is also a good result. That is, it is important that the relationship is minimally traumatic for the child and as understandable as possible for the adult.

    – What do you do if adoptive parents contact you who want to give up their child?

    We invite the whole family, look at the child, find out from the parents what is happening - so that the child can hear. Most often, some positive stories come up, we turn to this positivity and begin to grow it. Most often, this desire is a cry from the heart, and after our work, real refusal may not happen.

    Even if a refusal occurs, before that we work with people for three months. If this appeal was simply a consequence of fatigue, then such work brings great benefits to the child, because he is not scolded, and great benefits to the parents, because they are not scolded either, each family member receives support.

    Refusals still happen. Last year there was a case when a couple abandoned their child - for three months we could not find anything to unite them. The child again ended up in an orphanage, but not so traumatized, since he received support while working with us, and the adults realized their true motives and continue to communicate with him.

    Yes, it was a painful experience for everyone involved in the situation, but it was not as destructive for them as it could have been. I also work in orphanages and I can say that children after a second refusal are often very lenient towards their failed adoptive parents, saying: “Well, it didn’t work out.” Of course, it is then very difficult for them to go to another family again, but some overcome this story and go, some do not go for some time - and this is understandable.

    – Do you keep in touch with those who went through your school and have already adopted a foster child?

    Yes, we provide full support from the moment candidates first contact us until the child reaches adulthood. We discuss all issues with people - both at the stage of searching for a child, and when people take him from the institution, and during the period of his adaptation. Eat difficult periods in life, there are normative crises. But many of our parents are understanding people, and they turn to us and say: “We understand what is happening, but we want to check if everything is so.”

    Our school has been operating relatively recently - since March 2015, and we already have 24 families who have taken children. And children are very different - from babies to 16-year-old teenagers. And adoptive parents no longer ask us primary questions; they understand the situation well.

    – It’s more difficult with teenagers, including because they may still have ties with their biological parents...

    We are working with it. I can go to any institution and, after agreeing with the specialists of this institution and with the parents of the teenager, having signed an agreement with them, get to know the young man, the situation and find out from the candidate for adoptive parents whether he is ready to support the child in his communication with blood relatives.

    Most often, people are ready for this - they understand that this is a person’s story and treat it with respect. It is very important for a child when his adoptive parents accept his birth parents. And we had no cases of defection from one camp to another.

    If a child himself does not want to go to a foster family, explaining that he loves his natural mom and dad, our candidates understand this and do not try to convince him.

    – If a candidate comes to you and says that he wants to adopt a child with a disability, what then?

    carried out with him individual work. We already have several families who have taken in disabled children. We interact with them regularly and draw up individual plans for each child. rehabilitation programs. And for a candidate who declares a desire to take in a child with a disability, we offer to meet with parents who already have such experience.

    These meetings take place in forms that are convenient for people and do not violate their boundaries. But sometimes we go to someone’s home, both to candidates and to established adoptive families. We talk about possible consequences, look at available resources. After all, it’s one thing when disabled children are small and they are raised by people who are not yet old, but it’s another thing when these children grow up and their parents are no longer with them. This means that there must be someone in the family who is ready to accompany them further. Therefore, for example, with single women who want to take in disabled children, especially long work is carried out to study their resources.

    – And many who wish to take in a disabled child abandon this intention after your trainings?

    As a rule, only very reasonable, sober-minded people take in disabled children. Some of them already have relevant experience. For example, we have a woman whose own child is complex, and she also took in an adopted child with the same diagnosis. And they have a large family, the adopted child is doing well. These are also people who have worked or are working in relevant institutions and have a good understanding of the issues.

    – Among those who do not have such experience, but who still want to take in a disabled child, how many people have mythologized ideas about certain diagnoses?

    No. Still, more often than not, knowledgeable people take on such a complex task. In addition to parents who already have experience raising their disabled children, these are either employees social sphere, or psychologists.

    Yes, there are people who say: “I want to save...” But in the first or second lesson on motivation, they understand that they can only save themselves by assessing their real capabilities.

    We cultivate acceptance, humility and the ability to take time in a person. When raising a disabled child, it is important to understand and accept the situation, understand the pace of his development and respect his boundaries - so that the child understands that if he does this, this and that will happen.

    This is important with any child, but with a disabled person this should be expressed especially clearly, because if these boundaries are not established, the disabled person can set back development.

    For example, there should be a rule: “You can’t hit your mother.” You should never allow a child to hit his mother, even if he is disabled. Parents should have a certain line of behavior - the clearer the parent’s behavior, the clearer he behaves, the more reliable he is, the easier it is for a disabled child.

    In a safe environment, it is easier for any child to develop. In our classes, we even rehearse some moments - I portray different children, candidates for adoptive parents act out their reaction to their behavior. During the game it becomes clear how difficult all this is even in a simulated situation.

    A disabled child has a hard time with changes. Therefore, we warn that, after taking a child from an orphanage, parents should stay at home with him for some time and not immediately go south or somewhere else. We try to cover everything that could worsen the child’s adaptation. I always tell parents: “You can ask any question, even if it seems very stupid.” Sometimes a very stupid question leads to a very detailed and important answer.

    02/08/2019 The Ministry of Education will submit a bill on changing the procedure for the adoption of minors to the Government .

    On February 8, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation held hearings on the bill “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the Protection of Children’s Rights.” The event was attended by Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation T. Yu. Sinyugina.

    During her speech, T. Yu. Sinyugina said that the department is ready to submit a bill to change the procedure for the adoption of minors to the Government.

    We have met with you several times over the course of six months. And the reason for our meetings was an interested and caring conversation and work on a bill, which today is ready for us to submit to the Government,” said T. Yu. Sinyugina.

    For information

    In December 2018, members of the Interdepartmental Working Group under the Ministry of Education of Russia prepared a bill “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the Protection of Children’s Rights.” The bill was posted on federal portal draft regulations for wide public discussion.

    The bill contains new approaches to the transfer of orphans to families that will develop the institution of guardianship and improve the conditions for training people who want to take an orphan into their family.

    For the first time, the bill proposes to introduce the concept of “escort” into federal legislation. It is planned that this authority will be vested in authorized regional authorities and organizations, including non-profit organizations.

    The document pays special attention to the adoption procedure; a provision has been added on the procedure for reinstating adoptive parents in the responsibilities of parents if they were previously deprived of this opportunity.


    All news

    On November 21-22, 2019, the Center for Civil Analysis and Independent Research "GRANI" (GRANI Center), with the participation of the National Fund for the Protection of Children from Cruelty, is holding a methodological seminar for methodologists of foster parent schools on the issues of financial literacy of foster parents.


    According to paragraph 1 of Art. 127 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, adoptive parents can be adults of both sexes, with the exception, in particular, of persons who, for health reasons, cannot exercise parental rights.

    Such diseases include, among other things, all diseases and injuries that lead to disability of groups I and II, excluding the ability to work (List of diseases, in the presence of which a person cannot adopt a child, take him into guardianship (trusteeship), take him into a foster family, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 1, 1996 N 542).

    Thus, if you do not have diseases that lead to group II disability and exclude ability to work, you can be an adoptive parent.

    Adoption is carried out by the court upon the application of persons wishing to adopt a child.

    The application for adoption must indicate:
    surname, name, patronymic of the adoptive parents (adoptive parent), place of their residence;
    last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth of the child being adopted, his place of residence or location, information about the parents of the child being adopted, whether he has brothers and sisters;
    circumstances justifying the request of the adoptive parents (adoptive parent) to adopt a child, and documents confirming these circumstances;
    a request to change the surname, first name, patronymic, place of birth of the child being adopted, as well as the date of his birth (when adopting a child under the age of one year), to record the adoptive parents (adoptive parent) as parents (parent) in the birth certificate.

    The adoption application must be accompanied by:
    1) a copy of the adoptive parent’s birth certificate - when a child is adopted by an unmarried person;
    2) a copy of the marriage certificate of the adoptive parents (adoptive parent) - when adopting a child by married persons (person);
    3) when adopting a child by one of the spouses - the consent of the other spouse or a document confirming that the spouses have terminated their family relationship and have not lived together for more than a year. If it is impossible to attach the relevant document to the application, the application must indicate evidence confirming these facts;
    4) medical report about the health status of the adoptive parents (adoptive parent);
    5) a certificate from the place of employment about the position held and salary or a copy of the income statement or other document on income;
    6) a document confirming the right to use residential premises or ownership of residential premises;
    7) a document confirming the registration of a citizen as a candidate for adoptive parents.

    Before going to court, you need to submit an application to the guardianship and trusteeship authority at your place of residence with a request to give an opinion on the possibility of becoming adoptive parents with the following documents attached:

    1) short autobiography;
    2) a certificate from the place of employment indicating the position and salary or a copy of the income statement;
    3) a copy of the financial personal account and an extract from the house (apartment) register from the place of residence or a document confirming ownership of the residential premises;
    4) a certificate from the internal affairs bodies confirming the absence of a criminal record for an intentional crime against the life or health of citizens;
    5) a medical report from a state or municipal medical institution on the health status of a person wishing to adopt a child, drawn up in the manner established by the Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation;
    6) a copy of the marriage certificate (if married) (clause 6 of the Rules for the transfer of children for adoption and monitoring the conditions of their life and upbringing in the families of adoptive parents on the territory of the Russian Federation and the Rules for registering children with consular agencies of the Russian Federation who are citizens of the Russian Federation and adopted foreign citizens or stateless persons, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 29, 2000 N 275).

    A negative conclusion and a refusal to register as a candidate adoptive parent based on it can be appealed to the Ministry of Education and Science or to court.
