How cats find their way home. What to do if you pick up a stray cat? How does a cat in the house find its way home?

This article answers one of the most frequently asked questions, habits and features associated with representatives of the cat family have not yet been fully studied. Leave your stories in the comments.

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How a cat finds its way home

Cats are amazing creatures. Their gracefulness and unpredictability make the pet a beloved family member. Some of their abilities simply surprise and delight. This also applies to the ability to return home even from the greatest distances.

It has long been known that an animal that is accustomed to a home, where it is loved, pampered, and caressed, is able to travel dozens of kilometers in order to find its abode.

Many experiments have been carried out in which they tried to confuse the animal. They were taken a long distance from home, given sleeping pills, confused, but the animal still found its way.

Then they tried to use the magnetic pole of the earth and found out that cats navigate thanks to the ability to respond to gravity.

It would seem that there is nothing surprising, since birds also find their way thanks to magnetic field sir, but with a cat everything looks different. How many more mysteries does her mysterious nature hold?

Can a cat return home if it is taken several kilometers from home?

The ability of a cat to return to its beloved home, even if it is taken several kilometers away, has been confirmed by many eyewitnesses. Moreover, both yard pets and pets who had not previously gone outside are returning.

Of course, no one can guarantee that a lost cat will return. It depends on the character of the animal, its ability to navigate, its ability to adapt to other living conditions; many simply die during their journey.

Can a cat return home if he hasn’t gone outside without knowing the way after a week’s absence, after 2 months or two years?

If the cat was completely domestic, did not leave the house, did not go for walks, and suddenly got lost, he will have to adapt to new living conditions. How successful he is at finding food, escaping from danger, and finding a place to sleep depends on the possibility of his return.

In general, cats have high level survival, and their ability to find their way home and return after a week, 2 months, which is proven by many eyewitnesses. There is evidence of returns after 2 or more years.

How to tell fortunes whether the cat will return home or not

When a beloved family member disappears at home, the owners use different ways its return. Someone is casting a spell, telling fortunes. Most popular return methods pet is bandaging the legs of the kitchen table.

It is also suggested that with a lit candle, near the window, read the mantra: “Smoke up the mountain, Vaska (cat’s name) home!” By the power of fire AOUM!”

If there is a spiritual connection with an animal, strong love to him, you need to try to get on the same wavelength with him, send the thought that they are waiting for him and need him. The animal will definitely hear and return.

Before you buy a kitten, you need to answer a few questions for yourself, and answer as honestly as possible - are you ready to have a baby? Do you have time to take care of a kitten, play, raise it, take it to the doctor? Are you ready to spend money so that your kitten doesn't need anything? A kitten is also a child, only a cat. If you can firmly answer all these questions positively - great, you can rest assured that the kitten is in trouble. good hands.

And so you brought the kitten to new house. Now this is not only yours, but also his home, where he should feel cozy, calm and comfortable. And since you are in charge, you will have to take care of the kitten’s comfort.

A kitten brought in in the first days is usually confused and even scared. Still would! Just a few hours ago he had a house and a mother, and now he was in the hands of stranger, and even in an unfamiliar place. There is a lot to be excited and scared about. Oddly enough, but now you are his mother. So the cards are in your hands - to calm, educate, teach reason. If you were initially ready for responsibility, then everything you need is already ready - there is a litter tray for the baby, toys, brushes for fur, and, just in case, a first aid kit.

In your life together with your kitten, a very important period begins, the very first period in a new home - the period of adaptation of a small defenseless animal to your, still alien and scary, apartment. It is very important during this period that the kitten immediately has its own cozy corner - with a bed, a tray and bowls of water and food. It is necessary for the kitten to immediately understand the purpose of all these objects and remember where they are, otherwise in an unfamiliar environment he may get confused and not find a tray, water, food, or a bed. Please note that the corner in which your kitten will live should not be in a draft - small kittens get cold very easily.

It is better to take a kitten to a new home before the weekend.

Try to take the kitten to a new home on the eve of the weekend or during vacation, so that you can spend at least the first couple of days with it, and not immediately abandon the baby to the mercy of fate. Firstly, he will simply be lonely and uncomfortable without his mother, and secondly, upbringing should begin from the very first minutes. In addition, the kitten will sooner get used to you and understand that you are its owner if Hard time you will be together.

During the adaptation period, give the animal as much attention as possible. Remember that a kitten is the same as a child, he needs warmth, affection and always play. Kittens are very active by nature, so don’t be too lazy to play with a small ball or something else with the kitten. It is important for the kitten to have fun, stop being afraid, and get positive emotions.

Of course, during the game the kitten may drop something - a cup, a flower pot, glasses. Don't scold your pet. It is much better to make sure in advance that valuables or objects that are dangerous to the child are not accessible to the baby.

Close attention should be paid to the windows. As soon as the kitten gets comfortable, he will certainly begin to explore everything around him, including the window sills. And if the window is open, the kitten may fall out. Therefore, it is better to cover the windows with mesh.

Garbage should also not be accessible to the kitten, where it may come across small bones, other sharp objects, plastic bags that smell like meat or fish - the kitten may choke. Besides, serious danger represent many for cats houseplants, including such popular ones as violets, cacti, diphembachia, and geranium.

If possible, electrical wires should also be hidden from the kitten. It will be interesting for the kitten to play with them, and if he bites through the wire, he will inevitably receive an electric shock. The same goes for needles, pins, nails and other things - hide them away. Out of pure curiosity, the cat will want to chew them, but this can end very sadly.

At the same time, do not limit the kitten’s freedom. Let him carefully and slowly examine his new home meter by meter, room by room. After all, he will have to live in this house all his life. You should not grab the kitten in your arms every minute. Although the baby needs tenderness, he also personal time necessary too - for new discoveries. Therefore, just keep an eye on the kitten to avoid trouble.

If you already have cats, they may not be entirely loyal to the new tenant, and even begin to offend him. There is a little trick that may be useful. Wipe your old-timer cat with a piece of cloth, and then stroke the kitten with the same cloth. The older cat will not touch the baby, who has the same smell.

Oddly enough, kittens have much warmer relationships with dogs. As a rule, dogs do not show aggression towards small kittens, but are rather curious.

A separate conversation about nutrition. Be sure to find out what kind of food your kitten is used to, otherwise you can suddenly change foods, portion sizes, and cause harm to the kitten. With a sudden change in diet, the baby may have a tummy ache and problems with bowel movements. To food little kitten you need to approach it as carefully as you do with nutrition infant. And, of course, make sure that the water in the bowl is always clean and fresh - the kitten should drink plenty. It is also important that the kitten can eat in peace and quiet, when nothing disturbs it.

It is very important not to scare the little kitten in the first days.

Try not to turn on a terribly buzzing vacuum cleaner, loud hair dryer, drill, or food processor next to him. Watch the volume of your voice yourself - do not shout directly into the kitten’s ear, especially - do not scold it so that the neighbors can hear it. This way you can forever lose the kitten’s trust and friendship.

Cats are very vindictive, independent, and proud. If in the first days of communication you cannot win the trust and love of a kitten, then the important animal that will raise them will not be devoted to you with all their soul. Therefore, you should not be lazy, you need to devote time to your baby, show your love for him and really take care of him. This is the only way, in fact, you can prove that you are worthy of the animal’s love, you will become not a reprimanding and strict owner for him, but a true friend with whom the cat will feel good and calm all his life.

Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and treatment of companion animals. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in Veterinary Medicine and Surgery. He has been working at the same animal clinic in his hometown for over 20 years.

Number of sources used in this article: . You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

A loss pet- a difficult event for the whole family, and especially for children. Cats are inquisitive by nature and love to explore new objects and places. Unfortunately, they are not always able to find their way back. Don't panic, we will help you bring your beloved Murka home.


Part 1

Act quickly

    Make sure the cat is not in the house. Cats love to climb into boxes and sleep in secluded places. Before raising the alarm and causing panic in children, it is necessary to completely make sure that the cat is really not in the house. Call her while holding a bowl of food. Take a quick look around her favorite places and check if there are any open windows or doors.

    • Don't forget to check out the garage and garden. Perhaps the cat is simply basking in the grass. Look under the car and other warm places where cats like to sleep.
  1. Find helpers and inspect the area around the house. If your cat has recently disappeared, there is no need to panic. Ask family members and neighbors to check out the area around your home. Cats are not big fans of traveling and usually don't go far.

    Call the police. If you have a purebred cat, you may want to contact the police. Pedigree cats They are not cheap, so it happens that they are stolen. Don't forget to bring a photo and description with you.

    • Bring a photo and description of the cat. This will greatly help the police.
    • Try to make sure the cat doesn't run away on its own. Don't waste the police's time.
  2. Organize a new search party in the evening, between 5 and 8 p.m. Repeat the search in the evening if you were unable to find the animal during the day. Cats hunt at night. They don't like noise and may come out of their shelter when it's quiet outside. Don't forget that cats see well in the dark.

    Go around your neighbors. A cat may break into a neighbor's house in search of food or a place to sleep. Feel free to ring the doorbell. Start with nearby houses and gradually expand the perimeter. Don't forget to bring a photo of your cat with you.

    • Leave people your coordinates. They may see the cat after you leave.
    • Be polite and apologize for the disturbance. If you make a good impression, people will want to help you.

    Part 2

    Let others know about your search
    1. Post missing cat notices. Has your cat been out for several hours? Search more efficiently. Make an announcement on your computer and ask your friends to post copies on all the poles nearby.

    2. Contact animal shelters. Your cat may have already been found and taken to a shelter. Take the time to go in and make sure that your cat is not with them. There are also organizations that help with the search process. Search the Internet to see if they are in your city.

      • When going to the shelter, take a photo of the cat and its documents with you. They may want to make sure that you are indeed the rightful owner.
      • Don't delay your visit to the shelter. In some countries, animals may be euthanized after a period of time to make room for others. Fortunately, this is a rare practice that mainly affects aggressive animals.
      • Call local veterinary clinics. They may have your cat.

    Part 3

    Catch the cat and take care of it
    1. Approach the cat carefully. Use caution when you find a cat. Your pet may be scared or injured. Call your friends to stop the cat from running away and try to talk to it. Pay attention to potential escape routes and try to predict her movements. Approach slowly and, if possible, hold food in your hands. Give your cat time to sniff your hand and trust you. Carefully pick up the animal.

      • If your cat has a visible wound, be extremely careful not to make the situation worse or cause unnecessary pain.
      • Make sure it's your cat! Similar animals are sometimes difficult to distinguish. Look for special signs and also try to see if the cat recognizes you.
    2. Make sure your cat is comfortable. If she disappeared for for a long time, then you should not injure her even more. Let her rest for a few days and feed her more. Talk to her and show her how much you love her.

      • Do not let your cat outside immediately after returning. She needs to find hers identification marks and get used to the place again.
      • If you decide to let your cat outside again, take her for walks together. Let her walk around first. Every day the walking area can be expanded.
    3. Take your cat to the vet. If the cat has been missing for several days, it will be better if it is examined by a specialist. Injuries such as rib fractures can be difficult to recognize. Your cat could also have contracted a skin disease.

      • If you find a wound on your cat, do not delay visiting a doctor. The infection spreads very quickly.
      • Don't forget to take with you medical card cats. It may be useful in treatment.


    • If you have other animals and plan to leave the door open, lock them in another room to prevent them from escaping too.
    • Don't leave cat food outside. Other stray or wild animals that are more familiar with the area and know their way around at night will eat it first and take it as an invitation to come back to you again!

Rain. Wind. Slush. In the middle of all this natural disgrace sits a small disheveled kitten. He periodically shudders from the cold, watching with hungry eyes the hurrying passers-by. Someone passes by without noticing the disadvantaged creature, someone turns away, pretending to be indifferent. And suddenly, among this crowd of people, there is a man who picks up a stray cat to save it from starvation and cold death.

At home, the euphoria from the merciful act wears off, and the rescuer has natural questions about what to do next: should the animal be shown to a veterinarian, should it be given anti-worm medication, should it be vaccinated, and how to adapt the new pet to life at home. All these questions are, of course, important and require serious consideration, so we will further answer them in order.

Should I take my cat to the veterinarian?

First of all, the cat should be examined by a specialist.

The answer to this question is obvious: of course, yes! Only a specialist will be able to correctly assess the animal’s health status and carry out additional research on hidden diseases, which may pose a potential threat to the owner and his household, will prescribe a course of treatment, if necessary, will advise.

What to do if there is no veterinarian?

In life, not everything is as simple as they say on the Internet or in books. It often happens that it is impossible to show a selected kitten to a veterinarian due to some life circumstances: there is no financial opportunity or there was no ordinary place nearby veterinary clinic. If this is your case, then listen to our advice.

To begin with, the animal is placed in a separate, warm, draft-free room, away from other domestic animals; in a word, it is quarantined with a separate tray and bowl.

By the way, isolation from other pets should last at least 2-3 weeks, during which the adopted child is monitored and assessed daily general state: whether it changes and in what direction (worsens or improves).

After contact with a stray animal, do not forget to wash your hands with soap.

How to assess your health yourself?

A visual inspection is carried out, that is, the animal is examined from all sides and an assessment of the condition is made:

  • wool and skin : presence of bald patches, violation of skin integrity, growths, peeling, etc.;
  • eye: is there lacrimation, redness and other unusual phenomena;
  • ears: Availability copious amounts earwax, crusts on inside ear, unpleasant odor;
  • nose: presence of a runny nose, condition of the nasal speculum;
  • musculoskeletal system: presence or bruises;
  • internal organs: to do this, palpate the abdomen with gentle movements, monitoring the animal’s reaction (whether there is pain or not);
  • psychological state of the animal: behavior, fear of water and light, etc.

Important! If there is water or photophobia along with aggression, then the animal may be affected by the virus, in which case close contact with it may be fraught harmful consequences for a person. If such signs occur, do not approach the animal, isolate it if possible, and urgently contact the nearest veterinary inspection or sanitary and epidemiological station to exclude the cat from being infected with rabies and to carry out anti-epizootic measures.

Inappropriate behavior is not necessarily the effect of a virus; in some cases it can be caused by stress.

After or before assessment external state carry out thermometry ( normal temperature in cats 38-39 °C). In addition, please note:

  • on appetite, breathing patterns, color of the mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes (normally they are pale pink, cyanosis and yellowness should alert you);
  • on the color, consistency and even the smell of natural feces: urine and feces - normally they do not contain impurities of pus, blood, or foreign inclusions.

Further actions will depend on the results of the inspection:

  • At the slightest suspicion of a serious illness ( elevated temperature, poor appetite, dullness of the coat, dishevelment, depression, dry and hot nose), find a way to contact a veterinarian.
  • If according to external signs everything is more or less normal, then you can proceed to the next stage of introducing the cat into a new comfortable life.

Contact of a stray cat with domestic pets

The issue of introducing the selected animal to domestic cats also comes first. In principle, this question was already answered at the beginning of the article, when we talked about quarantine. If during the three-week isolation the foundling did not show any signs of infectious diseases, then you can safely introduce him to other four-legged household members.

What vaccinations should a found cat have?

Preventive vaccination is carried out for stray kittens and adult cats according to the same scheme, and vaccinations are given only to a healthy animal that has been previously treated for worms. It is better to start vaccinating after the end of quarantine, when you can be more or less confident in the absence of hidden infectious diseases. The scheme is usually chosen veterinarian, but if there is none, then you can choose the following option:

  1. Complex vaccine against rhinotracheitis, calicivirus infection, panleukopenia, chlamydia - twice (booster vaccination after 28 days).
  2. Rabies – a month after revaccination with a complex vaccine (later on, rabies vaccination is carried out once a year).
  3. Vaccination against lichen (trichophytia, microsporia) one month after the rabies vaccine, with annual revaccination.

Read more about the rules for vaccinating cats (who can do it and when).

What to feed the foundling?

For feeding balanced will do ready-made food.

The ideal option for balanced feeding is the use of ready-made feed. The issue of choosing a particular food is approached individually; it is advisable not to use cheap and harmful options, but to use high-class food in accordance with the age of the animal.

You should not feed your kitten products intended for adult cat. All recommendations for dosing and purpose of feed can be found on the packaging. If you have the desire and sufficient knowledge to create the correct cat diet, no one forbids using natural food for feeding.

At first, it is better to use dietary food, but in doses slightly less than recommended. Gradually you can transfer the cat to complete feeding. This option for smooth accustoming to new foods:

  • will help avoid stomach upset (diarrhea);
  • will not worsen the condition intestinal tract, whose work was most likely disrupted during the vagrancy.

Be sure to ensure that the cat does not overeat. The fact is that in the past, homeless pets often filled their bellies to the point of vomiting, and then ate again. “Foundling syndrome” appears when the animal had to eat for future use on the street.

If your pet has no appetite, what should you do?

You should never force feed a kitten. First, you need to understand why your pet refuses to eat. Only a veterinarian can help with this. If necessary and on the recommendation of a specialist, crushed food is given using a syringe.

How to accustom a foundling to life in the house?

This question is very complex; there is no clear answer to it. Each animal requires an individual approach, and there is not and cannot be any single algorithm for training.

A stray cat suddenly finding itself in a confined space will have to get used to new living conditions for a long time, and a person needs to spend a lot of effort to teach it the basics of cat etiquette.

To begin with, the cat will have to be allocated a separate closed room with its own tray and bowl so that it starts using them, and does not wander throughout the house and relieve itself or eat where it pleases. It is advisable to put paper moistened with cat feces in the tray - this way the pet will quickly figure out what the box is for. They also place a scratching post or a piece of wood in the room so that the cat can sharpen its claws.

A closed space will help to quickly establish contact between the animal and the person. While feeding and communicating with the animal, you need to talk affectionately, periodically starting games. But you should not get too close to the animal if it is afraid. There is no need to set a fast pace for the reunion; it is better to move slowly so as not to force events.

Be sure to arrange houses where the cat could hide in case of “danger”. Having the opportunity to observe what is happening from a shelter, the animal will quickly get used to the new environment and avoid stress.

You must treat the selected animal with all responsibility; under no circumstances should you throw it out into the street again because you failed. If not found mutual language or for some reason it is not possible to keep the animal at home, you can always find a new owner, send the kitten to a shelter or foster care, where specialists will place the baby.


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Victor Hugo wittily remarked that God created the cat so that man would have a tiger to pet. And if this pet tiger disappears from the house one day, the owner will be seriously upset. How many anxious minutes will be experienced, how many tears will be shed...

Many people have probably heard or read incredible stories about cats that find their way home on their own, covering vast distances. They yearn for home, where they were loved, caressed and fed. So how do cats get lost and come back?

The story of Semyon the cat

The Thai cat Semyon got lost in Moscow and spent several years getting to his home in Murmansk. And it all started very well. Semyon's owners and their children were going on vacation from the northern regions to the south and decided to take their tailed pet with them so that it could frolic in the warm sun. Vacation time flew by unnoticed, the owners and children were tanned, stronger and looked great. The cat also spent his time usefully in laziness and bliss.

On the way back to Murmansk family council It was decided to stop for a day in Moscow to repair an old car. When we were already leaving the capital, we discovered that Semyon had disappeared. At what point this happened was not noticed.

While the adults were busy fixing the car, curious children looked around. Probably the cat jumped out of the car unnoticed; he was tired of sitting in the car with so much noise and strangers. What to do? The whole family grieved, but decided not to return to Moscow, since the likelihood of finding a cat in a city of millions was zero.

Returning home, Semyon’s owners felt empty for a long time without their beloved animal, and the children began asking their parents to take a new cat into the house. Soon a new tailed tenant appeared in the house to everyone's delight. They began to slowly forget about Semyon. But the cat could not forget his “native land” and moved from Moscow to Murmansk. The journey turned out to be very long for the small animal, it lasted six and a half years! During this time, the cat walked more than two thousand kilometers. How he managed to avoid many dangers on such a long journey and what he ate remained a mystery.

One day, the head of the family discovered a skinny and dirty creature near the door, meowing desperately, trying to enter the house. Once he succeeded, " great traveler"Semyon quickly ran to the kitchen to a familiar bowl of food. After a hearty lunch, he hopped on the TV - his favorite place to relax. Nothing has changed in the habits of the kisarik during the years of absence. Based on this story, the film “Love Story” was made.

The story of Thomas the cat

A similar story also happened in the USA. The owner of the cat Thomas was a big fan of traveling around the country. One day she was getting ready to travel through a mountainous region for several days and decided to take Thomas as her companion, since at that time there was no one to leave him with. Kotofeich traveled a little and escaped at a nearby parking lot. The hostess complained about herself, but continued her trip. It turned out that Thomas decided to return home from his trip on his own. The return took about seven months. During this time, the cat walked about five hundred kilometers and returned home safe and sound to the delight of its owner.

Why do some cats return home, while most of the lost ones disappear forever?

Zoologist F. G. Frick was one of the first to become interested in this problem. The scientist decided to conduct a series of scientific experiments with a cat. He took the cat to different places, located from the house at a distance of 2−5 kilometers. The smart animal always found its way home.

After F. G. Frick, many other researchers began to study the problem of returning cats home. Some experiments were particularly cruel. For example, cats were injected with drugs and taken far from home. However, even under such conditions, some animals returned home.

Several years ago, a German ethologist conducted an interesting experiment. He collected their pets from cat owners, put each cat in a separate box and drove them for a long time along a complex, winding route. Then he took the pussies to a field where a labyrinth closed at the top with many exits was built. It was assumed that in this way cats would not be able to navigate by the sun or stars. During the experiment, it turned out that most of the cats chose the exit that was directed towards their house.

The results of the experiment were reported at an international ethological conference. However, most scientists were skeptical about this message. It was hard to believe that when the cats were driven along a confusing route, they “remembered” the path of the van with all the turns, and then “restored” the route in reverse order.

American zoologists repeated the experiment of their German colleague with the only difference that during the trip the pussies received sleeping pills and slept like the dead. After waking up, they all successfully went home.

Natural feature

Since then, many different experiments have been conducted with cats, and they all showed that our whiskered-tailed pets are very sensitive to the Earth's magnetic field. It is this feature that helps pussies find their way home. To test this hypothesis, scientists attached a strong magnet to the cat's body. It turned out that in this case they completely lost the ability to determine the right path.

A large number of experiments made it possible to put forward several hypotheses as to why some murkas are able to find their way home. However, we still cannot answer this question with certainty. Cats are mysterious creatures. Science has yet to make many discoveries about cats, which have been human companions for many centuries.
