New forms of events in primary schools. Forms and types of extracurricular activities

KGKOU SKSHI 8 types 13


at school MO:

“Innovative forms of conducting classroom hours”


Ekaterinchuk Lyudmila


year 2013

Crossing the threshold of the school, the student finds himself on a huge, new planet for him - the Planet of People. He will have to master the ABCs of communicating with them, find out why they are all so different, what rules they live by, what they value in each other. Here main role will be played by a teacher who is obliged to think through educational work in the classroom. One of the forms educational work- This Classroom hour.

“Class hour is a flexible form of frontal educational work in composition and structure, which is socially organized communication outside of school hours. class teacher with class students in order to facilitate the formation of the class team and the development of its members.”

The class teacher is responsible for the main educational and organizational work in the classroom. His responsibilities include not only creating favorable conditions for the personal development of the student, but also effectively assisting in solving psychological problems problems that arise in a child when communicating with other students, parents and teachers. The class teacher is like a mediator between the student and society, helping to build relationships in the team through a variety of activities that contribute to the self-expression of each student and his development as an individual.

By participating in the formation of the primary children's team in the class, the class teacher must take on the role of leader, mentor, guardian and friend of his students. He must be able to inspire children, understand their needs, be an assistant, and not only organize, but also actively participate in the collective creative activities of his class.

Extracurricular communication between the class teacher and students occupies a very important place in educational work. At the same time, the classroom is one of the most common ways to organize such communication. Despite the fact that a certain time is allocated for it in the school schedule, a class hour is not inherently a lesson. And communication on it can easily be classified as extracurricular.

Typically held every week. It can last as long as a regular lesson, but this is not a requirement. Sometimes 15-20 minutes are enough to cover a topic. Other topics require longer communication.There are organizational and thematic class hours.

It differs in that it is dedicated to a specific topic. Such communication is more holistic and complete; it helps to concentrate students’ attention on specific things, without being scattered over trifles. A class session on a specific topic is more effective than just an informal meeting. He is knowledgeable. The topic itself is very convenient to use to achieve certain pedagogical goals during communication.

Exists big variety forms that the class teacher can use to organize communication during thematic classroom hours. The choice of form depends on:1) the goals that the teacher set for this meeting with students;2) the age of schoolchildren;3) existing conditions and available funds;4) the experience of the teacher.

The most common forms of conducting thematic classes are:

1) conversation on a specific topic (students reason about this topic, which teaches them to form and express their opinions);

2) discussion, disputation, debate , (the class is divided into groups, whose representatives speak out in defense of opposing positions on this issue; this form helps to involve students in discussion various problems, teaches you to listen and understand the opinions of others, to defend your point of view);

3) deliberative groups (the class is divided into small groups, each of which discusses a given topic or problem for a short period of time, then a representative of the group reports the conclusions made by his team; this form of conducting a class hour promotes communication within the group, the development of thinking in children, and the ability to work in a team , make independent discoveries when studying the material);

4) role-playing game (a problematic situation is briefly played out, after which students have the opportunity to discuss, analyze and draw conclusions; this form helps to better understand the problem by feeling it through playing a particular role);

5) thematic lecture (topics important for schoolchildren are covered, such as smoking, drug addiction, safety, health, etc.; in addition, lectures can be educational - about culture, traditions, biographies, etc.);

6) lecture forum (discussion of the topic after the lecture - enlivens the lecture itself, stimulates students to show interest in the information presented);

7) class meeting (responsibilities are distributed among students, various instructions are given, reports on the implementation of these instructions are heard);

8) hour of communication (this form involves consideration of topics of interest to students, solving problems that have arisen in the class through their discussion; teaches students to be frank with each other and the teacher, not to be afraid and to be able to resolve conflict situations);

9) Questions and answers (teacher and students have the opportunity to ask each other any questions they are interested in, which contributes to the development of relationships between them, openness and helps solve emerging problems);

10) excursion (allows you to usefully organize students’ leisure time);

11) travel games (develop students’ imagination, help in game form broaden their horizons);

12) trainings (they teach schoolchildren the correct behavior in certain situations, reinforcing this in practice through playing certain scenarios);

13) conferences (they teach schoolchildren to take certain issues seriously, work independently with information material, prepare a topic, speak in front of an audience);

14) symposium, symposium forum (several children are offered material to present on various aspects of the topic being discussed; after the symposium, an informal discussion of the topic can be held with the whole group);

15) seminar (the class works on researching a topic under the guidance of an expert);

16) commission, commission forum (several children, well prepared on a given topic, participate in a free discussion of this topic in front of the whole class, discussions are possible, followed by a discussion of the information heard by all students);

17) master classes (students are divided into interest groups under the guidance of several experts, specific topics are discussed in the groups; such groups can be organized to listen to various speeches, watch demonstrations, discuss different aspects of the same topic, work, practice and assessment);

18) working groups (all students in the class are divided into groups, which are given certain tasks that they must complete; such groups promote student cooperation and communication with each other);

19) theatrical performances (develop the creative potential of students, contribute to their cultural education);

20) games similar to television shows such as “KVN”, “Brain Ring”, “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”, “Finest Hour”, etc.(cognitive material is presented in a form that is interesting to students; participation in teams develops the ability to unite).

This is far from full list possible forms of conducting classroom hours. Any new forms available in the school setting can be used. The main thing is that the students find it interesting and that the class achieves the goals set by the leader.

The structure of a thematic class hour.

Class hour consists of three main parts:


This part should attract the attention of schoolchildren and concentrate it on the topic at hand. It highlights the importance of the issue under discussion, its significance in the life of every person and society as a whole. It is necessary to try at this stage to form among schoolchildren serious attitude to thematic communication.

The introduction often uses the technique of transitioning from the known to the unknown. If everything the teacher says is well known to the children, they will not be interested in listening. In this case, it will be difficult to maintain attention for a long time.

Main part

Here the topic itself is revealed using methods and forms that help achieve the educational goals set by the class teacher. When presenting the material, you must constantly remember the main topic. Details enrich the presentation, but you should not spend too much time describing the details, otherwise the listeners’ attention will be weakened and distracted. Here it is useful to use key points identified in advance so as not to wander away from the presentation of the topic. In the main part of the class hour, it is advisable to use illustrations and visual material, but not too often, otherwise the interest of students may decrease.

Final part

This is the culmination of the class hour. In the final part, the results of communication are summed up, conclusions are drawn, it is desirable that the students themselves participate in their determination (this contributes to self-education).

Educational goals of the classroom

They have various educational goals.

Firstly, they can be used to create appropriate conditions that allow schoolchildren to express their individuality and Creative skills.

The second goal of the classroom is to give schoolchildren knowledge about the world around them, its problems, society, man, nature, etc.; teach how to take part in public discussions important issues, solving conflict situations, social and world problems, understanding political situations etc.

Another educational goal is to give students moral and ethical education, to form the right attitude towards universal human values, to raise a mature personality, emotionally and morally resistant to negative life manifestations.

An important goal of the classroom is also to create a healthy classroom community, which could become a favorable environment for social, emotional and intellectual development students.

At the organizational hour, the results of the past event are summed up, the next one is discussed, and the results of the children’s fulfillment of assignments are also discussed.

Class hour performs functions:





The essence educational function is that the classroom provides an opportunity to expand the range of knowledge of students that is not reflected in the curriculum. This knowledge may contain information about events taking place in the city, in the country and abroad. The object of class discussion can be any phenomenon or event.

Orienting function contributes to the formation of a certain attitude towards the surrounding world and the development of a hierarchy of material and spiritual values. Helps to evaluate phenomena occurring in the surrounding world.

Educational and orientation functions are closely related, because You cannot teach students to evaluate phenomena with which they are not familiar. Although sometimes a class hour performs an exclusively orienting function: when discussing a well-known event.

Guiding function is designed to translate the discussion of a particular phenomenon into the framework real experience students.

Formative function develops in students the skills of thinking and evaluating their actions and themselves, helps in developing skillful dialogue and expression, and defending their own opinions.

To select the topic and content of a class hour, the class teacher needs to identify the age characteristics of the students, their moral ideas, interests, etc. This can be done, for example, through a questionnaire or conversation.

Should be considered psychological characteristics perception of the material by students, monitor attention and when it decreases, use material that is interesting in content or pose a “thorny” question, use a musical pause, change the type of activity.

What is innovation?

Innovation- this is an introduced innovation that provides a qualitative increase in the efficiency of processes or products that is in demand by the market. Is the ultimate man, his fantasy, creative process, discoveries, inventions and rationalizations.

In our correctional school innovative forms conducting a class hour is most of the above, because We teach mentally retarded children. We are gradually applying them in our work.

IN Lately new technologies have covered almost all areas of human activity. New needs influenced human values. There is a need to use ICT as a communication tool to increase the availability of information and other aspects. Of course, everyone will agree that the computer has become widely used by people in many ways. The school environment was no exception.

Using ICT, I, as a class teacher, can prepare a variety of materials for use directly during class hours and extracurricular activities. Information Technology allow me to diversify the forms of work with students, make them creative, and simplify the process of communicating with students. The introduction of ICT into extracurricular activities increases the interest of many students, and it is this resource that I use to intensify educational work in new conditions.

So, a class hour is a form of educational work of the class teacher in the classroom, in which students take part in specially organized activities that contribute to the formation of their system of relations to the world around them.

“The only happiness in life is striving forward...” Emile Zola

Sample program for education and socialization of students

“ approach in which education is reduced to carrying out activities and is actually separated from the content of the child’s activities at school, in the family, in a peer group, in society, from his social and information environment, strengthens the objectively existing tendency in modern culture to isolate the children’s subculture from peace not only from adults, but also from the older generation of children and youth. This leads to an even greater disruption of the mechanisms of transmission of cultural and social experience, the severing of connections between generations, the atomization of the individual, a decrease in his life potential, an increase in self-doubt, a decline in trust in other people, society, the state, the world, and life itself.”

Extracurricular activities -

These are events, classes, situations in a team, organized by teachers or someone else for students with the purpose of direct educational influence on them. Extracurricular activities are based on different material compared to lessons and are conducted in different organizational forms and are more based on student independence and are conducted outside of class time

The purpose of extracurricular activities is

ensuring the comprehensive and harmonious development of schoolchildren. This requirement meets the basic idea of ​​education - to raise a person who harmoniously combines spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection.

The predominance of the emotional aspect over the informative: for effective educational influence, an appeal to the child’s feelings and experiences is required;

Features of extracurricular activities

1. An extracurricular activity is a collection of various types student activities.

2. Delay in time.

3. Lack of strict regulations.

4. Lack of control of results

5. Extracurricular activities are carried out during breaks, after classes, on holidays, weekends, and vacations.

6. Extracurricular activities have ample opportunities to engage the social expertise of parents and other adults.

Types of extracurricular activities

Creative activity. The leading forms of creative activity are clubs, creative associations, studios, electives, practical lessons in creative workshops, physical education sections. Related forms of creative activity include reading, viewing, and listening conferences, defense of independent reports, mass literary, musical, theatrical festivals, exhibitions of children's works. Local history, folklore expeditions and excursions, school club associations, competitions, competitions, and olympiads are used as auxiliary forms.

Types of extracurricular activities

Subject clubs and scientific societies. The content of the clubs includes: a more in-depth study of individual issues curriculum that arouse student interest; familiarization with the life and creative work of outstanding scientists, writers and other figures of science and culture, with the latest achievements of science and technology; holding evenings dedicated to individual scientists or scientific discoveries; organizing technical modeling and experimental work in biology, organizing meetings with researchers, etc.

Types of extracurricular activities

Accompanying forms of teaching creativity are a variety of reading, viewing, listening conferences, exhibitions, public holidays, excursions

Types of extracurricular activities

Olympics, competitions, associations of children with similar interests. To stimulate educational and cognitive activity of students and develop their creative competitiveness in the study of mathematics, physics, chemistry, Russian language and literature, foreign language, as well as in technical modeling, Olympiads, competitions are held in schools, districts, regions and republics, and exhibitions of children's technical creativity are organized.

Requirements for extracurricular activities

They must be deeply scientifically meaningful, ideologically and morally rich;

Their use requires a combination of commitment, initiative and voluntariness;

Introduction of games and romance, regardless of the age of schoolchildren, into literally all creative, physical education, sports, entertainment and educational activities;

Implementation of the development of creative abilities and talents;

Providing moral education

There is a certain sequence in organizing extracurricular activities.

  • Studying and setting educational goals.
  • Preparation and modeling of upcoming extracurricular educational work involves the teacher constructing a model of a certain form of activity.
  • Analysis of the work performed.

The simulation results are reflected in the extracurricular activity plan, which has the following structure:

1. Title.

2. Goal, objectives.

3. Materials and equipment.

4. Form of conduct.

5. Venue.

6. Plan of implementation.

Pedagogical analysis of each event conducted can be carried out in accordance with the following main criteria:

1) presence of a goal;

2) relevance and modernity of the topic;

3) its focus;

4) depth and scientific content, compliance with the age characteristics of students;

5) the preparedness of the teacher and students for work, the organization and clarity of its implementation.

Methodology for organizing and conducting extracurricular activities

There is a certain sequence in organizing extracurricular activities. It can be used both for individual and mass work. In extracurricular work there is a lot of room for teacher creativity in choosing the content, forms and methods of classes. However, the methodology for their implementation should have some general points: first of all, it is necessary that the main stages of implementation be traced educational event. This is the study and setting of educational tasks, preparation and modeling of the upcoming extracurricular activity, practical implementation of the model and analysis of the work done.

1. Study and setting educational goals. This stage is aimed at studying the characteristics of each student and the class as a whole and identifying the most pressing tasks for implementing effective educational influence. The purpose of the stage is an objective assessment of pedagogical reality, which consists in determining its positive aspects (the best in the child, the team), and what needs adjustment, formation and selection of the most important tasks.

The study is carried out using known methods pedagogical research, the leading among which at this stage is observation. Through observation, the teacher collects information about students and the team. Informative method is a conversation, not only with students, but also with parents and teachers working in the classroom.

In individual work, the study of the products of a child’s activity is of great importance: drawings, crafts, poems, stories, etc. In the study of a group, the method of sociometry is informative, with the help of which the teacher learns about the most popular and unpopular students, the presence of small groups, and the nature of the relationships between them.

2. Preparation and modeling of upcoming extracurricular educational work involves the teacher constructing a model of a certain form of activity. Even for a talented teacher, the success of extracurricular activities depends largely on previous preparation for them. Therefore, each event should, first of all, be methodically developed and its implementation modeled.

The plan is drawn up by the teacher with the involvement of students. In high school, they can do this work themselves under the guidance of a teacher. The ability to plan an educational event is one of the elements of the scientific organization of work of teachers and students in the field of extracurricular activities.

The simulation results are reflected in the extracurricular activity plan, which has the following structure:

1. Title.

2. Goal, objectives.

3. Materials and equipment.

4. Form of conduct.

5. Venue.

6. Plan of implementation.

The title reflects the theme of the extracurricular activity. It should not only accurately reflect the content, but also be concise and attractive in form.

It is advisable to begin preparation by defining the educational and educational goals and objectives of the event, selecting appropriate forms and methods of implementation, as well as the purpose and place in the system of work with this team. This, first of all, demonstrates an integrated approach to education. Therefore, it is important to identify in advance as fully as possible the educational possibilities of the planned activity, to establish a connection between this event and others that together make up the system of educational work. When preparing an event, it is useful to take into account previous educational activities in this group of students and its results.

The purpose of an extracurricular activity should reflect developmental, corrective, formative, educational functions, while the teaching function can act as one of the tasks. Obviously, just communicating new knowledge cannot be the goal of an extracurricular activity. Objectives must be very specific and reflect this content. They should not be universal. The more specific and diagnostic the purpose and objectives of an extracurricular activity are formulated, the more specific the teacher’s ideas about the desired results will be.

In accordance with the purpose, objectives, priority functions of extracurricular work and the results of the study, the content is clarified, specific forms, methods, and means are selected.

Equipment for extracurricular activities includes various means: manuals, toys, videos, slides, software, literature, information resources, music, etc. It is important to prepare tables and chairs for the jury and teams on time; Whatman paper, paper, pencils and pens; assignment boards, crayons and rags, etc.

The central place in the preparation of an educational event is occupied by the selection of material. Depending on the nature of the work, this requires different time. Thus, a lot of time is required to select material for a debate, evening, review: it is used by the teacher and students to read literature, students to complete various tasks and projects, collect facts, prepare reports, speeches, etc. This preliminary work with students sometimes turns out to be the most significant in educational terms. But even if the selection of material does not require a long time (an excursion to a computer center or a trip to the cinema), the teacher needs to familiarize himself with the object of the visit in advance.

The form of extracurricular activities can be an excursion, a quiz, a competition, an Olympiad, etc.

The venue is determined by the number of participants, the form of the event, requirements for material resources, etc. (informatics room, assembly hall, gym, etc.).

The lesson plan includes a description of the content, methods of education and can be either a detailed, sequential presentation of the scenario or a thesis plan. When modeling the course of a lesson, you need to take into account its duration and structure. An extracurricular activity can range from 15-20 minutes for elementary school students to 1-2 hours for middle-aged and older students.

It should be noted that such an important element of event preparation as organizational work. The teacher leads it, involving students. He monitors the distribution of orders, helps them complete them, and controls them. Responsible tasks can be given to classes and groups of students. To organize large events, it is advisable to create organizing committees and hold competitions for the best preparation. At the same time, relying on the initiative of students, the teacher helps them develop organizational skills and abilities, teaches them independence and responsibility.

Announcements about the event should be prepared and posted on time, and posters with reminders should be posted the day before the event. It is important to prepare prizes for the winners.

3. The practical implementation of the model is aimed at implementing the planned educational work in the real pedagogical process.

To maintain the interest and attention of students, the event should be organized, dynamic, and without pauses. Much depends on the presenter, his preparedness, erudition, ability to be a good organizer, show resourcefulness and flexibility in unexpected situations, win over listeners, and establish contact with them. In unestablished groups, regardless of the age of the students, teachers usually conduct educational classes themselves. In the process of strengthening the team, the leadership of students’ activities becomes more and more indirect (influence through an asset, reliance on amateur performance). As they gain experience, the teacher can assign them to conduct some forms of extracurricular activities themselves, while maintaining control of the situation.

When conducting extracurricular activities, the teacher must also ensure that all participants are in place on time so as not to let them down technical means so that the planned work plan is maintained over time, otherwise a well-conceived, carefully planned lesson may turn out to be ineffective.

Particular attention should be paid to holding complex events (long game, computer creativity show, computer science week, month of physical and mathematical sciences). They should represent a cycle of links connected by a single plan and purpose.

For the purpose of effective practical implementation in general class lessons that are varied in content and methods, one should adhere to four main stages of the lesson.

1. Organizing time(0.5-3 min).

Pedagogical goal: to switch students to extracurricular activities, to arouse interest in it and positive emotions.

Typical mistakes: duplicating the beginning of the lesson, prolongation.

Recommendations: the effective switching of students to extracurricular activities is facilitated by non-traditional, entertaining material in the organizational moment: the use of a riddle, a problematic question, a game moment, sound recording, students moving to another room, etc.

2. Introductory part (from 1/5 to 1/3 of the time of the entire lesson).

Pedagogical goal: to activate students, to position them for educational influence. The teacher determines how much his pedagogical forecast coincides with reality regarding the students’ capabilities, their personal qualities, level of awareness on a given topic, emotional mood, level of activity, interest, etc. At this stage, the teacher needs not only to captivate the students, but also to determine whether adjustments need to be made to the course of the lesson and what nature they should be.

A typical mistake is ignoring this stage because the teacher is afraid of an unexpected reaction from the students, that they might say or do something different from what the teacher expects. The teacher builds the introductory part not on the child’s activity, but on his own, excluding feedback, assigning students the role of passive listeners, without attaching importance to the emotional mood of the students.

In the first case, the questions, in the second, the tasks should not only be interesting, but also structured in such a way that they provide information to the teacher about readiness to perceive the prepared material. In the introductory part, students’ initial ideas about the upcoming event should be formed, their activities should be organized (familiarity with the assessment system, event plan, division into teams). Clear evaluation criteria must be given and the necessary rules explained.

3. The main part should be the longest in time (slightly more than 1/3 of the total class time).

Pedagogical goal: implementation of the main idea of ​​the event.

Typical mistakes: the activity of the teacher with partial or complete passivity of the students, lack of visibility and general poverty of the use of means and methods, the predominance of methods of forming consciousness over methods of forming behavior, creating a learning atmosphere in the lesson, edification, moralizing.

Recommendations: the educational effect in the implementation of extracurricular activities is higher if students are as active as possible. In activating students in extracurricular activities, the creation of a special emotional atmosphere, different from the lesson, is of paramount importance.

The effectiveness of the main part increases if the teacher uses, whenever possible, maximum amount methods of behavior formation: exercise, game, assignment; includes various types of activities: labor, creative, gaming, etc. When uniting students into teams when organizing various types of activities, the teacher must place students so that they can freely communicate with each other, distribute responsibilities so that everyone feels part of the team, and did not speak only for himself. When giving time to complete an assignment, you should allow a few minutes for the team to discuss and ask for the team representative that students choose. Only in this case do students have a common goal of activity, different functions and motives for cooperation.

Methods for forming consciousness should contribute to the formation of students’ beliefs and effective ethical concepts. For these purposes, it is effective to modify the story method into a message, a student’s report, and use discussion more often. In extracurricular mass forms of educational work, students should be taught the rules of discussion.

4. Final part (from 1/4 to less than 1/5 of the time).

Pedagogical goal: to prepare students for practical use gained experience in their extracurricular life and determine how successful they were in realizing the idea of ​​the lesson. Thus, the final part gives the teacher the opportunity to realize educational influence on the child in a different environment.

Typical mistakes: this part is ignored altogether or reduced to questions like: “Did you like it?”, “What new did you learn?”

Recommendations: specific test tasks in an attractive form for students: crossword puzzle, mini-quiz, blitz, game situation, etc. to determine primary results. Various recommendations for students on how to apply their acquired experience in life. This could be a display of books on a given issue, a discussion of situations in which students can apply the skills and information acquired in class. Advice to students on applying the experience gained: what they can tell their loved ones, what to ask about this topic; where you can go, what you need to pay attention to, what you can play, what you can do yourself, etc. In the final part, you can find out whether the topic of the lesson needs further development and how this can be done? The teacher can use the final part to develop students’ initiative in carrying out subsequent activities.

4. Analysis of the work performed is aimed at comparing the formed model with the real implementation, identifying successful and problematic issues, their causes and consequences. The element of setting a task for further educational work is very important. This stage is very important for adjusting educational tasks, content, forms and planning further extracurricular activities.

Summing up the results of the educational event - important point, which is often underestimated. Here the role of the teacher and methodologist is especially responsible, who must make a qualified conclusion, evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the work done.

The analysis of the results of the event should be carried out systematically, since only by relying on what has been achieved can one successfully move forward, consolidate the best, and get rid of shortcomings. Such an analysis of the results has two main functions – organizing and educating. Regular analysis contributes to better organization of work and encourages you to take the assigned work more seriously, since its results and results do not go unnoticed, but are evaluated. Analysis is also good school nurturing observation, self-criticism, demandingness, forming public opinion, correct attitude to criticism, improving pedagogical skills.

When analyzing an educational event, you should first of all record positive results, indicate those techniques, conditions, methods that led to success, and look for the reasons for failure. A qualified summing up creates the conditions for informed planning and improving the quality of all educational work in the future. Pedagogical analysis of each event conducted can be carried out in accordance with the following main criteria:

1) presence of a goal;

2) relevance and modernity of the topic;

3) its focus;

4) depth and scientific content, compliance with the age characteristics of students;

5) the preparedness of the teacher and students for work, the organization and clarity of its implementation.

The quality of an educational event can also be judged by the reaction of students. Their attention, emotional mood, interest in what is happening, activity or, conversely, indifference speak volumes. More distant observations of the behavior of schoolchildren, conversations with them, and questionnaires allow a deeper assessment of the effectiveness of the work done.

The state and results of extracurricular and extracurricular work must be systematically discussed at pedagogical councils and methodological associations. Schoolchildren should also be involved in evaluating the educational activities carried out, and school radio, wall newspapers, and exhibitions should be used for these purposes. The results of such forms of work as competitions, shows, contests, months, etc., require extensive discussion in the team.

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1. Theoretical foundations for organizing extracurricular activities

1.1 Types of extracurricular activities

2. Review of the methodology of extracurricular activities for the prevention of child road traffic injuries

2.1 Methodology for organizing and conducting extracurricular activities


List of sources used


Prevention of child road traffic injuries in any educational institution is a problem that requires a multidimensional and comprehensive pedagogical activity. It updates the issues of choosing forms of work with children; with the parent community; with public organizations and enterprises working in the field of road traffic; with traffic police officers, as well as with other interested organizations and departments.

According to the head of the Road Safety Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia V.N. Kiryanov, the prevention of children's road traffic injuries should be understood as targeted activities for the timely identification, prevention and elimination of the causes and conditions that contribute to road traffic accidents in which children and adolescents die and are injured.

The purpose of the work is to consider the methodology for conducting extracurricular activities to prevent children's road traffic injuries.

The object of the study is the process of carrying out activities to prevent children's road traffic injuries at school.

The subject is the methodology for carrying them out.

To achieve the goal set in the work, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Theoretical foundations for organizing extracurricular activities

Concept of extracurricular activity

Extracurricular activities are events, activities, team situations organized by teachers or anyone else for students with the purpose of direct educational influence on them.

Extracurricular activities are based on different material compared to lessons, are carried out in different organizational forms and are based to a greater extent on student independence and are carried out during extracurricular time.

The importance of extracurricular activities in the educational process of a general education school is constantly increasing, since it contributes to a closer linking of theoretical knowledge with life and practice; shapes the professional interests of students.

The most important task of extracurricular activities with students in the subject is to increase their interest in studying traffic rules, developing personality traits in students: mutual assistance, friendship, ability to work in a team, etc.

Extra-curricular activities also include games, excursions and meetings with traffic police officers.

Students study traffic rules outside the framework curriculum and requirements school curriculum differs, first of all, from the lesson, as the main form of organizing the learning process and the main element of the class-lesson system.

The purpose and objectives of extracurricular activities determine its functions - teaching, educational and developmental.

One of the tasks of extracurricular activities is to enrich schoolchildren with new, interesting facts and concepts that reflect various aspects of human life and society.

The success of training largely depends not only on choice effective methods and forms of teaching in the classroom during the lesson, but also from the organization of extracurricular activities in the subject.

The results of teachers’ creative searches helped to accumulate experience in extracurricular activities.

Experienced teachers know that very often interest in a subject and choice of profession is influenced by extracurricular activities.

The educational function of extracurricular activities does not have the same priority as in educational activities. It is auxiliary for more effective implementation of educational and developmental functions and does not consist in the formation of a system scientific knowledge, educational skills and abilities, and in teaching certain behavioral skills, collective life, communication skills, etc.

The implementation of an in-depth approach to the study of traffic rules through various forms of extracurricular activities will allow students to develop their creative abilities, taking into account their individual characteristics, develop a sustainable interest in gaining knowledge, a desire to work, and teach students to navigate traffic situations. extracurricular travel transport

The development of cognitive interest in the lesson on the basis of extracurricular activities is ensured by attracting entertainment, familiarization with the rules of behavior on the road, excursions to driving schools and walks around the city to study road signs and the road situation, holding “Safe Wheel” competitions, etc.

1.1 Types of extracurricular activities

The concept of types of extracurricular activities. The concept of extracurricular indicates that these classes do not require the full composition of the class, that they at will Students of different classes can participate, and they are held outside the schedule of compulsory classes. In this sense, forms of extracurricular educational work include: subject clubs, scientific societies, olympiads, competitions, etc.

Creative activity. The leading forms of creative activity are clubs, creative associations, studios, electives, practical classes in creative workshops, and physical education sections. Related forms of creative activity include reading, viewing, and listening conferences, defense of independent reports, mass literary, musical, theatrical festivals, exhibitions of children's works. Local history, folklore expeditions and excursions, school club associations, competitions, competitions, and olympiads are used as auxiliary forms.

Subject clubs and scientific societies. The content of circle classes includes: a more in-depth study of individual curriculum issues that arouse the interest of students; familiarization with the life and creative work of outstanding scientists, writers and other figures of science and culture, with the latest achievements of science and technology; holding evenings dedicated to individual scientists or scientific discoveries; organization of technical modeling and experimental work in biology, organization of meetings with researchers, etc. Among the leading forms that contribute to the development of individual interests and abilities of children are elective classes.

Great material for educational process give special educational expeditions. They are dedicated to collecting folklore, song material, and historical information about revolutionary and military events.

The critical-analytical structural element becomes dominant in classes devoted to the analysis of works of art, historical documents, facts, research work, as well as a critical assessment of the creative and practical activities of the students themselves.

Meeting with traffic police officers. A meeting with representatives of the traffic police can be carried out, at work sites this is the work of a traffic controller, inspection of vehicles, paperwork, passing exams and issuing documents.

A number of scientifically based requirements are imposed on extracurricular forms of education:

They must be deeply scientifically meaningful, ideologically and morally rich, conducive to spiritual enrichment, creativity and physical development and the formation of a child’s personality and individuality;

Their use requires a combination of commitment, initiative and voluntariness, in which fascination is the starting point and a condition for the gradual inclusion of children in activities as a necessity;

Introducing games and romance, regardless of the age of schoolchildren, into literally all creative, physical education, sports, entertainment and educational activities, ensuring healthy mind friendly competition, comparison and mutual assistance;

Providing moral education that protects children from overestimating their capabilities, developing painful pride, selfishness, neglect of the team and norms of behavior, envy as a consequence of excessive praise, the success they have achieved in sports, in technical, dramatic, choreographic, literary, and musical creativity.

Thus, these classes differ from compulsory lessons in their novelty, greater depth of content, and the creation of a psychological attitude in students exclusively for creative, productive learning.

2. ABOUToverview of the methodologyextracurricular activities to prevent child road traffic injuries

2.1 Methodology for organizing and conducting extracurricular activities

In order for the above requirements to be implemented in practice, there is a certain sequence in organizing extracurricular activities. It can be used both for individual and mass work. This is the study and setting of educational tasks, preparation and modeling of the upcoming extracurricular activity, practical implementation of the model and analysis of the work done.

1. Study and setting educational goals. This stage is aimed at studying the characteristics of each student and the class as a whole and identifying the most pressing tasks for implementing effective educational influence. The purpose of the stage is an objective assessment of pedagogical reality, which consists in determining its positive aspects (the best in the child, the team), and what needs adjustment, formation and selection of the most important tasks.

2. Preparation and modeling of upcoming extracurricular educational work involves the teacher constructing a model of a certain form of activity. The plan is drawn up by the teacher with the involvement of students. In high school, they can do this work themselves under the guidance of a teacher.

The ability to plan an educational event is one of the elements of the scientific organization of work of teachers and students in the field of extracurricular activities. The purpose of an extracurricular activity should reflect developmental, corrective, formative, educational functions, while the training function can act as one of the tasks. In accordance with the purpose, objectives, priority functions of extracurricular work and the results of the study, the content is clarified, specific forms, methods, and means are selected.

Equipment for extracurricular activities includes various means: manuals, toys, videos, slides, software, literature, information resources, music, etc. It is important to prepare tables and chairs for the jury and teams on time; Whatman paper, paper, pencils and pens; assignment boards, crayons and rags, etc.

The central place in the preparation of an educational event is occupied by the selection of material. Depending on the nature of the work, this requires different amounts of time. Thus, a lot of time is required to select material for a debate, evening, review: it is used by the teacher and students to read literature, students to complete various tasks and projects, collect facts, prepare reports, speeches, etc. But even if the selection of material does not require a long time (an excursion to a computer center or a trip to the cinema), the teacher needs to familiarize himself with the object of the visit in advance.

The form of extracurricular activities can be an excursion, a quiz, a competition, an Olympiad, etc. The venue is determined by the number of participants, the form of the event, requirements for material resources, etc. (informatics room, assembly hall, gym, etc.).

The lesson plan includes a description of the content, methods of education and can be either a detailed, sequential presentation of the scenario or a thesis plan. When modeling the course of a lesson, you need to take into account its duration and structure. An extracurricular activity can range from 15-20 minutes for elementary school students to 1-2 hours for middle-aged and older students.

Particular attention should be paid to holding complex events (long game, computer creativity show, computer science week, month of physical and mathematical sciences). They should represent a cycle of links connected by a single plan and purpose.

For the purpose of effective practical implementation in general class lessons that are varied in content and methods, one should adhere to four main stages of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment (0.5-3 min).

Pedagogical goal: to switch students to extracurricular activities, to arouse interest in it and positive emotions.

2. Introductory part (from 1/5 to 1/3 of the time of the entire lesson).

Pedagogical goal: to activate students, to position them for educational influence.

3. The main part should be the longest in time (slightly more than 1/3 of the total class time).

Pedagogical goal: implementation of the main idea of ​​the event.

4. Final part (from 1/4 to less than 1/5 of the time).

Pedagogical goal: to set students up for the practical application of acquired experience in their extracurricular life and determine to what extent they succeeded in realizing the idea of ​​the lesson.

4. Analysis of the work performed is aimed at comparing the formed model with the real implementation, identifying successful and problematic issues, their causes and consequences. When summing up the results of an educational event, the role of the teacher and methodologist is especially responsible, who must make a qualified conclusion, evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the work done.

2.2 Areas of school work to prevent child road traffic injuries

Achieving positive and long-term effects in organizing the prevention of child road traffic injuries is possible only on the basis of an integrated approach to addressing issues of child road safety and injury prevention.

Extracurricular activities should include:

Conducting themed classes;

Conversations between traffic police inspectors and students;

Participation in events on traffic rules held at the municipal and regional level;

Participation in road safety events carried out as part of the All-Russian operation "Attention - children!"

Discussion with students specific examples road traffic accidents involving minors that occurred on the territory of a city/district or region;

Conducting conversations with students who violate traffic rules;

Keeping a log of briefings before going out into public places;

Creation and work of a detachment of young traffic inspectors.

The educational institution must have:

1. Regulatory documentation regulating activities educational institution on the prevention of children's road traffic injuries.

2. Approved work plan for the prevention of child road traffic injuries for the school year.

3. Documents reflecting the activities of the detachment of young traffic inspectors (order appointing the head of the youth traffic inspectors detachment, list of detachment members, approved detachment work plan for the academic year, logbook of activities, detachment passport and other additional materials).

4. Educational and material base for teaching children and adolescents the rules of the road:

4.1. Road safety posters located in the lobby of an educational institution.

4.2. Stand of an educational institution on road safety.

4.3. A stand (corner) reflecting the activities of a detachment of young traffic inspectors (YIT).

4.4. Plan diagram and layout of the microdistrict of an educational institution indicating the streets, their intersections, traffic management facilities, areas representing greatest danger and recommended walking routes.

4.5. A car platform is a model of an intersection with marked markings, simulating the intersection of roadways and a pedestrian crossing.

4.6. Equipped and secured visual aids Road Safety Office.

4.7. Road safety corners in every study room primary school and in each group of preschool educational institutions.

4.8. Information for parents on road safety in each group of preschool educational institutions.

4.9. The presence in the library of an educational institution of methodological, didactic and fiction for teachers and students on road safety issues, textbooks on the Road Traffic Rules, as well as the availability of the Road Traffic Rules themselves.

5. Constantly updated lists of students who have bicycles and motorcycles. Register of children's road traffic injuries.

Thus, all of this is necessary to support effective efforts to prevent child road traffic injuries.


To achieve the goal of the work, namely to consider the methodology for conducting extra-curricular activities to prevent children's road traffic injuries, the following tasks were solved in the work:

1. Describe the concept and types of extracurricular activities.

2. Consider methods and directions for the prevention of child road traffic injuries.

As a result of studying the problem, we came to the following conclusions:

1. Extracurricular activities are events, activities, situations in a team, organized by teachers or anyone else for students with the purpose of direct educational influence on them.

The purpose of extracurricular activities is to ensure the comprehensive and harmonious development of schoolchildren. This requirement meets the basic idea of ​​education - to raise a person who harmoniously combines spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection.

2. All of these types of extracurricular activities in most cases are closely related to each other, have much in common and are aimed at developing students’ interest in the subject and logical thinking.

3. The general conditions for organizing any extracurricular activities of students are:

Taking into account the interests and needs of students in a particular class;

Clear planning of extracurricular activities, determination of its final results;

Attention to public useful activity students.

4. The prevention of child road traffic injuries should be understood as targeted activities for the timely identification, prevention and elimination of the causes and conditions that contribute to road traffic accidents in which children and adolescents die and are injured.

WITHlist of sources used

1. Kadzhaspirova G.M. Pedagogy / G.M. Kajaspirova. - M.: Gardariki, 2007. - 528 p.

2. Likhachev B.T. Pedagogy: course of lectures / B.T. Likhachev. - M.: Prometheus; Yurayt, 1998.- 464 p.

3. Pedagogy vocational education: textbook for higher education students. ped. textbook institutions /ed. V.A. Slastenina.- M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2004.- 368 p.

4. Pospelov E.M. School toponymic dictionary / E.M. Pospelov. - M.: Education, 1988. - 134 p.

5. Podlasny I.P. Pedagogy [Text] / I.P. Podlasny. - M.: Vlados, 2005. -574 p.

6. Traffic rules: exam without problems [Electronic resource]. - M.: Akella LLC, 2007.

7. Rozhkov M.I. Organization educational process at school: textbook. aid for students higher textbook institutions / M.I. Rozhkov, L.V. Bayborodova - M.: Humanit. ed. VLADOS center, 2000.- 450 p.

8. Skalerenko A.B. General pedagogy / A.B. Skalerenko. - M.: Unity-Dana, 2006. - 479 p.

9. Kharlamov I.F. Pedagogy / I.F. Kharlamov. - M.: Gardariki, 2000. - 519 p.

10. Kiryanov V.N. Traffic Safety Propaganda [Electronic resource]: Official website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia / V.N. Kiryanov //

11. Good road of childhood [Electronic resource]: Internet portal//

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Forms of organization and conduct extracurricular activities

Students' extracurricular time, like the lesson, should be filled with content that is interesting and exciting.

Our student is not only a schoolchild, but, above all, a person with multifaceted interests, requests, and aspirations.

What will he be like when he grows up?

This is not an idle question - it is a question of life. To educate a citizen who is purposeful, convinced, creatively thinking, kind and sympathetic is the duty of every teacher-educator.

A well-thought-out system of working with children outside of school hours will help solve this problem.

This work has various forms: classes, holidays, poetry readings, intellectual battles, subject rooms, KVN, quizzes, discussions, heart-to-heart conversations, competitions, rush hours, stage pictures, excursions, brain rings, etc.

Class hour - the main form of work of the class teacher, where schoolchildren, under the guidance of the class teacher, are involved in specially organized activities that contribute to the formation of a system of relationships with the world around them, with each other, with themselves.

Classroom functions :

Educational – the class hour expands the range of knowledge of students that is not reflected in the curriculum.

Orienting - class hour forms value orientations among students, certain attitude to the world around us, to what is happening in it.

Guide – the class hour helps to transfer theoretical knowledge into the field of practice, to direct students to real practical affairs.

Formative – the class hour contributes to the formation of basic skills (due to the variety of activities), strengthens relationships in the children's team.The main directions in the subject of classroom hours. …… *Civic-patriotic education. *Moral education. * Environmental education. *Physical education And healthy image life. *Labor education. *Aesthetic education.

KVN ( club of cheerful and resourceful) is a competition between two or more teams of 10-13 people. Teams can be formed from one or more classes, the rest of the participants are fans. A jury (3-5 people) is elected to evaluate the results of competitions. Each team prepares a greeting for their opponents and homework. Before each competition, the host explains in detail and clearly the conditions of the competition and the number of points for a correct, original answer. Conditions are developed for the jury: the maximum number of points for each competition, criteria for summing up the results, time for announcing the results.

KVN structure:

- greeting teams;

- warm-up;

- competitions;

- captains competition;

- competition for the best homework.

Special competitions are organized for fans, and thus they can bring additional points to their teams. The topics and content of competitions can be very diverse: literary, mathematical, historical, environmental courses, etc., or complex in nature, from different fields of knowledge.

Contest is a personal or team competition aimed at identifying the best participants and performers of work. A competition can be an independent form of work, for example: musical, folklore, dance, poetry or entertainment in the form of a competition of ditties, etc. Competitions can be integral part holidays (brain rings and other forms).

Quiz - an educational game consisting of questions and answers on topics from various fields of science, technology, literature and art. It is of great importance for expanding the educational horizons of students. Widely used in working with children of all ages age groups. A special feature of the quiz is the selection of questions taking into account the age of the children and their level of knowledge.

Discussion - organizing an exchange of opinions between students. It involves dividing the class into groups of 4-5, 6-10 people, whose members act as leaders or participants. The main condition for preparing participants and discussions is: familiarizing everyone with the information that other participants have; encouraging different approaches to discussion; various discrepancies of opinions and proposals are allowed; providing the opportunity to criticize and reject any statement, opinion or decision; encouraging students to seek group agreement in the form of a common opinion or solution. The discussion can take the form of a debate, an expert group meeting, a round table, or a forum.

Structure of the discussion :

    Choosing a topic, problem.

    Preparatory work (questionnaire, survey, interview).

    Selection of literature on the topic, statements of great people, design of exhibitions, wall newspapers.

    Selection of main issues for discussion.

    Greeting (reminder of a controversial situation).

    Adopting the rules of discussion.

    The main part (consistently raising questions for discussion, summing up each issue, analyzing questionnaires or essays, reviewing different points of view on a given problem).


Holidays - a mass event dedicated to dates and events of a national, school-wide or class nature or held in accordance with the traditions of an educational institution. If the holiday is dedicated to special dates, then it includes 2 parts:

- the ceremonial part in the form of congratulations, greetings, summing up;

- entertainment concert; performances, solo performances, games, parodies, attractions.

Excursions - going out, traveling, visiting places of interest together. It may be of an educational or cultural-educational nature. Required preliminary preparation both from the organizers and from the participants.

Brain-ring is organized in three rounds, in each round the game goes to three points. You are given one minute to think about the questions. After the second round, the team with the fewest points is eliminated. The winner is the team that wins the last round. The order of entry into the game is determined by drawing lots. During breaks between tours, music or game breaks are organized.

A game - competition, competition between children according to pre-agreed and defined rules. The form of organization of games is varied in nature, these are: didactic, role-playing, business, simulation and modeling. Games of an intellectual and entertaining nature are widely used in practice.

Role-playing game . 1.Choosing a topic.

2. Distribution of roles.

3. Definition of the functions of each role.

4. Rules and incentive factors that create a competitive effect.

5. Acting out problematic situations in accordance with the role.

6. Summarizing.

Travel game.

    Preparing participants to perceive the travel game.

    Gathering-start (rules of the game, method of assessing the results of the team’s activities at the stages).

    Movement of teams along the route.

    Participation of teams in activities organized at stages.

    Gathering-finish (summarizing, awarding the winners).

Subject living rooms

Subject living rooms will help to increase interest in knowledge and broaden the horizons of students. For example, literary living rooms, where the subject of conversation can be the work of any writer not very well known to children; geographical, where in the form of travel (correspondence) one gets to know different countries.

What is typical for living rooms ?

Arranging chairs so that children can see each other's faces; the presence of emblems of the subject, vivid statements on the topic, interesting puzzles, crosswords. Presenters are selected (2-3 people). Guests (guys) enter the living room, saying some idioms on one subject or another. In the living room, some messages can be heard according to its topic and dialogues can be held, small discussions on the issue raised and, of course, there should be something entertaining, for example, a “Guess” game.

Children's group - this is a small country in which it is necessary to build life so that everyone feels the need and need of the other.

Education is a great thing: it decides a person’s fate.
