In the morning I want to cheer up. The most effective methods to cheer yourself up if you want to sleep. How aromatherapy can help you feel more energetic

The last month has been incredibly difficult. Business trips one after another, patients, other things... In general, while helping others improve their sleep, I myself absolutely do not get enough sleep. This is reflected in the content of my post today.

Few people, as soon as they hear the alarm clock, jump out of bed with wide smile, runs to the window and, admiring the dawn, whispers enthusiastically: “Well, here it is morning. Hello, new day! - and then, dancing, he goes to wash himself. No, usually our meeting with a new day is much more prosaic.

On weekdays, we have to wake up at a certain time, get out of bed against our will and reluctantly get down to business. How difficult it is to wake up in the morning! But there are ways to make waking up less painful. So, how to cheer up in the morning?

  1. Light. It inhibits the production of the sleep hormone. Fortunately, it’s spring now, and there are no problems with light in the morning. Difficulty getting up - open the curtains immediately when you wake up or leave them closed at night so that your room is well lit in the morning. You notice that in the warm season, when the bedroom is lit in the morning, it is not so difficult to wake up in the morning?
  2. Music. Recent studies have shown that it is better to get up to music, and not to other sound signals (hmm, inappropriately I remembered the proverb “When you die, do so with music”:). Moreover, the melody does not have to be loud and energetic. The main thing is that she likes her and inspires her to do “feats”, even such minor ones as getting out of bed. Modern smartphones have a smart alarm function. In this case, very quiet music is first turned on, which gradually increases in volume over the course of 5 minutes. If this does not wake up the person, then a loud signal sounds. Waking up to music is almost as effective as coffee for perking up.
  3. Massage. Impact on certain points of the body, in particular those located on the earlobes, helps reduce drowsiness. The main thing is to massage vigorously so as not to completely weaken and fall asleep even more soundly. Some say it helps them. Although I, for example, am not very...
  4. Water. Washing or showering can also be used to combat morning sleepiness. Some do not recognize these methods, because low-temperature water has an invigorating effect. Changing a warm blanket for a cold shower is an event only for those who are strong in spirit and body! I hope that's who you are, or at least, you want to be them!
  5. Lungs physical exercise- one of the best ways cheer up in the morning. No wonder UGG (morning hygienic gymnastics) is also called “charging” - it charges with energy.
  6. Motivation. If you wake up the morning before an exam, you'll jump up like you were scalded and start quickly flipping through your notes. You will forget about sleep the moment you open your eyes. You won't even remember how hard it is for you to wake up in the morning, and you won't need the boost of coffee because you'll have plenty of your own pick-me-up. And all because you have an important matter that cannot be delayed. So, to get rid of your sleep faster, plan something to do in the morning. Better, of course, are pleasant ones, because with good thoughts it is easier not only to fall asleep, but also to wake up.
  7. Bright colors. Interior designers often recommend decorating the kitchen in bright colors. But not the bedroom! Being a sleep specialist and having little understanding of the intricacies of design, I nevertheless agree with this advice. Red, orange, yellow - these colors excite nervous system and improve your mood. Thus, unobtrusively looking around while having breakfast, you can cheer yourself up a little. Although some people, without sleep, have breakfast with almost eyes closed, passing the spoon past your mouth and forgetting to put sugar in your coffee...

We got to coffee - a stimulant, without which many cannot imagine their morning. There is no need to talk in detail about the effect of the drink - every person felt it. True, some claim that they cannot perk up with coffee. There may be three reasons for this.

First, there is such a thing as individual sensitivity to caffeine. Some, even after two cups at night, fall asleep as a baby and believe that insomnia from coffee is a fiction. And some begin to suffer from palpitations, insomnia and trembling hands from just one cup. Secondly, when regular use coffee, a person gets used to it, and the drink begins to act weaker. A third option is also possible - “you just don’t know how to cook it.”

To fully experience the energy of coffee, you should:

  • Choose deep roast varieties, they have more caffeine.
  • Prefer Robusta to Arabica (for the same reason).
  • Brew the coffee strong enough.
  • Do not allow the drink to boil.
  • Drink coffee without milk (milk fat slows down the absorption of caffeine).

And keep in mind: coffee is a stimulant, but it begins to work within 20-30 minutes after consumption, so don’t rush to blame it for its ineffectiveness after the first sip. And if you want to cheer yourself up with coffee in the morning, drink it not before going to work, but before. It's best if you have someone who can bring you a drink in bed!

In addition to coffee, many other drinks can be considered stimulants. For example:

  • Green loose tea. Contains even more caffeine than coffee.
  • Strong black tea.
  • Mate tea is a drink made from the leaves of the Paraguayan holly, different high content caffeine
  • Kudin tea is a tea made from broadleaf holly leaves, the composition is almost the same as the previous one.
  • Matcha tea – Japanese green tea in powder. Its trick is that before harvesting, tea bushes are kept in the shade, under a canopy, and under these conditions the concentration of chlorophyll, antioxidants and methylxanthines, which stimulate the nervous system, increases in the plants.
  • Cocoa. It is considered an "evening" drink, but contains cocoa powder, and it also contains caffeine.
  • Guarana seed drink. Instead of caffeine in guarana high concentration contains guaranine, a compound with a tonic effect.
  • Coca-Cola: about 100 mg of caffeine per liter.
  • Drinks based on ginseng, Chinese lemongrass, Eleutherococcus.
  • Sports drinks with guarana, caffeine, ginseng and other stimulating ingredients.
  • A drink made from grated kola nuts. The least popular option among those listed is “not for everyone,” but is sometimes also used.

As you can see, you have a lot of choice on how to cheer up in the morning. If you want, drink coffee, if you want, “skip” a glass of Cola... In any case, you will achieve the effect.

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Unfortunately, no one can say which of these drinks is the most effective fighter against drowsiness. No comparative studies have yet been conducted. And not everything is clear with them. For example, not so long ago, the substance gomisin was discovered in Schisandra, which has a sedative effect on rats, affecting the exchange of serotonin and GABA in the brain. And red ginseng root extract appears to lengthen the phase REM sleep and has an anti-anxiety effect.

Thus, if you are inclined to use stimulants, pay attention to caffeine-containing products - they seem to be the most effective. But don't forget that overindulgence stimulants may increase the risk cardiovascular diseases, the emergence and worsening of night sleep disturbances. Insomnia from coffee is a reality, unfortunately...

Is it worth using “heavy artillery” if you just haven’t gotten enough sleep? It is much better to get into the habit of getting enough sleep and maintaining a regular schedule. No wonder they say that the best remedy from drowsiness - this is a dream. And coffee and other things are just surrogates for vivacity that cannot replace proper rest.

In general, take your pick! I guess I’ll go take a nap...

There is little time for sleep, we don’t get enough sleep, we want to do everything in the world, but there is not enough time for rest. Common situation? Find out how to quickly get fit, energize, and feel better instantly.

We all know how important quality sleep is. But sometimes circumstances don’t allow you to get enough sleep. Are there ways to get in shape even if you didn't get more than a couple of hours of sleep last night? We assure you, there is!

Don't snooze your alarm

Ten agonizing minutes in bed waiting for the inevitable will not add cheerfulness. In addition, some doctors note that, having dozed off again after waking up, we often plunge into a deeper phase of sleep, which means it will be even more difficult to start the day.

Nine minutes on your feet

There is a theory according to which you need to stay on your feet for only nine minutes in the morning - and you will no longer be so sleepy.

Start with at least five: walk around your apartment, take care of your facial skin, or take a warm shower, make tea or coffee. By the time the alarm goes off again, you may have perked up and realized there's no point in going back to bed.

Drink water

Not everyone likes to develop this habit, but most people benefit from it. Restore water balance after a night's rest - and the body will receive the necessary vitality. There is no need to gulp down liters of liquid in the morning - first, just wet your throat with a couple of sips.

Do some exercise

After washing and drinking water, do exercises with several leisurely exercises. Sport is a great invigorating activity, but you can only verify this through personal experience.

Don't forget to have breakfast

Morning meetings and routine tasks go much easier when we are full. The main thing is not to overeat, otherwise lethargy and drowsiness will come instead of energy.

They say that to wake up rested in the “right” phase, try sleep trackers - in the form of smartphone applications. Thanks to motion sensors, it will determine your most comfortable time to wake up and notify you with unobtrusive sounds.

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“There are days when you give up. And there are no words, no music, no strength...” Even adjusted for the imagery of these lines from the song “Time Machines,” everyone had similar feelings. When you literally fall asleep at work, trying to refresh yourself at least a little with strong coffee. When you return home tired and buy an energy drink, there are other things you need to do. How useful is this for? Question rather. Therefore, in this article we have collected recommendations on how to stay energetic throughout the day, using the characteristics of our body and natural remedies.

So, to cope with drowsiness and energize your body when needed, you can use the following tips:

Proper organization of the day and employment

Get enough sleep at night. Everything here is obvious, but it is the simple truths that are most often forgotten. The best way to feel energized and rested in the morning is to get enough sleep the night before. How many hours of sleep is enough for you - 6, 7 or 8 - depends on the individual characteristics of the body. But if you sleep less than 6 hours a day, you will gradually feel a lack of sleep, and this negatively affects your well-being.

Do exercises. The body continues to remain relaxed after sleep for some time, and in order to wake up faster, you can do a little exercise and then wash your face cold water or accept .

Plan your day. This will allow you to concentrate on completing important tasks and avoid those that simply “steal” your energy, destroying your energy reserves.

Eat right. Don't skip meals or overeat. In the latter case, your body will spend energy to cope with the digestion of incoming food and you will not be able to work fully.

Practice "catnap". “Cat nap” – a 15-minute nap after lunch. The point is that during this time the brain has time to “reboot” and relax. And then work more productively. Of course, not everyone has such an opportunity, but not only numerous Western personal productivity consultants, but also Russian ones ().

Come to fresh air . In warmth, the processes in our body slow down, which is why we feel less energetic and often cannot, if necessary, quickly gain the speed necessary for work. Therefore, do not spend your entire lunch break in a cafeteria or cafe - take a walk down the street. You can also approach while working open window and staying near him for a couple of minutes - oxygen will definitely not hurt the brain.

Move often. Get into the habit of spending a couple of minutes at the end of every hour to warm up: get out of your chair and walk around the office. Also, choose the stairs over the elevator.

Watch your posture. Poor desk positioning affects your ability to concentrate.

Start the day by solving a difficult problem. Use your still untapped energy reserves to solve important problems first. The brain will get used to the load, and everything else will seem simpler.

Finish what you start. This will serve as an excellent impetus and motivation for further achievements.

Food preferences

Eat less, but more often. So, first of all, less energy will be used to support digestive processes. Secondly, the body itself will receive nourishment more often.

Give up sugar and sweets. So called fast carbohydrates cause an increase in insulin levels in the blood, which can cause a feeling of fatigue.

Give preferencewhole grain products. Complex carbohydrates are processed by the body longer and, accordingly, feed it with energy longer, allowing you to feel more energetic.

Eat lean meat and fish. They do not increase blood sugar, which ensures a smooth flow of energy, and the feeling of fullness lasts longer.

Eat mint. Try replacing coffee mint tea, it's quite refreshing. Mint chewing gum will also be useful in concentrating attention and increasing efficiency.

Don't forget about vitamins. To stay cheerful and energetic throughout the day, you need to take care of getting the right amount of vitamins into your body. Especially C, D, thiamine, riboflavin, B 12, as well as pantothenic and folic acid. Some products suitable for such purposes and their properties are described in this article.

Change your socks. Frankly speaking, the trick is strange, but it works. And if you change your socks to fresh ones in the middle of the working day, a surge of energy is guaranteed.

Good afternoon, fellow visitors! I am sure that everyone knows the feeling of a “bad” day, when in the morning you have to go to urgent matters, but your eyes spontaneously droop and you desperately want to sleep. The reasons for this may be respectful or disrespectful, serious or trivial, but this does not change the question. How to cheer up in the morning? Yes, very simple! Read in this article.

Ways to “open” your eyes

Cold and hot shower

If you haven't left home yet, be sure to take cold and hot shower. To do this, wash yourself first hot water, and then turn it on sharply “one-two-three” cold water and wash yourself with it for 5-10 seconds. If you feel excessively cold after this, you can rinse again hot water, but not for long, otherwise the opposite effect will come. Some people find it more convenient to pour a previously prepared bucket of cold water over themselves.

Fresh air

In closed, unventilated rooms, the oxygen concentration noticeably decreases and brain cells begin to experience oxygen starvation. Sooner or later, a person’s activity decreases and drowsiness appears. To avoid this, devote at least a minimal amount of time to walking or jogging or being in the fresh air. Breathe not superficially, but deeply and carefully, completely filling your lungs with air.


Ideally to cheer up full program for the whole day, it’s worth doing a full morning or. It is clear that this is not always possible, but this is not so scary, because in order to wake up your body, a light short warm-up is enough (rotational movements of the head, arms, legs and torso, jumping in place or with a skipping rope, squats, etc.) .P.). Before training, do not forget to turn on active music, because... in a sleepy state, meditative can “put you to sleep.”

Rajasic food

Turning to the Vedic point of view, we learn that of the three types of food awakens fire, passion, activity and the desire to act in a person. It is these qualities that will help you cheer up and stop wanting to sleep.

This category includes: all types of peppers and citrus fruits, radishes, pumpkin seeds, vinegar, sweet, pickled and canned home-made products (the presence of chemical additives in food dampens the rajasic properties).

Suitable drinks

Forget once and for all about such temporary stimulants as energy drinks and coffee. They exhaust the body even faster, activating its untouchable energy reserves. In addition, if you drink them constantly, they cease to act as an energy activator.

Use healthy drinks: cool water, lemon water, fresh juices and, at worst, black tea. We should also recommend an energizing drink: pour honey, lemon and ginger into boiling water, leave for 5 minutes and drink like tea. Amazing Properties Ginger and lemon will not allow you to sleep even for those who have such an opportunity. Indian also helps.

Special flavors

Whether you knew it or not, a certain number of smells can awaken cheerfulness and energy in you. It is certainly better to use an original source of smell, for example, ripe lemon. But it is more practical to keep concentrated aromatic oils at home.

The most invigorating include: all citrus fruits, patchouli, mint, rosemary, cumin, etc. If drowsiness often bothers you, it makes sense to purchase an aroma oil pendant from an esoteric store, which you can always wear around your neck and inhale if necessary.

Any active actions

In order to awaken active vital functions in the body, you do not need anything supernatural. Sing, dance, chat with friends on the phone, in general, get involved in an interesting and positive process for yourself.

For example, at work you can specifically take on the moving part of the job, where you need to cover distances, climb stairs, etc. Just don't overdo it so you don't lose physical strength and not fall off your feet.

As you can see, dear friends, cheer up after sleepless night or when chronic fatigue It’s quite possible without coffee. Moreover, the methods are quite exciting and can imperceptibly diversify your life. Personally, I use yoga warm-up, running and contrast showers. Share your methods in the comments, otherwise it’s difficult to wake up in the fall in St. Petersburg.

Read other articles on my blog, distribute them among your friends on social networks and, of course, subscribe to the blog, as there will be many more useful and unique articles to come. See you again!

On weekdays, we have to wake up at a certain time, get out of bed against our will and reluctantly get down to business. How difficult it is to wake up in the morning! But there are ways to make waking up less painful. So, how to cheer up in the morning?

1. Light. It inhibits the production of the sleep hormone. Fortunately, it’s spring now and there are no problems with light in the morning. Difficulty getting up - open the curtains immediately when you wake up or leave them closed at night so that your room is well lit in the morning. You notice that in the warm season, when the bedroom is lit in the morning, it is not so difficult to wake up in the morning?

2. Music. Studies have shown that it is better to get up to music, and not to other sound signals. At the same time, the melody does not have to be loud and energetic. The main thing is that you like her and inspire her to perform feats, even such minor ones as getting out of bed. Waking up to music is almost as effective as coffee for perking up.

3. Massage. Impact on certain points of the body, in particular those located on the earlobes, helps reduce drowsiness. The main thing is to massage vigorously so as not to completely weaken and fall asleep even more soundly.

4. Water. Washing or showering can also be used to combat morning sleepiness. Some do not recognize these methods, because low-temperature water has an invigorating effect. Changing a warm blanket for a cold shower is an event only for those who are strong in spirit and body!

5. Exercise stress. Light exercise is one of the best ways to perk up in the morning. It’s not for nothing that morning hygienic exercises are also called exercises - they charge you with energy.

6. Motivation. If you wake up the morning before an exam, you will jump up like you were scalded and start quickly flipping through your notes. You will forget about sleep the moment you open your eyes. You won't even remember how hard it is for you to wake up in the morning, and you won't need the boost of coffee because you'll have plenty of your own pick-me-up. And all because you have an important matter that cannot be delayed. So, to get rid of your sleep faster, plan something to do in the morning. Better, of course, are pleasant ones, because with good thoughts it is easier not only to fall asleep, but also to wake up.

7. Bright colors. Interior designers often recommend decorating the kitchen in bright colors. But not the bedroom! Being a sleep specialist and having little understanding of the intricacies of design, I nevertheless agree with this advice. Red, orange, yellow - these colors excite the nervous system and improve mood. Thus, unobtrusively looking around while having breakfast, you can cheer yourself up a little. Although some people, without enough sleep, have breakfast with their eyes practically closed, passing the spoon past their mouths and forgetting to put sugar in their coffee...

Coffee will drive away sleep

- a stimulant, without which many cannot imagine their morning. There is no need to talk in detail about the effect of the drink; every person felt it. True, some claim that they cannot perk up with coffee. There may be three reasons for this. First, there is such a thing as individual sensitivity to caffeine. Some, even after two cups at night, fall asleep as a baby and believe that insomnia from coffee is a fiction. And some begin to suffer from palpitations, insomnia and trembling hands from just one cup. Secondly, when drinking coffee regularly, a person gets used to it, and the drink begins to have a weaker effect. A third option is also possible - “you just don’t know how to cook it.”

To fully experience the energy of coffee, you should:

1. Choose heavily roasted varieties, they have more caffeine.

3. Brew the coffee strong enough.

4. Do not allow the drink to boil.

5. Drink coffee without milk (milk fat slows down the absorption of caffeine).

And keep in mind: coffee is a stimulant, but it begins to work within 20-30 minutes after consumption, so don’t rush to blame it for its ineffectiveness after the first sip. And if you want to cheer yourself up with coffee in the morning, drink it not before going to work, but before. It's best if you have someone who can bring you a drink in bed!

Invigorating drinks

In addition to coffee, many other drinks can be considered stimulants. For example:

1. Green loose tea. Contains even more caffeine than coffee.

2. Strong black tea, mate tea is a drink made from the leaves of the Paraguayan holly, characterized by a high caffeine content.

3. Kudin tea - tea made from broadleaf holly leaves, the composition is almost the same as the previous one.

4. Matcha tea is Japanese green tea powder. Its trick is that before harvesting, tea bushes are kept in the shade, under a canopy, and under these conditions the concentration of chlorophyll, antioxidants and methylxanthines that stimulate the nervous system increases in the plants.

5. Cocoa. It's considered an evening drink, but it contains cocoa powder and also has caffeine.

6. Guarana seed drink. Instead of caffeine, guarana contains high concentrations of guaranine, a compound with a tonic effect.

7. Coca-Cola: about 100 mg of caffeine per 1 liter.

8. Drinks based on ginseng, Chinese lemongrass, and eleutherococcus.

9. Sports drinks with guarana, caffeine, ginseng and other stimulating ingredients.

As you can see, you have a lot of choice on how to cheer up in the morning. If you want, drink coffee, if you want, skip a glass of carbonated drink. In any case, you will achieve the effect. Unfortunately, no one can say which of these drinks is the most effective fighter against drowsiness. In any case, if you are inclined to use such stimulants, pay attention to caffeine-containing products - they seem to be the most effective. But do not forget that excessive use of stimulants threatens to increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, the emergence and worsening of night sleep disorders. Insomnia from coffee is a reality, unfortunately.
