A unique remedy for ear mites. Review of ear mite medications for cats

Treatment should begin at the first symptoms. The cat experiences severe itching, scratches its ears, and shakes its head. After some time, a purulent mass begins to come out of the ears, and wounds appear. A progressive disease develops the symptom of bowhead. The animal tilts its head on the side of the affected ear 90 degrees. Damage to the meninges is accompanied by seizures. A cat can become infected from other animals or insects (fleas, flies). Humans are also carriers of the infection; ticks can get onto animals from clothes and shoes.

"Ivomek" is a medicine intended for removing mites from kittens. It is injected under the skin at a dose of 200 mcg per kilogram of weight. When purchasing medications, it is necessary to clarify the age of the individual, individual characteristics, and the presence of other diseases. Treatment should be carried out three times every 6 days. This is explained by the cycle of life ear mite.

Disease prevention

You need to protect your pet from contact with stray animals that are carriers of infection. At home, you should take off your shoes at the doorstep, wash the floors more often antibacterial agents. As a preventive measure, it is necessary to instill special ear drops that can be used for kittens and pregnant cats.

Ear scabies (scientific name: otodectosis) is a disease caused by infection with a microscopic sarcoptic mite. This arachnid lives under the skin or on its surface, feeding on lymph, blood and particles of the epidermis. The disease affects cats and dogs; it is not transmitted to humans. What is the most effective ear mite treatment for furry households? How to determine that a cat has become infected with otodectosis? Let's figure it out.

Ear mite remedies will help restore your pet's joy of life

Symptoms of ear mites

Usage medical supplies only possible after consultation with a veterinarian. To make a diagnosis, he will take a scraping (smear) from the affected area of ​​the ear. Based on the results of the study, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment.

Remember that if used incorrectly medicines the disease can progress to a chronic stage.

Symptoms of otodectosis:

· severe itching;

· bad smell from animal ears;

Frequent shaking of the head;

· formation of suppuration, bald patches at the site of scratching;

· appearance dark brown discharge in the ears.

In addition, the cat exhibits anxiety, lethargy, and lack of appetite. Animals become infected from stray cats, dogs, and other sick pets. There have been cases when a furry household member became infected by everyday means. That is, through the outerwear and shoes of the owners.

An effective ear mite treatment for cats

In the treatment of otodectosis they use:

· drugs containing fipronil (Frontline, Bars) or selamectin (Stronghold);

· ear drops (“Amitrazine”, “Acaromectin”);

· home remedies (garlic ointment, strong green tea, water solution lavender and almond oil).

Medicines based on fipronil act quickly, but they are less effective than drugs containing selamectin. It is important to know that before using them it is recommended to “deworm” the animal.

Drops from otodectosis fight the mite population, while eliminating inflammation and fungal infection. They contain dimexide, amitrazine, ivermectin and other active substances.

Folk remedies for treatment ear scabies are rarely used, as they can provoke a deterioration in the condition of the sick animal. Their use is possible only after agreement with the attending physician.

Treatment of painful areas begins with cleansing. The cat is wrapped in a towel and a special

  • Volume increase earwax- ears are dirty.
  • Tick ​​waste – brown coating with a noticeable unnatural odor. In its progressive form, the ears are literally filled with a wet mush of brown mite secretions, wax, coagulated blood, and skin scales. The photo shows an advanced stage of an ear mite.

Before choosing a medicine for ear mites in cats, make sure you have a diagnosis. Many skin diseases, as well as allergies cause itching in the ear area, and brown discharge may have several root causes.

Note! If a cat scratches its ears vigorously, the scratches bleed, but the animal does not stop, and the inside of the shell is clean - you are dealing with. The disease is also caused by a tick, but is subcutaneous and affects the outer part of the ear.

Read also: Ringer-Locke solution for cats: purpose and contraindications

How to identify ear mites

  • You will need a flat black surface. Exactly black! Ear mites have white color, but literally microscopic in size, so the surface should be as contrasting as possible.
  • Using cotton swab, take a swab from the animal's ear. Try to grab as much of the mixture as possible, but take the smear in one motion.
  • Holding the stick over the black surface, gently tap on its base - you need to “shake out” the mites from the general mass of secretions.
  • Place the stick in the bag, shine a bright light on the surface and look carefully. If you have vision problems, use a magnifying glass.
  • Your task is to detect white dots, which, after lying down for a while, will begin to move. Found it? – you have confirmed the diagnosis, the cat has ear mites.

Treatment for ear mites in cats

Even in complex, advanced cases, treatment skin diseases carried out at home, ear mites are no exception. Sexually mature individuals lay 5 eggs per day, and their full development cycle takes 21 days. Get ready and be patient; in the most “rosy” prospects, we can talk about complete relief from ear mites no earlier than in a month.

To remove ear mites as much as possible short term, you need to follow a number of rules:

  • Hygiene – isolate a sick pet from other animals and people. Wash your hands hot water after contact, use gloves, a medical cape or gown.
  • Treatment at home involves the use of specialized medications, following the instructions or prescriptions of the doctor.
  • Regardless of treatment tactics, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the ears of plaque every day. A cotton swab is soaked in hydrogen peroxide or a special disinfectant lotion.
  • Keeping an eye on the animal or using a collar to prevent the cat from scratching its ears will reduce the risk of wound infections.
  • Use in parallel with the main treatment antihistamines, they will ease the itching.
  • A tick attack is an indicator of decreased immunity or metabolic disorders. To restore strength, the animal needs rest, care and proper nutrition.

Important! Continue your course of medication as directed and hygiene procedures, even if the cat shows no signs of illness. Young mites and eggs do not cause as much itching as adults.

Read also: Tetravit for cats: review of the drug

Selecting a drug for ear mites

On early stage All you need is narrow-spectrum ear drops, cotton swabs and patience. If pus is found in the ear, the animal experiences pain when palpating the lower part of the ear, the pulp has a wet consistency, you will need:

  • Remedy for ear mites in cats wide range action, it is optimal to use drops that eliminate fungi and bacteria - Oricin or analogues.
  • If you choose narrow spectrum drops, you will need additional antifungal drug– Otanazole or analogue. Veterinarians often recommend using antifungal ointment– it remains on the surface of the ear longer, for example, Ordermil.
  • Lotion or spray for cleaning and disinfection - used warm. Apply the product to inner part ears, massage, let the animal shake its head and start cleaning.

Important! To treat and prevent ear mites in cats, you should not use medications containing alcohol! You also risk the life of your pet if you use “dog” drugs.

The instructions for the drug clearly state how to treat the animal - doses and timing. Do not exceed the recommendations, do not instill double volume of the drug if you missed procedures, do not shorten the treatment period.

The mite Otodectes cynotis lives in the external auditory canal of many carnivores (dogs, cats, ferrets, arctic foxes). It feeds on blood, lymph, earwax and skin particles, constantly releasing, of course, its waste products.

Ear mites affect animals of various ages, but young animals from 1.5 to 6 months suffer more.

How does infection occur, how is ear mite transmitted?

Ear mites are transmitted when healthy dog comes into contact with an infected person. Cases of infection through individual items (shoes, etc.) are recorded, but more often this is true for small dogs and animals with weakened immune systems. In small puppies, the source of infection is often the mother.


Ear mites cause an invasive disease in dogs, which, as a rule, is chronic. In the habitats of ear mites, the following occur:

  • redness,
  • swelling,
  • during inflammation, a characteristic liquid is released, which, together with dead skin particles, earwax and mite waste products, forms black-brown crusts in the dog’s ear,
  • when complicated by secondary microflora, the process moves to secondary and internal care and then - meninges(happens rarely).
  • constant itching: the dog tries to scratch its ears on objects or intensively scratches them with its paw claws (often until it bleeds),
  • the dog’s head position becomes unnatural: the head is lowered or tilted towards the affected ear,
  • at neglected form diseases in the auricle, pus forms, which glues the hair on the lower edge of the ear,
  • in the event of inflammation spreading to the meninges, they develop nervous disorders, during which the dog dies.


The diagnosis is made on the basis of signs characteristic of the presence of ear mites, as well as mandatory scraping. To do this, use an ear stick to collect dirt from inside auricle and place them on a glass slide. Press down on top with a cover glass and look under a microscope. If the dog really has ear mites, then it will be clearly visible, it will look like in the photo.

Once it is confirmed that the dog has ear mites, appropriate treatment is prescribed.


Treatment with special preparations is carried out only after preliminary thorough cleaning of the auricle from all contaminants. There is now a large selection various means from a tick, which differ active substance, manufacturer and, of course, price. It will not be possible to remove ear mites immediately, so it is important to be patient and observe the specified interval between the use of various medications.

There are no folk remedies for the treatment of otodectosis in dogs. Applying various decoctions and infusions, you will only cause the dog unnecessary suffering and delay treatment, which will really help get rid of the tick.

Veterinary remedies for ear mites

Drops in the ears "Anandin"

After cleaning the ears, 3-5 drops of the drug (depending on the size of the dog) are instilled into each ear, even if only one is affected. Drops are used once a day for 4-7 days until the discharge disappears.

The price of the drug is 55 rubles.

Drops against ear mites "Amitrazine"

1-2 ml of medication is instilled into each ear. Repeated administrations are carried out once every 3 days until complete recovery.

The cost is about 70 rubles.

Drops "Bars"

3-5 drops are instilled into two ears, repeated after 5-7 days.

Price 95 rubles.

Ivermec gel

A 0.5-2 cm strip of gel is applied deep into the ear canal (in both ears) and massaged thoroughly. Treatment is carried out twice with a break of 5-7 days.

The price of a 30 ml tube is 400 rubles.


This medicine for ticks is also instilled into both ears of the dog, 3-5 drops, twice with an interval of 5-7 days.

The price of the bottle is 40 rubles.


3-6 drops in each ear with an interval of 5-7 days.

Price 140 rubles.

How to clean a dog's ear?

Many dogs are not very fond of ear cleaning, so your pet will have to be restrained. Small breeds can be wrapped in a towel or blanket with only the head sticking out. To hold large dog Most likely, you will need a second person to hold the dog's body. The person who will directly clean the ears should sit on a comfortable chair and try to fix his head between his legs. If the dog is likely to bite, it makes sense to tie a tight bandage over the muzzle. It is also important to provide good lighting for more thorough and effective cleaning.

It should be noted that some pets, on the contrary, begin to worry more if they begin to be restrained and some kind of pressure is applied. Therefore, for starters, you can try to clean your ears without any coercive methods. At severe itching When cleaning its ears, a dog may reflexively produce characteristic movements hind limbs.

  • What to clean with? You can clean your dog's ears with regular ear sticks or with a cotton pad wrapped around index finger . Application medical instruments
  • (for example, a clamp can comfortably hold a cotton swab) requires some experience. How to start? With your left hand, holding it, straighten the dog’s ear. Right hand begin to clean out impurities from all anatomical recesses in the ear, gradually going deeper towards ear canal. The movements should be from top to bottom so that the dirt is lifted outward and not pushed even deeper. Don't be afraid to stick the ear stick too deep, a dog's ear is designed differently than a human's and
  • eardrum you won't hurt.
  • To cleanse the ear of dry debris A cotton swab can be moistened in a solution of hydrogen peroxide or Chlorhexidine bigluconate 0.05%. It is also permissible to use these drugs if the dog has abrasions in the ear from scratching with its claws. Use of lotions. There are many special lotions for hygienic cleaning pet ears. Such lotions have a softening effect: they reduce itching and redness in the ears. Certainly,

correct application

They will make the cleaning process much easier, but they are more expensive than conventional products (peroxide and chlorhexidine). A few drops of lotion are placed inside the dog's ear and massaged into the auricle for a minute. The components of lotions soften all accumulated impurities, and they fall away almost by themselves. The dog is allowed to shake its head, after which the remaining lotion and dirt are carefully removed with a cotton pad.

Ear hygienic cleaning products

Lotion Bars for cleaning ears, Russia.

Price 110 rubles

Lotion 8 in 1 EXCEL, USA

The cost is about 270 rubles.

Otifry, Poland

Price 480 rubles.
Price 900 rubles.

Chlorhexidine bigluconate solution 0.05%

Price 20 rubles

How to apply ear drops or ointment?

In long-haired dog breeds, it makes sense to cut off the hair during treatment. inner surface auricle, otherwise medications will not reach deeper sections and the meaning of treatment disappears.

The dog's auricle is straightened towards the back of the head (as if turned inside out). The nozzle from a tube of ointment or from a bottle of drops is immersed as deeply as possible, but so that you can see how much of the drug you will inject. After which the ear is returned to its natural position and massaged for a minute to distribute the medicine evenly.

Some medications may cause your dog discomfort(burning), this is especially true if there are wounds in the ear. Therefore, it is necessary to be patient with the dog and at the end of all procedures, reward the pet with a treat or distract it with a toy.

I have already written about how we are treated for and. And today we’ll talk about such a painful disease for animals as ear mite(Otodectos).

Unfortunately, it is not so much stray animals that suffer from this disease as domestic ones. Because these mites live in any home. In carpets, pillows, blankets, etc.

These ticks are not scary for humans, but they drive animals crazy. They become nervous and constantly scratch their ears and shake their heads. The head is tilted towards the affected ear. If you look inside the ears, you can see that they are clogged with dark brown sticky dirt. This is a product of the processing of ear mites.

Animals with wet ears are more likely to suffer. Mites do not like to live in dry ears. If this disease is not treated, then inflammation of the ears develops - otitis media. Treating this disease is also not easy, and not treating it is dangerous for the animal’s life.

Ear mite remedy

For us it all started with a dog.

Our dog is kind, but has a temper, and we have never been able to accustom him to a muzzle. They dropped him off at us, already at three or four one month old. Apparently, no one was involved in his upbringing, so he grew up as a real uncontrollable blockhead.

Veterinarians advised him to put special drops in his ears against inflammation. This was the last thing we could do with our dog. He was in so much pain that he even wet himself. He didn’t even allow us to get close to him anymore.

When it became completely unbearable for him, we called a veterinarian to the house, because he flatly refused to go to the veterinary hospital. When we dragged him there for the first time, we couldn’t cope with him, and he destroyed all the cabinets and bottles there, until the three of us managed to overwhelm him and give him anesthesia.

He is so nimble that no one could throw a noose over his face. And although he never bites, he still bit my hand out of fear. Unfortunately, the treatment of his ears gave almost nothing, because he no longer allowed them to be instilled, and a one-time procedure is useless.

Once every three months we called a doctor to the house, gave Rick anesthesia, and cleaned his ears. For seven whole months I slowly tried to accustom him to at least allowing him to examine his ears. Sometimes I just wanted to shoot him. My nerves couldn't stand it. But it was impossible to yell at him, much less hit him, otherwise everything would have gone down the drain.

But most of all, I was haunted by the thought that as soon as I put drops in his ears, he would never let me near him again. No matter what I tried, as soon as the dog allowed me to at least stroke my ears. Naturally, I first tried all the remedies on myself, and when I knew for sure that it was painless, I tried it on Rick.

I started with a simple baby cream so that he would understand that the ointment doesn’t hurt. At first I couldn’t even apply cream. He hid or snapped. But I was still able to convince him that it didn’t hurt. And fate still took pity on us.

A friend recommended me a new remedy for ear mites. She said it was inexpensive, painless, and very effective. For me, the main word was PAINLESS.

I bought this product called Amidel-gel, and not even hoping for positive result, treated all cats and dogs ears with it. At first everyone hid, but when they saw that the first cat didn’t even “croak” in pain, they began to approach him with curiosity and sniff him.

To begin with, I specifically tested the ear mite remedy on the most flexible cat. In half an hour I managed to treat everyone, and even the dog.

The gel smells very nice and is easy to apply. I simply took it on my finger and smeared it deep into each ear of my pets. But before that I had to tinker and clean everyone’s ears of dirt.

When a few days later we saw that no one was scratching their ears or shaking their heads anymore, we simply couldn’t believe it.

Amidel-gel- it's really unique remedy from ear mites! If I had not tried this remedy myself, I would never have believed in such a miracle.

It’s been a year now that we don’t even remember this disease. I will repeat this procedure soon as a preventive measure.

So, if your cats suffer from ear mites, then treat them only with this product. With us it costs only 150 rubles. The ointment is already in a special dispenser in the form of a syringe. Smells good and easy to apply. It is enough to coat the ears once. If you have one animal, then it is better to carry out this procedure together with someone. One syringe is enough for 10-12 animals.

I wish you to get rid of ear mites forever!

P.S. Now a new remedy for ear mites has appeared - “Amidel-gel neo”. This medicine even has a slightly different composition, although it smells just as pleasant. We have already tried it. It is stronger than the old one, and some of our cats reacted to it with redness and severe shaking of the ears. But within a day everything went away even without the use of suprastin.

If you have few animals, then it is better to use ““ ear drops, but if there are many of them, then treatment with “Amidel-gel” is the best solution.
