Antifungal skin ointments - list of drugs. Ointments for the treatment of fungus. What is the best antifungal ointment

To overcome an unpleasant fungal disease irreversibly, effective and cheap antifungal drugs are used. No less active is the fight against mycosis, which is not so easy to defeat without first selecting the optimal means for therapy.

What medications are effective and how should they be used?

The level of current hygiene methods is quite high today, but even this does not prevent the fungus from progressing and spreading from new strength... This paradoxical phenomenon there is a reason - the amount of stress and nervous tension v big cities increased, and if it is reinforced lowered immunity, then the disease is only at hand. An excellent antimycotic is one that, in addition to the fungicidal effect, helps to overcome bacterial inflammation. The expected rate of treatment when using a quality product should be high.

All antimycotic drugs are usually classified according to their actions against such unpleasant ailments as:

  • mycoses;
  • candidiasis;
  • epidermophytosis;
  • trichophytosis;

Still all funds are distinguished according to the methods of treatment, which is local (antifungal ointments and creams) and systemic (using tablets). Duration treatment course and the frequency of use of antifungal drugs are directly dependent on the degree and nature of damage to the face or other areas, the characteristics of the organism and the symptoms themselves. All medications are prescribed mainly by the attending physicians who have complete knowledge of the history of the disease and see the full picture.

Antifungal pills

With the fungus on the legs and nails, such inexpensive, but effective means as antifungal tablets, which are taken orally (you need to drink), help to cope well. Their official name is antimycotics... In almost all cases, the reception of these funds can ironically guarantee a retreat. unpleasant illness. According to the area of ​​action and chemical composition, antifungal drugs are usually divided into groups:

Other groups of drugs ( Griseofulvin) cannot boast wide range applications, are usually prescribed in cases of severe forms of disease. Separate types drugs and antibiotics can have a number of contraindications and side effects. It is important to carefully re-read the instructions before use.

The next missed dose of the drug or its untimely use can easily lead to the provocation of a relapse.

On rare occasions complex treatment the disease is supplemented with anti-intoxication agents. In the course of treatment with antimycotic pills, you must not violate the dosage regimen prescribed by your doctor.

Ointments and creams

All creams with antifungal action are divided into groups depending on the composition and active elements.:

The choice of a drug depends, first of all, on the type of causative agent of the disease and is more often determined by a doctor. Creams and ointments, like other preparations with local action, are usually prescribed in case of advanced stages of a fungal infection, as well as as an adjunct in the process of complex treatment. Certain types of creams and ointments should not be used by children or pregnant women.

Toenail fungus

The doctor determines the full course of treatment, since it is important to kill the fungus: to understand which pathogen led to the progression of the disease, what is the degree and area of ​​damage to the feet and nails, how the skin looks and what happens to it.

10-14 days later systemic treatment male or female fungus, it is necessary to replace the drug, because the fungus tends to show resistance and immunity to the drug.

If an advanced stage of the disease has begun, the doctor has the right to prescribe the following antifungal drugs:

Some cases make it inevitable to remove the nail plate or a separate part of it with the help of a surgical or conservative method. A complex approach advocates the best way treatment. It includes the use of external agents in combination with taking pills.

Fungus of fingernails

The treatment process starts immediately after the identification of the pathogen and its intolerance to the drug.

Do not forget that the risk of fungal infection can be reduced by maintaining personal hygiene and strengthening immune system.

At least two months are usually enough to eliminate the disease, so you have to be patient.

Medicines with antifungal action are not hormonal, there are several purposes: with a local action - suitable for eliminating minor lesions of the nail plate, with a general (systemic) action - suitable for severe and moderate stages of the disease and can be prescribed strictly according to the doctor's prescription.

Antifungal medications during pregnancy

In the vast majority of cases, drugs have many side effects. Pregnant women and lactating mothers should be most attentive to the selection of medicines.

It is very easy to harm your baby with the drug. Physicians are usually inclined to believe that during pregnancy it is better to refrain from treating a fungal infection, since this disease does not pose a serious danger to the life of an adult, but small child this or that medical product can cause irreparable damage.

Antifungal drugs for intimate organs

The genitals, the groin area, as well as ocular membrane... It should be noted that for their treatment, special drugs are selected that are not capable of harm, but are designed to overcome the problem. With a fungal infection of the genitals of men or women, the following are especially effective:

The above options are almost devoid of side effects, the only undesirable reaction that can occur is an allergy with intolerance to the constituent components.

Drug overview

You should orient yourself in time and make the right choice of the most optimal product for your skin and the form of mycosis. You will get a good result only if you used complex therapy, created according to the developed professional scheme.

P / p No. Drug name Description
1. Mycozoral Ointment for dermatomycosis, candidiasis, epidermophytosis, as well as seborrheic dermatitis and pityriasis, scalp lesions. There are no contraindications for pregnant women.
2. Nystatin This agent is active in the fight against the pathogenic fungus Candida. It comes in the form of ointments and tablets. Just 10 or 15 days, and the candidiasis recedes.
3. Canison A cream based on Clotrimazole is prescribed against vulvovaginitis of candidiasis, superinfections and colpitis. This remedy is not contraindicated even for pregnant women, but during lactation, it cannot be applied to the mammary glands before feeding.
4. Flucostat Made on the basis of fluconazole. This product is especially effective against Candida and Cryptococcus fungi. It is used as preventive measures during therapy with immunosuppressants.
5. Mikomax The most active element in it is fuconazole. This option does not work on Aspergillus and Zygomycetes, some types of Candida. Mikomax is good for treating endemic mycoses. Heals only cryptococci trichophytos, candida and microspores, endemic mycoses. Intravenous administration.
6. Bifosin Cream for mycoses, trichophytosis, erythrasma, microsporia, superficial candidiasis, erythrasma and versicolor lichen. Kills mold and yeast-like fungi with the help of fungicidal and fungistic effects on them, prevents the growth of infections. It takes 2 to 5 weeks to fully recover. It is recommended to use additional cream to avoid relapse.
7. Atifin Strong fungicide against dermatophytes, molds and yeasts. The main component of Atifine is terbinafine. The dose depends solely on the age of the patient. Children can be treated with Atifin. Available only in pill form. Not for pregnant women, as well as nursing mothers.
8. Nitrofungin It is indicated for mycotic eczema, mycosis, candidiasis, it has been effective from day 3. It has an antibacterial and fungicidal effect, suitable for the treatment of mycosis of the ears. The active element here is chloronitrophenol.
9. Lamisil Terbinafine-based antimycotic agent is available in the form of a spray, ointment, gel, and tablets. Its action is fungicidal, it affects mold fungi, epidermophytes, trichophytons and microspores on the spot. Pytirospores die from it in case topical application... Improvements are observed already on the third day.

The most effective drug

Most wide range actions at Fluconazole... It is the most effective and inexpensive.

One of the skin diseases is mycosis (fungus). A skin fungus is caused by fungal pathogens, depending on their type, one or another area of ​​the skin is affected. In the treatment of the disease, drugs are used that inhibit or stop the growth of fungi. Among the funds local action antifungal ointments can be distinguished.

Overview of Skin Fungus and Treatment Principles

The main diseases of the fungus (mycosis) of the skin include:

  1. Dermatomycosis (microsporia, trichophytosis). Called by fungi microsporum, trichophyton and epidermophyton.
  2. Candidomycosis. The causative agent is Candida mushroom.
  3. Keratomycosis. They arise as a result of infection with malassezia furfur yeast-like fungi. Can cause seborrheic dermatitis and pityriasis versicolor.
  4. Rubrophytia. Infection comes from the fungus red trichophyton.

Treatment of skin fungus is performed using antifungal agents - external and systemic action. In practice, monotherapy and complex treatment are used, which is more appropriate.

If the disease has an initial stage and the skin lesions are small, it is sufficient to prescribe external antifungal agents, in particular, a fungus ointment on the skin.

Characteristics of ointments for the treatment of fungus on the skin

Akriderm GK

The main components of the ointment are:

  • Betamethasone, which relieves inflammation and itching, prevents increased vascular permeability and the accumulation of leukocytes in the blood, relieves allergies.
  • Clotrimazole - inhibits the development of a fungal infection.
  • Gentamicin - fights bacteria.

The composition of the ointment includes salicylic acid contributing to quick withdrawal the upper layer of the epidermis due to the increased penetration of corticosteroids deep into the layers of the skin.

Depending on the complexity of the course of the disease, a single or double application of the ointment is performed. The duration of treatment of fungus on the skin with this drug is maximum 15-30 days. There are some contraindications for taking the drug, as well as side effects.


The main active ingredient is clotrimazole. The ointment contains additional components - petroleum jelly, wax, alcohol, paraffin, water, sodium dihydrogen phosphate, propylraben, etc. Candide has an effect on yeast, moldy fungi. Used to get rid of dermatophytes, versicolor lichen. The drug has an antibacterial effect.

The duration of therapy depends on the type of fungus, the complexity of the disease and the effectiveness of the therapy used. The average duration of treatment is 1-5 weeks. The ointment is contraindicated in case of intolerance to the components, pregnant women, during menstruation. When applying the drug, avoid the area near the eyes.


This ointment from the fungus on the skin has a fungistatic effect. The drug is active against dermatophytes, staphylococci, streptococci. The active active ingredient of the ointment is ketoconazole. Improvement with the use of mycozoral occurs rather quickly. Apply the ointment to the affected area once a day. Apply - 2 - 4 weeks.

Some patients experience side effects when using this medicinal product: rash, itching, hives. In such cases, treatment with mycozoral should be discontinued. The ointment can be used by women who are pregnant and breastfeeding. It is necessary to be careful not to get the ointment in the eyes.


Active substance of this drug is miconazole nitrate. Mycoson possesses:

  • effective action on fungal pathogens, fungus-causing skin;
  • bactericidal effect on groups of certain bacteria.

The product is recommended to be applied to the skin in the morning and in the evening until the symptoms of the disease disappear. Mycozon is contraindicated in pregnant women, with intolerance to components, children under 12 years old, nursing mothers. When using the drug occasionally, there may be allergies, redness and burning sensation in the area of ​​application of the ointment.


The therapeutic effect of the ointment is provided by undecylenic acid and its zinc salt, which have a strong antifungal effect against a large number pathogenic fungi, with the exception of candida. Micoseptin also has an antiseptic effect. Due to the content of zinc ions in the preparation, itching, redness and burning of the skin are relieved.

This ointment for fungus on the skin is applied twice a day, the treatment lasts from 3 to 6 weeks. The drug is contraindicated in patients under 2 years of age and with excessive sensitivity to the components of the ointment. It is not recommended to apply to the chest, wounds, scratches, or the area near the eyes. Sometimes skin irritation occurs in the form of redness, itching, rash, edema.


The active ingredient in this antifungal agent is terbinafine hydrochloride. The ointment has a specific odor. It has an anti-fungal effect against fungi Trichophyton, Microsporum, Epidermophyton, Candida.

The drug is not recommended for liver disease, excessive susceptibility to terbinafine, children under 12 years of age, with chronic renal failure, the presence of tumors, metabolic diseases. Not recommended for nursing mothers, pregnant women - after consulting a doctor. Apply up to 2 times a day. The average treatment period is 1-2 weeks.


Ointment for skin fungus contains gentamicin, betamethasone dipropionate, clotrimazole. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. The drug is contraindicated in patients with chickenpox, open wounds, with tuberculosis of the skin, herpes simplex, children under 2 years old. Use with caution in pregnant women with extensive skin lesions.

Mycosis - unpleasant disease that can affect every person. Fungal lesions can occur anywhere on the body and cause discomfort and aesthetic imperfections. Used as a treatment antifungal ointment for the skin. We will tell you more about how to choose the right effective drug.

To date pharmaceutical companies offer us many antifungal drugs, differing in quality, action and price category. For the right choice ointments against the fungus, you need to know their characteristics, the rule of application, possible side effects and contraindications.

Application rules

Only by local means is it possible if they are in initial form and the first signs of scratching, peeling are just beginning to appear.

Antifungal ointments for the skin of the body are selected depending on contraindications, the severity of the disease, the spectrum of antifungal action. To use antifungal ointments, you must use a number of simple rules:

  • Use complex treatment at the same time.
  • Do not skip the application of the drug on skin covering and respect the duration of the course. This is important because if not finished on time, bacteria can remain on the skin and continue to grow again. In addition, there is a risk that incomplete treatment with one or another drug leads to its ineffectiveness in the future. The patient himself must decide with the doctor about the timing of treatment.
  • Fungicidal drugs have a number of side effects that must be taken into account and selected individually, depending on the characteristics of the patient's health.
  • Combined ointments containing corticosteroids. These include drugs Triderm and Mikozolon, which are used in cases where conventional local funds did not help and the inflammation is still present in the affected area.
  • Before applying the ointment for the fungus, you need to make sure that the skin is dry and clean.
  • Change daily personal underwear that may have contact with the inflammatory area;
  • If the fungus appears on the foot, then it is necessary to process not only the foot, but also inner surface shoes. This is done easily with ammonia, or hydrogen peroxide. With a moistened cotton swab, he treats the inner area of ​​the shoe, and put it on airing.

Important! Each drug should be selected individually.

Antimicrobial agents for intimate organs

Considering that the genitals are delicate and extremely sensitive, then drugs should be selected that will not harm, but only eliminate the problem. Good helpers with such a problem will be:

  • Pimafucin... A gentle antifungal drug containing an active ingredient - niamycin. The product is smeared up to 4 times a day. The duration of therapy is 1 month.
  • Nystatin- a preparation created for the treatment of the mucous membranes of the groin. In addition to fungi, it can also destroy bacteria of the genus Candida. The duration of treatment is 10 days.

These drugs have virtually no side effects other than a possible allergic reaction.

Description of ointments from the fungus

It is not difficult to buy an ointment from the fungus of the skin of the body, but there is a large assortment of them on the shelves of pharmacies, which often causes difficulty. Which antifungal ointments are inexpensive but effective?


He actively copes with the destruction of fungal spores at the initial stage. It has a low percentage of toxicity, so it can be used during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in children over 2 years old. This cheap, effective remedy is available at every pharmacy. Smear it up to 3 times a day until the symptoms of the disease disappear.

However, Clotrimazole has one significant drawback - the treatment time is up to six months. As soon as all the signs have already passed, then it should still be applied within 1 month. Side effects include an allergic reaction, as well as an effect on the liver and pancreas with long-term use.

Carefully! The constant use of Clotrimazole as a therapy for thrush can reduce its effect in the treatment of fungal lesions on the feet.


It includes active substance naftifine hydrochloride, which penetrates deeply into the skin. Accumulating in high concentrations in the dermis, it enhances the effectiveness and more potently affects pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Overdose is excluded because it does not actually enter the bloodstream.

The duration of therapy is from 1-2 months when a fungus appears on the skin and up to six months when a disease appears on the nail plate. After application, the area may turn red or cause an allergic reaction. However, it cannot be called cheap.


A broad spectrum ointment with a powerful effect on bacteria. Quickly relieves symptoms - itching and peeling, and is excellent against nail fungus. For a complete cure, you should not stop smearing the ointment after the symptoms have been eliminated. Duration of treatment is 1 month.


Refers to strong means, however, it has toxicity: the ointment is not recommended to be taken during pregnancy, lactation, children. At a cost, it is quite democratic, so you can safely buy it.


Effectively fights many types of fungi, but the body is extremely toxic. It should only be used with the permission of a dermatologist and under his regular supervision. It is forbidden to buy and apply it yourself.


It contains 2% sertaconazole, econazole, which are imidazole derivatives. They prevent the development, division of fungal diseases, as well as non-microorganisms that cause trichophytosis and microsporia. Use the ointment for 1 month. Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components.

There were no studies to detect toxicity, therefore, it should not be used by women during pregnancy and lactation, children.


Produced together with analogues:

  • Binafin;
  • Miconorm;
  • Terbizil;
  • Exifin.

Lamisil is a popular drug that has active ingredient terbinafine. It is an actively promoting brand. It can be in the form of an ointment, cream, emulsion. In the territory Russian Federation produce an analogue of this drug - Terbinafine. In terms of pharmacological interaction, it is the same, but it costs less.

It has a high spectrum of activity and the effectiveness of the ointment - the best in the entire pharmacological market. Its application is required once a day, and full recovery occurs after 14 - 30 days. Lamisil is allowed to be applied during pregnancy, breastfeeding, children after 2 years.


A hormonal ointment that doesn't work for everyone. Its effectiveness lies in the combination of antimycotic component and a corticosteroid hormone, which together gives a powerful response to the fungus and pathogenic organisms.

Ointment for fungus on the skin of the body is recommended to be applied when a combination of fungi with bacterial infection skin. It is also prescribed in case of inactivity of fungicidal preparations during long-term treatment. The Triderm remedy has a similar effect.

Carefully! Despite the fact that hormonal medications are used locally, they still cannot be taken during pregnancy and lactation. Babies are prescribed it only when difficult stages mycoses.

Antiseptic ointments. This group includes:

  • Teymurov's pasta;
  • Salicylic;
  • Zinc.

Advantages of the funds: they are relatively cheap, they are allowed to be used by children during pregnancy (except for Teymurova's paste). They actively relieve signs of itching, itching, burning, reduce sweating and act effectively when. For example, pityriasis versicolor.


These ointments will help get rid of the fungus on the trunk, upper and lower limbs, scalp. But it is worth remembering that it is allowed to use antifungal ointments on your own with small lesions and only in the initial phase of the disease.

If acute phase turned into chronic, then such complications require the help of a qualified dermatologist. He must conduct a thorough diagnosis and, based on the results of the study, choose the right treatment and the ointment that will be completely suitable for you in eliminating pathogenic bacteria and fungus.

Fungal diseases are one of the most common dermatological problems today. According to statistics, every fifth person suffers from them. Moreover, more often this problem worries precisely men. Itching, peeling of the skin, bad smell- these are not all manifestations of the fungus. Clinical symptoms can vary significantly depending on the causative agent of mycosis of the foot.

Naturally, in advanced cases, complex treatment is required, however, initial stages diseases to get rid of unpleasant symptoms quickly and effectively will help external agents - creams, gels, ointments. These drugs have significant advantages over systemic antimycotics:

  • direct impact on the focus of the disease;
  • comparatively fewer side effects and contraindications;
  • a relatively rare cause of allergic reactions;
  • treatment of several types of fungus at once;
  • the possibility of longer use.
When the first signs of a fungus are found, an immediate visit to a dermatologist is required, who will determine the cause of the causative agent of the disease, prescribe the appropriate treatment and write a prescription. However, today we are going to take a look at the top 5 over-the-counter, most effective, fastest-acting antifungal ointments you can purchase yourself.

Types and rules for choosing a cream from a fungus

The choice of a topical agent is directly influenced by the causative agent of the disease and the degree of damage. If, in addition to the skin of the legs or hands, the fungus also affected the nails, then this factor must be taken into account when selecting the drug.

In general, in terms of composition, antimycotic ointments are divided into several types:

  • Allylamine based. These include navtifine, terbinafine. They fight the causative agents of dermatomycosis as effectively as possible and are distinguished by an extensive, fungicidal effect.
  • Based on azo derivatives. This type includes ketoconazole, isoconazole, miconazole, clotrimazole. With the help of these funds, dermatomycosis, candidiasis and other superficial mycoses are treated. The drugs are effective against gram-positive bacteria.
  • Combined creams. They contain not only allylamines and azole derivatives, but also other components (corticosteroids, antibacterial substances, keratolytics). Among the advantages of these funds, one can note the fastest and most unhindered entry of active ingredients to the lesion focus, as well as a complex effect.
It is impossible to single out a certain type of drugs that are better and more effective, since the selection depends on the origin of mycosis and clinical picture each individual case. Next, consider the tools themselves.

Sinalar K

The combined drug Sinalar K (Sinalar C) of local action is available in the form of a cream and ointment. The composition includes clioquinol - 3% and fluocinolone - 0.025%. The tool instruction provides the following information:
  1. Indications. Dermal inflammatory diseases with the onset of a fungus or bacterial secondary infection (seborrhea, dermatitis, eczema, intertrigo).
  2. Application and dosage. Sinalar K is rubbed 2-3 times a day or applied to the lesion with an occlusive dressing.
  3. Side effects. Local irritation possible allergic reactions, the formation of striae, the expansion of small vessels, thinning of the skin.
  4. Contraindications Pregnancy and breastfeeding, acne, diaper rash, primary infectious skin lesions(bacterial, viral), dermatoses in children under one year of age, psoriasis plaques, itching of the genitals and anus.
  5. Analogs. Fluoson, Sinaflan, Esacinon Sinaflan Ferein, Flucort, Sinoderm, Flucinar, Flunolon.
Please note that Sinalar K leaves noticeable marks on clothes, therefore it is advisable to use additional lining. It cannot be used for a long period and cannot be applied to the face. It is recommended to store the drug in a cool place.


This product comes in the form of tablets, solution (lotion), spray, gel and ointment. Thanks to this, you can use it in combination with other medicines, and simply externally. We will consider specifically Lamisil ointment, in which terbinafine is the active ingredient:
  1. Indications. Fungal infections ( epidermophytosis inguinal, mycosis of the feet, lesions of smooth skin). Fungicidal action on molds, dermatophytes and some demorphic fungi, fungicidal or fungistatic activity on certain types yeast fungi. Versicolor versicolor caused by Pityrosporum orbiculare. Yeast infections are caused by Candida (diaper rash).
  2. Dosage and Administration The cream is easily rubbed into the affected areas 1-2 times a day. The frequency of application and the duration of use depends on the nature and severity of the disease. The first relief of symptoms occurs within a few days, the result is visible within 7-10 days, but in some situations the treatment must be continued up to 14 days. Otherwise, a relapse may occur.
  3. Contraindications Individual intolerance to terbinafine and other components. When using, you also need to be careful for people suffering from renal or hepatic insufficiency, inhibition of hematopoiesis bone marrow... For children, the drug is prescribed only after 12 years. The use of Lamisil by pregnant women and during lactation has not been fully studied, therefore, a doctor's consultation is required. About any negative consequences no treatment was reported in such cases.
  4. Side effects and overdose. Possible allergic manifestations: itching, pain, redness. There were no reports of an overdose of Lamisil, but with internal administration of the ointment, head and epigastric pain, nausea can be expected.
  5. Analogs of the drug. Fungoterbin, Exifin, Thermikon, Atifin.
The product is produced in tubes of 15 and 30 grams, which are stored at temperatures up to 30 degrees. It is also worth noting that in case of fungal infection of the nail plates, the cream is ineffective.

The price of Lamisil in Russia: 15 grams - 450 rubles, 30 grams - 850 rubles. In Ukraine, respectively: 120 and 390 hryvnia.

Unlike Lorinden A, this ointment (except for flumethasone) contains clioquinol. This substance is active against gram-positive bacteria and some fungi, which makes it possible to use it for the treatment of mycosis.
  1. Indications. Eczema, different types dermatitis (except perioral), psoriasis, urticaria, erythroderma, actin, dermato-, blastomycosis, impetigo, sporotrichosis.
  2. Dosage. Lorinden S is applied in a thin layer at first 2-3 times a day. After a few days, when the symptoms are a little relieved, you can use the remedy 1-2 times a day. It is not recommended to use the ointment for more than 14 days.
  3. Contraindications Viral skin lesions, skin tuberculosis, syphilis, cancer, acne, trophic ulcers(with varicose veins), hypersensitivity, perioral dermatitis. Do not use Lorinden C after vaccination, for children under 10 years of age, as well as for pregnant and lactating women.
  4. Side effects. Possible dry skin, folliculitis, striae, burning sensation, itchy skin... With prolonged use, pigmentation may be disturbed, the skin atrophies, expands small vessels, purpura and local hirsutism appear.
  5. Analogs. Hydrocortisone, Diprosalik, Akriderm, Betaderm, Soventol, Zyrtec.
The ointment is available in tubes of 15 grams. It is stored at temperatures below 25 degrees. In Russia, the cost of Lorinden S in different pharmacies ranges from 300 to 450 rubles, in Ukraine - 100–120 hryvnia.

This cream is one of the most effective antimycotics. Its effect on fungal cells and some gram-positive bacteria leads to their death. The instruction of Clotrimazole provides the following data on the drug:
  1. Indications. Various kinds of mycoses, candidal balanitis and vulvitis, erythrasma, fungal infections of the outer part of the ear, multi-colored lichens.
  2. Application and dosage. The cream is applied 2-3 times a day. The duration of use is determined by the doctor, however, in most cases, treatment lasts at least 20 days, and prophylaxis for 7-10 days. An improvement in the patient's symptoms is usually observed after the first 5-7 days of application.
  3. Contraindications Individual intolerance to the components, liver failure, first trimester of pregnancy. For pregnant women in the 2-3 trimesters and lactating women, only a doctor prescribes Clotrimazole.
  4. Side effects. In some cases, manifestations of the immune system (shortness of breath, urticaria, arterial hypotension, fainting) and skin ( blistering eruptions, rash, burning, swelling, itching, pain).
  5. Analogs. Yenamazole, Antifungol, Lotrimin, Kanizon, Gine-Lotrimin, Imidil, Kandibene, Kandizol, Amiklone, Clotrimazole-Acri, Factodin, Kanesten, Candide.

Please note that you can use latex contraceptives in contact with the affected skin no earlier than five days after treatment with Clotrimazole. Failure to do so may damage them, impairing their effectiveness.

The price of Clotrimazole in tubes of 20 grams in Russia depends on the manufacturer and ranges from 50–150 rubles. In Ukraine, the cost is about 35 hryvnia.

Salicylic, zinc, sulfuric ointments

These are budget drugs, but their effectiveness has been tested for many decades. Let's consider the main features:
  1. Salicylic. This keratolytic agent has a powerful antiseptic effect. The ointment is applied several times a day or used for night compresses. To speed up the process of detachment of infected areas, it is advisable to make a soap and soda bath before use. The drug is effective only in the initial stages. fungal disease... Depending on the concentration in the price salicylic ointment in Russia it is 25-60 rubles, and in Ukraine - 11-15 hryvnia.
  2. Zinc. The ointment has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. The active substance (zinc oxide) penetrates deeply into the skin and prevents secondary damage by mycobacteria. It is noteworthy that both pregnant and lactating women can use the remedy. In Ukraine zinc ointment it costs 6–7 hryvnia, and in Russia it costs 30–40 rubles.
  3. Sulfuric. The drug is applied once a day (at night) for a period not longer than 7 days. Please note that sulfur is a powerful allergen, and therefore it is necessary to test the skin reaction on a healthy area before use. The concentration of the ointment is prescribed by a dermatologist, depending on the degree of fungal infection. The price of sulfuric ointment in Ukraine is 4–7 hryvnia, and in Russia 13–30 rubles
Almost every one of the remedies we have considered relieves the symptoms of the fungus literally in the first week of use. However, when you feel an improvement, do not rush to stop treatment. This could lead to a new relapse.

How to apply antifungal ointments correctly?

The speed and effectiveness of treatment depends both on the properties of the selected drug and on the literacy of its use, and therefore it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the rules for applying topical antimycotics:
  • Wash your feet thoroughly in warm, soapy water and pat dry.
  • Remove dead skin that has softened in water. This will allow active substance penetrate as deep as possible into the lesion focus.
  • Apply a thin layer of the ointment to the affected areas and rub it in with gentle, massage, circular movements, lubricating about 1-1.5 cm of healthy skin around.
The effect of the use of antifungal ointments should be noticeable no later than after 10-15 days of treatment. If this does not happen, be sure to consult a doctor for possible holding additional tests or change of prescribed drugs.

Do not forget about the rules of hygiene. Treat shoes, socks, and clothing that come in contact with the fungus to prevent re-infection.

If you are wondering how to make an ointment at home or you know effective folk remedies against the fungus, then share with us in the comments and be healthy!

For more information on fungal symptoms and treatments, see this video:

They can occur when specific fungi multiply in the human body. Most often, inflammation is localized on the legs and nails. Less commonly, the ailment can affect the scalp. In any case, you must immediately go to a dermatologist. The doctor will be able to determine the type of fungus and prescribe the appropriate treatment. It should be remembered that fungal infection can be transmitted tactilely. You should not endanger your family and friends.

What is a fungus?

Any fungal infection primarily affects people with reduced immunity. People with chronic diseases may develop deep mycoses. In this case, the fungus penetrates into the deep layers of the skin. It is not possible to cure the infection quickly, but for the skin they are prescribed individually. Self-medication will not work well.

The carriers of fungi are primarily animals. for example, it is one of the most common fungal diseases. You can get it from stray cats and dogs. On the different sites skin, there are pink, rough spots that do not heal for a long time. Deprive may appear on hairline heads. The patient begins severe itching and hair falls out. Antifungal ointment for the skin helps to cope well with the disease. The course of treatment can last for about a month.

Dandruff is a warning sign

Today he suffers from scalp problems most of population of the planet. Many people complain of dandruff. But peeling in most cases is caused precisely by the fungus. One has only to get rid of the infection, as they begin to grow healthy hair... You should not neglect a symptom such as dandruff.

Sebum is an excellent breeding ground for the fungus. It is no coincidence that dandruff in most cases appears in people who have greasy hair... Factors contributing to the development of fungal infection also include chronic diseases, reduced immunity. Dandruff may appear after a recent colds... To get rid of the problem, it will not be enough to drink a course of vitamins. It will take antifungal treatment... The trichologist will help you choose a quality drug, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism.

What are

The last few years have seen an increase in fungal diseases. If earlier this problem concerned only the elderly, today there are also cases of the defeat of children. Therefore, the pharmacists of the planet are doing everything possible to prevent the spread of the infection. New expensive antifungal drugs are being produced for children and adults. But only an integrated approach gives good results.

Medicines to fight fungal infections are classified according to their origin and mechanism of action. In pharmacies, both natural antifungal preparations for the skin and synthetic ones are offered. Less aggressive agents are used to prevent mycoses. They are prescribed in order to avoid remission.

In accordance with chemical composition and by structure, all antifungal drugs for the skin are divided into polyene antibiotics, triazole derivatives, imidazole derivatives, allylamines, echinocandida. Separately, funds are allocated that are used to treat diseases caused by pathogenic fungi.

Polyene antibiotics

Antimycotics natural origin used to treat deep mycoses. The mechanism of action of polyene antibiotics has been studied for a long time. Medicines enter into a strong bond with erogesterol of the fungal cell membrane. The drug violates the integrity of the membrane. Thanks to this, the cells of the fungi die. These for the skin have a fairly wide spectrum of action. Systemic application helps to get rid of dimorphic and yeast-like fungi. Local preparations effectively fight candidiasis.

Polyene antibiotics are practically not absorbed into the organs gastrointestinal tract... Therefore, the risk of side effects is minimal. It is no coincidence that antifungal drugs for children are precisely polyene antibiotics. These funds help to quickly cope with the fungus of the mucous membrane, including with various vaginal infections.


A popular antibiotic with a broad spectrum of antifungal activity. Available in the form of tablets, cream and vaginal suppositories... Antifungal skin ointment can be used to treat various diseases... Most effective drug it is in the fight against yeast fungi. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe "Natamycin" in tablets. In this form, the drug acts only in the intestines.

If you choose antifungal for children, this drug is ideal. In just one week, Natamycin helps to get rid of intestinal candidiasis. Children are prescribed one tablet twice a day. Adults can take up to four tablets per day. At superficial lesion the skin is most often used in the form of an ointment. "Natamycin" is applied to the affected area once a day, mainly at night.

Means "Natamycin" can be used during pregnancy and lactation. Antifungal drugs in tablets in the first days of use can cause nausea and diarrhea. This side effect is not worth paying attention to. Unpleasant symptoms pass in a few days. Natamycin cream may cause slight irritation.


The drug is low-toxic, does not accumulate in the body. Medication used to treat diseases caused by yeast fungi. The drug "Levorin" can be prescribed for the purpose of prophylaxis in the presence of fungi in the body without the development of the disease. Antifungal pills are prescribed to treat bowel disease. With the help of suppositories and ointments, external and genital fungal infections are treated.

Before prescribing a remedy, the doctor must determine whether the flora is sensitive to its individual components. For this, the initial application takes place in minimum dosage... Levorin tablets are used by adults three times a day. For children under two years of age, one tablet will suffice. A 5% ointment is used to treat external fungal infections.

Imidazole and triazole derivatives

The most numerous group, which is united by the common name "azoles", includes synthetic antifungal drugs for the scalp, legs, and mucous membranes. All funds are divided into two groups. Some of them are prescribed for topical use. Means such as "Ketoconazole", "Voriconazole", "Fluconazole" are used systemically.

The mechanism of action of azoles, as in the case of polyene antibiotics, is associated with a disruption of the fungal cell membrane. There is a violation of the synthesis of ergosterol, which is its main component. Due to this, the derivatives of imidazole and triazole have a fairly wide spectrum of action. They fight well even with


This drug from the group of azoles is one of the most popular in the treatment of fungal nail infections. The product is offered in pharmacies in the form of a cream. The main components of the drug are salicylic acid, zinc oxide, methyl ether, extracts of celandine herbs and These components not only help to quickly get rid of the fungal infection, but also contribute to the restoration of the nail plate. Fundizol is also appreciated for its low cost. Its price in pharmacies does not exceed 100 rubles. This is great antifungal agent for legs.

Fundizol can be used not only in the treatment of fungal diseases. With the help of a cream, you can get rid of the effects of an "ingrown toenail", soften rough skin or heal rashes. For prophylaxis purposes, "Fundizol" is also used. The price of the drug is really democratic. Everyone can afford such a cream.

The drug "Fundizol" for the treatment of fungal infections of the nails is applied to the infected area twice a day. A gauze compress is made and the cream is kept on the nails for at least 6 hours. If the disease is not started, the antifungal foot remedy will show good results within a week.


These are synthetic drugs that have a fungicidal effect. Unlike azoles, allylamines block the synthesis of ergosterol by more early stage... Ergosterol deficiency occurs inside the cells of the fungus. Microorganisms die slowly. Allylamines have a fairly wide spectrum of action. But most often drugs in this group are prescribed for the treatment of dermatomycosis. Medicines are offered as local impact and for internal use.


The synthetic drug not only has an antifungal effect, but also effectively kills germs and relieves itching. Means "Naftifin" are produced in the form of a cream and tablets. The drug helps to get rid of onychomycosis and dermatomycosis. It is also used to treat microsporia, lichen and candidiasis of the skin.

The drug can be used during pregnancy and lactation. Children are allowed to prescribe the remedy after reaching the age of two. Side effects from the use of the drug was not noticed. Possible only individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Medication "Naftifin" in the form of a cream is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin twice a day. Treatment can last up to 8 weeks. With the help of this drug, it is possible to get rid of onychomycosis in only 6 months.


The drugs of this group began to be produced no more than 20 years ago. This synthetic products, which are created on the basis of a lipopeptide compound. The mechanism of action of drugs is based on the blockade of glucotane synthesis. This substance is an integral component of the fungal cell wall. Under the influence of medications, new microorganisms do not appear, and the old ones quickly die.

Echinocandidae effectively fight yeast, as well as some pathogenic fungi. But continue for a long time treatment with drugs of only this group is not recommended. As a result of mutation of the FKS1 gene in microorganisms, resistance to echinocandids can arise.


Clinical studies have shown that the most effective remedy"Micafungin" is used in the treatment and prevention of candidiasis. The drug is offered in pharmacies in the form of a solution. It includes such Excipients like citric acid, sodium hydroxide, lactose monohydrate. Means "Micafungin" is produced for systemic use.

Medicine administered intravenously. Most often, "Micafungin" is prescribed for the treatment of fungal diseases in a hospital or after transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells. Daily dose the drug ranges from 12 to 200 mg. The appointment is made by the doctor depending on the form of the disease, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient.

The drug can be prescribed to children over two years of age, as well as women during pregnancy and lactation. In case of side effects such as nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, anemia, the drug should be discontinued.


The main component of the drug is caspofungin acetate. The drug is offered in pharmacies as a solution for injection. "Kaspofungin" - medicinal product systemic use. It is also predominantly prescribed in a hospital setting.

On the basis of caspofungin, various antifungal drugs are found in pharmacies. Their price depends on the country of the manufacturer, as well as the dosage. average cost the drug is about 12 thousand rubles. Despite the high price, "Caspofungin" is widely used in the treatment of various fungal diseases of the skin and mucous membranes. The medication allows you to overcome even severe form ailment as soon as possible.

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