Amstaff what kind of breed. American Staffordshire Terrier: characteristics of the breed. Characteristic diseases of the breed

There is an opinion that fighting dogs are distinguished by an extreme degree of aggressiveness and irascibility. But in most cases, this is just a myth that has nothing to do with reality. Proof of this is the Staffordshire Terrier dog breed. Staff, as the breed is also called, was bred by crossing a terrier and a bulldog. As a result, breeders bred perfect dog for the most dangerous sport - dog fighting.

As with any breed, the dog's future aggressiveness is determined by upbringing. Therefore, those who do not plan to give their pet to sports will be able to get true friend and a comrade in the person of this strong dog.

Because the Staffordshire Terrier belongs to fighting dog breeds, his exterior is appropriate. The body of the animal is compact, strong. The muscles are pronounced, distinctly dried. The dog combines the best fighting qualities, as well as a strong physique, which is demonstrated by the Staffordshire Terrier breed. The description of the standard provides:

color staffordshire terrier can be both spotted and plain.

The standard does not allow liver, white, or black and tan. Also, pink eyelids, too long a tail, are considered “marriage”, light eyes and the nose is light Brown color.

Staff is a strong and muscular dog with a downed build. The photo shows that the expression of the eyes is often kind, despite the aggressive purpose of the breed.

It can be seen from the physique fighting dog which is the Staffordshire Terrier. The price for a puppy largely depends not only on the exterior, but also on the “purpose” of the dog: it will be a sports animal or a pet.

The nature of the staff

In most cases, the character of the Staffordshire Terrier, like that of other breeds, depends on upbringing. However, there are a number of traits that will be inherent in this dog in any case.

Staff is a mood dog that can change at lightning speed. The dog can instantly move from a state of rest to combat readiness, as well as from a playful mood to alertness. This must be taken into account in everyday communication with the pet.

Staff has an almost unshakable balance. He calmly endures games with children, even if the kids do not treat him very kindly. A properly educated dog will never offend a small child.

In order for the staff to become angry, it is necessary to almost verbally force him to do so. it very patient animal.

Many are trying to get a guard from a fighting dog breed. For this, it is impossible better fit staffordshire terrier. The nature of this dog is fearless. By its nature, this animal practically does not feel pain, which allows it to rush at the offender, even if he is larger than the staff.

The protection of the territory is inherent in this dog in instincts. Even in a dream, this dog is on the alert, listening to what is happening. However, this breed is reserved. The owner will not hear unreasonable barking or howling from this dog.

Another positive quality staffordshire terrier - devotion to the owner. In the service of a person, the staff sees its purpose and tries in every possible way to please the owner.

In order for a dog that is a fighting dog not to turn into an aggressor, education must be encouraging. Also important is leadership, which must be in the hands of the owner. Education plays a key role in shaping the character of the dog. Therefore, an experienced person should be engaged in training.

One of the key tasks of education is the training of restraint. It is this quality that will not allow the dog to have skirmishes with other animals on the street.

The Staffordshire Terrier tries in every possible way to please the owner, so performing tricks is not difficult for him.

Raising a Staffordshire Terrier

As already mentioned, the education of the Staffordshire Terrier plays a key role in shaping the character of the animal. Training of this breed is a responsible matter.

Staffs have pronounced leadership qualities, therefore, from the very beginning of training, the owner needs to take an authoritative position. Only by making it clear to the puppy who is in charge in the “owner-dog” union, you can achieve absolute obedience from the pet. The owner will also need remarkable endurance, since this breed is very persistent and will test the strength of the owner’s decision more than once.

The socialization of a puppy should take place from the very first days of meeting new owners. It is necessary to give the pet the opportunity to explore the world around him and get acquainted with different situations. Walks should take place as often as possible. It is best if the puppy will regularly be in the crowd.

Encounters with other animals at a young age must be limited. Acquaintance of a puppy with foreign dogs should begin at the age of six months. If the dog is wary or frightened, the owner needs to be patient. Aggressively urging a frightened puppy into action can cause the animal to grow up short-tempered and inadequate.

At the age of up to one and a half years, special attention must be paid to the understanding of human speech by the dog. The dog must learn to distinguish not only commands, but also the intonation of the owner's voice. The owner must express the requirements in a firm, confident voice. The word of man must be unshakable. The puppy is naturally playful, and will try to convince the owner, thus testing the team's strength. If during this period the owner succumbs, the dog will feel the absence of a leader and will try to occupy a free niche.

There is also a phenomenon in the temperament of the Staffordshire Terrier as "rebellion". Usually staff starts to rebel during puberty. Disobedience is manifested in attempts to ignore the strongest member of the family, as well as the one who exerts the most strong pressure on a dog. The dog is trying to take over the lead, and that's okay. Before this period, it is extremely important that the word of the owner has the greatest weight.

Physical influence in the upbringing of the Staffordshire Terrier is unacceptable. It is not only useless, but can also lead to the opposite result. A young animal will understand that conflict situations with a person must be resolved through the manifestation of strength. Yelling at the "violator" is also not worth it. If the dog rebels, the most that can be done is to give the puppy a good shake. But best method nevertheless, a clear command remains, no matter how many times it needs to be repeated. Reviews of the owners are unanimous: patience and only patience.

Also a good method to curb young dog is direct eye contact. It is worth watching until humility appears in the dog's eyes.

Staff training

The psychology of dogs is complex and requires a lot of attention. However, the owner, spending enough time every day for training, eventually begins to catch the slightest change in the mood of the pet. The change of mood becomes noticeable in the look, characteristic movements. An attentive owner always knows what the dog is going to do in a few seconds.

Staffordshire Terrier - hierarchy dog. The family for him is his flock. And it depends only on the owner what place the dog will take in this flock. A common mistake owners make is to over-reward the animal when correct execution commands. Allowing the dog to lie on the couch as a reward, the owner thereby "loses ground" in the eyes of the dog. Encouragement should not go beyond the reasonable, and training should always be based on subordination.

Staffordshire Terrier training is a responsible occupation, so many owners prefer to seek help from cynologists. However, it should be understood that the work of a specialist is aimed more at teaching the owner how to interact with the animal. Mistakes in the process of the course are the mistakes of the owner, not the dog, as evidenced by numerous reviews about the breed.

There are several types of training on the site:

  • General course. It involves learning basic commands: "Fu", "Sit", "Take". The dog learns to understand the owner, and the owner, in turn, correctly sets the tone for training.
  • Manageable city dog. Allows you to learn the basics of behavior in in public places, as well as owner commands and gestures.
  • Protective guard service. More difficult course. The nature of the Staffy means constant contact with people, so this course is not always suitable for this breed.
  • Bodyguard. The dog is trained as a personal guard. The course is suitable for owners of sports dogs, however, it is not suitable for ordinary pets. Having turned the dog into a bodyguard, the owners are faced with pet aggression against random passers-by, which can cause problems.

The price for the course will depend on the focus of the lessons and the reputation of the cynologist.

It is best to feed the Staffordshire Terrier with natural food. The basis of the diet should be lean meat. It is best if it is beef and lamb. In small quantities, it is useful to add vegetables and cereals. Also, the dog should have constant access to fresh water.

The main points in the preparation of the staff diet:

  • The naturalness of the components;
  • Caloric content of food;
  • Control the amount of food, avoid overfeeding;
  • Dairy products for calcium saturation;
  • Compliance with the diet.

It is better not to feed the staff with specialized feeds.

staffordshire terrier

“Staff is only a year old, and he has already clearly demonstrated temperament. Raising a breed takes a lot of time, however, it's worth it.

“If you raise a puppy correctly, in the future you will get great friend and faithful guard. Do not show excessive force in training. This dog is smart and understands a person perfectly.

There are a great many breeds of dogs, among them there are bulldog-type terriers, a prominent representative of which is the American Staffordshire Terrier.

Past and present

The Staffordshire Terrier breed was finally isolated and registered only in 1972, and the United States is considered the place of their breeding. Previously, they were not separated from pit bull terriers and were also widely used in spectacular dog fights, therefore, selection was made based on the results of performances in the arena. The ancestors of these animals were English bulldogs and white terriers, whose features still slip into their appearance.

After the official recognition of the breed, a standard was adopted, and a specific description for the Staffordshire Terrier appeared:

  • the weight adult 25-32 kg;
  • height in males 46-48 cm, in females 43-46 cm;
  • there is any color, common patterns include brindle (all shades of brown are involved, as well as different combinations black and white);
  • average life expectancy is 12-14 years.

Previously, the American Staffordshire Terrier almost always had cropped ears, now, under the influence of animal advocates, this procedure is done much less frequently.

Although puberty in Amstaffs occurs as early as 8-9 months, it is recommended to carry out the first mating for females at the age of no earlier than 15 months, and for males no earlier than 1 year; after 8 years, it is undesirable to knit females.

In the course of artificial selection, the obedience of the owner was genetically fixed in these dogs and the stability of the psyche was developed, which was reflected in the characteristics of the breed: the peculiarity of the Amstaffs is the instantaneous execution of any commands.

Today, mass dog fights are a thing of the past, and people still have smart and loyal pets.

Until now, ignorant people often do not distinguish between pit bull terriers and American Staffordshire terriers, although this different breeds. They also differ in outward signs, and in character (despite some "bulldog" similarity in the exterior due to a common distant ancestor).

Staffordshire terriers are slightly larger in size (usually 4-6 cm taller than pit bull terriers), their white spots are not predominant in color, they also have more pronounced facial muscles with square jaws and are wider chest. Since both breeds were originally bred as fighting dogs, they have almost the same high pain threshold. At the same time, the amstaff, if he happens to fight with a pit bull, is likely to lose the fight, despite his superior size, because he has a stronger side - defense, and not attack, like his opponent.

Cynologists unanimously classify Staffordshire Terriers as dogs with high intelligence and a highly developed instinct to protect the owner.

Education and maintenance

After hearing about a fighting past, some people mistakenly believe that the American Staffordshire Terrier is very aggressive. In fact, this is not so: this breed is easy to train and socializes in any society, the owner only needs to show firmness and perseverance in teaching his pet good manners, without showing cruelty. Females are more obedient and suggestible by nature, and males more often demonstrate self-will and independence.

In order to get a sociable and obedient pet into the family, Staffordshire Terrier puppies begin to be brought up from a very early age (from 2-3 months), encouraging their interaction with children and other animals living in the house - only then will socialization go in the right direction. Under the supervision of adults, even a 10-year-old child can train a Staffordshire Terrier. A properly educated and trained amstaff becomes not only a reliable guard, but also a wonderful nanny for small children, whom he will never offend.

In size, these dogs are considered medium in size, they are covered with smooth hair and fit well into an ordinary apartment. The main thing that pets need - physical exercise, in connection with which the owners need to give them the opportunity to warm up well (if it doesn’t work out at home, then on long walks). The upbringing of the Staffordshire Terrier must necessarily include outdoor games that allow you to throw out the energy bubbling inside and at the same time reinforce the execution of commands (catching a flying saucer or a ball, accompanying the owner on bike rides, just running together).

An amstaff tired of games is a happy dog, and its properly organized activity allows you to keep the interior of the apartment in its original form.

There is little noise from them: they very rarely give a voice without special need. They can bark a lot only for company with other "talkative" relatives. The short hard coat does not need special care, it is enough to comb it daily with a brush with coarse bristles. Bathe dogs as needed with special shampoos from the pet store (you can once a month).

With excellent immunity and a non-capricious character, Staffordshires are easy to please with food, and owners usually do not have problems with what to feed them. All the needs of the dog's body are fully satisfied by high-quality dry food. You can diversify your pet's diet with human food, but you should not overfeed raw meat and give tubular bones with sharp edges. So that the master's things do not suffer from other people's teeth, knowledgeable people it is recommended to provide the pet with special dog fun that you can gnaw on (silicone bones, briquettes, balls).

Thanks to their cheerful and agile nature, Amstaffs make excellent companions for people who prefer outdoor activities. The only problem may be the unsuitability of the wool of these dogs to warm well at low temperatures. Loving owners prudently protect their pets from the cold - this is how the clothes for the Staffordshire Terrier appeared. The most common model is a quilted dog overall (sometimes with or without a hood), which differs for "boys" and "girls"; off-season jackets are also popular.

Weak spots in the body

In general, Amstaff health is strong and with proper maintenance and nutrition, on this side, usually, the owner does not have additional worries for most of the pet's life.

Some diseases in Staffordshire Terriers sometimes do happen:

  1. Hip dysplasia can develop from malnutrition, insufficient physical activity or genetic predisposition. To minimize the risks, puppies should be bought from trusted kennels, and then ensure that your purchase has all the conditions for healthy lifestyle life. It is not difficult to notice the problem that has arisen: the animal becomes inactive, when moving, it begins to drag its hind legs, often tries to lie down on its stomach. It is treated only with the help of specialists, including operations.
  2. Inappropriate foods can cause bloating. A consultation with a specialist will tell you what to change in the feeding system to normalize the dog's digestion and prevent another danger - obesity.
  3. Among the diseases associated with the organs of vision, there are:
    • inversion of the century;
    • cataract;
    • retinal atrophy.

    When a pathology is detected in early stage and timely treatment to the veterinarian, almost any of them can be cured.

  4. predisposition to allergic reactions is mostly inherited, so the purity of genetic lines is given paramount importance by reputable breeders. If, nevertheless, the dog has no visible reasons there is reddening of the skin, and she constantly itches, perhaps she has an allergy. A veterinary clinic will help to establish an irritant.

A healthy pet of the Amstaff breed always has good mood and easy to lift.

Thanks to the powerful immune system The American Staffordshire Terrier has a good body resistance to various ailments, and it is usually enough to make a series of mandatory vaccinations in early age and then periodically conduct deworming.

The owner of the Staffordshire Terrier, who has earned authority with his pet, acquires in his person the most devoted friend, fearless protector and cheerful companion for any joint business.

In contact with

The American Staff will become an intelligent and very loyal dog if you make every effort to educate him in childhood.

It must be taught literally from the first month of life.

Then, the puppy will be obedient and caring. Terriers can also be trained for professional fights.

If there is a small child in the family, you don’t have to worry, because the behavior of the Amstaff with children is distinguished by caution and understanding.

The dog knows perfectly well that the child is much weaker and will give in to the baby, she gets along well not only with children, but also with other pets.

Owners can recognize health problems by the following signs:

  • Amstaff's nose is warm and completely dry, dull pupils of the eyes;
  • poor sleep and decreased appetite;
  • unpresentable appearance dog hair, loss of luster;
  • frequent urge to urinate, even breathing and moist mucous membranes.

Puppies need care and proper care. To prevent the dog from getting sick, you need to bathe it, walk it, brush its teeth, ears and nose on time.

If you are thinking about buying a puppy of this breed, you need to know what terriers are found and what are their differences.

Breed varieties

Show-class staff refers to high-breed dogs, has clearly defined qualities described in the breed standard.

Such a puppy is worth buying if you are serious about preparing for exhibitions, competitions, or want to open a kennel for American Staffordshire Terriers.

Breed class - these dogs are also called tribal, this typical representatives Amstafa breeds that do not have strong deviations from the breed standard are suitable for exhibitions and breeding breeding.

Pet class. Such a pet may have defects. This may be an asymmetrical skull, teeth irregularities, an unusual color for a Staffordshire terrier, or an atypical tail shape.

Such defects do not have negative consequences for the health of puppies, but they are not suitable for breeding.

An amstaff puppy looks like a chubby round dog with a bare belly.

He is very active, he gnaws slippers with pleasure and loves to mischief in every possible way in the house.

For this reason, already from the first days of acquaintance, it is necessary to educate him and accustom him to order.

To prevent your dog from dragging your socks, T-shirts and other items around the room, take care of a sufficient arsenal of toys. They must be from a variety of materials.

There are whole myths and legends about Staffordshire Terriers. It depends only on the owners how this pet will grow up.

If you abandon the dog and do not pay enough attention to education, then the grown-up dog can become angry and show aggression.

To achieve obedience and proper behavior from a four-legged, follow some rules.


    The educational process must begin at the age, no later than 1.5-6 months. Even as a baby, the terrier must realize what behavior is acceptable and what is not.

    Then you will not have any difficulties when the dog grows up and his character is formed.

    Introduce four-legged friend With environment from the first days, always praise for a correctly executed command and punish for transgressions and wrong misbehavior.

    But to punish by shouting and applying physical strength dog is not allowed.

    Provide your pet with well-chosen and balanced menu. You can consult your veterinarian on this matter.

    The diet must contain water, BJU, minerals and vitamins of groups A, B, C, D, E, K.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier puppies are smaller than American Staffordshire Terriers, but both breeds have bold personality traits.

Such dogs are good protectors and loyal friends for the whole family. Terrier with, is distinguished by intellectual abilities and the ability to restrain emotions even under the most unexpected circumstances.


Many owners, due to their inexperience, begin to play the game of "pull the rope" with terrier puppies.

This game is very useful and interesting for pets, but under the age of 4 months, it can be dangerous for the baby.

The essence of the game is to take a rope or a piece of cloth from each other. For this lesson, buy a rope in a specialized store.

Why can this be dangerous for a puppy? She can form malocclusion, and when all the teeth are fully formed, you can play with a rope or rope without fear.

When all the teeth are replaced with new ones, they need to be taken care of. On their own, a dog is not able to provide the necessary care for its oral cavity.

You will need a dog toothpaste, which should be periodically applied to the puppy's teeth with your fingers or with a brush.

Never use human toothpaste, it is very foamy and causes stomach upset in animals.


Puppies of the Staffordshire Terrier type must get used to certain things in childhood.

In the first months of life, they are fed up to 5-6 times a day, but in small portions so that the baby does not overeat.

If after eating you find food leftovers, hide them until the next time. Don't let your dog eat anything.

Constantly in free access the pet should only have water, because he spends a lot energy reserves and strength for games and pampering.

As they grow older, the number of meals is reduced, but the volumes increase. Upon reaching 4 months, the dog eats three meals a day, and an adult dog needs two meals.


Your home should definitely have a first aid kit containing everything you need for your pet in case you need urgent help.

Puppies are like children and strive to climb absolutely everywhere, they can gnaw through wires, dump something heavy on themselves, and so on.

The first aid kit should contain iodine, bandages, drugs for treating the animal after injury, painkillers and other means.

Your veterinarian can advise you on a larger list to stock up on.

Where is it customary to buy and sell these animals? First of all, it is necessary to say about nurseries.

By choosing an American Staffordshire Terrier kennel, you can find a healthy and beautiful dog of this breed.

But be prepared for the corresponding prices, specify immediately how much a puppy costs in a particular kennel.

Often in such places best puppies the litter is left, and the rest are offered for sale, moreover, wringing the price.

On the Internet, you can find out how much such a puppy costs from private sellers. In this case, you need to try to protect yourself by asking the sellers to show not only the staff, but also his parents.

This method is good because it will be convenient to pick up a puppy in your city. But, despite the prices, nurseries are more safe places for these purchases.

If you decide to become a Stafford breeder on your own, know that it is troublesome, but can bring a good income.

These puppies have always been appreciated, how much does a staff cost?

The price varies between 50-1000 dollars, depending on the pedigree, documents and place of purchase.

Having got such a dog once, you will no longer want another, the Stafford is a wonderful friend, guard and just a funny dog!

Photo gallery

Despite the widespread opinion about the aggressiveness of this breed, it should be said that with proper care and upbringing, your pet will pleasantly surprise others with its friendliness and calmness.

Photo of Staffordshire Terrier |

basic information

Assessment of breed characteristics

adaptability A definition that refers to how easily a dog can adapt to changes in life.

Shedding level Level and frequency of hair loss in an animal.

tenderness level The level and amount of tenderness and affection that the dog gives in return for attention to himself.

Need for exercise Daily activity level of the dog.

social need The required number of contacts of the dog with other animals, as well as people.

Apartment ratio A factor that determines the level of noise and other inconvenience that the dog can deliver to the owners in the ratio of the size of the apartment to the size of the dog.

Grooming The number of baths, brushings, and the required number of professional grooming sessions a dog needs.

Friendliness in an unfamiliar environment Features of dog behavior in society with strangers or in unfamiliar surroundings.

tendency to bark Tendency to barking and its frequency and loudness.

Health Issues The potential health status of the dog.

Territoriality The dog's tendency to protect his home, yard or even the owner's car.

Friendliness for cats Tendency to be tolerant of cats and reduced hunting instincts.

Intelligence The dog's ability to think and solve problems that arise (not to be confused with learning!).

Education and training The level of difficulty in teaching a dog to perform certain actions.

Friendliness for children A factor that determines how friendly a dog is to children, whether he likes to play with them and tolerate some childish pranks.

Game activity The concept is defined by its name itself, and, as a rule, is found in almost all dogs.

Observation The ability of a dog to detect the presence of a stranger in its territory.

Friendly to other dogs The dog's tendency to find mutual language with their other relatives.

Brief description of the breed

American Staffordshire Terriers, popularly referred to as Amstaffs, Staffords and just Staffords, are strong, very muscular dogs of medium height (about 42-50 cm), their weight is 20-30 kg. The birthplace of this breed is the United States of America, but the breed is popular not only there, in our country there are many breeders and fans of the breed. To be fair, the Amstaffs also have great amount opponents. Indeed, in the media you can find information about Stafford attacks on and even people. Who is to blame for this - the dogs themselves or negligent owners? Maybe it's the lack of proper upbringing. puppy age. Connoisseurs of the breed categorically do not advise getting a puppy of the American Staffordshire Terrier to those who cannot properly train the dog and accustom it to life in society. Fighting Staffords, who have a tendency to fearlessness in their blood (and in the absence right upbringing and aggression), can bring a lot of grief to others. Whereas a well-bred staff is quite good-natured, calm and devoted to the owners. There are many cases when Staffords became the best friends of their owner's children.

So, American Staffordshire Terriers are muscular dogs of an athletic warehouse. Their head is wide and square. Chewing and parietal muscles are well developed, convex. The transition from the average convexity of the forehead to the muzzle is well expressed. Ears erect, set high (may be docked). The nose is medium in size, mostly black. The eyes are wide apart, rounded, dark in color. Teeth white, large, scissor bite. Amstaff neck without dewlap, muscular, wide at the base, smoothly turning into a strong, short and wide back. In the area of ​​the croup, the back is somewhat sloping towards the bottom. The belly of the Amstaffs is picked up. The tail is set low, not long, tapering towards the tip. The limbs are powerful, straight and very muscular, especially the hind limbs. The coat of the American Staffy is hard, smooth, short, tight. Solid color - piebald, light and dark brown, black ( white color considered a defect). Brindle and spotted colors are acceptable, White color they should not exceed 20%.

Photo of the Staffordshire Terrier:

Photo of dog breed American Staffordshire Terrier |

Origin story

The ancestors of the Amstaffs are English terriers and who crossed in their homeland - in England at the end of the 18th century. The descendants of such a mixture of bloodlines were first called bull and terriers, and the main idea for breeding was to create such a dog that could be used as a fearless, fast, very powerful, but at the same time compact fighter, combining best qualities both breeds. At first (until the beginning of the 19th century), bull and terriers participated not only in battles with fellow dogs, but also with angry bulls. In the United States, these dogs appeared around the 1860s with English settlers. Suddenly, bull and terriers became popular in the New World not only as working dogs, but also. They were interested in ordinary workers, and gambling lovers of dog fights, and American reputable dog handlers. Often they helped farmers in grazing livestock, protecting their homes, fearlessly fought predators - coyotes and wolves. In 1936, the American Kennel Club gave the breed a new name - the Staffordshire Terrier, and the American Staffordshire Terrier began to be called such dogs a few decades later - in 1972, amending the first Breed Standard established in 1971 by the International Cynological Federation.

Personality of the Staffordshire Terrier

If we do not take into account the tragic cases of attacks on a person, when the owner is more likely to blame, amstaffs are calm, very physically strong, hardy and brave dogs. No enemy is fearless with them, the main thing is that the owner can understand the importance of proper education. The American Stafford gets along well in families with babies, but it is not recommended to enrage the dog. Therefore, even a well-bred Amstaff should not be treated like a lap dog. They are smart, they remember insults well, they are quite vulnerable, it is categorically not recommended to punish these animals with beatings. Staffords are dogs with their own character, quite strong and dominant. Therefore, you should not start it for those families where pets - or dogs - already live. Often they are in danger of being bitten by a fast, wayward Stafford. Amstaffs are quite kind and attached to the family members of the owner, but without obtrusiveness. For the owner, they are ready to fight to the end, selflessly and fearlessly. Stafford barking is a rare phenomenon; they often prefer to act to create noise. By the way, these dogs are distinguished by incredible speed of reaction.

Amstaffs can do just fine, as well as in an aviary on the territory of suburban and private plots. But it is not recommended to keep them on a chain, it is better when the dog has the opportunity to move freely around the owner's yard. Amstaffs living in apartments are especially in dire need of not only long, but also quite exhausting walks. It's good if the owner can put enough stress on their dog, whether it's catching a ball or going through an obstacle course. When going out into the countryside, Amstaffs happily swim, rush about without a leash and a muzzle (which is impossible in the city).

Amstaff coat care is simple. These animals are brushed several times a week (or at least weekly) with a brush or furminator for short hair. Amstaff molting occurs in spring and autumn periods, but it can be prolonged if the dog lives in an apartment with excessively dry air. Bathing should be done 2-3 times a year with a special shampoo for dogs.

The owner must always pay attention to the condition of the eyes, ears and teeth of the dog, carrying out hygiene procedures. The ears are cleaned about once a week or two with a cotton pad soaked in water or an earwax breaker. The dog's eyes can be wiped daily or several times a week with a cotton swab dipped in water or any herbal anti-inflammatory decoction that the doctor recommends. It is better to brush your teeth daily, acquiring for this toothbrush for a dog (sometimes they use an ordinary “human” brush with medium-hard bristles). In addition, for such thawed dogs as amstaffs, which can provoke a fight with four-legged brethren, you should purchase all the components for a first-aid kit (thermometer, cotton wool, bandage, enema, brilliant green or iodine, adsorbent, laxative, antibiotics and other drugs). The composition of the first aid kit should be consulted with a veterinarian. You should not buy medicines designed for humans.

Training and education

Initially, it can be noted that you should never set an amstaff on people or animals! They train the baby staff from 2-3 months. The puppy should not only be accustomed to life in the house (prohibition to spoil, gnaw things, climb into bed, beg, chase pets, if there are any in the house). It is important to correctly indicate the leadership to the dog, which should always belong only to the owner. Even at an early age, you should not be careless about staff bites or growling at any of the family members (including animals).

Experienced owners note the excellent ability of amstaffs to train. As fast as they are in motion, they quickly grasp the commands presented by the owner or instructor. It is best to conduct training on the training ground, where the staff will observe the training of other dogs. At the same time, the owner himself under the control of an experienced trainer will direct the actions of the dog. Of course, training can take place without the supervision of a specialist, but will the owner have enough experience and knowledge to train the animal on his own? Most often, they choose the General Training Course (OKD) or the UGS course (Managed City Dog). In rare cases, after OKD or UGS, a ZKS course (Protection Guard Service) can be completed.

Health and disease

Amstaffs can live up to the age of 15, but most often they spend about 9-12 years next to the owner. Hardy, physically strong, with a high level of immunity, American Staffordshire Terriers are considered strong dogs (in terms of health), but they also have weak spots. Among the diseases of the breed are: joint problems (dysplasia hip joint- often hereditary, arthritis), mechanical injury(connection breaks, lacerations after the fight, bruises, etc.), heart failure (more often in old age), eye problems (retinal atrophy, cataracts), bloating (which is dangerous for stomach volvulus), obesity (more often at an elderly age), tumors (mastocytoma, histiocytoma (including histiocytosis) - skin tumors), allergies of various etiologies .

Some interesting facts

  • No breed on the way to official recognition had so many names. In the period from the end of the 18th century to the middle of the 20th century, American Staffordshire Terriers, in addition to bull and terriers, were called differently: half and half, pit dog, Yankee terrier, Brindle bulldog, American bull terrier, American pit bull terrier. The confusion with the names of the breed ended only in 1936, when the Amstaff became the Staffordshire Terrier.
  • The cost of an amstaff puppy starts from 20-25 thousand rubles. Buying a dog from hand can cost the acquirer much less, but it's akin to Russian roulette, when you don't know if you win or not. Often such a purchase is fraught with any hereditary diseases or cowardice, aggression - serious vices according to the Breed Standard.
