Designations on the natal chart. Method of analyzing a natal chart in astrology - how to read a natal chart (horoscope) yourself

The most important thing is to remember about interpretations. The entire map must be considered as a whole. The natal chart is replete with sometimes contradictory pieces of information about a person. If you are interested in how to decipher the natal chart yourself, then remember that each fragment should be considered as part of a single whole.

This means that you cannot take one piece of a chart (for example, Mercury in Sagittarius) and decide that it determines a person's entire character and destiny. If you do this, you will undoubtedly be wrong. Of course, you will be tempted to settle on one or the other planetary significance. This is a big mistake. For example, let's say two people have Mercury in Sagittarius (denoting talkativeness). You might be tempted to assume that both people are outspoken and talkative. But, let's say, the first one has and the second one has the Sun in Sagittarius. Although they both have the first person (Sun in Capricorn) will have a much calmer communication style than the second person

Holistic reading of the map

As mentioned above, if you are interested in how to decipher the natal chart, then you must remember that you need to consider it as a whole. Yes, by all means consider all the individual interpretations of each planet in its sign and house. But then you have to weave it all together into a single picture, referring to the Rising Sign in the natal chart.

It is as if each of us were a mosaic made up of small individual images. In a natal chart, each individual planet in a sign and house is like one tiny individual image, one tiny piece of the whole mosaic. Now two different completed mosaics, if you look close enough, may contain tiny pieces that are the same, but they are also parts of two completely different completed mosaics (this point is illustrated by the example of Mercury in Sagittarius above). Although the mosaics contain similar pieces, the final products are unlike anything else. If it is important for you to know how to correctly decipher the natal chart, then remember old proverb: “Don’t judge a book by its cover.”

Thus, the job of an astrologer is to take all the fragments of personality in the natal chart and synthesize them into a single whole. A surprisingly accurate portrait of a person appears.

Decoding planets in signs

Look at your natal chart and note what sign and house each planet is. Also note the sign of the Ascendant (Rising Sign) in which the ruler of the Ascendant is located.

Now, if you are wondering how to decipher your natal chart, you can look at the interpretation of each of your planets and rising sign. Once you sense the underlying energy of each planet and the objective qualities of each sign, you can incorporate your own subjective understanding of its meaning into the chart reading.

The zodiac sign will show how the planet manifests itself. Previously, astrologers compared signs to stained glass windows through which the planet is expressed. See if this analogy helps: Imagine a sentence with a verb and an adverb. The planet is the "verb" and the zodiac sign is the "adverb". For example, the Moon (feeling, nurturing, reacting) in the sign of Capricorn (restraint, coldness) denotes a person who comforts others in a cold and reserved way or has difficulty expressing emotions. If you know how to compile and decipher a natal chart, then it should be obvious to you that this is not the best place for the Moon.

Determination of astrological house

Another point to remember is that the planet in the sign will be house centered. This means that the activities indicated by the planet will take place in the arena of your life, indicated by the house in which that planet manifests. Don't forget that each home represents an area of ​​life - that is, work, home, friendship, etc. If you are interested in understanding how to decipher a natal chart, then remember that the Planet is the “what,” the zodiac sign is the “how,” and the “house” is the “where.”

Why is the astrological house so important?

Imagine that a person has in the 7th house, which can manifest as a conservative approach (Capricorn) to love relationships (7th House). But let's say this same person has Venus in Sagittarius in the 11th house. This person will be friendly and sympathetic (Sagittarius) in life situations And social groups(11th house), but at the same time carefree and aloof (albeit reliable) in love relationships(Saturn in Capricorn in the 7th house).

Astrology is a powerful tool for understanding those seemingly contradictory tendencies we all have. The birth chart tells it all. If you strive to understand how to decipher the natal chart, then over time you will be able to decipher all the contradictory details displayed on it.

Planet ruling house

Another influence on each house (in every aspect of life) is the ruling planet of the house. The ruling planet of each house in your natal chart is the one that rules the sign on the threshold. For example, if you have Capricorn in the 7th house, then Saturn is the Ruler of your 7th house because Saturn rules Capricorn. As a result, Saturn will have influence in matters of your 7th house, regardless of which house Saturn is actually placed in. The sign on each cusp of a house shows its attitude towards its issues, while the planets in the house show real circumstances. For example, Capricorn in the 7th house indicates caution in forming partnerships. On the other hand, Saturn in the 7th house can indicate current problems arising in a partnership and marriage. If you want to know how to decipher a natal chart using an example, then understanding these subtle differences will help you a lot.

Aspects of the planets

Don't forget about aspects. If you try to make an interpretation without taking into account the aspects, you will never understand how to decipher the natal chart. The interpretations for each planet, as well as sign and house, must be modified depending on the nature of the aspects. Aspects can soften things and bring lightness, as well as bring conflict with other planetary places. Aspects stimulate planets.

Difficulties in deciphering aspects

Each planet has both easy and difficult (or positive and negative) manifestations. For example, the energy of the Sun can be expressed both through generosity and creativity, and through proud arrogance, as well as an excessive desire to be special. Aspects from other planets indicate whether energies will be expressed easily and positively (if they receive trines and sextiles) or with struggle and conflict (if they receive squares or oppositions). Again interpretation natal chart without taking into account aspects is incorrect or, according to at least, incomplete.

The most important aspects

Immediately pay attention to alliances with any of the four corners (this means alliances with the Ascendant). When a planet conjuncts one of the angles, that planet's influence may be the strongest influence in the chart. The person will identify very strongly with the features of this planet.

Also pay attention to the alliances made by the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) with the inner ones (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars). These unions will radically change the interpretation of the inner planet, adding unique qualities to it. A conjunction with Uranus adds rebellion and innovation, a conjunction with Neptune adds confusion or sadness, as well as inspiration and a magical aura, and a conjunction with Pluto adds strength to a person, but can turn into terrible and frightening events for his life. You should remember this if you are interested in how to decipher the natal chart yourself using an example.

For example, a Leo Sun person who has Pluto in their chart, making the Sun aspect very “Plutonian” in spirit. This man would be one of the most silent and secretive Leos known to astrology.

Jupiter and Saturn are between the personal and superior planets. Jupiter determines our views on life, our worldview. It shows what we desire through social realization, i.e. our going beyond the limits of the personal “I”. Jupiter is our desire to expand our personality through education, travel, spiritual growth, religion, ideology, belief in something. Saturn lowers us from heaven to earth into reality, and is opposite in meaning to Jupiter. Jupiter is expansion, and Saturn is contraction and limitation. Saturn in the horoscope shows our method of protection and self-preservation, what type of reliability we need in life - spiritual and emotional reliability (water), material (earth), individual (fire) or social and intellectual (air), depending on what element it is in. Saturn is our fears. A person is afraid of something and wants to build a reliable structure in some area.

It is necessary to understand what characteristics the zodiac signs give to the planets. Whether the planet is in its own zodiac sign or not. For example, more suitable for the Moon water element except for Scorpio. IN fire element The moon will manifest itself inadequately, it will be too excited and tense. IN air element The Moon will also be nice, but for example, the zodiac signs Aquarius and Gemini will give an emphasis on personal freedom. Earth element inclines the Moon to evaluate itself in accordance with the work done, especially Virgo and Capricorn, and in Taurus the Moon feels stability and peace. Of course, you still need to look at the aspects of the Moon. If there are many tense aspects, then such a person will be restless, or irritable, or conflicted, etc., depending on which planet aspects the Moon. We analyze other personal planets in the same way.

We consider the Sun, Moon and the ruler of the Ascendant, then all the personal planets. Moving on to the description in the zodiac signs and houses of Jupiter, Saturn and the Higher planets, we interpret them without deviating from the basis of a person’s personality (personal planets). In this article you can read more detailed description, how to consider planets in zodiac signs -, and this section describes planets in signs -

For the Higher planets in the horoscope, the most important thing is the house, and not the zodiac sign. The zodiac sign in which Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are located are the characteristics of generations. The zodiac sign for the Supreme planet will be important if it is the ruler of the angular houses. If the Higher planet rules the 1st house, then its influence will manifest itself only with age. For example, Asc in Aquarius. In young years, Saturn will act as a ruler and determine the behavior of the native, and with age the influence of Uranus will manifest itself. This may also be typical for the ruler of the MC.


It is necessary to determine which element is expressed and which is a deficiency. Water and Fire are the most powerful elements, Earth and Air are more inert, stable elements. Fire and Air are masculine, compatible elements. Earth and Water are feminine, compatible elements.

Excessive fire in the map will make a person active, active, in tense aspects, conflictual, in extreme cases aggressive. The person is likely to be confident and optimistic. With a negative option, selfishness and ambition are possible (especially Leo, Aries) and greater changeability and impulsiveness in ideas and desires (Sagittarius, Aries).

Lack of fire will make a person more calm, patient, in the negative version, unsure of himself, passive. A person may be afraid to express himself.

Excessive water will give greater emotionality, sensitivity, empathy, in the negative version, hysteria, energy vampirism. It is very difficult for such a person to control and restrain his emotions.

Lack of water positive influence the fact that a person does not get too emotionally involved in situations and, as a result, worries less and recovers from stress faster. But such a person may not listen to his intuition and does not have empathy.

Excess of land characteristic of materialistic-minded people (especially Taurus and Capricorn). Such people stand firmly on their feet, can make long-term efforts to achieve their goals, they do not have their head in the clouds. On the other hand, they can be insensitive people and inveterate conservatives who are only interested in their career and material accumulation.

Lack of land leads to impracticality, but it can be expressed in different ways. In some cases, impracticality will lie in the fact that a person does not know how to save at all, does not value things, although the material side of life may even be of great interest this person(pronounced 2 or 8 houses). In another option, the person will be an ascetic - he will be of little interest in everything material, he can live in a very simple conditions and he will be pleased. There is also a third option for impracticality - a person leaves everything for a rainy day, i.e. he exhibits materialism. He acquires things and does not use them, as a result, all things become unusable over time and it turns out that the money was wasted and the things were not useful, this is also a kind of manifestation of asceticism. The third option may appear if fixed signs, Cancer, are expressed and the earth element is absent.

Excessive air will make a person sociable, and will also endow him with a great love of freedom and changeability not only in mood, but also in feelings. Especially if the signs Gemini and Aquarius are expressed. But this feature is a plus for the person himself - the person does not get hung up on experiences, although in the eyes of others such a person may seem irresponsible, flighty or emotionally cold. If the sign of Libra is expressed in the map, then such a person will be non-conflict, inclined to compromise, and in the negative version he may be a hypocrite.

Lack of air may make one too subjective. Although for the person himself this, as a rule, is not a problem. In the negative version, such a person will not be able to fully communicate, i.e. It will be difficult for others to convey their ideas to him, because... he mostly hears only himself.

If there is a deficiency of any element, it is necessary to evaluate which element is most pronounced and draw appropriate conclusions from this.

Zodiac crosses.

Cardinal cross Libra, Cancer, Aries, Capricorn - the most primary manifestation elements. The cardinal cross is characterized by action at the level for which the element is responsible. Relationships, communication - air, emotions, self-absorption - water, activity, self-expression - fire, material achievements - earth. There is no common line of behavior among the signs here.

Fixed cross Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus are the slowest to change. With the severity of this cross, people are not inclined to change, which also applies to feelings (except for Aquarius). Such people can achieve their goals for a long time and persistently. These are stubborn and persistent people.

Mutable cross– Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo, Gemini. People of this cross can adapt to circumstances and adapt to others. In the negative version, people with a pronounced mutable cross rarely change anything, but they have plenty of plans. They want to do both this and that, but in the end there can only be one plan. With a positive option, such people can have many seemingly incompatible activities and will be very talented in many ways. It must be remembered that the mutable cross is the weakest manifestation of the elements.


Expressed Upper hemisphere in the horoscope, i.e. when most or all planets are above the horizon - from the 7th to 12th houses. Such people are mainly focused on external realization in life. They can be famous people, politicians, scientists, actors, travelers, etc. If at the same time the zodiac signs Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces are also expressed, then such a person will have late realization. All important events It is likely that the second half of life will be more eventful than the first.

Expressed The lower hemisphere in the horoscope, i.e. when most or all planets are below the horizon - from the 1st to the 6th house. Such a person in life is most focused on family, making money, children, communicating with relatives, etc. Such people have less ambition and often lack the desire for power. If the zodiac signs are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo, then all the most important events will happen in youth, i.e. the first half of life will be more eventful.

Expressed Eastern hemisphere in the horoscope, i.e. when most or all planets are located near the ascendant - 1,2,3,10,11,12 houses. A person relies more on himself, achieves everything in life on his own, often does not listen to advice, but acts as he considers correct.

Expressed Western hemisphere in the horoscope, i.e. when most or all planets are located near the descendant - 4,5,6,7,8,9, houses. Such a person is focused on other people. He needs the support and approval of others. And other people have a certain influence on a given person throughout life.

Houses of the horoscope

You need to understand what each house is responsible for. Next, consider how the planets act when they fall into different houses– event sphere.

1 house– characteristics of character, appearance, personal qualities person. The ruler of any house, falling into the 1st house, will be a significant indication that this sphere goes directly to the person, which means that it is important for him.

2nd house- talents, how a person can earn a living. Material sphere.

3rd house- our immediate environment. Neighbors, acquaintances, brothers, sisters, distant relatives. Travel and movement. Transport. All types of information. Initial training, various courses. If the 3rd house is expressed in the chart, the person is surrounded by many people, most likely, such a native will be sociable.

4th house– home, family, parents. The beginning and end of a person’s life, i.e. childhood and old age. Real estate, land, human homeland. The 4th house is the house of the Moon and it is responsible for our deep habits; at home we cannot constantly play certain roles and restrain ourselves; at home we behave naturally. There is no clear rule in astrology whether father or mother goes through the 4th house. I believe that the more authoritative parent is the 10th house. If the function of the mother is performed by the father - he cares for the child, and the mother provides for the family and builds a career, then the father will correspond to the 4th house, and the mother to the 10th. And if the family is traditional patriarchal, then the mother is the 4th house, the father is the 10th house.

5th house– love, flirting, children, hobbies, sports, creativity, games, social masks, theater. This house, in my opinion, is responsible for the gifts that are given to us from above. Creative talents, children, the fruits of our creativity (our “children”, in a way), and love - we can receive all this as a reward.

6th house– work, daily responsibilities, illness, general mood, difficult circumstances, serving others. Our health directly depends on our mood, whether a person is an optimist or a pessimist. Worries and workload with daily activities and work can lead to illness. When the 6th house is very pronounced in the chart, such people mainly live for the sake of others, they have practically no personal ambitions. Especially if both the chart ruler and the Sun are in this house, and if most of the planets are below the horizon.

7th house– all types of partnerships. Our business and marriage partners. Our enemies, opponents. Planets in the 7th house describe the types of partners who are attracted to us and whom we would like to see nearby.

8th house– crises, dangerous situations, death, sex, occultism. “Other people’s money” - loans, credits, taxes, money from a marriage or business partner, inheritance, common money in business, in politics.

9th house– religion, ideology, philosophy. Travel, abroad. Education. Churches. The 9th house is responsible for our worldview, what we believe in. If the 9th house is expressed in the chart, a person can expand his horizons, either through travel or through knowledge.

10th house– career and all the highest achievements in life. Planets, as lords of houses, falling in the 10th house are very important. Those areas for which these planets are responsible will be significant in a person’s life; in these areas, a person will have ambitions and a great desire to be realized. For example, Venus is responsible for the 4th house and the 11th, is located in the 10th - a person really wants to have a comfortable and beautiful house, and social fulfillment is also important.

11th house- social status, friends, groups of like-minded people, patrons. Freedom, plans and dreams. With a pronounced 11th house, a person’s life most likely passes in plain sight, surrounded by large quantity of people. Such people often have many friends and acquaintances. Probably stubbornness in ideas and unwillingness to fetter one’s freedom.

12th house– solitude, charity, secrets, secrets, security institutions. When the 12th house is pronounced, there are many closed areas in a person’s life; even close people do not know everything about it. Such a person may find it difficult to express his feelings, especially if the Moon or Venus falls in the 12th house. Or it’s difficult to fully understand yourself if the Sun is in the 12th house. But on the other hand, he will be comfortable being alone with himself, he will always be able to occupy himself with something. And from time to time a person needs peace and solitude to restore his strength. He may get tired of socializing or when he often has to be in public. If the North Node is in the 12th house, then the person is destined to spend some time in life in solitude. This is not necessarily a prison or a hospital. Perhaps the person will live in a sparsely populated city or village. Or the person will simply be uncommunicative and withdrawn by nature, but this does not mean that the person experiences discomfort. After all, all self-restraints occur by the will of the person himself, and not by coercion. Perhaps others will not understand his lifestyle, and they may think of him as an unhappy person. Of course, if the 12th house is affected, there may be forced isolation, but illnesses will also occur if the 6th house is affected, and prison can be due to many other factors, even not related to the 12th house. To indicate imprisonment You need to look at human psychology first. In the charts of prisoners who have committed murder, the Sun is often afflicted by Pluto, Mars plus tense aspects Mercury and Pluto, Mars and Pluto, i.e. aspects of cruelty. Theft and fraud - afflicted by Mercury, especially by Mars - I take whatever I want, expressed by Lilith (in conjunction with the Sun, Mercury, on the cusp of the 4th house). Mercury was traditionally responsible for thieves. In prisoners, the ruler of the 4th house is often found in the 12th or 6th, pronounced 11th and 3rd houses. And if you find these instructions in your chart or the chart of your relatives, then for final conclusions - whether a person can end up in prison - check the stars in conjunction with personal planets and with the planets ruling angular houses, especially MC and Asc. If there are many negative stars, such as Algol, Etamine, Sinistra, Bellatrix, Aldebaran, Fegda, Mizar, etc. and plus other indications, then prison may be likely. Also, to clarify, you need to look at the degrees of the planets; it is better to use the Teboic calendar for this.

After we have figured out what the houses of the horoscope are responsible for, let’s move on to the event part.

Ruler of Asc and MC, look at what house they are in - characteristic of their nature or not, in the corner or not (whether a person is able to achieve a lot in life). , in which houses they are - these are the main areas in life.

In terms of events, according to the position in the houses, personal planets can be analyzed as follows:
Where the Sun and Leo are- important areas in a person’s life.
Where the Moon and the zodiac sign are Gemini– a lot of changes, instability of the situation. Where is the moon– a person rests there, he is drawn there subconsciously.
Where is Mercury– a person’s intellect is directed into this area, what his mind is occupied with.
Where Venus is- It’s nice to be there for a person.
Where is Mars– struggle, quarrels, conflicts, especially if affected. In what area is a person ready to invest his energy?
Where is Jupiter– expansion of opportunities, desire for self-realization through this area.
Where is Saturn– difficulties, delays, restrictions, in this area you need protection and reliability, with good aspects, success with age.
The sun for a woman is father, husband. For a man - a father. The moon for a woman - what kind of mother, wife she is, for a man - characterizes his mother, wife.

3. Aspects of the planets

The more intense the aspects, the more contradictory the personality will be and the more energy will need to be invested in achieving goals. But the motivation to action will be stronger. With very harmonious cards, it often happens that a person does not want to invest energy for self-realization; such a person may be characterized by laziness, and he does not want to develop his talents. It’s good when the birth chart has both harmonious and intense aspects.

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It is no secret to anyone who is interested in astrology that a person’s horoscope is informative and multifaceted. But from what direction should we approach interpretation and not drown in an ocean of different meanings? This article will give you a step-by-step guidehow to read a natal chart.

A typical mistake of astrologers

Often, even during a consultation with a practicing astrologer, you can receive the following set of interpretations: you have the Moon in Taurus - you love comfort, Tasty food, and Mars is in Leo - you are a proud person.

These interpretations may contradict each other. As a result, instead of understanding yourself, you end up with a mess in your head. And the astrologer looks at you with a mystical gaze, believing that you yourself should see the truth.

As they say, personality is a complex thing. For example, at work you are a strict boss, but at home you are a caring mother. Main skill astrologer - learn to synthesize different meanings horoscope, collect from one image of a person.

So, now let's find out how to read a person's natal chart, where to start.

Step No. 1. Elements and temperament

Before analyzing the planets and signs, determine the main and weak elements of the horoscope. The energies of air, fire, earth and water indicate the human temperament. The elements show the general background of the personality, against which the main events will already unfold.

Imagine that you are painting a picture. Sketches, first sketches are planets and signs. And the background, the background, is temperament.

Step #2. Sun, Moon and Ascendant

After we have determined the general background of the horoscope, we move on to analysis essential functions psyche and soul.

The sun is the core, the center of the personality, true meaning life, why did you come into the world. Astrological predictions in the magazine are based specifically on the sun sign. For example, the Sun is in Taurus - main meaning– beauty, matter, money, practicality and simplicity. , which makes the world full, the force that lifts you off the couch and brings you happiness and success.

The moon is the center of psychic energy, perception of the world, a point of internal comfort. Basic needs, the ability to change, the talent to adapt favorably to circumstances. Mom's image. – this is more than half of the information.
The Ascendant is how you appear in the universe. The physical body, how other people perceive you. Material embodiment of the spirit. shows social and earthly tasks.

  • Sun - I, personality, my true meaning
  • Moon - how the world is reflected in me, a point of comfort, needs
  • Asc is my physical embodiment

Step No. 3. Collecting card details

The next step is to supplement the psychological portrait with personal planets that show different functions and tasks.

  • Mercury – speech, thinking, communication, learning
  • Venus – eros, love, finances
  • Mars – activity, strength, ability to overcome obstacles

Mercury shows how you think, learn, and work with information. How you communicate, commercial skills, conducting household affairs. Logical or creative thinking.

Venus is a manifestation of love, feelings, a point of pleasure and attractiveness; a man has the image of his beloved woman. Significator of marriage. Pocket money, easy income and spending. Art, creativity in general.

Mars is a manifestation of aggression, a way of overcoming difficulties, problems, defending one’s positions, behavior in conflict situations, starting a business and activities in general.

In addition to the interpretation of the planet in the sign, do not forget about the aspects that make significant additions. For example, Mars in Aries is passionate, hot-tempered, hot-tempered. But the square from Saturn cools him down a little, giving him strategy and endurance.

Step #4: Identify Your Weak Points

Almost every horoscope has vulnerable points: afflicted planets, problematic Houses and tense aspects. And this often brings difficulties and misunderstandingshow to read a natal chart, when everything is fine in one place, but there is a problem in another.
The planet is affected if

  • there is a predominance of tense aspects
  • being in the sign of exile and fall
  • burning by the Sun
  • connection with Lilith, evil stars

Stressed areas of the map are the source of problems, blocks and sets that the native needs to work with.

Step 5. Event level

Houses or sectors of the map are responsible for the event level. In other words, the House shows where circumstances require the manifestation of one or another planet. For example, Mars in VIII - disputes over money.
To interpret, you need to evaluate

  • manager – is generally responsible for the affairs of a certain area of ​​​​life. Through what and how the House is realized.
  • cusp – gives a description
  • planets inside – strong positive or negative factors influencing the affairs of the House

Making synthesis

The natal chart has great value in the process of drawing up a horoscope. What is it and how is it decrypted? You can learn about this and much more from this material.

What is a natal chart

The natal chart is a map of birth specific person. This is a diagram on which the state of the Cosmos that existed at the time of the birth of a particular person is depicted in the form of symbols. In most cases, the natal chart contains images of the celestial sphere, as well as luminaries with planets oriented along the earth's horizon in a specific way.

To construct a natal birth chart, an astrology expert needs data about the time and place of birth of a person. As a rule, the place of birth is always known exactly, and the main difficulties may arise in determining the exact time of birth. Why do astrology experts make such high demands regarding the exact time of birth?

From the perspective of astrology, each time period is unique, and the birth charts of people who talk about personal characteristics and the fate of the subject. And the more reliably the time of birth is known, the more fully the natal chart reflects the human individuality of each person and the more detailed information can be obtained from it.

How to read a person's natal horoscope

Moment 1. Elements with temperament. Before analyzing planets with signs, the main and weak elements in the horoscope must be determined. You can learn about a person’s temperament by air, water, earth and fire energies. The elements will tell about the basic background of the individual, against which significant events will unfold.

To make it clearer, you can imagine that you began to create a painting. Then the planets with the signs of the Zodiac will personify the sketches and first drafts. And temperament will be manifested in the background.

Moment 2. Sun, Moon and Ascendant. After determining the main background of the horoscope, you can begin to analyze significant functions mental and spiritual components.

Sun is the core, personal center and true essence life for which a person is born in this world. It is the sun sign that has the strongest influence on astrological predictions. For example, the Sun, located in the sign of Taurus, symbolizes beauty, matter, finance, practicality and simplicity. The sun represents the force that makes the world complete, the force that makes you get up in the morning every day and brings happiness and success.

Moon acts as the center of mental energy, perception of the world, as well as a point of internal comfort. The moon influences a person's basic needs, how he changes, and also affects the ability to adapt to various life circumstances.

Ascendant– will tell about your manifestation in the Universe. Will tell you about the features physical body, as well as about the perception of you by others, the material embodiment of the soul. By analyzing the Ascendant, you can learn about the social and earthly tasks of the individual.

Moment 3. Collecting map details.

The next step will be to add to the psychological portrait of personal planets, from which one can obtain information about various functions and tasks:

  • Mercury - will tell you about your way of thinking, ability to learn, and working with the flow of information. He is also responsible for communication, commercial acumen, everyday issues, logic or creativity.
  • Venus is associated with the manifestation of love, the sensual sphere, is a point of pleasure and attractiveness, for men it symbolizes the image of his beloved. Acts as a signifier of marital relations. This also includes the area of ​​pocket money, easy income and spending, and also art and creativity.
  • Mars – personifies aggressive energy, a method of dealing with difficulties, problems, defending one’s life position and lines of behavior in conflicts. It will also tell you about the beginning of various things in general.

It must be remembered that in addition to the main characteristics of the planet in a sign, aspects that make significant additions to the existing characteristics are also of great importance. So, for example, Mars in Aries makes a person passionate, quick-tempered and hot-tempered. But the presence of a square from Saturn will help cool it down a little, make it more systematized and consistent.

Point 4. Definition problem areas . Almost any horoscope has its own weak points: affected planets, problematic Houses and various tense moments. Often this becomes the cause of difficulties and misunderstandings in the process of interpreting the natal horoscope, when in one issue everything turns out just fine, but in another – problems arise.

We can talk about the defeat of planets in the following cases:

  • tense aspects predominate;
  • are in signs of exile and fall;
  • burned by the Sun;
  • associated with Lilith and evil stars.

The presence of tense areas in the map provokes various problems, blocks and complexes that a person will be forced to cope with.

Moment 5. Event plan. Many people are wary of the process of deciphering the natal chart precisely because of the difficulties of transitioning to certain life events. Even astrologers with extensive experience are often confused at this point.

Responsibility for the plan of events lies with the Houses or sectors of the map. To explain it differently, the Houses will show where a person will need to influence one or another planet using certain circumstances. For example, the presence of Mars in the 8th house will tell about conflicts on material grounds.

To correctly interpret a horoscope, it is important to evaluate the following points:

  • manager - is generally responsible for a specific area.

life, through which the realization of the House occurs;

  • cusp – provides a characteristic;
  • planets in the internal plane will tell about powerful positive or negative factors that affect the state of affairs in the House.


  • the planet Venus and the 2nd and 8th Houses are responsible for the sphere of money and finance;
  • for career and work - the planets Jupiter and Saturn, as well as the 6th and 10th Houses;
  • the Moon and Venus, as well as the 4th, 5th and 7th Houses, are responsible for the love and family sphere;
  • for the sphere of health - the planets Moon and the Sun, and houses 1, 6 and 8;
  • the planet Mercury and the 3rd and 9th Houses are responsible for the ability to learn;
  • and issues of karma and mental self-improvement are under the responsibility of the planet Jupiter, the Lunar Nodes and the 1st house.

I would like to believe that now you understand how the natal chart should be deciphered. In conclusion, we offer you short plan according to which this procedure should take place:

  • First, temperament and the element of a person are determined;
  • then they analyze the Sun, Moon and Ascendant;
  • after this a psychological portrait is created;
  • Finally, diagnostics are performed weak points in the horoscope.

We hope that this article was informative for you and helped you obtain all the information you need about the natal chart. In any case, if you want to draw up your natal chart, we advise you to seek help from a professional astrologer. After all, only an expert will be able to find out all the features of your personality by carrying out calculations and drawing up the appropriate natal horoscope.

Natal chart (horoscope) - This astrological chart birth of a person built on a specific date, specific time and specific geographical place of his birth.

At the moment of human birth, each of the eight planets solar system (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) and two luminaries (Sun moon) are in one or another zodiac sign in one of the twelve (sectors in the horoscope resulting from the rotation of the Earth around its axis). Between the elements of the horoscope there are angular relationships (measured in degrees) called. The angular relationships between the planets (luminaries) and their position in the zodiac signs and horoscope houses mainly form the character of a person, and also determine his destiny.

In a person’s natal chart (horoscope), the planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) and luminaries (Sun, Moon) of the solar system are projected onto one plane, the center of rotation of which is the Earth (geocentric astrology). The Sun, Moon and personal planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars) are responsible for the personal subsystems of a person (ego, emotions, thinking, love + beauty, physical and sexual energy, respectively). The remaining planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) are considered social and modify the influence of personal planets through aspects with them and their positions in the houses of the horoscope. All planets fall into certain zodiac signs and (sectors resulting from the rotation of the Earth around its axis). The influence of houses in astrology is associated with the influence environment and society on a person in the process of his growth, education and development (accordingly, these are not innate, but acquired characteristics). The influence of zodiac signs, unlike the influence of houses, is innate and gives a person’s character innate characteristics and a certain type of temperament. The houses are counted from Ascendant- horizon points at the moment of a person’s birth and the beginning of the 1st house of the horoscope. The Ascendant describes a person’s personality (how he wants to show himself to other people) and in terms of the power of influence on a person is equal to the power of influence of the Sun and Moon. Horoscope point opposite to the Ascendantcalled Descendant. She is the beginning of the 7th house of the horoscope, which is responsible for partnerships and marriage. The Descendant and its ruler (the planet that rules the zodiac sign in which the Descendant is located) describe the sphere of a person’s relationships with other people and the sphere of marriage. All planets have certain angular positions between themselves (aspects) and the energies of the planets are modified by these aspects.

So, we have luminaries and planets located in Zodiac signs and houses and having aspects to each other (tense and harmonious). All this interacts with each other in a complex way and describes the character and temperament of a person, as well as his fate. The strongest elements of the horoscope in terms of influence are the Sun, Moon and Ascendant. The Sun is responsible for a person’s internal sense of self (ego), the Moon for emotions, and the Ascendant for personality (from the Old Russian word lychina, i.e. mask), which a person wants to demonstrate to others. Essentially, the Ascendant is the outer shell of a person’s personality, and the Sun and Moon are its contents. This three is the basis of a person’s character. It is believed (and quite reasonably) that in the Moon-Sun pair, the Moon is more manifested for children and women, and the Sun for men. The ascendant is equally strong in both men and women. It is by considering the position of the Ascendant, Sun and Moon, as well as aspects to these elements of the horoscope, that one must first begin to decipher the natal chart. This is the basis of the horoscope, onto which everything else is then built upon when considering the natal chart.

Interpretation of all elements of the natal chart individually and the relationship with each other helps to recreate a complete picture of the personality, character and possible future of a person.
Using these two links you can read samples of analysis by a professional astrologer of the natal chart of an adult and a child: and.
In addition to describing temperament, character traits, talents, strengths and weaknesses personality, as well as life spheres, to which are attracted Special attention the owner of the horoscope and in which he can achieve the greatest successes and achievements, long-term and short-term ones are made according to the natal chart. At this link you can read a sample astrological forecast on the topic

Decoding the symbols in the natal chart

In the outer circle of the natal chart there are 12 zodiac signs, the designations of which are as follows:

The inner and outer circle of the natal chart is divided into, each of which is responsible for a certain area of ​​a person’s life (personality, material wealth, close contacts, family, love, etc.) The beginning of the first house coincides with the Ascendant of the natal chart As (the opposite point is Ds , Descendant). Other important point cards - Midheaven MC (opposite point - Ic). The As-Ds and Mc-Ic lines represent the main energy axes of the natal chart, are the beginning of the most important houses (1-person, 4-family, 7-marriage, 10-career) and are very important in its interpretation.
