What to do when your hamster has diarrhea. What to do about a hamster with diarrhea. Endocrine pathologies, gastrointestinal diseases

Rodents can get sick various diseases. One of them is diarrhea. It would be nice if they could tell themselves what hurts them and what needs to be treated, but unfortunately this is impossible. Therefore, pet owners need to learn to see the problems of their pets and the symptoms of diseases themselves. When a pet starts to get sick, not every owner can help him. The main reason is that people simply don't know what to do. Let's figure out what to do if your hamster has diarrhea.

First you need to understand what causes diarrhea in rodents. To prevent in the future and know what to do now. If he has diarrhea from a certain food, then no treatment will help until you stop giving him the irritant. So if your hamster has diarrhea, let's find out why.

  1. Spoiled food. Never give him spoiled food. Even the one that seems to be just starting to spoil, but you can still eat it. If human body copes with it without visible difficulties, then the animal’s small body may not be able to withstand it. Keep the feeder clean. Sometimes there are leftovers of food that gradually spoil. The feeder must be cleaned and washed from time to time to avoid this situation. Also, pay attention that the rodent does not bring food into its pantry that can quickly spoil. If your hamster has diarrhea, then it’s worth checking the pantry, maybe the reason lies there. Some products began to spoil.
  2. Changing your diet. If, out of the blue, the rodent's diet has completely changed, its body may not accept it. Therefore, it needs to be changed gradually.
  3. Overfeeding. Perhaps you are simply overfeeding your animal. You can’t do this, no matter how much you love him.
  4. Wrong diet. If your hamster has diarrhea, you may be giving him foods that he cannot digest. Read the article: . There you will find a list of prohibited foods for rodents. It is possible that you added to daily diet Animals are those products that are recommended a maximum of 1 - 2 times a month. For example, they switched it to one green. He could also simply swallow something extra, for example while walking around the apartment.
  5. Disease . Diarrhea is serious symptom many diseases in hamsters. Among them there are those that can kill within 48 hours, for example Tizzer's disease. There are a lot of diseases, so we will list only a few of them:
  • Colibacillosis. Into the hamster severe exhaustion, the smell of excrement is very pungent. The rodent falls into apathy, lies still and refuses to eat.
  • Paralysis and pestilence. Such a disease is noticeable immediately. In addition to diarrhea, the animal frequent seizures, runny nose, festering eyes, matted fur, heavy breathing, coughing and vomiting.
  • Salmonellosis. The color of diarrhea is green-yellow, has strong smell. Bloating, critical temperature change. First, it quickly rises to 41 degrees, and then just as quickly falls below normal for these rodents. Within two days the hamster may die.
  • Enteritis. This disease is critical as only 10% of pets survive. Its symptoms: loose diarrhea and elevated temperature.
  • Wet tail. Main sign- diarrhea and wetness rear end animal. Often leads to the death of the pet.
Read also: .

We hope that your hamster is not sick after all. Since diarrhea can also occur due to stress, new food in the diet and stale or poor-quality water.

Symptoms of diarrhea in a hamster

  • Smell. If the process has already begun, you will notice a sharp, nasty odor. When the cage is in another room, the smell will be noticeable as soon as you enter there. During this time, the whole room can already absorb it well. This should draw your attention to the hamster. If you experience this symptom, your pet has a stomach disorder.
  • Grumbling in my stomach. When your attention is drawn to the first symptom, or when you unsuspectingly approach the cage, you may hear a strange sound. It comes from the pet's belly, corresponding to the grumbling. You might think that he is very hungry, but he is not. Most likely this is one of the symptoms of diarrhea in a hamster.
  • Feces. If cleaning the cage was not a difficult task before, now it is a disaster. There may be feces all over the cage. During diarrhea, the hamster can do its job several times more often. But the worst thing is that now these are not just balls of feces, but more watery, with a characteristic odor and a different color. Not a pleasant thing. In some cases, if you did not notice the onset of the disease in time, there may be blood in the stool.
  • Hamster humps. This animal sleeps soundly during the day. But as night falls, he becomes active. He is interested in everything and runs and explores everywhere. But if he hunches over and loses his former activity, this is a symptom of the disease. Most likely he is already feeling bad.
  • Hunger strike. The once active animal has now lost its cheerfulness and does not even want to eat. Rarely eats anything or nothing at all. We need to sound the alarm. Usually these creatures are voracious. Therefore, if your animal refuses to eat, this may be a symptom of diarrhea in a hamster.
  • Wool. It will have a characteristic color, like a wet reflection. In the area of ​​the butt, the fur will be untidy and dirty.
  • Behavior. In addition to loss of activity, he may lie in one place and do nothing. This symptom of diarrhea in a hamster is immediately visible, especially if you have played with it often before. Since he no longer has the appetite he used to have, he will quick loss weight.
    When you try to pick it up, there can be two options for behavior:

— The rodent will squeak and moan so as not to be touched. He just wants peace and every movement can cause him pain.
- The hamster will show indifference and act as if inanimate object. The rodent's body became soft to the touch.

If you notice symptoms of diarrhea in your hamster, treatment must be started immediately. Despite the fact that this disease does not seem to be as critical as we used to think. In rodents, diarrhea can be fatal. Common cause death is dehydration.

Hamster diseases are often incurable. But for a loving owner, this is not a reason to refuse help. If a doctor who knows the symptoms and treatment of major pet diseases cannot be found, the owner should do his own research. All processes in the body of tiny animals proceed rapidly, so the theory is studied in advance in order to have an idea of ​​​​what to do if the hamster gets sick.

Diseases are divided into two groups: contagious and non-contagious. The list of them is very extensive. But the symptoms can be similar for completely different diseases. The first task of the owner is to understand that something is wrong with the pet. A healthy animal is active and has a good appetite. The coat is dry, thick, shiny and smooth, the eyes are clear and clean.

How to tell if your hamster is sick:

  • appetite disturbances: complete or partial refusal of food, selective eating of food, increased thirst;
  • excessive drooling: wet fur on the chin, neck, chest;
  • diarrhea: traces of feces around the anus, wet fur on the back half of the body;
  • lacrimation or ;
  • breathing problems: discharge from the nostrils, sniffling, wheezing;
  • skin problems: dull coat, tangles, bald spots, wounds and flaking;
  • oppression: the hamster has become lethargic and inactive, lies all the time;
  • Problems nervous system: convulsions, loss of coordination;
  • unnatural formations on the body, swelling.

Any violation of the usual routine should be a cause for concern and a close examination of the animal. The owner can tell if the hamster is sick much earlier veterinarian, because I am familiar with his habits and characteristics.

Some infections are very dangerous and lead to the death of the animal in 1-2 days, others. Having little idea of ​​what ails hamsters, owners usually begin to worry if a rodent has bitten someone in the household. Whether it is worth worrying is a controversial issue: rabies vaccinations are not given afterward, but the wound needs to be treated with an antiseptic and remember about other diseases.

Lymphocytic choriomeningitis

Extremely rare viral disease, which is transmitted to humans. The source can be wild rodents - house mice. In adult hamsters the disease is asymptomatic, but in young animals damage is observed respiratory system and conjunctivitis (rarely - paralysis and convulsions). In humans, the virus affects the membranes of the brain, and in case of pregnancy it is extremely dangerous for the fetus. Related to this:

  • do not buy a hamster at the poultry market;
  • purchase a hamster over 3 months of age;
  • Do not get new rodents during pregnancy.

Due to the particular danger of lymphocytic choriomeningitis, many are interested in whether hamsters should be vaccinated. Rodents are not vaccinated against this disease or others.
Bacterial infections can affect various body systems: respiratory organs, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system.

Infectious gastroenteritis

It is assumed that rodents experience a stroke - a hemorrhage in the brain, but this cannot be reliably determined. Old hamsters experience partial paralysis and other neurological diseases. If an older hamster is shaking and trembling, this is warning sign– convulsions are not related to the temperature in the room and may occur.

IN separate group distinguish diseases of females and young animals associated with reproduction: pyometra, pathological birth, toxicosis of pregnancy.

Digestive disorder

With diarrhea, the fur around the anus is dirty, the hamster is lethargic and lies on its stomach. If the owner is sure that he is associated with feeding and not bacterial infection, you can start treating your hamster at home. All supplies are removed from the pantry, and the pet is prescribed a strict diet - no succulent food. Drink with an insulin syringe congee, which has fixing properties, chamomile decoction. A decoction of oak bark is good for normalizing stool during diarrhea.

If the pet does not get better within 24 hours, or there is a suspicion that the hamster has been poisoned, you should contact a veterinarian.


Because of bulging eyes Conjunctivitis is a very common disease in hamsters. Sometimes the eyelids become completely stuck together with pus. The owner should wash the eyes regularly saline solution or aqueous solution furatsilin, and then drip eye drops with an antibiotic (Floxal) 4 times a day.


In nature, hamsters live on plains, so they are undeservedly considered extremely stupid animals: they are not at all afraid of heights, and often get injured and mutilated. An apartment is not a suitable environment for a pet to walk. And if, out of ignorance, two hamsters live in a cage at once, injuries cannot be avoided. The home owner should always have something to treat a hamster's wound. An inexpensive and non-aggressive antiseptic for any skin damage and inflammation is chlorhexidine.


Information about the symptoms of diseases in rodents can help identify illness in time. If a hamster behaves strangely, this is already a reason to suspect something is wrong. In rodents, signs of the disease may not be obvious.

The sooner a sick hamster gets an appointment with a specialist, the greater his chances of getting better. You should not ask how to cure a hamster and why he got sick on the Internet. Although experienced hamster breeders often respond on forums, it will be much more useful to find out the contact information of a doctor who specializes in the treatment of rodents. Tiny animals get sick quickly and often die. Even the best ratologist will not be able to resuscitate a hamster that has been sick for several days and arrived at the appointment already in a state of agony.

Common Hamster Diseases

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Everyone knows that hamsters are very unpretentious pets. But also do not forget that, like any creature, a hamster can get sick and will need your help in treatment. What are the main ailments that the owner of these pets may encounter, why they occur, and how to recognize the disease on early stage and what to do, we’ll talk now. The video will help us understand some points in more detail.


What do healthy hamsters look like?

In principle, it is easy to distinguish a healthy hamster from a sick one. IN in good condition The animal has beautiful, shiny fur, smooth breathing without shortness of breath, and no discharge from the eyes or nose. The behavior of the animals is curious, playful, good appetite, mobile (if this is the time of wakefulness). It is also very important to assess the condition of the eyes; they should not only be clean, but also clear and shiny. Healthy hamsters have a dry nose.

How can you tell if your pet is sick?

If your pet is sick, he may experience the following changes:

  • apathy and lethargy;
  • no appetite;
  • the wool has become tangled, has lost its shine, is falling out or matted;
  • there is discharge from the eyes and nose;
  • pollution near anus;
  • constipation and gastrointestinal disorders;
  • severe nervousness and aggression of the animal;
  • temperature.

Since hamsters have a very fast metabolism, the first symptoms and signs of illness are immediately visible. At the same time, the deterioration of the condition also occurs quickly, which is why it is very important to provide timely assistance to the pet. necessary help and treatment.

Diseases that pet hamsters are susceptible to

"Wet Tail"

Wet tail is also a very common condition that affects Syrian hamsters. It got its name because of the main accompanying symptom– wet area of ​​fur around the anus. This is due to the fact that the disease causes very strong watery diarrhea often mixed with blood. The disease itself carries severe complications and is highly contagious. The most vulnerable to infection are animals aged 3 to 8 weeks, as well as those who have had severe stress or other infectious diseases.

In addition to the fact that the pet experiences severe diarrhea, the area near the anus gets dirty and wet, the hamster becomes very lethargic and apathetic. The animal stops eating and practically does not drink. However, this is precisely what causes the death of hamsters in most cases – dehydration. In just a couple of days, severe diarrhea can dehydrate the body by more than 70%, which can already lead to death. Upon recovery, it is acquired lifelong immunity, but there may be complications such as inflammation of the anal mucosa, rectal prolapse, intestinal obstruction, etc.

The animal must be treated under the supervision of a veterinarian, so when the first symptoms are detected, it is important to take the pet to the veterinary clinic. The treatment itself is difficult and is based on the administration of antibiotics, probiotics and combating dehydration. Quarantine and very strict hygiene are prescribed.


Dehydration is not an independent disease, but only a consequence of ailments associated with a sudden loss of moisture in the animal’s body. As we have already said, dehydration can occur as a result of severe diarrhea, due to elevated temperature and heat. At the same time, the animal’s breathing slows down, it becomes lethargic and weak, exhausted, and a very rapid death occurs.

You can check the degree of dehydration using one method: pull the hamster's fur up; if it remains standing and does not return to its previous position, then the loss of moisture is already high. If it is not caused by diarrhea, then you need to include vegetables with high content water, for example, cucumbers. In other cases, you need to make and forcefully give water with sugar and salt.


Improper feeding, too dry food and lack of moisture lead to constipation in hamsters. This is also a very common problem at home. It is quite difficult to notice its first manifestations, first of all, there is less litter in the cage, and what is small in size, very dense and dry, there may be slight moisture around the anus. Judging by its behavior, you can notice that the animal is stooping, takes certain poses, eats poorly, and squeaks.

You can treat it by including fiber in your diet, large quantity fruits and vegetables. You can also add a drop to the food vegetable oil. If no improvement is observed after 1-2 days, the pet should be shown to a veterinarian.

Hamster colds

Since hamsters are quite small animals, they are especially susceptible colds. The cage must not be placed near open windows, in the cold, in a draft. If you have a cold, your pet may experience sneezing, runny nose, and discharge from the eyes. In more serious cases, appetite is lost, the pet becomes lethargic, breathes heavily, has a fever and shakes. If you have a cold, you need to put the cage in a warm room, put a lot of bedding, and give the animal vitamins and fruits. With a minor cold, the symptoms of the disease disappear after 2-3 days.

If the cold is severe and the animal’s condition is serious, then you need to show it to the veterinarian. The fact is that colds often cause complications and your pet can get bronchitis or pneumonia. Give peace and provide good care And correct treatment hamster


As strange as it may sound, hamsters are also susceptible to allergies. As a rule, it occurs on certain foods, feed, sawdust and other bedding materials. At the same time, the hamster sneezes, rubs his nose all the time with his paw, itches, squeaks, and discharge appears from the nose and eyes. It is almost impossible to treat allergies, so what causes it is simply removed from the animal’s diet or environment. allergic reaction. In rare cases, you can give an injection for choking.

Baldness (molting)

Eye problems

Problems with the eyes, namely excessive tearing, mucus discharge, and clumping, can occur as a result of a cold, allergies, or eye infection. Here it is important to observe the progress of the disease. If the eyes are watery, the hamster is sneezing, or itching, then this is most likely an allergy. If the discharge from the eyes becomes mucous or purulent, it is an infection. You can cure only by knowing the cause of the disease.

For common colds and allergies, you can wipe your eyes with a cotton swab dipped in warm water. When treating an infection, the eyes should be treated special means or solution boric acid(1:1 water and acid). In particular severe cases a course of antibiotics may be required.


A fat hamster is a fairly common occurrence, and there is even a comparison when they say: “fat like a hamster.” However, the excessive fatness of these rodents leads to serious illnesses. For example, when animals are overweight, shortness of breath appears; when running, the animal breathes heavily, the pulse quickens, which leads to heavy load on the heart. That's why fat hamsters don't live long, because they the cardiovascular system experiences excessive stress. At the same time, it cannot be said that obesity is a disease, so there is no way to cure the animal; everything is solved gradually with the help physical activity and special diet.


A hamster may faint or have a concussion if it falls from a height. It is very dangerous if an animal falls from a height onto its side or stomach. In this case, it may damage internal organs. Fainting, loss of appetite, feces or urine with blood are all reasons to urgently contact a veterinarian. It is worth remembering that hamsters are nimble and curious, so during a walk you need to make sure that your pet does not fall from a height and get hurt. There is no need to make too high houses or ladders in the cage.

Diseases of hamsters transmitted to humans

Many infectious diseases hamsters are transmitted to humans. Therefore, their symptoms and methods of treatment are worth knowing especially well. Always, even if there is the slightest indisposition, the animal must be quarantined and strict hygiene must be observed. It is very difficult and almost impossible to cure them in hamsters on your own, so only strict control and the appointment of a veterinarian are used, and you also need to get vaccinated. As a rule, all of the following diseases are rare at home, but you still need to know their symptoms.

Particular attention should be paid to such an ailment as rabies, since it is very dangerous for humans and cannot be treated. A rabid hamster behaves strangely, aggressively, squeaks for no reason, chews itself or other relatives, causing an abscess. Rabid hamsters can bite if handled, so it is important to immediately notice any problems in your pet's condition and immediately contact a veterinarian. See the video below for more details.

In this video, epizootologist Evgenia Shilova will tell you why rabies is dangerous in hamsters and about known cases their diseases.

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Infectious diseases in hamsters, one of the symptoms of which is diarrhea (diarrhea), most often occur against a background of weakened immunity and improper care behind them in terms of hygiene. Therefore, before you buy a hamster, you need to learn the basics of care and nutrition.

In many cases, severe diarrhea in a hamster has unfavorable outcome. The reason is failure to contact a veterinarian for help in a timely manner. How often do owners bring their pets to the clinic already at late stages illness when practically nothing can be done.

Infectious diseases of this kind include:

  • Salmonellosis. An acute disease accompanied by severe diarrhea, With high level mortality. In conditions veterinary clinic deliver on time accurate diagnosis and even more so, it is difficult to treat hamsters, since sick animals die before the tests are ready.
  • Tizzer's disease. Bacterial disease accompanied by diarrhea and enteritis. Animals die from dehydration as a result of diarrhea two days after the onset of initial symptoms.
  • Colibacillosis (wet tail disease). The causative agent of the disease is constantly present in the normal intestinal flora, but as a result of stress, changes in food or other unfavorable factors, and mainly in young animals, the number of bacteria increases greatly.

So that you don't have to unsuccessfully treat your hamster for dangerous disease, it is important to pay serious attention to the hygiene of food, housing and walking, including monitoring the quality of food.


  • Fruits and vegetables, even from your own garden, must be thoroughly washed and dried with a towel. They must be fresh and dry!
  • The supplies in the nest should be checked regularly, removing stale pieces of food.
  • Before interacting with a hamster, you need to wash your hands with soap - do not forget that he constantly licks his coat thoroughly, and dirt and germs from your hands get into his intestines.
  • Wash the cage and change the litter at least once a month, and clean the toilet area daily.
  • Walking on the floor, and especially on the ground, should be excluded. Alas, in most cases, after such walks, it is too late to treat the hamster for enteritis and enterotoxemia.

When buying a hamster, you need to undergo quarantine; for some time the cage should not be in the same room with other animals. When communicating with your pets and caring for them (feeding, cleaning the cage, playing), you first need to pay attention to healthy animals, and then to quarantine animals and even more so to sick ones.

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I quote Elizaveta Volodina:

You buy enterofuril, smecta is only an auxiliary drug. Drink enterofuril 3 times a day, 3 drops (for a Syrian), 2 drops (for a dwarf). Smecta - 1/8 tsp. in 0.5 ml warm water 3-4 times a day, they lick it off the spoon themselves.
The third drug you will use is rehydron if you see dehydration.
Never remove dry food, it’s stressful and will only make the condition worse.

#8 Elizaveta Volodina 07.24.2016 17:40

In what dose should I give smecta? Vet. We don’t have a pharmacy. Bifitrilak is only sold in the pet store.

I quote Elizaveta Volodina:

Hello. Why don’t you write right away and self-medicate?
You need to be careful with vegetables and fruits. Don’t give bananas at all - they are entirely GMO, they come off green and take on the appearance of readiness during transportation, without ripening normally. What is Enterosgel for now? You need smecta, rehydron, veracol (vet.), you can enterofuril (in a regular pharmacy).

#6 Elizaveta Volodina 07.24.2016 17:06

Hello, the Doctor had to contact you again. Our hamster has diarrhea again. On Wednesday the wet tail was barely noticeable. Before this they gave me some banana. We immediately started giving enterosgel and Bifitrilak MK for animals. We give Enterosgel in the dosage you recommended last time. On Friday the tail was already clearly wet. They removed the dry food and put in rice boiled until gluten-free, and a chamomile decoction in the drinking bowl. Today the diarrhea is yellow. We have been giving Enterosgel for the fifth day now, and we are giving him rehydron for the third day. Please help, we are very worried. Syrian hamster 1 year 4 months.

More information

Hamsters have won a strong place in the homes and hearts of animal lovers. Fluffy animals have gained great popularity due to their unpretentiousness in food and friendliness. Despite all their advantages, the decision to have fluffy pet you need to approach it responsibly. The fact is that rodents are susceptible to many infectious diseases, which can lead to their death. Most pathologies manifest themselves in the fact that the hamster begins to have diarrhea, it becomes passive and refuses to eat. To provide your pet with quality care and long-lasting life cycle you need to know how to act in such a situation.

Possible provocateurs of diarrhea in rodents

Many pet owners dream of how good it would be if their pets could tell themselves what hurts, but, unfortunately, this is not possible. People need to learn to independently identify problems in the well-being of their pets.

Most often, poor quality food causes diarrhea in a hamster. Sometimes rodents eat spoiled foods or those that have already begun to deteriorate. If the human stomach is able to cope with food toxins, then the gastrointestinal tract of a small animal will face significant problems. It is very important to monitor your pet's feeder. If uneaten food remains in it, then over time it begins to rot. Once in the stomach of a rodent, such products cause fermentation, dysbacteriosis and intoxication.

Changes in diet also affect the well-being and cause diarrhea in the hamster. Natural food should be gradually introduced if the pet is on piece food, and vice versa, small amounts of piece food should be given if the animal previously ate exclusively natural products.

Overfeeding an animal also does not end well. The stomach is not able to quickly digest large volumes of food, and the intestines cannot remove them.

Among other reasons that could cause diarrhea in a rodent, I would like to note the following diseases:

  • Colibacillosis – characterized by pungent odor from pet feces, possibly white. The rodent refuses food and falls into apathy;
  • Paralysis - in addition to diarrhea, the hamster has convulsions, purulent eyes, a runny nose, and matted fur;
  • Salmonellosis can be recognized by green-yellow stool and critical temperature fluctuations. If assistance is not provided in a timely manner, the pet may die within two days;
  • Enteritis manifests itself in symptoms such as loose diarrhea in the hamster, bloating, depressed state of the rodent and heavy wheezing breathing;
  • The “wet tail” disease has one clear sign: in addition to diarrhea, the hamster has a wet back part of the animal. The pathology can rarely be cured.

In the case of a dietary disorder, the rodent can be saved without medical intervention. If you suspect your furry friend has salmonellosis, you cannot do without a veterinarian.

When a hamster has diarrhea, the owner can always help him and quickly eliminate the symptoms, the problem is that most people simply do not understand what to do. If you determine that your hamster has diarrhea, treatment should begin immediately. First of all, you need to remove healthy individuals who live together from the patient. Change the bedding in the cage and disinfect the drinking bowl and feeder. Change the water every 4 hours and add fresh food to the food.

The veterinarian will tell you in detail what to do if your hamster has diarrhea after examining the patient. If there is no qualified specialist nearby, and the hamster’s condition worsens, give him ½ tablet of Tetracycline in his drinking bowl. This is a potent antibiotic that actively resists different strains of bacteria.

If you are sure that diarrhea is caused by poisoning, it is necessary to remove toxins from the animal’s body. To do this, crush the tablet activated carbon and mix into the food. If the patient refuses food, use a syringe to inject a solution of tablets and water into his mouth. When the cause of the disease is the presence of worms, treatment should only be carried out by a doctor. The fact is that most drugs are toxic and the wrong dosage will kill the rodent faster than worms.

The reason that a hamster has diarrhea may also be a lack of vitamins and microelements. To restore your pet’s well-being, it is important to ensure that its diet constantly contains greens, nuts, seeds and fresh vegetables. It is from these products that the hamster takes everything it needs for its full existence. Having provided proper nutrition and proper care of your rodent, you will reduce the likelihood of developing gastrointestinal diseases, and your hamster will always be active and friendly.
