Fern on the street. Garden fern: photo, planting and care in open ground. Disembarkation and care

To fill shaded areas in the garden, for example, under the sloping crowns of trees or on the north side of buildings, the cultivation of certain plants is required. How to plant correctly and provide further care in open ground or in a flowerpot various varieties ferns known for their shade tolerance will be described in detail in the article.

Description of the crop, its known varieties and varieties

There are about 200 of these known in the world wonderful plants, most of which are inhabitants of tropical forests. If you look in general at the various types of ferns, you can note the following biological features plants:

  • Perennial herbaceous shrub.
  • Externally, a fern can look like either short grass or a rather impressive tree.
  • Under the ground there is a medium-sized creeping rhizome.
  • Above the surface is a dense stem consisting of wire tissue.
  • The crop does not have real leaves. The so-called fronds - primitive leaf plates - extend from the stem. Their formation occurs in the roots in the spring.

fern bush

  • Reproduction occurs with the help of spores located in the bulges Brown, clearly visible in the photo of the underside of the leaves.
  • Ferns make ideal plants for shady corners.
  • Planting is possible both in open ground and in flowerpots.

Attention! Growing heat-loving representatives in middle lane possible only in the room.

They thrive in open ground in temperate climates. the following types and varieties:

How to plant a plant and care for it

Although the plant is not a capricious plant, to obtain beautiful, lush bushes, certain requirements must be met.

  • The place in the open ground where planting will take place should be in the shade. In the sun, the plant withers and can quickly die.
  • The soil in the place of planned cultivation should be loose, since the roots of the plant are demanding of the presence of air.

Advice. If fern shoots are dug up in the forest, you need to take some soil from the same area and pour it into the planting hole.

  • Absolutely all varieties prefer moist soils. Therefore, caring for the plant should include abundant and frequent watering. At the same time, stagnation of water is unacceptable. Planting must be accompanied by good drainage. Mineral fertilizer can be added to the water for irrigation 2-3 times per season.

Fern spores

  • It is advisable to plant ferns in a flowerbed in open ground in the spring, as soon as the fronds begin to bloom. In warm weather, provided good care, the plant is taking root well.
  • Planting should take place immediately after digging up the shoot, so that the roots do not have time to dry out and the leaves wither.
  • The main care for ferns is timely watering. You especially need to monitor this in the first year after planting and during hot, dry periods.

It is very good if it is possible to mulch the soil under the plant with pine needles. This will keep the soil loose and moist, which will have a positive effect on strengthening the root system. Of course, maintenance includes regular removal of old or broken leaves. This will not only give the plant an aesthetic appearance, but will also contribute to the growth of new vines.

Varieties such as leaf and kochedednik are not particularly frost-resistant. For the winter they need to be covered with leaves or a small layer of peat.

Fertilizer, fertilizing, and methods of fern propagation

On fertile soils there is no need to feed ferns. It is best to apply fertilizer on depleted soil in advance, when preparing the flower bed in the fall. Organic will do mineral complexes containing nitrogen.

When planting a fern, you can pour a little peat into the hole, which will act as a fertilizer and soil loosener at the same time.

Gardeners propagate ferns using three methods:

  • separation of root suckers;
  • budding;
  • disputes.

Fern loves moist soils

The first method is the fastest and easiest. It is most often used for propagation of all varieties. The main thing here is good watering after separation of the shoot.

The second method is more labor-intensive and is suitable only for some species, for example, multi-row, which is capable of forming buds on the leaves. They are detached and germinated in damp moss. A fairly common method is reproduction by spores. They are collected by scraping from the leaf, dried and scattered over the surface of the substrate. Care consists of daily spraying. After a month, the spores germinate and next season the plants can be planted in the ground.

What plants do ferns combine with in the garden and what diseases and pests threaten them?

Thanks to the beauty of openwork leaves and bushes in general, ferns occupy a place of honor in the design of the site. Photos of such compositions turn out very natural and beautiful.

Attention! The rhizome of the fern quickly spreads across the area, so it is necessary to install limiters.

The combination of fern and arrowhead near the pond will give the area a special charm. In shady areas, you can place low varieties next to flowering creeping plants, such as periwinkle.

You don’t need to feed the fern

We can say that the combination of ferns in the garden is possible with any shade-tolerant plants:, etc.

The use of fern as an ornamental plant in landscape design becomes in Lately increasingly popular.

If you believe the legends, then the fern is a flowering plant with magical power, but in the real world of things it should be clarified that this crop does not produce seeds, since it does not bloom. It is primarily a deciduous plant.

Reproduction is mainly vegetative, that is, by parts of the plant’s body, but this process is quite long in time, so gardening experts prefer to propagate fern using its spores. Let's take a closer look at how to use fern for decorative purposes in landscape design.

The easiest way to have a beautiful front lawn

You've certainly seen the perfect lawn in a movie, on an alley, or perhaps on your neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that it is a huge amount of work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, and watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think this way; professionals have long known about the innovative product - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

Ancient legends tell of magical properties fern during its flowering period. It is believed that whoever is lucky enough to see a flower of this plant will definitely own enormous wealth. However, it is now known that ferns do not bloom. These plants reproduce by spores or rhizomes.

Almost all species grow in the shade and partial shade of the forest thicket, so it is very important to create such an environment in the area of ​​your garden where you plan to plant this plant. The plant will feel good on north side, the soil should be moderately moist. For better growth, loose soil with slightly acidic reactions is needed. For specific fern species, it is better to find out its preferences regarding soil characteristics.

Culture has special, unique features appearance, so the plant is quite popular among both landscape designers and gardening enthusiasts. Quite often these crops are used at home.

Due to the nature of propagation using rhizomes, these plants will easily spread throughout the area, which will undoubtedly decorate your garden, but you need to take into account some nuances. If you use ferns in decorative compositions, be careful about their growth rate. Due to the fact that they have long rhizomes and grow very quickly, there will soon be no room left for other plants. Ferns that have short rhizomes grow more steadily and maintain their size from year to year, but they, in turn, can be suppressed by more aggressive neighbors (for example, periwinkle).

Often these plants become a solution to the problem of bare stems of various shrubs. With the help of their wide leaves Ferns will help hide this defect in garden design.

The composition of fern and bergenia is original and very beautiful.

Do you want to equip an alpine slide and make it part of your landscape design? Some varieties of fern may come to your aid.

For such purposes, the adiantum stopiformum is ideal for you. If your garden is shady, then you can use a three-part multi-row to decorate the alpine slide.

In order to properly grow a crop, you need to add some secrets to your knowledge bank. Here are the basic techniques used when caring for plants in the garden:

  • It is best to plant ferns in early spring. Its feathery leaves are still collected in a snail. If the spring period is not suitable for you, you can plant the plant in the first half of September, when it stops actively growing;
  • For planting, the soil must be prepared in a special way (it must have good water drainage).
  • When you plant a plant, be sure to consider the size of an adult fern and its ability to grow. This is necessary to correctly determine the required distance between plantings. Large species It is better to plant at a distance of about 60 cm, medium-sized - about 40 cm, small - about 20 cm. For creeping species, use barriers.

In the photo below you can see how incredibly beautiful a fern garden can be:

Garden design benefits from the naturalness of its components, which is why it is wonderful that there are many varieties of ferns that you can choose from for your arrangements, depending on your needs and taste preferences.

In order to be able to enjoy the beauty of these unusual plants, it is necessary to acquire knowledge regarding them life cycle. This will allow you to become a garden design wizard. You can decorate your garden with an alpine slide, unusually elegant and beautiful.

Irises are a good “partner” for ferns.

These noble plants will help hide defects in your garden by covering them with their shady leaves, and the ability of ferns to quickly grow with the help of rhizomes will simplify the task of decorating a large area.

A fern can blend seamlessly into the design of a small pond. This composition looks very harmonious and at the same time chic.


There are a great many varieties of ferns. Enough a large number varieties suited the conditions of mid-latitudes. Among them are:

  1. Ostrich feather, the leaves of this species resemble the tail of an ostrich.
  2. Onokleya is sensitive, which is particularly elegant.
  3. Bracken. Has edible "snails".

The following types are also distinguished.


This is one of the most popular types. Often used as part of decorative elements for residential premises (phytowall, indoor rock garden, etc.). It has feathery, carved leaves that reach 70 cm in length. It feels comfortable at temperatures not lower than +16 degrees. Does not like direct sunlight. Requires frequent spraying and moderate watering.


The habitat of this species is the tropics. It has finely dissected leaves of a soft green hue. It reaches a length of no more than 50 cm. Requires bright light, but also does not like direct sunlight. Feels comfortable at an air temperature of at least +20 degrees. Otherwise, growth slows down. It is considered one of the most popular aquarium ferns.


Common ostrich, common ostrich, shield grass, multi-row, leaf grass, bracken - all these varieties belong to this species. These crops are easy to care for, have a bright, rich color and extraordinary leaves. They are winter-hardy and can withstand Russian weather conditions. Prefer moist, nutritious soil.


Can grow in different conditions, but does not like strong winds and cold weather. It feels very comfortable in subtropical forests - it can often be seen near lakes and swampy areas.


This perennial herbaceous crop can reach a height of 100 cm. The leaves are quite large, collected in a bunch. From July to August this species bears spores. Loves shady places.


This species can often be found in Northern Australia and South-East Asia. The leaves are long, finely dissected, bright green. It can grow up to 50 cm in height in favorable conditions. An air temperature of +25 degrees is optimal for this species. Reproduction occurs by the formation of small daughter plants on the mother's old leaves.

Reproduction of ferns using spores

At the beginning of the process of reproduction using spores, it is necessary to prepare a substrate in which they will grow. For these purposes, peat soil, brick chips, rotten crushed pine wood or, for example, extreme case, sand. If you want to avoid the possibility of germination of wild fern or moss spores, you need to steam this substrate. To solve this problem, there is another option to use fresh brick chips, scattered over the surface of the substrate in a thin layer, but the first method is the most effective.

Fern spores mainly form on the underside of its leaves. This characteristic feature for most types.

Sporangia, which are sporulation organs, should be visible on the leaves. In some cases, spores are formed only on leaves specially designed for this purpose, which stand out from others due to their unique structure. Such unusual species include “osmunda” and “ostrich feather”. Osmunda ripens spores the fastest. You can collect material of this species ready for propagation at the end of May. For other types characteristic period maturation of the spore is summer time(that is, three months of summer). There are species that are heat-loving, and therefore are reluctant to bear spores in cold places. These ferns include maidenhair.

If you observe brown spots on the underside of the leaf, then you can conclude that the spores are ripe for reproduction. It is best to collect them during wet weather, since under such conditions they do not dry out on their own.

To collect spores, take a sheet of paper, then place the fern leaf on the paper with the spores facing down. The leaf will need to be torn off. After this, leave the sheet in this position for a day. After a while, you can check for the presence of a brownish powder on your sheet of paper. These are the spores of the plant. If you haven’t found the powder after a day, then most likely it means you’re too late. There are no more spores on the plant leaf.

In some species, spores can be stored for a long time, but this does not mean that you should hesitate to plant them in the prepared substrate. It is better to immediately scatter the resulting powder evenly over the substrate.

To improve germination conditions, it is necessary to ensure the presence of a constant source of diffused light and constant high humidity. Humidity must be maintained by spraying.

Young plants that are going through the first season of their life are still fragile, so they need to be placed in a cool room, protected from frost.

Germinated spores require low light. For them, open sun is categorically harmful. It is not yet possible to open the glass with which you covered your crops. By at least, for a long time, because for the death of the entire crop, spending several minutes in dry room air may be sufficient. Be careful with this point.

The seedlings you get at the beginning of the spore germination process bear little resemblance to the adult crop species. They are very sensitive to the slightest signs of dryness, so it is useful for them to provide abundant watering. To do this, the bases of the shoots are watered with boiled water at room temperature.

Water should not stagnate, as fern sprouts do not like this.

If you plant the spores tightly, you will end up with mostly male plants. In order to avoid this outcome, you can thin out the growths from the edge with tweezers.

The process of fern development in the photo.

After fertilization of the germs has occurred, sporophytes begin to grow, from which spores are collected in the future. When they grow older, you should transplant them into new containers.

It is also recommended to keep sporophytes in a humid atmosphere for some time. To do this, you can cover the containers with glass or a plastic bag, as is the case with spore growths. It is necessary to provide more light for sporophytes than for shoots. Open sun is also contraindicated at this stage of development.

In June, you can plant your seedlings in the shade of trees, always under film, to create a greenhouse. Follow the rules of regular watering at this stage of plant growth. Fertilizers can be used to feed sprouts, but only in the form of a weak solution. Sufficiently developed plants can be left to winter outside. It is better to return the rest to a frost-resistant room.

The peculiarity of plants obtained from propagation by spores is the fact that you, most likely, will not be able to retain the features of the shape of the parent fern, but this method of propagation makes possible option selection different types. You can use various garden forms when sowing spores onto the substrate.

Having studied the characteristics of reproduction, you can conclude that this plant is very whimsical, but this is not so. Like all living things, it loves care. When you grow your own plants, starting with collecting and sowing the spores, if the results are positive, you will have a lot of fun in the process. Awareness of this feature adds great amount inspiration and creative power to achieve the most intricate design options.

Use the gifts of nature together with your imagination. Expand the boundaries of design and ultimately enjoy incredible and harmonious beauty. Be creative creators of the beauty of our world. All possibilities are in your hands.

The fern is one of the most beautiful garden plants. Planting and caring for ferns in the garden are concerns that fall on the shoulders of the gardener. First you need to figure out what conditions are necessary for the normal growth and development of a plant, how it can be grown, and what care involves. Taking into account all the subtleties and features, with the help of garden plantings you can significantly transform the landscape of your site.

Let's consider the types of plants that can be recommended for growing in the country or in the garden. Decorative ferns are used for the home, but for the garden it is worth choosing those species that are adapted to climatic conditions (frost, rainy weather, hot summer). At the same time, the choice of plants is quite large.

The most common types include asplenium. Most of ferns are thermophilic. However, there are varieties that are able to tolerate the climatic conditions of winter in the middle zone. To form rosettes of leaves, plants are planted in partial shade, which will ensure that they remain decorative from the beginning of spring until the first snow.

It is also worth considering the low-growing woodsia, which belongs to medium-sized garden ferns. This plant naturally grows on rock ledges. Its crown can reach a height of 20 cm depending on the species. It can grow in one place for about 30 years.

A fern such as kochedednik forms a dense bush, reaching a height of 1 m. The plant has one feature - it constantly forms new foliage.

One of the most common plants of this type is bracken. It can be grown in the middle zone to decorate the garden plot. After planting, the plant grows quite quickly. To prevent the crop from growing beyond the boundaries of the area where it was planted, it is necessary to take appropriate fencing measures.

Planting and growing spores

There are several ways to plant ferns in your area:

  • purchase seedlings in a specialized store;
  • grow it yourself from spores;
  • bring bushes from the forest.

You can also purchase spores in a store or collect them yourself, especially since there is nothing complicated about it. Most varieties are characterized by the formation of spores on back side leaves. In order to collect spores, place a piece of cloth or a plastic bag under a plant leaf, after which the leaf must be carefully scraped with a knife. The resulting mass is dried for a week. Next, the yellow particles are separated from the debris and large particles. They are the spores of the fern.

The best time for planting is considered to be the beginning of spring. But you can sow at any other time of the year. To grow seedlings, prepare a soil mixture of peat and soil. Depending on the fern variety, you can add additional components, for example, chalk. Before sowing spores, the soil is disinfected and warmed. Suitable flat containers are filled with soil and spores are poured on top. To create optimal conditions, the container is covered with a transparent film and placed where the temperature will be maintained at +23-25˚C. During this period, there is no need to moisten the soil.

After 2 weeks, a greenish coating will appear, which will indicate spore germination. If the coating is too thick, a pick is made. The optimal spore size is considered to be 1*1 cm. When the spore diameter reaches 5-6 cm, spraying is carried out warm water. Further moisturizing is carried out once a week. After 7-10 days, young fern leaves should appear. At first they do not look much like fronds (fern shoots), but gradually the shoots will grow. In the future, you will need to perform another diving procedure.

When the leaves reach a height of 8 cm, you will need to remove the film from the container for 3-5 minutes a day. Gradually the time interval needs to be increased. Spraying is also done more often, up to 3 times a week. As one might understand, planting ferns with spores is a fairly lengthy process and requires some attention. It is worth knowing about these nuances in advance. Plants can be planted in open ground in May.

Root separation and budding

Above we looked at how to plant ferns from spores. If this method seems labor-intensive, you can grow plants by separating the roots and budding. Let's consider these methods in more detail. To separate the roots of a fern, you need to find a healthy and mature plant in the place where it grows. There should be no damaged or dry leaves on it. Rosettes are separated near the root, and the separated part is planted in a prepared place in your garden within 24 hours. When removing a plant from the ground, you do not need to shake off the soil. For better survival, keep as large a lump of earth as possible. To avoid moisture evaporation during transportation, it is necessary to cover root system moss

As for budding, it is carried out at the end of the summer or in the fall. For the procedure, you need to find a bush at the end of August, bend the developed leaves to the ground and sprinkle them with a 1-1.5 cm layer of soil. In this case, you need to be careful not to cover the main vein. Next year in the spring several young sprouts will grow in this place. They are separated from the branch and transplanted to permanent place Location on.

Disembarkation and care

In order for a culture to feel as comfortable as possible, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for it. Where do ferns grow? Optimal place are shaded areas in the garden, under trees, near ponds. Depending on the group of plants, it is possible to plant them in sunny areas, but at the same time they are provided with timely watering to create comfortable conditions. These ferns include the Male Shield Fern and the Female Kochedyk Fern. As a rule, planting is done in the spring. The soil should be loose and moisture-permeable. The planting depth should be no less than the lump of earth with which the ferns are planted on the site. Be sure to add a layer of drainage, which can be used as river sand. It will prevent stagnation of water and rotting of roots. The root system must be straightened and covered with soil. After which the soil is carefully compacted.

When planting, it is recommended to apply some fertilizer. To do this, you can use sand, compost, peat or humus in equal proportions. How to care for shrubs? In the future, they resort to fertilizing with universal fertilizers for garden plants. The planted fern is fed once a month from May to June. It is not recommended to apply fertilizer more often than once every 3 weeks. It is necessary to monitor soil moisture. It is especially worth paying attention to humidity in the first week after planting plants from the forest. Both excessive waterlogging and drying out of the soil should be avoided. Excessive moisture will simply destroy the root system. Depending on what types of ferns are grown on the site, they may need to be covered for the winter (peat, fir branches, fallen leaves) or additional care.

There are no strict distances when planting plants. The main thing is to consider what size they will be when they grow up. If you plan to plant ferns belonging to giant species, then the distance between the holes should be at least 30-60 cm. The main goal is to ensure that the plants do not interfere with each other during the development process. For ferns with an extensive root system, large areas are provided so as not to interfere with other plants. It is recommended to thin out the bushes every few years. If you follow these simple tips for planting, growing and caring for crops, garden ferns will delight you with their beauty for decades.

A plant such as fern is familiar to many people precisely because of the legend according to which it blooms only once a year. We cannot vouch for its magical properties, but it is not short of beauty - garden fern can decorate many landscapes. Planting and care will already fall on the shoulders of the summer resident, and it’s worth talking about all the intricacies of these events in more detail.

Ferns can be classified as the most ancient plants, which are perfectly preserved and, perhaps, still for a long time will make people happy. But no one could observe the flowering during all this time - in any case, no official confirmation was given. This, however, does not prevent it from occupying places in gardens and plots, complementing the landscape and being an excellent decorative element. But there are more than 10 thousand of them! It is not surprising that every summer resident could choose absolutely any specimen for himself.


An important aspect that precedes the planting itself is the choice of an appropriate place for the fern. The best will be considered any darkened areas, as well as not too heavy and well-moistened soils. The combination of these two qualities will be simply ideal for excellent growth. But sunny meadows are completely unsuitable for ferns. Planted in such places, they not only do not grow to the stated size for their species, but will also be very weak. Pay due attention to this, since a correctly selected place, planting ferns in the country in accordance with the rules, complemented by proper care, will allow you to grow a large plant.
It will not require a large amount of fertilizer, so if there are areas of land at your dacha in which other flowers do not take root at all, you can safely plant a fern there. There is no optimal landing distance that would be strict. In each case, it is important to be guided only by the size to which it will grow. If it belongs to the giant species, then it is rational to maintain at least 30 cm of distance between each hole intended for planting. If necessary, this figure can be increased or decreased. It is only important that no other plant interferes with its development and growth. For those individuals that have extensive roots, it is better to immediately provide a large enough area so that it does not become a hindrance for other flowers. Or, already at the planting stage, provide artificial limiters for root growth. They can be decorated to look like a regular fence.

Some summer residents, for whom planting a fern in the fall is also not difficult, recommend placing the pot with it in water before immersing the rhizome in the hole. As soon as air bubbles stop rising, you can pull out the roots and start planting. By the way, the planting hole will also need to be pre-moistened.
It is important to always ensure that when planting on the rhizome, there remains a certain amount of soil in which the plant grew before. This could be either potted soil or forest soil if the fern was dug up there. This is necessary so that the plant quickly takes root in a new place and ensures that the petals do not fade.

When immersing the root into a hole, it is better not to touch the fronds (leaves) at all. They are very easy to damage, which can affect the decorativeness of ferns. After the roots are straightened in the hole, you can cover them with soil and water them with settled water.
By the way, if some gardeners are suddenly late with the spring planting of fern roots, then do not be upset. Buy potted plants - they can be planted throughout the year.


Many gardeners wonder what is the best way to plant ferns in the country. After all, it reproduces in three main ways:

  1. Dividing the bush. The simplest method, compared, for example, with planting spores. It involves simple separation of the bulbs and their subsequent planting along a pre-prepared perimeter. It is best to carry out work on dividing the bush in the spring. After this, you can immediately begin planting. If you store the bush, divided in advance, over the winter, then some specimens will not survive the storage period;
  2. Rhizome whiskers. Not every type of fern can be planted in this way, since not all ferns grow tendrils. For example, in the heart-leaved nephrolepis they look like above-ground shoots spreading along the soil. If you bury them in the ground and carry them out intensively, you can soon get a new plant;
  3. Brood buds (spores). This method can be considered perhaps the most labor-intensive and least productive. For planting it will be necessary to separate from upper parts leaves, place on peat soil or moss and moisten daily. Immediately after this, it is important to cover each spore with a jar and put it in any warm place. Soon the “babies” will take root and after a month they can be planted as a full-fledged plant.

Growing seedlings

In order to understand how different the methods of cultivation are by dividing or buying ready-made rhizomes and germinating spores yourself, you need to consider all aspects of this action.
Those seeds that have been previously grown to a certain size take root best in open ground. Seedlings grow best in a mixture of ordinary soil and peat - from which they take everything necessary substances, which are important for primary growth and for the development of a strong root system. In addition, additional fertilizer can be added to each box intended for a particular variety. For some types of ferns, chalk is suitable, for others - compost, and for others - nitrogen or some other fertilizer. As a rule, each package of a certain variety will contain fertilizers suitable for this purpose. But if the spores were collected independently, then it is better not to add anything at all. It is unknown how the plant will react to this if its species is unknown.

Before sowing the spores in a prepared container with soil, it is best to thoroughly disinfect the latter. You only need to plant in warm soil! To do this, you can place the dishes with it on water bath and warm it up a bit. When planting, it is better not to deepen the seeds, but just sprinkle them a little on top. The entire container must be covered on top with polyethylene material, and then installed on the windowsill. Watering should only be done when the soil begins to dry out, but it is still not worth keeping it excessively wet all the time. After a couple of weeks, a greenish coating can be detected on the ground. There is no need to get rid of it, since this is exactly what sprouted spores look like. The only thing that may be required at this stage is picking. The most optimal distance between each spore will be 1x1 cm.
After they have germinated and increased by about 6 cm, you can start spraying them using a spray bottle with warm water. This procedure must be repeated weekly. Petals in this case appear on about 10 days. Since they will constantly grow, it will be necessary to carry out picking regularly.

You need to remove the film from the container only after the stems have become stronger and reached about 8 cm in size. But after a few minutes they will need to be covered again. Such ventilation should be regular. At the same time, the spraying procedure increases to 3 per week.
The method of germinating spores is indeed quite long. And when choosing such a method, you may additionally need special knowledge. That is why it is recommended for gardeners, especially beginners, to choose a different method of planting ferns.


The garden fern, planting and caring for which is quite easy even for a novice gardener, is one of the most unpretentious plants. In addition to abundant watering, the process of caring for it will include, for example, creating mulch. It is especially important to do it in the fall in order to provide good natural protection both from the cold and from various pests. But at the same time, in the spring there is no need to rush to remove last year’s mulch. The leaves used in its creation will become a good fertilizer for ferns. There is no need to worry that young shoots will not be able to break through the cover of them. After all, it has been proven that the weak-looking young stems of this plant easily penetrate even through asphalt.

Ferns, as a rule, do not need pruning even in autumn and spring periods. Why? Leaves, covering the ground, create additional protection. By spring, they will have completely dried out and will become the same fertilizer as those that were used as mulch. It will be necessary to trim off broken shoots or those that have been affected, for example, by some kind of disease, so that it does not spread further.
Feeding with fertilizers is an optional activity, but it is important in order to provide the plant with the necessary substances and thus help good growth. It is best to apply various fertilizers in early spring, at a time when shoots are just beginning to emerge. Moreover, they tolerate both inorganic and organic types of fertilizers equally well. Be sure to keep an eye on how it grows. If signs of wilting, yellowing or drying of the leaves appear, there is no need to rush to immediately replant the plant. Perhaps he just doesn't have enough in his new place nutrients. In this case, purchase any mineral fertilizer (preferably the liquid type) and apply it to the soil when watering.

During dry periods, it is best to increase watering rates. In this way it will be possible to prevent the leaves from wilting. Additionally, loosening can be carried out. This measure is also not considered mandatory. For loosening it is better to use special devices, but still you should not deepen them too much. As mentioned above, ferns have a huge root system, and therefore there is a risk of damaging them.
Only some varieties that are not resistant to frost need to be covered for the winter. For example, these include heat-loving species such as shield grass and holocacrid. This measure may also be required in areas characterized by long harsh winters. Peat and dry leaves are suitable as covering materials. As a rule, this is enough. But if you are very concerned about the safety of a plant that is not frost-resistant, then cover it with additional film on top, cover it again with leaves or add spruce branches.

Fern is the oldest perennial from the Osmundaceae family. There are a huge number of varieties of this plant. It is grown both at home and in gardens, and in nature it grows in forests on Far East, in Korea and in China. Today we will talk specifically about garden fern, because gardeners like this plant, and they are increasingly using it in landscape design. So, we will discuss garden fern - planting and care. How to feed perennials growing in the garden? Read on to find out the answers.

In the photo there is a fern

Brief characteristics of the plant

Externally, all ferns (photo) are somewhat similar to the wings of a huge bird. In nature, both giant and dwarf varieties of this perennial are found. Interestingly, this crop does not have leaves as such. In fact, what people used to call fern leaves are called fronds. They are formed in the roots of the plant from the buds and are part of the stem system. On the fronds, on the reverse side, spores are formed - these are nothing more than fern seeds. The plant is completely unpretentious, but very decorative, for which gardeners and flower growers value it. How to plant it in the garden? “Popular about health” will tell you right now about all the intricacies and rules of planting.

Planting garden fern

If you have a fern growing nearby, for example, in the forest or with your neighbors, you can take a daughter rosette from the mother bush; if not, then buy a seedling from any agricultural company. Pay attention to the green part of the plant - there should be no signs of wilting or yellow spots.

Which location should I choose to plant this perennial? A shady place, for example, near the northern wall of a house or under a spreading tree, is best suited. Eastern guest does not like the wind at all, this also needs to be taken into account when deciding on the location of the plant. It is important to note that this crop grows quite quickly, occupying the area nearby, like a weed. Therefore, you need to take care to limit the space where the fern will grow. This can be done using slate or other material.

Ferns prefer light, acidified soil with good breathability. They do not live on heavy and viscous soil, as the roots begin to rot. You can prepare the ideal soil composition yourself. Take one part of peat, the same amount of garden soil and sand. By combining these components, you will get a mixture that your new garden dweller will definitely appreciate.

Dig holes based on the size of the seedling's root. The pit should be twice as large in both width and depth. Pour sand onto its bottom, and then lay a layer of prepared soil mixture. Place the seedling rosette in the hole and cover with soil. Use your hands to compact the soil a little and water the plant. It is advisable to immediately mulch the planting site. Peat or spruce needles are suitable as mulch. What care does this plant need?

How to care for ferns in the garden?

This culture is not capricious, so minimal care is needed for the fern. However, we should not forget that the plant is moisture-loving, and it experiences a special need for moisture in at a young age. Water the seedling more often, and if the weather is hot, use spraying.

Young plants need weeding and loosening of the soil. If you laid a mulch layer when planting, then you won’t have to do this often. Periodically, old plants need to be renewed. This is done once every 2-3 years in the spring. Upgrading involves removing old or damaged outlets. If you plan to propagate the bushes, then at this time it makes sense to separate the new rosettes and plant them elsewhere in the garden to create fern thickets.

How does this plant cope with winter? It all depends on the type of fern. Some species are able to survive severe frosts without shelter, others cannot. Information about the frost resistance of a crop can be obtained when purchasing a seedling. If you took a seedling from the forest, then you don’t have to worry - this plant is adapted to local conditions and you don’t have to cover it.

How to feed a fern?

In fact, most fern plants do not need fertilizing at all. They grow like weeds. However, on gardening forums you can find statements that some gardeners note better growth and decorativeness of a crop if it is occasionally pampered with fertilizers. Users share their experience of applying both organic and mineral fertilizers, and they claim that the crop responds well to both fertilizers. The main thing is not to overdo it - you don’t need to overfeed the plants, but only introduce a maintenance dose from time to time (once a month).

As you can see, care cannot be called burdensome. The plant grows on its own, getting by with little attention from the gardener, but with what gratitude the plant responds for this care. Unusual green “wings” look picturesque near artificial reservoirs, in rockeries, along paths and walls. With their help, you can create truly amazing landscapes on your site. If you love exotic things, but do not have the opportunity to spend hours working in the garden, pay attention to this unpretentious crop.
