New Year's scenarios for congratulations of departments. New Year's game "Hat Analysis". Break for dancing

Autumn is already an occasion to think about what your New Year's corporate party 2017 will be like. The coming year will be marked by a rooster, so there are a lot of ideas for reflection and creativity. We collected many of them in one place and we got new scenario New Year's corporate party 2017 is the year of the rooster. cool script, interesting ideas and a lot of laughter at your holiday. You will never forget such a new year. So watch and use the material.

Friends! This is how 2016 ends. a rooster is already standing on the threshold and waiting for 2017 to rule. Are you ready to meet him?
How many good things happened in the past year. Let's remember everything that was good?
(guests remember and answer)
Yes, so many good things. But I am sure that the best of everyone is yet to come. Perhaps already in the new year, perhaps after some time.
I want to start our holiday today with the following rhyme:

I suggest not putting the matter in a box. And start having fun right away. And for starters, here is such a fun dance game.

Dance game.

The players leave. Everyone gets their role: chicken, cat, dog, sheep, goat, cow, tractor and others (watch the video).
When all the roles are distributed, then show everyone your movement. They repeat it and remember it. Then play a song or video and have the members dance their moves as the songs are sung over them.
See an example of the game in the video:

Excellent! We warmed up. And we can keep playing. We danced, and now can we sing?

Competition - let's sing ?!
Participants required for the competition: 5 people. They will sing new year song- The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree.
But you just need to sing it in a special way. The first sings in rock style. The second one is rap. The third is in the style of chanson, the fourth is in the style of opera, and the fifth is in the style of a Russian folk song. After the other guests choose the winner.

2017 is already on the doorstep. We found out that this will be the year of the rooster. I invite 18 people to the stage, and they need to make two teams of 9 people each.

Rebuild game.
And so, two teams of 9 people. Each team has 9 nameplates. From these letters you can make a phrase: YEAR OF THE COCK.
The facilitator asks a question, and the teams must guess the answer. And make a word. Who will cope with the task, he receives one point.
Sample questions for the game:

The outgoing 2016 was the year of Russian cinema. Do you love cinema? Do you often go to cinemas? So you can easily cope with the next task.

Game - guess the movie.
In this video contest, guests guess films and series. A still frame from a movie or series appears on the screen, and the guests give their answers. But not everything is so simple: the faces of the actors are hidden behind masks! When everyone has given their options, the next frame appears, where there are no more masks. And everyone sees the name of the movie. Who can answer the most correctly. He receives a prize - a collection of films about the new year.

Now let's scream a little! And our chant will help us in this. I read the first three lines, and you all together the last: we will celebrate the year of the rooster!


And now I ask everyone who was born under the year of the rooster to come up to my stage.

Comic game block - who was born under the year of the rooster?
Those are on the stage. Who was born under the year of the rooster. The facilitator invites them to remember which of the famous people also born under this sign. Then the leader says:
- and also following people also born under the year of the rooster: Alexander Suvorov, Socrates and Elton John! And if so, then let's play these great people.
First, the participants must play Suvorov. They are blindfolded, a picture of a rooster without a tail is attached to the wall. Participants are given a tail in their hands, which must be attached to the rooster.
Next we play Socrates. This is a great orator, his speeches were listened to for hours on end. Therefore, each participant must say a toast that will be listened to and listened to, listened to and listened to ... in general, you just need to say a beautiful toast in honor of the new year.
And finally, we play Elton John! Stop, don't be upset, we play differently. each participant must perform any New Year's song in the style of Elton John.

After all the tests, we give the participants memorable gifts in honor of their year.

Answer me a question - have you already drunk a lot? Then you can go to the intellectual game!

Intellectual game - what came first?
Everyone knows that there is still a debate about which came first: the egg or the chicken. We call the participants to the stage, and they take turns offering their arguments in favor of one version or another. The funnier the version, the more chances to win. Whoever is the funniest wins.

And now I propose to raise glasses and meet the new year under the chiming clock! Happy New Year!

Anya Rudenko
The scenario of the New Year's corporate party in the preschool educational institution for employees

Scenario New Year's Corporate Party« Corporate - casting»

Everyone sits down at the tables and the party begins.

Cheerful music sounds and two presenters come out.

Vedas 1: Good evening, dear colleagues! We welcome you to our wonderful New Year's Hall, and we hope that our evening will be a real holiday for everyone and will be remembered by you all year long!

Vedas 2: Good evening, dear friends! And our evening is really good, look at each other, how many kind and bright smiles, how much joy in the eyes, high spirits and, of course, the anticipation of a miracle that will certainly happen. How else, because today new Year's Eve when you can forget problems and sorrows and plunge into New Year's fairy tale.

Vedas 1: We all waited a whole year

When the new year comes to us,

Everyone is tired of work

We all want holidays.

Vedas 2: Already tortured reports,

The authorities need something from us,

I so want to wave my hand

And wave a glass of vodka!

Vedas 1: You colleagues do not bay

If you want a holiday

You will have a holiday now

Oh, tell me what time is it?

Vedas 2: The work day is almost over,

Six, you know, it's already o'clock,

We set the table "delicious" very,

It would be time to sit down.

Vedas 1: You came to us today,

We will have fun with you

I wish all my friends

Smile and drink!

Vedas 2: The most important first toast,

Our leader will say

He brought us gifts

The most important leader!

Vedas 1: The floor is given to the head of our kindergarten Murzikova Lyudmila Pavlovna, let's greet her all together.

Solemn music sounds and the manager comes out.

Vedas 2: TOAST

Fill the container with reagent

And let's drink to corporate!

For a powerful team!

For the office gang!

For free parking!

For great dexterity!

Let the internet fly!

Let's drink a glass too!

So that the stapler is not naughty!

To keep the printer alive

Scanner, air conditioner, computer

Added comfort to us!

So that the boss knows for sure

I always got up from that foot!

Let the fly that bites

Flies past the boss

Guests pour glasses and have a snack.

Cheerful music is playing at this time, a chic woman enters the door - the director, who has just rested in the Maldives and quickly goes to the host.

woman director: "Wait a minute, gentlemen! I beg your pardon, I was a little late, traffic jams ".

Presenter1: (looks at him in disbelief): “Who are you, exactly?”

woman director (loud whisper): “Oriental symbol was ordered for the New Year, congratulations to the team? Get it and sign it." He takes out a bill of lading from his pocket and hands it to the girl.

presenter (looking the stranger up and down): “Yeah, but we thought…”

woman director: “A real bird will fly in, with luxurious plumage, a scarlet crest, a magnificent tail, and will read a solemn speech to you, I beg your pardon, crow. Roosters, you know, are not parrots, they don't know how to talk. Well, just like children, honestly! Turning to present: “Let me introduce myself, I am the director of the most famous movie. I came to you here today in order to choose the main character of my most famous Russian bestseller ___ Please love and favor.

Presenter 1: “Well, we just got together, we didn’t raise our glasses even once, we didn’t have time to try salads. We have a long New Years corporate party the program is extensive.

woman director: “Beautiful, sweet, good, I have no time to drink, have a snack, I have a busy schedule, until mid-January - continuous New Years corporate party where to sit here. I sleep 4 hours a day and dream ... "

Presenter 1: "About what, if not a secret?"

woman director: “Find an assistant for yourself, a nimble or pretty, efficient assistant. Together we would have ripened everywhere, not a single one was missed from the list New Years corporate party. Idea! And let's arrange a casting, like in a movie or on television. I see there are many suitable candidates in the hall. Well, how? Do you agree? Don't be shy, it will be interesting."

Presenter 1: “Tempting offer. How are the tests going to be?

woman director: “And the casting will take place as follows. Since this past year was the year of cinema for us, then the auditions for leading role films will be held in our hall. And I will look at our applicants and choose the most wonderful actress.”

Vedas 1: Well, dear director, we will help you with this, we will arrange a screen test on our site. So we start.

Vedas 2: Acting art is first of all the art of action. A real actor can show a whole performance without any improvised means. Our participants now also have to try to do it. I invite our participants to audition for the main role.

Groups No. 1,11,12 come out to perform.

woman director A: Yes, it was great. I think that I did the right thing by coming here, and here I will definitely choose the main character of my movie.

Vedas 1: toast

Let's drink to brilliant success

For a friendly and close-knit team,

So that we do not get nuts,

For a grand influx of money!

Over the weekend, minimum sick leave,

For the prospects for the coming year,

Let new everything will be unusual,

And with each miracle, let it happen!

Vedas 2: Well, while you drink and eat, let's open our New Year's lottery.

Vedas 1: Every real artist should be able to dance, and dance in different styles. He must quickly and skillfully respond to the sounding music and skillfully rebuild depending on the soundtrack. I invite the following participants to our screen tests.

Groups No. 2,3,4 come out to perform.

Vedas 2: It can be difficult to play emotions, especially when our participants need to do it for a screen test, everyone is worried, the voice is trembling, but a real actor needs to be able to do this too. I invite the following participants to our screen tests.

Groups No. 10,8,9 come out to perform.

Vedas 1: Dear, our director, our participants are tired, let's sit down and rest a bit, and you still think about who is better suited for not the main role of your film.

Vedas 2: Well, we continue our holiday despite our participation in screen tests, for the fight for the main role. As the famous said, but unfortunately

The untimely departed showman Roman Trachtenberg: "My life is boring until the first hundred grams appear in it!". And as Nikita Mikhalkov said in famous movie"Station for two". "One hundred grams is not a stop-cock, pull it - you won't stop!". So let's keep pushing….

(who considers it necessary how much! Everyone has their own norm) so that no one and nothing could stop us on this festive evening.

Vedas 1: Well, while you are having a snack, I suggest you play a few more lottery tickets.

Lottery draw, 5 numbers in total.

Vedas 2: Well, I think everyone has sat too long in their places, it's time to get up and move a little. I also propose to show our skills to participate in screen tests. And now you will see a real performance with very talented actors in the lead roles. But for this I need your help. I need 9 assistants. Come here. So well done, great. Here you will be our actors. Now you yourself and everyone who is here will see what wonderful artists you are.

Roles are distributed (or just assigned and memorized or cards are given out): Characters: Snow Maiden, Stranger, Rooster, Crow, Helicopter, Forest (at least 3 people - Trees).

Presenter 1: The plot of our production is very simple. Our artists need to get into the image of their heroes and portray all their actions as best as possible. The best actor will receive a prize. So, artists, are you ready? Viewers, please applause. Artists, take a bow. Started!

Christmas story(action movie)

Noisy bamboo FOREST. Trees swayed from side to side and creaked ominously. It was dark and scary in the FOREST. Breaking the branches and crushing the grass, an important ROOSTER slowly came out of the FOREST. He was hungry and therefore crowed very strongly. Frightened, the CROW flew from TREE to TREE and croaked indignantly. The COCK looked around, angrily shook his tail and hid UNDER THE TREE. Suddenly, the sound of a flying HELICOPTER burst into the lunar silence. A STRANGER and a SNOW MAIDEN flew on it. The HELICOPTER's engine roared louder and louder, its propeller spinning wildly. Looking for a place to land, the HELICOPTER began to descend and landed in a clearing. Bamboo FOREST rustled around. A STRANGER and a SNOW MAIDEN came out of the HELICOPTER. THE STRANGER wiped his forehead, the SNOW MAIDEN clapped her hands and said "Hooray!". Suddenly the SNOW MAIDEN saw an important COCK under the TREE and screamed "Oh oh oh!". The COCK looked at the intruders with hungry eyes, licked his lips and crowed loudly. SNOW MAIDEN quickly and deftly climbed a nearby TREE. THE STRANGER was left alone with the COCK. Again, frightened, a CROW flew from TREE to TREE and croaked indignantly. The COCK slowly approached the STRANGER. Both prepared for the fight. Standing upright, the STRANGER lunged with his foot and shouted loudly "Kiya!". The COCK crowed even louder than before, continuing to approach the STRANGER. THE STRANGER winked at the frightened SNOW MAIDEN sitting on the TREE, quickly changed his stance and shouted again "Kiya!". But the COCK boldly walked forward. And then the STRANGER, without fear, rushed at the ROOSTER and laid him on the shoulder blades with a series of well-aimed blows. SNOW MAIDEN screamed "Hooray!". The CROW croaked in surprise and fell off the TREE. The COCK crowed again, but this time plaintively. THE STRANGER put the COCK in the cage. The COCK doomedly looked at the STRANGER and obediently sat down in the cage. SNOW MAIDEN once again screamed "Hooray!" and descended from the TREE. THE STRANGER took the SNOW MAIDEN by the hand, handed her the cage with the COCK, and they all went to meet New Year. Following them, the bamboo FOREST rustled with delight, and the CROW croaked in surprise.

Vedas 2: Well, it's not a sin to drink for such a performance.

Raise a toast to the New Year

Let the toast be extremely simple,

For happiness, friendship, laughter,

In all matters, great success,

For sensitivity, tenderness, kindness

Family life warmth!

To the cheerful music of BABA-YAGI, BABA-YAGA herself flies into the hall and screaming:

Baba Yaga: Did you recognize Grandma Yozhka?

Why didn't they call me?

Well, tea is also a person,

Even though I'm already a century old.

And even though I'm old, I know

I'm such an entertainer.

I will dance for you now

Amazing dance.

you help a little

Clap and dance yourself.

Baba Yaga performs a dance.

Vedas 1: TOAST

Friends let's raise a glass

sparkling wine

For life to be love

And full of joy!

For the fact that the pocket was full

Not small banknotes

And to fulfill all the dreams

Coming New Year!

Vedas 2: Well, now let's get back to our New Year's lotteries and give away a few more tickets.

Lottery draw, 5 numbers in total.

Vedas 1: Well, now let's remember our oldest cinema, the films that we watch on holidays, the films that our parents brought up, and we are with you, the films that gave us a lot of joy, fun and life experience. Let's do a little quiz.

The main character of Leonid Gaidai's films? (Shurik)

Name the film director "Relatives", "Siberian barber", "Burnt by the Sun". (Nikita Mikhalkov).

Name a film about the legacy of a Russian grandmother. ( "The Incredible Adventures of Italians in Russia")

What are the nicknames of the Gaidai Trinity? (Coward, Dunce and Experienced).

What does Shurik collect in "Prisoner of the Caucasus?" (Toast)

Leave me, old woman, I'm sad!

Can you tell me how many degrees are below zero now?

Do not teach me how to live, better help financially!

- I have two children: boy i. also a boy.

Who bought a pack of tickets - he will receive a water pump.

Yesterday a friend from the village arrived, We spent the night in the house of a collective farmer ... I did not have time to change clothes (Most charming and attractive).

You are under arrest! Do you have a pistol? Then they are detained. (Peculiarities of the National Hunt).

Vedas 2: And let's all stand together in a round dance and sing our very christmas tree song.

Everyone sits at the tables.

Vedas 1: You know, dear director, and we have another very interesting person for you, she will bewitch you, and tell the whole truth, and at the same time she will participate in our competition. She will definitely win this place and this role. Well, are you ready to watch another performance.

The gypsy comes out and starts her show:

I was at the station

And all the drivers wondered.

And I wondered to all passers-by

But no award!

And that's why I came to you.

Will you gild my hand?

Okay, okay, don't rush

Check out my work first.

Give your hand, my dear,

I'll tell you the whole truth!

Waiting for a promotion at work for you,

But here everything depends only on you.

If you work well

So you deserve a promotion!

And I won't take your hand

I will guess by your eyes.

Now I'll look into your eyes

And I'll tell you the whole truth.

I see your eyes don't lie

Big adventures are waiting for you.

Many trials await you

But you can handle them with a bang!

But your aura is very simple,

After all, you are beautiful and gentle!

You will surely find your prince,

And you will live your life happily with him.

And you have such a line of fate,

That there is no end in sight.

So you will live long

And for such information, gild my pen!

And you have a figure though where!

And you should be the captain of the ship

But you're a secretary, and that's destiny.

Well, you know, not such a bad fate!

And I see you, the boss is here.

Let's see what you have.

And you have one feature.

I don't know if she's good or bad.

Do you like to manage people?

You can't take that away from you.

And if you manage well,

Then in life you will have everything!

So I told you, I have to go.

Just gild my pen first.

Who cares how much, let's

And forever let's say goodbye!

Vedas 2: TOAST

For luck and for the ladies

I offer five grams!

Happy New Year!

Lottery draw, 5 numbers in total.

Vedas 1: (the director cannot make a choice in any way and then the presenter offers him last performance) you know, in our treasury there is one very beautiful princess who is quite suitable for your role main character. So we invite our princess to audition.

The princess enters the hall and sings a song. Fidaliya Fanisovna sings a song.

After the performance of the song, the director makes a choice in favor of the princess and congratulates everyone on the new year and leaves the hall together.

woman director: TOAST

I wish happiness

And love came to your house!

Well, there was a lot of money

Like snowflakes outside the window!

I propose to start intoxication

To set the mood!

Everyone sees off the director and his candidacy for the main role.

HOST 2:Friends! It seems to me that our holiday is clearly missing someone! Whom….?

That's right, of course, Santa Claus!

So let's call him in the old, ancient but most Reliable Way!

We call D. Moroz:


New Year's welcome guest

Well, of course (in chorus! - Santa Claus)

In the new year of gifts, who brought us-?

Father Frost! (in chorus)

Who draws a pattern of roses on the window?

Father Frost! (in chorus)

Chill hands, cold nose, where are you, where are you?

Father Frost! (in chorus)




The screen saver sounds - Santa Claus's exit (Crunch of steps in the snow and screen saver "Thank God you've come!")

Santa Claus (Reads sadly)

Hello everyone and good evening!

How everyone was waiting for this meeting

I walked through dark forests

To get to meet you

I came from a good fairy tale

Let's start the games, dancing

Let's get together in a round dance

Let's celebrate the New Year together!


Hello grandfather, but what is the matter with you, you are not like that!

Why are you barely crawling? Do you carry a lot of gifts?


Yes, no, my bag is empty,

From melancholy I became sick!

The snow maiden changed me

To Santa Claus screwed!

She doesn't need me in a crisis

Oh, how sick my friends are!


Grandpa, listen, don't be sad!

There are many ladies here - look!

There are few beauties in the world,

especially in moonlight?

You will knock on your wonderful staff!

Now there will be a swarm of beauties!

Like butterflies to the light

they will fly to the road, grandfather!

Not! So it doesn't fit!

Friends! Something must be done!

We need to cheer up our Santa Claus somehow!

Vedas 2: Well, Grandfather Frost, do not be sad that your Snow Maiden ran away from you, we have a whole parade for you Snow Maidens.

Snow Maidens enter the hall and dance a dance.


Oh, how beautifully our Snow Maidens dance! Compliments from me

And applause from you!

And now, friends, we all sit down at the tables

We continue our holiday, please fill your glasses

and "Let's skip a hundred grams"!


And you, grandfather, also sit down at the tables

Scolding, for sugar dishes, for honey drinks!

Now we will make you happy!

Friends let's raise a glass

sparkling wine

For life to be love

And full of joy!

For the fact that the pocket was full

Not small banknotes

And to fulfill all the dreams

Coming New Year!

Vedas 1: Well, we'll have a little rest and play the following numbers of lottery tickets.

Lottery draw, 5 numbers in total.

Vedas 2: Let's play (the host has questions, and the guests are given answers. Then the host reads the question, and the guests answer with their chosen answers)

Drinking song.

Residual lottery draw.

Father Frost: Dear guests, I have gifts for you, these are new year letters, but first I will make riddles for you, and whoever guesses, he will receive his letters.

Riddle options:

1. Folk drink of all time,

Passed through copper pipes

Often cooked on the stove

Well, you name him.


2. Burns the mouth and throat,

But at the same time they drink together,

Usually served in glasses

But they also drink from glasses.


3. Delicate fragrance, what a bouquet,

Beautiful color and astringency, sweetness,

It has been in barrels for many years,

Well, have you already guessed?


4. Sometimes ladies drink a drink,

Adding juice and ice

And in the composition like grass,

Hits in the head sometimes.


5. Quenches thirst, gives a belly,

Goes well with fish

Everyone understands perfectly

Malt will be included


7. They often drink it with cola,

They also pour it into barrels,

The most important for pirates,

It is sometimes rich.


8. Goes great with tonic,

The taste is sometimes unusual,

Drink with lemon and ice

No friends, I'm not talking about rum


9. Rich flavor and color,

And we don’t have him dearer,

It plays so easily in a glass

And the stars always shine


10. Bubbles and gaziki,

They play in a glass

We are like aristocrats

Well, who's to guess


Distribution of Santa Claus Mail.

Drinking song.

Father Frost:

It's time for us to part

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,

Happy Year of the Bird - Rooster!

Snow Maiden:

Finally, you need to drink

To consolidate the desire

For the Rooster to bring good luck

For us to live well!

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden leave.

Presenter 1:

Our holiday is coming to an end

We will say goodbye

But, literally a year later,

I promise to meet again!

Lead 2:

Don't be sad, don't be sad

Have a wonderful life

Celebrate the holiday for a long time

Let the year be bright!

Drinking songs and dances.

Good day! New Year is one of the most amazing and long-awaited holidays! It is impatiently awaited not only by children, but also by adults who also want to believe in miracles! Give your colleagues a real fun winter fairy tale, or rather, several new fairy tales that will not only give your work friends the opportunity to have fun, but also show all their talents and abilities!

This funny script for a fun company, with musical accompaniment, artistic transformations, with jokes, will turn a New Year's corporate party into a real unforgettable event. Cool converted fairy tales for a corporate party for the New Year for adults, here you can download for free. Have a great participation! An unforgettable experience awaits you!

Choose scenarios, contests, fairy tales, funny parties or modern funny scenarios! As well as scripts for Father Frost! And so simply funny in the year of the pig. I have everything for you, just click on the desired highlighted word.

Cool New Year's riddles from Santa Claus for a corporate party for adults

Guess and tell!

What holiday is it?

He comes in the dark night

Absolutely ugly.

He is almost natural.

He became famous for his

The drunkenness of the people.

Tables are full of food

Yashv not count.

And the clock strikes twelve...

Start eating!

Drinking and dancing all the people!

Ice instead of a heart

I'm not hearsay!

In the eyes of a snowflake

Legs from under the arm.

chubby ass,

It wiggles so much!

Sex, not a woman

It lifts everything!

It's a pity that this fool

My granddaughter...

Tell me who is

The first among men?

Not handsome, but not evil

And to the caress of a clockwork!

Red nose and beard!

Not a maniac, not a blue one!

And the people call "Fierce"

He walks in felt boots shod.

Well, think trouble

He pinches sometimes.

Who will judge him for that?

And you, tea, will not decrease!

He comes with a thick stick

Do not leave without a gift!

And a whole load of gifts!

And his name is...

The New Year is coming.

He wags his tail.

Lots of meat and income

He promises us!

There will be many friends

And there will be no fight!

We will live more fun!

This year…

I am very glad that they guessed it, to know the brains on the spot!

Have fun, pour! .. Well, for me, two hundred grams ...

Riddle for adults: Whose parents are the Snowman and the Snowwoman?

Answer: Snow Maiden

Correct Answer: Bigfoot

Riddle for adults: Why does Santa Claus have a red nose?

Answer: I drank too much

The correct answer is: he has just come from a Russian banya, because in Russia since ... a year there has been such a tradition before the new year to go to the banya with friends

Who can without the Internet

Answer riddles?

Who can give answers

That whole year will be rich!

1.Human height,

The figure is super simple:

30:60:90. (snow woman)

2. The whole holiday is on the sly,

Well, very green ... (Christmas tree)

3. Tell him a poem

And he will climb into the bag. (Santa Claus)

4. Beauty, not a fool -

Well, ash stump, ... (Snow Maiden)

5. A naked person went out onto the ice,

It turned out ... (ice)

6. Walking around in the New Year

Santa Claus is lazy

There is a team at the gate,

And there is one in it ... (deer)

7. Watches, perfumes and foreign cars -

All this in the new year ... (gifts)

8. There is already a crust on the pope,

But Yegorka climbs up:

“Most, cool ...” (slide)

9. We celebrate with you here -

This holiday ... (new year)

10.New but vice versa

Holiday ... (old new year)

11. The janitor kept rowing and rowing snow,

Grew three times ... (snowdrift)

12. Who doesn’t have enough money -

She dreams of rowing a salary. (shovel)

New Year's script, corporate (sketch for a feast with Santa Claus and Snegurka)

The usual text is Santa Claus.

In quotation marks - Snow Maiden.

In double quotes - Together.

In parentheses is the script.

The text is spoken slowly, viscous, as is customary. Santa Claus in particular. The Snow Maiden sometimes speaks a little faster and, as it were, like a child.

"Do you want, believe or not believe -"

Holidays are knocking at your door!

Although you are not children for a long time,

“We came to you anyway!”

(go to the people)

“Yes, really, what is it?

Since the mustache grows on the face,

Fifth chest size

And in glasses, like mercury,

Splashing intoxicating potion - "

Are you not worthy of fun?

New Year's, live!

"Children's, simple happiness!"

Faith in a fairy tale and good!

No, friends! "No matter how old

That legend about Grandfather,

What is called Frost

Whose unshakable credo

Come with a gift to the house!

And a beautiful girl

His granddaughter, a mischievous

About the Snow Maiden! “But still!

We have come to you!” (they approach the cake, but do not look at it) “Give me the knife!” (very ambiguous)

(starts cutting the cake)

We'll cut the cake and everyone

Who will believe in us, "what is important!"

Taking it from our hands

(begins handing out the cake)

Doesn't know separation

In the new year, no loss,

"No pay cut!"

Abbreviations and simple

They will bypass you!

“And the tricks of the gloomy power,

From the pre-Babaric era,

Turned into Crisis

Perish!” As if dreaming

They are in your nightmare -

You believe me! "And me!"

Only happiness and luck

Bring you a new year!

""We are wizards, which means

That's how it's going to happen!"

"Angels-children", colleagues-friends,

Competent chef - "and not a pig at all!"

Kind faces every day

"Goodbye fatigue, boredom and laziness!"

Work and home that bring joy!.

(They finish handing out the cake.)

“Look, there’s no more cake left!”

Yes, it does not matter - after all, everyone got it!

And I'll eat at the next point! ..

“In short, fellow citizens, Happy New Year to all!”

And remember, we are inseparable from the people!

“And at five years old and at seventy - everyone will receive!”

A ray of sunshine from us with the Snow Maiden!

“In the same, unique, unique!”

The best day of the year, popularly loved!

“New Year's Day, when THE TALE TO BE!

And just try to forget it! .. (threaten with a knife) ""

(exit to standing ovation)

New Year's script (cool hussar humor with Peter the Great and Lieutenant Rzhevsky)


Happy holiday is coming

And before him a little bit left.

Do you know how it started?

How was the New Year established?


Among the scattered bottles

Cut off a slice of sausage

Tsar Peter sat, scratching the back of his head,

Snack dirty mustache,

With friends slamming a glass,

And brushing off the dandruff from your shoulders,

He is the courtier Aleksashka

He made this speech:


The idea came out big

Russian furnish the house.


Drink, plunder, plunder,

And they blame us for everything!

Who are you referring to here?

Saying such things?


Always blamed in Russia

Only the previous king!

I'll cut a window to Europe

Having built a city on the Neva.


And we will look at ... how

Do they already live in Moscow?

I want to leave myself

Good memory in Russia.


So you need to add holidays,

At least someone, Min Hertz, ask!

Church holidays are full, after all,

And the devil himself will not understand them!


Than to cut through the window now, at least

Leave, for example, the New Year.

And what is this holiday?


Tsar Peter, get out the calendar,

As soon as it ends

Follow the lady in the dance!

Wait a whole year? What for? Why is it here

Such terms? Weak huh?!


Dance all year, but without fireworks,

And in the New Year - fireworks if you please.

Salute is good! But to no avail

Shoot only at the sky, my friend.


And let them put up Christmas trees

And roam around.

And let everyone drink a cup!

Let the ladies be complimented.


Let the kids give gifts!

Let there be a lot of sweets in them.

I respect this arrangement.

Persuaded! Get in people.

I approve by my decree

From now on, it's New Year's Eve!


So what, Min Hertz? Let's celebrate a holiday?

I'm thirsty in my throat!

Well, so be it! Guilt, prankster!


Per new holiday- New Year!

(break for toast and food)


Thank you, Minin and Pozharsky,

For a new holiday and a shifted day off.


But we need a hussar holiday

ALL (in chorus)


Hussar, whether sober or drunk,

But witty and resourceful all the same.


Hussars love restaurants

ALL (in chorus)

Long time ago, long time ago, long time ago!


Congratulations to all the hussars!


Lieutenant Rzhevsky, is it not surprising to recognize us?


They recognized us, Cornet Azarov,

ALL (in chorus)

Long time ago, long time ago, long time ago!


Frost helped us not in vain

And twice he plugged a window into Europe.


After all, Santa Claus served in the hussars

ALL (in chorus)

Long time ago, long time ago, long time ago!


It seems that they decided to cut us down?


What to discuss when the whole thing is decided?


And we scored a bolt on this

ALL (in chorus)

Long time ago, long time ago, long time ago!


Barely spent the old year,

And the New Year is already knocking on our window.


I hope everyone has already poured?

ALL (in chorus)

Long time ago, long time ago, long time ago!


Here is a witty hussar toast

It would be both appropriate and funny to recall.


No wonder the table is laid royally

ALL (in chorus)

Long time ago, long time ago, long time ago!


Lieutenant Rzhevsky, here is a toast for you,

Let it be concise and simple.


Dear colleagues,

Let's shake hands!

We got together for the first time

Meet the year of the red ... dog!

And this year, of course,

Brings good luck to everyone

After all, he is a friend of man,

Because he is a dog.

Let it bark like a dog

coming new year,

Let it wag its tail

And gives a paw!

Taking a good look,

Let him lick everyone's hands

Good luck in the year of the dog!

All - with the year of the red ... dog!

(break for toast and food)


to the motive of the song by V. Vysotsky "Oh, Van, look what clowns"


Oh, look, everyone is already seated,

Something else is expected from us.

All the jokers have gone somewhere

While we are joking, everything will be swept away.

You joke to them like clockwork

And come while saliva,

And do not swear, and do not whine,

Where is the day off?


The people did not occupy the tables!

We've got everyone covered!

In addition, the boss rewarded us slightly,

And that means it was a success.

Please stop yelling

And do not moan, and do not whine,

And start joking

And get into the role!


Well, what do you order to joke about,

When is the sword of Damocles hanging?

Again, not something to say,

And all the bosses will flog?

In addition, reforms threaten us,

They don't make me happy

We'll all probably get cut,

Such is the schedule!


In science, how much I work,

They threaten us with reforms,

They tempt with a new benefit,

In fact, they just make noise.

And what will the authorities cut,

Don't take it into account now

Balanced - income-expenditure,

Under the New Year!


Well, if we're unpunished,

Leadership must be found

And I'll tell him this

What will be remembered for a long time.


No, where did you go in dispersal,

We have no reason to argue

Give me the microphone now

And get out!


Friends, I hope you guessed

That this quarrel is not serious


And we were not going to be at enmity,

And that's not the question now.


We need to celebrate the New Year

Let everyone pour something

May the year bring good luck

For the New Year!


Dear friends, it has already become a tradition to sing old songs about the main thing on New Year's Eve.

But since the emphasis has shifted somewhat on some holidays, these songs now need to be sung in a slightly different edition.

(To the tune of "There are so many single guys")

Fedor left without children,

Are there many problems with this?

Are there really no tsars in Russia?

Only Shuisky with the Godunovs?

How without kings? It is impossible without them!

There are so many young boyars

But they chose Romanov.

(To the motive "Boldly, comrades, in step!")

Boldly, fellow citizens, in step,

We are used to living in struggle.

The road to the kingdom of tsarism

We choose ourselves!

(To the motive of "Tachanki")

You fly out of the way bird

Beast get out of the way.

If only we didn't get lost!

Hey Susanin, see you off!

(to the motive "The order was given to him to the west")

“If the threat to the power of the king,

Let's protect the whole country!" —

Named Minin and Pozharsky

To the civil war.

(To the motive "Everything is ghostly in this raging world")

Everything is ghostly in this raging world,

Heart-prophet, why are you silent?

How would you know how they will evaluate us in the future?

Who was the bad guy, and who was the good guy?

Tale for the New Year "Teremok in a new way"

Props and decorations:

1. The designation "teremka" is necessary to make a square with a size of: 2x2m. Height 20 cm. The frame can be made of cardboard.

2. A large beach umbrella on a stand will represent the roof.

3. Additional props: a mop, a plate with a spoon, a centimeter (measuring).

4. Recording of light instrumental music (for the background), rhythmic dance music (Disco Crash - New Year is rushing towards us).

5. A bag with cards in which roles and moods, emotions are painted:

1 card:

Who? - Mouse.

Which? - Nervous, hysterical. Always loudly shouts his "wee-wee-wee!"!

What is he doing in Teremka? - washes floors

2 card:

Who? - Frog.

Which? - Harsh, stubborn, unhurried. His "Kva-kva!" speaks like an opera singer.

What is he doing in Teremka? - Feeding lunch.

3 card:

Who? - Bunny.

Which? - Cheerful, smart, mischievous. After each jump - wags its tail!

What is he doing in Teremka? - Measures clothing parameters with a centimeter.

4 card:

Who? - Fox.

Which? - Sexy, flirtatious. Sexually growls: "Urrr!"

What is he doing in Teremka? - Flirts, seduces.

5 card:

Who? - Grey Wolf.

Which? - Self-confident, impudent, a kind of "decided", came to the "showdown". Coughing, as if cooing: Cough! Heh heh!

What is he doing in Teremka? - All the time he runs into everyone, threatens!

6 card:

Who? - Bear.

Which? - Smiling, kind, loves everyone very much! He says his “RRRRRR” as if he were saying “I’ll catch up! I'll catch up!"

What is he doing in Teremka? - Climbs hugging and kissing.


Presenter (folder with script);

In order to somehow designate all the characters so that they are recognizable, only a few elements in clothing are enough.

Mouse (bezel with ears and tail, apron);

Frog (a green frill (collar) to put on clothes, you can also green gloves, a chef's apron and a cap);

Bunny (bezel with long ears, small tail);

Chanterelle (coquette, red collar and fox tail);

Gray wolf (dressed in a hooligan style, unbuttoned shirt, gold chain around the neck, purse (as in the 90s) on the side, cap, cigarette in the teeth);

Bear (a hat with round ears on his head, a vest, warm knitted socks, large galoshes).

Scene #1

Leading: Dear friends! New Year is always a return to childhood. How long have you been reading the children's fairy tale "Teremok"?

Guests respond: For a long time!

Leading: And do you remember. What happened there?

All in unison: Yes!

Leading: I wouldn't be so sure if I were you! Do you want us to check? Or remember all together? All in unison:

Leading: I need six volunteers! He chooses the most colorful ones from the audience: the tallest, the shortest, the thinnest, the fattest, etc.

Leading: Who would you like to play in this fairy tale? Participants guess.

Leading: Well, it would be ideal, but here, at the New Year's fabulous corporate party, miracles are everywhere and everywhere. Even the most ordinary fairy tale can turn into an interesting and unforgettable action! Pull, from the bag, who will be who!

Participants pull out, without looking, cards indicating who and what they should be in this fairy tale. It will be funny when big man get, for example, the role of the Mouse! Or the frailest - the role of a bandit Wolf or Bear! They are taken away, assistants dress up in elements.

Hand over to the participant who will play the Mouse - a mop,

Frog - a plate and a spoon,

Bunny - centimeter tailor.

Disguised artists go to the Host, who tells the task.

Leading: So, in our cool reworked fairy tale, only I speak! You are well-known and possible ways portray your hero. The bunny jumps to Teremok, the frog jumps, etc. You can and even should make the sounds of your hero, demonstrate his behavior and mannerisms.

All this is done taking into account the emotion and mood that is written in your card. And one more thing: once in Teremochek, if you suddenly hear such dance music (the chorus of the song “New Year” by the Disco Crash group), you must, again taking into account your given mood, perform the actions that were indicated in your cards! The audience is encouraged to sing along to the song. And the main condition is that all actions are performed only in interaction with each other! Are you all going to live together?

The members agree. They leave.

Scene #2

Light instrumental music plays in the background. As soon as a new hero appears in Teremka, dance music turns on for a short time, to which they will perform each of their actions.

Leading: So, dear friends, take a seat! Now you will hear, and at the same time you will see completely a new fairy tale under the name "Teremok".

In one of the very nice country cooperatives, someone took and built a very neat little Teremok!

(The assistants take out a cardboard frame, indicating Teremok. In the middle, instead of a roof, they put a large beach umbrella on a stand.)

Leading: Past, in my own way important matters the Mouse-norushka ran (the “Mouse” runs out, hysterically yelling “PI-PI-PI!”).

The Mouse was surprised that such a treasure stands, and no one lives there! She ran around Teremok three times (the Mouse runs around), and, making sure that there were definitely no owners there, she settled into it! (The mouse steps over and immediately begins to wash the floors).

In the same way, the same way, the Frog-Quakushka also jumped! (The participant representing the Frog jumps, singing in the operatic “Kva-kva!”.) As Teremok saw, she could not restrain herself! She came closer and asked the Mouse if it was possible to live there with her?

- Come in! Both will be more fun! - she answered and let her friend into Teremok.

Dance music turns on and the frog begins to feed the mouse, and the mouse washes the floor under her feet.

Leading: From afar, the smell of a delicious dinner was heard by the Jumping Bunny!

(Jumping Bunny) And when he came to him, he saw Teremok and was stunned! Oh, how he wanted to live in it! Is it possible? - asked the Bunny.

- Can! - the Mouse and the Frog waved invitingly and launched a new tenant into Teremok. Dance music turns on: the Mouse must wash the floors under the feet of its neighbors, the Frog must feed each one in turn, and the Bunny must take measurements from both the Frog and the Mouse.

Leading: But, as in life, so in a fairy tale, nothing is so simple: having heard the noise and din, smelling the delicious smells that wafted from the windows of Teremochka, the Wolf came to the house. (Implacably, coughing, the Wolf comes out. Approaches Teremochka).

Well, and how, again, it happens in life, he didn’t even ask, especially! He opened the door with his foot and entered! Dance music turns on: everyone does his own thing, and the wolf “runs over” everyone in turn.

Leading: The frog, seeing such a thing, stopped right next to Gray and let's feed! And he - "run into"! It is not known how it would all end, but then the Bear walked past. (Smiling and playfully growling, the participant who plays the Bear comes out).

Leading: The Bear came up to Teremochka, looked at how the animals had fun there! How clean they wash, how they spoon-fed, how they measure joyfully, how sexy they dance! Mishka immediately fell in love with the Wolf with his visits! I entered Teremok and let's hug and kiss everyone!

To dance music, everyone goes about their business with everyone, and the Bear hugs and kisses everyone on the cheeks!

Leading: You ask why he did not ask permission to live with the tenants? What for? After all, this is HIS Teremok! He built for himself! How did you see this cheerful company, immediately decided to live here and leave them all!

Dance music plays. All characters interact with each other, constantly changing partners

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden dress up contest

The essence of the competition and the whole comedy of the situation is as follows. It is desirable that there be a real costume of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, but let the men's costume consist of pants and a jacket, and the women's costume of a skirt and jacket. The more individual parts of the kit, the better. The whole team is divided into 2 parts: boys separately, girls separately. The result will be 2 teams. Usually people are undressed for fun, today it’s the other way around – they will be dressed. The task is the following. The girls are instructed to dress Santa Claus in a suit, the boys must do the same, but with the Snow Maiden. From each team, 1 person is selected to be dressing. Suits mixed with other things are laid out on the table. Representatives from each team are blindfolded. Then, blindfolded, they take turns approaching the table with things and “selecting” one of the details of the costume by touch. Then the chosen part of the costume is put on Santa Claus or the Snow Maiden, who are also blindfolded. Santa Claus is dressed by a girl, Snegurochka by a guy. If you do not blindfold, it will turn out to be uninteresting. And so no one can control what is taken from the table and what is put on another person. Due to confusion with things, as a result, everything that first came to hand will be put on the main characters of the holiday. Whether the main characters of the show will be funny is not so important, but for those who will watch it all, laughter is guaranteed.

Musical competition "Song of the Year"

The essence of the competition is as follows: the words “sing” or “not sing” are written on pieces of paper. There should be as many notes as there are people present at the event. Before writing notes, you should decide how many people will sing on stage. Usually 4-5 participants are enough. If there are more of them, then the event will be delayed and will no longer be interesting. Everyone present at the party pulls a ticket. Those who have “sing” written on a piece of paper will have to perform any song of their choice. Here, too, you can beat the situation. Either the person himself chooses what to sing, or you can trust the electronics. Let it automatically decide which song each member will sing. Then an improvised or real presenter enters the stage and announces the opening of the competition program. The singers take turns taking the stage and singing. After the end of the performance, all the singers line up on the stage, and the audience expresses their assessment of each singer with loud applause and hooting. At the end, you can give the finalist of the competition the opportunity to speak for an encore.

Competition between teams "2 in one harness"

If space permits, a mini-competition can be held. The team is divided into 2 teams. A prerequisite is an even number of people in each of them. Then the team is divided into pairs, each of which is given trousers, which consist of 2 pairs of trousers. The joke is that both pairs are connected to each other by 1 of the legs on the side below. 1 pants is worn by one person from a pair, 2 - by the second. After the pants are put on, the start command is given. Each pair must run a certain distance, then return back. After that, 2 pairs enter the competition and so on. It will be funny when the couple starts moving forward together in joined trousers.

Joke task “I blinded him from what was”

For the competition, it is necessary to prepare in advance the so-called masquerade costumes. They must be funny. For example, 1 long sleeve is sewn to a jacket with short sleeves, or the 1st leg of the trousers is cut off, the 2nd is left. You can sew multi-colored patches to clothes, or vice versa, make holes in different places. Everything that comes to mind. Each costume is put in a separate bag. Shoes and accessories are added to things. You can play around with shoes too. For example, put 1 high-heeled shoe, 2 low-heeled shoes. Interesting options can be beaten with a skirt. Cut obliquely, sew a ponytail on the back, make a fringe with scissors, cut holes, lace up. Of the participants of the corporate party, 5-10 people are selected. They give them comic costumes, ask them to change clothes. Then they arrange a kind of competition for the coolest costume.

Corporate party script for the New Year 2019 with jokes

As you know, 2019 is the year of the Yellow Earth Pig. Accordingly, the scenario can be somehow connected with this animal. It is worth preparing contests and all the necessary paraphernalia in advance.

An example scenario for a corporate event in 2019:

Presenter: Hello dear employees of (company name). Today we are all on the eve of the New Year and expect a lot of interesting and unexpected things from it. The Year of the Pig is a rather dynamic period, so I suggest you practice your skills in running fast (there is a “pig race” competition). The presenter distributes prizes to the participants. Offers to say a toast and drink for the coming year.

Presenter: After the employees have shown who is the fastest and will be able to perfectly perform the assigned work, we offer to compete in devotion to the boss. After all, as you know, the Pig is a devoted animal (competition "faithful friend"). Again, the invitees say a toast and congratulate each other on the holidays.

Leading. Well, we have already decided who is the best and most dedicated worker. But Pigs still love to walk. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the most beautiful employees (the competition "Beauty Exhibition" is held).

Leading. As you know, Pigs have an excellent flair and they always keep their ears open. Now let's check which of the company's employees has a good ear, flair, and who should retire (see the "Changeling" contest below).

Leading. Now you need the leader of the pack to say a toast and his congratulations, give gifts to all employees (a toast from the boss).

Leading. On these congratulations, we hasten to say goodbye to you, Happy New Year!

Scenes can be both pre-rehearsed and unexpected. The most interesting thing is that unexpected scenes are much more interesting and funnier.

Variants of scenes for a corporate party:

  • Knight. The leader chooses handsome man and a woman. A woman stands on a chair, she is a long-haired princess. In addition to the man, 2 more men participate in the scene. One plays the role of a knight, the second of a knight's horse and cloak. At the same time, the knight tries to remove the princess from the chair, but he is sitting on a horse, and he is wearing a cloak. The office staff is delighted with the scene.
  • Teremok. For the scene, you will need all the participants in the fairy tale, as well as costumes. And male roles women play and vice versa. It is necessary that the presenter read a fairy tale, and the characters enter a large box or a fenced area, like a teremok. You can give the participants the words of each hero on a piece of paper in advance.
  • Fly Tsokotukha. The fairy tale is also being remade in a new way. Participants get out of the hall, these are the main characters, as in a fairy tale. The scene is complemented by clippings from modern songs that fit the meaning of a particular segment of the tale.

Contests for the New Year corporate party 2019 with jokes

Contests can be thematic and correspond to the Year of the Pig or just Interesting games related to New Year.


  • Pig races. It is necessary with the help of ribbons to divide the hall into three tracks. Participants put on pig masks, get on all fours and crawl to the finish line, whoever gets to the finish line first is the winner.
  • Dedicated friend. An interesting and unusual competition that allows employees to become friends and better understand each other. Three pairs must be selected during the competition. It is desirable that they be partners of different sexes. After that, you need to ask the participants to get on all fours. One of the partners in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "tail" is attached to a ball of fabric. And the second member of the pair must remove it with his teeth. Which of the pairs will cope faster, he won.
  • Beauty exhibition. The competition is best held when all participants are already drunk. Those who wish to participate, preferably both men and women, are chosen to participate. You must ask to become a "pigs" on all fours and attach the tails. Now you need to ask the participants to wag their tails. Whoever wags his tail more naturally wins. Pieces of fur of different colors are suitable for the competition.

New Year's fun entertainment for the celebration of the New Year of the Pig

It is best to transfer jokes and entertainment to the second part of the holiday, when all the participants of the corporate party have already met and had fun. Jokes should be inactive, that is, held at the table. This is necessary to give rest to the participants.


  • Alphabet. It is necessary to prepare cards with letters. Each guest chooses a letter. The other box should contain transcripts. For example, "O" is "Huge salary" and "K" is "Cool vacation". Try to choose cool statuses.
  • Lottery. Simple and fun contest. Buy cheap and cool gifts. These can be funny pig-themed trinkets. For example, a collar, ball or food bowl. Put the gifts in one bag, and put the pieces of paper with the numbers that correspond to each gift in the second. Let each of the participants pull out a paper with a number and receive their prize. It's fun enough to receive gifts for pigs.
  • Never. It is necessary that each of the guests say something that he has never done in his life. For example, never scuba diving or playing basketball. Those of the guests who brought it to life should drink a glass. Make sure that the glasses are small in size, so that the guests do not get drunk.
  • Dialogue of the deaf. The leader invites the leader and his subordinate. The boss puts on headphones. The subordinate tries to ask various questions that relate to work and salary. At the same time, the boss does not understand and does not hear what the colleague is saying, since he is wearing headphones and loud music is playing. The leader should try to answer something to questions that he does not hear. It turns out fun and funny.

Corporate 2018: script for the New Year holiday

The corporate host opens with greetings. This is followed by a short preface about the past year, its symbol and features, and the attention of those present smoothly switches to the symbol of the coming year, and what it will bring to people.

The next step will be the word of the leader, who will greet his subordinates, and also sum up the results with words of gratitude to the team for the work done.

Next, the host offers a small competition for ladies who love to dress up so much. The competition consists in the speed of dressing each participant in prepared things. But this is not the end of the competition! After a quick dressing, the same undressing follows, but with the help of men who, in mittens, should help the ladies undress.

After the competition, employees should be given a break by turning on calm music. They will have some time to eat and socialize.

After a short pause, the host announces a couple more contests and chooses other people to participate. After completing the competitive part, you should give people a little chat and drink.

So, the musical part of the evening: remember that music should be varied.

After the rest, you need to stir up the employees again by offering several thematic quizzes and competitions.

Competitions for the New Year's corporate party

  • The well-known game is considered an ideal competition for team building: "How much do you know about me?" . The essence of the competition: all employees write on small pieces of paper a fact from their lives, which no one knows for sure. For example: he broke glass at school, burned down a barn as a child, or rode a pig with his grandmother in the village. The facilitator pulls out the leaves and reads what was written aloud, and those present must guess who wrote it.
  • Snowfall. All participants (from 5 to 15 people, depending on the size of the room) are given snowflakes. On a signal, preferably at the beginning of the song, the participants throw up snowflakes and start blowing so that they do not fall. The winner is the participant whose snowflake flies the longest.
  • Table racing! Race tracks are set up on the table, participants are selected who, through a straw, must move the racing ball to the finish line.

When organizing contests, do not forget about presents that will be a pleasant surprise for all participants. Everything that I found cool, I published for you in this post. I wish you have fun! Good luck!

In contact with

The script will help brighten up any party. Participation can take 10-15 people. interesting, funny contests will give a number positive emotions and good memories. There are no time limits for the scenario. The scenario is suitable for both an office and a restaurant, the main thing is that the room is spacious. Musical pauses can be announced between competitions and toasts.

Characters: Presenter, Santa Claus.

Requisites: gifts for competitions, several certificates, diplomas, Balloons, thread, tape, markers, a large box, funny glasses, several hats, oversized pants, false noses, wigs, a large brightly colored dress, family underpants, gifts for lottery and fortune telling, lottery tickets, a bag, balls with numbers, coins, jar, ribbons, gifts in Santa Claus bag.

Good evening all friends!
I'm glad to see you all
A magical time awaits
There will be a holiday, sonorous laughter!
There will be gifts, treats,
I promise you a good evening
I wish everyone good mood
I'm starting our holiday!

(A knock is heard. Santa Claus flies into the hall, slightly shabby looking)

Father Frost :
Oops, where did that get me?

Hello. I hasten to inform you that you are on a very important event which passes (__________ address).

Father Frost :
How so? Am I supposed to be in Paris, or where else do they like frogs? And where is my staff and sack? Who took my things?

Grandpa, you should probably sit down, okay? We have a corporate party, people want a holiday, look how beautiful, elegant everyone is. And when the holiday is over, we will definitely help you find it.

Father Frost :
Baby, I have no time! You see, I still need to go to Tokyo, Milan, London, and somewhere else!

Unfortunately, I can not help, we have everything calculated by the minute!

Father Frost :
And at the end of the evening?

I'll see what we can do for you! In the meantime, I suggest you sit down for festive table and immerse yourself in our festive atmosphere!

Father Frost :
No, I'll wander a little for now,
Maybe I'll remember what's what
The road is waiting for me
I will come to you all!

(Santa Claus disappears outside the door)

Friends, my dears,
I propose to fill the glasses,
The year that is passing us by
A little sad, but necessary.
I suggest you drink
For hopes, dreams
And so that we do not lose value,
Raise your glasses together
I want you to let go of the past!

(Everyone raise their glasses and drink for the outgoing year)

I am sure that you have many pleasant memories of the past year. I propose to list them. Just remember that it is important to name all the funniest, most interesting and curious cases that happened to your team during the year. Whoever remembers more will receive a wonderful prize, whoever cannot name anything, is eliminated.

(The winner of the competition receives a certificate of honor, or a diploma)

How many interesting and surprising things have happened to you this year. It seems to me that you have become even more united and friendly during all this time. Your team is one family that is getting stronger every day. Namely, for your unity, originality, I propose to raise glasses!

I want to offer you an exciting activity that will once again prove your cohesion, brightness and creativity. So, attention "Dance Boom"!

The host invites 3 couples. The task is simple - to dance. But only it should not be just a dance, couples dance to 4 different motives: “tango”, “lady”, “gypsy”, “lezginka”. Whoever dances better will win a prize. The audience decides the winners.

(There is a knock. Santa Claus flies in)

Father Frost :
And hello again! Well, why didn't you see my staff? And the bag?

(Everyone shakes their heads. Santa Claus leaves)

He is strange. OK. My dears, we smoothly moved on to the third toast, which means that we will raise our glasses for a wonderful feeling, repeatedly sung by poets, for love! I want each of you to feel the influence of love spells in the New Year. So that everyone has their own soul mate and soul mate, which will warm you on cold winter evenings. For love my friends!

The time for congratulations has come
May good reign everywhere
Don't skimp on words
Let everythnig will be alright!

(The competition for the best one begins. The winner receives a symbolic prize)

As you have already noticed, there is not enough Snow Maiden at our holiday, apparently our absent-minded Santa Claus also lost her, so I suggest our dear men to blind her!

(The contest "Blind me" is announced. Two men's teams are selected. The task of each of balloons sculpt a female sculpture. Balloons may or may not be inflated. The duration of the competition is 3 minutes. The winning team receives a prize. Competition requisites: balloons, threads, adhesive tape, markers)

What are all of you great fellows, just great sculptors! Friends, I propose to raise glasses for the talent of these wonderful men who gave us two whole Snow Maidens!

My dears, I ask everyone to stand in a circle! I want to dress you all up a little! Of course, you all look great, but still something is missing.

(The “Clothes” contest begins. Various funny, ridiculous things are put into a large box. The music turns on. The host passes the box to the participants. When the music stops abruptly, the one who has the box in his hands will have to randomly get any thing and put it on. Things can not be removed for 20-30 minutes.If you wish, you can choose another cheerful one.Contest props: a large box, funny glasses, several hats, oversized pants, false noses, wigs, a large brightly colored dress, family underpants, etc. quantity things should be equal to the number of participants)

What are you all now fashionable, bright, interesting! I propose to dedicate this toast to your extraordinaryness, so that it manifests itself not only in clothes, but in your business ideas!

I have good news for you! At our amazing evening, a win-win, magical lottery takes place, the lots of which will bring you a lot of joy and happiness! Those who wish to participate must sing a New Year's song!

(Lottery lots can be small chocolates, notebooks, pens, a set of pencils, key rings. You can also buy several small puzzles. The main thing is to pack everything in the same boxes and write a New Year's prediction on each one. To participate in the lottery, you will need to purchase a ticket, which it is desirable to sell in at the beginning of the evening. Then the presenter will take out balls with numbers from the bag. Whose number matches, that's the prize)

I hope everyone is happy with their gifts. And now, I suggest you test your accuracy!

Contest "Coin"
Two pairs of participants are selected. A couple of a man and a woman. A tin can is tied to the belt of a man (can be cut off plastic bottle). The woman is given 10 coins. The woman steps back a little and throws the coins, the man's task is to collect them in a jar. The couple with the most coins wins. Competition details: coins, banks, ribbons (the banks will be attached to them).

You do not have a team, but a solid find! And dexterous, and well-aimed, and talented! I want to wish you always stay like that!

(There is a knock, Santa Claus flies in with a bag and staff)

Father Frost :
I found all my goodness
And I came to you for a holiday,
I'm ready to dance with you
Raise a toast with you!
New Year is not far off
Give you gifts!

Grandpa, sit down at the table.

Father Frost :
What are you granddaughter, I've already had enough, I want to dance! But, I won’t dance alone, assistants would not hurt me!

Helpers? What for?

Father Frost :
I want to put on a beautiful dance. Synchronous. Don't worry, I'll choose!

(Several employees are selected. The music turns on, the task of the girls is to repeat the movements of Santa Claus. The one who does better will receive a prize)

Father Frost :
Dancing and drinking
It's time to give me gifts
And for all this to happen
I must say congratulations!

(Employees take turns saying congratulations)

New Year is on the way
It's time for us all to meet him,
And say goodbye to the past
And open all the doors to the new!
My dears, I suggest you step over the outgoing year and enter the New!

(A ribbon is tied between two chairs. All participants in the corporate party must join hands and step over the ribbon)

Our evening is coming to an end
Good luck to everyone, I want to wish you happiness,
To fulfill what you want
In this coming year!
Let there be prosperity and patience,
Good luck to you in your future endeavors
Creative inspiration, mood,
And don't be afraid to get lost in your dreams!
