Higher professional education in nursing. Correspondence medical specialties. Admission and training in medical courses

Many who graduated from high school educational school and those who have decided to become doctors are wondering whether it is possible to get higher education remotely. It can be immediately noted that this form education is available only in some specialties and as advanced training.

In the second case, distance learning is allowed for the reason that a certain practical and theoretical base is already present.

When choosing a distance form of education, problems with choosing training center there won't be any. There are a number of universities that provide remote higher medical education services at a high quality level, but this applies mainly to medical and diagnostic specialties.

As for advanced training, medical courses can be completed remotely in almost all areas of this science. As a basis educational process here a targeted and rather strictly controlled intense work a specialist who decided to study locally at a time convenient for himself.

He has special training tools with him:

Various textbooks and manuals;
Audio cassettes with lectures and so on.

If you take courses or get an average medical education remotely, the teacher and student are geographically separated from each other, but despite this, they are constantly in a certain interaction. Communication is organized through the use of special techniques:

  • Construction of a general training course.
  • Developing and agreeing on the communication methods to be used.
  • Modern Internet technologies.

All this helps the student and teacher to be in touch at any time, to resolve basic issues regarding the learning process and the material used.

Admission and training in medical courses

An application for distance learning is considered by those specialists who have a certain basic professional education and intend:

  • Improve your skills.
  • Carry out professional retraining.

If you need to obtain secondary medical education remotely, you will not have to take entrance exams. Only a small test is carried out and, based on the results obtained, students are enrolled in a university for full-fledged additional education or courses.

Due to the fact that courses are more popular, it is important to display their costs:

To study remotely at a university, a student in mandatory You will need to have a home computer, as well as uninterrupted Internet access, preferably Skype with a webcam. Each applicant who enters the faculty of second higher medical education or courses using distance learning methods receives an individual Internet page from the training center. It contains the following data:

  • Syllabus.
  • Schedule.
  • Record book.
  • Personal access to educational materials, i.e. electronic manuals, video lectures, as well as textbooks.

Distance learning is based on continuous communication between the student and his teacher, for which the Skype program is used. Throughout the semester, the student studies lectures, receives advice from teachers, develops and defends projects, solves tests, and also performs all basic practical work.

Benefits of distance medical education

During the learning process, the student independently sets a study schedule curriculum. if necessary, a supervisor, who is usually appointed by the educational institution, can help in this matter. Control of acquired knowledge is also carried out via the Internet, in the mode of effective electronic testing.

To obtain a medical education, a student must pass a special state certification exam, as well as defend a final qualified thesis.

As in the process of obtaining secondary vocational education, training at a virtual university for the most part is the same by correspondence, but only with the use of special distance education technologies.

To summarize, it is worth noting that when choosing, it is important to remember that only those who have special accreditation can issue state-issued certificates and diplomas.

All programs and technologies used for training must be licensed. Before paying tuition fees to a virtual educational institution, it is worth checking it for a license and the right to operate educational activities and all necessary evidence.

Training of specialists with secondary medical education is carried out in accordance withBy Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated February 10, 2016 No. 83n With By Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 06/05/1998 No. 186

Advanced training for intermediate medical personnel: nurses, paramedics

Professional retraining

" Nursing"

for persons with a break in service professional activity more than five years and above.


from 250 hours, from 6 weeks, cost: 9,900 rubles
The duration of training and the number of hours are regulated by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 06/05/1998 No. 183
After successful completion of training, a diploma of professional retraining in the specialty + medical certificate is issued

144 hours, 4 weeks, cost: 4,900 rubles

After successful completion of training, a certificate of advanced training is issued for 144 hours + medical certificate


552 h - 3 months, cost - 14,900 rubles

After successful completion of training, a diploma of professional retraining in the specialty + medical certificate is issued

Payment for training is made in 2 stages.

Forms of training: distance learning

The price is for the full course of training! No extra charges! Delivery of documents by Russian Post 1st class at our expense!

List of documents submitted by the student for enrollment in the advanced training course:

1. Photocopy of passport (1st page and page with registration)

2. Photocopy of diploma

3. Photocopy of work record book

4. Photocopy of the certificate of change of surname (in the event that the full name in the passport differs from the full name in the diploma)

5. Photocopy of certificates of advanced training, specialist certificate, certificates of short-term advanced training

Hurry up to complete the training before the end of 2019, with the issuance of a specialist certificate for 5 years! According to the Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated December 21, 2018 No. 898n, medical specialists who completed professional retraining courses in 2019 will receive certificates without going through the accreditation procedure. Accreditation will be introduced for students of advanced training and retraining courses from January 1, 2020!

Documents issued:

Disciplines studied under the professional retraining program "Nursing":

1. Legal foundations of healthcare in the Russian Federation

2. Anatomy and physiology with pathology

3. Basics of pharmacology

4. Hygiene

5. Nurse's Code of Ethics

6. Standards of professional activity of a nurse

7. Nursing Theory

8. Therapy and geriatrics

9. Infectious diseases with basic microbiology epidemiology

10. Skin and venereal diseases

11. Nervous and mental illnesses

12. Surgery with the basics of resuscitation

13. Obstetrics and gynecology

14. Pediatrics

15. Resuscitation with anesthesiology

16. Fundamentals of general and medical psychology

17. Basics of rehabilitation

18. Disaster medicine

Disciplines studied under the professional retraining program "General Medicine":

1. Legal foundations of healthcare in the Russian Federation

2. Medical, clinical and social psychology

3. Pharmacology

4. Pathological anatomy and pathological physiology

5. Economics and management in health care

6. Information Support professional activity

7. Propaedeutics of clinical disciplines

8. Pediatrics with childhood infections

9. Therapy with a course of primary health care

10. Surgery

11. Obstetrics

12. Gynecology

13. Infectious diseases with a course in HIV and epidemiology

14. Nervous diseases

15. Mental illness with a course in narcology

16. Skin and venereal diseases

17. Eye diseases

18. Ear diseases,

throat, nose

19. Diseases of the teeth and oral cavity

20. Reanimatology

21. Phthisiology

22. Traumatology

23. Oncology

24. Basics of rehabilitation

25. Syndromic pathology with the basics of pharmacotherapy

26. Medical statistics

Professional retraining of nursing staff

Online nursing courses are in great demand among people interested in medicine, or those who want to increase their personal level of competence, the certificate will officially certify the education received. The importance of this profession does not decrease at the present time. Nurses belong to the category of paramedical personnel. Functional responsibilities they do not lie in primitive manipulations. Operating room, treatment room, ward, district, or dietary nurse, organizes work and performs a therapeutic function. This staff fully helps doctors fulfill their duties, which are aimed at the recovery of patients. The key difference is only in the independence of decision-making and responsibility.
Almost everyone has a demand for qualified employees of this profile. medical institution. This directly proves that professional retraining of nurses is an urgent need. modern market labor. Our Institute has developed educational programs, helping students enrolled in courses:

  • really gain theoretical and practical knowledge;
  • master the methodology;
  • learn to make decisions independently professional performance responsibilities.
We provide training for nurses who are competent in providing care tailored to the individual needs of patients. Online courses include the necessary lecture material, independent work, which are verified in the form of an offset form. All training material is available 24 hours a day. Lecture recordings, educational information, available to download to your personal computer.
Special retraining courses for nurses in correspondence education remotely work rationally and effectively. The right approach to the learning process allows you to:
  • not attend classes;
  • all tasks are completed at an independent pace;
  • focus on studying the necessary material without wasting time.
This method of acquiring knowledge provides a complete education, supported by official documents issued after successful completion of training.

The health of the nation is a concern that lies not only on our shoulders, but also on the state. Thousands of specialists are at their post every day, fighting and helping their compatriots overcome various problems with health. To train healthcare specialists, the country has an education system that produces qualified medical workers different levels.

On this moment Medical workers are trained at the following levels;

  • secondary medical education;
  • higher medical education;
  • postgraduate training.

The total number of educational institutions providing secondary level education in Russia exceeds 400. The number of medical personnel involved in the health care system reaches one and a half million people. The difficult situation with mid-level medical specialists requires an immediate response at the state level. One of the ideas for changing the current situation is the decision to gradually transfer some of the functions performed by senior-level health workers to nursing staff.

The procedure for obtaining correspondence education at Galaxy College

As an option personal development man, one of his forms is distance learning chosen specialty. This is a great opportunity to gain new knowledge and profession and radically change your life. At the same time, the person continues to work and work in his main specialty, attending college on weekends. This approach makes it possible to plan your week rationally, as well as participate in direct and live communication with college teachers.

The classes are structured in such a way that they involve both theoretical preparation and practice. Secondary medical education by correspondence is ideal for those healthcare workers who decide to combine their work with training to improve their personal qualifications or plan to change their activity profile.

State standard of medical education

At Galaxy College there is an opportunity to obtain the required level of knowledge in approved state program 10 medical specialties. This state standard was adopted on the basis of the experience of Russian educational institutions, the level of training of specialists, the level of science, the experience of foreign colleagues, prospects and development plans. Main difference correspondence form Full-time learning consists of both a greater degree of freedom for the student and a greater degree of personal responsibility. This statement is based on the fact that this form of education presupposes self-study necessary educational material simultaneously with the constant supervision of college teachers.

Currently, there are two levels of secondary medical education:

  • base;
  • elevated.

At basic course The duration of study is 2 years 10 months. At the same time, nurses with a wide profile are trained, who can provide both first and emergency medical care and provide patient care. Increased level involves completing more in-depth programs, which makes it possible to train health workers in specialized departments and institutions social security. The duration of training is 3 years and 10 months.

Feature state standard is the opportunity for college leaders in each region to build their educational programs taking into account its economic and social development, statistics on the development of certain diseases, and the ethnic characteristics of the population.

Secondary medical education by correspondence and the procedure for admission to college

To undergo this form of education, you must have a college or university certificate; there is no upper age limit. Both citizens of Russia and persons from near and far abroad countries can apply by submitting the necessary documents:

  • photographs in the amount of 4 pieces;
  • a photocopy of the identity document and the original for verification;
  • a photocopy of the education document and the original for authentication.

Studying at Galaxy College provides an excellent opportunity to change your life and the lives of people in better side thanks to solid knowledge and systematic approach to education.

Study, study and study again - this is what Vladimir Ilyich Lenin bequeathed. And those people who want to get a medical education by correspondence are worthy of praise. But there are a number of nuances and aspects that must be taken into account by every person who decides to follow this path.

Specialties for which distance learning is possible

Medical higher education (and secondary education) must be of high quality, because it is of great importance for human health. Therefore, there are a number of restrictions. So, a person who wants to become a doctor has only one option - full-time study at a university, where they teach not only theory, but also practice. And these requirements are not surprising - after all, who would want to be dealt with by a surgeon, therapist, cardiologist or dentist who only has theoretical training? Therefore, there are few specialties in which you can obtain a medical education by correspondence. This is if we talk about first education. But at a distance it is quite possible.

Secondary medical education is also possible. Here you can acquire enough skills in absentia to carry out successful activities. This was a general outline of the situation, but now let's pay attention to it in more detail.

Secondary education

The most popular are "nursing" and "medical optometrist". You can spend a little more than 2 years of study on your second specialty. After this, the person receives the qualification “medical optician”. About the first specialty, we can say that it will take 4.5 years to obtain it. As a result, the person will receive the specialty of a nurse or nurse. Those who enroll in the correspondence department are not subject to such strict requirements as full-time students.

Knowledge of biology, Russian language and chemistry is important for admission. When choosing what kind of education to receive, people are often not interested in the profitability of the specialty, but want it to be easy to study and work. Therefore, they pay attention to higher medical education. How are things going here?

Higher education

If you want to get a specialty in General Medicine, forget about it right away. Here only (daytime or evening). You won't be able to become a doctor or paramedic without practice. But it is not all that bad. There is a specialty that requires a good knowledge of theory (better than practice) and is not related to intervention in the human body (directly) - pharmaceuticals. Despite the fact that pharmacies currently do not create medicines on their own, such a specialist is required to have sufficient knowledge about the human body, the processes that take place in it, and must also be familiar with chemistry and biology.

Where and for how much do you get a medical education by correspondence?

This is possible in all universities and colleges. Thanks to the development of new methods of obtaining education, the training process can also take place remotely. But it is necessary to remember that if you have a specialty in general medicine, this means that only advanced training is offered for general or thematic improvement. But if you already have the education of a nurse or nurse, then a person can expand the scope of his knowledge in absentia and receive training in preventive and primary medical care to the population, in obstetrics.

The cost of such training is relatively low. But if you are interested in higher education as a pharmacist, then you will have to shell out 70 thousand rubles per year. At the same time, the most popular are Moscow State University and Moscow State University. medical University them. I. M. Sechenov.

What is required from the student?

If you want to receive a correspondence medical education, then you should understand that in this case the person is required to high level self-organization and responsibility. This is due to the fact that students acquire a significant amount of knowledge on their own. The sources are educational literature: books, scientific journals, encyclopedias and so on. That is, success largely depends on how a person knows how to gather and concentrate. After all, the better the information is absorbed, the more effectively it will be applied. At the same time, the presence of practice has a positive effect on the result of study.

You can also start from the position of junior medical staff, getting a job as a laboratory assistant at the nearest hospital. In this case, it will be easier to learn. This will not affect higher medical education (correspondence) if you want to become a doctor, except for the opportunity to consult with specialists about certain issues. But even in such cases it is possible to assimilate new information in the process of performing work.

Medical courses

The standard questions of a person who wants to get a higher education have already been addressed. But correspondence medical education also has options such as courses. They were previously mentioned only in passing. So let's fix this. There shouldn't be any problems with the choice. If you are interested in a medical diagnostic specialty, then obtaining an education will not be difficult.

There are numerous ratings compiled according to different criteria and allowing one to assess the significance of the knowledge presented. Here the choice is up to the person - it is necessary to decide what is important for him, and, based on his preferences, apply to a certain university. The situation is more relaxed with advanced training. Here distance learning You can study in almost all areas of medicine. In this case, during the educational process, the intensive work of a specialist, which is very strictly controlled, is taken as its basis.

In this case, it is important to have special means training. These include digital information media, various manuals, guidelines and textbooks. It is important to build a general training course. Therefore it is widely used modern technologies(for example, the Internet), within the framework of which they agree on the methods of communication used between the student and his mentor. This is done so that major issues can be resolved quickly and efficiently, and also improves final result through the use of feedback.


When training pursues different goals, the preparation time and price differ. So, the cheapest and shortest is advanced training. Then comes primary specialization. Moreover, in in this case It would be better to say “stepping on toes.” Then comes specialization. And closing the gap, due to its duration and cost, is professional retraining. Also, some requirements are put forward to the student’s technical capabilities. So, he needs to have a computer, uninterrupted Internet access, and it is very desirable to have Skype and a webcam.

An important advantage and feature is the availability of training information systems, through which students can become familiar with curriculum, schedule, and remotely access the contents of the electronic library.


What are the benefits of receiving distance medical education? First of all, this is a flexible schedule for mastering the curriculum. There is also a whole range of expenses (for a hostel or a trip to the university), both monetary and temporary. Also before payment educational services It would be a good idea to inquire about the availability of a license to provide them and check the information received.

Getting an education in Moscow is prestigious, and getting a medical education is doubly prestigious. Thousands of young people from other countries specially go to the capital of the Russian Federation for the coveted crust, not to mention the millions of applicants from Russian regions. But not everyone manages to catch the “crane” in the form of a solid medical university– the requirements there are high and the competitions are sometimes crazy. But an institution of a lower rank - a school or college - is a much more affordable option. And besides, a good springboard for subsequent jumps - after a university diploma. So, where can you get a secondary medical education in Moscow? Here are some options.

FSBEI "Medical College"

Previously, the institution was called the Medical School of the 4th Main Directorate under the USSR Ministry of Health, and now it is the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution “Medical College”. It trains nurses, medical laboratory technicians, paramedics and advanced practice nurses.

The form of education is full-time. Students are accepted on the basis of ninth and eleventh grades (terms of study - 46 and 34 months, respectively). Training is implemented on a budget and contract basis. Employment of graduates is possible. The college does not provide dormitories.

Medical School No. 15 of the Moscow Health Department

The school was created in 1954 on the basis of a nursing school. Today they also teach here nursing and train obstetricians. Training of obstetricians is possible only on the basis of secondary general education, and to enroll as a nurse, 9th grade will be enough (but there is also a program for graduates of 11th grade).

The duration of the nursing course is 46 months for those who entered after the 9th grade, and 34 months for those with secondary general education. Midwives study for 34 months. Full-time form of education. Budgetary and contractual frameworks are provided.

Medical College No. 5 of the Moscow City Department of Health

Secondary medical education in Moscow can also be obtained at College No. 5, which was once called Medical School No. 37, opened in 55 of the last century. The founder of the educational institution is the Moscow City Department of Health.

The college graduates paramedics and nurses. The first ones receive in-depth training, including at the base entry level vocational education (but graduates of 11th grade are also accepted). Nursing education is implemented on the basis of basic general education. The duration of the course for both specialties is 46 months. The form of education is full-time. In addition to the daytime, a contract basis is provided: nursing - 100 thousand rubles per year, medical care - 110 thousand rubles per year.

Medical College No. 4 of the Moscow Health Department

Until 2008, College No. 4 was Medical School No. 18, founded in 1955. Today, paramedics, midwives and nurses are trained here. Training is conducted full-time and part-time. Duration – 4 courses. Graduates of 9th grade can only study full-time.

Provided paid services. The cost of a year of study ranges from 51 thousand rubles to 97 thousand (depending on the course and specialty). The educational institution does not provide dormitories for its students, but arranging employment after graduation is possible.

All of the above educational establishments provide state-issued diplomas, have required licenses, manage highly professional personnel. In addition to knowledge, they try to give their students an interesting and rich student life.
