When did the first black man appear in America? Blacks of the USA: a brief historical sketch

The ancestors of American blacks were taken from Africa approximately 300 years ago. Factories of slave dealers were created in Africa, who captured blacks in every possible way (by violence, soldering, deception), and shackled them in stocks or chains. Ships regularly arrived from the USA, on which blacks were driven into the holds, battened down and taken away into slavery.

By the way, the cost of one slave in the USA reached 2000 dollars, while in Africa he was bought from dealers for 400 liters of rum or 20 dollars. Slave traders explained the considerable value of blacks at that time by their high mortality rate on the way from Africa to America. In fact, according to historical sources, out of every ten blacks, only one often reached the shores of the United States. Between 1661 and 1774 alone, about a million living slaves were brought from Africa to the United States, and over nine million died along the way.

The ratio of blacks to whites in the USA

Since 1790, censuses have been regularly conducted in the United States every 10 years. I think that no one will be surprised by the fact that the absolute number of blacks is growing every year. If in 1790 there were 757,208 people, then at the time of the last census in 2000 there were already 37,104,248 blacks in the United States.

However, if you look at the relative figures, a rather interesting situation arises here. In 1790, the United States was 19.3% black and 80.7% white, and in 2000 the ratio of blacks to whites was 13 and 82%, respectively. Don't you notice the strangeness? The relative number of whites remains virtually unchanged and makes up about 80% of the population, while the relative number of blacks has decreased by almost a third over 200 years. Why? To answer this question, let's turn to genetics...

Gene migration

In the United States, the offspring of mixed marriages between whites and blacks belong to the black population. The frequency of the allele that controls the Rh factor in the white population of the United States is 0.028. In black African tribes, the frequency of this allele is 0.630. However, among the modern black population of the United States, whose ancestors were taken from Africa 300 years (about 10 generations) ago, the frequency of this allele is already 0.446. Thus, the flow of genes from the white population to the black population occurred at a rate of 3.6% per generation. As a result, after 10 generations, the share of genes of African ancestors is now 0.694 of the total number of genes of the modern black population of the United States. Or, in other words, American blacks inherited about 30% of their genes from the white population.

If things continue like this, then in 600 years the blacks of the United States will be no different from the whites. Moreover, the lower the percentage of Negro blood in a Negro, the more likely is inbreeding between him and a representative of the white race, so miscegenation can occur faster. Compare the likelihood of conceiving a child between a blue-black black slave of the 18th century and a white man with the likelihood of a relationship between a modern American mulatto woman and a white American raised on the principles of political correctness.

But I think it’s difficult to convince anyone with numbers and statistics. Therefore, let us turn to more obvious facts, namely, a comparison of the appearance of the population of Liberia and blacks in the United States.

Liberia, Liberia is a free country...

By the way, what do you know about such an African country as Liberia? Is it really only what is shown on TV in the news? That some rebels are fighting there, and the population is asking the United States to send troops there to maintain peace? Do you know why Liberians love and trust the United States so much that they ask them, and not, for example, the UN, to intervene in their internal problems?

Well, it's quite a long story, but I'll try to keep it short. Look at the picture of the Liberian flag. Doesn't he remind you of anything? ;-) And it was like this...

In 1816, a group of white Americans founded the American Colonization Society in the United States, which set itself the goal of solving the “Negro problem” by settling freed black slaves in Africa. In 1818, two representatives of the society were sent to Africa to find a place to settle, and in 1820, 88 black colonists, led by three white Americans, headed to the shores of Sierra Leone. Before leaving, they signed a document stating that a representative of the American Colonization Society would manage the future settlement. True, already in Africa, due to the outbreak of a malaria epidemic, 25 of these colonists died, including all three whites. Of the 63 blacks who survived, some remained in Sierra Leone (the capital of which, in memory of this, is called Freetown, that is, “the city of freedom”), and some founded their own settlement.

In 1824, the entire territory of this settlement was named Liberia (from the English liberty - freedom), and its capital - Monrovia in honor of US President James Monroe. About 5 thousand freed blacks from the United States, having learned about Liberia, went to live in this “land of freedom.”

In 1847, the Declaration of Independence was promulgated and a constitution was adopted. This is how the first independent state in Africa emerged, called the Republic of Liberia. English became the official language, and the Liberian dollar became the currency. True, many years later, English in Liberia turned into “Liberian English”, and the US dollar became the currency.

But I will not tell further the history of Liberia, although it is full of very interesting facts and curious events. In particular, I won’t say anything about the world’s largest merchant fleet, which sails under Liberian flags. About how the government of Liberia, secretly trading diamonds from Sierra Leone, almost destroyed the entire world diamond market. About how the American company “Firestone” bought several hundred hectares of Liberian territory, where until the Second World War (and perhaps still) slaves worked on plantations extracting rubber for car tires produced by “Firestone”. About how Ukraine sold weapons to Liberia, and what came of it. Perhaps I will tell all these stories some other time, but for now I will continue the story about the blacks.

Let's look at photographs of blacks in Liberia, in particular photographs of the descendants of former American slaves, and compare them with photographs of blacks living in the United States (hover your mouse over the photo to see the captions):

Everything about everything. Volume 3 Likum Arkady

When did the first black man appear in America?

You've probably heard it said that the only real Americans are Indians. All the rest have ancestors who came here from other countries. Blacks also came here from other countries. But most people have no idea that the first blacks in America came as pioneers! They appeared with the Spaniards, French and Portuguese, who came here as travelers or explorers. There were blacks with Balboa when he discovered the Pacific Ocean, and with Cortez when he conquered Mexico. Blacks traveled with the Spaniards, French and Portuguese deep into North America, reaching New Mexico, Arizona and the Mississippi Valley. It was the blacks who initiated the cultivation of wheat in the New World.

Of course, later blacks came to the New World in a different capacity - as slaves. In 1619, a Dutch ship brought 20 blacks to Jamestown in Virginia, whom the captain sold to pay for the necessary provisions. At that time, many whites came to America to work as indentured slaves.

This meant that they were selling their labor for a period of time. But when whites stopped coming from Europe, then blacks began to be imported. This began in 1688, and by 1715 there were already more than 58 thousand black slaves. In 1775 this number increased to 500 thousand. In 1807, at the request of President Thomas Jefferson, Congress voted that slaves would no longer be brought into the country. But still the slave trade continued, despite the law. By 1860, before the Civil War, there were approximately 4,400,000 blacks in the United States.

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AFRICAN AMERICANS (blacks of the USA), an ethnoracial community of Americans, the black population of the USA. Population 36.4 million people (2000 census). Over 55% of African Americans live in the southern states of the United States. They speak the American version of English, the dialect of southern blacks (“Black English”) is also preserved, 60% of believers are Baptists, over 20% are Methodists, there are Pentecostals, Adventists, followers of spiritualist cults, Catholics, Muslims (“Black Muslims”), Jews (“black Jews”), etc.

African Americans are the descendants of African slaves brought to North America in the 17th to 19th centuries. Despite laws strictly prohibiting interracial marriage and extramarital affairs, by the mid-19th century over 30% of free African Americans and 10% of slaves were mulattoes; by the 1930s, mulattoes made up 75% of African Americans. The social position of mulattoes was practically no different from that of blacks. African Americans participated in the abolitionist movement (D. Douglas, G. Tubman, etc.). The abolition of slavery in the United States as a result of the American Civil War of 1861–65 accelerated the integration of African Americans into American society and processes of social stratification. By the beginning of the 20th century, the black industrial and agricultural proletariat, farming, bourgeoisie, and intelligentsia had formed. However, the constitutions adopted in the southern states in 1890-1910 legalized racial discrimination and segregation of African Americans - the Jim Crow system. With mass migrations of African Americans into cities and from the South (where 85.3% of African Americans lived in 1910) to the North and West, the system spread throughout the country (by 1940, interracial marriage was strictly prohibited by law in 31 states).

The concept of “Negro” in the United States is conditional, since the definition of race had socio-political and ethnocultural significance and was carried out differently in different states; since 1977 it has been replaced by the concept of “black”. In the population census (2000), for the first time, respondents were asked to determine their racial identity. The self-awareness of African Americans is dual: the desire for full integration is combined with a tendency to be identified as a special ethnoracial community, expressed in various forms of “black” nationalism and separatism (the movement of supporters of M. Garvey “Back to Africa!”, etc.), Afrocentrism, “black racism”, the ideology of the “Nation of Islam” of L. Farrahap and so on. At the beginning of the 20th century, the first large organizations of African Americans appeared - the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the Urban League, in the mid-20th century - the Southern Christian Leadership Conference led by M. L. King and others. As a result of the struggle of African Americans for civil rights in 1950-60s a series of acts prohibiting racial discrimination and segregation were adopted: repeal of bans on interracial marriage 1940-67, ban on racial segregation in schools Supreme Court USA in 1954, Civil Rights Acts of 1964, 1965 and 1968. These measures led to an increase in the educational and professional level of African Americans, representation in the political, government and military spheres; however, social inequalities between African Americans and whites persist. African Americans are the most urbanized group of Americans: more than half of them live in large cities, including in poor black neighborhoods (“black ghettos”). Among them, more than among white Americans are unemployed, people without higher education, low-income and poor.

The folklore and religious practices of African Americans retain the influence of African traditions. African Americans made significant contributions to American culture: music, literature (W. E. B. Du Bois, R. Wright, J. Baldwin, L. Hughes, R. Ellison, etc.), sports (J. B. Louis, Ali Muhammad , J. Owens, V. Rudolph, M. Tyson, etc.).

Music. Since the 1860s, the popularity of black music has increased dramatically in the United States. From the end of the 19th century, the styles of blues and ragtime developed; at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, jazz was formed by merging various styles and genres. The main types of religious music are spirituals and gospel. Among the greatest jazz musicians are L. Armstrong, Duke Ellington, E. Fitzgerald, and among world-class classical singers are M. Anderson (the first African-American to perform on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera), J. Norman.

Dance. Black folklore entered the dance culture of the United States as one of the defining phenomena. In the depths of the minstrel theater in the 19th century, a choreographic style arose that melted European and Negro traditions. Jig, tap dance, buck and wing, clog, breakdown, etc. prepared the emergence of jazz dance in the 20th century. The era of the so-called Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s-50s with its “black revues,” the Savoy dance hall, the Cotton club, and so on had a significant influence on the development of American and world dance art. Such tap stars as B. Robinson, the Berry brothers, the Nicholas brothers and others performed here. They brought their art to the stages of Broadway and Hollywood screens. At the end of the 19th century, Negro folklore gave a powerful impetus to the development of salon (ballroom) dances, which later became widespread in Europe (cake walk, Charleston, shimmy, etc.). The African American tradition has played a significant role in the evolution of modern dance. In the 1940s, the pioneers of the “new black style” were K. Dunham (“Tropics and Hot Jazz - from Haiti to Harlem,” 1940) and P. Primus (“African Ceremonial,” 1943). In the 2nd half of the 20th century, this trend was continued in the works of T. Beatty, D. McKayle and especially in the performances of the American Dance Theater by A. Ailey. In the 1960s, for the first time, an African American, A. Mitchell, took the leading position as a classical dancer of the largest American troupe, New York City Ballet. In 1971, he organized the black ballet troupe Dance Theater of Harlem. The African tradition fed the youth subculture born in the 1970s in the New York neighborhoods of the Bronx, which was called “hip-hop” and gave birth to new dance styles: break, smurf, hip, and so on.

. African Americans in the USA for a long time were not allowed on the stage. The first outstanding African-American actor was A. Aldridge, who became famous in Europe in the 19th century. The growth of abolitionist sentiment contributed to the emergence of the so-called protest drama (the most famous and successful was the 1852 dramatization of Uncle Tom's Cabin by H. Beecher Stowe). After 1865, African Americans organized their own minstrel troupes (Lew Johnson's Plantation Minstrel Company, Georgia Minstrels, etc.). In the 1920s, such actors as P. Robson, C. Gilpin, and R. McClendon became famous in the plays of Yu. O'Neill, P. Green and others. However, it was only in the late 1950s and early 1960s that African American playwrights gained access to Broadway, where the plays “A Raisin in the Sun” by L. Hansberry (1959) and “Blues for Mister Charlie” by J. Baldwin (1964) ). In the 1960s, with the growth of national self-awareness of African Americans, many black theaters appeared (Negro Ensemble, New Lafayette Theater, etc.). Significant contributions to the theatrical art of the United States were made by actors J. E. Jones, O. Davis, R. Dee, S. Poitier, and directors D. T. Ward, D. Macbeth, D. O'Neill, O. Scott.

Movie. The problematics and aesthetics of the black movement in the United States quite quickly moved from the periphery to the center of attention of filmmakers, since African Americans made up a significant, and in some periods, the predominant part of the film audience. Initially, the role of black characters was reduced to the images of slaves (in particular, in several early film adaptations of H. Beecher Stowe’s “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”), and the main roles were played by white “repainted” actors (the so-called blackface). In Hollywood production, the meaning of the African-American theme has evolved significantly. In the late 1920s-1930s, several masterpieces based on black folklore and played by African-American actors were released: “Hallelujah” by K. Vidor (1929), “The Emperor Jones” by D. Murphy (1933, starring role of P. Robson), “Green Pastures” by W. Keighley (1936), in 1943 - two musicals: “Stormy Weather” by E. Stone and “Cabin in the Sky” by V. Minnelli. After World War II, individual anti-racist films were released, and serious African-American dramatic actors appeared. The most famous among them, S. Poitier, became a Hollywood “star” (“Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” by S. Kramer, 1967, etc.). In the 1970s, there was a growing wave of "blaxploitation" - commercially successful films about black supermen, starting with the detective "Shaft" by G. Parks (1971). In 1977, the television adaptation of A. Haley’s novel “Roots” (directed by M. Chomsky), which told the story of the greatness of black America on an epic scale, enjoyed sensational success. Since that time, films with two heroes - black and white - have become the most popular. Among the notable African-American film actors at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries are E. Murphy, W. Smith, L. Fishburne, D. Washington, H. Berry, V. Goldberg, S. Jackson and others. Among the directors, the most famous is S. Lee. His vibrant and spirited films, usually set among African-Americans, generate heated controversy and are successful at festivals (She's Gotta Have It, 1986; Do the Right Thing, 1989; Malcolm X, 1992 year, etc.).

The art of African Americans retained an obvious connection with their African roots only in decorative and applied products, otherwise completely following the trends of “white culture” (for example, in the 19th and early 20th centuries, R. S. Duncanson painted romantic landscapes in the spirit of the “Hudson River School”, and H. O. Tanner’s style is close to symbolism). However, in the 1920s, the “New Negroes” movement, or the Harlem Renaissance (see Harlem School), accelerated the rise of national consciousness, which was reflected in art, where autonomous trends began to dominate, combining historical and modern African-American themes with the features of naive art (X . Pippin), as well as social expressionism and regionalism. This process became especially intense and diverse in the 2nd half of the 20th century, when a number of African-American painters came to the forefront of US culture (like R. Bearden and J. Lawrence with their “neo-expressionist” images) and group forms of neo-avant-garde creativity spread, including including those associated with the mural movement. By the end of the 20th century, contacts between the North American, African and Caribbean branches of black artistic culture also strengthened.

Lit.: Nitoburg E. L. Blacks of the USA, XVII - early XX centuries: Historical and ethnographic essay. M., 1979; aka. African American Church in the USA. M., 1995; Landry V. The new Black middle class. Berk., 1987; Black art ancestral legacy. Dallas, 1989; Patton S.F. African-American art. Oxf.; N.Y., 1998; Igoe L. M. 250 years of Afro-American art: an annotated bibliography. N.Y., 1981.

E. L. Nitoburg; N. E. Zvenigorodskaya (dance); T. V. Butrova (theater); K. E. Razlogov (film); M. N. Sokolov (art).

Having shown the situation of the white population in South Africa and Europe, it is time to look into distant America, the birthplace of modern democracy, where the movement for human rights, which American rulers are spreading throughout the world, has won.

The proportion of whites in the United States is rapidly declining. Today, taking into account the huge influx of illegal migrants from South America, whites make up about 66% of all residents (according to official statistics 75%, but it does not take into account the 4 million migrants of color from the south who cross the border into Mexico each year under the cover of darkness). 30 years ago whites were 90%. So, there are consistently 210 million whites in the United States, and the number of non-whites is constantly growing and today is approaching 90 million. This includes blacks, Latin Americans, Arabs, Jews, Chinese, etc. Overall, a mind-blowing melting pot. The greatest problem for the existence of the white population of the United States is represented by the two most aggressive groups: blacks and Latin Americans. We will consider them (in addition to the Jewish tycoons who are behind the collapse of America, but about them in a separate post).

Black people
Blacks in America, as in the rest of the world, are distinguished by an extreme propensity for violence and an almost complete lack of ability to learn anything. 90% of blacks ruin the reputation of the other 10%. According to the research of the American racialist, Jerold Taylor, based on official crime figures published in FBI reports, for example, the murder rate among blacks is 45 per 100,000 population; and among white Americans, 5 per 100,000. The average number of all murders for the entire US population is 9.5 per 100,000. In Europe, this magic number ranges between 3 and 7, depending on the country. It is this figure of 9.5 that the world media uses to show that Americans are distinguished by some kind of increased aggressiveness at the everyday level, compared to Europe. But if you point to the official components of crime statistics, then you will certainly be accused of racism, and they will find connections in your past with the Ku Klux Klan, they will throw mud at you and smear your face on the asphalt. Therefore, everyone is silent in the conditions of the freest country on earth, where freedom of speech and other wonderful freedoms simply flourish. (The Color of Crime. Race, Crime and Justice in America. Jerold Taylor. 2005.)

Of the 770,000 thousand annual interracial attacks in the United States between whites and blacks, blacks commit 85% of such attacks, and whites 15%.

Like this video where blacks beat up white girls in their car. Their guilt is that they are white and moved into a black area, and in a thriving democracy - this is racism:

But if someone says that this is just hooliganism and the blacks have no far-reaching goals to exterminate the whites, then he will be very disappointed after watching this short clip from a live news broadcast on one of the main television channels in America, C-SPAN. The video features Professor Kamau Kambon, who teaches at one of the universities:

His words caused absolutely no storm of righteous indignation on the part of the progressive public and no one dug into his past for connections with the Black Panther organization or the Islamic Nation. Somehow it went unnoticed.
Here is the transcript, for those who did not catch the professor’s subtle turns of phrase in English:
There is only one nigga on the planet who pollutes water, air, exploits peoples and resources. And this nigga - white man And white woman. А наши люди не ниггеры, нас пытаются выдать за ниггеров. In my research, I have come to only one conclusion, and that is that we must exterminate white people from the face of the earth to solve this problem. We must solve this problem. Because they are going to kill us. And I'll leave it at that. We need to create our own system, stop playing games, take this matter seriously and not let ourselves be led astray in solving this problem. And the problem on the planet is white people.

A normal person will ask what about the whites, why don’t they defend themselves.
They are defending themselves, but they are haunted by the ghost of the slaveholding South, just as the Germans in Germany are haunted by the ghost of the Third Reich, and therefore it is not difficult for the Jewish media to present any act of opposition to Negro tyranny as racism, and therefore prevent whites from uniting their forces. Therefore, in America, since the 1970s, there has been a so-called “White Exodus” from the cities, that is, the flight of white Americans to the suburbs in an attempt to save their lives and the lives of their children from the rampant Negro tyranny, supported by Jewish lawyers and the media.

However, at the beginning of the 21st century, a second round of relocations began, caused by the fact that due to the huge influx of illegal migrants, even the suburbs are now beginning to darken, and whites are again forced to look for new housing at a greater distance (The Decline of Inner Suburbs: The New Suburban Gothic in the United States
Geography Compass 1(3), 641–656).

For example, the white population of America's auto manufacturing hub of Detroit has dropped from 1.5 million to less than 90,000 over the past few decades. And this has nothing to do with the decline of the automobile industry in the city itself, since during the same time the number of blacks increased from 150 thousand to 800 thousand.

Detroit takes first place as the most destroyed city in the United States. In addition to the mass exodus of the white population, blacks began a tradition that spread to other cities - "Devil's Night". It is a custom to set fire to and destroy parts of the city the night before Halloween.

A huge non-white population, combined with annual arson, bankruptcy, crime and decay, have reduced Detroit, once the center of the US auto industry, to ruins comparable to the ruins of ancient civilizations. The reason is the same: replacing the white population that built the cities with a new non-white population.

Detroit's decline followed a demographic change that transformed Detroit from a prosperous white city to a criminal and poor black city, living off government subsidies, aid and self-deceptive handouts from corporations operating in the spirit of righteous atonement for sins against blacks.

The more blacks, the higher the crime. And, as a result, a massive outflow of the white population from the city. The main factors that forced whites to leave their homes were domestic violence on the streets and in the schools where their children studied. Due to the inculcation of tolerance and integration, blacks began to be brought from distant parts of the city to white neighborhoods and schools, where they attacked passers-by, killed, robbed, and beat white children in schools. They were allowed, and any retaliatory actions of whites in their defense were regarded as racism and were severely punished by the courts (Ruins of Detroit).

According to official census data for 2000, the white population of New York is 44% The concentration of people of color is even higher in the city center. Hidden from the view of tourists visiting chic business districts with skyscrapers and expensive shops are the city's residential areas with a non-white population. They are not talked about in tourist brochures, and they are not taken there on excursions.

In 1981, there were 6,500 reported robberies in Harlem alone.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the crime situation in Harlem has not improved. So in April 2006, a white student at New York University was killed in Harlem by black teenagers who were chasing him and shouting “get the white one.”

Another hotbed of color crime and decadence in New York is the Bronx, just across the river from Harlem. The unlimited influx of immigrants from South America since the mid-1960s has led to an increase in crime, drug addiction and murder. The white population, again as in other cities, unprotected by the government, hastily left their homes and habitable neighborhoods. According to official 2000 census data, the Bronx population is 23% white.

According to the 2000 Census, Chicago's nonwhite population is 68%. The white population was concentrated in the suburbs, and the central and main part of the city was left to the mercy of blacks and other people of color.

When, in the 1970s, the government began building entire black and colored communities right in middle-class white neighborhoods and children of color began attending schools, whites began to rush to sell their homes due to the deteriorating quality of life in their communities. blacks and the worsening crime situation in the schools where their children studied. Real estate prices plummeted, whites left and their place was taken by blacks. All this happened in a few short years.

According to the 2000 Census, Philadelphia's nonwhite population is 58%. The white population concentrated in the suburbs, and the central and main part of the city, as in other cities, was abandoned to the tyranny of blacks and other people of color, and decline and destruction set in. The reason is still the same why only ruins remained of ancient civilizations: the disappearance of the white population.

The northern part of Philadelphia is almost entirely colored: blacks, Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Pakistanis and Arabs. Most residents in this part of the city live below the poverty line, and their neighborhoods are rife with crime.

Today, what remains of the times when this city was prosperous lies in a dilapidated or abandoned state. Of what remains, many historic buildings are falling apart, either from neglect or vandalism. Even more buildings stand empty and with boarded up windows. Only a few were taken under protection by the city government as historical heritage. Old luxurious churches were also given over to the local people of color to be destroyed.

According to official 2000 census data, the non-white population of Washington is 60%.
The white population was forced to move far beyond the American capital to the states of Maryland and the northern part of Virginia. At night, the city center is almost entirely devoid of white people.

Behind the glitter of the White House, Capitol Hill and monuments, the real state of affairs in a city with a population of two-thirds non-white is hidden: robberies, drug addiction, murders committed by blacks every day. But all this is kept silent in the official media in order to give Washington a decent appearance as the capital of the state.

St. Louis
According to official 2000 census data, the nonwhite population of St. Louis is 57%.
Like other American cities, St. Louis was unable to avoid the loss of its white population, which moved beyond the city limits into the suburbs in the second half of the 20th century. This was again caused by the growth of the black population, and the accompanying increase in crime and devastation in residential areas.

A significant example of anti-white racism in the United States is the murder of a young couple, Shannon Christian and Chris Nusom, in Knoxville, Tennessee, in January 2007. They were on one of their first dates, getting into a car in the parking lot near the house, when they were attacked by a group of blacks, taken to the apartment of one of the blacks, where they were tortured, raped and mutilated their genitals. As it was later established, the girl was raped orally, vaginally and anally. The guy's body, after he was shot, was wrapped in a blanket, set on fire and thrown at railway tracks. It also turned out at the trial that he was anally raped. Facilities mass media were not interested in this crime because the victims were white and the perpetrators were black. This means there was no racism and nothing to discuss. However, the brutality of the crime agitated Knoxville residents and they began to protest in front of city administration buildings and media offices. At first, journalists attributed all this to the machinations of white extremists, but when everything began to be drawn into the protests more people and it was no longer possible to ignore this, the media reluctantly began to cover the crime, without specifically indicating the race of the killers. The news eventually broke on national television, although it was immediately said that the murder was not motivated by racial hatred. Well, sensible people understand that when it is officially stated that the conflict has no ethnic or racial overtones, this means that this is the main motive for the crime (http://mylifeofcrime.wordpress.com/2007 ... is-newsom/).

And in this video, a black man beats an old woman at the entrance of her house when she returns with purchases from the store. It’s also better not to report this on television, otherwise the blacks will be offended.

A bit long, but correct.

In essence, everything is correct (although there are excesses). For many years I was a mathematics consultant (tutor) in one of the high schools in New York. There I sometimes talked with a black woman, an English teacher. She told me, "I always tell my black students that you have to do twice as much as the white students to succeed in life. But they don't listen to me." This is roughly what they told Jews in the Soviet Union. But they followed these tips. The trouble with black communities in America is that there are no leaders like this teacher among them.

“There is no salvation from the slave who became the king” - Rudyard Kiplig. Translated by Blumenfeld.

This is the same in the parables of Solomon.

Blacks in America.

How did it happen that for more than 30 years we have been humiliating ourselves in front of a people who are at the lowest level of development not only in America, but also on the planet. Below are only the Bushmen and indigenous Australians.

Over the millennia, they have not created even a semblance of civilization in Africa.

Not in any country! Having such highly developed countries as neighbors in ancient times Ancient Egypt, Carthage, Judea, Persia and Greece and Rome, they did not adopt anything from them! No technology, no science, no legislation. None of the black tribes still have a written language and they use the languages ​​and writing of the European peoples, who once ruled them well and taught them to at least wash themselves and wear pants. I'm not even talking about roads, electricity and medicine.

Even by the 21st century, they have not created anything, graduating from Western universities and schools in their thousands, and are bearing the fruits of the civilization of Western Europeans left over from the times of colonialism. Thriving 25 years ago South Africa died as soon as power passed from whites to blacks. It is ruined, everyone who could have left this beautiful country in the past and it is now buried in the mud, in which crumbling cities and farms stand. Cities without electricity, without transport, dangerous even in broad daylight. Few whites live there in fortified cities, behind concrete walls, barbed wire and 24-hour armed guards!

In America the situation is no better.

The black neighborhoods of our cities are also drowning in dirt, houses are destroyed and the white population is afraid to look there. Even the police don't go there! In Denver, houses sell for symbolic figures. They are afraid to buy them! The city is bankrupt. The mayor and 80% of the city's population are black. Slavery, abolished 150 years ago, did not prompt serious development. The heroic efforts of white America over the past 50 years have also failed noticeable results in improving their cultural level and well-being. Still even a diploma high school inaccessible to 75% of black children. They cannot learn to read and simply drop out of school by the age of 14-15! According to the integral, these people remain illiterate, lazy and stupid in any territory from Africa to America and the islands of the Caribbean archipelago. It is worth noting that any other child masters reading with the help of his parents in two to three weeks and by the age of seven he is already reading fluently in his native language.

You can't change nature. Their backwardness is especially visible next to the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans and other Asian peoples. They have been developing their cultures and technologies in their homeland for centuries and millennia. And in America, in terms of their abilities and achievements, they are in no way behind white Americans! And they are often ahead of them!

If American white society normally accepts the successes of the Chinese, Koreans and other non-white citizens.

If none of said non-white citizens ever complain about racism or harassment, then the talk of racism has no basis! Even our President and Attorney General are black! And, alas, the most unlucky of all American politicians.

No one, even the most rabid liberal, can refute these obvious truths.

This is all now widely covered by the American media!

The only thing a liberal uses in such conversations is to cry out as a racist, a fascist, or, at best, to insist that today blacks are still lagging behind, but in the future they will be no worse than us. They even say so smart people who believe that another position is offensive to them and to blacks.

Not at all! The current situation is offensive primarily to us, white people, the creators of modern America and modern civilization on the planet!

After all, for reasons of political correctness, we should not just prostrate ourselves before them!

A popular “theory” is that we are with them at different stages of the general ladder of development. That we just have to wait and they will rise along it in the future to our level. Lie!

We stand on different stairs, and even a thousand-year wait will not close this gap, just as it has not shortened it so far! This gap is in natural abilities, which no one can change, and in life attitudes, brought up from birth.

What kind of future are we talking about, I ask?

If in 4-5 thousand years things have not moved a single step.

If over these millennia the white race went from having no written language to quantum physics and Mars rovers, then how long will it take for blacks to at least learn to read and write correctly? And often talk.

And why, until this happens, are we forcibly pushing them to the highest positions, right up to government, where they invariably show complete unsuitability, and handing out diplomas from prestigious universities to them.

Well, okay, let's wait until they develop and then we will entrust them with the levers of governing the country and culture. Isn't it premature now?

We didn't just give them equal opportunities. That wouldn't be so bad. They, for the most part, live at the expense of society, idle, debauch, fool themselves with drugs, and organize gangs that terrorize cities. They smash and burn neighborhoods in the country's largest cities whenever there is any discontent. American blacks perceive the arrest and, especially, the conviction of a black criminal as racial persecution, and then they rob stores and houses before our eyes, and behave brazenly in public places.

A bad grade at school or university leads to a trial on charges of racism!

And we give them high fives! We feed them, pay for their housing, and do not allow them to be criticized. We cannot force them to work according to their level and not to their requirements. We do not resist, we have been on our knees before them for a long time, and they, emboldened by permissiveness, behave like occupiers in a conquered country. If a fairly competent wife of the President says in front of microphones that she only fell in love with America when she entered the White House, then can blacks be considered reliable Citizens of America?

More like enemies. What kind of family do we have in the White House?

White Americans are now acquiring weapons in quantities unprecedented in the past. There are 80 million registered guns in the country and 8 million members of the American Association of Gun Owners and Enthusiasts. Why so many in a country where there is police, National Guard and the army? Guns aren't cheap. Not cheaper on average

$600 per unit. For 50 rounds of ammunition for a standard pistol or revolver, we now pay from $15 to $22. To be ready to use it, you need to regularly shoot at the shooting range! Train. And we shoot. And the shooting range is not cheap!

I am 80 years old. It's not appropriate to play toy soldiers at my age. Why do I need three 0.38 caliber barrels for $450 each?? I'm not a gun collector. Why do I shoot at the shooting range every week, spending money and time on it? Because I am now afraid to go out into the street without a weapon. I'm afraid to go to bed without a gun on my night table! Americans don't only buy weak pistols like mine. Machine guns, sniper rifles, heavy shotguns, machine guns and machine guns, and even bazookas are not bought by the thousands for hunting. This is a combat weapon!

Why? The answer is the same.

We are afraid of blacks, the government too, and curries favor with them, and consists to a large extent of them. The state will not protect us in the inevitably approaching racial conflict, which will quickly turn into bloody clashes. Calls for war with whites have recently appeared on the American Internet and TV airwaves.

How did we get to this point?

Serious analysis is required. So far I don’t have an answer, especially since no one dares to do such an analysis, and there is nowhere to read what others think about it. The matter is even more complicated because the situation seems absolutely absurd! A country of 320 million people DOES NOT WANT to curb just 35 million blacks who are leading the way to the destruction of the country, and instead is arming itself to the teeth, like an army going into battle with a strong and dangerous enemy!

Don't ask me: "What are you suggesting?" My task is to understand what is happening. How did we allow all this to happen! Draw a true picture and show it to everyone interested. I speak as a sociologist, not a politician. Let them decide what to do. And as soon as possible, otherwise it will be too late.

It should be especially emphasized that I do not at all advocate for restricting the rights of blacks in America in comparison with other races living in the country. They are American citizens, and there can be no talk of any restrictions! But the situation that has developed before my eyes, and I have been living in America for almost 35 years, is completely intolerable. Blacks are now allowed to do things that other races and peoples, including whites, do not think about and do not even want. They are allowed to live without working!

And idleness is the mother of all crimes.

Now the son of Martin Luther King, who was killed 50 years ago as a black man, is appearing on TV. political leader. His father called for a peaceful resolution to the racial conflict that really existed then. The conflict is a thing of the past. America has a black president! And King’s son is screaming (I can’t find another word), constantly wiping the sweat from his face, about the struggle, about strikes against racists, about an irreconcilable war, about retaliatory strikes, about the fact that the war continues! And the crowd, fueled by such speeches, is excited, noisy, waving flags, the crowd is predominantly black, ready to rush into battle! And it will rush if the existing situation is not dramatically changed.

You can't envy American blacks. Their incomes are much lower than the incomes of whites, Asians and other people in the United States. A disproportionate number of their young people are in prison. The incredible majority of murders and robberies are theirs as perpetrators! About 75% of black children are born out of wedlock to mothers before they reach adulthood, and they don't even know who their father is.

And oddly enough, this is the result of the fact that for at least four decades they enjoyed privileges that no one else has. Their children received high school diplomas without learning to read, and they were placed in universities without regard to their abilities. They were released from arrest several times for “minor pranks” until they were caught by big ones. An absurd major in African-American studies was invented for them so that at least one of them could get a degree in the history of African-American civilization, which did not exist and still does not exist.

The country has established personnel departments that ensure that the number of blacks in a company or other organization is no less than their percentage in the country as a whole. And yet, in such fields as mathematics, physics, chemistry and mechanics, I did not meet a single person of color during my 15 years of work in the physics and mathematics department at the University of Houston. And this despite the fact that for scientific purposes I have more than once visited the best universities in the country. They are nowhere to be found! These disciplines are incomprehensible to them! Against the backdrop of permissiveness, complete freedom from criticism, having practically unlimited public funds for young but large mothers, American blacks see with surprise and growing anger that no matter what, they are the least successful people in the country. And the further, the less. They don’t want to and can’t even understand why!

Not understanding that a diploma obtained without competition is not a certificate of qualifications or even literacy, occupying positions corresponding to diplomas, but not performing work corresponding to the diploma, they again blame racists for their problems! A people who do not have a family as an institution, who have lost the concept of decency, who have raised in the third generation people with exorbitant appetites for privileges and social Security and those who prefer to do nothing cannot claim equal income with peoples who do not have these harmful privileges and tendencies and who have only one advantage - hard work combined with ability.

We must honestly admit that morally and even physically the American Negro has fallen in many respects far below the level at which he stood only 50 years ago. We must admit that all this is the result of the privileges they are receiving in ever greater quantities. A people protected from competition, from criticism, given public handouts for idleness and laziness, cannot be successful! The unemployment rate among blacks is twice that of the rest of the country. We import millions of Mexicans for jobs that don't require a university degree or even a good school education. Blacks do not want and will not work in so-called “unskilled jobs.” They are already full. Mexicans diligently remove garbage, mow lawns, build and repair houses and roads. Thousands of them work in the fields and gardens, caring for animals. But you don’t need a high school diploma for this. Yes, they don’t have it. I have never seen any blacks at these jobs. And I won’t see it if they continue to live at my expense.

I always think of the Jews when I think about this topic. Jews were oppressed and persecuted throughout the world for 2000 years. The blacks of America never dreamed of the humiliation and beatings that Jews were subjected to in Spain, France and Germany in the Middle Ages and beyond. Only in late XIX century, i.e. much later than blacks, they got the opportunity to study at a normal school and at a university. They got the opportunity to work where they want and in the specialty they chose. And with what resistance from the whole society they received all these opportunities, to which all other peoples of the countries where they lived had the right.

The Jews did not demand anything beyond the right to be equal! The only thing they

They wanted to be left alone. Through anti-Semitism that reached the Holocaust, through unbearable everyday anti-Semitism, they made their way into the most educated and successful strata of society. No privileges, just hard work, just the desire to provide for your children better education! And so, by the middle of the twentieth century, at least 60% Nobel Laureates behind scientific achievements were of Jewish origin. And the Jews passed the exams as if all they had done for 2000 years was prepare for them. This is the most successful way to fight racism! There is no other way and cannot be!

What have blacks achieved by being freed from slavery, having received all the opportunities that Jews never dreamed of just 70 years ago? Only unheard of privileges and nothing more.

Even in sports, where they had no equal, they began to be noticeably inferior to whites. Bad habits: Gluttony of free food, smoking and drugs, debauchery and permissiveness have destroyed this race, great in sports and very successful in the past in dance and jazz.

Even in boxing, in the heavy and super heavyweight divisions, where blacks have not had equal rights for 60 years or more, white athletes have been dominating for at least 10 years. There is not one among the blacks equal to the Ukrainian Klitschko brothers and several other Russian heavyweights.

Not wanting to look at themselves, not wanting to change their vicious way of life, American blacks are more aggressive than before, demanding more and more concessions. They have become dangerous! This dangerous path for all of us, not just blacks. No concessions can replace hard work, abilities and right life. This is the only key to success. We white people need to stop feeling guilty about blacks and feeling sorry for them. Let them feel sorry for themselves. We did much more for them than we should have. They received from us legally more than we have ourselves! White American women are not paid money for every child they have. Spin - as you want!

If you sum up the demands of black activists, you get an absurd set. Give us highly paid positions in equal numbers with whites. Don't you dare search blacks, even when the police have good reason to do so. This is racism! Give us the same comfortable houses and neighborhoods that white people live in, etc. Provide us with work so that the unemployment rate for us and for whites is the same.

The fact that among blacks there are at least three times fewer fully literate people than among whites is not taken into account. What an illiterate person cannot claim Good work and payment is not considered. The fact that blacks have made the areas provided to them by the state uninhabitable is practically not discussed for free. Give us everything without making us worthy of these benefits! Without us EARNING them! We don't want to earn them! For free! We will break glass in the houses where we live, shoot at the lamps for illuminating roads and entrances, throw garbage into the streets and shoot with military weapons in all directions, and paint houses with obscene graffiti. And give us new houses and areas when it will be impossible to live in the old ones. And the cycle will begin again!

It is interesting that their activists speak little English, are illiterate, and their main “work” is street agitation and pitting blacks against whites. In practice, their demands boil down to one thing: “Give us free equality in living standards with white citizens, but don’t demand from us what you demand from yourself”; those. hard work, education, respect for the law and decency family life. Can the state provide this to 35 million people without the risk of going bankrupt? No answer is required, especially since we are already on the verge of bankruptcy.

And our blacks never got out of slavery, but now it’s not our fault. It turned out that they did not need freedom, where they had to work hard, decide their own destiny and live, relying only on themselves. Most of them, still young people, prefer complete dependence on the state, i.e. essentially slavery, for a truly free person is disgusted by the idea that his life depends on his master. They do not work, do not study, and are still content with the crumbs that fall to them from the master’s table, but they demand for themselves all the benefits obtained by other hard labor! And woe to us and to them if they stop being content with what they are given. Then Civil War under the familiar slogan “take everything away and divide it up.” The roar of this coming war is already heard by a few sensitive Americans and for the first time, albeit timidly, they started talking about it

And one last thing. You should not think that I consider any Negro to be mentally retarded compared to others. I fully admit that among them there may be brilliantly gifted people. But where are they? For the entire observable history of mankind! After all, even their most ardent defenders cannot name anyone other than Martin Luther King as national pride. None of my American liberal acquaintances could tell me a single name of any famous black scientist, engineer, doctor or writer. Where are their artists, poets, composers or sculptors? After all, even an opera based on black life was written by the talented Jew Gershwin! Where are these names? No one except athletes and famous former jazzmen, before whom we all bow.

It would be good for blacks to abandon the very word racism. Racism is the oppression or destruction of a race. There has been nothing like this in the civilized world for a long time. The charge of racism silences anyone who tries to tell the truth about the lives and behavior of blacks in America. Only a clear understanding of their true problems, which are the result of their racial characteristics and our connivance, will allow American society to solve these problems. The study of these features should become legal. This is sociology, science, not racism. It's time to stop considering all nations the same. It is absurd to consider the population of the Earth as one people. We are all different.

Mark Salzberg, Houston. August 2013
