Which camp would be better for children? The best camp in Russia: list, ranking of the best

Everyone can remember the happiness of being in a children's camp. All that was required was an observatory and a splash pool with fallen leaves. And another burning circle. You can imagine how much joy children experience when they get to camps like those on this list.

Shark Camp in Fiji Islands

The entertainment program at the camp includes extreme pleasure - swimming in the water area where sharks are found. Only teenagers and high school students are allowed into the camp. The camp is located in the controlled and protected Shark Reef Nature Reserve. Children swim under the supervision of instructors wearing divers' uniforms. In addition, they are taken on an excursion to the island where the Beka volcano is located. The camp is one of the preparation programs for admission to various colleges in a special field, for example, to major in biology.

Panda camp in China

A camp called 360 Student Travel (360 trips for students) - the Chinese cannot do without poetic twists in the names! - one of the most wonderful camps in the world. By the way, the name is quite telling: children who vacation here receive such a rich cultural program that you don’t get on any tourist trip. They are taken on an excursion to the Forbidden City, to Tiananmen Square, to the city of tigers and bears, to the Great Wall of China (and this is a bicycle ride). Every day, children are taught to ride bicycles, learn rock climbing skills, rafting, learn how to plant and cultivate rice fields, teach calligraphy and ancient dances, acrobatic stunts and martial arts.

Children take mud baths, fortunately the camp is located in an environmentally friendly place.

But the most important thing, of course, is communication with pandas. There is a nursery here where pandas are raised and helped to recover. And children act as volunteers. No wonder kids of all ages literally disappear here. free time. Who wouldn't want to tinker with the cutest creatures?

The cost of living in the camp per month ranges from $6,100 and above. This is because children do not live in houses, but in real luxury hotels.

Explosives Summer Camp

In Missouri, near the Missouri Ozarks mountain plateau, there is Kid `s camp, where children from all over the planet come. Here they are trained to handle explosives, show how dynamite, plastid, trinitrotoluene explodes.

The director of the camp, Pavel Vorsi, a professor at the Institute of Scientific Technologies in Rolla, thus attracts children, in fact, “recruiting” them to work in the mine. He loves his job and takes every precaution when working with children. Everyone loves him because he is a joker and joker. Naturally, there are simply no limits to children’s delight. What a joy it is to really, truly blow something up. Children from 12 to 16 years old are accepted into the camp, and older ones are already invited to training courses as students.

The most expensive children's camp on Rocket Lake

Nestled in the heart of the Adirondack Mountain Range in New York State's Appalachian Mountains lies pristine Rocket Lake. This luxurious place is little known and therefore expensive. It is considered so exclusive that even the children’s camp website does not list prices: they are offered individually. What is known is that you will have to spend at least $12,000 per month for one child. But the rest here is worthy of kings. The child is provided with high-quality modern equipment, like that of Olympic champions; the camp has security and coastal supervision; children can canoe and row. There is training in horse riding and tennis, children live in vans on wheels, equipped with the latest innovative technologies.

They have their own theater troupe, which is supervised by artists and directors from Broadway, and children are also taught to play the musical instruments, and in the evenings a live orchestra plays on the shore of the lake. Musical genres are different, but mostly jazz sounds. They have their own vocal coaches, personal tutors, in general, everything you want for the full development of your child.

The purest water, expensive, luxurious food. The camp can simultaneously accommodate 450 children aged 6 to 16 years. Each child, among other things, is assigned a personal assistant and a curator.

The camp is divided into a zone for boys and girls. But activities and entertainment are held together. The camp was founded in 1916 and has remained a camp for the elite ever since.

Charleston Good Manners Camp

If you need your child to be raised like a Queen of England, send him or her to Charleston's Protocol and Etiquette Camp, or as it's formally known, Civil Savvy Camp in South Carolina.

Every year, young ladies and gentlemen aged 11 to 15 years are taught many skills: social activity, success, the ability to position themselves in society, develop and hone leadership and business qualities, behave correctly at the table and in society, the art of dressing and speaking . Among the unusual skills, they are taught to behave correctly on social networks, speak in the right tone, express their emotions with their eyes, or, conversely, be able to disguise them. Children are taught to sing, dance, oratory, speech literacy, and expand their erudition. In other words, they are doing everything to ensure that brilliant aristocratic people emerge from the camp.

But don’t think that the children here are going crazy from boredom and eternal study of the rules. There is dancing, a swimming pool, and a lot of purely children's entertainment, sports and cultural.

At the end of the season, children take a test to see how well they have mastered their etiquette skills. Parents are present at this festive evening. It's more like a fun holiday ball than an exam.

Hollywood stunt camp

Hollywood Stunt Camp - a Hollywood stunt camp designed for children to be able to perform complex stunts that stuntmen perform in real films. Hollywood experts work here, and they teach children the correct way to fall (for example, from a 10-meter tower to the ground) and flexibility, dancing, wrestling, somersaults and other nuances so that they can perform tricks without harming themselves. Camp training costs from $2,000 to $10,000 for one child for two weeks.

Camp for future cosmonauts

Space Camp in Huntsville, Alabama is a real college (that is, research) camp, only for teenagers. Everything is real here. Children study technology, engineering, mechanics, various sciences, and also constantly train, including in zero gravity conditions. In order to make learning interesting, surrounding “missions” are created for children, and children walk on the “Moon”, study the development of the planet Mercury in created pseudo-real conditions. In fact, the camp is already preparing future cosmonauts, although you can relax here just like that, just pay and bring your child.

In order for your vacation to be successful and leave a pleasant impression, it is better to start planning it in advance, taking into account all the details. This is even more true for children summer holiday: when choosing a camp for a child, it is important to know that this place will be interesting, comfortable and safe for him to relax.

There are a lot of offers on the market for organizing children's recreation today: finding the necessary information on the Internet is not difficult. Attempts to find the “ideal” camp are not always justified: when searching, it is better to rely on the individual characteristics of the child and his preferences.

  1. The first step is to find out how the child sees his vacation: is he ready to go out of town and live without his parents for some time, does he want to gain new knowledge or just relax? Depending on this information, you can already choose the form of the camp (with day or permanent accommodation, tourist) and its direction (only recreational or specialized: equestrian sports, scientific, language, etc.).
  2. Determine the amount that the family can spend on the child’s vacation.
  3. Create a list of camps you are interested in by browsing websites, social networks, interviewing friends and relatives, visiting travel agencies.
  4. Collecting specific information about the camps, including not only studying their official website, but also contacting representatives. It is important to get answers to a number of questions:
  • What official documents (licenses, certificates) confirm the right of an institution to organize children's recreation?
  • How long has the camp been in existence? Who runs it? What kind of education did this person receive? achievement list" It has?
  • What concept of education is the camp focused on, what programs are used in its work?
  • How is the safety of children ensured?
  • If this is a “classic”, non-specialized camp, what clubs and sections will be available to campers, what events will be held?
  • What consumable items are included in the cost of the trip? Are there any additional fees?
  1. As data becomes available, some establishments will be eliminated. From the names remaining on the list, it will be easier to choose the camp you like best.

Rating of the best children's camps in the Moscow region 2019

Language camps

Here you can combine relaxation with learning a foreign language through games, interesting tasks, and communication.


Location: Ruzsky district (90 km from Moscow), on the shore of the Ozerninsky reservoir, Istrinsky district (50 km from Moscow).

Recreation program:

  • Learning foreign languages. Children can improve their level of knowledge under the guidance of a Russian-speaking teacher or native speaker, both in classes and during various events and games.
  • Wellness and sports. A developed sports infrastructure helps children improve their health and engage in active recreation. Grounds for sports games (football, basketball, volleyball), archery, Gym, swimming pool, tennis court - all this and much more is at the disposal of vacationers. There is a possibility of carrying out exercise therapy.
  • Entertainment. Every day of rest is very busy: role-playing games, master classes and themed days are held.


  • Constant supervision of children;
  • Learning foreign languages;
  • Thoughtful concept;
  • A day full of activities and events.


From reviews:

  • “...There is also a campsite on the camp site, so the counselors lead the children by the hand almost everywhere.”

Cost of a summer ticket:

  • Learning English with a Russian-speaking teacher – 58,000 rubles.
  • Practical lessons with a native speaker – 63,000 rubles.

This amount includes accommodation, transportation from Moscow and back, meals 5 times a day, classes foreign language, insurance and medical care, use of sports and gaming equipment, participation in events and entertainment.

Location: Odintsovo district (50 km from the Moscow Ring Road), Dol "Iskra", located in an ecologically clean area.

Recreation program:

At the camp, children are immersed in the atmosphere of English: they study it in classes, communicate with native speakers, and participate in interesting thematic events. At the end of the shift, special tests are taken that show the level of acquired knowledge. Vacationers will also enjoy all kinds of entertainment and active recreation: sports grounds, clubs and master classes, amateur theater and discos.

The atmosphere of the camp - in the video:


  • Lots of games and activities fresh air;
  • Access to gadgets is no more than an hour a day.


  • Refunds, if required, take a long time. From the reviews: “...parents must ensure that any fees paid are supported by receipts and documents”; “...the required amount was returned only a year later.”

Cost of a summer ticket:

47,500 rub. Includes accommodation, meals (5 times), 50 hours of learning English with a teacher and native speaker, medical care, participation in 10 types of master classes and sports, and an entertainment program. Travel to the holiday destination from Moscow and back is paid separately.

United Kingdom

Location: Odintsovo district, boarding house "Forest Town".

Recreation program:

English classes are given 1.5 hours a day. They are held in game form. The rest of the time is devoted to active recreation, games in nature, master classes, and psychological trainings. In the evenings - entertainment activities, in the preparation of which children are involved.


  • Good catering: buffet;
  • Qualified medical care is provided;
  • Treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and respiratory system is organized;
  • Possibility of accommodating 2-3 people in one room.


From reviews:

  • “It is not always possible to contact a child, since children are given phones only for a certain time”;
  • “I would like more sporting events.”

The cost of the trip for the summer of 2019 is still being worked out. In 2017, its price was 47,100 rubles. (cheaper for last arrival). The price includes accommodation, meals (5 times a day), daily English classes, insurance and round-the-clock medical care, travel from the Konkovo ​​metro station in both directions, attendance at master classes and events, and active recreation.

Educational camps

Summer is not a reason to pause in understanding the world around you and developing your intellect. In camps with an educational focus, learning is combined with active recreation.

Foxford Summer Olympiad School

Location: The educational center"Mendeleevo", Solnechnogorsk district.

Recreation program:

During the shift, schoolchildren are offered 6 hours of classes per day. They are held in groups recruited according to the level of knowledge and the subject being studied (mathematics, programming, physics, linguistics, chemistry, biology). Free time is devoted to sports, intellectual games and quests, and creative activities.


  • Competent and attentive teachers from Moscow State University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Higher School of Economics;
  • Each child is assigned a mentor;
  • Preparation for the Olympics;
  • Accommodation in rooms for 3 people.


  • Classes in “pairs” are not common for schoolchildren.

Cost of a summer trip: 36,000 rubles. (shift of 11 days). Included: accommodation and meals, travel to the vacation spot from the metro station and back, training, online course (of the child’s choice), sweatshirt.

Children's science city

Location: Lyubertsy district, Malakhovka village.

Recreation program:

More than 20 clubs and studios are open for children, sports sections and special courses. Robotics and computer graphics, photography and astronomy, aircraft modeling and tourism, psychology and handicrafts, theater and dancing - these and other activities are offered to vacationers.


  • Rich program;
  • Location in a coniferous forest, clean air;
  • Attentive teachers.


  • Accommodation for 5 people.

Cost of a summer trip: 35,700 rubles. This price includes accommodation, meals (5 times a day), educational and cultural program, T-shirt and other camp paraphernalia.

Smart Camp Robotics

Location: Ramensky district, Udelnaya village.

Recreation program:

The camp specializes in technical disciplines. Here they are engaged in the construction of robots, laboratory research, learning the basics of programming. Attention is also paid to active recreation: during breaks between classes, outdoor games, sports competitions, and a water park are held.


  • Interesting educational program;
  • In his free time, the child chooses what to do;
  • There are additional field trips and excursions;
  • There is a system of discounts;
  • Well-groomed area.


  • Small shift;
  • There are not always peers in groups, which can lead to misunderstandings between children.

Cost of a summer trip: Prices for the 2019 summer season are still being developed; in 2017, staying on one of the shifts cost 45,900 rubles. This amount includes accommodation and meals, delivery to the base from Moscow and back, participation in classes, master classes and events, medical care, and a disk with photos as a souvenir.

Sports camps

They give children the opportunity not only to spend a lot of time playing their favorite sports, but also to improve their skills. One of the important requirements for such a camp is the presence of a developed and modern sports infrastructure.


Location: Kolomna district, Maloye Uvarovo village.

Recreation program:

The slogan of the camp is “We made sports interesting.” Here the emphasis is on active recreation, rather than on monotonous and exhausting training. For each new season, a hit is chosen - those activities that will receive more attention. This summer, children will enjoy trampolines and paintball, team games and a climbing wall, roller skating, an exciting ninja quest and laser tag.



  • Small shifts;
  • There is no division into groups by age.

Cost of a summer trip: 36,575 rubles. No additional payment required. The price consists of the cost of accommodation and food, delivery from Moscow and back, the use of sports equipment, participation in all events, visiting the Active Leisure Park, and insurance. The child will receive a branded T-shirt as a gift.

Football Academy (based on the Gorki children's recreation center)

Recreation program:

The purpose of the camp is to develop and improve the skill of playing football, introducing the sport and healthy image life. Here you will learn about the history of this sports game, teach her techniques and techniques for dribbling the ball in theory and practice. Matches are held with teams from other camps.


  • Interesting and rich sports program;
  • Attentive staff.


  • From the reviews “...the departure was not very well organized, there was a delay, there were no counselors.”

Cost of a summer trip: 47,000 rubles. Includes accommodation and 5 meals a day, travel to the camp from Moscow and back, medical care, use of sports equipment, classes with a trainer, uniform, visits to the climbing wall, gym, and rope course.

Creative camps

The emphasis is on developing children's creative abilities; singing, dancing, and acting classes are offered.

“The First Dance School of Contemporary Dance” (based on the Gorki Children’s Educational Center)

Location: Kamenki village, Moscow region.

Recreation program:

In addition to the traditional activities and entertainment for any camp, modern dance classes (hip-hop, jazz-funk and others) are held for children. At the end of the shift, during the test lesson, the guys will be able to show their skills and receive a certificate of completion of the program.


  • The program is intended for both beginners and children who have previously danced.


  • There is no opportunity to take a dance exam for those who are attending the camp for the first time.

Cost of a summer trip: 47,000 rubles. This amount includes accommodation (2-4 people per block), round-trip transfer, meals (5 times a day), medical care, training, climbing wall and rope course, entertainment program.

KaNNnnicules. Dance

Location: Moscow region, Khimki city, microdistrict. Klyazma-Starobeevo.

Recreation program:

Classes with teachers in various areas are designed to develop the creative potential of children. In addition to learning, the day is filled with activities and events ( sport competitions, quests, games, presentations).


    • Children are divided into groups by age;
    • Rich, interesting program;
    • The camp is located in a beautiful place.


      • Less time is spent playing outdoors.

Cost of a summer trip: 38,000 rubles. The price consists of the costs of transfer, accommodation and meals (five times a day), training and entertainment program, memorable gifts.

Organizing children's country holidays today is quite a popular business, judging by a large number offers on the market. Therefore, it is very important, when choosing a camp for a child, to approach this matter carefully, sparing no time and effort in searching for information. This approach will significantly help reduce the risk of child disappointment during summer vacation.

And finally, on how to prepare your child for camp:

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Which parent doesn't want to find best summer camp in the world for your child? However in the world there is no rating best summer camps . Such a rating, perhaps, can be compiled only based on cost. But cost does not always mean quality; sometimes you have to pay for prestige. If prestige is not the most important thing you want to get from your summer holiday, then you will have to spend some time choosing best summer camp just for your child.

IN modern world There are a huge number of different types and ways of organizing summer holidays for children and youth. International camps are just one of them, although the most common. However, even among the camps it is almost impossible to find two identical ones. Each has its own program, its own routine, its own atmosphere and its own flavor, its own disadvantages and advantages, which you will not find out about on the official website. The specifics of each camp can only be understood in practice. For this reason, it sometimes happens that the wrong one is chosen best camp , a camp that does not meet your expectations and goals. And this means not only wasted money and disappointment, but also Lost time and opportunities that cannot be returned.

To prevent this from happening and to properly organize your child’s summer vacation, you first need to understand: best summer camp in the world , There is no ideal thing that suits absolutely everyone! Just like there is no ideal country, movie or book. There are only recreation programs that meet your needs and those that do not, the best just for you camps . But everyone’s needs and goals are completely different.

To find the best camp specifically for your child, you need to answer just 1 question:
And then there’s the cost of the program.

1. So, it is necessary to clearly understand what exactly do you want to get from your child’s summer holiday? Of course, first and foremost, all parents want to be sure that their child is under control and in a safe environment. However, this should not be the only wish. If the child is old enough, then you should already think about his future and give him the opportunity to understand how his peers from other countries live and study, help him realize his capabilities and see new prospects. You should not deprive your children of the opportunity to study and work outside of Russia, because everything in the world changes and, alas, we are not eternal. If the child is small, then it’s time to learn the language. And if he is a high school student, then it is worth giving him the opportunity to learn.

Purpose of summer holiday: Type of recreation organization, type of summer camps:
relaxation, comfortable and safe living conditions International camps
sports activities with a serious load Sports camps
give the child the opportunity to do what he likes in a safe and comfortable environment International camps or Thematic camps
give the child the opportunity to see the beauty of nature, let them understand what ecology is Ecological camps
introduce the child to the life of farmers, give the opportunity to learn how bread, butter, cheese are made Holidays on the farm
provide an opportunity to understand how money is made Vacations on the farm or working as a monitor in the camps******
getting to know new sports or creativity and learning their basics Thematic camps
real increase in language proficiency or obtaining an international certificate of language proficiency Language schools and language courses with accommodation with a teacher
getting to know the culture and customs of other countries Theme camps or
knowledge and skills confirmed by international certificates (international certificate of computer literacy, international driving license, cooking courses, etc.) Thematic camps or courses with accommodation in local families
correct difficulties associated with adolescence, help the child overcome them and prepare him for adult life Leadership training camps, mountaineering camps, hiking camps or sports camps (team sports)
make up for some gaps in school curriculum or prepare for admission to school abroad Academic camps
prepare for university admission
Summer schools for youth, camps at colleges and universities, international youth camps

This list is not finite, and not all goals are listed. In addition, all this does not mean that if you need to prepare your child for entering a university, then such programs have a lower level of safety and comfort. No, it’s just that the main feature of such a camp is preparation for entering a university. And among such camps there are very comfortable living conditions and not so much. Here the question is rather the country of location and cost.

2. If you have decided what exactly you want from summer camp, now you can start choosing the country of its location.

There are countries in the world where a large number of summer camps are organized, where a huge selection of programs is offered for every taste, and where foreigners are willingly accepted. These are, first of all, Switzerland, England, Canada, the USA, to a slightly lesser extent Germany, Austria, France, and to an even lesser extent other European countries, New Zealand, Australia, and China. Each country has its own advantages (for example, it is clear that it is better to learn Chinese in China), but there are also disadvantages (for example, the weather and ecology of China are hardly comparable to Canada or Switzerland).

Preferences when choosing a camp: Most suitable countries (in descending order):
Comfort, climate, safety
Variety of programs Switzerland, Canada, England, USA
Education English language USA, Canada, England, New Zealand, Australia, Switzerland
French language training France, Canada (Quebec), Switzerland
Education German language Germany, Austria, Switzerland
Education Spanish Spain, Switzerland
Education Chinese language China, Switzerland
Cultural studies and excursions Switzerland, Canada, Germany, Austria, France, Italy, USA
Sport Switzerland, Canada, England, USA
Ecology Switzerland, Canada, Germany, Austria, France
Preparing to enter school abroad Switzerland, England, France, Germany, Canada, USA
Preparation for entering a university abroad USA, Canada, England, Germany, France, Switzerland

Countries are listed in descending order of likelihood of meeting the target. We took those countries that offer the largest number of summer holiday programs for children and teenagers.

Learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of camps in different countries -

We're not talking about those summer camps where there's sticky stuff for breakfast. semolina, on the beds there are felted mattresses with the inscription “Valya S. fool”, and on the morning line there are drill courses for beginners. We have selected really or even unrealistically cool projects, the presence of which makes us happy for our children and regretful about our own lost youth.

Idea: Creative tent camp, where the craving for beauty is seasoned with the romance of staying in wildlife: on the river, in the forest and around the fire. Positive attitude maintains the availability of warm toilets, hot showers, a first aid station, equipped sports fields and other electricity.

Located V nature reserve thirty-five kilometers from Pskov.

Like it children 12-16 years old, ready for unforgettable adventures and ready for forest romance.

At the helm Sergey Remer - tourist, KSPshnik, athlete and romantic. Among the ideological inspirers is Philip Bakhtin (former editor of the Russian Esquire), along with Philip Dzyadko (chief editor of the Arzamas educational project, co-host of the Dzyadko program on Dozhd) and Ilya Krasilshchik (publisher of the Meduza Project). They are also part of the counselors along with other trendsetters of modern media.

Interesting details. “Kamchatka” has been welcoming guys for several years now. There are reviews from teenagers like “AHHH!” and “Super!”, as well as gratitude from parents. The organizers are confident that anyone gets tremendous pleasure from the process of creating something, be it a piece of music, a painting or a film. Therefore, at the camp, children will be given the opportunity to try themselves in all types creative activity. Every child will understand what they are capable of: taking photographs or, for example, playing the drums. The squads are not composed according to age qualifications - so that, according to Bakhtin, children do not gather in a hooligan-minded gang, but strive for self-expression, mutual understanding and support for each other.

Dream price: from 17,000 to 27,000 rubles for 10 days.

In Kamchatka there are adult shifts from 990 euros excluding flights

Quote: “The boys from my squad, covered with a huge tent that one of the counselors brought, walk single file through the mud and synchronously whistle Sinatra and the melody from the movie Kill Bill. “It seems to me that all this is unreal,” says the boy Senya, “that this is all some kind of movie.” - Me too". From a counselor's diary.

Idea: Again a creative camp, again tents, but this time in Europe's largest art park with real art objects, art events and art personalities. According to the creators, here you can realize the craziest ideas, find like-minded people and learn useful skills that have long been lost in the modern world.

Located in the Kaluga region, near the village of Koltsovo.

Like it everyone who is interested in art, creativity and self-expression, but will only accept teenagers from 8 to 18 years old.

At the helm Katya Melikhova - psychologist, producer educational programs and social projects.

Interesting details. A two-week camp change is a short course on creating, promoting and selling your own creative product in an adult environment, from an art object or dish to a piece of music. During one of the shifts, architect Philip Pischik taught teenagers how to build nest-houses in the forest, the creative duo “Pisan and Fibonacci” taught them how to make films, and industrial designer Sergei Starostin taught them how to come up with public art projects. Photographer Daniil Bayushin explained how to think about a shot before pressing a button, and Linor Goralik explained how to make new and relevant ones out of old things. At the same time, children spend almost all their time in nature, doing yoga and active species sports, eat organic foods and learn to live and have fun without gadgets.

Dream price: 43,000 rubles for two weeks.

Quote: “This is a place where everything is a game, but everything is real.” Katya Melikhova.

Idea - to actually show teenagers that the truly cool person is not the one who has an iPad, but the one who has a hike. The principle is to teach children to think and act independently, to care for others and work in a team, to love nature and not be afraid of difficulties. The method is instant and complete immersion in the adventure, regardless of the location and duration of the shift.

Located in several places at once. The most famous site (or rather network of routes) has been based in Karelia since 2000. Others are located in the Moscow region, Krasnodar and Crimea.

Like it children over 8 years of age who are thirsty for adventure, who are committed to self-discovery in unusual conditions, who are not afraid of the path of overcoming and everyday inconveniences. It will also not leave indifferent parents who grew up listening to the songs of Vysotsky, Vizbor and Okudzhava.

At the helm famous Russian travelers Dmitry and Matvey Shparo.

Interesting details. The organizers of the “Big Adventure” see their task as creating conditions in which children can test themselves. Three-quarters of the shift is spent on a hike, where a real model of independent life for children is embodied under the control of adults and in conditions as close to extreme as possible. The program includes safety classes, training on acquiring various useful skills, exercises to develop decision-making skills, team interaction and personal growth, developmental and outdoor games. Along with complete safety, the child here is guaranteed the trust of adults, the right to vote and choice. The result is increased responsibility, self-confidence and a degree of kindness and trust.

Dream price: from 19,000 to 55,000 depending on the program, time and place.

Quote: “On the last day of the shift, everyone receives twenty multi-colored threads and can go up to whomever he wants, tie one to him, hug him and say good words. I observed such fraternization among children returning from a hike. This is simply amazing. Such kindness towards each other, unexpected for our time.” Dmitry Shparo

"Robin Hood"

Idea - make the legend of Sherwood Forest a real adventure for children in the spirit of the Middle Ages. Such leisure, and even in a real forest, should, according to the organizers, contribute to knowledge of ourselves, each other and the world around us.

In "Robin Hood" they teach you to fencing with swords and rapiers, ride horses, and understand ancient weapons

Located near the city of Kremenki (Moscow region).

Like it all adventurers from 7 to 14 years old who have a passion for stories about Ivanhoe, Lancelot and King Arthur. Well, or at least to the cartoon about Robin. Although fans of Harry Potter and Frodo will also find themselves at ease here.

At the helm Taras Kononets, trainer of the international training course for camp directors ICDC and winner of the Moscow competition “Manager of the Year 2010” in the “Hotel and Tourism Business” category.

Interesting details. In "Robin Hood" they teach you to fencing with swords and rapiers, ride horses, understand various types ancient weapons, shoot with a bow, crossbow and air rifle, climb mountains, trees and ropes, make arrows, armor and chain mail. And, of course, apply the acquired knowledge during costumed role-playing games. At the same time, the conditions in the camp are quite modern and comfortable: three-story buildings, four-bed rooms with fresh renovations and all amenities.

Dream price: from 43,500 to 52,000 in two weeks.

Quote: “The modern child is spoiled and caressed by technology, sophisticated in many things regarding relaxation and activities in his free time. When creating the camp, we thought how we could surprise such a “experienced” child?” Taras Kononets

Idea - combine interesting lectures on the most advanced disciplines, practical exercises in a multi-level role-playing game modern laboratories, independent scientific research and entertainment such as paintball and a water park.

Located at the Children's Center "Prizyv" in the village of Malakhovka near Moscow.

Like it all teenagers aged 8-16 who love to study even during the holidays. Parents who try on the fame of Andrei Sakharov or Eric Drexler for their offspring will also be pleased.

At the helm teacher Tatyana Gorbuntsova.

Interesting details. A classic intellectual camp with pleasant bonuses in the form of a swimming pool, water park, paintball and horse riding. The official partner of NanoCamp is the RUSNANO Foundation for Infrastructure and Educational Programs. The goal of the camp within the program is not only to teach everyone who wants to create electronic maps or build nanorobots, but also to identify young geniuses with non-trivial abilities in various areas physics and computer science. Potential Vikarchuks are housed in permanent buildings in rooms of two or four.

Dream price: 40,500 rubles for 12 days.

Quote: “My son will go there again this summer. He wants to know why a cat’s eyes glow, why whales don’t freeze, and why a bicycle doesn’t fall.” From reviews

Idea: Camp by the sea with children's self-government. The organizers promise “rest with benefits for mind and body.”

Located in Montenegro. Previously based in Crimea, but due to the unstable political situation in the summer of 2014, contrary to patriotism, he changed his deployment in the Evpatoria sanatorium “Iskra” to an isolated bay in the Petravac resort of Chan.

Like it kids aged 6-17 who dream of not only swimming until they’re blue in the face, but also gaining new knowledge in various interesting areas, and at the same time trying their hand at the local political arena. As a minister or mayor, for example.

At the helm Alexander Kuzmenko is the main Juventalist and, apparently, a man of extreme modesty, since nothing else is known about him.

Interesting details. One of the camps of children's self-government, which compares favorably with its similar location and is successfully complemented by the complex health treatments. Democratic elections, government, president, cities and their mayors are the integral realities of Juventa, along with its own (stable) currency, built by the financial system and businessmen. Every Juventalian votes in elections, works in a private or public company and receives a salary, which he can spend on purchases in the supermarket, cakes in a pastry shop or movie tickets. Without ceasing to rejoice at the victory of democracy, children go in for sports and creativity, play active and intellectual games, and relax at the seaside. In general, they behave like children and residents of a free country.

Dream price: about 60,000 for two weeks, including flights and medical insurance.

Quote : “This is the sixth time I’ve sent my child to JuventaCamp. Sveta was the mayor for fourteen years. Now he wants to become president." From reviews

Educational program

The disadvantage of all these projects is that they are located outside the Samara region. Although that might be a plus. City travel agencies, happily advertising children's holidays in Samara locations, present other options for holidays extremely poorly, and do not offer the listed destinations at all. So there is a chance to purchase a ticket directly from the creators, asking all the questions along the way.

Organizing the trip and processing documents takes place remotely. Parents send a request for a reservation - to the selected camp and for the selected shift, in response they receive: an agreement for the provision of services, consent for the child to leave, a receipt for payment, as well as a list of other necessary papers, actions and things. Filling out and signing documents takes place in scan exchange mode. The parties provide the originals at the collection point immediately before departure. Of course, you also need to deliver the child to this place yourself.

Despite all the difficulties, it is worth it. Confirmation is not only reviews of parents and children on the relevant sites, but also the fact that the possibilities of booking dream camps are melting before our eyes - in some places shifts began to be booked in January. But there is still a chance to jump on the bandwagon to Hogwarts.

Every child looks forward to long summer holidays to unwind, take a break from school everyday life and gain strength for the new school year. Parents organize children's leisure time in different ways, but main goal Everyone’s goal is to give their child the opportunity to have fun and interesting time. Many people send their children to summer camp, which can become the best children's camp in the world for a child if it is remembered for exciting activities, meeting new people, and having a great time.

People change, traditions change

If a couple of decades ago all children’s and pioneer camps were “the same,” today parents and children have the opportunity to choose from a huge variety of similar institutions with different recreation programs, teaching methods, and different approaches to students. A vacation at a summer camp for every child is not only interesting activities and new emotions, it is an opportunity to feel like an adult and independent, and gain valuable life experience.

One of the best children's camps in Russia is the new complex "English Club"- a system that combines not only an intensive entertainment program, but also continuous English language training in interesting form. Recreation programs are designed for both young children and teenagers who have basic knowledge of a foreign language.

Parents themselves decide where their child will spend the summer: in a comfortable boarding house located in the Moscow region, or abroad, on the warm sea coast. It's interesting that every race is different original idea and themes: “Harry Potter”, “The Lost World”, “Lost”, “Corridors of Time”, “Avatar” - in 10 years of work, not a single concept has been repeated!

Those parents who want to instill strength of character in their children and introduce them to Orthodox traditions, can send their offspring to camp "Bogoslovo", which is located in the Moscow region. All shifts are held in the form of tent cities. Children live in tents, on the banks of a river or near a forest (an ecologically clean area is always chosen).

Food cooked on field stoves, isolation from TV and computer games, an active lifestyle in nature, exciting activities and games - all this helps children strengthen physically and spiritually, master self-care skills, and learn to communicate with peers. Any baptized child can be accepted into the camp.

Camp means sea

When mentioning a children's camp, associations most often arise with the Black Sea: it was there at the time Soviet Union Most of the children's health centers were located. Today Black Sea coast there are also a lot of similar establishments, among which you can choose the one that suits you in all respects.

For example, the camp “The Sea Teaches Everything” is one of the best children’s camps in Anapa. Children can spend an unforgettable vacation here, alternating relaxation with activities in mountaineering, rowing, rock climbing, and scuba diving.

Other similar establishments are also popular, among which the most famous is the Bimlyuk sanatorium. In this medical and health care facility, any child can strengthen their immune system, improve their health and just have a fun holiday. The spruce and pine trees growing here fill the air with ozone and phytoncides, making it very clean and truly healing.

On vacation - abroad

In addition to Russian camps, parents today often send their children to vacation abroad, still giving preference to neighboring countries. For example, many strive to get to Artek - the best children's camp in Ukraine at all times! Children with disabilities, for which the most good conditions accommodation.

Among the best children's camps in Bulgaria, “Friends” and “Serdika” stand out. Mostly, teenagers aged 14-17 come here to have an interesting holiday in the company of their peers. Vacationers are always offered exciting activities, sports and memorable excursions. The combination of fresh sea air and evergreen forests will not only provide positive emotions, but also to improve your health during your vacation.

When choosing a camp for their children, parents, first of all, evaluate the cost of the trip, the location of the camp, the duration of the shift, the profile of the institution and, of course, the preferences of the vacationer himself. If all factors fully meet your needs, you can safely send your child on vacation, where he is guaranteed to receive unforgettable impressions from a fun vacation.