Detailed lesson notes on technology. Planning technology lessons "how to make a lesson plan on technology." Reflection on learning activities

Lesson plan - lesson planItem:"Technology"

Teacher: Goryaeva S.Yu., technology teacher, MBOU “ASOSH No. 49”, Abaza, Republic of Khakassia.

Class : 5, 2 lessons of 45 minutes


The purpose of the lesson : organize student activities to acquire knowledge and skills in making sketches and patterns using patchwork technique.

Educational: to develop knowledge about “Patchwork” as a form of arts and crafts;

Developmental: promote the development of attention, memory and creative thinking when working with information, develop Creative skills;

Educational: contribute to the formation of communication skills, cultivate independence and accuracy in work, interest in the past, and a sense of pride in cultural heritage.

Lesson type : combined

Planned results:

Subject: understanding and definition of the concept of “Patchwork”, the ability to establish relationships on various topics, the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practical activities;

Metasubject: ability to carry out educational cooperation, ability to work with various sources

information, the ability to competently construct an oral monologue statement, the ability

carry out self-assessment and mutual assessment;

Personal: awareness of the personal and practical significance of educational material, the ability to motivate one’s activities, awareness of one’s capabilities and responsibility for the quality of one’s activities.

Basic concepts studied in the lesson: patchwork, pattern, “hut” and “spiral” pattern.

Stage Time in minutes Student activities Teacher's activities Form of organization Means of education
1.Organizational-motivational 1 - Getting ready for the lesson;
- Immerse yourself in a favorable atmosphere.
- Organizes students;
- Checks students’ readiness for the lesson;
- Creates a positive emotional mood to work together.
2.Updating knowledge 5 - Work with a puzzle, draw conclusions;
- Listen to the teacher, answer questions, formulate the topic of the lesson and goals.
-Organizes work on repeating the topic “Fundamentals of composition and laws of color perception”, followed by discussion;
- Organizes a dialogue, step-by-step leading students to formulate the topic and purpose of the lesson.
Frontal Handout: puzzle, slide 2, 3
3. Introduction of new knowledge 25 - Perform (2 students), listen, take notes;

Listen, watch the presentation, take notes;
- Divided into 3 groups;
- Work with textbooks, compile a basic outline: 1 group “Traditional patterns “spiral”, “hut”, 2
group “Templates for cutting”, group 3 “Materials, tools,
- Voice the results obtained and compare them with the information on the slides;
- Write down conclusions in a notebook.

- Offers to listen to the students’ message “Patchwork in Russian folk costume”, “History
creating products from scraps.”
- Talks about the possibilities of patchwork sewing in modern fashion.
- Divides students into groups, motivates them to joint activities.
-Invites groups to analyze information sources(text
textbook) to compile background notes on certain topics;
- Invites to listen to the groups’ report;
- Monitors and helps to correctly formulate conclusions;
- Summarizes the results obtained.
Individual, group Slides 4-9.
Textbook pp. 164, 171,172,174, 175.
Samples of fabrics and cushioning materials
4. Physical training 4 - Perform physical exercises on a slide. - Organizes execution physical exercise, creates conditions for relieving fatigue in
Frontal Slide 10.
5. Reflection on the content of educational material 3 - answer questions, generalize new knowledge. - Updates new knowledge acquired in the lesson;
- Invites students to continue phrases from the reflective screen on the slide.
Frontal Slide 11.
6. Application of knowledge in practice 40 - Organize workplace;
- Prepare the materials and tools necessary to perform practical work;
- Repeat TB;
- Perform practical work “Making sketches and templates
for patchwork";
- Provides instruction on students’ practical work:
  • Explains the tasks of practical work;
  • Introduces the object of labor - a model;
  • Warns of possible difficulties when performing practical work;
- Monitors students’ performance of practical work;
- Provides assistance to students who are poorly prepared to complete the task;
- Monitors the rational use of educational time by students.
Individual Handout:
- instructions for practical work;
- sample of the product;
- templates geometric shapes;
- criteria for assessing practical work;
-slide 12.
7. Summary 5 - Discuss what worked, what didn’t work, identify the causes and ways to eliminate errors. - Organizes an exhibition of completed sketches;
- Analyzes the implementation of practical work “Making
sketches and templates for patchwork products";
- Organizes analysis of typical student mistakes.
Frontal Sketches, cardboard templates.
8. Reflection 5 - Conduct self-assessment and mutual assessment of work according to established criteria;
- Evaluate each other’s contribution to the lesson and thank each other and the teacher for the lesson.
- Motivates students to reflect;
- Gives an objective and commented assessment of the results of collective and individual work
students in class;
- Offers the “Compliment” exercise.
Individual, pair - criteria for assessing practical work, slide 13.
9. Homework 2 - Reflect on homework
write down in a diary.
- Instructs students on completing homework and preparing for the next lesson Frontal Slide 14
\ For teachers of technology and labor training

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Lesson notes on technology (girls) 6th grade on the topic: "Natural fibers of animal origin"

Material developed and sent by: Baidakova Elena Borisovna, technology teacher, GOU Secondary School No. 1955, Moscow

Lesson type: combined

Lesson topic: Natural fibers of animal origin.

Lesson objectives:

  • Educational: introduce students to natural fibers of animal origin; teach to distinguish fibers by their composition; teach to identify fabrics made from natural wool and silk fibers;
  • Educational: develop spatial awareness, logical thinking, performing skills;
  • Educators: cultivate aesthetic taste and attentiveness, discipline; instill neatness skills;

Equipment: table "Fibers", collection of fabric samples, scissors, glue, thread, needle, textbook, instruction cards for students, workbook

During the classes:

I.Lesson organization

Greetings. Checking students' readiness for the lesson

II.Repetition of the covered material.

Oral survey of students on topics " General rules safety precautions", "Natural fabrics plant origin"(5th grade)

Review questions:

  • 1.What are the rules of behavior for students in the Technology room?
  • 2.What should students remember while working?
  • 3.What should students do after finishing their work?
  • 4.What natural fibers did we meet last year?

III. Studying new material.

Teacher's explanation.

From the first days of birth, a person is faced with various fabrics. If you pull a thread out of the fabric and split it, you can see that it consists of tiny thin and short hairs-fibers. Fibers are used to make threads, and threads and yarns are used to make fabric.

In 5th grade we became acquainted with natural fibers of plant origin.

Today we will study natural fibers of animal origin - wool and silk. Fabrics made from these fibers are environmentally friendly and therefore have a certain value for humans and have a positive effect on their health.

Wool- has been known to people for a long time. This hairline animals: sheep, goats, camels. The bulk of wool (95%) comes from sheep. The wool is removed from the sheep using special scissors or machines. The length of wool fibers is from 20 to 500mm. It is cut into an almost solid, unbroken mass called fleece.

In the 9-10th millennium BC. people were already raising sheep in what is now Europe and Asia and making fabrics from their wool. Unlike other fibers, whose production history is associated with a specific country or place, the history of wool belongs to the whole world.

Sheep farming was widely developed in Dr. In Egypt, loose white cloaks were made from woolen fabric, which were worn over linen clothing. In India, along with cotton clothing, wool products were widespread, and in China high level wool weaving was developed already in the 3rd century. BC.

In addition to sheep, wool from other animals was also used. In America these were rabbits, llamas, possums, bison, in Asia camels and goats. Soft and beautiful fabrics were made from fine camel hair, and drive belts were made from coarse hair, which were long considered the most durable. The ancient Greeks used soft, perfectly draping wool fabrics to make clothes. For example, in Sparta, the most common clothing was a woolen himation - a rectangular piece of fabric measuring 1.7 * 4 m, which was draped directly on the naked body. To prevent the fabric from slipping, lead weights were sewn into it at the back. The clothing of artisans and slaves usually consisted of a coarse woolen chiton: a piece of fabric hanging along the body and fastened at the shoulders with a buckle with a fibula pin. Military leaders wore purple clothes.

The main centers of medieval cloth production in Europe were Florence and Bruges. It is known that in Florence 30 thousand people were engaged in the production of woolen fabrics. The main centers for the sale of wool fabrics were fairs in Champagne. In addition, European cloth went to the ports of Egypt, Syria, Asia Minor, Crimea, further to Persia, the Caucasus, the Volga, Central Asia and even China.

In Rus', handicraft production of wool fabrics has existed for a long time; in any case, in Kyiv and Novgorod it has been around since the twentieth century. Ancient chronicles repeatedly mention the production of woolen fabrics in Rus'. Sermyagi (a caftan made of coarse undyed cloth), epanchi (a long and wide cloak), sundresses, and hats were made from cloth. Light cloth for women's clothing was made from goat fluff.

Coarse woolen fabrics were woven at home, but already from the 11th century. they were produced by masters of wool weaving in monasteries and at princely courts. Fine cloth came from abroad; they were very expensive and went mainly to the princes as rewards.

In 1630 The first manufactory for the production of fine cloth was created in Moscow, but it could not withstand the competition with imported goods and soon closed. Peter I, taking care of supplying the army, supported the creation of cloth factories. The first army cloth factory was created in 1698, and in the 20s. XVIII century There were already about 18 wool weaving enterprises in Russia.

Types of wool fibers- this is hair and wool, they are long and straight, and fluff - it is softer and more crimped.

Before being sent to textile factories, the wool is subjected to primary processing: sort, i.e. fibers are selected according to quality; crush - loosen and remove clogging impurities; washed hot water with soap and soda; dried in tumble dryers. Then yarn is made, and from it in textile factories it is made into fabric. In the finishing industry, fabrics are dyed in various colors or apply various designs to fabrics. Wool fabrics are produced plain-dyed, variegated and printed.

Wool fibers have following properties: have high hygroscopicity, i.e. absorb moisture well and are resistant to sun exposure. Wool is considered the warmest fiber. Woolen fabrics get dirty a little and do not wrinkle too much. They have good hygienic properties; clothes made from such fabrics are comfortable and the body “breathes.”

Dress, suit, and coat fabrics are made from wool fibers. Woolen fabrics are sold under the following names: drape, cloth, gabardine, cashmere, etc.

Silk, or rather, silk thread is a product of the activity of the silkworm, an insect known in China since time immemorial (according to Confucius, from the 3rd millennium BC).

Legend says that Chinese empress Hen-Ling-Chi (2600 BC) was the first to discover this remarkable fiber. She accidentally dropped the cocoon into hot water and saw that silk threads had separated from the softened cocoon. The Empress came up with the idea that the thread with which the caterpillar wraps itself could be unwound and weaved into cloth. Which is what she did. The fabric turned out to be wonderfully thin, light, practical, and beautiful. This is how I was born ancient culture sericulture, based on the vital activity of the silkworm, feeding on the leaves of the white mulberry (mulberry).

B138-126 BC e. a dignitary of Emperor Wu-di during his trip to Wed. I saw beautiful thoroughbred horses in Asia. He also reported to the emperor about the absence of silk weaving in other countries and advised the emperor to export silk abroad in exchange for beautiful horses, as well as sweet fruits, wine, etc. In 121 BC. e. The first camel caravan was sent with silk and bronze mirrors. The Silk Road is a system of caravan routes that connected for more than a thousand years cultural centers the vast expanse of continent between China and the Mediterranean. From the 2nd century. AD silk became the main product that Chinese merchants carried to distant countries. Lightweight, compact and therefore especially convenient for transportation, it attracted the attention of buyers along the entire route of caravans, despite the obvious high cost. Silk fabrics gave an unusual feeling of softness, sophistication, beauty and exoticism. They wanted to possess and admire it. He was highly rated in East Turkestan and Central Asia, India and Parthia, Rome and Alexandria. Thus, the Egyptian queen Cleopatra loved luxurious robes made of this material.

The love of the ancients for silk was caused by its exceptional natural and technical properties. With the help of silk they bought peace, concluded alliances, and sent silk with embassies to the rulers of distant countries.

Thus, silk played a very important role in both antiquity and the Middle Ages.

There was fear in China death penalty It is prohibited to export silkworm caterpillars or their larvae outside the country.

The price of a silk thread was equal to the weight of gold, so silk was available to very rich nobles. More than 3 thousand For years, China managed to keep the secret of silkworm breeding.

In 555, two monks managed to take several larvae to the Byzantine king. Thanks to these larvae, as well as the knowledge acquired by the monks in China about breeding silkworms, silk production became possible outside of China.

From the 12th century silk. threads begin to be produced in Italy (Genoa, Florence, Venice). TO XVIII century silk business spread throughout Western Europe. In Russia, silk production began under Peter the Great.

The female butterfly lays 500-700 eggs and dies after 18-20 days. The development of eggs lasts 10-12 days, during which time the eggs turn from white to gray-violet and caterpillars about 3 mm long appear from them, which begin to feed fresh leaves mulberry tree. After 25 days, the caterpillar increases in mass and size (it becomes as long as a finger, its mass increases 10,000 times). When mature, the caterpillars stop eating and wrap themselves in silk thread, forming cocoons. In the cocoon, the caterpillar develops into a pupa in 3-4 days, and then after 10 days into a butterfly.

Silk “cools” perfectly in hot weather. Oddly enough, this property stems from its ability to retain heat. No less valuable is the fact that silk fiber, without becoming wet to the touch, is capable of absorbing moisture up to 50% of its own weight! Pills, the main enemies of other types of yarn, practically do not form on silk fabric. Silk thread is very strong, but in some cases it requires especially careful handling: silk products can only be washed with soft detergents and should not be dried in the sun. There are many types of silk (damask, muslin, gauze, etc.)

IV. Consolidation of the studied material.

Practical work: Recognition of wool and natural silk fibers"

Practical work is done in a workbook. (Each group receives a task card and a set of tissue samples. Compare the samples and record their observations in workbook)

During practical work, the teacher walks around the workplaces, monitors safety precautions, whether the workplace is properly organized, comments on errors encountered and ways to correct them.

V.Analysis and evaluation of work.

Frontal conversation with students:

What new did you learn in the lesson?

What did you learn to do in class?

What have we learned about the properties of silk fabrics?

What have you learned about the properties of wool fabrics?

Analyze the lesson, make the necessary comments, check the work done, give grades.

Nosyreva Elena Rudolflevna
Educational institution: Nizhny Novgorod MBOU "school No. 177"
Brief job description: How would you feel if you found out that your child will now study batik at school? I think this is a great idea! Bright, creative products captivate and develop the child’s creative potential, and if you have the opportunity to decorate a seemingly simple T-shirt yourself...

Labor education teacher - Smolentseva I.E. Mathematics teacher - Cherepikhina E.I.
Educational institution: GOU RK "S(K)SH No. 41" Syktyvkar
Brief job description: The technology chosen to conduct the lesson was an integrated lesson with health-saving elements. Interdisciplinary connections between mathematics and sewing help students develop a holistic understanding of the human figure and help in studying various life situations, the ability to observe, evaluate, form the ability to choose the right clothes in accordance with your body type.

Yatsko Olga Ivanovna
Educational institution: MBUDO "Center additional education Omsukchan village"
Brief job description: The material presents step-by-step master class making and assembling a three-dimensional gladiolus flower from straw. The preparation of straw sheets from which a flower is made is studied at the initial stage of mastering a floristry course and is familiar to masters who deal with this material.

Kautz Oksana Gennadievna
Educational institution: State Secondary School No. 1 named after Elgin
Brief job description: Goals and objectives of the lesson: - continue working on the project; - promote the formation and development of special skills necessary for searching and using technological information; - familiarize students with the methods of conducting economic calculations; - give the concepts of “depreciation”, “business plan”, “marketing research”;

Pribylov Andrey Petrovich
Educational institution: Municipal educational institution Karginskaya secondary school
Brief job description: Lesson "Stages of creating a metal product" Goal: to teach students to design a product, to expand children's stock of knowledge and skills in making drawings, sketches, to use the knowledge and skills previously acquired by students, to develop creative abilities. Tools and equipment: notebook, pen, pencil

Naumova Elena Sergeevna
Educational institution: MBOU "Gryaznushinskaya NSHDS"
Brief job description: Lesson topic: “Gift store. Product keychain” Target settings: Repeat the composition, method of preparation and properties of salt dough; improve the techniques and skills of puff pastry modeling, introduce the method of coloring salt dough on a practical level; learn to analyze the finished product and draw up a work plan based on it; introduce the types of stores and the features of their work; introduce the professions of people working in the store; make a gift for the New Year using testoplasty technology; learn how to independently mark according to a template, cut and design the product.

Dubenskova Marina Viktorovna
Educational institution: GBPOU Orsha Multidisciplinary College named after. I.K. Glushkova
Brief job description: Using cardboard, foam and paper, children learn to make a pincushion in the shape of a water lily flower. At the initial stage, the teacher tells the children Interesting Facts about the water lily flower. Then he shows a manufacturing sample. The following is a step-by-step implementation.

Dedyanina Olesya Vasilievna
Educational institution: GBPOU AKTT
Brief job description: Lecture notes on the discipline Hydraulic and pneumatic systems intended for professional students educational institution. At the end of each lecture, test questions are provided for self-control of the material studied.

Tarasova Larisa Rudolfovna
Educational institution: MAU DO CDT "Chance" Perm
Brief job description: Goal: Learning to make a sleigh Objectives: Educational: - to form an initial understanding of the traditions of the holidays - to identify knowledge about the concept of "Maslenitsa" Educational: - to cultivate accuracy in work - to cultivate a love of traditions - to cultivate independence in work Developmental: - to develop interest in the holiday "Maslenitsa" -promote development mental processes(memory, thinking, attention) - develop fine motor skills hands

IN this section The educational portal Conspectek presents lesson plans on technology. The labor lesson summary is detailed plan, including content and detailed description stages of classes in this academic discipline.

A well-written lesson outline serves the teacher as a reference plan for conducting the lesson, and is also a document that is used when certifying technology teachers. Therefore, we can say that lesson plans play an important role in the process of building competent and efficient process teaching technology in Russian schools.

According to new government requirements educational standards new generation (FSES) technology lesson plan must meet the following requirements: goals, objectives and methods of conducting the lesson must meet age group students, the goals and objectives of the lesson must be clearly formulated, the course of the lesson must contribute to the fulfillment of the assigned tasks and the achievement of goals.

The main components of a lesson plan on technology are: topic, goals, objectives, type, form of delivery, sequence of stages, teaching materials and technical support.

On the educational and methodological portal Conspectek you can download notes of labor lessons for free

Teachers can post lesson plans on various topics on our Internet resource and receive personalized certificates of publication of original material. By posting your work, you allow other labor teachers to learn from your experience and help your colleagues improve. All the author's developments in technology on our portal can be downloaded completely free of charge for review purposes.

In addition to notes on technology on our website you will find developments in music, Russian, mathematics and all other subjects from curriculum Russian schools.

Combined lesson.

Subject. Gift etiquette. Gift packaging.


    introduce students to gift etiquette,

    teach how to choose gifts, give them correctly, and pack them.

    Learn how to make gift wrapping.

    development of technical thinking and spatial imagination, creative and communication abilities;

    mastering information skills (working with a technological map);

    to cultivate aesthetic and artistic taste in students.

Forms of student work:work in pairs, group.

Lesson equipment : computer, multimedia projector, gift packaging, packaging material, tapes, double-sided tape, quilling blanks, ribbons, lace, beads, decorative material, instruction cards, material for reflection.

Planned learning outcomes.


Planning your own activities, assessing the quality and level of assimilation.


Extracting the necessary information from a conversation or story. Development of an action algorithm.


Educational cooperation, ability to work in pairs and teams.

During the classes.





Teacher activities

Student activity

Techniques, UUD

Organizing time

Student activation.

Good afternoon
The bell rang for us - the lesson begins. They stood up straight, pulled themselves up and smiled at each other.

The teacher greets, monitors readiness for the lesson, and completes the assignment.

Personal: mobilization of attention, respect for others.

goal setting

. Communicative: planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers.

Motivation educational activities students

Create conditions for the emergence of an internal need for inclusion in educational activities.

Today I would like to start the lesson by showing a picture (Slide 1)
Brings students to understand the topic of the lesson (Si-Fink-Uande)

You have looked at the picture, think and try to describe your feelings (not only about the subject, but also what you are experiencing). You are given 30 seconds.

Convey your impressions to your shoulder partner (the one with the longer hair) 30 sec.

- What do you think we will talk about today?

(Slide 2)

What is the purpose of our work in the lesson? Why do we need this?
To achieve our goal, what work must we do? (Slide No. 3).
Activates students' knowledge. Creates a problematic situation.
Helps and advises in planning.

Teachers answer questions and discuss them. Formulate the topic and goals of the lesson. They draw up a plan to achieve the goal and determine an algorithm of actions.


goal setting; planning.
Cognitive: general educational – logical – solving a problem, building a logical chain of reasoning

Communicative: proactive cooperation in searching and selecting information.

Updating knowledge

Identify the level of knowledge and systematize it.

Offers answers to the following questions:
- Tell me, how many gifts did you receive on March 8?

What do you like more: receiving or giving gifts?

What do you think the gift can tell?Let's summarize the information collected together.

Do you know how to choose and give a gift correctly?
Organizes students to investigate a problem situation.

Participate in the discussion of the questions raised, formulate their own opinion and give reasons for it.

Personal: awareness of your capabilities.
Regulatory: the ability to regulate one's actions.
Communicative: planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers.

logical – analysis of objects in order to highlight the main features.

Primary assimilation of new knowledge.

Organize meaningful perception new information

Encourages students to provide theoretical explanations of facts.
Demonstrates a presentation

Asking questions:

What word do we say when we talk about the rules of giving or receiving gifts? (Slide 4)

Do you know the history of this word? What types of etiquette are divided into? (Slide 5-6)

There are golden rules of gift etiquette. Here are some of them. (slide 7)

There is a proverb: “A person is greeted by his clothes...”, so the first impression a gift makes is its packaging. It is also important as clothing for a person. (Slide 8)

Participate in conversation; formulate conclusions.


extract the necessary information from what you listen to, structure knowledge.
Communicative: Subject:

give definitions to new concepts of the topic, name the rules of etiquette.

Initial check of understanding


Hands to the sides - fly

We send the plane, Right wing forward, Left wing forward. One, two, three, four - Our plane has flown.

Today we will make cardboard packaging without using glue, in which you can pack a small gift, and also use it as a box for necessary things. (Slide 9)

Carry out educational activities according to the planned plan,

Regulatory: establish a sequence of actions to complete a task.
Communicative: listen and hear group members and teachers.

applyacquired knowledge on packaging production.

Primary consolidation

Practical work.

Arouse an emotional mood and cognitive interest in the topic.

Offers tasks for “new” knowledge.

Introductory training on safety precautions and workplace organization. Instruction on how to perform work in a given algorithm (instruction cards). Visual demonstration of techniques.
Organizes activities to apply new knowledge and provides consultations.

Carry out educational activities according to the planned plan
Discuss in groups

justify choosing your own decision or disagreeing with the opinions of others.
Explain, analyze, formulate.

Regulatory: control, assessment, correction.
Cognitive: general educational – the ability to structure knowledge, choosing the most effective ways problem solving, the ability to consciously and voluntarily construct a speech statement.
Communicative: organize educational interaction in a group.

Control of assimilation, discussion of errors and their correction

Offers studentstell about the results of the work.
Consults, advises, helps
Teaches methods of monitoring and self-assessment of activities. The ability of students to independently find and correct errors and determine the degree of success.

Suggests ways to decorate gift wrapping.

Present the results independent work in groups, exercise control (forms of self-control and mutual control are used), formulate difficulties and carry out corrections, independently adequately perceive the proposals of the teacher and comrades to correct mistakes.

Regulatory: control, correction, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation.

Communicative: managing the partner’s behavior – control, correction, evaluation of the partner’s actions.

Information about homework, instructions on how to complete it

Define typical mistakes and gaps in knowledge and skills, by eliminating and improving them.

With all the variety of gifts that can be purchased in a store, a gift made with your own hands is always appreciated. And if this gift is also beautifully packaged, it will be doubly valuable, and will also tell about good taste the person who gives the gift.

Homework: 1.decorate gift wrapping using various decorative materials.

2. Prepare required material to create a gift bag.

They choose from the methods suggested by the teacher to decorate the packaging, taking into account individual capabilities.

Regulatory: the ability to choose a task according to one’s strengths and capabilities.
Communicative: planning cooperation with the teacher.


Organize students’ self-assessment of their own educational activities

Analyze their activities, the activities of classmates, etc. at the lesson. Carry out self-assessment of their own educational activities, correlate the goal and results, the degree of their compliance.

Regulatory: the ability to correlate the results of one’s activities with a standard.
Communicative: engage in dialogue, express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy.
Personal: realize the success of your activities.
