What to do if your dog dies. How to understand that a dog is dying of old age or illness and how to help. Why do dogs leave home?

In a family where a dog has died, grief sets in. In fact, a beloved family member has left, leaving a wound on the souls of adults and children. The owners become immersed in memories and refuse to even think about a new pet. Some even consider thinking about a puppy a betrayal. There are no universal recipes for how best to cope with the death of a pet. But the advice of psychologists will help you rethink what happened and quickly recover from grief. It is important to think about why the tragedy occurred and whether it could have been prevented somehow.

How to survive a tragedy

When a dog dies, especially if it happens suddenly, the owner and his family may blame themselves for what happened. They believe that they made an oversight, did not contact a veterinarian at the right time, or let the pet go for a walk without a muzzle and a leash, which resulted in death. Self-flagellation will not return the dog to its owners. Even if it is their fault, you need to come to terms with what happened.

If the dog died after surgery (planned or emergency), then the owners are tormented by doubts that they agreed to the intervention in vain. They remember with pain how the dog behaved in last days and hours before the last visit to the clinic, how touchingly she pressed herself to her feet. In this situation, psychologists recommend realizing that medicine is not omnipotent, and doctors are not gods.

Every veterinarian tries to do everything possible to ensure that the pet survives, but often the disease is too advanced or incurable, so the animal dies. Don't replay it in your memory last minutes Before the operating room, psychologists advise remembering the good things that the dog gave.

It is very difficult to decide to euthanize a seriously ill animal. Many owners refuse euthanasia, feeling sorry for themselves and not the dog. Allowing an animal to leave and end its suffering is difficult decision, which depends only on the person.

Whatever the cause of death, you need to let go of the situation and continue living.

A good solution may be to decide to adopt a dog and switch to caring for and raising a new family member.

How to know if you can adopt a new pet

The answer to this question takes into account the psychological and medical factors. If the dog died from infectious disease, was poisoned by ill-wishers or the cause of death was never established, then for a new puppy or adult these risks remain.

Plague, enteritis and other viruses are resistant to external environment, they stay on for a long time on furniture, carpets and household items. If the reason for the animal leaving was viral disease, then the new pet must be vaccinated at the old place of residence. You can only take into an apartment or house a dog that has met all the deadlines after vaccination and has reached the period effective immunity against viruses.

If the dog has been poisoned, owners should consider whether they can protect their new pet from such a fate. In a private home, you need to provide a closed enclosure so that the dog cannot pick up food that intruders throw over the fence. During walks, the animal will be saved by a muzzle, which will not allow it to pick up unknown food from the ground.

Analyzing the reasons for what happened will help you avoid them in the future with a new dog.

When a dog dies due to a late or incorrect diagnosis, the owner is afraid to make a new friend. According to psychologists, in this situation it is important to understand that there are no identical diseases or identical tragedies. Lack of experienced veterinarians is not a contraindication to buying a new dog. It is quite possible that she will live without illness until old age.

It would be a mistake to secretly purchase a puppy or an adult dog if one of the family members does not want to hear about the new pet. This will not only hurt his feelings, but will also create a tense situation in which it is possible that the dog will have to be returned. The decision to have a new four-legged friend should be supported by all family members. And if not everyone is ready yet, then those who lack communication with dogs are recommended to visit the shelter as a volunteer. Perhaps there will be a new favorite there.

Advice from psychologists:

Doubts What psychologists say How to prevent the situation in the future
Guilt for not being able to protect the dog from dangerMan is not omnipotent and cannot prevent all risks.Write it down on the model sheet dangerous situations taking into account the size of the animal and the lifestyle of the owners. Indicate what actions are needed to prevent them from happening. The person will notice that there are not many of them
Lack of good veterinarians. If a dog gets sick, it will not be curedAny specialist can make a mistakeRegister on a breed forum to communicate with more experienced owners, join a breed club, read veterinary literature for owners, find equipped veterinary clinics in neighboring cities
Adopting another dog is a betrayalBetrayal is throwing a friend away or not helping him. Death separates loving hearts, but life does not stopYou can adopt an abandoned or injured dog from a shelter
The tragedy occurred because there was no time or conditions to take care of the dogThe animal turned out to be a hostage to the lifestyle of its owners. It's a sad situationYou shouldn’t think about a more “comfortable” breed of dog. Every animal requires attention and fulfillment of its needs. It is possible that it is better to switch to fish or even plants

Difficult conversation with family

All family members deal with the pain of losing a friend in their own way. The person who took care of the dog, played with it and walked it suffers the most. It is he who lacks the usual society and this person needs special support from loved ones.

Psychologists and those who have lost an animal believe that:

  • you can and should remember the deceased dog, how it was a puppy and what funny situations happened;
  • It’s worth going over what happened in your memory more than once and doing it out loud in a conversation with understanding people;
  • there is no need to discuss your grief with those who did not have a dog;
  • It is pointless to remove photographs, ammunition and toys of a pet from view, this only makes the pain hide deep in the soul;
  • It is permissible to save the dog’s favorite bedding only if the dog did not die from a contagious disease.

The thought of getting another dog will definitely occur to one of the family members. This is how children react, causing confusion among adults. Typically, children experience tragedies less painfully and switch more easily. Scolding a child for asking for something new dog, not worth it.

In adults, tragedy wears off at different intervals. Some people are ready to cope with the loss quickly and leave their pet behind after a short period of time; others are tormented by the memories for many months and even years. Psychologists recommend taking special care, trying not to injure the one who is most hurt after the death of the dog.

It will sound rude to call one to reconcile, but maintaining long-term depression in a person is dangerous. Experiences drive your usual life into a dead end; if you cannot calm down, then at a certain stage you should consult a psychologist.

When the pain dulls and opens up space for a new page in life, then it’s time to find a dog or puppy and fill the house or apartment with ringing barks.

The sudden death or natural departure of a dog is a trauma for the owners with whom the pet shared shelter. According to esotericists, the death of a pet is not always just a sad event. If a dog has died, signs may indicate some changes in the life of the owner or his loved ones.

Death under the wheels of a car

Experts are convinced: if a pet died suddenly, this means that he averted trouble from his master and his family members. This applies only to those cases where the dog died a natural death - from illness or old age. If the death occurred due to the fault of a person, then the one who took the animal’s life will later pay for it himself.

The sign says that if you accidentally hit a dog, this is equivalent to a grave sin, followed by punishment.

Esotericists say: an animal is capable of taking revenge for its death: the culprit of the incident or his loved ones will begin to have health problems. Possible sudden death, which will also be caused by a car.

To avoid a sad fate, you need to go to church, repent and light a candle for the health of all your family and friends, and also pray for your sin.

If your dog died under the wheels of a car, then this sign indicates that it helped you or your loved ones avoid a similar fate. But you should still be very careful about driving the car and the drivers on the road, so as not to become a victim of an accident.

Pet color

An animal dies due to illness or old age, but unexpected death also occurs. In such a situation, the meaning will take on the most varied, since much depends on the color of the dead dog’s coat.


If a pet died in the house dark color, the family was freed from some otherworldly force. According to esotericists, the dog who suddenly died took with him damage and all kinds of curses that ill-wishers brought upon the owners.

With its unexpected death, the animal saved the inhabitants of the house from the destructive effects of the negative program placed on them by the magician.


The death of a pet with light fur promises trouble. Unexpected departure white dog can predict:

  • family quarrels and discord;
  • breaking up with a loved one;
  • loss of a good friend;
  • the beginning of a “black” period, a period of joyless and unpleasant events;
  • betrayal or infidelity of the other half.


If a dog with fiery fur dies in the house, this is the beginning of financial difficulties. The loss of a red pet symbolizes unsuccessful deals, dismissals from work, friction with superiors and contracts that will only bring losses. Old friends who borrowed money from you may not pay back the debts. Loss and theft are possible.

Red dog - symbol material well-being, therefore, his sudden death promises a collapse in finance.


An ash-colored dog is the guardian of the home aura, so its death brings with it problems of a domestic and everyday nature: sudden quarrels with relatives, someone leaving home, conflicts among married couples and difficulties in the relationship between parents and children.

Schoolchildren and students have problems with peers and classmates, as well as poor performance in school or university disciplines.

Signs after the death of a dog

When a pet dies, many people sincerely believe that this promises some kind of change in life. According to signs, actions after the death of a dog can also be fateful.

If a dog is buried near the house, this will lead to failures in the family and negative changes. The spirit of a deceased dog can yearn for its owners and even “carry” them along with it.

Buying a new puppy after the death of your previous pet should be taken no less seriously. According to legends, start four-legged friend should be done no earlier than after 2 months, otherwise the puppy may unexpectedly die or begin to get seriously ill. This oddity is explained by the fact that the deceased dog is “jealous” of the owner of the new family member and does not want anyone to take his place.

In ancient times, they tried to burn the corpse of a dog so that the animal would not resurrect and harm the surviving pets. Today, hardly anyone believes in such things; the ancestors were not without wisdom when they set an animal on fire far from home, and this is worth following, even if you do not believe in omens.

In the end, infections and incurable diseases have not been canceled, so it’s worth taking care of sanitary standards, especially if the dog died from unknown causes or a disease that may be spreading.

Dream about a dead dog

If you saw a dead dog in a dream, then this has many interpretations. Usually dreams of this kind indicate the loss of a close friend or his betrayal, but it all depends on the nuances you saw in the dream.

  • a dying or dead red dog - to melancholy, financial losses, troubles in relationships, quarrels;
  • a black dog that died in your dream can mean two things at once: troubles created by your close friend (intentionally or accidentally), and betrayal or complications in your relationship with a friend;
  • a white dog can promise a rejection of romantic feelings and a lull in personal life. There are also likely to be disagreements and showdowns with a loved one;
  • dreamed of a dying dog asking for help - soon your friend will be in trouble and ask you to come to his rescue;
  • It is also of great importance who dreams about dead dog. If a girl saw a dream, then this promises her problems in her personal life. If we are talking about a businessman, material losses and unsuccessful contracts are likely;
  • kill a dog in a dream - become a participant in actions directed against a friend or loved one. If a dog that lives in the dreamer’s private house dies, then the sign says that this promises injury or injury to the dog’s owner.


If a dog dies at home, it is always a strong shock. No matter what the signs are, it's hard to lose a pet. To prevent this from happening, you should take care of your pet, contact a veterinarian in a timely manner and create all the conditions. Then the dog will please you for as long as possible.

Even if you have done everything in your power: fed your dog correctly, monitored its health, given vitamins and vaccinated on time, you cannot change the natural course of things. Although your heart breaks when you look at the suffering of a sick old dog, you must remember that tears cannot help grief. And words of consolation are not needed here, because everything has long been known: everyone is mortal, everyone, without exception, leaves this world at the appointed time, and those who left no longer suffer...

And our pets, from the very beginning, for the most part, due to the lifespan allotted to them, can only be around temporarily, for a very short time, and brighten up our gray everyday life with your love. Their lives are much shorter than human ones, but more intense, fuller and brighter, every moment of their existence is more filled with joy than ours.

You remember, you all, of course, remember... A clumsy puppy with thick paws and a soft pink belly, a restless teenager, a well-groomed, well-mannered, handsome dog full of strength and health - then, long ago, your friend was just like that. And now, decrepit, deaf, almost blind, he rarely goes out for a walk, he doesn’t care about the impudent cats from the next door, your old friend is always cold and wants to sleep.

The best thing you can do in this situation is to gather your strength and admit to yourself that your dog's life is coming to a natural and logical end. Even if your dog can still move independently, shows a keen interest in his surroundings and does not get dirty in the house, begin to slowly come to terms with the idea that your journey together has come to an end. You will go further without it. It is necessary in advance, so to speak, prophylactically, for every owner of an elderly dog ​​to begin to prepare for the inevitable, to try, if possible, to get used to the upcoming loss. It might even be worth exploring personal experience people who have previously experienced a similar drama, find out how they dealt with their grief, which helped them get through difficult times.

No matter how difficult and painful it may be, you should definitely prepare for the inevitable, and under no circumstances bury your head in the sand, so that then it does not suddenly fall on you like a bolt from the blue. Prepare for what will happen that you cannot change, that you cannot influence in any way. Death is the same reality of our existence as the change of seasons, day and night, news releases and the birth of new creatures. If you find enough strength in yourself to prepare for the onset of one of the saddest parts of our lives, then the blow will not be so crushing, you will have enough self-control to bravely endure the loss. And your main responsibility now is to be close to your faithful dog in his last days, and not just sit next to him and watch what is happening as if from the sidelines, you must help your friend complete his journey with dignity and, if possible, without suffering.

Many people experience the death of a beloved dog as a grief comparable in size to the loss of a loved one, and this is natural, because the spiritual connection with their beloved animal was just as strong. Moreover, this connection was especially strong and pure because the dog is a creature of a different species, and it gave you its love and devotion just like that, without demanding anything in return except attention.

There are no “magic” recipes for how to survive grief and come to terms with loss. Any misfortune can only be “survived” in the literal sense of the word, because it, like any human emotion, has its own stages of development. You just need to try to “survive” without any significant losses until the moment when the stage of reverse development, the so-called curtailment of grief, begins. If we believe the experience of mankind, then acute phase will pass in about a year, and this is the usual period of mourning for dead people among most nations. This fully applies to animals, since the time frame for the healing of mental emotional wounds, no matter what caused them, will always be approximately the same.

The writings of the Greek historian Herodotus mention mourning, which was observed by all family members, mourning dead dog: They shaved their heads and fasted. The body of the deceased animal was embalmed and buried in a specially designated place. U modern people It is not customary to perform this ritual, but everyone who has experienced this in their lives knows very well what it means to lose a true friend.

Walter Scott believed that a dog’s short life is a blessing bestowed on a person from above: if a person has a hard time experiencing the death of a four-legged friend after ten years of living next to him, then this loss would be incomparably more difficult after thirty years of traveling together!

Few people know that, unlike many people, dogs are great fatalists. Anticipating death, they treat it calmly. People are weak. Many people, having once lost their beloved dog, feel so severe stress that they can never decide to get a dog or a cat again in their lives. Psychologists believe that the whole point is a person’s lack of preparation and incorrect attitude towards what happened. After all, no matter how terrible or blasphemous it may sound, pain, shock, the feeling of emptiness from the loss of a pet is a completely natural state and you should not be afraid of it. Another thing is that this state cannot be allowed to completely take over a person and last for a long time. Sometimes the fear of losing a pet is the reason inappropriate behavior the owner himself. It happens that a person, when his aging dog comes up to him and nuzzles his hands, experiencing at that moment aching melancholy, pain and a feeling of his own powerlessness, drives the animal away. At the same time, he loves the dog very much, but cannot bring himself to pet it once again weakening dog. But in the future, the pain of loss may be aggravated by a feeling of guilt for the fact that when the animal was still next to you, you were not attentive enough to it, and did not caress it once again.

Here is a living example: a message on one of the canine forums. “I can’t forgive myself... A week ago my dog ​​died. He was 12 years old, which is not an age for a poodle. He died because of my carelessness and indifference. At first I just started coughing, then sometimes I started having breathing problems, I wanted to take him to the vet, but I kept putting it off. I thought it would work out and everything would go away on its own. On Saturday he felt unwell, and I had some work to do, I left, and when I returned, I found him on the kitchen floor, five minutes later he died. How to continue to live with this? I cry constantly, but to no avail... I feel like the last piece of trash. He had no one else to count on except me, and I treated him like a toy... Vika.”

In 1990, the Pope declared that animals have souls. Saint Basil of Caesarea in 275 AD. e. composed the following prayer: “God, instill in us the consciousness of closeness to every living creature, to our animal brothers, with whom you settled us in our common home. With shame we remember how before man ruled the world arrogantly and cruelly, so that the earth, which should have sung to you, O God, was exhausted and groaning. Let us understand that animals live not only for us, but also for themselves and for you, that they enjoy the joy of life, just like us, and serve you in their place better than we do in ours.”

Now, if not a universal recipe, then a kind of ritual or set of actions that can help, at least to a small extent, if not heal a bleeding wound, but relieve mental pain. Remember your faithful friend, release him into a new incarnation, in new life. Our departed loved ones do not appear in our dreams so often that we keep them here next to us through our pain and grief. Buy the most beautiful candle, the one you like best, light it at home in peace and quiet. If possible, do it in the place where your dog usually liked to be. And now, looking at the light, you can give vent to your feelings - remember, cry, talk to the friend who left you. Thank your dog from the bottom of your heart for being there for so many long earthly days, for his selfless love and devotion. As soon as the candle begins to burn out, thank the dog one last time and release its soul for a new rebirth. You can say this: “I love you very much and will always remember you, all my life. Now go in peace to your new birth, and if it is God’s will, then we will definitely meet you again on this earth and get to know each other.” From now on, no longer tie the dog’s soul to yourself with tears and memories. Put all photos and videos of your dog away for a while, until you can look at them calmly, without tears. Give away or throw away collars, bedding, bowls, dog toys - remove everything from the house forever.

Feed homeless street animals, and it doesn’t matter who it is - a bird, a cat, a kitten, a puppy or an adult dog, while fondly remembering your departed dog. Know that each of these creatures has a soul, remember “you and I are of the same blood.” One blood connecting your departed dog with the entire universe, including you. Pay close attention to the signs that life may be sending you. If you were really strongly attached to your dog, then your friend will definitely return to you in his new guise. It could be a small mongrel puppy who will run after you, or a stray kitten meowing pitifully in a cold entrance, or, leaving the house in the morning, you will find him sleeping on a rug near front door adult homeless dog.

Why know that a dog is dying? It's sad, it hurts to even think about it. However, knowing that you will soon face grief will make it easier to cope with, and you will have time to prepare younger family members. You will be able to be with your pet in its last days and show how much you love it.

Moreover, only you can decide whether the dog will experience pain before death or whether you will take a strong-willed but correct action - let it go a little earlier, but in complete calm.

You can notice signs of a dog's imminent departure within a week, in a few hours, it all depends on the reason. Violations will affect all vital systems. It is important to understand whether the dog is in pain.

So, the causes of early death can be divided into three large groups:

  • From old agenatural process degradation of all vital systems, including blood vessels, brain neurons, cell conductivity, etc.
  • From illness-Death can occur at any age. It is in this case that owners often have to make the decision to euthanize.
  • Sudden death from accident, poisoning, shock, trauma and does not depend on systemic diseases or age.

The third point cannot be predicted, but everything can be done to protect the dog from dangerous situations and actions. You need to train your pet, socialize it, and help it get rid of phobias. Remember:

  • A happy dog ​​is a controlled dog.
  • The safety of your pet is you, your actions, your actions, your forethought. It is absurd to blame someone for the death of a pet if you yourself let it off its leash near the road and it got hit by a car.

The situation is similar with all other accidents, if such a situation occurs there is only one reason - lack of education, attention, in a word - hindsight.

It is important to always follow basic safety precautions. If you are unsure of your pet's control, do not let it off the leash; if you are unsure that your pet will not take poison from the ground, walk it with a muzzle.

Main features

The following signs will let you know that your dog is about to die. Depending on the situation, these signs will either provide a last chance for salvation, or time to prepare and say goodbye.

Activity– one of the most striking signs of fading vitality is a decrease in activity. Out of habit, the dog will ask to go outside, try to endure the toilet, follow the owner’s commands, and behave as usual. However, an observant owner will notice that games and walking do not bring the animal as much pleasure as before. After a walk, the dog will lie down in its place and sleep for a long time, and will not enjoy prolonged communication.

Reflexes– against the background of decreased activity, lethargy and impaired reflexes occur. At first, these violations will not be obvious, but you will notice that the pet tries not to run fast, avoids sudden maneuvers, and often lies down during walks. Even dogs that were cocky in their youth begin to give in to young animals and aggressive relatives. At this moment, it is important to support your pet and try to ensure its maximum safety and self-confidence. If you notice that your dog feels uncomfortable on a walk, consider moving the walk to a more secluded place.

Metabolic slowdown– many dog ​​lovers say that on the eve of death the dog’s appetite worsens, but this is not always the case. In the process of natural cell degradation and metabolic processes, the following trends can be observed:

  • The dog eats well, but does not gain weight.
  • The pet independently reduces daily norm food, but drinks well.
  • Despite normal fluid intake, the dog develops dehydration.
  • The dog develops vitamin deficiency or a clear deficiency of nutrients.

Weight loss with a normal diet can indicate not only a metabolic disorder, but also a number of diseases:

  • At helminthic infestation The dog will lose weight, but the appetite will only improve at first. If your pet is elderly and you suspect helminthic infestation, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian about adequate preventive measures. Not all drugs designed to remove worms are designed to take into account the slow metabolism of older animals.
  • Weight loss against the background of normal nutrition may indicate systemic diseases, for example, on or other abnormalities in the functioning of the body. Carefully monitor your pet's condition, since in old age the risk of developing diseases to which the dog is prone increases.

  • Leather and wool– against the background of impaired metabolism, the dog may consume the usual amount of water and food, but suffer from micronutrient deficiency or dehydration. One of the most obvious signs of dehydration is bad condition leather and wool. The wool becomes disheveled, loses its natural shine, becomes severely deformed, and breaks. If you look closely at your skin, you may notice a large number of scales or even cracks. However, do not rush to conclusions and take your dog to the vet. This may indicate seborrhea, which most older but still physically strong dogs are prone to.
  • Breath- disruption in work respiratory system- This a clear sign the pet's imminent departure. When metabolic processes slow down critically, the dog falls into a lethargic state. You may notice a slowing in your breathing rate. Depending on the size of the dog, the normal breathing rate varies from 22 to 30 breaths per minute. When breathing slows down, the dog breathes slowly, deeply, often with an open mouth. The breathing rate usually decreases to 10–11 breaths per minute. Just before death, the dog continues to perform breathing movements, but in fact she does not inhale or exhale air, since the lungs no longer expand.
  • Heartbeat– after slowing down your breathing, you will notice a clear decrease in heart rate. U healthy dog a strong pulse is felt with a frequency of 100-130 beats per minute. In a dog whose metabolism is slow, heartbeat decreases to 50-80 beats per minute. When your heart rate drops, there is a natural drop blood pressure which is accompanied severe weakness and apathy. Usually the dog tries to hide in a dark, secluded place, hardly moves, and when trying to move from place to place, the pet sways greatly. At this stage, only the dog’s comfort depends on you; if the pet dies of old age, you can assume that this condition is irreversible. However, be prepared for the fact that the dog may remain in a state of lethargy for a day or even more. There is no need to force your pet to eat, drink, or get up.

  • Digestive system– a few days, and maybe hours, before death, the dog will completely refuse food. In this case, the pet may involuntarily empty its intestines and bladder. Even if the dog doesn't eat anything, they will remain in the intestines. feces, since the peristalsis of the intestinal walls is greatly reduced. Offer water to your pet, but do not force your dog to drink. Be prepared for the fact that in the last days and hours, the pet will go to the toilet under itself. If the dog gets up and asks to go outside (and this often happens), take it out for a walk in your arms and immediately bring it home. Immediately after death, the dog will have an involuntary and complete bowel movement and Bladder. This happens because the muscles completely relax after the death throes.
  • Mucous membranes– against the background of dehydration, metabolic disorders, deficiency nutrients a dog may develop oxygen starvation cells. At first, you may not notice anything other than a change in the color of the mucous membranes of the eyelids and gums. Typically, the gums become gray, whitish, or almost transparent. Try to measure your pet's temperature; if it is low, provide the dog with warmth. When the temperature naturally drops, the dog experiences chills, and when the animal is cold, it cannot relax - this is a reflex.

About the death agony

Many owners panic when their pet is in its death throes. Fear is caused not even by the loss of a dog, but by the state in which it is interrupted before death. It is important to learn one thing, you cannot change anything, but it depends on you how your pet will feel in the last moments of its life. Keep calm with all your might, don’t cry, hug the animal, calm it down, try not to let your voice tremble.

Learn one more truth, your pet devoted his whole life to serving you, he was ready to do anything to make you happy. Try to be happy in the last moments of his life, so that when he leaves, your pet knows that he coped with his task perfectly.

Let's take a break from philosophy, what is death throes? As mentioned above, a few hours before death the dog falls into lethargy. This state can be described in different ways: indifference, complete calm, tranquility, and so on. WITH scientific point vision, lethargy, is a partial cessation of the functioning of brain neurons. Being in lethargy, the dog practically does not feel pain, loses its sense of smell and hearing. The last thing a dog loses is its vision and sense of touch, which is why it is so important to be close and constantly in contact with it.

When it comes to death from old age, we can say that death is painless. The pet may feel sick. Nausea in this case is natural and should not be stopped. Try to maintain eye contact with your dog until his pupils dilate and no longer respond to light.

Lack of pupil accommodation indicates complete lethargy or coma. After loss of vision, the dog only feels stroking (and not always), but at the same time the nerve endings of the skin constantly and very rapidly atrophy. No matter how hard it is for you, you need to remember that after the atrophy of the pupils, the dog no longer feels almost anything.

Euthanasia or death from disease is a difficult choice

Inexperienced owners often torture their pets, making excuses that euthanasia is murder. We will not refute the truth that euthanasia or euthanasia leads to the death of a dog. However, every time you see a pet in pain, watch a disease kill it, ask yourself: am I acting humanely?

Naturally, you want to stay with your pet for as long as possible, to know that you did everything and were there until the end. Try to think about the pet, about its well-being, about its comfort. Unfortunately, in this matter you have to show all the composure and rationality that you are capable of at that moment.

We do not call for resorting to euthanasia if the dog has at least the slightest chance of recovery and a full life.

Our pets live shorter lives than we do, but they don’t have our anxieties, worries, or work-filled lives. They perceive the world brighter, more intensely, and if there is sincere friendship between the owner and the dog, he is happy to be with him and close to him. Such pure relationships, full of love and care, are not always established between people. For many, a dog is like a beloved child.

Once upon a time you bought, took in kind hands or you were given a cute thick-footed and thick-butted puppy, and now he’s already old, someone’s pet is deaf and blind in one eye, but just as beloved as before. The dog no longer chases cats on walks, but one day he refuses food, lies sad and doesn’t even drink on his own. You feed him with a syringe, also give him water, give him injections yourself or invite a veterinarian to do this, but one day you realize that true friend dies. What to do and how to survive this difficult period?

Now you owe it to your pet to be strong, to provide him with maximum attention and support. These are his last days, and perhaps the hours of his life. Try to give your dog painkillers to ease his pain.

For many of us, the loss of a dog is comparable to the loss of a relative or an old friend. Not every relative develops such strong friendships and family ties. And friendship with a dog is purer and stronger also because it is not overshadowed by some kind of mercantile interest. The pet needed nothing from you except care, love and attention. He sincerely gave his love, expecting only reciprocity. This is the ideal relationship between relatives, friends and spouses that many people dream of.

Call the vet

When your pet dies, you will be confused, you will cry, but the first thing you need to do is call your veterinarian. The pet can be buried in a pet cemetery or cremated and its ashes buried somewhere in an urn.

You can independently find several such organizations on the Internet that provide funeral services, and even calculate how much it will cost to bury your pet, but not all older dogs get sick for a long time, some die suddenly. For example, even a young or middle-aged dog can bite Tick-borne Encephalitis and she will die without an antidote in a week. If you were not prepared for such an outcome and do not know the coordinates of funeral agencies for animals, an experienced veterinarian can tell you their coordinates.

Some owners feel well enough to independently lay down the pet’s body, wrapped in sheets and something else, and take it by car to the organization, but if you feel very bad, do not drive! Ask a family member or friend to help and take you to that company.

If the pet died when it was already warm, then after 6 hours its body will begin to decompose and you will hear bad smell. This will happen even faster in the summer. It’s good for those who live in the private sector to have a cellar or cool basement. If you cannot immediately take your friend's body to a funeral home, then leave it there temporarily.
