Lavender essential oil how to get rid of lice. Using tea tree oil for lice and nits. Effective recipes for using essential oils to combat head lice

The main thing in the fight against pediculosis is prevention. It would be wise to use essential oils for lice and nits.

Essential oils in the fight against lice

The principle of operation of any of them is simple: viscous in structure, when it gets on the skin, it causes suffocation in lice and they die. Using essential oils when infected, they are rubbed into the scalp and applied to the hair. Put a towel and a plastic cap on top. It's best to do this at night. In the morning, wash your hair and comb out insects using a comb.

What essential oils did our ancestors use for lice and nits? Despite their variety, not all are suitable for the treatment of head lice. Can be used:

  • oil tea tree:
  • lavender;
  • burdock;
  • castor;
  • anise;
  • sunflower (olive).

Lavender oil does not help against lice. But it is known for its pleasant aroma to humans, which lice simply cannot tolerate. Therefore, if you drop a few drops of lavender into regular shampoo, infection with lice can be avoided: insects simply will not crawl there.

It also soothes the scalp, relieves itching, and disinfects wounds. Ideal for .

Anise- This good antiseptic. But it is worth keeping in mind that anise oil for lice is a bad help. However, unlike tea and lavender, it is absolutely harmless and does not cause side effects.

Burdock and Castor oil They don’t help against lice, but they treat and strengthen hair. They act in the same way as the previous ones. And the latter also has an antibacterial and antifungal effect.

But the most effective against lice is kerosene. Its peculiarity is that it poisons both adults and nits. However, it must be used very carefully. Firstly, kerosene is toxic to humans. And secondly, prolonged exposure to hair will make it dry and lifeless. It is best to avoid using kerosene altogether., because the harm is much more real than the benefit.

Although it was kerosene and sunflower oil against lice that were the most important helpers in the times of our grandmothers. It’s clear why: ethers were difficult to find, and these funds were freely available.

Tea tree oil for lice

Tea tree oil - folk remedy for lice prevention

Tea tree oil is an oil obtained from the leaves of the tree of the same name. Known for its special smell. In his chemical composition about 100 compounds were included. Has a number of useful properties:

  1. Antiseptic.
  2. Antifungal agent.
  3. Antiviral.
  4. Health product.
  5. General strengthening.
  6. It is actively used in cosmetology and medicine.

Diluted oil is completely safe. It can be used by children and pregnant women. Dilute it with water oil solution vitamin E, any other aromatic composition. It is strictly forbidden to eat it. If it enters the body, it becomes very toxic and can cause poisoning.

The use of tea tree oil for lice and nits has its own characteristics. For greater efficiency it is recommended to combine it with alcohol solution in the following ratio: add 30 drops of oil to 50 grams of pure alcohol and mix thoroughly.

Then 50 grams of water are added to the resulting solution. The resulting mixture will cause irreparable harm even to nits, destroying their dense protective shell and killing the embryos.

As for the disadvantages of using oils in the fight against lice, these are personal intolerance and allergic reactions. Some oils can become strong allergens, causing skin redness, rhinitis, coughing and even suffocation.

In general, the benefits of using oils are much higher, since in addition to getting rid of the disease, they can improve the condition of the hair and scalp.

Important: It is necessary to use oils to treat head lice only after conducting an individual sensitivity test.

What means can be used?

  • burdock;
  • castor;
  • sunflower;
  • olive;
  • anise.
  1. lavender;
  2. geraniums;
  3. bergamot;
  4. eucalyptus.

Burdock oil is popular means. It is used not only in the treatment of head lice, but also for the general improvement of the condition of the hair and scalp, as it helps nourish and saturate them with fats and essential vitamins.

Castor oil has the same effect as burdock oil. You can also buy it at the pharmacy. The second most popular product is sunflower oil. It is usually used to dilute essential oils, since they cannot be used in their pure form.

Essential oils against lice are not used in its pure form. They are added in small quantities to base oils or shampoos to prevent head lice. In the case of lavender, it is also used as a component of a mixture of several oils, since by itself it does not have such a strong effect.

Important: Fragrant oils also have a positive effect on human immunity due to their smell, so it is worth choosing those oils whose smell is pleasant to humans.

Recipes for masks against lice

Oils should be used with caution so as not to cause further harm to the body. Burdock oil is the easiest to use, since other than it you do not need any additional components. A small amount of it is slightly heated to a comfortable temperature.

Warm product is applied generously to hair and skin. After application, wrap your head with a plastic cap or film. The resulting mask should be on your head for at least an hour. This is the only way to achieve the desired effect.

This mask should be washed off warm water using shampoo. The course of treatment is about three days, after which such masks can be repeated weekly for prevention.

Sunflower oil is used in combination with essential oils for better dissolution and absorption into hair and skin. On no a large number of sunflower oil You should take a few drops extra.

They are mixed and the resulting mixture is slightly heated to a warm state. The resulting composition is applied to the hair roots. As in the case of burdock, the product is left on the head for an hour or several, wrapped in polyethylene.

It is recommended to wash off the mask with warm water and shampoo. Anise oil used in its pure form. It, like other products, is applied to the hair roots and skin for one to two hours and then washed off copious amounts water. After using such products, you should thoroughly wash your hair and comb out lice and nits using a fine-toothed comb.

  • lemon;
  • lavender;
  • tea tree;
  • rosemary.

As base oils, you can use sunflower, burdock, castor, coconut or any other fatty oil. All of the above components are mixed and applied to the skin.

The rest of the oil-based recipes practically duplicate each other. They differ only in the types of components that are mixed with the base ones. For children school age It is recommended to use a product containing the following oils:

Adults can use masks made from anise or oregano to treat head lice.

You can add oils from plants such as:

  • thyme;
  • thyme;
  • rosemary;
  • oregano;
  • citronella.

Important: Pure ethers cannot be used on skin and hair, as there is a high risk of chemical burns.

A course of treatment

The use of any oils has a positive effect only for a certain time. Typically, a course of masks lasts three days, after which you can regularly repeat the procedure once a week to consolidate the effect.

In addition, since pediculosis most often affects people with weakened immune systems, it is necessary to take a course of vitamins that would have a positive effect on the immune system.


However, they can also have their contraindications and cause allergies, so it is necessary to select them based on individual sensitivity.

Essential oils against lice and nits are widely used in medicine, as they have insecticidal, antibacterial and even antifungal properties. At the same time, they are practically safe for humans, which cannot be said about drugs with a chemical composition:

  • Oils have a positive effect on the beauty and health of hair, giving it strength, shine and silkiness.
  • The principle of action of oils is based on the structure of the product. Treating the head with a viscous mixture causes an attack of suffocation in insects, as a result of which they die.
  • and a sharp, rich aroma that repels insects.
  • A mixture of essential or any vegetable oil with acidic environment(vinegar or lemon juice) will be destructive not only for nits, but also for nits. This compound dissolves the shell of the eggs and also dilutes the cementing substance with which they are attached to the hair, which makes it easier.

The only side effect that essential oils can cause when used is the occurrence of allergic reaction in people with hypersensitivity or individual intolerance.

Most effective result with lice demonstrate the following types of essential oils:

  • lavender, anise;
  • burdock, bergamot;
  • eucalyptus, castor.

This list can also include sunflower, tea tree and geranium oils. When selecting medicinal oil, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body, as well as the properties of the product itself.


Processed burdock oil the head is wrapped in a plastic bag. After an hour, the hair is washed with running water and a mild shampoo. After which the dead lice and nits are combed out. This treatment is carried out for 3 days. For achievement maximum effect, and also for preventive purposes, the treatment is repeated every week.

Tea tree

For cooking medicinal mixture you need to mix 30 g of tea tree oil with 50 g ethyl alcohol. Then add 50 g of distilled water. The resulting solution is treated with the scalp for 5-6 days.

However, it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve complete destruction of lice with this mixture alone. But its combination with eucalyptus, rosemary or tea tree oil will help not only heal wounds and get rid of dandruff, but also destroy lice. In addition, this herbal combination will help protect against bites of midges and even mosquitoes.

A pediculicide can also be made with alcohol. It is enough to mix it with lavender ether and distilled water in a ratio of 5:3:5. The resulting cocktail is rubbed into dry hair using a cotton swab. The head is wrapped in a plastic bag and a towel on top. After 20 minutes, the hair is washed with water and combed with a comb. To get rid of lice completely, this procedure should be repeated at least 4 times.

I once tried lavender oil extract. However, it was not possible to obtain a 100% result. As a deterrent, it can be effective. As for me, without pharmaceutical drugs a problem like pediculosis cannot be dealt with.

Natalia, Simferopol


Anise oil for lice is not a complete remedy. But it serves as a good addition to the main pediculicide. The oil composition slows down the reproduction of lice, restores the skin and relieves symptoms of irritation after using chemicals. Anise is also effective against fungi.


Vegetable oil is also used in the fight against pediculosis. It has a suffocating effect on lice by filling their spiracles. Sunflower oil will not harm the skin and hair, so its use is completely safe for children or. However, the process of removing lice in this way takes more than 10 days.

The product is applied to the hair and scalp with massaging movements, after which a bag and towel are used in the same way as the previous methods, and left in this state for 30 minutes. Then proceed according to the same scheme: wash and comb out with a comb.


Geranium oil is another herbal remedy, which has antibacterial and antiseptic properties. It is often used to repel lice. The oil has no effect on nits. Therefore, they can only be removed by combing.

A mixture of geranium, tea tree and anise oils gives a good effect. A few drops of each component, taken in equal quantities, are mixed with any fatty oil and rubbed into the head. The mixture is kept on the head for at least 1.5 hours, after which it is washed with shampoo. Dead lice and nits are combed out with a comb.

I removed lice for my son with geranium oil, mixing it in equal quantities with sunflower oil. The resulting mixture was applied to the head, soaking all the hair and skin. She covered it with a bag and a towel on top. I left this “greenhouse” for an hour. After which I thoroughly washed my hair several times with regular shampoo and combed it out with a comb. 2-3 such procedures (depending on the length and thickness of the hair) and you will no longer remember about lice.

Pediculosis is fraught with more than just insect bites. There are risks that scratching the head can cause an infection in the wound, followed by the formation of pustules. The louse is a carrier of various infections. An accidentally crushed specimen on a damaged area of ​​skin can cause serious illness. So why don’t people turn to doctors, but look for a way to get rid of lice using folk remedies on their own?

Lice are usually associated with uncleanliness of owners and many are afraid of being judged even in a pharmacy. This is where I remember the advice of grandmothers who never used chemistry. To prepare most home remedies, you will need those products that are available in every housewife. But here there are certain nuances. There is an opinion among people: if a remedy for lice is a folk remedy, it must be safe. This is a common misconception, as many recipes may contain toxic ingredients such as flammable fuel. Use such remedies at your own peril and risk, but before doing so, it is advisable to make sure that there are no side effects.

Combing with a comb

Scratching by itself is unlikely to help get rid of insects: it is impossible to catch every single one, and tenacious ones are not at all amenable to mechanical removal. The deficiency can be solved through complex removal: for example, folk remedies used for lice work perfectly only with the use of a comb. After applying the product, the insects die and are combed out well, and the nits come off the hair and no longer pose a danger.

Use of plants

Decoction of pine needles

Several branches coniferous tree Fill half the bucket with water. The broth should be simmered over low heat for a couple of hours. An hour before bedtime, you need to wash your hair with laundry soap and use pine decoction as a rinse. They wrap their heads in a towel and go to bed. Regular treatment of lice with folk remedies that include pine needles should bring results.

Decoction of hellebore and wild rosemary

Dry ground hellebore root (2 tbsp) and wild rosemary herb (2 tbsp) are mixed in heated pork fat (30 g). The mixture is infused for 12 hours, after which it is thoroughly filtered. The resulting substance is applied to the skin twice a day, the course of treatment is 5-10 days. Hellebore grass has toxic characteristics, so this method is not recommended for children.

Larkspur with lemon

Larkspur (10 g) is poured into a glass of boiling water, to which is added lemon juice or lemon acid(5 g). Infuse for about 6 hours and strain. Used against lice for up to 10 days.

Folk remedies against lice and nits, which contain citric acid, well corrode the shell of nits and simplify combing with a comb.

Side effects include dry and brittle hair, on which the acid also has a negative effect (herbal decoctions should smooth out the harmful effects of lemon).

Garlic and onion

A method for true extreme sports enthusiasts. Not only will you have to endure unpleasant odors, it is then very difficult to get rid of them. Many people complain that the onion aroma haunts them for a whole week, and when they get caught in the rain and get their hair wet, others smell it too. Be that as it may, sitting at home and not planning to go out, you can try this method, besides, it is quite good - this folk remedy for nits and lice copes with a bang.

The recipe is simple: grind the onion and garlic head through a grater or meat grinder. The resulting paste is applied to the hair and rubbed into the skin, after which a plastic cap is put on. In this form you need to spend a couple of hours, after which the mixture is washed off. Before using shampoo, you must apply any vegetable oil and comb your hair thoroughly - this will remove any remaining mixture, nits and lice.

Cranberry juice

Fresh cranberry juice gets rid of lice and nits instantly. It is enough to have 300 g of berries, but the procedure will have to be repeated, and the more cranberries there are, the better. The berries are washed and crushed, the resulting juice is rubbed into the roots of the hair. You can wash it off only after one and a half to two hours, and you need to apply it several times a day. After each use, the strands are thoroughly cleaned with a comb.

Cranberry acts against lice in the following way: the acids of the berries corrode the outer shells of nits, protecting them from external influence. The eggs are destroyed and no longer pose a danger, and the old generation dies after 10 days. Therefore, it is advisable to extend the use of cranberries to ten days.

Using tar soap

Using this method, it is not enough to lather your hair and immediately rinse off the foam. To completely destroy the insects, you need to walk around with soapy hair for more than half an hour, and after washing, carefully comb out the lice. The procedure will have to be repeated several times.

Hair treatment with vinegar

Table vinegar and apple cider vinegar are equally effective against lice. Before applying it, be sure to dilute it with water, otherwise you may get a skin burn. There is a recipe using salt: 40 g of salt and 5 g of alcohol are diluted in a glass of vinegar. Gauze with vinegar solution is applied to the affected areas, compresses are applied throughout the day.

Vegetable oils for lice

Lavender oil

Essential lavender oil has soothing, antiseptic and analgesic properties.

People with allergies or asthma should be careful when using lavender.

He has quite Strong smell, which many insects are afraid of. But there is no need to expect a miraculous reprisal - lavender oil itself does not help much against lice. But in action with other oils it opens with the best side. It is applied along with eucalyptus, rosemary and tea tree oil. Such combinations not only get rid of dandruff and effectively heal wounds; they are able to destroy lice and prevent bites of various insects (mosquitoes, midges).

Anise oil

Tea tree oil

The use of tea tree extract is justified only to weaken insects and slow down their development. It is used in combination with other substances, for example, alcohol, which corrodes the outer covering of insects.

Burr oil

People use not only burdock oil, but also decoctions from the root. Burdock significantly accelerates hair growth, strengthens hair follicles and is a popular remedy for the prevention of baldness. The oil makes hair soft and shiny, smoothing out the scales, which is why it is often used in cosmetic masks.

Hair coloring

No matter how strange it may sound, but... It is clear that no one in the salon would risk serving an infected client, so the procedure will have to be carried out independently. The paint contains a certain percentage of peroxide, and the lighter the paint, the more of it. Both adults and nits are very afraid of it, dying immediately.

It is not recommended to use pure hydrogen peroxide. In this form, it will cause a lot of problems: hydrogen peroxide for lice and nits contains a wide variety of reviews, including negative ones. For some, it causes burning, redness of the skin and brittle hair at the roots. The best option will use paint in which the amount of peroxide is limited.

If changing your image is part of your plans, you should use this method. But when a huge number both home and pharmaceuticals coloring loses its meaning.

Tea oil has the following properties:

  • contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements;
  • has an antiseptic effect;
  • has antibacterial properties.

Previously, tea oil was used to treat fungal diseases. The product can not only destroy microorganisms, but also eliminate inflammation and irritation of the skin, and it also helps speed up the healing process of wounds and other damage to the skin.

The strong aroma of the oil is intolerable to lice

Essential oil does not provide immediate results. The product does not have a strong toxic effect on microorganisms and is not capable of destroying the chitinous shell of lice, and especially the dense cocoon of nits.

Methods of application

It is important to remember that tea tree oil should not be used in its pure form, as it has high concentration and can lead to skin irritation or allergic reactions.

Convenient to add oil to shampoo

Best to do alcohol tincture or add a small amount of oil to shampoo or hair mask.

There are several ways to use tea tree oil to get rid of lice and nits:

  1. Add product to shampoo. To do this, mix 10 drops of oil and 15 ml detergent for hair, then wash your hair thoroughly with the resulting mixture. To enhance the effect it is better to use special shampoo against lice. This method is more preventive than therapeutic, especially when using regular shampoo. But with this method you can improve your hair health, saturate it with microelements and restore hair follicles.
  2. Prepare special composition. To do this, mix 50 g of ethyl alcohol and 30 drops of tea tree extract, add 50 g of distilled water to the resulting mixture. The composition should be rubbed into the scalp for 7 days. The main effect of using this method is achieved thanks to alcohol - it has a necessary effect on the chitinous shell of lice, and the oil here acts as a useful natural additive.
  3. Method of combining oils. Mix clove and tea tree extracts in a ratio of 20: 4, apply the resulting mixture to the scalp every day. For information on how to use tea tree oil, watch this video:

Contraindications for use

Like all other essential substances, tea tree extract has some contraindications. It should not be used in the following situations:

  • children under 6 years old;
  • during pregnancy;
  • during lactation;
  • people suffering from bronchial asthma.

Any possibility of oil getting into the digestive tract.
Internal use of the product can cause the following phenomena:

  • headache;
  • vomit;
  • indigestion, diarrhea;
  • stomach pain;
  • hallucinations.

The product is a strong allergen. In people who have an individual intolerance to its components, the oil can cause itching, redness and rash on the skin. Particular care should be taken when using the oil to treat head lice in young children.

In addition, this product should be used in full accordance with the instructions, carefully observing all safety precautions. Consultation with a physician is recommended.

Tea tree oil will help get rid of lice only if it is used in combination with modern medicines from pediculosis.

However, it is excellent for preventing the appearance of lice. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.
