Anatomy presentation on the topic "blood". Blood Buffer properties of blood

summary presentations


Slides: 17 Words: 446 Sounds: 0 Effects: 91

Blood. Blood composition. Plasma (intercellular substance). Formed elements: erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets. Formed elements of blood. Red blood cells. Leukocytes. Platelets. Blood functions: Regulation of homeostasis Transport Regulation of body temperature Protective Humoral regulation. The meaning of blood. "Breadwinner". "Regulator of activities." "Defender". "Air conditioner". "Keeper of the Foundations." An adult has 4-5 liters of blood. BLOOD COMPOSITION: The main function of red blood cells and hemoglobin is to transport oxygen from the lungs to other organs. By adding oxygen, hemoglobin changes from bluish to scarlet. Immunity. Natural. - Blood.ppt

Blood lesson

Slides: 15 Words: 591 Sounds: 0 Effects: 47

Lesson plan. Terminological warm-up “Finish the phrase” Lesson topic: Summing up. Saline. Platelets. Fibrinogen. Thrombus. Rh factor. Fibrin. Blood serum. Donor. Recipient. “Finish the sentence.” Option 1 When injured at the site, vessel damage accumulates and is destroyed……….. Blood plasma without fibrinogen is called………… The second blood group can be transfused to …………… The person to whom the blood is transfused is called……….. Option 2 When a blood clot forms, the soluble protein fibrinogen turns into……… In the fibrin network, blood cells get stuck and form……… In addition to the blood type, for successful transfusion, it is necessary to take into account……….. - Blood lesson.ppt

Blood grade 8

Slides: 12 Words: 255 Sounds: 0 Effects: 2

Think! But millions of ships leave their harbors to sail again.” Basic concepts of the lesson: Plasma; Serum; Thrombus; Fibrin; Fibrinogen; Phagocytosis; Blood clotting; Hemoglobin molecule. Diagram of oxygen transfer by hemoglobin. Hb - hemoglobin hb+o2 hbo2 hbo2 hb+o2 hbco2 hb + CO2 hb + CO2 hbco2. Leukocytes. Phagocytosis is the process of absorption and digestion of microbes and other foreign substances by leukocytes. Mechnikov Ilya Ilyich 1845-1916 Quantitative composition of blood. Red blood cells; 1 cubic mm - 6000 - 8000 leukocytes; 1 cu. - Blood grade 8.ppt

Biology Blood

Slides: 19 Words: 474 Sounds: 0 Effects: 53

What is blood

Slides: 5 Words: 144 Sounds: 4 Effects: 28

What is blood? Leukocytes. Leukocytes are white and colorless cells that fight microorganisms and pathogens. Red blood cells. Red blood cells are red cells that carry oxygen and carbon dioxide. Platelets. - What is blood.pptx

Blood in the body

Slides: 18 Words: 337 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Blood. Composition, structure, functions. What is blood? Blood composition. Who is more important? The leukocyte exclaimed! The platelet sighed... Blood is the mirror of the body. Everything is relative. Composition of the internal environment of the body. Testing. What is blood? In the red kingdom, a dispute once arose, who is more important? The leukocyte exclaimed. “I devour pathogenic microbes” - phagocytosis - absorption and digestion of microbes and foreign substances. The platelet sighed. Answer. 1.Red blood cells are involved. 2. Which blood function does plasma not perform? 3. The platelet performs the following functions: 4. The phenomenon of phagocytosis was discovered: - Blood in the body.ppt

Blood as the internal environment of the body

Slides: 11 Words: 305 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Blood as a component of the internal environment of the body. Internal environment. Internal environment of the body. Human circulatory system. Blood plasma. Red blood cells. Characteristics of blood groups. Blood transfusion. Leukocytes. Platelets. Blood clotting. - Blood as the internal environment of the body.ppt

Blood Information

Slides: 11 Words: 710 Sounds: 0 Effects: 115

Blood. Blood movement. Movement of blood through blood vessels. Explain the drawing. Blood flow speed. We conduct training. Reception at the emergency room. Type of bleeding. What is shown in the picture. Vaccine. Heart attack. - Information about blood.ppt

Human blood

Slides: 10 Words: 311 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Presentation for a biology lesson on the topic: “Immunity”, grade 8. Ways of microorganisms and viruses entering the body. Aquatic Airborne With food In contact with animals and plants. Special mechanisms that prevent the penetration of microbes. Natural immunity (innate) is developed as a result of past diseases and is inherited. Blood transfusion. 1638 - the ancient Greeks tried to save the soldiers. 1667 – a lamb blood transfusion was carried out to a sick young man. 1819 – eng. doctor J. Blundell - blood transfusion from person to person. 1832 - G. Wolf saved a woman dying after childbirth. - Human blood.ppt

Human blood

Slides: 17 Words: 948 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Internal environment. 1 - blood capillary 2 - tissue fluid 3 - lymphatic capillary 4 - cell. Blood: composition and meaning. Homeostasis. Carried out in the kidneys. Removal of waste products from the metabolic process - excretion. It is carried out by exocrine organs - kidneys, lungs, sweat glands. Regulation of body temperature. Lowering temperature through sweating, various thermoregulatory reactions. Regulation of blood glucose levels. Mainly carried out by the liver, insulin and glucagon secreted by the pancreas. Regulation of homeostasis. Thermoregulation is another example of negative feedback. - Human blood.ppt

Blood composition

Slides: 15 Words: 542 Sounds: 0 Effects: 11

Internal environment of the body. Lesson objectives. Blood. Tissue fluid. Lymph. Fig. 1 - Internal environment of the body. Homeostasis-. The property of living organisms to maintain the constancy of the internal environment of the body. Respiratory nutritional excretory thermoregulatory protective humoral. The meaning of blood. Blood composition. Fig. 2 - Blood composition. Plasma 60%. Shaped elements 40%. Red blood cells. Leukocytes. Thrombocytes, or blood platelets. Rice. 3 – Blood composition. Blood plasma. Inorganic substances. Organic matter. Water. Mineral salts 0.9%. Squirrels. Glucose. Vitamins. Fatty substances. Decomposition products. - Blood composition.pps

Composition of human blood

Slides: 15 Words: 560 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Composition and functions of blood. Blood. Blood volume. Blood composition. Plasma functions. Formed elements of blood. Red blood cells. Leukocytes. Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov. Platelets. Blood clotting. Blood clot formation. Laboratory work. Blood functions. Homework. - Composition of human blood.ppt

Composition and functions of blood

Slides: 29 Words: 538 Sounds: 0 Effects: 29

The meaning of blood and its composition. Internal environment of the body. Internal environment. The term " internal environment" Homeostasis. Dictionary. Protective functions. Transport function. Blood clotting. The body's ability to eliminate antigens. Homeostatic function. Blood. Plasma. Blood plasma. Name. Red blood cells. Leukocytes. Composition and functions of blood. Phagocytosis. Platelets. Blood clotting. Benefits of human red blood cell. Blood of a frog. Human blood. Composition and functions of blood. The human red blood cell is different from the frog red blood cell. Homework. Composition and functions of blood. Internet resources used. - Composition and functions of blood.ppt

Physiology of blood

Slides: 33 Words: 628 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Physiology of blood. Blood functions. Blood volume. Blood composition. Hematocrit number. Formed elements of blood. Red blood cells. Basic functions of red blood cells. Types of leukocytes. Functions of leukocytes. Leukocytes. Neutrophil leukocytes. Young neutrophil. Band neutrophil. Segmented neutrophil. Functions of neutrophils. Eosinophil. Functions of eosinophils. Basophil. Functions of basophils. Agranulocytes. Monocyte Functions of monocytes. Lymphocyte Functions of lymphocytes. Types of lymphocytes. T lymphocytes. Physiology of blood. B lymphocytes. Physiology of blood. Humoral immunity. Cellular immunity. Platelets. - Physiology of blood.ppt

Physiology of the blood system

Slides: 55 Words: 3461 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Physiology of the blood system. Concept of the blood system. Hematopoietic organs. Blood. Blood functions. Shaped elements. Plasma. Plasma proteins. Buffer systems blood. Protein buffer. Functions of red blood cells. Respiratory pigments. Structure of hemoglobin. Types of erythrocyte hemolysis. Osmotic resistance of erythrocytes. Hematocrit Erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Functions of leukocytes. The number of leukocytes and their changes. Causes of physiological leukocytosis. Leukocytopoiesis. Regulation of leukopoiesis. Functional Features neutrophils. Functional features of eosinophils. Functional features of basophilic granulocytes. - Physiology of the blood system.ppt

Blood pressure

Slides: 7 Words: 621 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Blood pressure. Arterial pressure. Blood pressure is one of the the most important parameters, characterizing the work circulatory system. In the same way, the pressure in the large veins and in the right atrium differs slightly. Measurement procedure blood pressure. Blood pressure is the easiest to measure. - Blood pressure.ppt

Blood pressure in vessels

Slides: 19 Words: 1379 Sounds: 0 Effects: 70

Blood pressure in vessels. Blood pressure. Aortic pressure. Vessel. Low blood pressure. Blood pressure in veins. Circulating blood volume. Maximum blood pressure. Self-regulation blood pressure. Blood pressure. Self-regulation mechanism. Pulse. Arterial pulse. Pressure measurement. Working with a notebook. Repetition. Leather. Sound wave. Lactic acid. - Blood pressure in vessels.ppt

Arterial pressure

Slides: 16 Words: 384 Sounds: 0 Effects: 47

Arterial pressure. Blood pressure measurement. Questions educational topic. Objective of the project. Research methods. Atmosphere pressure. The division price of an aneroid barometer. Experiment. What is blood pressure? Measurement methods. Blood pressure monitoring. Tatiana. What affects blood pressure. Blood pressure indicators. Sources. THANK YOU. - Blood pressure.ppt

Blood type

Slides: 29 Words: 798 Sounds: 0 Effects: 60

"Four blood groups - four dossiers on humanity." Goal: Objectives: Theoretically substantiate a person’s belonging to four blood groups. O.E. Mandelstam. Where did that come from?! Blood map. The voice of the ancestors. Blood groups and diseases. The oldest is Group I (00). II (AO, AA) appeared later, presumably in the Middle East. The menu and living conditions changed - so a genetic mutation occurred. Group III (BB, VO) originated in Central Asia. IV (AB) - the youngest. It appeared only maybe one or two thousand years ago. Obviously, as a result of the sexual activity of nomads. - Blood group.ppt

Blood and blood types

Slides: 36 Words: 2250 Sounds: 0 Effects: 48

Blood groups. Vocabulary work. Blood and blood groups. Problem. The science of blood types. Blood transfusion. Human blood group. Blood groups based on protein content. Genetic fingerprints. Scheme of the express method. Scheme of the express method for determining blood group. Blood transfusion scheme. Transfusion. Owner distribution map. Donation. Valuable medicine. World Blood Donor Day. A capable citizen. Voluntary act. Blood donor. Full dose. Life saved. Factor. Rh factor. Rhesus conflict. Tasks. Blood groups modern world. History of the evolution of blood groups. - Blood and blood groups.pptx

Human blood groups

Slides: 11 Words: 1053 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Blood groups in the modern world. Introduction. History of the evolution of blood groups. Blood group III belongs to the “nomads”. Finally, the youngest is blood group IV. Blood type and character. One of the studies of Russian scientists: Group I. They strive to be a leader and are goal-oriented. They know how to choose the direction to move forward. They believe in themselves and are not devoid of emotion. Group II. They love harmony, calm and order. Work well with other people. III group. Easily adapts to everything, flexible, does not suffer from a lack of imagination. IV group. Blood type and food preferences. - Human blood groups.ppt

Blood donation

Slides: 52 Words: 1167 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Scientific directions. Donation of plasma, blood cells and bone marrow. Factors negatively affecting the state of the donor movement. Changing the structure of donor personnel. Main questions of the questionnaire (1423 questionnaires were analyzed, including 39 questions). Age composition of donors. Social composition donors. Regularity of participation in donation. Prevalence bad habits among donors. Donors' assessment of their nutrition. Motives that prompted you to become a donor (%). Reasons preventing participation in donation. Administration's attitude towards donation. The effectiveness of donation promotion. Conclusions based on the results of a sociological survey. - Blood donation.ppt

Blood transfusion

Slides: 18 Words: 38 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Blood transfusion. Story. 1628 - English physician William Harvey makes a discovery about blood circulation in human body. But in the next ten years, transfusions from animals to people were prohibited by law due to severe negative reactions. 1818 - James Blundell, a British obstetrician, performs the first successful human blood transfusion on a patient with postpartum hemorrhage. From 1825 to 1830, Blundell performed 10 transfusions, five of which helped patients. Blundell published his results and also invented the first convenient instruments for drawing and transfusing blood. - Blood transfusion.ppt

First aid for bleeding

Slides: 8 Words: 236 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Types of bleeding. First aid for bleeding. Capillary For small cuts; blood slowly oozes from the wound. Venous Blood dark cherry color. It flows from the wound like a stream. Arterial Blood is bright scarlet in color. It shoots out like a fountain from the wound. First aid for capillary bleeding. Disinfect the wound. Apply a sterile bandage. First aid for venous bleeding. Disinfect the skin around the wound. Apply a sterile pressure bandage. Give painkillers Take to hospital. First aid for arterial bleeding. Rules for applying a tourniquet. Fabric must be placed under the tourniquet. -

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Slide captions:

Circulatory system The internal environment of the body. Blood

Internal environment of the body Blood Tissue fluid Lymph

Maintaining a relative constancy of the composition of the internal environment of the body is called homeostasis

The meaning of blood: The relationship of all organs in the body; Movement and distribution nutrients between organs; Ensuring gas exchange between cells and the environment; Removal from the body harmful products exchange; Body protection (immunity); Thermoregulation

The human body contains approximately 5-6 liters of blood

Blood Plasma 60% Formed elements Erythrocytes Leukocytes Platelets

Inorganic substances Organic substances Water Mineral salts 0.9% Proteins Glucose Vitamins Hormones Decomposition products Fatty substances Blood plasma

Functions of blood plasma: Distribution of nutrients throughout the body; Removing harmful metabolic products from the body; Participation in blood clotting (fibrinogen protein)

BLOOD PLASMA Formed elements erythrocytes leukocytes PLATELETS

In the microscope eyepiece...

Red blood cells

Formed elements of blood Formed elements Quantity in 1 mm 3 Life expectancy Structure Where they are formed Functions Red blood cells 5 million. 120 days. A biconcave disc, covered with a membrane on the outside, containing hemoglobin inside, no nucleus. Red bone marrow Transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide

Blood in a test tube

Movement of red blood cells

Effect of the salt composition of the medium on red blood cells 2.0% 0.9% 0.2% 2.0% - hypertonic solution 0.9% - saline solution 0.2% - hypotonic solution


Formed elements of blood Formed elements Quantity In 1mm 3 Life expectancy Structure Where they are formed Functions Platelets 200-400 thousand. 8-10 days. Fragments large cells bone marrow. Red bone marrow. Blood clotting.

The structure of a blood clot, fibrin threads, erythrocytes, leukocytes, serum

Conditions for blood clotting Injury of blood vessels Fibrin Fibrinogen Thromboplastin + Ca + O 2 Prothrombin Thrombin

Fibrinogen in the blood


Formed elements of blood Formed elements Quantity In 1mm 3 Life expectancy Structure Where they are formed Functions Leukocytes 4-9 thousand. From several hours to 10 days. The shape is variable; they consist of a nucleus and cytoplasm. Red bone marrow. Protection.

LEUCOCYTES LYMPHOCYTES PHAGOCYTES B - cells T - cells Antibodies Special substances combine with bacteria and make them defenseless against phagocytes cause the death of bacteria and viruses Phagocytosis Immune reaction

Pinocytosis Phagocytosis

Pinocytosis is the absorption of liquid droplets by a cell. Phagocytosis – absorption of solid particles by a cell (possibly bacteria and viruses act as particles)

Mechnikov Ilya Ilyich (1845 - 1926) An outstanding biologist and pathologist. In 1983 Discovered the phenomenon of phagocytosis. In 1901 In his famous work “Immunity in infectious diseases"explained the phagocytotic theory of immunity. He created a theory of the origin of multicellular organisms and studied the problem of human aging. In 1998 Awarded the Nobel Prize.

Lymphocytes LYMPHOCYTES B - cells T - cells Antibodies cause the death of bacteria and viruses Immune reaction combines with bacteria and makes them defenseless against phagocytes Special substances

What does a drop of blood tell? Blood test is one of the most common methods Medical diagnostics. Just a few drops of blood can give you important information about the state of the body. During a blood test, the number of blood cells, hemoglobin content, the concentration of sugar and other substances, and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) are determined. If there is inflammatory process, then the ESR increases. ESR norm for men 2-10 mm/h, for women 2-15 mm/h. When the number of red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood decreases for any reason, a person experiences long-term or short-term anemia.

Laboratory work “Examining human and frog blood under a microscope” Tasks: Examine red blood cells on a frog blood sample. Find out how they differ. Draw the frog's red blood cells in your notebook. Examine a human blood sample and find red blood cells in the field of view of the microscope. Draw these blood cells in your notebooks. Find the differences between human red blood cells and frog red blood cells. Whose blood, human or frog, will carry more oxygen per unit time? Why?

Effect of nicotine

Effect of alcohol

The internal environment of the body is formed by: A – blood, lymph, tissue fluid B – body cavity C – internal organs D – tissues that form internal organs And now - a test!

2. The liquid part of the blood is called: A – tissue fluid B – plasma C – lymph D – physiological solution 3. All body cells are surrounded by: A – lymph B – solution table salt C – tissue fluid D – blood

4. From tissue fluid is formed: A – lymph B – blood C – blood plasma D – saliva 5. The structure of red blood cells is associated with the function they perform: A – participation in blood clotting B – neutralization of bacteria C – oxygen transfer D – production of antibodies

6. Blood clotting occurs due to: A - narrowing of capillaries B - destruction of red blood cells C - destruction of leukocytes D - formation of fibrin 7. With anemia in the blood, the content of: A - blood plasma B - platelets C - leukocytes D - red blood cells decreases

8. Phagocytosis is the process of: A – absorption and digestion of microbes and foreign particles by leukocytes; B – blood clotting C – reproduction of leukocytes D – movement of phagocytes in tissues 9. Antigens are called: A – proteins that neutralize the harmful effects of foreign bodies and substances B – foreign substances that can cause an immune reaction C – blood cells D – a special protein called Rh factor

10. Antibodies are formed by: A – all lymphocytes B – T-lymphocytes C – phagocytes D – B-lymphocytes

Key to self-test 1 – A 6 – D 2 – B 7 – D 3 – C 8 – A 4 – A 9 – B 5 – C 10 - D

Tissue fluid is a component of the internal environment in which all cells of the body are directly located. Composition of tissue fluid: Water - 95% Mineral salts - 0.9% Proteins and other organic substances - 1.5% O 2 CO 2

Lymph Excess tissue fluid enters the veins and lymphatic vessels. In the lymphatic capillaries it changes its composition and becomes lymph. Lymph moves slowly through lymphatic vessels and eventually gets back into the blood. Lymph first passes through special formations - The lymph nodes, where it is filtered and disinfected, enriched with lymphatic cells. Movement of blood and tissue fluid in the body


Slides: 17 Words: 446 Sounds: 0 Effects: 91

Blood. Blood composition. Plasma (intercellular substance). Formed elements: erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets. Formed elements of blood. Red blood cells. Leukocytes. Platelets. Functions of blood: Regulation of homeostasis Transport Regulation of body temperature Protective Humoral regulation. The meaning of blood. "Breadwinner". "Regulator of activities." "Defender". "Air conditioner". "Keeper of the Foundations." An adult has 4-5 liters of blood. BLOOD COMPOSITION: The main function of red blood cells and hemoglobin is to transport oxygen from the lungs to other organs. By adding oxygen, hemoglobin changes from bluish to scarlet. Immunity. Natural. - Blood.ppt

Blood lesson

Slides: 15 Words: 591 Sounds: 0 Effects: 47

Lesson plan. Terminological warm-up “Finish the phrase” Lesson topic: Summing up. Saline. Platelets. Fibrinogen. Thrombus. Rh factor. Fibrin. Blood serum. Donor. Recipient. “Finish the sentence.” Option 1 When injured at the site, vessel damage accumulates and is destroyed……….. Blood plasma without fibrinogen is called………… The second blood group can be transfused to …………… The person to whom the blood is transfused is called……….. Option 2 When a blood clot forms, the soluble protein fibrinogen turns into……… In the fibrin network, blood cells get stuck and form……… In addition to the blood type, for successful transfusion, it is necessary to take into account……….. - Blood lesson.ppt

Blood grade 8

Slides: 12 Words: 255 Sounds: 0 Effects: 2

Think! But millions of ships leave their harbors to sail again.” Basic concepts of the lesson: Plasma; Serum; Thrombus; Fibrin; Fibrinogen; Phagocytosis; Blood clotting; Hemoglobin molecule. Diagram of oxygen transfer by hemoglobin. Hb - hemoglobin hb+o2 hbo2 hbo2 hb+o2 hbco2 hb + CO2 hb + CO2 hbco2. Leukocytes. Phagocytosis is the process of absorption and digestion of microbes and other foreign substances by leukocytes. Mechnikov Ilya Ilyich 1845-1916 Quantitative composition of blood. Red blood cells; 1 cubic mm - 6000 - 8000 leukocytes; 1 cu. - Blood grade 8.ppt

Biology blood

Slides: 19 Words: 474 Sounds: 0 Effects: 53

Blood as the internal environment of the body

Slides: 11 Words: 305 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Blood as a component of the internal environment of the body. Internal environment. Internal environment of the body. Human circulatory system. Blood plasma. Red blood cells. Characteristics of blood groups. Blood transfusion. Leukocytes. Platelets. Blood clotting. - Blood as the internal environment of the body.ppt

Blood Information

Slides: 11 Words: 710 Sounds: 0 Effects: 115

Blood. Blood movement. Movement of blood through blood vessels. Explain the drawing. Blood flow speed. We conduct training. Reception at the emergency room. Type of bleeding. What is shown in the picture. Vaccine. Heart attack. - Information about blood.ppt

Human blood

Slides: 10 Words: 311 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Presentation for a biology lesson on the topic: “Immunity”, grade 8. Ways of microorganisms and viruses entering the body. Aquatic Airborne With food In contact with animals and plants. Special mechanisms that prevent the penetration of microbes. Natural immunity (innate) is developed as a result of past diseases and is inherited. Blood transfusion. 1638 - the ancient Greeks tried to save the soldiers. 1667 – a lamb blood transfusion was carried out to a sick young man. 1819 – eng. doctor J. Blundell - blood transfusion from person to person. 1832 - G. Wolf saved a woman dying after childbirth. - Human blood.ppt

Human blood

Slides: 17 Words: 948 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Internal environment. 1 - blood capillary 2 - tissue fluid 3 - lymphatic capillary 4 - cell. Blood: composition and meaning. Homeostasis. Carried out in the kidneys. Removal of waste products from the metabolic process - excretion. It is carried out by exocrine organs - kidneys, lungs, sweat glands. Regulation of body temperature. Lowering temperature through sweating, various thermoregulatory reactions. Regulation of blood glucose levels. Mainly carried out by the liver, insulin and glucagon secreted by the pancreas. Regulation of homeostasis. Thermoregulation is another example of negative feedback. - Human blood.ppt

Blood composition

Slides: 15 Words: 542 Sounds: 0 Effects: 11

Internal environment of the body. Lesson objectives. Blood. Tissue fluid. Lymph. Fig. 1 - Internal environment of the body. Homeostasis-. The property of living organisms to maintain the constancy of the internal environment of the body. Respiratory nutritional excretory thermoregulatory protective humoral. The meaning of blood. Blood composition. Fig. 2 - Blood composition. Plasma 60%. Shaped elements 40%. Red blood cells. Leukocytes. Thrombocytes, or blood platelets. Rice. 3 – Blood composition. Blood plasma. Inorganic substances. Organic substances. Water. Mineral salts 0.9%. Squirrels. Glucose. Vitamins. Fatty substances. Decomposition products. - Blood composition.pps

Blood pressure

Slides: 7 Words: 621 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Blood pressure. Arterial pressure. Blood pressure is one of the most important parameters characterizing the functioning of the circulatory system. In the same way, the pressure in the large veins and in the right atrium differs slightly. Procedure for measuring blood pressure. Blood pressure is the easiest to measure. - Blood pressure.ppt

Arterial pressure

Slides: 16 Words: 384 Sounds: 0 Effects: 47

Arterial pressure. Blood pressure measurement. Atmosphere pressure. The division price of an aneroid barometer. Experiment. What is blood pressure? Measurement methods. Blood pressure monitoring. What affects blood pressure. Blood pressure indicators. - Blood pressure.ppt

Blood type

Slides: 29 Words: 798 Sounds: 0 Effects: 60

"Four blood groups - four dossiers on humanity." Goal: Objectives: Theoretically substantiate a person’s belonging to four blood groups. O.E. Mandelstam. Where did that come from?! Blood map. The voice of the ancestors. Blood groups and diseases. The oldest is Group I (00). II (AO, AA) appeared later, presumably in the Middle East. The menu and living conditions changed - so a genetic mutation occurred. Group III (BB, VO) originated in Central Asia. IV (AB) - the youngest. It appeared only maybe one or two thousand years ago. Obviously, as a result of the sexual activity of nomads. - Blood group.ppt

Human blood groups

Slides: 11 Words: 1053 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Blood groups in the modern world. Introduction. History of the evolution of blood groups. Blood group III belongs to the “nomads”. Finally, the youngest is blood group IV. Blood type and character. One of the studies of Russian scientists: Group I. They strive to be a leader and are goal-oriented. They know how to choose the direction to move forward. They believe in themselves and are not devoid of emotion. Group II. They love harmony, calm and order. Work well with other people. III group. Easily adapts to everything, flexible, does not suffer from a lack of imagination. IV group. Blood type and food preferences. - Human blood groups.ppt

Blood donation

Slides: 52 Words: 1167 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Scientific directions. Donation of plasma, blood cells and bone marrow. Factors negatively affecting the state of the donor movement. Changing the structure of donor personnel. Main questions of the questionnaire (1423 questionnaires were analyzed, including 39 questions). Age composition of donors. Social composition of donors. Regularity of participation in donation. Prevalence of bad habits among donors. Donors' assessment of their nutrition. Motives that prompted you to become a donor (%). Reasons preventing participation in donation. Administration's attitude towards donation. The effectiveness of donation promotion. Conclusions based on the results of a sociological survey. - Blood donation.ppt

Blood transfusion

Slides: 18 Words: 38 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Blood transfusion. Story. 1628 - English physician William Harvey makes a discovery about blood circulation in the human body. But over the next ten years, animal-to-human transfusions were banned by law due to severe adverse reactions. 1818 - James Blundell, a British obstetrician, performs the first successful human blood transfusion on a patient with postpartum hemorrhage. From 1825 to 1830, Blundell performed 10 transfusions, five of which helped patients. Blundell published his results and also invented the first convenient instruments for drawing and transfusing blood. - Blood transfusion.ppt

First aid for bleeding

Slides: 8 Words: 236 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Types of bleeding. First aid for bleeding. Capillary For small cuts; blood slowly oozes from the wound. Venous Blood is dark cherry in color. It flows from the wound like a stream. Arterial Blood is bright scarlet in color. It shoots out like a fountain from the wound. First aid for capillary bleeding. Disinfect the wound. Apply a sterile bandage. First aid for venous bleeding. Disinfect the skin around the wound. Apply a sterile pressure bandage. Give painkillers Take to hospital. First aid for arterial bleeding. Rules for applying a tourniquet. Fabric must be placed under the tourniquet. -

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Mechnikov Ilya Ilyich (1845-1916) An outstanding Russian scientist who laid the foundation for many important trends in biology and medicine. The author of the famous phagocytic theory immunity, for which he, the first Russian biologist, was awarded Nobel Prize. I.I. Mechnikov created the theory of inflammation as a protective reaction of the body in the fight against disease. Founded the first Russian bacteriological station. The name of I.I. Mechnikov is world famous.

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Formed elements Formed elements Cell structure Place of formation Duration. functioning Place of death Contents. in 1 mm3 of blood Functions Erythrocytes Red Blood Nucleated cells Red bone marrow 3-4 months. Liver, spleen 4.5-5 million. The pigment hemoglobin forms fragile compounds with O2 and CO2 and transports them. Leukocytes White blood amoeboid cells with a nucleus. Red bone marrow, spleen, lymph nodes. 3-5 days Liver, spleen, as well as places where the inflammatory process occurs 6-8 thousand Protection of the body from pathogenic microbes by phagocytosis. They produce antibodies, creating immunity. Platelets Blood platelets Red bone marrow 2-5 days Liver, spleen. 300-500 thousand Participate in blood clotting when damaged blood vessel, promoting the conversion of fibrinogen protein into fibrin, a fibrous blood clot.

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Blood is an amazing liquid. Since ancient times it has been attributed to mighty force. Ancient priests sacrificed it to their gods, people sealed their oaths with blood... Blood is a special type of connective tissue, the cells are located far from each other, there is a lot of intercellular substance.

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Blood functions. Nutritional Respiratory Humoral Excretory Protective Thermoregulatory Homeostatic

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Plasma. Inorganic substances: Organic substances: proteins Glucose Fats Carbohydrates Hormones Breakdown products vitamins Sodium, potassium, calcium salts: water

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Erythrocyte hemoglobin Erythrocytes, or red blood cells, are clearly visible under a microscope in a drop of fresh blood. There are a lot of them, so they are clearly visible: in 1 mm3 there are 4.5 – 5.5 million red blood cells. These are small, anucleate, biconcave cells. This form significantly increases the surface of red blood cells. A special protein, hemoglobin, gives reddish color to red blood cells. Thanks to him, red blood cells perform respiratory function blood: hemoglobin easily combines with oxygen and just as easily releases it. Red blood cells also take part in the removal of carbon dioxide from tissues. Red blood cells are formed in red bone marrow. Their lifespan is short - 100-120 days. Every day, up to 300 billion new red blood cells are formed instead of dead ones.

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Blood transfusion. Blood groups. Blood transfusions treat many diseases. Blood groups were discovered at the beginning of the twentieth century. Since that time, it has become possible to correctly select a donor - a person who gives his blood for transfusion. When receiving a blood transfusion, it is necessary that the blood type of the donor and the recipient - the person receiving part of the blood - be compatible. In 1901, the Austrian researcher K. Landsteiner investigated the problem of blood compatibility during transfusion. By mixing erythrocytes with blood serum in an experiment, he discovered that with some combinations of serum and erythrocytes an agglutination reaction (sticking together) of erythrocytes is observed, while with others - not. The process of agglutination occurs as a result of the interaction of certain proteins: antigens present in erythrocytes - agglutinogens and antibodies contained in plasma - agglutinins. Upon further study of the blood, it turned out that the main agglutinogens of erythrocytes were agglutinogens A and B, and in the blood plasma - agglutinins a and b. There are 4 blood groups.

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Leukocyte Leukocytes (white blood cells; from leuko ... and Greek kytos - container, here - cell), colorless blood cells of humans and animals. All types of leukocytes (lymphocytes, monocytes, basophils, eosinophils and neutrophils) are spherical in shape, have a nucleus and are capable of active amoeboid movement. White blood cells play an important role in protecting the body from disease - producing antibodies and absorbing bacteria. 1 micron of blood normally contains 4-9 thousand leukocytes. The number of leukocytes in human blood is subject to fluctuations: it increases towards the end of the day, when physical activity, emotional stress, eating protein foods, sudden changes in temperature environment. There are two main groups of leukocytes - granulocytes (granular leukocytes) and agranulocytes (non-granular leukocytes). Granulocytes are divided into neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils. All granulocytes have a lobed nucleus and granular cytoplasm. Agranulocytes are divided into two main types: monocytes and lymphocytes.

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Platelet Blood platelets (platelets) are small, non-nuclear formations; 1 mm3 contains up to 400,000 of them. Their lifespan is 5-7 days. They are formed in the red bone marrow. The main function is related to the process of blood clotting.

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Blood clotting. damage (Platelets are destroyed) THROMBOPLASTIN prothrombin thrombin fibrinogen fibrin thrombus + blood cells Blood clotting is a protective reaction of the body that prevents blood loss and the penetration of pathogenic organisms into the body.

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Immunity Immunity is the body’s ability to protect itself from pathogenic microbes and viruses, as well as foreign bodies and substances. It comes in several types. Natural immunity is developed as a result of illnesses or is inherited from parents to children (this immunity is called innate immunity). Artificial (acquired) immunity occurs as a result of the introduction of ready-made antibodies into the body. This occurs when a sick person is injected with blood serum from recovered people or animals. Artificial immunity can also be obtained by administering vaccines - cultures of weakened microbes. In this case, the body actively participates in the production of its own antibodies. This immunity remains for many years.

15 slide

Test 1). Nuclear-free blood cells containing hemoglobin - Leukocytes, Red blood cells, Platelets

Presentation on the topic "Blood" in biology in powerpoint format. This presentation for 8th grade schoolchildren gives the definition of blood, briefly describes the composition of blood, and also provides reinforcement material in the form of a crossword puzzle. The work contains 12 slides. Author of the presentation: Hannanova Valentina Nikolaevna.

Fragments from the presentation

Blood- the internal environment of the body formed by liquid connective tissue. Consists of plasma and shaped elements: leukocyte cells and postcellular structures (erythrocytes and platelets). Average, mass fraction blood to the total body weight of a person is 6.5-7%

Blood composition

  • erythrocyte
  • platelet
  • leukocyte

Do you know?

The power of the human heart is no more than 0.8 W; The human heart pumps 30 tons of blood per day; the blood turnover period is big circle blood circulation is 21c, and in the low blood circulation – 7c. Think about why this is possible? Why does this logical paradox not contradict the laws of physics?

Blood plasma contains water and substances dissolved in it - proteins albumin, globulins and fibrinogen. About 85% of plasma is water. Inorganic substances make up about 2-3%; these are cations (Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+) and anions (HCO3-, Cl-, PO43-, SO42-). Organic substances (about 9%) proteins, amino acids, urea, creatinine, ammonia, glucose, fatty acid, pyruvate, lactate, phospholipids, triacylglycerols, cholesterol. Blood plasma also contains gases oxygen, carbon dioxide and biologically active substances hormones, vitamins, enzymes, mediators

Red blood cells(red blood cells) are the most numerous of the formed elements. Mature red blood cells do not contain a nucleus and have the shape of biconcave discs. Red blood cells contain iron-containing protein - hemoglobin. It provides the main function of red blood cells - transport of gases, primarily oxygen.

Platelets(blood plates) are fragments of the cytoplasm of giant cells bounded by a cell membrane. Together with blood plasma proteins (for example, fibrinogen), they ensure the coagulation of blood flowing from a damaged vessel.

Leukocytes- white blood cells; heterogeneous group of different appearance and functions of human or animal blood cells, identified on the basis of the absence of independent coloring and the presence of a nucleus.

Answer the questions and complete the crossword puzzle

  1. A formed element of blood that provides gas exchange.
  2. The liquid part of the blood that does not belong to the formed elements.
  3. Part of the cell missing from red blood cells and platelets.
  • A formed element responsible for the body's immunity.
  • A uniform element that begins to work in case of injuries and wounds.
  • It is liquid, but belongs to connective tissue.
  • A vital gas that transports red blood cells.