Conscription deadlines. Autumn conscription into the Russian army. Deadlines, innovations

In Russia, conscription for military service takes place in two stages. By tradition, they are also called autumn and spring. Such events are named after the time they begin. In this article we will look at the spring draft of 2017. Like last year, conscription commissions begin their work on the first day of conscription. The service begins on April 1. The deadlines still remain unchanged. Namely, 12 months.

When does conscription begin in 2017?

Today, all guys of military age are, of course, concerned about the start of spring conscription in 2017 into the army. If you look at the Russian regulatory document, this year, as in the past, the spring conscription will begin on April 1. For some, such a date is associated with fun and humor, but not for conscripts and their relatives. The start date of the spring conscription, as a rule, is already the date of the first medical commissions at the military registration and enlistment office.

When does the spring call end?

Unlike the autumn conscription, which lasts about 91 days, the spring conscription lasts 15 days longer, in other words, it is equal to 106 days. In general, the spring conscription will end on July 15. In this regard, graduates of institutes who have successfully passed their diploma should remember that they have a deferment until August 31. Despite this, newly minted masters or specialists will receive their summons precisely during the spring conscription, somewhere in the beginning of summer.

Regarding service life

Of course, many guys have heard that military service can be extended in 2017 to 1.8 years. But this information, which is actively spreading from the media, are only rumors that no one can confirm. The guys who will be drafted into the spring draft in 2017 will serve for 12 months, despite all the fiction about changing the terms of service.

What innovations await us in 2017

Each conscript this year will receive a so-called travel bag - a unified, stylish bag with personal hygiene products. Of course, this will increase the comfort of service, and will also make it easier to answer the question of what to take with you to the army. Now every serviceman will be able to have a set of shaving accessories, a manicure set and other useful little things. Recruitment to scientific companies continues as before, only to enter such units you must go through a competitive selection due to the limited number of places. Another innovation this year includes the introduction nap for military conscripts.

Exceptions to recruitment deadlines

If you believe the provisions federal law“On conscription and military service”, that is, there are some certain exceptions to the terms of conscription for certain categories of people. If a person lives in certain areas of the far north, then there are shortened conscription periods. In this case, the conscription starts one month later than in other regions of Russia. In regulatory documents you can find out whether a particular region is classified as a region of the far north. In such regions, spring conscription begins on May 1.

But if we talk about the end of such a conscription, then it ends, like everywhere else, on July 15. There is another category of people for whom exceptions apply - teaching staff who work in educational institutions. The spring conscription period for these citizens begins on May 1 and ends on July 15. This category of people is also not drafted at all during the autumn draft. Workers and residents of the sphere Agriculture also fall under the exception. They can be called up only in the fall, when the call begins on October 15.

For all young men of military age in Russia, the beginning spring period 2017, will be associated primarily with conscription into the army. And since the question of service is very relevant, we decided to tell you about what the service life in the Russian army will be in 2017, when the spring and autumn conscription of 2017 begins and ends, etc.

How long to serve in the Russian army in 2017

Let us immediately note that according to Article 38.p1 of the law “On Military Duty and Military Service”, the period of service in the Russian Federation in peacetime, according to conscription for this moment amounts to - 12 months. However, in 2017, there are no plans to change this norm. Thus, all military personnel called up during the spring or autumn conscription of 2017 you will have to serve for 1 year. In turn, military personnel who have served for more than 6 months after conscription can submit a report on concluding a contract with them for 2 or 3 years.

Spring and autumn conscription 2017 - conscription dates

It should be noted that the call for military service in 2017, all citizens of the Russian Federation (male) liable for military service, whose age at the time of conscription will be from 18 to 27 years, will be subject to military service. In Russia, two conscription campaigns are held annually: the so-called. spring and autumn, 2017 will not be an exception in this regard. Spring call in 2017 will begin on April 1 and end on July 15, in turn, the autumn conscription 2017 will take place during from October 1st to December 31st.

Why was the length of military service reduced in Russia?

Let us recall that starting from 2008, the service life in the Russian army was reduced from 24 months to 12. There may be many opinions on this issue, but the most trustworthy is the following: young men who go into the army under duress, without preliminary preparation and even more so without the desire to be there, they undergo enormous stress, being in conditions that bear little resemblance to their usual life. The country has virtually no benefit from those who are in the army against their will. Therefore, the main emphasis was placed not on ordinary soldiers, but on contract soldiers, that is, those who, at their own discretion, chose this path, are aware of it and are going to devote themselves to serving the country. Well, in order to increase the number of contract soldiers, it is necessary to prepare young people in advance, explain to them the delights and difficulties of such a life, talk about the necessity and courage of such a choice (see g.).

Grounds for deferment or exemption from conscription

There are certainly good reasons and reasons for deferment or complete liberation from service in the Russian army. For example, young men are often not accepted into the army for health reasons. Others do not serve because they study at higher educational institutions or work in certain government positions, the occupations of which are equivalent to military service. In some higher educational institutions there are military departments where lectures are given and specialized training is conducted.

About the armed forces of the Russian Federation

Russia is a military power. Most The country spends its budget specifically on maintaining and modernizing its army, which is why in recent years, military personnel have been able to notice improvements in this area. Russia is not going to change the course of introducing high-quality trained military personnel into its armed forces. The level of maintenance of soldiers is increasing, the amount of monetary allowances is increasing, and measures are regularly taken to eliminate hazing in military circles. It is believed that by 2018, 90% of the military in the country will be contract soldiers, that is, those people who consider serving the Motherland not only an obligatory action, but also their profession.


The recruitment into the ranks of the armed forces of all young men who have reached the age of eighteen is carried out on the basis of a decree of the president of the country - V.V. Putin. Attention should also be focused on the fact that the dates for the autumn conscription campaign are indicated in the article “On conscription and military service.” Let's take a closer look at this topic; we are sure that this information will be of interest to all young men of military age.

When does the 2017 fall conscription start?

The start date for the autumn conscription campaign has remained unchanged for several years now - October 1. It is on this day that employees of military commissariats begin to carry out all activities related to conscription into the ranks of the armed forces. More specifically, recruits go through medical examination, military commission suitability for military service is determined, and only after that the conscript is sent to military unit. Important! The deadlines for the autumn or spring conscription must be strictly observed, otherwise it will be regarded as a violation of the law.

End of the autumn conscription campaign 2017

Please note autumn call 2017 ends just before such a big holiday as New Year- 31th of December. Many conscripts are looking forward to this day. If the summons is not served by the 31st, then the young man of military age will have to wait for the spring conscription campaign. In this regard, it can be said that for all potential conscripts who were not served with a summons, the 31st is a double holiday.

Exceptions to the timing of the 2017 autumn conscription campaign

According to legislative acts, some categories of conscripts can count on a “deferment” from service. Thus, young men of military age who live in the Far North will be called up for military service not on October 1, but on November 1. At the same time, the autumn conscription campaign will end in these regions in accordance with the generally accepted decree on December 31, 2017. For those conscripts who live in rural areas and are engaged in agricultural sowing and harvesting work, the conscription will begin on October 15. However, for this there must be documents confirming that the young man is involved in sowing and harvesting work. The law also regulates the conscription of teachers, because at the beginning of autumn the new academic year begins. In this regard, all young people who are engaged in teaching are drafted into the armed forces during the spring conscription campaign.

What innovations await conscripts in the fall 2017 conscription?

Today, there is every reason to assert that the autumn conscription campaign this year will be carried out without any special innovations. The deadlines for conscription remain the same, and the categories of conscripts subject to or not subject to conscription remain unchanged. Recruitment into scientific companies also remained the same. This innovation was first adopted in 2013. This unit recruits recruits who have undergone training in their final years at universities. In fairness, it should be noted that the chances of getting into a scientific company for each conscript are extremely small. Selection is carried out on a competitive basis; as a rule, 25 people apply for one place.

Will the service life continue in 2017?

One of the most frequently asked questions is, will the service life be extended to 1.8 months? I would immediately like to please all conscripts that in 2017 recruits will serve exactly 12 months (one year) (according to information from The legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for any changes related to the extension of service life. At this time, there is no official order to increase the service life.

The 2017 fall conscription deadline is approaching. How to get a deferment, how to prepare for army life, what a conscript should know and be able to do - this is what my article will be about. Read to the end, and then you will know everything about the autumn conscription.

Autumn conscription dates 2017

This year the recruitment dates will remain the same. Military registration and enlistment offices will hospitably open their doors on October 1, and conscription events will end on New Year's Eve, December 31. This means that you can be invited for a medical examination and taken into service strictly within this period of time, not earlier and not later. Nowadays, violations in this regard are extremely rare, but just in case, remember: conscription during “non-conscription” times can and should be challenged in court.

So you have magical protection from the military registration and enlistment office until October 1. But this does not mean that they cannot invite you to clarify some data. If you see a summons in the summer, don’t panic. Most likely, you will need to come to the military registration and enlistment office and provide information that they lack or have lost.

How long will conscripts of the autumn conscription 2017 serve?

Every year rumors have begun to circulate that the term will be extended to a year and eight months, or even to two years. Don’t believe the rumors: for now the Ministry of Defense does not plan to increase the service life, and the 2017 conscripts will wear combat boots for exactly 12 months, like their predecessors.

Innovations in the army - quiet time, socks and... hand cream

This year, no innovations were introduced, but if you are not aware of the innovations of recent years and still think that conscripts are wrapping foot wraps, then I have a lot of good news for you! Of course, these won’t be socks knitted by mom, like , but it’s better.

  • A soldier is allowed to have mobile phone and call your relatives. Officially - on weekends, but in fact it happens that they are allowed to use the phone more often. At the collection point they even gave me 3 SIM cards with free calls within Russia. I talked about this in the article, remember? How is it that you haven’t read it? Read the march step by step - you will know what to expect.
  • The bedtime has increased by half an hour, and after lunch the soldiers are given a “quiet hour” for sleep and rest. Almost a pioneer camp, yeah.
  • You will go to serve in a new fashionable uniform, which is even nicknamed “office uniform”. Where does this name come from and what does it look like? new form, I tell and show in the article about hand cream, too, and about many other bonuses.

There are many more innovations, I won’t list them all, otherwise the article will turn into “War and Peace.” If you have questions, don’t be shy, ask in the comments. I answer everyone.

Autumn call 2017 for university graduates

If you have a fresh university diploma on your shelf, then there is good news for you: instead of military service, you can join the army under a contract. True, contract service lasts two years, but it has many bonuses compared to fixed-term service.

I talk about the pros and cons of the contract, how much they pay and how to sign up for Syria in this article.

Many university graduates have heard about scientific companies and hope to get there. Indeed, recently 12 so-called scientific companies have been operating, where more than 600 military personnel serve. However, competition there can reach 25 people per place, and the percentage of “soldiers of science” is only 0.2 of total number conscripts. Therefore, if you hack Pentagon passwords in your spare time and dream of serving in a scientific company, then get ready for a thorough selection.

How many soldiers will serve in the autumn conscription 2017

The conscription plan is signed by the President of the Russian Federation, and regional commissariats are guided by these numbers when forming their lists. Last year, 152,000 people were drafted in the fall. In total, 623,000 lucky people received summons, but 471,000 of them, that is, more than 75%, received a deferment or exemption from conscription.

Interestingly, the number of conscripts decreases every year. If in 2009 more than 300,000 guys went to serve, then in 2011 - already 218,000, and last years the number of those leaving for duty fluctuates around 150,000. Why is this happening? Firstly, now “children of the nineties” are subject to conscription, and as you know, at that time the country was experiencing significant upheavals, and rare families decided to have more than one child.

That is, it turned out to be a demographic failure - to put it simply, there is no one in particular to call upon. The second reason is the increase in the number of military personnel on a contract basis, and this cannot but rejoice. In my opinion, the future lies with the contract army. However, the Ministry of Defense does not plan to completely abandon conscription, according to at least- for now, so you have little choice: either serve for a fixed-term period, or go for a 2-year contract.

Who has the right to defer the fall conscription 2017

If you are not counting the days until the draft, but on the contrary, are looking for ways (legal, I hope) to stay at home, then I have for you useful article. Read it and check: maybe you won’t go to serve this fall? By the way, many reasons for deferment are not as widely known as having two children or a Ph.D. So I advise even “experienced” people to read the article: you will definitely learn something new.

What diseases are not accepted into the army?

If you are waiting for a summons in the fall, but do not plan to go to serve because you have health problems, then you urgently need to see doctors and collect a medical history, if you have not already started doing this. Not sure if they will hire you to serve with your diagnosis? Check it against the Sickness Schedule. What is the Schedule of Diseases and how to use it, I tell you in the article

Hazing and regulations in the army - do they threaten autumn conscripts?

Many guys are afraid of hazing, but with the transition to a one-year service, “grandfathers” in the previous sense of the word disappeared as a fact. Today, hazing in the few units where it exists is, as a rule, a threat from national “compatriots.” If you've been reading my blog for a long time, you know that I don't go to extremes on this issue. I don’t think that in the army a soldier should be treated like a crystal vase, but I also don’t support those who consider beatings, humiliation, and extortion of money normal.

Read more on this topic in my article. There I also provide telephone numbers and addresses of organizations where conscripts and their relatives can and should contact in case of problems during the autumn conscription in 2017.

Once again: I do not support snitching and do not believe that the army should be a resort. Many guys will find it useful to learn how to monitor their appearance, take care of things, work physically and take responsibility. However, if you have witnessed how a person’s dignity is humiliated, his rights are grossly violated, and arbitrariness is being committed, then such facts need to be brought to the attention of the prosecutor’s office. This will help us make conscript service in the RF Armed Forces better.

How to get out of the army

Whether to serve or not is up to everyone to decide for themselves. I decided to serve and did not regret it. The army gave me a lot, I looked at a lot with different eyes. I expressed my opinion on this topic in the article. Read it, and perhaps it will help you make a decision.

Decided to mow and run? You will definitely regret this. Not only will the civil service and any official work in general be closed to you, since employers must submit lists of those liable for military service. You will not be able to get a passport and travel abroad. You will start to flinch from knocks on the door and calls from unknown numbers. It's worth it?

If I haven’t convinced you yet, then read this article. After it you will definitely decide whether to mow or not. Then don't complain that I didn't warn you.

Just in case, let me remind you that according to Part 1 of Article 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, a “dodger” can be fined and even go to jail.

  • The amount of the fine is up to 200,000 rubles.
  • Arrest for a period of 3 to 6 months.
  • Prison term – up to 2 years of imprisonment.

I hope I answered all your questions about the fall conscription in 2017. If something remains unclear, write in the comments - I will answer quickly and to the point.

Do we have anyone who will be drafted in the fall? Check in in the comments. As Kitten Woof said, “we will be afraid together.” In fact, not to be afraid, of course, but to share useful information and support each other. Good luck to everyone and good service!

The spring conscription, which started on April 1, will last until July 15. About how the conscription campaign is going at the military commissariat of the Tverskoy district of Central administrative district Military Commissar Mikhail Viktorovich Novikov told us

The 2017 spring conscription campaign is taking place in accordance with the Presidential Decree Russian Federation“On the conscription of citizens of the Russian Federation for military service in April-July 2017 and the dismissal from military service of citizens undergoing military service under conscription.” On April 1, the draft commissions of the districts: Presnensky, Tverskoy, Meshchansky and Arbat began their work on the basis of the military commissariat.

Are there any innovations in this call?

This year there are two innovations. First. Everyone who gets average professional education, regardless of age, have the right to a deferment. And secondly, it is related to the nutrition of recruits. When conscripts travel to the army on trains, from this conscription they are provided with feeding in restaurant cars (previously they were given dry rations).

Everything else is unchanged. Each conscript leaving for the Armed Forces receives an electronic conscript card, as well as bank card, which will receive monthly allowances.

Recruits at the assembly point will continue to dress in military uniforms, the color of which will correspond to the type and branch of the army in which they will serve. You will also be given a travel bag with the appropriate accessories. Previously, conscripts bought these supplies at their own expense, but recently the state has taken full responsibility for providing its soldiers with everything they need during their service.

The service life remained unchanged - 12 months, age - from 18 to 27 years.

Are conscripts changing their attitude towards military service?

In recent years, there has been a steady trend when students who study at universities and have a deferment take academic leave during their studies and go to serve. It is known that after serving only a year in the Armed Forces, they receive a number of benefits and advantages.

Today, for many, it is important not just to serve, but to serve in a way that is beneficial, and the current Russian army, in my opinion, contributes to this as much as possible.

What do conscripts say when they return home?

Almost everyone who returned to Lately Having completed military service and matured, they speak very highly of the army. And the changes that have occurred contribute to this. Judge for yourself: they last only a year, whereas before it was two or three. Soldiers have a quiet hour after lunch, and the food system and quality have improved significantly. Soldiers have a choice of several dishes. The diet itself has been significantly expanded in terms of the usefulness of the products and taste qualities. The set of uniforms and equipment has been improved and expanded, a new uniform has been introduced that takes into account all the features and needs during service. It is very important for us that, after serving in the army, the guys return home and share positive impressions with their friends and acquaintances. So that those who have not yet served see with their own eyes how useful service in the army is, so that they are not afraid, but consciously want to go to serve, so that they return home to their families matured and mature, skillful and strong, capable of work and responsibility for themselves, their loved ones and, ultimately, for their country.

And in conclusion, what can you say.

I would advise young people who have decided on their desire to serve to contact the military registration and enlistment office in advance. And we, in turn, will help you choose a place of service, type and branch of the military, and obtain a military specialty that will be useful in civilian life.
