Evil eye or evil eye? What is the evil eye

Damage, evil eye, curse - we have been hearing these words more and more often lately, which is associated with the deterioration of our living conditions. In such a situation, one cannot expect tolerance or kindness from every person. On the contrary, more and more greedy, evil and envious people appear in the world. As for the types of damage, namely the evil eye, curse, fear, crown of celibacy and obsession, they all mean practically the same thing: measure negative influence a person similar to himself.

Since ancient times, the evil eye has been considered to be harming someone with the evil eye, i.e. an unfriendly look. Nowadays, another theory has appeared: the eyes are only “conductors” of evil, and the negative energy message comes from the “third” eye of the ill-wisher. However, this has little meaning for the victim, since the consequences of the evil eye remain unchanged, regardless of the opinion of modern parapsychologists.

Often the evil eye is unexpected and even unnoticeable for both the victim and the ill-wisher. We sometimes don’t even notice how we hurt those around us and our loved ones, acting on them with a menacing gaze full of hatred. As a result, the victim’s health deteriorates and vitality decreases. But there are people who use the evil eye quite consciously, knowing full well that evil always returns to the one who released it. Moreover, the danger for the victim lies not so much in the look itself, but in the words accompanying it.

In general, the evil eye can be described as the deliberate taking of energy from the victim through the eyes. This is a serious bioenergetic blow, inflicted accidentally or deliberately. As a result, a failure occurs in the structure of the biofield, and the negative information that comes to us in place of positive energy brings considerable discomfort to the state of our psyche.

The evil eye is considered the most common phenomenon among other negative influences of one person on another and the phenomenon is the cause of many diseases and disorders. As a result of its influence, a “hole” appears in the victim’s biofield, a kind of energy hole through which the energy entering our body begins to “leak out”.

Since ancient times, people have attributed a certain mysterious power to the eyes, considering them to be the seat of the soul, its repository, as well as windows or doors through which it enters the body at birth and leaves it after death. Consequently, this way not only good spirits, but also demons and some entities of a different nature (genies, etc.) can penetrate into the human soul.

In the Middle Ages, for example, it was believed that unkind people were literally stuffed with small harmful spirits, which were commonly called demons. When such a person looked at those around him, the demons, along with his gaze, passed on to the innocent victim. While not all people cause harm unknowingly, many do so intentionally. There can be many reasons for this: jealousy, revenge, envy, the desire to achieve one’s goal, etc.

However, some individuals, endowed with a natural ability to the “evil” eye, do not even suspect what they are doing, what terrible power they are endowed with. Can jinx it Small child who has barely learned to walk, an innocent bride, a devoted friend, a scientist or even a priest. That is, there can be people of any age, upbringing, education and way of thinking.

In the old days, it was believed that they could accidentally break a vase or mirror with a glance. One treatise stated that destructive force can come not only from the open eyes of a waking person, but also from the closed ones. Even a blind person could have an “evil” eye, and the ability to harm people did not disappear even with death.

If you believe this treatise, you had to be wary of even a gouged out eye or the eye of a sorcerer whose head had been cut off. In addition, medieval scientists argued that the same person can have “different” eyes: one is normal, and the other has the ability to inflict mental wounds on people. It was believed that the “evil” eye was most often the left one.

In order to find out this, just look at a person’s portrait or his reflection in the mirror. Only then can you see that it is enlarged or deformed. It was also believed that if the left eye changes, a person is capable of doing only evil, and if the right eye is enlarged, he can do good. However, no one is safe from meeting a person who is capable of doing both.

Nowadays, there are also recommendations on how to distinguish a good person from one who has the “evil” eye. You need to take a regular photograph of him, carefully examine his eyes and compare their sizes. Then you will know exactly what dominates in this person - good or evil.

Even in ancient times, there were methods of “recognizing” the owners of the “evil” eye by certain signs. Such people usually have some kind of physical defect, something unusual or strange in their appearance, in particular in their eyes. Even the ancient Romans were wary of people with twitching eyelids or eyes, cross-eyed people, having large or, on the contrary, small and deep-set eyes (especially multi-colored ones).

They were also afraid of people with speech impediments, fused eyebrows, and those who did not know how to cry. It was believed that the eyes of some people have a pronounced property of emitting negative energy because basilisks have settled in them.

It was the eyes of this creature that had the ability to attract people, but, having a harmful effect, they killed the curious. The basilisk is a mythical animal with the body of a winged dragon and the head of a rooster. In addition, the Romans always spat and slandered themselves if someone loudly praised their beauty, strength and other bodily qualities.

An unpleasant complexion (sallow, yellowish or greenish), excessive thinness, a pointed nose and an unpleasant odor emanating from the body were also considered signs of the presence of an “evil” eye. It was believed that an evil person could be betrayed by his lifestyle and behavior. Beggars were also considered to have the “evil” eye.

Suspicion was also aroused by silent, calm or solitary people. In addition, at all times it was believed that a person could be jinxed by an ugly old woman. Even Pythagoras repeatedly said that if you meet an ugly or scary old woman at the door, it is better not to go anywhere, but to return home.

The “evil” eye was not ignored in Rus' either. The common people believed that young children were especially susceptible to the evil eye: having received a charge of negative energy, they began to get sick, much more often and more severely than an adult. In this regard, young mothers were advised to take special precautions to protect their child from the evil eye.

The first and unshakable rule was that after birth, for 42 days, the mother should not show the child to anyone, even her closest relatives. Nowadays, this custom is explained as follows: during this period, the baby’s etheric body is formed, which is why his soul is overly mobile.

It is very easy to jinx such a child, since he is completely defenseless and must constantly be with his mother. If possible, it is better to hide it from the father's eyes. As for the connection between mother and baby, it exists until the child turns 13 years old.

To protect both the baby and the woman in labor from the evil eye, in the old days there was the following method: a healer came to the house and brought water from “lessons”, i.e. river water taken against the flow with a clean bucket. She read the Jesus Prayer, after which she plunged her right hand into a bucket, scooped water into her palm and let it flow into a pre-prepared container through her elbow, reading at that moment the following plot:

  • “Water-water, bright spring, give me water from every trouble. I wash the servant of God (name) from lessons, from ghosts, from touching, from a bad eye, from a black-faced girl, from a rolling woman, from a man-sorcerer. key and lock, and I throw the key into the pool so that it lies there and no one takes it. Amen to my word."

The woman scooped up water three times, nine handfuls each, counting them out loud with a negative: “Not one, not two, not three,” etc. After that, she threw three hot coals into the charmed water. Then the healer again scooped up water with her right hand and poured it through her left elbow: three times onto the outer stone of the stove and the same number of times onto one of the door brackets. At the same time, the dish with water was held in such a way that the water flowed into it again.

Then the woman in labor was placed facing east and the enchanted water was sprinkled on her three times, having first taken it into her mouth, and the rest was poured on her head.

In addition, victims of the “evil” eye often become those who cause envy in people with their talent, beauty or lifestyle (beautiful women, talented artists, rich people), as well as what can cause the envy of an evil person (a fertile field, a blooming garden, etc.). The reason for this feeling can be health, wealth, expensive clothes, jewelry, fame, fame, power, etc.

In the old days, the mechanism and nature of the “evil” eye were well understood and they tried to take precautions. For example, in the Smolensk province they hung old bast shoes on the fence. It was believed that an eagle-eyed person, entering the yard, would see them and begin to think about them, after which he would not be able to jinx either the cattle, or the women, or the owner’s property.

Along with other bad omens in Rus', meeting a blind man was considered unkind. To this day, many people consider blindness a sure sign of a connection with the unclean. Previously, in villages, peasants protected themselves with prayers even from a blind healer.

To protect themselves from the “evil” eye, people came up with the idea of ​​spitting over their left shoulder, as it was believed that this was a reliable remedy against demons. IN Ancient Rome During the reign of Emperor Nero, grandmothers protected their grandchildren from the evil eye by smearing their foreheads with saliva with the middle finger of their right hand. The custom of licking a baby’s forehead three times and spitting over his left shoulder has survived to this day. This simple ritual should be performed by the mother if the child is suspected of having the evil eye.

As for ancient times, even Pliny gave the following advice: if someone outside looks at a sleeping baby, the mother should spit three times, even if the baby is wearing an amulet against the evil eye. In his “Natural History” there is a mention of saliva protecting lame people from snake bites, diseases and witchcraft. And his contemporaries treated lichen and leprosy with saliva.

The most common talisman against the evil eye is a red thread, which should be worn on the right wrist. To protect themselves from the spell of love, many medieval women even wrapped their fingers in red silk. In many European countries they tied red ribbons around the horns of cattle. In Rus', the protective powers of red color were transferred to plants with red berries - hawthorn, rowan, viburnum, etc. According to popular belief, rowan branches tied crosswise can ward off a witch and completely remove the damage cast on a house. To do this, just tie them with a red ribbon. The evil eye or slander can also be removed with the help of a white candle.

From the point of view of experts, the evil eye is an energy clot of gray or brown color, most often located between the parietal chakra (Sahasrara) and the chakra of the Holy Spirit. The latter is located closer to the back of the head, 16 cm above the crown and at an angle of 33 degrees relative to the Sahasrara chakra. If a person has the evil eye, then the radiation sent by the Holy Spirit is not absorbed by the person, so he is haunted by failures, illnesses, problems in his personal life, etc.

Usually, specialists begin to remove the evil eye by cleansing the inter-chakra space. To do this, you need to circle the crown of the head 32 times with a lit church or white wax candle. At the same time, in certain places it will smoke, splash wax and crackle. This should not be surprising, because this is how negative energy comes out of a person.

After the inter-chakra space has been cleared and the Holy Spirit chakra has been opened again, the patient begins to feel warmth in the heart area. The latter begins to beat faster, which means receiving energy from space. After this, you can begin to cleanse the spine using circular spiral movements counterclockwise. In this case, the candle should move first down and then up at a distance of 2-5 cm from the vertebrae.

The candle will smoke and crackle again over certain areas of the body: in the area of ​​the heart, solar plexus, etc. This means that there are also accumulations of negative energy in other chakras. Once you have determined where they are, you need to rotate the candle counterclockwise only over these places. Rotation must be continued until the candle stops smoking and crackling. The entire time you are surrounding the patient with it, you need to read “Our Father,” but not out loud, but silently (or almost silently whispering).

This ritual of removing the evil eye with the help of a white candle helps the negativity to escape into the mental world with its subsequent destruction. It's called "candle rolling." If the effect of a candle lasts more than one day, then you need to remember that you can light and extinguish the same candle only 6 times. You need to “roll out” the evil eye until the candle burns evenly. During the ritual, an influx is formed on it, which repeats the “shape” of the disease formed in the astral world. If the evil eye was made by an experienced sorcerer or witch, then their figures will be visible in the influx of the candle.

In addition, you need to remember that in the place where there was an evil eye (curse or slander), a subluxation of the vertebrae always forms, since the energy of this place is weakened. In this regard, after performing the “rolling out” ritual, it is useful to go to a chiropractor to put the vertebrae and discs in place: This will help normalize blood circulation in the spine.

Information "suspension"

Psychics often call the evil eye an information “pendant” that seems to be attached to the human biofield and carries a negative “program”. Thus, the evil eye imposes on its victim a certain mental or general state, which cannot but affect human consciousness and the work of individual organs and systems.

There are many examples of the evil eye. Most often it affects the successful and beautiful people. Experts often identify various disturbances in the biofield of famous politicians and artists, i.e. those people who are often in public. Usually, after a concert or performance, you can find multiple “holes” in their energy shell.

A person who has been jinxed has a sharp rise in temperature, loses weight, sleeps poorly, and is sick for a long time. There are also frequent problems with personal life and unexpected injuries. Women are more likely to suffer from the evil eye, as they are less protected from negative information. However, among them there are also those who are inclined to damage various objects. They go to magicians and psychics with a request to conjure photographs or personal items, so that after this a person can receive a charge of negative energy when using them.

Children under 1 year of age are not at all protected from the evil eye. Psychics and bioenergetics explain this phenomenon by the fact that up to 12 months the child maintains a connection with the astral world, through which it is very easy to have a bad influence on the baby. The mother who feeds him is also connected with this world. This is why for 40 days after giving birth she is considered unclean and therefore cannot appear in church.

However, the first and last child in the family under the age of 12 months from birth are endowed with good energy. Such children can “heal” a hernia only by trampling on the back of an adult suffering from it. In the same way, they can heal from rheumatism or radiculitis. As for the evil eye, in the old days a fig made of wood was placed in the pockets of children's clothes or in diapers, which was supposed to protect the baby from the views of unkind people.

Innocent victim or provocateur

Most often, a person who has been jinxed or damaged is not guilty of anything. But the reasons that prompted the attacker to take such an action can be very different. Many of us have found ourselves in the following situation: walking past a group of people, you suddenly feel stiffness, for example awkwardness in movements, internal tension, inexplicable anxiety, etc. And if you decided to turn around, then your eyes were sure to collide with someone’s gaze. You “felt” it with your back.

IN in this case the cause of your anxiety was the “evil eye.” Perhaps its owner did not want to harm you. You just happened to be the only person who came into his field of vision in this moment. Nevertheless, the main causes of the evil eye were and remain an envious look and words spoken with envy. Excessive admiration and immoderate compliments also lead to this, and this option is worse for the victim than specially caused damage.

There are times when a sorcerer goes outside to cast spells on water or wind. It can harm a huge number of people, affecting the population of a multi-storey building or an entire block. And the reason for this is most often the internal anger of a person with psychic abilities. Such people simply cannot stand it when there is peace and quiet around them. They take pleasure in destroying these sensations, dooming people to suffering. In addition, an inexperienced magician, casting spells on his enemy, can “overdo it” and inadvertently make many innocent people suffer.

Often people inflict the evil eye or damage out of revenge. For example, if a husband left for another woman because of his wife’s grumpy nature, the latter, angry, goes to the witch so that she can help her cast a spell on her rival or new family.

You may have seen this picture more than once: somewhere in a public place or on public transport, two women are loudly discussing some problems, not paying attention to those around them. For the latter, talking in a raised voice simply interferes; among them there will definitely be a person who will look angrily in their direction and wish both of them to fall into hell. Of course, there is nothing good in such a “message”, but in this case the women themselves asked for the evil eye.

Another reason that forces a person to cast the evil eye or damage on others like himself is anger. Sometimes the wish for evil is unintentional or even unconscious. Such an evil eye “falls” on its victim as if in passing. In a fit of anger, a person can utter a phrase like “I’m just angry at you” or “Damn you.” In this case, he does not think about what he wished for the person with whom he was angry. But most often we hear such and similar phrases addressed to us from our closest relatives!

Another reason for dissatisfaction may be our behavior. For example, some people walk down the street without attracting attention to themselves. Others at this time gnaw the seeds, spitting the husks onto the clean sidewalk, or throw the cigarette butt not into the trash can, but anywhere. Among those who see this there may be a person with a strong biofield who will be angry about such a lack of culture. If he looks at the troublemaker, then his gaze will contain a negative message that will violate the integrity of the biofield of the sloppy passerby.

There are many reasons for the evil eye. Some of them are of a domestic and social nature. It happens that someone is simply disliked by someone. Or, for example, one person becomes an energy donor for another and shares his health with one of the family members or even with a stranger.

The latter are usually called energy vampires. They are able to absorb the vital energy of their victim, sometimes leading it to complete exhaustion. In this case, the donor may die for no apparent reason. This effect is especially noticeable during sexual intercourse. For example, a “vampire” man is capable of completely depleting his lover in 2-3 months, literally drinking her blood and strength, and then abandoning her. To fuel his body, he needs new victims. Women - “vampires” - do approximately the same thing with their lovers. But it can be very difficult for men to break off a destructive relationship, since they tend to worry very much about their “male failure.”

Symptoms of the evil eye

It should be noted right away that not all illnesses and discord in family life are explained solely by the evil eye. You need to be a sober realist and attribute them to the realm of the material, and not attribute your failures to damage or the evil eye. As Eastern wisdom says: “The sick person will recover, but the one who has been jinxed will no longer be healthy.”

Let's give an example: you had a conflict at work or in your family, as they say, a bucket of dirt was poured on you, you became a victim of someone else's irritation and anger. How do you feel after this? You have a headache, your mood is spoiled, you feel weak, trembling in your knees, and often muscle pain, i.e. you really feel bad. In such a situation, it’s better not to mention work or household chores: everything just falls out of your hands.

Below we present the main symptoms accompanying the evil eye:

1. Weakness, general malaise, a feeling of awkwardness, heaviness or loss of strength throughout the body.

2. Sharp jumps blood pressure, dizziness, headaches, chills, unexpected nose bleed, colds, as well as acne, pimples and various diseases skin (fungi, boils, warts). In addition, the blood loses its ability to quickly clot, wounds and cuts do not heal for a long time, the eyes often water, and a sore may appear on them. It is also common toothache and unexpected destruction of individual teeth.

3. Extreme drowsiness or, on the contrary, insomnia, frequent yawning.

4. Appetite disappears or increases to the point of insatiable hunger.

5. Irritability, nervousness, it seems to you that everyone around you is simply conspiring to spoil your mood.

6. If this is not the evil eye, but damage to death, then it can lead to an incomprehensible, incurable disease, the result of which will be death.

7. Feelings of fear or melancholy, mental abnormalities leading to schizophrenia.

8. Hatred and hostility towards people, family breakdown, sexual impotence, infertility.

9. As a result of the evil eye, a person either begins to go bald, or his hair begins to grow all over his body.

10. A person with damage or the evil eye begins to be afraid of bright light, in particular sunlight. He feels good only in the dark, especially at midnight, which indicates the presence of a devilish principle in him.

11. Benign or malignant tumor in the place of damage to the biofield resulting from the negative impact.

12. The spoiled person’s pride grows to incredible proportions, turning into a painful feeling.

13. Spoiled food often contains hair and other foreign objects(small pebbles, nails, etc.). Of course, the one who prepared this food is also to blame here, but if you did it, then there is a clear evil eye on you.

14. A person is being chased auditory hallucinations: He hears the voices of deceased relatives.

As for children, the evil eye manifests itself in whims, restlessness, frequent and prolonged crying, fever and weight loss. If you notice something like this, you should immediately consult a doctor. If the pediatrician does not find any disease, you should check whether the child has the evil eye.

In animals this is manifested by attacks of rabies. For example, a faithful dog can bite its owner, a cow loses milk, moos all the time and begins to lose weight. Chickens stop laying eggs or die, pigs run wild, eat a lot, but squeal from hunger all the time. In addition, a usually peaceful pig can attack poultry and kill it.

But let's return to the person. If you get sick with a common illness, such as acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections, you just need to come to the clinic, where the doctor can easily diagnose you and prescribe you medicine. If you are under the evil eye, doctors are powerless: they cannot make a diagnosis due to many conflicting symptoms.

As a result, a person tries to independently diagnose and cure himself. He also turns to a massage therapist, tries herbal medicine, urine therapy, cleanses the body, studies yoga, etc. When all this also turns out to be ineffective, he goes to a healer or a white magician. However, you need to contact these specialists first, immediately after you are faced with a “misunderstanding” of ordinary doctors.

Diagnostics of the evil eye

It is known that dogs and (especially) cats are very sensitive to the slightest changes in our biofield. They are able to see much of what happens in the subtle world, inaccessible to human vision. In this regard, they can take on the role of the first “diagnosticians” of damage or the evil eye brought upon their owner.

First of all, neither a dog nor a cat will ever approach such a person, will not take food from his hands, and if he decides to caress a capricious pet, then the latter’s hair will stand on end and he will try to hide from such affection.

In addition, you can use the tips below to independently determine whether you have the evil eye or not:

1. In the morning, cut off a small piece of stale bread, take it in your hand and hold for 1-2 minutes. At this moment, you should try to completely clear your thoughts and not think about anything. The day before, you should put a glass of water in your room. Dip the bread into the water and wait another 1-2 minutes. If it sinks, it means your energy shell is broken.

2. Instead of bread, you can throw a burnt match into a glass of daily water. If you have the evil eye, then after 1-2 minutes the same thing will happen to her as with the bread: she will drown.

When you know for sure whether there is an evil eye on you or not, you can make a choice: get rid of suspicions addressed to some of your friends, or turn to a parapsychologist, magician or healer.

Ways to get rid of the evil eye

Method 1

Collect flowers for Trinity and dry them. Place one of the flowers on a saucer and pour water over it. After this, moisten your crown with it three times and drink the rest.

Method 2

For 40 days, put one coin in a special box, and then distribute it to the poor. On the same day, order three prayer services: for the martyr Tryphon, the great martyr and healer Panteleimon, and the unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian.

Method 3

Take water from three wells or ice holes and pour it over the patient three times. You need to scoop it up with a ladle, moving it far to the side, and after scooping it up, say:

  • “King of the River! Give the water shaken for ease and health to the servant of God (name).”

While you are carrying water home, you cannot talk to anyone.

Method 4

Pour water into a glass, dissolve a little salt in it, put in a few coals and a piece of clay and read the following spell:

  • “From the terrible, transverse, from the dashing man, O Lord, have mercy on Thy servant (name), from the tributary, from the trifling mother, from the black man, from the red-haired, envious, unruly, whimsical; from gray eye, from a brown eye, from a black eye! Just as the dawn of Amnitaria came out and went out, so from the servant of God (name) all sorts of illnesses caused would come out and go out! Just as fire knocks out of a damask steel, out of a blue frame with a stone, so it would knock out and knock out all the ailments and damage from the servant of God (name). You are a tributary, a tributary, a tributary mother, illnesses, lessons, prizes, combing, go from the servant of God (name) into the dark forests and dry trees, where people do not walk, where cattle do not roam, where birds do not fly, where beasts do not prowl ! Grandmother Solomonida, the ruler of Christ, washed Christ, ruled, and left us the pellets! I lock the sentence with ninety-three locks and ninety-three keys. My word is strong! Amen".

Method 5

Take a full ladle of water, dip as many dinner spoons into it as you can grab at one time, then leave one, and take out the rest and set them aside. Use the remaining spoon to scoop water from the ladle and pour it back into it 3 times through the door handle or door bracket. Then choose a moment and suddenly sprinkle this water into the patient’s face. Pour the rest into the bath. so that the person who has the evil eye can wash himself with it.

Method 6

In order to prevent the evil eye from taking effect, you need to, at the moment when you are being praised immoderately, bite your tongue and silently send back the spoken words.

Method 7

Burn incense on coals at night, reading the following plot:

  • “As this incense melts, so let the grave damage from the servant of God (name) burn and melt away. Amen.”

Method 8

Cover the table with a new tablecloth, put fresh food in the middle egg and read the following plot three times:

  • “I’ll put it in an egg, and I’ll burn the egg. I’ll burn in it the damage, the evil eye, the dryness, the brokenness, the tugging, the erysipelas, the hives. It’s a daytime thing, a night thing, a windy and windy thing, take the fire upon yourself. Fire and ash, free me from evil "Key, lock, threshold. Amen."

Then cover a person with this egg, then burn it at the stake or fry it black in a frying pan.

Method 9

Wrap a dead wasp in a black cloth, throw it in a corner in the bathhouse and read this plot:

  • “The wasp is not alive, the flight was interrupted, its trace has disappeared, and there is no damage. Just as that wasp will not come to life, so the servant of God (name) will not die from the evil eye and damage.”

Ritual of removing the evil eye

Time: on the waning or waxing moon.

Day: Saturday.

Candles: seven candles (ritual) in gray, silver, purple, turquoise or red-blue and one black with seven wicks.

Aromas: cedar.

Crystals: Black Obsidian, Black Onyx, Clear Quartz and Sardonyx.

Oil: patchouli.

Other: a photograph of a person who has been subjected to the evil eye or damage.


  • "I call on all the good forces of my guardian angels and higher powers to merge with this negative energy and send it back to where it came from. Destroy and drive it away completely. I want to be clean, free and protected from evil throughout my life. On A white radiance descends upon me, facilitating my liberation from evil spells."

The order of the ritual

In the center of the altar, place a black candle, greased with patchouli oil to the wicks, next to it are two candles, between them is incense, and then light everything. Place crystals and a photograph nearby. Each colored candle should also be anointed with scented oil and placed in a row from left to right in front of the black candle.

This is followed by the above spell. If the ritual is performed for another person, instead of the pronoun “I” you need to insert his name. Colored candles should burn completely, and a black candle should be blown out when one of its wicks burns completely.

The ritual must be repeated for 6 days, preferably at midnight.

A spoiled mood, troubles, loss of strength, increased irritation - all this signals the presence of the evil eye. To prevent complications from ruining your life, you need to protect yourself.

Prayers will help get rid of the deliberate or unintentional negative influence of people and will not allow negative energy to reach you and your loved ones. Reading the prayer in a timely manner will protect you from evil words and evil looks not only from envious people and enemies, but also from yourself. In esotericism there is such a concept as self-evil eye, the sources of which are ourselves.

Many people do not attach due importance to such an important thing as protecting their biofield. Some people are skeptical about this, others simply forget about it. But both of them fall into the risk zone and become susceptible to negative influence. You cannot put off self-defense until you feel sharp deterioration well-being. Reading the prayer will only take a few minutes, but how many troubles and troubles can be avoided.

Orthodox prayer against the evil eye

The good thing about prayers is that they do not carry any negative energy. If the ritual to remove the evil eye is performed incorrectly, there is a possibility that this will result in even bigger problems. And while reading the sacred text, you are having a conversation with God and asking Him to intercede for you or your loved ones. Usually such a prayer is read to Saint Tikhon - he is the most powerful conductor of your words and requests for protection from bad influences. Text of the prayer:

“Oh Saint Tikhon! Your angelic life has made you a saint of God. I believe in you and your help with all my soul and with all my heart, may your mercy descend on me from heaven. Ask the Lord God for salvation for my soul. Hear my prayers, Saint, intercede for my life and deliver it from human malice, envy, and meanness. May your strength add protection to the sinful servants of God. Deliver me and those close to me from the corruption of the soul, bodily adversity and the torment of hell. Grant peace and quiet, intercession and love, salvation and piety to people faithful to you and the Lord. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Strong prayer against the evil eye and the black word

You can protect yourself and get rid of bad influences with the help of strong prayer. When you obviously know that there is a person who envies you, and there is no way to limit communication with him, then there is only one way out. Prayer will also help if you have already experienced black witchcraft and feel a sharp deterioration in business, health in love.

“I turn to you in prayer, Holy Guardian Angel, servant of God and intercessor assigned to me in order to protect, protect and help in my affairs. The Creator reigns over everyone on earth, including evil people who, resorting to evil power, are capable of harming and maiming. So, by the will of the Almighty, deliver me from misfortunes, adversity and other evil. Under your wing I will not be afraid of any poisonous words of my enemies. Evil spirits will not destroy my soul and body. Bless and save. Amen".

Prayer against damage, evil eye, witchcraft to Saint Cyprian

The prayer to Cyprian should be read several times a day: in the morning, at lunch and in the evening. But people turn to his help if they are sure that they have become a victim of a curse and black witchcraft. Saint Cyprian is able to repel any evil and protect you from repeated negative impacts. Sacred text:

“Lord God, hear my words in prayer to Cyprian. Fighting the forces of enemies and ill-wishers is not easy. So take the heart of God’s servant (your name) and carry it through all the hardships and trials. I need protection and the preservation of my bright life. Help the one reading this prayer, deliver the unworthy from the hardships. Protect from all magic, bad words, sideways glances and evil. Stop the intentions of people whose souls are tormented by the devil, and forgive them for what they have done. I say three times how one and omnipotent our Lord is, and I call for help. Save and have mercy. Amen".

People, voluntarily or unwittingly, can drop an evil word or a disapproving glance, which will attract bad influence. It is scary because it gradually deprives a person of vitality and success. Protection from the evil eye, damage and bad influence is very important. Don’t let it go to the last minute, because, as they say, “God protects those who are careful.” be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

25.05.2017 06:50

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Evil eye - this is the negative bioenergetic impact of one person on another. The evil eye gives rise to both illness and various kinds of disorders. A person’s energy exchange with the environment is disrupted, and energy “holes” are formed in his biofield, through which the energy entering the body escapes.

Evil eyeis a generation of negative emotions. It can be inflicted by any ill-wisher (even with not very developed bioenergy) who envies you or consciously and sincerely wishes you harm. The reason for the evil eye seems to be clear - it is an evil eye, an envious word, a curse thrown by someone. But it turns out that you can jinx it by saying it without any ulterior motive, and even kind words. And a person himself can jinx himself.

The first sign of the evil eye - feeling strangely tired. There seems to be no reason for this: the person was not overworked, did not get sick, got enough sleep, and suddenly, out of nowhere, fatigue sets in and does not go away even after rest. Performance decreases, mood deteriorates, sleep and appetite disappear, sensory and motor functions body. Not only does it suffer emotional sphere, but also physiology. As a result of the evil eye, metabolism often deteriorates. The temperature often fluctuates and aches appear.

Symptoms of the evil eye include increased fatigue, insomnia, unstable mood, lack of restraint, irritability, inability to endure prolonged mental and physical stress, intolerance loud sounds, bright light and strong odors.

The main reason for the evil eye - someone's close attention, colored by strong negative emotions or an angry thought. It is at this time that an invisible but very intense exchange of energy occurs.
In order not to be exposed to the evil eye, you need to master some defense techniques, as well as increase your bioenergetic potential, improve your health and achieve psychological stability. Beware of scandals, quarrels and curses. By swearing, a person receives a certain amount of negative energy. In addition, depending on their profession, lifestyle and communication, people are to one degree or another subject to discussion, criticism, deception, and slander. Therefore, avoid both an envious look and an envious word. After all, they can equally jinx things and lead to ruin and failure.

People deal with the evil eye differently. Some can live their entire lives without needing treatment, while others suffer greatly from the evil eye.
The evil eye itself, even if nothing influences it, can go away in 2 hours or 2 days. Sometimes, to remove a minor evil eye, just using water is enough ( cold and hot shower, Epiphany or spoken water) or flame (burning candle, fire). A talisman against the evil eye, even an ordinary pin, will also help. In ancient times, people protected themselves from the evil eye with prayers and conspiracies.


“Not only myths, legends, religious codes of all peoples of the world attribute to the gaze the ability to embody evil intent. Even the great doctors and thinkers of the past believed in the magic of the evil eye. Often the soul influences another’s body, for example, when exposed to the evil eye,” wrote the famous man for centuries physician and mathematician Avicenna. While studying sorcery, the famous philosopher, Saint Thomas Aquinas, came to the conclusion that due to strong mental stress, changes occur in the elements of the human body. Moreover, they are mainly associated with the eyes, which, with a special radiation, seem to infect the air at a distance."

Back in the Middle Ages, a list of diseases caused by the evil eye was compiled. In adults, these are thinness, tumors, melancholy, blindness, imbalance, demonic possession, etc., and in children - insomnia, nausea, headaches, epileptic seizures, consumption. Adults who have been damaged show anxiety and experience unconscious fear. They are distinguished by a yellowish or more often gray complexion, they feel pain in the stomach and vomiting. For children, symptoms of the evil eye include sudden pallor, weight loss, frailty, weak and uneven pulse, fever, and lack of appetite.
* * *
How to recognize the evil eye, what methods to protect yourself from it?

U different nations Various signs of those people who have the evil eye are called. In Slavic folklore, unkind eyes were considered slanted, black, excessively rolled out or deeply sunken. At all times, ugly old women were feared. It has long been noted that almost any person is capable of casting the evil eye and thereby harming his neighbor. Moreover, many often do this unintentionally, against their will, not realizing the danger they pose to others.

Does this mean that you cannot protect yourself from the evil eye? Not at all. After all, infectious agents are distributed everywhere, but not everyone gets sick. Same with the evil eye.

If you think that the owner of the evil eye is nearby, hold on to something iron. A number of iron objects have a stronger protective effect - a knife, a dagger, a sickle, a lock, a nail, a needle. Keys were widely used as an amulet by the Etruscans and ancient Egyptians. One of the most common amulets is a horseshoe; it has long been considered a symbol that protects against damage and witchcraft.

Gems occupy a special place among talismans. Agates, especially black ones with white veins, were used as a remedy for the evil eye.
The colors of amulets also play an important role. The most ancient magical colors are blue and red. In Ukraine, animals and plants in the garden were tied with red ribbons. White and black colors were also used against the evil eye. It's more difficult with yellow. It has been observed that a person sensitive to occult influences will never wear yellow clothes and generally feels uncomfortable surrounded by yellow objects.

Noise has always been considered an excellent remedy for witchcraft. With its help, it is not difficult to put all evil spirits to flight and prevent their evil deeds. A snap of the fingers or the barking of a dog is also enough to scare away. You can protect yourself in another way - by knocking three times on a table, wood or wall. Scaring away witches and evil spirits is the main ancient purpose of baby rattles! But whistling can summon both good and evil spirits, so you need to be careful with it. The witchcraft powers of ringing metal, especially bells and bells, are very frightening. Therefore, they decorated horse harnesses with bells, protecting themselves from damage while traveling. When leaving home, you are unlikely to take a bell with you. But the keys are always with you. If you suspect something is wrong, ring them - these are also protective sounds.


An ordinary larger pin, which must be pinned closer to the heart, but so that it is not visible to others, will protect you from the evil eye. The head of the pin should be pointing down.

To protect yourself from the evil eye, mentally place a mirror between you and this person with the front side facing him.

- If you drain water through a sieve 3 times, it helps against the evil eye and many diseases.

- Bandages made of red threads on the left hand protect against the evil eye.

You can stick a kitchen knife into a window frame or door. An ordinary person will not notice this, and a person with bad thoughts will not approach.

- To heal from the evil eye on October 29, you need to wash your face with ice-cold well or spring water.

If you meet a person with an unkind look, touch your watch, coin, keys, or any metal object.

- Saints Cyprian and Justinia help against the evil eye.

- If there were unpleasant guests in the house, throw a pinch of salt into the fire.

- Salt, herbs, and wax consecrated on Palm Sunday help against the evil eye.

- Bread and salt are brought into a new house to protect it from an envious eye.

- Silver pins and horseshoes pinned to the hem were considered reliable protection against the evil eye.

To protect against the evil eye, a collection of bay leaves, rue, onions, garlic, St. John's wort, dandelion and thistle is hung in a bag over the front door.

- The following stones protect from the evil eye: black agate with white veins, topaz and jasper.

Prevention of the evil eye:

What to do when it seems that someone has an evil eye nearby? Different peoples name different signs of those people who have an evil eye. In Slavic folklore, unkind eyes were considered slanted, black, excessively rolled out or deeply sunken. At all times, ugly old women were feared. It has long been noted that almost any person is capable of casting the evil eye, and thereby harming a neighbor. Moreover, many often do this unintentionally, against their will, not realizing the danger they pose to others. Does this mean that you cannot protect yourself from the evil eye? Not at all. After all, the infection is widespread everywhere, and not everyone gets sick. Same with the evil eye.

If you think that the owner of the evil eye is nearby, hold on to something iron. A number of objects made of iron have a stronger protective effect than the metal itself - these are a knife, a dagger, an axe, a sickle, a lock, a nail, a needle. Keys were widely used as an amulet by the Etruscans and ancient Egyptians.

One of the most common amulets is a horseshoe; it has long been considered a symbol of the female genital organs, which, like the image of the phallus, protect against damage and witchcraft.

Gems occupy a special place among talismans. Agates, especially black ones with white veins, were used as a remedy for the evil eye. The colors of amulets also play an important role. The most ancient magical colors are blue and red. In Ukraine, animals and plants in the garden were tied with red ribbons. White and black colors were also used against the evil eye. It's more difficult with yellow. It has been noticed that a person sensitive to occult influences will never wear yellow clothes and generally feels uncomfortable when surrounded by yellow objects.

Noise has always been considered an excellent remedy for witchcraft. With its help, it is not difficult to put all evil spirits to flight and prevent their evil deeds. A snap of the fingers or the barking of a dog is also sufficient to scare away witches. You can protect yourself in another way - by knocking three times on a table, wood or wall. Scaring away witches and evil spirits is the main ancient purpose of baby rattles, which today's parents have no idea about! But with a whistle you can summon both evil and good spirits, so you need to be careful with them.

Witchcraft powers are very shy towards the ringing of metal, especially bells and bells. That’s why they decorated horse harnesses with bells, protecting themselves from damage while traveling. When leaving home, you are unlikely to take a bell with you. But the keys are always with you. If you suspect something is wrong, ring them - these are also protective sounds. It is easier to protect yourself from the evil eye than to get rid of it.

First aid for the evil eye:

If you observe yourself or a loved one with such symptoms of the evil eye that suddenly appeared, for no apparent reason, do not delay, take the simplest first aid measures for the evil eye.

The first sign of the evil eye is a sudden deterioration in health:
. strong headache
. sudden jump pressure in the direction of increasing or, conversely, decreasing
. pain in the heart area
. nausea, vomiting
. the appearance of spots on the face of red, white, gray
. insomnia, a person spins around and can’t find a comfortable position
. bad mood and tears often come
. it hurts my eyes, as if sand had been poured in
. eyes get tired, red, inflamed
. severe pain pierces the eyelids
. ears or cheeks burn
. chin itches
. sometimes gums bleed, nosebleeds

These symptoms can appear either separately or in combination with each other. If you notice this, don’t delay, take the simplest first aid measures for the evil eye.

Let's pour cold water in a jar or glass
. We read the “Our Father” prayer over the water 3 times
. We read the plot 3 times:
Water from the glass, the evil eye is gone from me
. blow on the water with a cross
. wash ourselves or wash the patient with the back of the palm of the right hand clockwise, describing 3 ovals around the face
. drink or give 3 sips of spoken water to drink
. splash the rest of the water onto the mirror
. Let the water on your hands and face dry on its own, do not wipe it with a towel!
. sit quietly for 5 minutes with your eyes closed

As you can see, the procedure is not at all complicated, but very effective. Tested for centuries. To remove the old, already ingrained evil eye, other rituals will be required. But remember this as first aid and use it at the first suspicion of the evil eye.

Methods of protection:

Currently, there are many methods of self-medication and primary protection against the evil eye:

1. Some plants, such as a collection of bay leaves, rue, onions, garlic, St. John's wort, dandelion and thistle, are hung above the front door, which gives good results.

2. A simple effective recipe. Place three heads of garlic and a bread crumb cut to fit the pan into a small saucepan. Then you need to pour in two liters of wine and cook over low heat, and you need to strictly ensure that not a single drop splashes out. After boiling the resulting infusion by about half, the liquid should be poured onto the ground, and from the grounds, make something like a plaster and place it on the patient’s chest.

3. Magical power possesses human saliva. For example, from time to time you need to lick the child’s forehead and temples from left to right; if a bitter or sour taste is felt, then he is bewitched.

4. The usual method of primary defense is to spit three times over your left shoulder and knock on wood.

5. Washing the body with silvered water helps with the evil eye.

6. Salt has a special power against the evil eye and damage. It must be worn in a bag on the body and sprinkled on bewitched people and livestock.

7. All kinds of talismans and amulets are good protection. An ordinary pin, secretly pinned under clothing in the heart area with the head down, has a protective effect.

8. Iron is a good “lightning rod”. If you suddenly think that the owner of the evil eye is nearby, then you need to hold on to a sickle, knife, lock, or nail with both hands.

9. A good simple amulet is a horseshoe (preferably found by chance), or a decoration in the shape of a horseshoe.

10. A good remedy for the evil eye are stones: black agate with white veins, topaz and jasper; it is advisable to wear a zodiac talisman stone on your body.

11. Good primary protection is provided by a certain position of the hands and feet, for example, if you are talking to a suspicious person. This usually involves crossing the arms and legs.

Along with other signs in Rus', since ancient times it was considered unkind to meet a blind person. Blindness is still taken as a sure sign of connection with evil spirits.In villages, peasants are protected from a blind healer by prayers and spells.

In order to protect themselves from the evil eye, people invented spitting. After birth, animals lick their young. Healing properties saliva gradually acquired the value of an anti-demonic agent.Back in the days of the Roman Emperor Nero, in order to protect the child from the evil eye, the grandmother smeared the child’s forehead with the middle finger of her right hand.

Pliny gives this advice: if someone looks at a sleeping baby, then the mother should spit 3 times, even if the child is wearing an amulet against the evil eye. And in his book called "Natural History" it is mentioned human saliva, protecting against illness, snakebite and witchcraft for a lame person. By the way, lichen and leprosy were treated with saliva taken in the morning on an empty stomach.

Most commonamulet against the evil eye - bandages made of red threads, which are worn on the wrist of the right hand. Many women wrapped their fingers in red silk to protect them from love spells. In many countries, red ribbons were tied around the horns of cattle. The symbolic power of red color is transferred to a plant with red berries - rowan, hawthorn, scale, red currant. Rowan branches, tied crosswise, drive away witches and completely neutralize damage to the house (this cross is tied with red thread).

The evil eye and slander can be removed with the help of a white candle. Evil eyes and slander are energy plugs of brown and gray colors. They are most often located between the Holy Spirit chakra and the crown chakra - Sahasrara. The Holy Spirit chakra is located 16 cm above the crown at an angle of 33°, closer to the back of the head. As a result, the radiation sent by the Holy Spirit is not absorbed by a person, and he is haunted by a “streak of failure” associated with health, personal life, work and leisure. Therefore, first of all, you should start with cleansing and activating the inter-chakra space. To do this, draw a white or church candle 32 times counterclockwise over the space around the crown. In a certain place, the candle will begin to crackle, crackle, shoot wax and emit black smoke - smoke.

When the inter-chakra space is cleared and the center of the Holy Spirit is activated, the patient begins to feel warmth in the heart, it begins to beat faster - this means that the energy of the Higher Cosmos (Sky) has entered it. Now you can switch to a circular spiral rotation of the candle counterclockwise - first down, then up along the spine at a distance of about 2-5 cm from it. In some places the candle will begin to crackle and smoke again, for example, in the area of ​​the solar plexus or opposite the heart, which means that there is also an accumulation of negative negative energy here. We continue to rotate the candle counterclockwise, but only in those places where the candle cracked, and continue until it stops cracking and smoking. While working with a white candle, the prayer “Our Father” is said mentally, or barely whispered, but not out loud.

This ritual is called "candle rolling", in which negative energy is transferred into the mental world with the help of a candle and destroyed there. One candle can be lit and blessed only 6 times. It should be noted that during rotation (rolling out) a build-up is formed on the candle - it is formed by drops of rolling, melting wax.

As a rule, the resulting form is a kind of growth. This form repeats the astral form of the disease. If an experienced witch or sorcerer cast an evil eye or a slander, then their figure will appear in this cinder. If you have to roll out for a long time (an hour or two), then you can postpone the session to the next day and continue to roll out until the candle stops crackling and smoking, that is, the candle flame should burn calmly and evenly.

The cause of ozeva can be not only someone’s magical spells or actions, but also a curse, envy, and finally, just an evil look. Depending on their profession, lifestyle, social circle, people, to one degree or another, are constantly “under the gun” of dozens of eyes, subject to discussion, criticism, slander, and all this has an impact on their spiritual essence, often causing a chill or, in other words, a slander . “Ozev” is the ancient name for the evil eye caused by human slander, “maliciousness and malice.”

People experience it differently. Very often its direct consequences are insomnia, imbalance, and increased conflict. Sometimes it becomes difficult for a person to look into the eyes of others, and he himself cannot stand the gaze of others.

Doctors consulted by victims of the evil eye make a diagnosis: nervous breakdown as a result of stress. They are prescribed various restorative and sedatives, which, unfortunately, do little to help. And then “proven” means are used - alcohol and drugs, dooming a person to degradation and death.

Meanwhile, it is much easier, and most importantly, more effective, to learn how to ward off cold spells with the help of special spells, which have been used since ancient times in Rus' by healers, healers and sorcerers.

All conspiracies are made on water. It should be clean, cold and undrinkable. It is best to take it from a spring, but you can also take it from a well or water tap, but in no case from a bucket from which you have already drunk water.

Pour water into a glass jar, throw in a pinch of salt, light a match, baptize the water with fire and say: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". You need to cross yourself three times and say these words three times. As the match burns, the burned part is broken off so that it falls into the water. There should be three such fragments.

After this, a conspiracy is read over the water:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Pure blood from heaven! Save and preserve the servant of God (name) from every eye, from bad hour, from feminine, from masculine, from childish, from joyful, from hateful, from slander, from negotiation. Amen".

The spell is repeated over water nine times. Then they sprinkle the victim with the evil eye three times with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". This water should be drunk several times a day. Relief usually occurs after one or two sessions.

Salt protects against the evil eye:

Salt restores the strength we have lost and heals holes in the astral body. But evil people, and especially those who have taken upon their souls the sin of corruption or witchcraft, cannot tolerate salt. It was not for nothing that our ancestors took salt with them on the road as a talisman. In “unclean” places it was thrown over the shoulder so that evil forces could not harm a person. Salt was also used in magical rituals - white crystals restored happiness and removed evil witchcraft from a person.

Our great-grandfathers noticed that it is easiest to put the evil eye on a person at the moment when he is engrossed in a conversation and is not paying attention to what is happening. This is where the envious person casts an evil eye, distracting you with flattering conversation. To avoid such a misfortune, it was customary in Rus' to place salt on the table in an open salt shaker. After all, it “quenches” negative energy and wards off the evil eye. And evil wishes return through the underworld to the one who sent them.

A button will save you from enemies:

Folk methods that have been used since ancient times and have proven their effectiveness will help you protect yourself from ill-wishers. Among the well-known methods of protection from evil - garlic and aspen - the author also cites less common, but also very effective, such as a button, red color and the obligatory presence of jewelry on the neck.

Even if you have never harmed anyone in your life, there will almost always be a person who does not love you or is jealous and wishes you harm. Even if he does not practice black magic or anything like that, evil thoughts sometimes materialize and can greatly harm you. Of course, if you do not take measures that have helped people in trouble from time immemorial.

In the old days, plants were actively used as amulets against ill-wishers. It was believed that an aspen branch would protect from the machinations of enemies. This tree has long been considered magical, so

How Judas hanged himself on an aspen tree. According to legend, an aspen stake protects against vampires. The existence of ghouls is a controversial issue for many, but almost everyone has enemies!

It must be said that among the Chinese, sandalwood plays the role of aspen. “Protective” fans are still made from it to this day. Branches and fans can be hung in the house, or you can carry them with you. In Russia it is very effective means Garlic, which warded off evil, was another remedy for vampires. You can decorate your kitchen with braids of garlic heads. In the old days, bunches of garlic hung in every peasant house. Why do you think? It is desirable that each bundle has seven heads. Or you can carry a clove of garlic with you in your pocket or bag, just don’t forget about the smell!

Red is also considered a protective color. Therefore, it is recommended that at least one detail in clothing be red - say, a scarf or shawl. In the old days, girls wove red ribbons into their braids. IN as a last resort If red doesn’t harmonize with your outfit, you can tie a red thread around your wrist. It’s just better to hide it under your sleeve.

It is better not to leave your neck without decorations. When going out somewhere, be sure to wear a pendant, pendant or beads around your neck (unless, of course, you are wearing a cross). Another way to ward off unkind people is to wear your clothes inside out. This, according to parapsychologists, protects against the evil eye and removes negative energy.

Do you know where the custom of sewing buttons on the inside of clothes came from? This was not invented by clothing manufacturers at all. The fact is that the word “button” itself comes from the word “scare.” Buttons also protect against the evil eye. By the way, if you button up the wrong button, although it will cause a mess in your clothes, it will reduce your chances of becoming a victim of a bad person. It is better if the thread on the button connects all four holes with a square. A button sewn with a cross will give you health, and a button sewn with a zigzag will give you success and money. If one of the buttons is fastened incorrectly, you should first unfasten every single button and only then fasten them again.

We are never immune from bad people coming into our home. Moreover, they can masquerade as completely loyal to us. Well, who would think that a good-natured-looking neighbor is capable of all sorts of dirty tricks! Place it at front door broom with the whisk up, especially when you are expecting guests. Then the one who did not come with good will not be able to enter the house. If you place the broom in a position where guests are already in the house, your ill-wisher will stagnate at the threshold, unable to leave. The only way for him to “free himself” is to turn the broom over. You can also stick scissors into the wall while a suspicious person is visiting you. In this case, until the scissors are removed, the guest will not be able to leave. Or you can sprinkle the threshold with holy water so that an unwanted visitor will not be able to cross it.

Some claim that such remedies only work on witches and sorcerers, while others claim that they work on anyone who shows up with bad intentions. In ancient times in Rus' you could see a pair of old bast shoes on the fence. Bast shoes were protected from home-wreckers. For example, the owner hung them on the fence to ward off a lonely neighbor who had her eye on her husband. You could hang bast shoes in the house, in the entryway or in the upper room to the left of the door.

Of course, now you won’t find bast shoes with fire during the day. But old unnecessary shoes can be used. Drive a nail to the left of the front door and hang the shoes on the wall. True, then you will not be able to avoid questions from both household members and visitors. So come up with some excuse in advance.

Amulets against negative magic, the evil eye and damage have existed since ancient times. Such objects were used by different peoples, and they had only one task - to protect a person from negative energy. Different peoples, separated by thousands of kilometers, had similar amulets with the same purpose. Over the course of many centuries, the appearance and purpose of amulets have not changed at all; people today still use exactly the same objects for protection that their distant ancestors used.


The simplest and most accessible protective amulet against negative energy is considered to be an ordinary safety pin. You just need to pin a pin from the inside of the garment so that it is in the solar plexus or heart area. If you use such a talisman, then do not forget to check every evening to see if it has changed color. When the pin turns black, it means that it has absorbed a portion of negative energy, and you need to get rid of it as soon as possible.

If the amulet does not change its color, then it should be left open overnight and pinned back in place in the morning. You should only buy pins for the amulet on Friday evening; in addition, you should not take change from the seller when making a purchase. Since ancient times, pins have been used to protect against negativity; it was even believed that such objects could protect not only a person, but his entire home.

In Slavic countries, an amulet called “God’s eye” was used to protect against the evil eye and damage. Similar amulets can be found in the Tibetan and Mexican traditions, and they are called the same everywhere. All such amulets have a cross-shaped base.

The Slavic peoples made it as follows: they took two small sticks, folded them in a cross and wound multi-colored woolen threads on them. The sides of the resulting amulet point to all directions of the world and symbolize the unification of energy. Such objects were often used as amulets to protect children; the “eye of God” was often hung over the crib of newborns.


A special place among ancient amulets is occupied by objects made from bones, teeth, claws and horns of wild animals.

So the “horns and legs” came in handy...

In ancient times, people endowed such things with magical properties and believed in their miraculous powers. Such amulets have not lost their properties even today; they can still be used to protect against dark forces.

The bear's claw was highly valued by the Slavs; it was believed that it helped a man win victories in battles and win the love of women. Therefore, the claw was hung over the crib of a newborn boy and hung on his neck when he grew up a little.

Amulets made from bear fangs were common among the peoples of the Caucasus, American Indians and Scandinavian countries. It was also believed that the skull of a bear, located near the entrance to the house, provided protection and safety for all its inhabitants.

These days, keychains and pendants based on bear fangs and claws are also popular. These are very strong amulets with powerful energy, which are more suitable for men, but are also in demand among women.

The protective properties of many plants have been known for a long time. In Slavic homes, bouquets of herbs and flowers played not only a flavoring and decorative role, but also protected the house and its inhabitants from unclean forces and negative energy. Among Europeans, the most common amulets were thistle, hawthorn, oak and acorns. It was believed that in a house where there is at least one hawthorn branch there will never be a evil spirit, and if negative energy is already in the house, then it will soon leave the home. Acorns were often hung near windows in order to block evil forces from entering the house.

The Slavs had a belief that if you break a branch of a blooming rowan tree on the first of May and dry it, it will become an excellent amulet against any negativity and will serve until it completely decays. You can enhance the effect of such a talisman with the help of a thin red thread that is wound around a branch.

Almost all nations considered garlic to be an excellent means of repelling evil spirits; it is no coincidence that this plant is called the best weapon against vampires. In the Slavic world, garlic was often wrapped in a clean cloth and carried in a pocket; it was believed that if in case of danger you touched this plant, nothing bad would happen.


Natural minerals and crystals have a complex energy structure that can resonate with human energy. Many ancient priests had knowledge of an almost forgotten science - astromineralogy, which revealed the properties of many famous stones and their effect on living organisms. Yes, only grains of ancient knowledge have survived to this day, but on their basis you can make your own amulet from stone to protect against negative energy.

Since a long time the best amulet Agate, a common semi-precious stone, was considered from black magicians. It is capable of providing powerful protection even from a strong energy attack and nullifying all the efforts of your ill-wishers. Agate can absorb a large number of negative, so it will last you quite a long time. Even the famous Dzi beads - amulets of Tibetan monks - are made of agate.

Semi-precious stones are not only decoration, but also a way to protect against negative energy.

Another common amulet against the evil eye and damage is the cat's eye stone. Not only does it allow you to build powerful protection against any negativity, but it is also the guardian of marriage ties and the family hearth, which is why amulets for the entire home are often made from this stone.

Tiger's eye can protect a person from real troubles and the actions of evil people. This amulet is perfect for you if you are afraid of targeted attacks of negative energy. According to the testimony of many experienced magicians, this stone is even capable of notifying its owner of dangers; if a person is in trouble, the tiger eye amulet will become a little warmer and heavier.

Moonstone also makes magnificent amulets that combine strength and beauty. Such amulets not only protect the wearer from negative energy, but can also cleanse the space of harmful entities.


Most amulets that can protect you from negative energy can be made at home and completely free of charge, not counting the necessary consumables.


In addition to standard amulets in the form of pendants, key rings and bracelets, there are also mental amulets that are aimed at a person using special magical spells. This simple spell will allow you to build a defense that negative energy will not pass through.

Words of the spell: “Black is the black feather. The feather fell, fell into the damp ground, and the water flowed away with it, taking all the troubles with it. That water took away the illness and took away the evil eye from the servant of God (name). The water took everything bad into the dark forests, into the dark forests, and beyond the sea shores. The empty eye perished in the dense forest, the evil word perished in the water of the sea. Whoever started evil against the servant of God (name) disappeared along with his feather in the black forest. Let it be so. Amen".


To prevent people with evil thoughts from ever coming to your home, make such a talisman. Take a large floor vase and place at the bottom three or four heads of garlic, a sprig of thistle, a sprig of rowan, several ears of wheat and any dried flowers tied into a bouquet and wrapped in a red ribbon. This vase will need to be placed next to the threshold of the house, so that if evil person and came to visit you, I could not do anything wrong.

Ways to remove the evil eye.

1. Very simple and reliable way removing the evil eye- take a warm bath with table salt (not iodized), sea salt, or regular flavored bath salt. But it is important that there is a lot of it - about half a kilogram per bath. Lie in the water for 15 minutes, then be sure to wash off any remaining salt from your skin from the shower. And that’s it - positive energy will be restored. Going to a bathhouse also helps a lot against the evil eye, and it will be very good if it is built or upholstered with birch. At worst, you need to use a birch broom...

2. Bell ringing against the evil eye
Also, the ringing of bells has a strong counteraction against the evil eye. In all centuries, such a technique has been considered an excellent way to ward off negative energy and evil. It’s better to listen to it near the walls of the church, so that the ringing seems to wash over you. And then go into the temple itself.

3. Removing the evil eye for the Orthodox
Another good way to remove a serious evil eye. It should involve three people who sincerely love and want to help you.
In three different churches - most importantly, at the same time, at the same hour of the same day - they must light a candle for your health and order a prayer service for your health. Then they must buy another candle and bring it home to the one from whom the evil eye is removed. Next, this person must light these three candles in the evening, after sunset, and read the entire evening prayer. If you don’t know or don’t remember by heart, take the Prayer Book. The candles should burn down to half. Then they are stewed by hand - by hand, and not blown out. And in the morning you need to light unburned candles and after washing your face, read the morning prayer on an empty stomach. Of course, all methods associated with prayers will only help baptized people.

4 Removing the evil eye using spoons
Prepare 3 or 5 or 7 silver or cupronickel or steel spoons. You need to simultaneously hold the spoons in your hand, dip them into a glass of plain water and make several movements: scoop up some water and pour it back. At the same time, sentence the conspiracy:
“Like water from spoons, so from the servant of God (name of the child) all evil eyes, lessons, fears, commotions will come away!”
And before going to bed, wash your sick child with this water, and then wipe his face with the hem of the shirt or robe that you are wearing. Everything will pass, a very high-quality method. This method also helps adults.
If you are performing the ceremony for yourself, insert your name accordingly.

5. Removing the evil eye with aromas. Everyone probably knows the expression “the devil is afraid of incense.” Frankincense is the most effective aroma that will help remove the evil eye. Fumigate the room (in which there should be no animals) with incense, play (only very quietly), for example, bells, lie down comfortably, try to relax. And lie there for 30-40 minutes. This time is enough for the energy holes in your aura to be mended. Also for this purpose, it is good to smoke elecampane root, St. John's wort, verbena, natural dried herbs or incense.

6. In general, it normalizes energy state meditation near flowing water (stream, river, they seem to carry away negativity) or open fire. Sit by the fire, let the warmth penetrate every cell of your body, mentally equalize this warmth - this is your energy state and it has returned to normal.

You need to make protective amulets or install other protection when you have completely gotten rid of negativity.

There are ways to energetically protect yourself from negative influences. The disadvantage of such methods is that they work when developed imagination and visualization experience. If your imagination is well developed, then you can easily protect yourself from the evil eye.

Simple protection against the "evil eye"
If in the presence of another person you feel discomfort, anxiety, your health deteriorates sharply, yawning appears, then put your hand on your solar plexus and mentally say: “I won’t let you.” Figuratively imagine how you have reliably closed your biofield with this.

Golden cocoon.
This method has long been used in magic to protect against the strongest external influences (magical attacks).
Feel the golden pea in the center of the brain at the level of the third eye. You should feel its shine and warmth. This must be felt, and not just imagined. Just feel the good light, the warmth. FEEL the pea split and part of it comes forward from the “third eye” to an arm's length. “Touch” the pea tactilely, feel the connection between both peas, the space between them. Divide in the same way and bring the peas through the “third eye” back and in both directions at arm’s length. Rotate the resulting cross clockwise. The center of rotation should be the first pea. After you FEEL this hoop, make a golden cocoon, centered in your solar plexus, covering your entire body, which will reflect all the impact. Use the "cocoon" only when necessary. When there is no longer a need for it, everything is done in reverse order. Only, first of all, you need to mentally cleanse the entire outer shell of the “cocoon”.

Protection using the "Mirror Wall".
It’s enough to figuratively imagine that there is a powerful wall of three rows of bricks around you on all four sides. On the outside of the wall, the bricks are covered with a continuous layer of mirrors facing the outside world.

Creation of a translucent protective shell.
To protect against the effects of harmful energy, a mentally transparent shell is created that follows the contours of the body. The shell is located at a distance of 5 - 10 centimeters from the body: this shell is transparent only from the inside, from the outside it is made mirror to better reflect everything bad. It is enough to mentally check the condition of the protective shell once every few days, and reliable protection secured.

An original way of protection.
You need to mentally stand on a metal disk and figuratively imagine that you are covering yourself with a large metal glass that fits tightly to the surface of the disk. The outer surface of the glass and disk should be shiny and reflective. Absolute confidence is required that this metal will repel any harmful energetic influences.

Conspiracy against self-evil eye
This often happens: a person was happy about a successful operation, a successful acquaintance, healing from some illness, an upcoming purchase, and lo and behold, everything returned to its previous position. This is the evil eye.
You need to stand in front of a mirror and, holding a lit candle in your hand, say, looking at your image, three times:
“Mirror world, take away the cursed evil eye, put it with you, hold it tightly, don’t let go anywhere, don’t bring it back.”
Then place the candle on the windowsill, securing it on a saucer, and let it burn out to the end.
The simplest, but no less effective means of protection against the evil eye came to us from our ancestors - a simple safety pin. The condition is that the pin must be new. The pin must be spoken correctly. Tuesday on the waxing Moon is best suited for this. You need to take a church candle, light it, and place the sharp end of a pin in the center of the flame. While you hold the pin over the fire, say: “As fire burns this iron, so it will burn the evil thoughts of my enemies. Just as iron pierces this fire, so it will pierce the evil eyes of envious people.” After this, fasten the pin on the left with the snap down at the chest on the wrong side of the garment you are wearing. The pin remains effective for six months, then the spell should be repeated.

The most effective means of protection against the evil eye is a personally made amulet.

Amulet- (from Latin amuletum), an object to which the miraculous ability was superstitiously attributed to protect the owner from disasters, illness and “evil spells.” Even Christian church, condemning superstition, continues to use amulets. under the guise of body crosses and amulet, supposedly protecting believers from “evil spirits.” In addition, it is possible to use natural minerals that can protect or repel energy attacks.
These minerals include:
-cat's eye
-eye quartz
-Tiger's Eye

Of the metals, silver is traditionally believed to be able to protect against evil. It seems to me that this belief is more related to the bactericidal properties of silver, because of which holy water is infused in silver cauldrons. In any case, the choice is yours.

Protection and Cleansing:

Cleansing and protection is where any magical practice begins. And these two processes are very interconnected, even interpenetrating. Without cleansing there is no protection. Protection implies purity. Any external protection cannot be reliable where the inside is not clean. And - the presence of internal purity is in itself a protection.

Protection begins with cleansing. To be protected, first of all you need to be clean and whole, so that destructive programs have nothing to cling to in you and in your environment. The culture of our ancestors was built on interaction with the forces of nature, and everyone was familiar with the basics of magic - such as protection and purification. Protective signs were embroidered on clothes (patterns on national costumes are not just an ornament for decoration, but ligature from security symbols), were carved on household items, the home was arranged in such a way that “the walls also helped.” The traditions of all peoples contain such rules of behavior and life, elements of such a way of life, thanks to which a person maintained the energetic purity of his bodies and home and was protected. Actions such as observing fasts, appealing to the Higher powers, jumping over a fire during festivities, swimming in natural reservoirs, burning effigies, leading round dances and many other holiday rituals are aimed at cleansing and protection.

Because the life they lead modern people, is very far from natural, and consists of many, sometimes continuous stresses, and the physics, psyche, and energy of a person suffer from this. We absorb a lot of negativity during social contacts, watching TV, news on the Internet, etc. Our physical and subtle bodies, created in the image and likeness of living nature, suffer from unnatural noises that fill our streets and houses, unnatural, highly processed and chemically-added food, air filled with exhaust gases, inactivity, small personal space and lack of communication. with the earth, interaction with the natural energies of life. And all this weakens. Therefore, just as you need to clean the house regularly, brush your teeth, and wash your physical body, you need to keep your subtle bodies, in other words, your energy, in order and clean and constantly monitor it.

Here we will look at external methods of cleansing - protection, the use of which does not require special knowledge or magical initiations. This is the lost knowledge that once formed an integral part of culture. The only condition is that only those who truly love and respect the Earth and are aware of the power of the forces of nature can use them usefully and for the benefit.

If you love nature and often spend time in the forest, near a river, lake, or sea, then just being in nature alone or at least in silence cleanses us very well. Many intuitively lie down on the ground, lean against trees - in this way helping the forces of nature to neutralize the alien vibrations accumulated in us and tune them to natural ones - and after this the person feels peace, renewal and a surge of strength. Nature is our mother and natural protector. 4 main elements - water, fire, earth, air, together and separately, purify and protect. Almost all cleansing and protective actions are carried out with the help of natural elements, most often combining the action of several of them.

Earth. The element of earth is most often represented by salt in protective and cleansing activities. It is easily accessible and versatile. Like earth, it is capable of neutralizing and absorbing any negativity, as well as creating a protective barrier. The magic circle used by practitioners for protection during salt rituals is the simplest and most effective. A great many cleansing rituals also use salt - usually along with water or fire. The most basic ones are rubbing salt into the body before bathing, taking baths with salt, washing the floor, windows and other surfaces when cleaning the home, calcining the salt over a fire and then burying it in the ground away from the home, in a deserted place. Best to use sea ​​salt without any additives, or large stone. Saline solution they wash away the place where the lining was found, especially if the carrier was also liquid.

Air. The word itself contains the word "spirit." This element in the context we are considering is represented by kurens - which, like candles, are an indispensable attribute of almost all ritual, including religious, actions. For smoking, herbs and resins are burned, fumigation is done clockwise. Three elements are involved here at once - fire, earth, which is represented by plants, and air. As in previous cases, it is imperative to contact each of them with an expression of respect and a request for help.

Gives the greatest effect complex use the mentioned methods. For example, first ablution, then purification with fire, salt, fumigation. Cleansing traditionally begins with water, because... it is the main natural purifier, sometimes water-earth (salt, herbs). Other elements, as a rule, join later.

In addition to making requests, the forces of nature need to be thanked for the help provided - this can be done both before and after cleansing or protection procedures. Gratitude can be expressed in words, but it is better to also present gifts. The most universal, natural and pleasant way is to treat the creatures that inhabit the elements - animals (a gift to the Earth), birds (a gift to the Air), fish (a gift to the Water). Fire consumes everything, but traditionally they throw baked goods, wine and honey into the fire. You can also throw natural minerals or coins into the water or leave them in the forest under a tree (Earth). You can give a gift to the wind in the form of sounds - it can be a sung tune coming from the depths of the soul, perhaps accompanied by dancing or playing a musical instrument.

In addition, it is necessary to follow the rules of etiquette when collecting plants, fruits, spring water, in general, taking anything from nature. First of all, when you come to the forest, to the mountains, to a body of water, you need to understand that you have come to visit - and behave accordingly. Greet the spirits of the area and other living beings. Be quiet. To be neat. Do not break branches unnecessarily, do not tear flowers just for beauty and then throw them away soon. Try to leave as few traces of your presence as possible. You can take only what and in the quantity that is necessary, having first asked permission. If you pluck grass or leaves, ask the plants for forgiveness for causing them pain, explain why you need it, and promise that in return you will be kind and attentive to the plants. Under no circumstances should you pick off all the grass and fruits that you see - after you leave, there should still be a lot of this grass left in this place. Don't leave any waste behind, and do what you promised to the plants. And then nature will happily share its power with you for your benefit and in your interests. If you behave in a friendly and respectful manner, the forces of nature will be interested in helping you stay clean and protecting you.

Concept evil eye is an ancient concept that some people can project their evil onto others through their gaze, causing bodily harm, illness, death, loss of respect or luck, or destruction of property.

Concept evil eye has been known for many centuries and has survived to this day in many parts of the world. Infants and children are most likely to be vulnerable victims evil eye . People to whom wealth unexpectedly comes and success often become objects evil, envious eye .

According to ancient concepts of human anatomy and physiology, the eye was considered a channel leading to and from the heart, the focus of thought and intention. The rays emanating from the eye convey the inclinations of the heart. A good eye spoke of a pious and benevolent person; an evil eye and its owner were defined as malicious, unkind and dangerous.

Socially evil eye manifests itself when the question arises in society about the haves sharing their property with the have-nots. Evil eye accompanies a callous heart and a hand closed to the needy.

Morally hostile evil eye was considered not only a crime against another mortal, but a sin against God, therefore In Deuteronomy, the people of Israel are commanded: “Do not harden your heart and do not close your hand to your poor brother, but open your hand to him and lend him, according to his need, what he needs. Beware lest a lawless thought enter your heart, and therefore your eye becomes unmerciful towards your poor brother, and you do not refuse him, for he will cry out to the Lord against you and great sin will be upon you.”

People who believed in evil eye , believed that praise of their health or property would put an evil eye on them, and often wore amulets or words from sacred texts to protect them from the evil eye.

In the parable of the workers and the vineyard, Jesus associates evil eye with malicious envy of another's good fortune. Jesus compares the kingdom of heaven to a master who pays his workers the same amount per hour of work as those who worked in the vineyard all day. And when those who had worked longer began to murmur at the owner because they received the same amount as those who began work last, the owner said: “Am I not the power to do what I want, or is your eye envious because that I'm kind. So the last will be first, for many are called, but few are chosen.”

Evil eye operates in people who do not want to accept or compete with God-given examples of kindness and generosity. In a Christian society, where the poor are dependent on the generosity of the rich, to have an evil eye towards one's brother was to apostatize God and undermine the foundations of society.

The Ascended Masters warned against bragging about one's own health, achievements, wealth, family well-being for the simple reason that human envy gives impetus evil eye . Evil eye is the false use of sacred fire through the third eye chakra. From this misuse, the term "withering gaze" was born. In his Momentum lecture, Mark Prophet spoke about the dangers of the evil eye and how even negative subconscious thoughts can cause harm to others. From a lecture by Mark Prophet: “I think sometimes it’s very good when people who actually live in their physical bodies They don’t know much about what abilities they have, because if they knew, they could bring chaos into their lives, and all because most people in this world are unstable in their emotions. Evil eye it is simply people using the power of vision for evil. What is really happening: “someone comes and brags - I have a wonderful business, I have a wonderful wife and lovely children and everything in my life is wonderful and soon I will become a millionaire and then someone says “aha!” The thing is, someone is always jealous of you. So don't be stupid and don't tell people about your success and how successful you are and how happy you are. There are people who envy your happiness, be smart and don’t talk too much, because silence is golden. Silence is golden because it will allow you to avoid the mass mind from attacking you. Many people do not know about the evil force contained in evil eye person, not from the point of view of witchcraft or any signs, but from the point of view of people who can be very sweet gray-haired old ladies or can be young girls with angelic faces, but appearance you can't say anything.

Anyone can have evil eye in the sense that they have the evil power of vision. They are envious, and it is envy that leads to deprivation. People meet each other and then one does not like the success of another and then the person internally decides: “I wish something would happen to him.” Often these are subconscious thoughts, it is not at all necessary that they be conscious. It could just be a subconscious feeling: “My life is not like this at all, why should it be like this for him?”

People forget that they are responsible for their every thought, they forget that if someone dies because they thought badly about a person, then they are responsible for the death of that person. People don't understand responsibility, they think they can get away with it. You can't get away with anything in this universe. We're just fooling ourselves if we think that way. So, we need to normalize the constructive momentum instead of the destructive one and not talk too much.

The article was prepared by Lyudmila

based on books and lectures by Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Probably everyone who has children remembers cases when, after communicating with a certain person, the child began to be capricious and scream. Experts believe that such a psychological reaction is due to the fact that conflicting information enters the child’s brain: the lips of the praiser speak kind words and compliments, the face expresses affection and tenderness, and hatred and envy flow from the eyes. Even an adult finds it difficult to “process and assimilate” mutually exclusive messages. How to defend yourself?

IN folk medicine and psychotherapy, it is believed that illnesses and misfortunes can be caused by the so-called evil eye.

For a long time, the concepts of damage and the evil eye were clearly distinguished - damage was considered directed witchcraft, a destructive magical action undertaken with evil intent, and the evil eye was understood as the ability of some people to cause evil, so to speak, unconsciously, obeying internal unconscious impulses.

In the studies undertaken by Russian scientists Dal and Sakharov at the end of the 19th century, the evil eye also paid a lot of attention. Infants and pregnant women, as well as animals, were considered especially susceptible to the “evil eye.” Probably everyone who has children remembers cases when, after communicating with a certain person, the child began to be capricious, scream, show physical activity, which was quickly replaced by long crying, or even illness. Experts believe that such a psychological reaction is due to the fact that conflicting information enters the child’s brain: the lips of the praiser speak kind words and compliments, the face expresses affection and tenderness, and hatred and envy flow from the eyes.

Even an adult finds it difficult to “process and assimilate” mutually exclusive messages.

In Ukraine, you can still be forced to spit on a child or call him “filthy,” i.e. bad if your praises and pleasant words seemed suspicious to your parents and could cause the evil eye.

In ancient times in Rus' there were even special names that were given to newborns - such a name was supposed to protect the child from voluntary or involuntary negative influence. Nenash, Nekhorosh - ancient Slavic names, from them now only memory remains in the form of surnames. There were also “cooler” names that were awarded to the most beloved child, especially the first-born. Indeed, a name like Gad is an excellent psychological defense. It is difficult to cause harm by gently saying: “What a beautiful little bastard you have! What a cute little Gadik!”...

The point of spitting and cursing is an attempt to eliminate “scissors” in the information received, to make it clearly bad, and therefore to strengthen psychological defense. Professor V. Rotenberg gives an example psychological protection: if they call you greedy, mean, you simply will not accept this information.

Psychological defense will work - You will firmly believe that negative words come from a bad, unpleasant person, which means that everything he says is aggression that needs to be fought.

As a result, the brain will instantly turn on all its defense mechanisms, and we have a lot of them!

As for pregnant women, it was proposed to hide pregnancy as long as possible - wide sundresses and shirts served this purpose perfectly. And to enhance security they wore it on the arm red thread- her task was to distract the attention of a dangerous person. Often, the same goal was pursued by various amulets, talismans, and patterns on clothing; Earrings were considered an excellent remedy against the evil gaze, especially large, noticeable, bright ones, as well as necklaces and beads. Indeed, all these objects attract the eye, distracting from their owner. In many Asian and eastern countries Amulets with the image of an eye are still popular - this is a way of fighting the basilisk, a fairy-tale monster that could freeze and kill with its chilling gaze. Perseus used the same method when fighting the Gorgon Medusa - he brought his shield to her terrible face; Having met his own murderous gaze in the reflection, the monster died. Small mirrors sewn onto clothes had the same protective mechanism. The researcher of Russian folk witchcraft, Sakharov, cites another folk method - you need to hit the person with the evil eye on the nose. When the blood flows, all the effects of the evil eye will disappear.

However, this method is inhumane and illegal, so we will describe another method - You should wash yourself or wash your child with running water, and sprinkle a little salt on the top of the head- After this, peace and tranquility will be restored again.

In different countries, the ability to cast the evil eye was attributed to different people. There is an interesting painting - a portrait of Repin, which is called: “The Man with the Evil Eye.” Repin, by the way, was very interested in psychological research, was friends with famous scientists of that time, went to psychological lectures himself and invited them to his home. In Russia, in the Vyatka province, for example, the ability to cast the evil eye was attributed to people with black, dark brown eyes, and in Persia blue and light green eyes were considered the evil eye. That is, suspicions have always been aroused by unusual, abnormal eyes for a given region. People who were old, ugly, or had physical defects also did not inspire trust - during the “witch hunt”, many unfortunate disabled people were sentenced to death for the “evil eye” and collusion with the devil. There is a grain of truth here too - disabled people and decrepit old people with their appearance caused stress, reminded of illness and death, and violated psychological protection. In Russia there was a belief that especially envious, “eye-catching” people were born on Kasyanov’s day - February 29; “Whatever Kasyan looks at, everything withers,” - this is what the people said. Sorcerers and healers, those who practiced witchcraft and moved away from the church, could also cast the evil eye; they were afraid of these and sought to win favor with gifts and invitations to holidays - if you please the vanity of a “knowledgeable person” - you see, he will be in a good mood and will not cause harm, even involuntary.

Holidays deserve special mention. Again, many people remember how after an anniversary or wedding they felt completely sick and broken - not due to the amount they drank and ate. It would seem that you are the center of attention, congratulations and wishes for good and health are coming from everywhere, bouquets and gifts are presented - and then within 2-3 days you feel that all life, vital energy has disappeared.

The subconscious could not accommodate two contradictory messages: “be healthy” and “May you die.” It is for this reason that holiday cosmetics and attire play the role of additional psychological protection - these are armor and visors, whose task is to repel the psychological attack of an ill-wisher, “a wolf in sheep’s clothing.”

For a long time, belief in the evil eye was considered superstition, but psychological and medical research at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries helped to discover many interesting facts. The simplest experiment was carried out by American psychophysiologists: they sat a person on a chair and, at irregular intervals, began to “drill their gaze” into the back of his head. The subject was asked to press a button when he felt someone was looking at the back of his head. The scientists' amazement knew no bounds - in 95% of cases, the participant in the experiment unmistakably felt someone else's gaze on him. An explanation for this fact is given by the ophthalmologist Krokhalev - judging by his research, the eye is not only a perceiving, but also a transmitting organ. Indeed, it is known that the brain emits weak electromagnetic oscillations, maybe some other waves, but the eye is part of the brain... Why shouldn't it transmit thoughts and emotions - the energy of its owner?

The brain also not only perceives information, but also immediately processes it and creates new information.

There are even cases of skin burns described in the literature that occurred as a result of an unkind, furious look, especially in a conflict situation. Therefore, the expression “to burn with your gaze” also finds its psychophysiological confirmation.

The famous trainer Durov was fond of psychological experiments with the participation of his pets and invited luminaries of medicine and psychology. One day he looked into the eyes of a tiger for a long time, mentally conveying to him the information that the tigress would now attack him and take a piece of meat. Literally a few seconds later, the enraged animal almost killed the tigress, so the animals had to be pulled away using a fire hose! Somehow, the trainer managed to convey mental information through his gaze, and even with powerful emotional overtones. Looking straight into the eyes of an animal preparing to attack you has been advised since ancient times.

A look has always been a way to assert one’s power, to broadcast one’s will to another person.

The hypnosis technique uses a special “hypnotic” gaze and repeated orders to look into the eyes in order to put the person into a trance. Tyrants and despots had a heavy, boring gaze; King Philip the Fair was proud that none of his subjects could withstand the gaze of his huge blue eyes. And Stalin hated those who averted their eyes while talking to him: “apparently, their conscience is not clear”! In general, rulers did not really like being looked at - in many cultures, even an impudent glance thrown into the face of the king was punishable by death. published
