Clarity of consciousness. Consciousness and the sphere of the unconscious. And yes there is so

What is the undoubted advantage of a person leading the usual life of an ordinary person?
We are free in our preferences and views, as far as possible at all, independent from the “office” (albeit quite illusory) and express ourselves disinterestedly.
And while Control has not yet reached the level of one hundred percent violence over our minds, we can fully enjoy our only quality that distinguishes us from other animals - clarity of consciousness.
Clarity of consciousness is the greatest achievement of evolution. Clarity of rational consciousness is the greatest achievement of humanity.
There is no greater service that a person can do for himself than to clarify his own consciousness and maintain it in a state of clarity.
What are the safest methods in terms of the “ecology” of the brain? Those that can be recommended? This is reading and thinking, reading and thinking, reading and talking with people.
Humanity is always divided in two based on its attitude towards something. And clarity of consciousness is no exception.
Some people strive to see the world clearly. Others, on the contrary, are not averse to clouding it. Whoever likes it. Until we go beyond the bounds of morality, no one way of life can be preferred. In other words, clarity of consciousness is desirable, but is not a reason to humiliate and insult those who have chosen a different way of perceiving the world.
The best and most wonderful way to find like-minded people is to attract them with the living charm of what you like.
Our consciousness extremely “likes” being in clarity. The longer our head remains “bright,” the more subtle, amazingly beautiful sensations appear in our soul. The music of thoughts begins to sound, their aroma, wonderful silkiness and lightness are felt.
These are by no means emotions familiar to the animal world, which connect us as links in a single chain of life. This is our purely human ability to feel what is not subject to words. This is what constitutes the spirit of art. The desire to express through matter the radiant spirit of humanity.
Clarity of consciousness knows no darkness - it is on the bright side of life.
The world is always just the way it can only be.
But our attitude to the world is in our head. Only in ours. When we intend to take responsibility for our own lives. If we delegate responsibility external factor, it is this factor that begins to rule in our heads. The undoubted misfortune of believers: God does not come alone and draws his shadow.
What other benefits does mental clarity have?
Clarity of consciousness is good job brain, good brain function is normal functioning nervous system, the normal functioning of the nervous system is good level health.
This is the trend. :)
By the way, it is not ensured by the “materiality” of thoughts. The thought is ideal.
Speculation occurs due to the silence of the following circumstance. Starting with our distant ancestors - the first living formations - the evolution of the mechanism began feedback, a mechanism for responding to the environment.
It is this mechanism of “dialogue” with environment reached now highest level V nervous system person. Connections are incredibly complex, careless interference is fraught, and it is better not to conduct experiments on yourself based on different teachings.
The most reasonable, most kind thing is to read classical literature selected for us by previous generations, read popular science literature, be careful in choosing modern literature, and not get caught in all sorts of methods for developing the mind and clarifying it.
We are not forcing anything. Everything goes inside our life naturally, bringing joy, making us happy in our personal definition of happiness.
And finally. If someone likes to cloud their minds, to live in a riot of emotions, overflowing from one strong feeling otherwise, it's great. It increases the brightness of life, makes it alive, laughing, passionate.
Nothing should be opposed to each other. Nothing should be opposed to humanity.
The melody of harmony, joy, happiness should sound everywhere.......

It should be noted that despite the property of constancy, human consciousness is constantly changing. This is due both to the continuous supply from outside new information, and with the internal processes of consciousness itself (in particular, with reflection). Therefore, consciousness is not something frozen and static, but can be considered as a process - albeit slow, but continuous. However, in psychology one can also findstatic modelconsciousness, which is a vertical end-to-end structure. In such a model, fragmentary parts are built up along an ascending line in the series: sensation - perception - representation - thinking. Moreover, the structural fragments do not change.

Rice. 18.6. "Empirical" characteristics of consciousness

In contrast to this approach, it is useddynamic modelconsciousness, in which its elements change themselves and enter into new connections with each other. If in a static model perception is always primary, and thinking is formed from images and concepts obtained on its basis. In the dynamic model, along with such processes, reverse processes can also exist, when thinking influences perception. For example, previously people saw the sun rising above the horizon and concluded that the sun revolves around the Earth. However, after the discovery of Copernicus, we can already perceive the sunrise in a different way - as the rotation of our planet towards the luminary, that is, under the influence of logic, the primary cognitive processes change.

The degree of clarity and clarity of consciousness is not the same in different conditions human existence. Naturally, it will differ during rest, during habitual monotonous work and during a tense search for a way out. difficult situation. A person’s ability to manage the level of clarity and activity of his consciousness is an important resource for an entrepreneur. Approximate levels of clarity of consciousness are shown in Fig. 18.7.

Adj., number of synonyms: 2 darkened (21) losing clarity of thought (2) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin... Synonym dictionary

Adj., number of synonyms: 4 painfully clouded (2) clouded (4) ... Synonym dictionary

Adj., number of synonyms: 5 forgotten (44) becoming crazy (3) ... Synonym dictionary

Adj., number of synonyms: 3 stupefied (17) lost the ability to think (12) ... Synonym dictionary

CLARITY- Understandability, transparency, clarity, especially of consciousness... Dictionary in psychology

Adj., number of synonyms: 2 darkened (21) losing clarity of consciousness (2) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

- 'LECTURES ON THE PHENOMENOLOGY OF THE INTERNAL CONSCIOUSNESS OF TIME' ('Vorlesungen zur Phänomenologie des innern Zeitbewubtseins', 1905) work by Husserl. Published thanks to the patronage of Heidegger in 1928. In 1905 1907 Husserl, posing the problem of relations... ...

- (Vorlesungen zur Phanomenologie des innern Zeitbewubtseins, 1905) work of Husserl. Published thanks to the patronage of Heidegger in 1928. In 1905 1907 Husserl, raising the problem of the relationship between phenomenology and psychology, taught lessons on the topic... ... History of Philosophy: Encyclopedia

- (hallucinations, illusions). All our ideas about the external world are based on the perceptions we receive through stimulation of the senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. Each of them has the ability to perceive falling... ... encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Herbart, Johann Friedrich Johann Friedrich Herbart Johann Friedrich Herbart Date of birth: May 4, 1776 ... Wikipedia


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Disturbances of consciousness are manifestations of dysfunction of certain areas of the brain, which may be accompanied by a temporary complete or partial loss of connection with reality, hallucinations, delusions, aggression or a feeling of fear.

Disturbances of consciousness include stupor, stupor, coma, twilight stupefaction and some other conditions in which the patient is not capable of adequate perception of reality.

Why does consciousness disappear?

The main causes of disturbances of consciousness include:

Types of disorders and disorders of consciousness

Disorders of consciousness are divided into two large groups: quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative group includes coma, stupor (somnolence) and stupor. Qualitative ones include twilight stupefaction, ambulatory automatism, fugue and some other disorders of brain activity.

Main types of disturbance and/or clouding of consciousness:

  1. Stupor (). Translated from Latin, this word means “numbness.” A patient in a stupor stops reacting to the surrounding reality. Even strong noise and inconvenience, such as a wet bed, do not cause a reaction in him. During natural Disasters(fires, earthquakes, floods) the patient does not realize that he is in danger and does not move. Stupor is accompanied movement disorders and lack of response to pain.
  2. Twilight stupefaction. This type of disorder is characterized by sudden and also suddenly disappearing disorientation in space. A person retains the ability to reproduce automated habitual actions.
  3. Locked-in syndrome. This is the name of a condition in which the patient completely loses the ability to speak, move, express emotions, etc. Those around him mistakenly believe that the patient is in a state of flux and cannot adequately respond to what is happening. In reality, the person is conscious. He is aware of everything that is happening around him, but due to paralysis of his entire body, he is unable to even express emotions. Only the eyes remain mobile, through the movement of which the patient communicates with others.
  4. . This is a condition in which the patient is conscious but confused. Him understanding of the surrounding reality is maintained. The patient easily finds the source of sounds and reacts to pain. At the same time, he completely or practically loses the ability to speak and move. After their healing, patients say that they were fully aware of everything that was happening around them, but some force prevented them from adequately responding to reality.
  5. . Characterized by constant desire fall asleep. At night, sleep lasts much longer than it should. Awakening usually does not occur without artificial stimulation, such as an alarm clock. It is necessary to distinguish between 2 types of hypersomnia: the one that occurs in completely healthy person, and one that is typical for people with mental and other types of disabilities. In the first case increased drowsiness may be a consequence of the syndrome chronic fatigue or . In the second case, hypersomnia indicates the presence of a disease.
  6. Stun(or stunned consciousness syndrome). During deafening, the already mentioned hypersomnia and a significant increase in the threshold of perception of all external stimuli are observed. The patient may experience partial amnesia. The patient is unable to answer the simplest questions, hearing voices and knowing where the source of the sound is. There are 2 types of stunning consciousness. In more mild form the patient can carry out the commands given to him, moderate drowsiness and partial disorientation in space are observed. With more severe form the patient performs only the simplest commands, his level of drowsiness will be much higher, and disorientation in space will be complete.
  7. Wakeful coma (). Develops after serious ones. This condition received the name “coma” because, despite being conscious, the patient is not able to come into contact with the outside world. The patient's eyes are open eyeballs rotate. At the same time, the gaze is not fixed. The patient has no emotional reactions and speech. The patient does not perceive commands, but is able to experience pain, reacting to it with inarticulate sounds and chaotic movements.
  8. . A mental disorder that occurs with disturbances of consciousness. The patient is suffering visual hallucinations. Him disorientation in time is observed, orientation in space is partially impaired. There can be many causes of delirium. Elderly people and alcoholics suffer from hallucinations. Delirium may also indicate the presence of schizophrenia.
  9. . Due to injury and for some other reasons, a person loses the ability to be mentally active. The patient's motor reflexes are preserved. The cycle of sleep and wakefulness is maintained.
  10. Dissociative fugue. A type of mental disorder in which the patient completely loses his previous personality and begins to new life. The patient usually seeks to move to a new place of residence, where no one knows him. Some patients change their habits and tastes and take a different name. A fugue can last from several hours (the patient, as a rule, does not have time to radically change his life) to several years. Over time, there is a return to the previous personality. The patient may lose all memories of the life he led during the fugue period. Mental disorder can be caused by events of a traumatic nature: death loved one, divorce, rape, etc. Psychiatrists believe that fugue is a special defense mechanism our body, allowing us to symbolically “escape” from ourselves.
  11. . A confusional disorder in which the patient loses the ability to synthesize. For him, the overall picture of the world falls apart into separate fragments. The inability to connect these elements with each other leads the patient to complete disorientation. The patient is not capable of productive contact with the surrounding reality due to incoherent speech, meaningless movements and the gradual loss of his own personality.
  12. Coma. The patient is in an unconscious state, from which it is impossible to revive him using conventional methods. There are 3 degrees of this condition. In a first-degree coma, the patient is able to respond to stimuli and pain. He does not regain consciousness, but responds to irritation with defensive movements. While in a second-degree coma, a person is unable to respond to stimuli or experience pain. In third degree coma, vital functions are in a catastrophic state, muscle weakness is observed atony.
  13. Short-term loss of consciousness (,). Fainting is caused by a temporary disruption of cerebral blood flow. Reasons short-term loss consciousness may become a state of low oxygen content in the blood, as well as conditions accompanied by disorders nervous regulation vessels. Syncope is also possible with some neurological diseases.

Twilight state of consciousness and its types

Stupefaction (twilight) occurs with, and. This type disorders of consciousness are called transient, that is, unexpectedly occurring and passing quickly.

Long-term stupefactions (up to several days) are possible mainly in epileptics. This condition may be accompanied by fear, aggression and some other negative emotions.

For twilight disorder consciousness is characterized by hallucinations and delusions. The visions are frightening. Expressed aggression is directed towards people, animals and inanimate objects. A person suffering from twilight darkness is characterized by amnesia. The patient does not remember what he said and did during his seizures, and does not remember the hallucinations he saw.

Twilight consciousness occurs in several variants:

  1. Outpatient automatism. This condition is not accompanied by delusions, hallucinations or aggressive behavior. Outwardly, the patient’s behavior is no different from his behavior in his normal state. A person automatically performs all usual actions. The patient may wander aimlessly along the street, following familiar routes.
  2. Rave. The patient's behavior does not always change. This state is characterized by silence and an absent gaze. The patient may show aggression.
  3. Oriented twilight stupefaction. The patient retains consciousness in fragments and is able to recognize close people. Delusions and hallucinations may be absent. The patient experiences fear or aggression.
  4. Hallucinations. The visions that visit the patient during an attack are threatening. Patients see red or blood. Visions may include fictional characters or fantastic creatures that show aggression. The patient begins to defend himself, causing harm even to those closest to him.

At the first sign twilight states the person needs to be provided with pre-medical assistance, care and observation. The patient should not be left alone. If consciousness is not completely lost, contact can be maintained with it.

Sometimes familiar faces become the only reference point for someone who has lost touch with reality. You should not wait until the patient completely loses contact with the outside world. He needs urgent transport to the hospital.

First aid for impaired consciousness

During a patient's attack, people around him should take Urgent measures. If consciousness is completely lost, you need to try to bring the person to his senses: give him a sniff of ammonia, put it on his head soaked in cold water napkin.

You should also immediately call " ambulance", even if the person who lost consciousness managed to recover from the fainting state.

In case of partial loss of consciousness, assistance first aid may be complicated inappropriate behavior patient. If there is an incomplete loss of contact with reality, it is necessary to conduct a constant dialogue with the person so that a complete break with reality does not occur.

The patient should not be left alone with himself. However, others need to remember that in such a state a person may be susceptible to various kinds of hallucinations. He is capable of harming those he loves.

Providing medical care

A person suffering from any kind mental disorders, must be constantly monitored by a psychiatrist and undergo timely medical examination. Since the causes of impaired consciousness may vary, treatment may also differ in each individual case.

For example, if a patient suffers renal failure, he is prescribed hemodialysis. In case of drug overdose Naloxone is required. Loss of consciousness caused by alcohol poisoning requires large doses of thiamine. In addition, in case of any poisoning, you must first rinse your stomach.

If during the next attack the patient lost consciousness for a long time, fell into a coma, vegetative state or stupor, the doctor needs to assess vital functions and find out whether the patient’s body can independently support its vital functions.

(Tizercin, ) - drugs most often used in the treatment of disorders of consciousness, administered intramuscularly. To prevent the collaptoid state, Cordiamine is prescribed. If the first signs are present, the patient must be hospitalized. A nurse is assigned to the patient for care and constant monitoring.

Disturbances of consciousness are a group mental illness and disorders that prevent the patient from providing self-help. The relatives and friends of a sick person have a huge responsibility.

They should not allow the patient long time remained left to his own devices, and at the first sign of a seizure, they were obliged to be able to help him.

Intelligence: instructions for use Sheremetyev Konstantin



There are no accidents in fate; man creates rather than meets his destiny.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

When I counsel people, there is one thought that causes the most disagreement.

I ask the person:

- How did you arrange this for yourself?

This simple question usually causes outrage. After all, everyone knows that genetics, parents, politicians, masons and sun spots are to blame for everything...

The person himself is excluded from this list. He is something like a mattress that was first filled with all sorts of rubbish and then abandoned. And this mattress lies there and suffers in every possible way.

But the man is not a mattress. You have free will and consciousness. You are creating a lot of problems for yourself. Just don't see it.

Make consciousness transparent in your hands. The first action is to erase from your mind all ideas about life as it should be. And look at the life that is around you.

Life is much simpler than you think it is. Yes, of course, you want the dumplings to jump into your mouth. But if you expect this from life, you will only face disappointments. If you insistently demand this, run around with a sign saying “Give me some self-jumping dumplings!”, then you can make yourself depressed.

Be transparent.

And a little more Osho:

This is the greatness of Zen... Don't think about good or bad. Be a complete witness, and as long as you are just a witness, whatever passes through you is bound to be good. The whole world can condemn such behavior: it doesn’t matter. You should only listen to your own heart. If your heart tells you yes, go, then go ahead. Even if it is against all morality, all doctrines and religions, it does not matter. Submit to the desires of your simple, pure heart. The only criterion is that it must be spontaneous. Spontaneity is good; spontaneity is hypocrisy.

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