Dalmatian at home. Standard Dalmatian and similar breeds. Dalmatian origin story

Film directors and animators have strengthened the popularity of Dalmatians - a breed that has always been famous for its combination of the best qualities. Quick wits and a sharp mind, endurance, good nature and readiness for adventure - this dog was created to be an ideal companion and helper. This material presents a complete description of Dalmatians: a description of the breed, their characteristics and preferences, working qualities, exterior requirements, issues of maintenance, care and training.

Dalmatians (or Dalmatians - this name is also acceptable) have ancient origins. Rock and funerary images of the breed's ancestors with spots on their bodies, found in Greece and Egypt, date back several thousand years. More recent finds date back to the 14th century: spotted dogs similar to modern Dalmatians were seen in Florentine frescoes.

The exact origin of the Dalmatians is unknown, however, based on the traces of existing artifacts, it can be assumed that their ancestors came to Turkey from the Middle East, then to the Balkan coast and ended up in the province of Dalmatia, which is how they got their name. But this is certainly one of the versions. In different periods, the dog could be called brindle, attributed to the French and Danish hound breeds, and such names as “calico dog” and “harlequin dog” were also relevant for it. Dalmatians were called not only Dalmatian dogs, but also Turkish and Russian dogs. Such diversity testifies to the rich and filled with various stories of the formation of the breed.

Croatia is recognized as the official homeland of the breed. Britain is considered the second homeland of the animals: the ancestors of the breed, brought from the continent, came there 400 years ago. Dalmatians are also considered to come from warm countries, and this is confirmed by their love for warmth. The spots on the body also do not disprove this theory - the contrasting pattern camouflages the dog in the sun and prevents it from overheating. Breed historians are convinced that the original pattern was not obtained artificially. Nature itself rewarded the Dalmatian with such an unusual color.

The features of the rock are demonstrated by the shape of the skull of the remains found by archaeologists. In ash deposits dating back to 2-3 thousand years BC, a group of scientists found dogs called “ash dogs”. According to the official version, some hunting breeds originated from them, including the Bloodhound. However, these ancient animals have the most similar features with Dalmatians.

The Legend of the Dog

An ancient epic of the Indian people describes white dogs with black spots, the ancestor of which was the white tiger of the Bengal breed. This story coincides with the beliefs of the nomads who came to the Balkans from India. According to their ideas, fierce battles constantly take place on our planet between black demons and white angels.

There is a version that animals appeared on the European continent thanks to Indian nomadic tribes

The combination of black and white is present in the religious symbolism of different countries. In ancient times, they could specially cross certain animals to achieve this color. Apparently, the actions aimed at obtaining a specific drawing were ultimately crowned with success, and a Dalmatian was born. The ancient Greek philosopher Xenophon also favored the noble origin of dogs, distinguishing them from other animals.

Development of the breed

According to breed researchers, the characteristics of Istrian Pointers and Great Danes have had a definite influence on the appearance of modern dogs. Thanks to their unique ermine-like pattern, Dalmatians quickly gained popularity among English nobility. Dogs were associated with the luxury of aristocratic gatherings and homes. But, in addition to the external component, they were also famous for the working qualities of the guards. They began to be taken on trips as accompanying crews.

In ancient images, Dalmatians can be seen with cropped ears - this was due to the continuous movements in which the animals were.

Another area in which Dalmatians have proven themselves to be true professionals is related to firefighting. Being a kind of fire sirens, they noisily dispersed passers-by who found themselves in the way of carts rushing to help the victims. The Dalmatian named Sparky from the USA achieved the greatest popularity. Figures of dogs in helmets are still a symbol and mascot of American fire stations.

Also, dexterous and agile Dalmatians often took part in the performances of circus performers. Their abilities were used in police service, hunting, and during the Second World War - to protect important objects. History records a case when British pilots used the help of a Dalmatian. Under the leadership of an owner named J. Fischer, he took part in three dozen missions over Germany and, after being wounded, was awarded a government award. Later, thanks to this dog, Japanese dog breeders recognized the Dalmatian breed.

With the invention of the steam engine, the need to accompany horse-drawn carts gradually disappeared. During this period, the breed experienced a decline in popularity. But after some time, the talents of the Dalmatians were revealed to their owners from a new side. They began to be taken in as companions. At the same time, interest arose in targeted breeding, exterior standards emerged, thanks to which Dalmatians were able to take part in exhibitions. The increase in the number of the breed's population was positively influenced by the appearance of the book about 101 Dalmatians. A few years later, a cartoon of the same name was released, which also increased the demand for the breed. In the USA, sales of puppies have increased more than 5 times!

Still from the movie “101 Dalmatians”

Dog character

Anyone who plans to become the owner of a Dalmatian should remember that the four-legged friend is quite active and requires regular and adequate physical activity, including walks with the owner in the fresh air. The Dalmatian is not suitable for homebodies. With it you need to go on long walking trips over long distances and spend time actively. The dog cannot stay in one place for a second, so the owners are required to organize leisure time, which will include many different exercises and outdoor games. If the owner prefers cycling or jogging to walking, the dog can also satisfy the need for movement. Among the favorite activities of Dalmatians are flyball and various dog competitions. It is suitable for a large family with children of all ages, including toddlers.

The relationship between an animal and a child is especially harmonious if they grow up together.

Dogs happily take part in joint games - sometimes this happens so actively that the child can become overexcited. In such cases, you need to restrain your pet's impulses.

The Dalmatian needs to be guided by doing gentle training with the animal from the first months of life. If you do not designate a leader in front of the dog, it can dominate the family, become too independent and stubborn, thereby causing certain inconvenience. Taking advantage of opportunities for bad behavior is a character trait of many dogs, including Dalmatians. The good news is that the breed is highly trainable, quickly bonds with its owner, and appreciates its home environment. For successful socialization, puppies must be trained to exercise consistently and patiently (animals have a strong will, so the owner needs to clearly understand that he is the leader in the pair, be persistent and self-confident during the training process). In general, Dalmatians learn commands quickly, but it is recommended that this breed be owned by people experienced in mentoring.

Dalmatians are frequent guests in shelters. By purchasing a dog that looks very harmless, without proper upbringing and training, owners get a wayward animal that is unable to cope with the enormous level of its own energy. If the owner does not pay enough attention to the Dalmatian, at first he will take this calmly, but in the future he may show worse traits - isolation and irritability.

The guarding qualities of Dalmatians are so strong that they will demonstrate them under any circumstances. When a stranger appears who seems dangerous to them, dogs will react immediately. Pets are very courageous and rush to attack immediately. At the same time, it is unlikely that the pet will bite: such a level of aggression is practically inaccessible to them, with the exception of frankly provocative situations. An accompanying character trait of a dog is good memory on persons who dared to offend them or one of their family members. Dalmatians can be safely used as watchdogs. In general, they react differently to strangers, and this depends on the degree of trust the animal has in a particular person. Some of them may treat unknown persons warmly and friendly, others - extremely reserved and polite.

The advantage of the breed is its flexible mind: some Dalmatian owners note that it seems to them that their pets are more intelligent and smarter than people.

The manifestations of the Dalmatian's character depend on the upbringing he received from the first months. If the owners approach the issue with understanding and responsibility, the dog will become a wonderful friend and full member of the family. The Dalmatian also gets along with other animals.

Exterior requirements

The first standard description of the breed dates back to 1882. The author of the standard was the Englishman Vero Shaw. This section reveals the external characteristics that a purebred animal should demonstrate.

The beauty of the breed is in its harmonious, muscular, strong body.

In general, the Dalmatian is large dog, with a muscular, harmoniously built, strong body and an outstretched neck. There is not the slightest hint of uneven lines or awkward proportions in appearance. The dog has endurance and the ability to develop great speed. The Dalmatian's belly is well-tuned. The shape of the muzzle is elongated, the size of the ears is medium, they should not lag behind the cheeks. The ears are also distinguished by a wide base and the desirable presence of spots on the fur (such individuals are especially valued). The standard allows marble-colored ears for dogs of this breed. The tail section is lowered in a calm position. According to the standard, it does not curl and is directed upward, except when the animal is moving. In addition, pigmentation is desirable. Approximate length is to the joint of the hock joint.

Table 1. Breed requirements

DimensionsMales grow to approximately 56-61 cm, females - up to 54-59 cm (in general, the average height of dogs varies from 50 to 60 cm)
WeightMales weigh 27-32 kg, females - from 24 to 29 kg
ColorOn the white body there is a uniform pattern of black or brown spots - round, not merging with each other (if possible), with clear lines, the size of a two-ruble coin
HairlineThe Dalmatian has a short pile, hard to the touch, the coat should have a characteristic shine
Requirements for proportionsThe length of the muzzle and the length of the skull have a proportion of 1 to 1, the length of the body and its height are 10 to 9

As you can see from the table above, there are two types of Dalmatians - with black spots and patterns Brown. The former, accordingly, have black pigmentation of the nose, and the eyes are characterized by a dark brown tint. The characteristics of the second variety are a brown nose and lighter eye color (light brown is the most common).

Brown irises with a yellowish tint are allowed. There should be no areas with spots around the eyelid, they are not torn and fit tightly around the closed part of the eyeballs.

The dogs' lips are tightened and do not droop. It's good if they are completely painted. Minor areas of pigmentation are acceptable. Among other requirements for the breed is an ideal scissor bite, which is ensured by strong jaws and a complete set of teeth (all 42 are welcome).

If such defects associated with the presence of teeth and their location are present, the possibility of the animal’s participation in breeding is automatically called into question.

A purebred dog moves with breadth and scope. The parallel movement, which is visible from the rear, is distinguished by the correct exterior, the hind limbs move after the forelimbs. When an animal minces short, this is a breed defect.

Animal care

In general, Dalmatians do not require complex care. The dogs themselves are quite clean and will not get into mud and puddles. Shedding is light, but all year round. Dalmatians require brushing periodically. This helps get rid of the old hairline and maintains a neat appearance.

To prevent coarse hair from remaining on clothes, it is better to comb your Dalmatian more often. For the procedure you will need a medium brush or a special mitten. As a result of frequent brushing, the dog's hair will almost completely stop falling out.

There is no characteristic dog smell from Dalmatians.

You need to teach your Dalmatian puppy to trim its nails as early as possible. This is important for all dogs of this breed - for show and pets. So that the dog's fingers gather into a ball like a cat's paw, this procedure necessary. Too long claws grow in, causing the paws to become inflamed and painful.

Trimming light-colored nails is easier. They are cut off just above the pink level. For dark ones, the reference point is the place where the nail curves: you need to cut it a little lower so as not to injure the animal.

This is how you trim a dog's nails

The owner of a Dalmatian should check the dog's ears regularly. Criteria used to judge the condition of the ears include the intensity of the odor and the amount of wax produced. If the Dalmatian is healthy, his ears have practically no smell, the sulfur is plastic, beige-brownish or creamy in color.

Examination of baby teeth is important for puppies. They should not be allowed to interfere with the appearance of permanent teeth. When teething, the first teeth should be removed immediately, and every owner can do this without any discomfort for the pet. To do this, you will need to put a bandage on the tooth, a piece of which is clamped with a large one and index fingers. Then it is rocked and removed.

In addition to the fact that the oral cavity becomes healthier, with the timely removal of baby teeth, a correct bite is formed in it.

Adult dogs can suffer from tartar and have unattractive plaque on their teeth, which negatively affects their condition. Owners can solve this problem with home remedies. The first way is to clean the surface of your teeth with powder. Lemon peel also has a good effect on enamel: it contains acids that have a negative effect on plaque accumulation. As for tartar, it will disappear if you use a metal spatula to remove it (it is found in any manicure set).

Bathing begins at 6 months of age. If you do this at earlier stages, there is a risk of damaging the protective fatty layer. It is not recommended to wash the animal frequently; once a quarter is sufficient. When the dog gets dirty and the procedure cannot be avoided, you should not use shampoo.

The puppy may chew on the bed on which it rests. This kind of behavior should not be tolerated.

Dalmatian nutrition

The breed is characterized by omnivory. The diet may contain all food groups - fish, meat, dairy products, vegetables. It is allowed to feed dogs with special food. But it is important to understand that Dalmatians often exhibit allergies to artificial components that may be part of an adapted diet.

Lines for active dogs contain too much protein, and such a diet is not healthy for the animal. It is better to choose food from a line that offers nutrition for medium breed dogs.

Kefir and vegetable oils are poured into the food. This has a positive effect on the composition of the coat. You should always follow the nutritional instructions carefully, but it is especially important to do this in the first week of introducing the food. Do not forget to cancel all vitamin supplements, since the adapted formulations already contain everything the animal needs. It is important to monitor the drinking regime of a pet on a specialized diet.

When feeding naturally, the dog should not receive only meat. Diet diversity is a necessary condition for the presence of all necessary microelements and vitamins.

The meat is scalded with boiling water and cut into pieces (especially small for puppies, since they will need to make 2-3 chewing movements, after which the food will be swallowed). The following types of meat are best suited for Dalmatians: lamb, beef, chicken and rabbit. You can give meat at night for good sleep so that the feeling of hunger does not bother the Dalmatian.

Of the cereals that are harmful to the health of Dalmatians, it is worth noting pearl barley and millet. In particular, with constant use of rolled oats, the hair will turn yellow. It is ideal to include buckwheat porridge in water and rice prepared in a similar way in the menu. Beneficial for dogs are raw vegetables(such as carrots and Bell pepper) and boiled vegetables with added oils. The Dalmatian will appreciate sea fish; he will benefit from curd mass and other elements of the fermented milk group of products. It is not often that cheese and hard-boiled eggs appear in the diet.

An allergy may occur to raw egg whites. Dalmatians also sometimes exhibit negative behavior in response to grain proteins in their food. The way out of this situation is a special antiallergic diet.

The Dalmatian's rate of food absorption is quite high. In this situation, the owner may think that the animal is starving. However, you cannot succumb to such eating behavior. Otherwise, the dog will develop various diseases and excess weight. At the same time, if the Dalmatian asks for more or, on the contrary, leftovers appear in the bowl, you need to increase or decrease the amount at the next meals.

We must not forget about the genetic peculiarity of Dalmatians, which is the negative effect of excess protein. When there is a lot of it, stones may appear.

When choosing natural food, the owner must ensure that the dog also receives the necessary minerals. Puppies are provided with feeding daily according to the instructions on the package. Optimal mode admission – 3 weeks with a 1-week break.

If you have time, you can independently combine the components of such feeding and give the puppy the finished composition. To do this, you will need 20 tablets of calcium gluconate, calcium glycerophosphate in a similar proportion and the same amount of phytin. Also included is a third of a package of brewer's yeast, a cup of raw pumpkin seeds and seaweed in a standard package. After boiling for 8-10 minutes, the shells of 20 eggs will also become part of the preparation. All components are crushed (or those that are available) and the puppy is given 1 teaspoon for every 15 kg of weight.

If your dog doesn't want to eat, don't be alarmed. Dalmatians can arrange for themselves to unload. Old animals and young ones eat differently. An older animal needs food with a reduced protein content and the addition of special substances. The frequency of feeding a puppy that has just been weaned from its mother is at least 5 times a day. At 3-4 months, 1 meal is removed. After two months, another feeding is removed. A Dalmatian that is 10 months or older eats no more than twice a day.

During the period of changing teeth, you should not give your Dalmatian bones in their pure form. You can limit yourself to jellied meat made from similar components and cartilage, with a gelatin base. Calcified cottage cheese is regularly added to the diet - this should be done 2 times a week. You can prepare it at home. Cottage cheese is prepared by stirring boiled milk with calcium chloride until the coagulation stage, after which the resulting mass is thrown onto cheesecloth. To use you need to wait 15-20 minutes. For an additional effect, add honey to the cottage cheese and add a glucose solution. A similar product strengthens nervous system active animal, has a positive effect on the growth of skeleton and teeth, and is a good prevention of allergies.

What can your pet get sick with?

Continuous shedding with hair loss in certain areas may indicate an allergy. Self-medication in in this case not recommended - consultation with a specialist is required.

If signs of illness are detected, you should contact a veterinarian

In general, dogs are not prone to disease and often live up to 12-15 years (there are cases when the life expectancy of dogs is even longer). However, you should be aware of weak points breeds that can be presented as a list of ailments:

  1. Intestinal problems in the form of bloating.
  2. Defects hip joints as
  3. Interdigital dermatitis and other manifestations
  4. Cramps.
  5. cataracts, glaucoma, retinal atrophy may be observed.

There is a particular tendency to form stones in the urinary ducts. Related this pathology With congenital feature Dalmatians: they have a special composition of urine. Level uric acid incommensurate with the composition of urine of other breeds.

At the first signs of kidney problems in this area, the veterinarian will advise limiting proteins in the pet’s diet.

Dalmatian deafness is also common. Each puppy in the litter should be checked for this defect, since the percentage of damage is not so small - 10-12% of animals have hearing impairment. The easiest way to do this is with a sleeping dog. The animal should wake up from a sharp noise. If the puppy is awake, sharp sounds should cause a reaction in the form of curling up the ears and moving the head in a certain direction. The problem is excessive fearfulness and aggression of dogs with deafness, as well as difficulties with training.

To avoid unpleasant surprises, you should purchase puppies from responsible breeders.

To prevent ear diseases, you should not allow hypothermia, since Dalmatian ears are very thin.

How to choose a puppy?

The optimal age for selection is 6-8 weeks. At this stage, you can determine the characteristics that the animal will have in the future. After a couple of months it will be more difficult to do this. A puppy who is harmoniously developed at 8 weeks will almost always become so in the future.

Table 2. External signs of a good puppy

FrameVolume; lean, but not skinny. The chest reaches the elbow level. The ribs are rounded and do not protrude. The bottom has a slight curve under the lumbar region. At the same time, the waist is not as pronounced as in an adult animal
BackSmooth, it should not hunch or fall in the gap from the withers to the pelvis
LimbsWith strong bones, rounded paws, curved toes (if they are thin, flat and loose, this defect is almost impossible to correct in the future)
HeadThe dog should have a clearly defined transition from forehead to muzzle. Ears are neat and close to the head
EyesDull coloring is not allowed. In infancy, the pigment does not appear, the eyes of babies are dark blue (sky color is a sign of marriage). The shade appears later - until the age of one. If there is an interruption of more than 3 mm in the edging of the eyelids, the puppy is culled
JawsShould not be heavy or rough. The characteristic Roman nose in puppies of this breed indicates an attractive length of the muzzle and its straightness in subsequent age periods.
TeethThis point causes difficulties, since the dentition is still being formed. The possibility of snacking in the future is assessed as a clear disadvantage. To do this, they look at how the upper lip is positioned relative to the lower lip, study the location of baby teeth - this determines whether the permanent teeth will look as required
Skin coveringLoose, easy to fold
WoolIt has a characteristic shine, is short in length, and not rough.
ColorDespite the fact that the puppy’s pattern is going through a developmental stage, already at a young age one can assess its insufficiency or excessive density. An animal with a brighter coat is preferable. But it is worth remembering that the white areas may become spotted in the future. Ears that are exclusively black are one of the signs that encourage you to refuse a purchase.
TailThere can be many deviations in the landing, which are explained by the young age and excitement of the animal, but a tail thrown over the back cannot be corrected in the future
TemperamentThe typical personality of a puppy is cheerful, sociable, and curious. He is brave, active, reacts quickly to everything, and is friendly. If the puppy is timid and can easily get scared, shows distrust, this indicates psychological trauma

Dalmatian puppies are born completely white. If a newborn is marked with at least one spot, dog breeders consider this a defect in the breed. Spots will begin to decorate the animal’s body from two weeks of age. It is necessary to distinguish between congenital spots and large areas of fused spots. In the first case, the coat will be smooth and uniform, of the same color (black or brown), and this is the basis for marriage. In the second version, there is white hair on a black background.

The defects of the breed also include lemon-colored fur, as well as peach and pale yellow. The presence of a third color other than the two main ones is not allowed: for example, in addition to white and dark brown, there are areas of yellow.

At the selection stage, you should pay attention to the health of the animal. You don't need any special knowledge to do this. Sufficient signs that say that everything is fine with the puppy are his activity, good mood, healthy appetite, absence of lameness, shortness of breath, cough, ear and nasal discharge.

You should decide in advance what gender the animal will live nearby. Bitches are usually more obedient and easier to train. Males have a stubborn and independent disposition, with a hint of aggression; they require an owner with a firm hand. In case of forced loneliness, Dalmatian males may react more violently.

Before you adopt a puppy, decide what gender it should be.

It is useful to check your baby for the presence of a hernia in the form of a small bulge in the navel area. In this case, the puppy should stand on its hind legs. Paw placement is also an important element of the examination. A small Dalmatian should not have club feet, and the legs should not be positioned relative to each other like the letter X. There is a chance that these defects will go away as they grow older, but this does not always happen.

Choosing a weak and thin pet out of compassion is not the best option for those who want to have a reliable companion at home. Such an animal may be often sick and will tie its owner hand and foot. At the same time, the lack of fatness may be associated with a phlegmatic character, which does not allow one to disperse more active brothers and sisters from the bowl. The final decision must be made based on the dog's temperament.

Choose an active puppy

When purchasing a male puppy, you need to make sure that both testicles are in the scrotum. If at one month of age this is accompanied by the presence of minor bulges, then at two months external sign becomes clearly visible. In addition, the testes react to various unusual stimuli and are sharply retracted. When one or both testes are not visible by 4 months, the puppy is discarded. If in doubt, you can discuss the final cost of the puppy at the specified age. Adequate breeders always meet this requirement halfway.

Once the potential owner has settled on one of the babies, it is necessary to ensure proper transportation. To do this, prepare a large bag with a flat bottom, inside which a blanket is placed. The weight of a one-month-old Dalmatian is about 3 kilograms, and a 2-month-old pet’s weight is 6 kg. It’s hard for a baby to sit still, so this bag will come in handy on the go.

If you take a toy or a piece of blanket from your home that smells like your mother, your little Dalmatian will more easily part with his old environment and quickly adapt to the new one.

You should ask the breeder about the puppies' diet. At first, it is advisable to maintain the frequency and diet of feeding that was accepted at home.

It is good to see the mother of the puppies before purchasing and to attend breed shows where you can study the characteristics of all sires. In general, it is enough to buy a puppy from a kennel with a good reputation, which demonstrates confident and constant victories in exhibition competitions.

There are several similar professional nurseries in Russia. The animals there are not only devoid of exterior defects - they are accompanied by the breeder even after purchase. He participates in preparing the animal for exhibitions, provides contact information for a veterinarian in case of illness, and gives advice on care, training and other aspects of the puppy’s life. From the documents the breeder is obliged to provide the buyer medical certificate about the puppy’s health and vaccination passport. As for the pedigree, it should indicate the names of the dogs with their advantages and disadvantages. If the document contains unsystematic information about sires, this is less preferable than a pedigree where the same sire appears in several breedings.

A good “father” of a puppy is the key to the quality of the breed

Cost of a small Dalmatian

A puppy will cost the owner two thousand rubles if you buy the animal from your own hands. In Russian nurseries, prices vary from 15 to 20 thousand in small cities, in large populated areas for a purebred baby you will be asked to pay from 25 thousand rubles. If you buy a dog abroad, it will cost $500, not counting the additional costs of transportation to Russia.

Pet training and socialization

When a puppy comes home, it is important to teach him to use a leash. This should be done in a playful way and in no case should you suppress the animal psychologically. By 6 months, the Dalmatian should confidently walk on a leash at the request of the owner. The dog learns the name and basic commands from the first days of being in a new place. Complex commands and tricks are best left to 9 months of age.

The first stages of training a Dalmatian are reminiscent of taming a beast at a rodeo. This should be taken calmly. After just 2 days of getting used to the owner, subject to his patience, firmness and careful, adequate attitude, the puppy will become more consistent and predictable in his reactions. For example, you can train an animal to sit on command in the following way: hold a treat above its head so that the puppy can reach for it at the right moment, raising its head. At the same time press on back torso, forcing you to sit down by voice command. This is followed by reward in the form of a treat. The puppy will need to repeat these steps several times to consolidate the results.

The first walks begin after vaccination. They are used to meet other dogs. It is advisable that the Dalmatian be surrounded by balanced adult dogs.

If you decide to keep two representatives of the breed in the house, it is advisable to keep a male and a female who are not closely related.

When entering a family with an animal already living in it, you should protect the pet from the jealousy of the older Dalmatian. To solve the problem you need to simultaneously devote increased attention someone who experiences negative emotions from the appearance of a newcomer.

Let's sum it up

So, the choice in favor of the Dalmatian has been made. The advantage of the breed is the character of the dog, which, subject to consistent training and some firmness in the owner’s mood, shows best qualities– friendly and kind attitude towards family members, flexible mind, cheerful disposition, active on walks and willingness to follow a person. Active people who conduct free time on the move, they will appreciate their four-legged companion. The dog is different good health, and with proper care, illnesses of varying severity practically do not threaten her. Caring for dogs of this breed is easy, and even a child can handle it. In addition, Dalmatians happily play with children of all ages.

An owner who cannot afford to walk a pet for a long time and with quality risks getting problems in the form of damage to property, changes in behavior - isolation or, on the contrary, excessive activity and aggression. The Dalmatian is not very comfortable in the apartment. It is advisable for the dog to live in a country house. A wayward animal is not always easy to train, given the level of intelligence, some stubbornness and difficulties with concentration. The breed is relevant for experienced dog breeders. It is sometimes difficult for a beginner to find a balance between persistence and suppressing the will of the animal. In terms of nutrition, Dalmatians are quite picky and can react violently to the slightest changes in diet through allergic manifestations.

The Dalmatian needs a lot of time and attention. Smart and active, he demands that his owner become his friend. The dog should not be taken into the home of elderly or busy people, those with a phlegmatic temperament, or those who like to stay indoors. Travelers, athletes, lovers of cycling and running will be good partners for the Dalmatian.

Video - Dalmatian. Breed overview

The Dalmatian dog breed is called Dalmatian or Dalmatian Dog, and when you pronounce the name of the breed, the image of a smart white dog with charming black or chocolate spots scattered all over its body appears before your eyes. Cinema brought enormous popularity to the breed, made it recognizable and loved, but at the same time, the fame of a cute, obedient pet, as it is shown in the movies, did a disservice to the Dalmatian. A lot of dogs of this breed have experienced betrayal and ended up on the street due to the fault of irresponsible owners who succumbed to the first impulse to buy a puppy, as on the poster. The character of the Dalmatian is multifaceted, which is facilitated by the long history of the formation of the breed.

Dalmatia, as well as the entire Mediterranean coast, is considered the birthplace of the Dalmatian. These dogs are depicted in frescoes and paintings, bas-reliefs and illustrations to ancient books. Italian masters immortalized the breed in their works, for a long time it was considered one of the symbols of the church, and in England its representatives were called “the dogs of the Lord.” But Ancient Egypt is considered the true homeland of spotted dogs; from there they were brought to India, and after that they came to European countries. It is believed that during the formation of the breed, the blood of the Great Dane, Pointer and some other breeds were infused into it.

The British were captivated by the intelligent and resilient dogs, putting them into service as carriage escort dogs. Mail carriages and carriages of noble persons were accompanied by tall dogs that could tirelessly run next to the horses and drive away aggressive dogs. On remote forest roads, Dalmatians were excellent guards for the crew, and at inns they guarded the owner’s property.

The extraordinary dexterity of Dalmatians and their ability to understand commands at a glance, their penchant for performing tricks, made these dogs circus performers. Chapiteau enjoyed using Dalmatians in their performances. Fire brigades purchased puppies of this breed so that they would grow up at fire stations and learn not only to accompany a carriage (and then a car), but also to help carry victims out of the fire.

This breed became famous with the advent of cinema.

Real fame came to dogs of this breed with the advent of cinema. It was the cartoon, and then a feature film featuring trained Dalmatians, that made the breed incredibly popular.

The purpose of dogs of this breed

  • Despite the refined appearance of an English aristocrat, the Dalmatian is an incredibly resilient dog that has the strength of an athlete and is capable of performing a variety of functions. Representatives of this breed are excellent companions, highly intelligent and courageous, cheerful and active. They are successfully used in sports competitions; their spectacular appearance allows them to be the center of attention at exhibitions.
  • The hound blood in the Dalmatian makes this breed an excellent game hunter. The Dalmatian can run for a long time and tirelessly, swims well, has strong jaws and a keen sense of smell.
  • In America, Dalmatians are still considered official dog firefighters. Large dogs They live at fire stations from puppyhood, going out on calls with the fighters, they serve as assistants and mascots.

Standard, appearance and photographs of Dalmatians

The general impression is that of a strong, large and elegant dog, very smart and athletic, with pronounced muscles and excellent balance, with a friendly and sociable character. The ratio of the length of the body to the height at the withers should be equal to 10/9, and the length of the head and muzzle should be equal. The spots should be clearly defined, but the anatomical structure is more important than the clarity of the color.

Important! Dogs of this breed take a long time to develop, and reach their final proportions only by three to four years. Some individuals reach their best form only at six years of age.

  • Frame strong, muscular, more rectangular than square. The neck is beautiful, long, with an elegant curve. The back is strong, with well-defined withers, a slightly convex strong loin and a croup with a very slight slope. The chest is voluminous, wide, deep, with long, rounded ribs. The belly is moderately tucked.
  • Limbs straight, parallel, strong and muscular. The angles of the hock joints are well defined, the thighs are muscular, the shins are of medium length, strong and vertically set. The pasterns are strong, strong, the paws are rounded, with thick pads and strong nails.
  • Head long, with a flat and wide skull and well-defined temples, without folds or wrinkles. The muzzle is long, with a straight bridge of the nose and a moderate transition to the forehead. Lips are dry and tight-fitting. The nose is black in dogs with black spots, brown in dogs with brown spots. The jaws are strong, with a full set of white teeth and a scissor bite. The eyes are round, medium in size, set wide apart, dark color is desirable, but a light shade of brown is also acceptable. The outline of the eyes matches the color of the spots. The ears are medium in size, set high, close to the head.
  • Tail medium length, strong, tapering towards the end, not set high. When calm, it is lowered to the hock; when excited, it is carried slightly above the level of the back.
  • Wool thick, dense, shiny. The color is white with well-defined spots with a diameter of about 2-3 centimeters, evenly and more symmetrically located on the body. There are smaller spots on the head and limbs. The color of the spots may be black or brown. The ears and tail must be pigmented.
  • Dalmatian movements– rhythmic, smooth, balanced, elastic. Wide stride with good drive hind limbs and a wide reach of the front ones. When the dog moves, it seems that it can easily cover vast distances.

Characteristics and character of the breed

The Dalmatian loves human company.

The purpose and many-sided use of the Dalmatian left its mark on the character of the dogs. Friendly and sociable, the Dalmatian loves human company and cannot live alone. Boredom - main enemy for dogs of this breed. A dog that is bored, confined to four walls or sitting on a chain loses its sociability, becomes gloomy, indifferent and embittered.

  • For dogs of this breed, the owner is the main reason for existence, for whom the dog does everything possible. But the Dalmatian’s character is characterized by stubbornness and a desire to dominate, so this breed is not suitable for people who are gentle in nature and have no experience in keeping dogs.
  • Physical activity– this is what a Dalmatian needs every day. The dog accompanying the carriage, running at the speed of a horse, must receive great physical activity. Deprived of this, the Dalmatian loses his inherent cheerfulness and begins to show destructive tendencies: spoil furniture and destroy everything around him. A strong dog can completely destroy the decor of a small apartment in a few hours.
  • A strong character and impressive strong-willed qualities make the Dalmatian a brave and decisive companion. A dog that does not show aggression towards strangers may well come to the owner’s defense; he is able to cope with a dog that attacks him. Males of this breed are often the first to show aggression towards other dogs.
  • Children are great friends for Dalmatians, because they can play and walk together, but this only applies to children over ten years of age. A dog of this breed is intolerant of the importunity of a preschooler or baby, and can drop or even bite a child who bothers him.
  • Domestic animals living in the same territory are considered by the Dalmatian to be members of their family. A bored dog will find it easier to tolerate the absence of its owners in the company of a dog of a different breed.. Cats or other pets (living in the same family) are also not subject to prey. But it is better to avoid street cats, since the prey instinct makes the Dalmatian rush after the animal.
  • Grudge or simply the ability to remember the smallest nuances is one of the distinctive features of the Dalmatian. With this quality, the Dalmatian resembles the Great Dane, whose blood flows in its veins.
  • The Dalmatian's sensitivity and increased emotionality allow it to sense the owner's mood. These qualities also have a downside: in a family with a negative emotional microclimate, in an atmosphere of abuse and squabbles, the dog feels unhappy and depressed.

Subtleties of training

Dogs of this breed are quite capable.

The ability to quickly remember not only commands, but also ordinary words and sequences of actions helps the Dalmatian in the training process. But this same quality requires the owner to be collected and attentive to raising the puppy. An undesirable action, mistakenly assigned, will be repeated again and again, and it is quite difficult to wean it off. Dogs of this breed are easy to train, but very difficult to retrain.

The Dalmatian's stubbornness and independence require early socialization. A puppy who has received a course of preventive vaccinations should go out into society as early as possible. Acquaintance with the outside world should begin early and continue throughout the first year of the dog’s life. These include walks along the streets, training on the site, in a group of dogs, and trips on public transport.

At home, you can teach your pet absolutely any tricks and tricks. High learning ability plus a desire to please the owner help the Dalmatian to master the intricacies of the training course very quickly. The only difficulties that can arise are commands for endurance, since dogs of this breed are very active.

The training process will be much easier if the owner uses a clicker. The fact is that the Dalmatian does not tolerate rough coercion, which traditional training cannot do without. A clicker is a way of reinforcing desired actions when the dog does what he does involuntarily. This method is not difficult to master.

Features of care and nutrition

  • The hard, shiny, short hair of the Dalmatian protects it well from rain; dogs of this breed do not freeze even at low temperatures, so you can walk with your pet in summer and winter. But this is provided that the Dalmatian is in motion. Dogs of this breed can only be kept in an enclosure in the southern regions, provided that the enclosure is equipped with a well-insulated booth.
  • In an apartment, Dalmatians shed all year round, and the light, sharp hair gets stuck in textiles and clothes and is difficult to remove from carpets. The problem can be partly solved by brushing the dog daily with a rubber mitt. It removes hair well and massages the skin.
  • It is recommended to hygienically clean the ears once a week or every ten days, inspect and, if necessary, trim the nails. Nail trimming is not necessary if the dog is regularly walked on hard surfaces: gravel or asphalt.
The Dalmatian eats well both natural food and prepared food.

The Dalmatian is one of the breeds that does well both on a natural diet and on a diet of dry food. The dog's high activity and athletic build require that the diet contain enough protein and minerals.

Features of physical maturation (long development of the skeleton) force the dog to consume a lot of food, so the owner’s task is to balance the diet so that the dog does not overeat and does not gain weight. Natural feeding includes semi-liquid porridges made from rice, buckwheat and oatmeal, raw or boiled meat and offal. Meat, and even more so liver or tripe, contain a small amount of calcium necessary for bone tissue. Calcium is introduced into the diet through dairy and fermented milk products and vitamin-mineral complexes. Experienced breeders prefer to give their dogs ground shells chicken eggs

Dry food is an excellent solution for busy owners; it is given in portions, twice or thrice a day. If it contains all the substances the dog needs to stay in excellent shape, then no additional supplements need to be given. This could be food such as Mera Dog or. If the pet gets more like "Purina" Dog Chow" or "Advance", then it may be necessary to add fermented milk products, vegetables and vitamin complexes. It is not recommended to feed your Dalmatian with economy class food (“Chappi” or “Darling”).

Health status and life expectancy

Dalmatians live up to 11 years or more, and among them there are also long-livers, whose age exceeds 17 years. At the same time, Dalmatians often suffer from congenital diseases caused by genetic abnormalities. The most common are:

  1. Congenital deafness. Just over ten percent of puppies at birth suffer from deafness in one or both ears, and this pathology is not immediately detected.

Important! Raising such a pet is very difficult, since the dog is timid, nervous and often shows aggression, as it cannot adequately assess the situation.

  1. Breed disease - due to higher level uric acid in the blood.
  2. Entropy. It can be treated surgically, but such individuals should not be allowed for breeding.
  3. Polyneuropathy. Dogs of different ages suffer, the prognosis is favorable, but the disease is chronic, which means that frequent relapses are possible.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Like many dog ​​breeds, the Dalmatian has its advantages and disadvantages.

Like any other, the Dalmatian dog breed has its pros and cons, which a potential owner should definitely know.

The advantages of this breed are:

  • Spectacular, elegant appearance.
  • Unusually strong devotion to the owner.
  • Endurance and physical strength of the pet.
  • Friendly to people and pets.
  • High intelligence and excellent learning ability.
  • High emotionality and sensitivity.
  • The need for high physical activity.
  • Year-round molting.
  • Some rigidity of character, stubbornness.
  • Aggression towards dogs.

Anatomically, the Dalmatian most closely resembles hounds, both in the structure of the body and the elegant, dry head. Gambling and courageous, capable of hunting, the Dalmatian is a distant relative of the Pointer, but does not at all replicate any breed of hunting dog. The Dalmatian's character is reminiscent of a Labrador retriever; it is just as tireless, friendly and active, it also loves games and fun, and needs long walks.

How to choose a puppy, prices and kennels

A Dalmatian puppy is born completely white, the spots appear only after two to three weeks, so by the time the babies are sold they have a fully formed color. Some puppies have congenital spots that the baby is born with. Very often they come in the form of a monocle around the eye or a kind of cap on the head. Such spots are a disqualifying defect, and breeders very often cull puppies, destroying them. It is easy to identify a congenital spot in a one-month-old puppy, since the fur on it has a very deep pigment. The presence of such a spot sharply reduces the cost of the baby, since it is sold as a pet, and not a potential winner of exhibitions.

Photo. Dalmatian puppies

Dalmatian puppies in the photo

Besides, The color of small Dalmatians is given Special attention , since mottling or unevenly spaced spots, completely black or white ears and tail - all this reduces the score at shows. If you want to purchase a show puppy, it is advisable to study the breed standard well or take with you a consultant who is well versed in the breed.

Important! Be sure to check the puppy for good hearing. There is a lot for this different ways, but they check the kids one at a time, since the rest, including the deaf puppy, can simply copy the actions of the well-hearing ones.

Temperament – ​​a Dalmatian baby should not be fearful or hysterical. Until eight weeks, he goes through several stages of getting to know the world, so he should be friendly to strangers, show interest and curiosity. Of course, in order to protect yourself as much as possible from purchasing a puppy that is sick or does not meet the standard, it is preferable to purchase a baby from a large nursery:

  • In Moscow: nursery “Terletskaya oakbrava”, website http://dalmat.info, cost from 500 dollars.
  • In St. Petersburg: nursery “Gloriandus”, website http://www.gloriandus.com, cost from $1000.

The official name of the breed is Dalmatian, but people more often call it Dalmatian. This is a charming dog, a little flighty and frivolous in appearance.

Quick wit
Hair loss
Security guard
Difficult to care for
Friendly with children
Country of origin Croatia (Dalmatia)
Lifespan 10-12 years
Price15-35 t.r.
Male height56-62 cm.
Bitch height54-60 cm.
Male weight27-32 kg.
Bitch weight24-29 kg.

History of the origin of the Dalmatian breed

The Dalmatian dog is popular all over the world. The name of the breed is associated with a place on the Adriatic coast called Dalmatia. But there are other versions of the origin of these spotted beauties.

Some scientists attribute Egyptian origin to dogs, based on evidence found in archaeological excavations. In the tombs of the pharaohs, frescoes and bas-reliefs with numerous images of spotted dogs were discovered. They help the Egyptians in hunting, follow the chariots of noble citizens and take part in the everyday life of the Egyptians.

Another version of the origin refers to India. It is connected with the works of the philosopher Ancient Greece Aristotle. He repeatedly mentions the "brindle, spotted" dogs imported from India. Proponents of this hypothesis refer to ancient Indian legends that tell of the birth of white dogs with black speckles from a white Bengal tiger.

The most plausible version seems to be about Dalmatian origin, which in principle does not contradict either Egyptian or Indian roots. Thinkers of Ancient Greece and Rome in their epics often mentioned spotted dogs that lived next to the Illyrian tribes. Illaria was later renamed Dalmatia. Probably, the ancestors of Dalmatians had such an eccentric and charming appearance that the Athenian philosopher Xenophon ascribes to them a divine origin, while the monochromatic dogs were of ordinary origin.

In the Middle Ages, the Dalmatian became popular in Europe. Noble nobles want to see spotted dogs on their lands. A special chic is the retinue of a pack of elegant dogs accompanying the carriage of the nobility. Later, dogs began to be depicted on the tribal emblems of principalities and the coats of arms of cities. In those days, the breed had a lot of names: harlequin, Dalmatian dog and carriage dog.

In the early 1800s, the Dalmatian became one of the most popular breeds in England.

The dog was included in the dog book of the Kennel Club of Britain in 1873. The recognition of the FCI and the approval of the standard occurred in 1926.

Appearance of a Dalmatian

A large, graceful dog, height at the withers is 55-61 cm. The weight of an adult dog is 24-28 kg. The Dalmatian should not appear too light or heavy.

  • The head is oblong, with a flat skull, slightly widening towards ears. The frontal bone and temples are prominent, with clear outlines.
  • The muzzle is elongated, rectangular, without folds of skin or wrinkles. The lips are thin, pressed tightly to the gums. The Dalmatian's jaws are strong and have a scissor bite. Full teeth are a must for this breed.
  • The nose corresponds to the color of the spots. The nose is clearly defined with open nostrils.
  • The eyes are round and not widely spaced. The color ranges from brown to honey, depending on the color of the dog as well as the pigmentation of the eyelids.
  • The ears are medium-sized, wide at the base and tapering to rounded tips. Before the Dalmatian breed standard was reissued, photos showed dogs with cropped ears.
  • The neck is long, muscular, without dewlap.
  • The chest is deep, descending almost to the elbow joint.
  • The back is without deflection, strong and strong.
  • The tail is sickle-shaped, rather thin and long.
  • The limbs are straight, elegant, but not refined. The hind legs have pronounced muscles. Paws are round, tightly compressed.
  • The Dalmatian's coat is short and lies close to the body.
  • Color. Black or brown spots with a clear outline are scattered on a snow-white background.

The Dalmatian dog is light and graceful when running. The movements are powerful, springy and elegant.

Interesting! The Dalmatian is strewn with specks, but the spots are present not only on the coat, they cover all the mucous membranes of the dog.

Dalmatian character

The Dalmatian is a true gentleman, sophisticated and reserved, but at the same time perky and slyly mischievous.

A smart and sensitive dog with strong character. Some consider him stubborn, but this is not so, the dog is smart and cunning so much that he can pretend to be stupid, just not to follow the owner’s commands.

What makes an animal vulnerable is the need for human society; it has a hard time enduring loneliness and cannot exist without attention. The owner for him is a higher being, the pet tries in every possible way to please him. This is a born actor. He is especially successful in the roles of “starving” and “deaf.”

With close people, the Dalmatian dog is gentle and friendly; he is wary of strangers, but not aggressive. Dogs of this breed rarely use their teeth.

The attitude towards animals living nearby is loyal and friendly. It is not recommended to take such a pet into a family with a small child. The dog is energetic and overly curious; if he is careless, he can easily drop a baby. But for kids 6-8 years old, he will be a reliable friend and an indispensable companion in games.

Dalmatian training

Dalmatian has a bright personality. The speed of its learning depends on the character of the pet. Temperamental, restless children learn more slowly and are more often distracted. Calm philosophers are able to grasp everything on the fly. But some rules for successfully raising a pet still exist.

From the moment it appears in the house, it is worth prohibiting the dog from jumping on the bed or sitting at the table during the owners’ dinner. Seemingly funny behavior in a puppy can develop into a problem for an adult dog.

All household members must adhere to the same line of behavior. A Dalmatian will not learn anything if one prohibits and the other allows this or that action. Or today you can, but tomorrow you can’t.

Not a single action of the puppy should be left unattended. Desired behavior is rewarded with treats and affection; bad behavior is punished. You should not hit your pet; it is enough to shake it lightly by the withers, but this must be done at the moment the offense is committed. After 2-3 minutes the baby will not understand why he was punished.

  • The “no” command prohibits unwanted actions by the pet. As soon as the baby does something illegal, just say the command loudly. Dalmatian puppies are frightened by sharp sounds, most likely, he will give up what he is doing. If the command is ignored, you should shake your pet by the scruff of the neck.
  • It’s better to practice “Come to me” at home, and then reinforce it during a walk. Before putting the dog's bowl of food, you need to say the command, then put the food.
  • "Sit". The hand with the treat should be raised above the baby’s head and pulled back a little. Trying to follow the tasty treat with his eyes, the dog will raise his muzzle and sit down.
  • "Near". Once the puppy has run enough, you should take it on a leash and walk slowly straight, holding a treat in front of the baby’s nose, constantly repeating the command, and occasionally encouraging successful execution.

Training a Dalmatian requires patience, endurance, perseverance and strength of character from the owner.

Important! It is unacceptable to encourage aggressive behavior pet, otherwise the Dalmatian, following its hunting instincts, can rush at passers-by.

How to choose a puppy

Having decided to acquire a new family member and choosing the Dalmatian breed, you need to weigh the pros and cons. It is worth thinking about who to leave your pet with during the holidays, who will take care of it, and finally, whether it is possible to allocate the necessary amount from the family budget for the maintenance and veterinary care of the pet.

You shouldn’t give in to a momentary impulse when you see a lovely baby or “because it’s prestigious”; such an act can turn into problems and you’ll have to get rid of the dog.

If all issues are resolved, away with doubts! Before visiting the nursery, you need to decide on the gender of your pet. Bitches are softer and more flexible, but the period of estrus can cause unpleasant moments. Males are stubborn and willful, they can easily run away for a “dog wedding” without looking back at the shouts of the owner.

Dalmatian puppies are ready to leave the family nest at the age of 2-2.5 months. By this time, they do not depend on their mother and become independent. The baby’s character and temperament are already visible. A bully who bullies his siblings is likely to grow into a self-confident, dominant dog, which will require a firmer and tougher hand to educate. A baby who loves to eat and sleep will remain so; you should not expect that he will enthusiastically go on bike rides with his owner or enthusiastically play Frisbee.

Kids are inquisitive and always rush to meet the person who enters. If a puppy avoids contact, does not give in to your hands and snaps, you should not choose him, no matter how good he is. Cowardice is not the best trait of a Dalmatian, just like any dog.

The selected baby must be healthy. If he is energetic, perky, has a good appetite and invisible obvious signs illnesses (festering eyes, dry, crusty nose, breathing problems) - everything is fine. The skin is a little “big” for a puppy and easily gathers into folds. The coat is shiny, smooth, without bald spots.

If you plan to visit exhibitions, you should be more scrupulous in your choice. Even a specialist will not give a 100% guarantee that this baby will grow into a champion. But you can use the puppy inspection report, it is carried out by professionals in their field and all the advantages and disadvantages of the puppies are included in the document.

Dalmatian puppies per month

Purebred Dalmatian puppies can cost from 20,000 to 35,000 rubles. The price depends on the merits of the parents and the costs of maintaining and veterinary services for the baby.

Interesting! The baby Dalmatian is born snow-white. Characteristic specks appear in the second week of life.

The Dalmatian does not require intensive coat care; it is enough to wipe the pet weekly with a rubberized massage mitten. The dog sheds lightly, but throughout the year. A clean pet will not get into the mud during a walk, so water procedures can be carried out no more than 2 times a year, or as needed.

  • Nails are trimmed monthly. For dogs walking along paved paths, they wear down naturally; the owner simply needs to sand the ends with a coarse file.
  • The ears need weekly examination. Accumulated sulfur plaque is removed with a special lotion. It is advisable to bend your pet’s ears occasionally to ear canal ventilated.
  • The eyes are wiped daily with chamomile decoction.
  • Some dogs of this breed need their anal glands cleaned. It is advisable to carry out the procedure monthly, since the accumulated secretions cause discomfort to the pet.
  • Teeth also require care. You can brush them with a silicone baby brush with dog paste, or give your dog special treats.

The Dalmatian dog is active and mobile. Active walks, with the opportunity to run without a leash, should be at least 2 hours a day. The dog is sensitive to cold, so in frosty weather it needs warm overalls. It tolerates heat quite well, you just need to provide it with clean, cool water to drink.

The Dalmatian requires a responsible approach to feeding. Industrial feed of the highest quality, with a protein content of no more than 25%, is an ideal choice.

Natural feeding implies the presence of vitamin supplements and microelements necessary for the dog. The protein content of food should not exceed 50%, vegetables and fruits 30%, cereals 20%.

Acceptable products:

  • Meat: beef, poultry, lamb, horse meat.
  • By-products: tripe, gizzards, udders, kidneys. Liver can be given no more than once a week.
  • Vegetables: carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage.
  • Cereals: rice, buckwheat.

It is unacceptable to feed your pet:

  • Fatty meats, chicken bones.
  • Potatoes, peas, beans, onions.
  • Millet, pearl barley, pasta.
  • Sausages, smoked meats, sweets.

Important! Full and balanced diet will help to avoid possible problems with health.

Health and illness

Despite its stable immunity, the Dalmatian dog is still susceptible to a large number of diseases.

  • Bloating occurs due to an incorrect diet. Requires immediate veterinary intervention.
  • Joint dysplasia is inherited. It will not be possible to cure your pet, but medications can alleviate the condition and improve the pet’s quality of life.
  • Allergic reactions - may be the result of improper feeding, or external factors. By eliminating the allergen, the unpleasant manifestations of the disease can be eliminated.
  • Glaucoma is a genetic disease. Requires surgery.
  • Distichiasis – enhanced growth eyelashes Overgrown hairs are removed by hair removal under local anesthesia.
  • Deafness is a hereditary disease.
  • Urolithiasis - occurs due to high content protein in feed. Treated with medication.

A pet needs to be careful about its health. Regular veterinarian examinations will help avoid problems and allow your pet to live the 10-12 years allotted by nature.


You can admire the adorable dogs in the film 101 Dalmatians; the photo also reflects all the beauty and spontaneity of the animal.

A Dalmatian dog is suitable only for an owner with an active life position, busy and non-athletic people should pay attention to a less active breed.

The Dalmatian is a real aristocrat, refined and discreet, and at the same time he is a playful, handsome naughty boy. The Dalmatian is gentle, cunning and naive, polite and impudent. He still has many qualities. But he's not a cartoon character. You shouldn’t treat it like a toy and start it because of a sudden fashion.

An intelligent and sensitive creature with a strong character that can be quite complex. This is exactly how people fell in love with this dog. But things are not easy with this animal. The Dalmatian is not for everyone. The puppies from Disney's 101 Dalmatians are adorable. They are even more reliable than the real pup actors filmed in the live-action version of the film. Because, being trained by a trainer, puppies do not behave entirely naturally. Reality is different from fiction.

The reality is that the Dalmatian desperately needs friendship with people. He can't live alone in the yard. This dog literally radiates with vital energy, which splashes out wherever possible. Outside the house, if the owner often takes his pet out to run, or inside the house. Imagine, this dog is so smart that it knows how to appear stupid when it doesn’t want to obey its owner. The Dalmatian has no ordinary acting skills. Do you feel like you appreciated them after seeing the Dalmatian in the movies? At home, this actor will surprise you even more. The Dalmatian knows how to pretend to be deaf, offended, and dying of hunger. His performance is worthy of an Oscar. He can outshine human actors.

What do the characters of a Dalmatian and a horse have in common?

In terms of acting talent, only horses can compare with him. It is no coincidence that they are considered best friends Dalmatians. A number of researchers explain this by the fact that in the past Dalmatians were used as page dogs accompanying carriages with horses. But how do modern horses and dogs know that their ancestors once worked together? And even if they knew, is this the only way to explain the sympathy that arises between them at first sight? Most likely, cause and effect need to be reversed. The Dalmatian was assigned to accompany the carriage precisely because he naturally loved horses. This feeling is easy to explain.

The two smartest animals in the world, when they meet, are drawn to each other. Horses have a very definite opinion about Dalmatians, which cannot be said about people. They judge these animals differently. Many people think that the Dalmatian is beautiful, but is too stubborn and can behave unpredictably when trying to get his way.

Other people, on the contrary, are delighted by the fact that the Dalmatian, who can be loved more than other dogs for his character alone, is also beautiful. Who is right? Perhaps both. The Dalmatian behaves differently with different owners. He demonstrates his virtues only to those who know how to communicate with him correctly. At the same time, not only his intelligence is revealed, that is, the ability to perform the most difficult exercises, but also his ability to communicate with people more like a human than like a dog. For example, a Dalmatian who has realized his abilities and is happy with his life loves to bring gifts to his owner. Let it be just old slippers.

The main thing is not the gift, but the attention. Some Dalmatians literally smile to gain sympathy or to get permission to do something. Unfortunately the number of such dogs is limited. Only a few people own them. Those who managed to win not only the love, but also the respect of the dog.

The Dalmatian is too much to love anyone, although he is friendly with everyone. However, if his owner is absent-minded or, even worse, cruel or hot-tempered, the Dalmatian withdraws from him, which is why he seems stupid or stubborn. In fact, it is a sign of lack of respect. The dog seems to be saying: “I will not condescend to communicate with someone who is not worthy of me, even if I love him.

The ideal owner for a Dalmatian– a person as active and mobile as the dog himself. This animal is not suitable for older people and small children, unless the parents have taught their child to handle the dog delicately. Children over 5 or 6 years old can become wonderful companions for the Dalmatian in his games. The ideal owner is a firm, decisive person who, however, is never cruel. This is not necessary. It is enough to change the tone of your voice for the dog to understand you. And an iron fist, even with a velvet glove, can forever ruin the character of a Dalmatian.

But the ideal owner is not must be weak. If the Dalmatian is allowed to do whatever he wants, he will imagine himself as a commander and become a real domestic despot. True, his despotism will be more funny than cruel. The ideal owner should not be afraid that wool will remain on his clothes. The Dalmatian needs constant physical contact with a person. This contributes to the development of his psyche. Finally, the ideal owner is always balanced. This is how you need to be when communicating with any dog, but especially with a Dalmatian. Mood swings discourage the dog.

He will react to them following his own logic. You demand that I get off the sofa, although until yesterday you allowed me to sit on it? You're wrong! I won't leave this place! To achieve a trusting relationship with a dog, it is necessary to develop it from the first months of a puppy’s life. You need to talk to him all the time. It is a mistake to think that he does not understand anything. The puppy will understand everything if the owner expresses his thoughts correctly. It is important to use the same commands each time and change your tone of voice if you are not happy with the puppy. And the main thing is to always remain calm.


Where did this dog come from, which is not similar to others either in appearance or in character? Unfortunately, very little is known about her distant past. One thing is clear - this breed was not bred in Dalmatia! The first representatives of this breed came to this area of ​​Croatia in the 30s of the 20th century from England. Spotted dogs were known in ancient times in the Middle East, Egypt and Greece. According to some experts, the birthplace of the breed is the Middle East. From there she came to India, and then with the gypsies to Europe.

While we know little about the distant past of the breed, its recent history is well known and is mainly associated with England. The British were the first to breed Dalmatians, the first to use them to accompany carriages, and the first to reduce their height at the withers so that it was no higher than the axle of the carriage wheels. And so, the British brought Dalmatians to Dalmatia in the early 30s. However, the International Federation of Dog Breeders declared Croatia to be the birthplace of this breed.

Hygienic care of the Dalmatian is not at all difficult. This dog by nature gets dirty a little. Its skin smells almost nothing. To keep it in order, just stroke it with a rubber mitten or a special glove with bristles. Then comb with a soft brush and wipe with a damp cloth. Every ten days you should check the condition of your teeth and ears and brush them as necessary. Contrary to popular belief, the Dalmatian is not at all picky about food.

However, one must be careful about his diet. It is important not to give your Dalmatian too large portions, despite the fact that he eats food at great speed and often pretends that he is on the verge of fainting from hunger; excess weight will affect the dog's health. Therefore, try not to react to her look, begging for more. Although it is very difficult. A specific problem with this breed of dog is that the acid content in their urine is higher than average. This means they have an increased risk of developing kidney stones. To avoid this, limit meat protein in your Dalmatian’s food, replacing it with more noble proteins. Instead of red meat, give white meat, chicken or turkey, and sometimes also fish and low-fat cheese.

The Dalmatian is one of those few dog breeds for which homemade food is preferable. Since there is no food created taking into account the characteristics of this product yet. The Dalmatian will be happy to benefit a person if you give him this opportunity. He once served with firefighters and ambulances. Now he can guard the house. After all, he is very vigilant. Or be your companion and protector during your walks. In addition, the Dalmatian can engage in dog sports, especially in the discipline of agility, which means dexterity. Natural agility, excellent physical condition, and a lively mind have allowed several Dalmatians to achieve top results in this sport, although they do not develop too much speed.

I hope you understand that the Dalmatian is unique not only because of its spotting. It is possible that the spots are the first thing that affects people in it. But after spending some time with him, people begin to talk more about the character of this dog, about his personality, about his ability to take an honorable place in the human family. How you respond to the Dalmatian depends only on you. If you don't win his respect, you will join the ranks of those who think the Dalmatian is cute but stupid.

(dalmatian, dalmatian) - dog medium breed. Reliable guard, devoted companion. Croatia, or rather its north, is considered the homeland of this amazing dog. western region Dalmatia. Officially, the breed is given the name Dalmatian, but the most common name is Dalmatian.

Dalmatian origin story

It is believed that Dalmatians appeared in Ancient Egypt about two thousand years ago (their images were found on tombstones). From there, dogs spread to the Middle East, Turkey, Greece, and then, together with the gypsy camp, they came to the Adriatic coast of the Balkans.

Rumor has it that the blood of the Great Dane and the Austrian Pointer flows in their veins.

In the 18th century, the breed received another application, and with it the name - carriage dog. Accompanying horse-drawn carriages was the main occupation of Dalmatians 300 years ago. As a rule, the dogs ran under the carriage, in close proximity to the horse's hooves. They not only helped pass the time on long trips, but also fearlessly guarded the crew and property in the absence of the owner.

On the road, the traveler could be threatened by wild animals and robbers. Then these small but brave dogs came to the owner’s aid. That is why in paintings of that time the Dalmatian is often depicted with short-cropped ears - the long floppy ears were too vulnerable in fights. The love for horses, strength, endurance and the ability to run quickly over long distances have made these dogs indispensable companions for travelers. These genetically programmed qualities were remarkably developed in England, the country where the breed received its rebirth. Already in the middle of the 17th century, a Dalmatian running under a carriage was quite a common sight on the roads of England.

Since then, Dalmatians have changed many “professions”:

  • hunted as if with guns
  • kept like carriage dogs
  • indispensable companions for travelers
  • for the protection and maintenance of mail.

For owners of elegant dogs, they served not only for protection, but also to attract attention to their person. Smart animals participated with constant success in the performances of traveling actors and circus performers.

The Dalmatian is a versatile breed that, in addition to its charming appearance, also has undoubted intelligence.

Dalmatian description and FCI standard

In the photo, a Dalmatian is standing on a log

  1. Country of origin: Croatia.
  2. Use: hunter, companion.
  3. FCI classification: Group 6 Hounds, blood dogs and related breeds. Section 3 Related breeds. No work exam.
  4. General form: the head is mesocephalic, prismatic in shape, with hanging ears. The body of the Dalmatian is rectangular, strong, muscular with characteristic spotting. The movements are elegant. Sexual dimorphism is clearly expressed.
  5. Important proportions:
  • The length of the body to the height at the withers is 10:9.
  • Height of elbow joints: 50% of the height at the withers.
  • Hock height: 20-25% of height.
  • Head length: almost 40% of the height at the withers.
  • The length of the skull to the muzzle is 1:1.
  • Behavior/Character: The Dalmatian is friendly, brave, calm, stress-resistant without showing aggression. The Dalmatian is cheerful, loyal, independent and easy to train. Loves water and has a strong hunting instinct.
  • The head is proportional to the body, the skull is moderately wide. Skin without folds.
    • The length from the occipital protuberance to the stop and from the stop to the tip of the nose is 1:1. A slightly shorter muzzle is acceptable.
    • The line of the skull and the line of the muzzle are gently diverging.
    • The chewing muscles and cheekbones are not expressed.
  • Skull: flat, with soft rounding to the lateral planes. Wide between the ears, well formed at the temples. The frontal groove is weakly expressed.
  • Stop (transition from forehead to muzzle): moderate.
  • Nose: large, with wide open nostrils, fully pigmented. The color matches the color of the spots.
  • An adult Dalmatian lies and looks into the distance - photo

  • Muzzle: With well-developed jaws, the bridge of the nose is straight.
    • Lips: strong, close to the jaws, do not droop. Full pigmentation is desirable.
  • Jaws/Teeth: regular scissor bite, upper incisors overlapping the lower ones without gap; The teeth are white and arranged vertically. A full dental formula of 42 teeth is welcome. In older dogs, a straight bite is acceptable.
  • Eyes: oval, subfrontally set (at an angle of 10-15°). The color matches the color of the spots. Eyelids fit well. The edges of the eyelids are fully pigmented to match the coat.
  • Ears: in shape isosceles triangle, set high, thin and soft to the touch, close to the cheekbones. The length reaches the inner corner of the eye or stop. The tips are softly rounded. The ears are covered with spots in accordance with the color (not completely black or brown).
  • Neck: strong, long, tapering towards the head, without dewlap.
  • Dalmatian body: rectangular.
  • Withers: developed.
  • Back: strong, straight.
  • Loin: short, muscular.
  • Croup: Muscular, slightly sloping to 30°.
  • Chest: deep, voluminous, not wide or barrel-shaped. The depth of the chest is 45-50% of the height at the withers. The elbow level is 50%. The ribs are well sprung.
  • Dalmatian belly: moderately selected, not drawn in.
  • Tail: set in continuation of the croup. Reaches to the hock joint, or slightly longer. Powerful at the base, tapering towards the end, not too thick. Worn saber-shaped. Specks are desirable.
  • Forelegs: straight, parallel.
    • Shoulders: Scapular angle approximately 115-120°.
    • Elbows: close to the body.
    • Forearms: bones are proportionally developed and strong (round), forelimbs are erect. Legs are vertical.
    • Wrists: Slightly inclined, elastic.
    • Forepaws: Toes closed (cat paws). The pads are hard and elastic. Claws are pigmented whenever possible.
  • Hind limbs: strong, muscles well developed. The stance of the hind limbs is parallel.
    • Thighs: Muscular.
    • Knees: strong. The knee bend is inclined at 40° to the horizontal.
    • Hocks: strong.
    • Hocks: The height of the hocks is 20-25% of the height at the withers. The hock angle is about 130°.
    • Hind feet: toes closed. The pads are hard and elastic. Claws are pigmented.
  • Movement: elegant, harmonious. The stride and trot are long, with a wide stride in the front and a strong drive in the rear. When viewed from behind, the limbs move in parallel.
  • Coat: short, shiny, hard, thick.
  • Height/Weight of Dalmatian:
    • Height at withers: males: 56 - 62 cm; females: 54 - 60 cm.
    • Weight: males 27-32 kg; females 24-29 kg
  • Disadvantages of the Dalmatian: any deviation from the above is considered a fault, the assessment depends on the severity of the deviation, the ability to perform the work, the impact on the health and welfare of the animal.
  • Dalmatian - disqualifying faults:
    • Aggression or excessive cowardice.
    • Physical abnormalities, behavioral disorders.
    • Converging lines of the head.
    • Absence of more than 6 premolars; the absence of M3 is not taken into account and is not assessed as an error.
    • Entropy, ectropy, birch eyes, differently colored eyes (heterochromia), Blue eyes, partially blue iris.
    • Unpigmented nose
    • Tail ring
    • Monocle (black spot around the eye or both eyes) or spots anywhere else
    • Tricolor (black and brown spots on the appropriate dog), brindle, lemon, orange and blue spots, pure white color without spots.
    • Wire-haired, long-haired.
    • Deafness.

    Note: Males must have two obvious, normally developed testes fully descended into the scrotum.

    Dalmatian color

    • The main color of the Dalmatian is pure white.
    • Black spots in black-spotted dogs and brown spots in brown-spotted dogs.
    • Round spots are symmetrically distributed over the body, without turning into a white background. Preferably the same size (2 - 3 cm in diameter). The brown variation has slightly smaller spots, 2 cm in diameter.
    • The spots on the head, limbs and tail are proportionally smaller than on the body.
    • Speckling on the body is considered a defect. The spots cannot merge with each other and form large spots. Spots and colored layers are not desirable. The spots on the ears should be examined very carefully.

    Dalmatian character

    The Dalmatian is a very active, inquisitive, cheerful and energetic breed. By nature, these are courageous and friendly dogs that support close connection with their owners. They have a strong, strong-willed character, so they require experienced owners. The Dalmatian is sociable, they need physical activity, otherwise they start to get bored and may behave badly.

    Dalmatian puppies need early socialization, otherwise they will grow up timid, overly nervous, and the owner’s lack of the necessary confidence will lead to the pet becoming difficult to control.

    Dalmatians usually communicate well with children and love to play with them, especially if they grow up with them. Get along well with pets.

    It must be remembered that the breed is very playful, sometimes too annoying for small children. Dalmatian males, unlike females, are more aggressive towards each other.

    Photo of a Dalmatian running

    The Dalmatian is quite trainable, but you need to train your pet from an early age. Dalmatians are trained to work as search dogs and guide dogs, but their real vocation is sports and outdoor games. They enjoy running behind a horse or bicycle in the summer, towing a sled in the winter, swimming, catching balls and plates, and jumping over barriers.

    The Dalmatian is great for agility or frisbee classes, and is an ideal companion on hikes and travels.

    By nature, Dalmatians have a very high intelligence, but they can be trained if the owner shows sufficient persistence, and the learning process includes playful moments. The Dalmatian readily obeys all commands if the reward is a piece of treat or a portion of affection.

    Caring for a Spotted Dalmatian

    In the photo there is a cheerful Dalmatian in the snow

    The Dalmatian is a short-haired breed that does not require special and painstaking care, and is not too demanding in terms of living conditions. To maintain the well-groomed appearance of the breed, regularly brush the dog with a brush or massage mitt (this will remove dead hair and give it shine). Shedding is not too intense, but the process continues all year round. The breed is quite clean and does not have a specific dog smell.

    Inspect your dog's claws and paws regularly and check for cuts or cracks after a walk. Trim the nails 1 - 2 times a month, using a nail clipper or scissors - a guillotine. They bathe no more than once or twice a month, or as they become dirty.

    Dalmatian content

    Photo of Dalmatian puppies in a lounger

    For wellness Dalmatians need to be given fairly intense physical activity, long active walks, so the Dalmatian is not suitable for those who do not like an active lifestyle and prefer to spend their free time on the couch. The Dalmatian is suitable for living in an apartment, as it needs constant communication with its owner. This is a true companion dog that needs to take part in everything that happens at home, otherwise it will become nervous, if there is a lack of attention from its owners, it will play dirty tricks, spoil things in the house, and chew shoes and furniture.

    These are short-haired dogs, so they can only be kept in an enclosure during the warm season, but even in this case it is advisable to arrange a heated room with a booth there. Otherwise, hypothermia will occur and cystitis or pneumonia will appear. In addition, if a Dalmatian is kept outside for a long time in cold weather, he will get frostbite on his thin ears.

    Dalmatian diet

    Dalmatians need 2 feedings a day. It is advisable to feed at the same time, and only after a walk. Always be in the bowl fresh water, be sure to change it every day.

    What to feed your Dalmatian

    The Dalmatian's diet includes the following foods:

    • preferably raw meat (except pork and chicken), you can simply pour boiling water over it
    • offal (liver, tripe)
    • various porridges (buckwheat, rice)
    • V ready dish, especially in winter, add 1 - 2 tsp. vegetable oil
    • sea ​​fish
    • cottage cheese
    • vegetables
    • seasonal fruits
    • vitamin and mineral supplementation.

    The food is used at room temperature, not from the refrigerator and not too hot, always check before feeding it to your dog.

    The Dalmatian is a carnivorous pet, so raw food is healthier for him than cooked food. It is better to cut the meat into small pieces, since puree or minced meat is not actually absorbed by the body.

    It is better not to salt food; you can add cheese to your diet - feta cheese or herring (always check for seeds). To prevent dental plaque, give your Dalmatian a fresh tomato or tomato juice. It is better to refrain from sweets (chocolate, cakes, cookies).
