Which specialty to choose in applied geology? Applied Geology. What disciplines are studied

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History of the department
New department " Applied Geology" was created on May 16, 2017 at a meeting of the Academic Council.
The first intake of geologists students (50 people) was in 1956. The Department of “Prospecting and Exploration of Mineral Deposits” (PiRMPI) was opened in 1957. The heads of Smirnov S.M., Levashov K.K. put a lot of work into the development of the department. Plyshevsky O.V., Savvinov N.M., Tomtosov I.A., Meltser M.L., Farber M.R.. More than 100 graduates of the department have academic degrees(including more than 20 doctors of science). Kashirtsev V.A., Safronov A.F. are corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Among the graduates are laureates of state prizes (D. Yadreev, Kh. Eremeev), discoverers of mineral deposits (K. Guryev, K. Kolodeznikov, V. Prokopyev, E. Pesterev, N. Gorokhov, etc.), holders of orders and medals, inventors and innovators, honored geologists of Russia and the Republic, major scientific leaders in the mining and geological industry and members of the government.
Scientific research employees of the department are traditionally associated with the study of geology and patterns of distribution of mineral resources in Yakutia. Since the mid-70s, the direction of studying the structural conditions of placement began to develop (associate professors Kulagina L.A., Tomtosov I.A., Farber M.R., professor Fridovsky V.Yu.). At the same time, studies were carried out on metallogeny (Associate Professor N.M. Savvinov), the material composition and formational affiliation of gold deposits (Professor M.L. Meltser), and the ore-controlling role of sedimentary complexes (Associate Professor A.G. Pavlov). In 1999, on the initiative of V.Yu. Fridovsky, an educational and scientific laboratory of geodynamics and minerageny is being created. Laboratory staff carry out structural analysis of complex dislocated complexes and ore deposits in Eastern Yakutia, and study the patterns of formation and placement of mineral deposits. The research is supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation under the NTP “Scientific Research on priority areas science and technology”, project “Structural-geodynamic reconstructions, regimes of industrial ore formation and forecasting and prospecting models for deposits of precious metals in Northeast Asia” (2003-2004); State Plant of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) for research, projects “Study of structural and geophysical criteria for the placement of gold mineralization in ore-placer clusters of North-Eastern Yakutia with the aim of developing scientific and practical recommendations for prospecting and appraisal work” (2006-2008) and “Scientific justification gold-bearing prospects for investment-attractive objects in the western part of the Olchan-Nera mineragenic zone" (2008-2010), "Analysis of ore-controlling structures and assessment of gold-bearing prospects for the southeastern flank of the Adycha-Taryn mineragenic zone (2011-213); Analytical departmental target program of the Ministry of Defense and the NRF, project “Structural evolution of ore-bearing zones of MZ collision-accretion belts: macro-, meso- and microlevels” (2009-2010).
In 2008, together with the Institute of Geology of Diamond and Precious Metals of the SB RAS, a scientific and educational center “Mineral raw materials and technologies for their assessment” was opened. In 2012, the center included laboratories of the North-Eastern Complex Research Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The activities of the center received support under the Analytical Departmental Target Program of the Federal Agency for Education of the Russian Federation (project “Development of an integrated scientific and educational center “Mineral Resources and Technologies for their Assessment” (2009-2010). Development of an integrated scientific and educational center “Mineral raw materials and technologies for their assessment" is carried out in three main areas: organizational activities (cooperation, integration projects, organization and conduct of scientific events), educational and methodological activities (methodological support for the educational process, innovative methods teaching, advanced training of teaching staff) and scientific activities (study of the geological environment modern methods). In 2010-2012 As part of the REC, laboratories for “Sample preparation” and “Geochemical methods for searching for mineral deposits”, equipped with modern equipment, have been opened.
Educational process The department is provided by professors Fridovsky V.Yu., associate professors Polufuntikova L.I., Pavlov A.G., Ivanov N.N., Sandakova L.G., Kovalev L.N.

The Department of Permafrost Science was organized in 1978, and the first enrollment in the specialty “Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology” was carried out in 1976.

The department graduates in the specialty 05/21/02 "Applied Geology", specialization "Search and exploration of groundwater and engineering-geological surveys"".

Currently, the department employs on a full-time basis associate professors V.F. Popov, Oleg Aleksandrovich Pomortsev and senior teacher Tatyana Rudolfovna Zhang; head Laboratory of Hydrogeochemistry and Hydraulics - Marina Vladimirovna Fridovskaya, Head. laboratory of soil science and soil mechanics - Victoria Petrovna Kobeleva; laboratory assistants of the 1st category - Aitalina Ivanovna Samyrova and Olga Ignatievna Vasilyeva. Besides, educational process are led by part-time workers: Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, Professor Mikhail Nikolaevich Zheleznyak, Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, Prof. Vladimir Nikolaevich Makarov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Dmitry Mikhailovich Shesternev, Ph.D. M.Sc., Associate Professor Nadezhda Anatolyevna Pavlova, Ph.D., Associate Professor Alena Alekseevna Shestakova, Ph.D. Anna Alekseevna Kut, as well as young teachers Alexandra Mikhailovna Cherepanova and Olga Ignatievna Vasilyeva.

Students undergo summer training at the Nokhtuysky, Tomponsky, and Chabada training grounds. Acquaintance with nature, the enchanting expanses of the Lena River, a picturesque panorama of mountain and taiga landscapes, geological attractions, active leisure, songs around the fire and true friendship enrich the children in many ways. They learn not only the romance of field life, but also acquire the necessary professional skills. In senior years, students undergo practical training.

Along with pedagogical activity The department pays great attention to scientific work. Employees and students of the department carried out research work on the following topics: “Preparation of a map of ecological-geocryological zoning of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) on a scale of 1:1000000 of the RSTP program” (head O.A. Pomortsev, 2009-2010). “Assessment of the main parameters of the geocryological environment at the monitoring sites of the Chayandinsky license area” (contract, head O.A. Pomortsev, 2010); "Improving environmentally safe ways removal of highly mineralized drainage water in the Udachninsky GOK" (contract, head V.F. Popov, 2010-2012), "Engineering geological conditions and dangerous exogenous geological processes on the section 760-870 km of the Yakutsk - Magadan - Southern Verkhoyanye highway "(head O.A. Pomortsev, 2012-2013). Much attention is paid to student science. The department has a student scientific circle “GIGiM”. Students actively participate in presentations at scientific conferences at various levels.

Every year at the Faculty of Geological Exploration, the department organizes and conducts a traditional student scientific conference in the section “Hydrogeology, Engineering Geology and Geoecology”. Students of the department are winners of many scientific conferences. The most significant achievements are: diploma of the competition winner scientific works in the category “Best report at the XVIII International scientific conference of students, graduate students and young scientists “Lomonosov” Section “Geology” April 11-15, 2011 (V. Kuvaev), “Best report at the XIX International scientific conference of students, graduate students and young scientists “Lomonosov” Section “Geology” April 9-13, 2012 (V. Novopriezzhaya). Students of the department participate in the North-North program, within the framework of which they undergo training during a semester abroad in Norway and Sweden (A. Urban, A. Cherepanova, R. Zaripov).

Graduates of the department are in demand and work successfully in geological exploration expeditions, prospecting and survey parties, research institutes of the Academy of Sciences of Russia and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), in large firms (Komdragmet) and companies (ALROSA, Surgutneftegaz, Polyus, etc.), engineering trusts. construction surveys, Yakut Vodokanal, ulus and republican environmental protection committees, commercial enterprises, in the field of entrepreneurship.

First semester

1. Basic information about the Universe: Big Bang theory, expansion, relict radiation, methods for studying the Universe. Visible and invisible matter in the Universe.

2. Giant clusters of stars - galaxies: sizes, morphology. Milky Way. Stars: their classification by luminosity, the relationship between luminosity and mass of stars. Neutron stars and black holes. Evolution of stars over time.

3. Characteristics of the Sun as a class G star: energy sources, shell structure, solar activity, solar wind.

4. Basic data on the composition, structure, size and satellites of the planets of the inner (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars) and outer (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) groups.

5.Asteroid belt. Meteorites, their composition and significance for geology. Comets. Origin hypotheses solar system. Short review catastrophic hypotheses. Evolutionary hypotheses of Kant-Laplace, Schmidt, Fesenkov. Two reservoir hypothesis. Concepts of heterogeneous and homogeneous accretion of the Earth.

6.Magnetic field: Earth’s magnetosphere, magnetic declination and inclination. Migration magnetic poles and their inversion. Regional and local magnetic anomalies. Nature magnetic field Earth.

7. Earth’s gravitational field, its inhomogeneities: local and regional anomalies. The concept of isostosy.

8. Thermal field of the Earth: ideas about the sources of energy of the Earth, geothermal gradient and step. Belt constant temperatures. Use of the Earth's thermal energy by humans.

9. Earth's atmosphere: gas composition, density and temperature heterogeneity. Ozone layer and its significance for life on Earth. Radiation belts in the atmosphere.

10. Hydrosphere: above-ground and underground components. Forms of water: liquid, solid and gaseous and their volumetric relationships with each other. Biosphere. The noosphere is a shell of the active manifestation of human activity.

11. Shape and size of the Earth. Features of the structure of its surface. The concept of geoid. Mass and density of the Earth. Basic information about the earth's crust, mantle and core. Composition and structure earth's crust. Chemical composition of the earth's crust.

12. The concept of minerals. Classifications of minerals. The most important rock-forming minerals. The main rocks and their division according to the conditions of formation: igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. Minerals and rocks as minerals.

13. Types of the earth's crust: continental, oceanic and transitional. Asthenosphere, lithosphere, tectonosphere. Ideas about state of aggregation masses inside the Earth and the expected chemical composition geosphere

14. Objective difficulties in studying the Earth: complexity of structure, enormous size, duration of geological processes. Methods used in studying the Earth (direct observations (geological mapping), comparative historical, actualistic, geophysical, chemical, remote sensing, etc.).

15. Sciences of the geological cycle: crystallography, mineralogy, petrography, lithology, structural geology, geotectonics, petrology, volcanology, sedimentology, geodynamics, seismology, mineral geology, hydrogeology, engineering geology, etc.

16. Sciences related to geology that study the Earth using their own methods: geophysics, geochemistry, paleontology.

17. Methods for determining the relative age of rocks. Paleontological method, as the main one for determining the relative age of sedimentary and volcanogenic-sedimentary rocks. Geochronological scale: major stratigraphic and geochronological units.

18. Determination of the isotopic age of geological formations. The most important isotope-radiometric methods: uranium-thorium-lead, potassium-argon, rubidium-strontium, samarium-neodymium, radiocarbon. Age of the Earth and crustal rocks.

19. Determination of the process of volcanism. Products of volcanic activity: liquid, solid and gaseous. Terrestrial and underwater eruptions. Types of volcanoes according to the nature of the volcanic structure: central type (stratovolcanoes, cinder cones, shields), fissure type.

20. The structure of volcanic apparatuses of the central type: cone, vent, crater, bocchi, somma, caldera, barancos. Types of volcanoes according to the nature of eruptions (effusive, explosive, intermediate type). Post-volcanic activity. Formation of fumaroles, solfatars, mofet, geysers, thermal springs.

21. Patterns of distribution of active and extinct volcanoes on the Earth’s surface. Main varieties of volcanic rocks (according to silicon-acidity). Minerals associated with volcanoes.

22. The concept of intrusive magmatism. Ideas about the origin of magmas and the levels of their generation. The main types of intrusive rocks and their differences from volcanic rocks. Processes inside magma chambers: segregation, gravitational-crystallization differentiation, assimilation.

23. Forms of occurrence of intrusive rocks, sizes, composition, relationships with host rocks Discordant bodies: batholiths, stocks, dikes, igneous veins. Concordant bodies: forces, laccoliths, lopoliths. Abyssal and hypabyssal intrusions. The role of magmatic and post-magmatic processes in the formation of minerals.

24. Definition of the process of metamorphism. Factors (agents) of metamorphism. The nature of metamorphic transformations (textural-structural, mineral, chemical). Types of metamorphism: contact ( low pressures), regional (medium pressure), dislocation (dynamometamorphism), metamorphism high pressures. Progressive and regressive metamorphism. Minerals associated with metamorphic formations.

25. Tectonic movements of the earth's crust. Horizontal, vertical movements and their combinations. Signs and methods for detecting tectonic movements. Transgressions and regressions of the seas as indicators of vertical movements of the earth's crust.

26. Folded (plicative), discontinuous (disjunctive). Folds and elements of their structure. Anticlinal and synclinal folds. Elements of the structure of folds.

27. Fracture dislocations: cracks (fractures without displacement) and fractures with displacement. Elements of discontinuous faults. Faults, reverse faults, shifts, extensions, thrusts. Grabens, rifts, horsts.

28. Ideas about seismic phenomena as a result of tectonic movements. Examples of the strongest earthquakes. Source, hypocenter, epicenter of an earthquake. Depths of earthquake sources. Earthquake intensity scale: point and magnitude. Earthquake energy.

29. Methods for studying earthquakes. Seismographs, the principle of their design and operation. Causes of earthquakes. The pattern of propagation of earthquakes on Earth. Seismic belts. Short-term and long-term earthquake forecast. Harbingers of earthquakes.

30. Weathering. Definition of the weathering process. Physical weathering and its factors. The structure of eluvial deposits.

31. Chemical weathering. Factors of chemical weathering. Types of weathering crusts (linear and areal) and their vertical zoning. The influence of climate on the type of weathering (physical or chemical). Minerals associated with weathering processes.

32. Geological activity of wind – aeolian activity. Types of geological work of wind (rock destruction, transfer and accumulation of material). Deflation and corruption. Aeolian transport and accumulation.

33. Deserts and their types (sandy, clayey, loess and saline). Deflationary and accumulative deserts. Forms of aeolian deposits: dunes, dunes, ridges, hummocky sands. Movement of sand accumulations. Distribution of deserts on the territory of Russia and their development. Fighting the blowing sands.

34. Plane slope drainage. Diluvium.

35. Temporary riverbed flow. Ravines are temporary water flows. Backward erosion, material transport, gully deposits – gully alluvium. Characteristics of gully alluvium.

36. Mountain temporary flows and their deposits – proluvium. Main features of proluvial fans. A special type of temporary flow is mudflow.

37. River flows. Types of river erosion: bottom and side. The basis of erosion and the reasons for its fluctuations. Development of a longitudinal profile of the river equilibrium. Meandering as a result of lateral erosion of rivers. Forms of material transport by rivers. River deposits are alluvium. Distinctive features alluvium. Channel and floodplain alluvium.

38. River valleys and their evolution. Reasons for the formation of river terraces. Above-floodplain terraces and their types. Deltas, estuaries and conditions of their formation. Minerals associated with the activity of surface flowing waters. The national economic importance of rivers, the protection of their resources.

39. Geological activity of groundwater. Forms of water in rocks. Origin of groundwater: infiltration. condensation, sedimentogenic, juvenile and dehydration waters.

40. Types of groundwater. Soil water. Verkhovodka. Groundwater. Movement and regime of groundwater. Interstratal free-flow waters. Pressure (artesian) interstratal waters. Areas of supply, unloading, pressure. Piezometric level. Artesian pools.

41. Chemical and gas composition of groundwater. Mineral water: carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, radioactive. Sediments mineral springs. Minerals associated with the activity of mineralized thermal waters. National economic importance of groundwater.




"Engineering and geological surveys"

Direction of preparation: 130101 Applied geology

Specialization: Search and exploration of groundwater and engineering-geological surveys

Graduate qualification (degree): specialist, special title "mining engineer"

Form of study: full-time

Compiled by: Associate Professor of the department GG and IG


Engineering-geological surveys

1. Purpose and objectives of the discipline

Basic purpose course "Engineering-geological surveys" is the acquisition by students of knowledge on organizing surveys for various types construction, methodology and methods for studying the features of the section of the study area, composition, condition and physical and mechanical properties of rocks using modern equipment for qualitative and quantitative forecasts of patterns of development of geological and engineering-geological processes and phenomena, as a result of the interaction of the geological environment with structures and support their sustainability.

Basic objectives of the discipline:

Characteristics of the interaction of various structures with the geological environment of the development area; assessment and forecast of the main results of interaction that are reflected in changes in the natural environment;

Conducting comprehensive engineering-geological studies to obtain information about engineering-geological and hydrogeological conditions of construction;

Identification of the main features of territories that are complex in their engineering-geological and hydrogeological conditions;

Justification of the composition and methodology for carrying out engineering-geological surveys depending on the complexity and responsibility of the designed objects;

Developing sustainability measures and conditions normal functioning object (objects) depending on the complexity of the engineering-geological and hydrogeological situation.

2. The place of the discipline in the structure of the PLO qualification “specialist”:

The discipline “Engineering-geological surveys” (C.3.p.2.8) is included in the module “Professional cycle” (C.3), specialization “Search and exploration of groundwater and engineering-geological surveys” (C3.p.2). Its study is based on the knowledge gained from mastering school disciplines and natural science disciplines, including: “General Geology”, “Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology”, “Rock and Soil Mechanics”, “Engineering Structures”, “General Engineering Geology” , “General hydrogeology”, “Engineering geodynamics”, “Soil science, etc.

Study and successful certification in this discipline, along with the disciplines of the modules “Humanitarian, Social and Economic Cycle”, “Mathematical and Natural Science Cycle” are necessary for the successful development of modules of the professional cycle.

3. Requirements for the level of mastery of the discipline content

The process of studying the discipline “Engineering-geological surveys” in the specialty “Applied Geology” is aimed at developing the following competencies:

– have the ability to generalize, analyze, perceive information, set a goal and choose the path to achieve it (OK-1);

Be able to logically, consistently, argue and clearly express thoughts, correctly construct oral and written speech(OK-3);

Use the basic principles and methods of social, humanities and economic sciences when solving social and professional problems (OK-13);

Have the ability to independently acquire, with the help of information technology, and use in practical activities new knowledge and skills, including in new areas of knowledge not directly related to the field of activity (PC - 2);

Demonstrate an understanding of the significance of one’s future specialty, the desire for a responsible attitude towards one’s work activity (PC-5);

Be able to conduct independently or as part of a group scientific search, realizing special means and methods of obtaining new knowledge (PC-6);

Apply basic methods, methods and means of obtaining, storing and processing information, skills in working with a computer as a means of information management (PC-8);

Use theoretical knowledge when performing production and engineering research in accordance with specialization (PC-10);

Be able to conduct geological observations and carry out their documentation at the object of study (PK-12);

Link your observations on the ground, draw up diagrams, maps, plans, sections of geological content (PC-13);

Carry out geological quality control of all types of work with geological content at different stages studying specific objects (PC-15);

Apply basic stewardship principles natural resources and protection environment(PC-17);

Be able to prepare and coordinate geological assignments for the development of design solutions (PC-18);

Study, critically evaluate scientific and scientific-technical information of domestic and foreign experience on research topics in engineering and geological areas (PK-22);

Prepare data for the preparation of reviews, reports and scientific publications (PC-25);

Draw up technical documentation for the implementation of the survey process (work schedules, instructions, plans, estimates, requests for materials, equipment, etc.), as well as established reporting according to approved forms (PC-28);

Have the ability to analyze, systematize and interpret engineering-geological and hydrogeological information (PSK-2.1);

Be able to plan and organize engineering-geological and hydrogeological studies (PSK-2.2);

Be able to draw up engineering-geological research programs, build maps of engineering-geological conditions (PSK-2.3);

Be able to evaluate engineering-geological and hydrogeological conditions for various species economic activity(PSK-2.4);

As a result of mastering the discipline “Engineering-geological surveys”, the student must:

· know theoretical basis about natural-technical systems, fundamental properties of the lithosphere, about schematization of engineering-geological conditions for the construction and operation of structures for various purposes, as well as methodology and techniques for studying elements of engineering geological conditions;

· be able to apply the methodology of field engineering and geological work (surveying, geophysical work, drilling, field experimental work to study the properties of rocks in natural conditions); competently process the results of engineering-geological research in field and laboratory conditions and draw up a report on the engineering and geological conditions of the studied area; predict and determine the danger of various natural and man-made processes and phenomena on the stability of various structures;

    have understanding of geoecology and its role in geotechnical research and forecasts.

4. Scope of discipline and types of academic work

The total labor intensity of the discipline is 6 credit units, or 197 hours

Type of educational work




Classroom lessons (total)


Practical exercises (PL)

Seminars (C)

Laboratory work (LR)

Independent work (total)


Course project (work)

Calculation and graphic works

Other types of independent work

5.3. Sections of disciplines and types of classes


Name of the discipline section






Theoretical foundations of engineering-geological research methods

Methods of engineering-geological surveys and general technology of engineering-geological work

Engineering-geological surveys in planning, design, construction and operation of various structures


Note: SRS – independent work students

6. Laboratory workshop

Item no.

Discipline section number

Working with regulatory documents.

Construction of a terrain map based on engineering-geological survey data

Construction of a geological map based on the results of engineering-geological survey of the construction site

Processing data for determining shear strength indicators in the field

Processing data for determining the deformation modulus of base rocks

Processing of static and dynamic sounding data. Justification for the number of probing points

Analysis of engineering-geological columns. Identification of engineering-geological elements.

Drawing up a table of standard and calculated values.

Drawing up a program of detailed engineering and geological surveys at the construction site of a 16-storey building (4 hours)

Program of engineering-geological surveys on the section of the designed highway for embankment (4 hours)

Justification of the types and volumes of geotechnical survey work at the railway bridge construction site for the development of working documentation (4 hours)

Geological engineering survey program for the pipeline transport construction site

Detailed engineering and geological surveys at the construction site of hydraulic structures

Project of detailed engineering and geological surveys on the territory of the reservoir

6. Educational and methodological support disciplines


1. Bondarik G.K., . Engineering-geological surveys. Textbook. M.: University Book House, 2007.

2. Korolev V. A. Monitoring of geological, lithotechnical and ecological-geological systems. Ed. Trofimov's manual for universities. M.:KDU, 2007.

3. Field methods of hydrogeological, engineering-geological, geocryological, engineering-geophysical and environmental research//Ed. and others - 2nd ed. reworked and additional - M.: ed. Moscow State University, 2000.

4. RD 153-39. 4P (VSN). Engineering surveys for the construction of main oil pipelines. TRANSNEFT", 2002.

5. SNiP 11.02.96. Engineering surveys for construction. Basic provisions. Gosstroy of Russia 1996.

6. JV. Engineering and geological surveys for construction. Part I. M.: Gossstroy of Russia, 1997.

7. JV. Engineering and geological surveys for construction. Part II. Rules for carrying out work in areas where specific soils are distributed. - M.: Gosstroy of Russia, 1997.

8. JV. Engineering and geological surveys for construction. Part III Rules carrying out work in areas of development of hazardous geological processes. - M.: Gosstroy of Russia, 1997.

9. JV. Engineering and geological surveys for construction. Part IV. Rules for carrying out work in areas of permafrost. - M.: Gosstroy of Russia, 1999.

10. JV. Engineering and geological surveys for construction. Part V. Rules for carrying out work in areas with special natural and man-made conditions. - M.: Gosstroy of Russia, 2002.

11. SP 11.102.97. Engineering and environmental surveys for construction. Gosstroy of Russia 1997.

12. JV. Engineering surveys on the continental shelf for the construction of offshore oil and gas field structures. M.: Gosstroy of Russia, 2004.

13. TSN. Design of foundations of buildings and structures in St. Petersburg. Government of St. Petersburg, 2004.


14. Bondarik G.K., Pendin V.V., Yarg L.A. Engineering geodynamics. Textbook. M.:KDU, 2007.

15. Zolotarev G.S. Methods of engineering-geological research. M. MSU, 1990.

16. , Engineering (ecological) geodynamics. St. Petersburg, Nauka, 2000.

17. Study of engineering-geological and hydrogeological conditions of upper rock horizons in oil and gas bearing areas of the permafrost zone. Methodical manual / Compiled by: , S.E. Grechishchev, A.V. Pavlov et al. - M.: Nedra, 1992.

18. Lomtadze V. D. Special engineering geology. M.: Nedra, 1978.

19. Handbook of the modern prospector. M: publishing house "Phoenix", 2006.

20. Trofimov V. T., Ziling D. G., Baraboshkina T. A., Zhigalin A. D., Kharkina M. A.. Transformation of the ecological functions of the lithosphere in the era of technogenesis / Pod. ed. . - M.: Publishing house "Noosphere", 2006.

21. Educational engineering and geological practice at the training and production site "Kavgolovo" Guidelines/ Comp. , ; St. Petersburg Mining Institute St. Petersburg, 2007.

22. European Prestandart ICS. Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design. 91.080.01/93.020

6.2. Means for ensuring mastery of the discipline

Visual aids: maps, sections, diagrams. Equipment for experimental field work (Kavgolovsky training ground). Software products processing the results of field and laboratory research based on Excel, Statistica.

7. Material and technical support of discipline

Specialized classrooms of the State Geographical Faculty of the Mining University will be used for lectures and laboratory classes with students.
