Why a deviated nasal septum occurs, surgery, treatment. Deviated nasal septum - causes, types, symptoms, consequences, treatment methods

Nose - very the right organ, performing several critical tasks. Our nose warms and humidifies the inhaled air, traps dust particles brought with the air, and neutralizes bacteria entering from outside. In addition, thanks to the olfactory region of the nose, we perceive and differentiate different odors.

Nasal septum

The nasal septum performs important function in our nose, ensuring an even distribution of air flow between the right and left lobes of the nose. With the help of the nasal septum, the harmonious fulfillment of the following conditions is achieved: warming, cleansing, moisturizing. When the nasal septum is deviated, these functions are disrupted.

Deviated nasal septum - one of the most common diseases of the nasal cavity.

According to statistics, a deviated nasal septum is quite rare in young children; most often, almost half of all adults suffer from this disease, and in men, a deviated nasal septum is much more common than in women.

The baby's nasal septum is smooth and straight. Almost all of it consists of cartilage tissue, in which there are islands of ossification. Over time, the nasal septum turns into a bone one, and the bones grow together. With human growth and disruption certain processes in the body, the nasal septum begins to bend.

Causes of a deviated nasal septum

  • uneven growth of the skull bones, which leads to the fact that the dimensions of the nasal cavity also change, the nasal septum becomes crowded in the nasal cavity, and it has to bend;
  • traumatic causes(most often they are typical for boys and men): as a result strong blow there is a displacement of the nasal bones, deformation of the nasal septum and improper fusion of bones, which leads to a curvature of the nasal septum;
  • the presence of polyps and tumors of the nasal mucosa, which leads to breathing problems in one of the nostrils, and then to a curvature of the nasal septum;
  • hypertrophy (uneven development of one of the nasal conchas), putting pressure on the nasal septum.

Deviation of the nasal septum. Symptoms

A deviated nasal septum can “give itself away” with the following symptoms:

  • asymmetrical shape of the nose (especially noticeable when the nasal septum is deviated as a result of injury);
  • constant chronic runny nose (impaired nasal breathing, mucous discharge from the nose);
  • reflex headaches that arise as a result of constant touching of the nasal mucosa by the deviated nasal septum;
  • loud snoring at night;
  • nosebleeds appearing due to thinning of the mucous membrane in the direction of the curvature of the nasal septum;
  • reduced performance, increased fatigue the body due to a reduced supply of oxygen to the blood;
  • discomfort during nasal breathing;
  • frequent acute respiratory infections with coughing, sneezing, runny nose, fever;
  • sore throat, sore throat, cough;
  • hearing loss as a result of inflammation in the ear;
  • decreased olfactory abilities;
  • absent-mindedness, memory impairment.

Types of deviated nasal septum

The vast majority of adults have slight deviations of the nasal septum. But they do not interfere with proper air circulation through the nostrils and proper breathing.

Known the following types deviated nasal septum:

  • deviated nasal septum;
  • crest;
  • a combination of various types of curvature.

Most often, people have a deviated nasal septum in the front part. Deformations of the posterior part of the nasal septum are less common.

Configuration of the nasal septum and turbinates with a deviated septum: a - slight curvature of the nasal septum; b — S-shaped curvature of the nasal septum; c — curvature of the nasal septum at an angle.

Diagnostics of the nasal septum

To find out if you need nasal septum surgery, you need to go through comprehensive diagnostics. Diagnosis includes an external examination by an ENT doctor, rhinoscopy, and the use of additional laboratory research and analyses.

External examination by an otorhinolaryngologist allows you to determine the type of nose. In addition, the doctor evaluates nasal breathing. By bringing the cotton wool separately to each nostril, the vibration of the villi is examined during inhalation and exhalation.

An assessment of a person's sense of smell is also carried out for each nostril separately. The patient must eyes closed determine the smell on cotton wool. If there is a curvature of the nasal septum, then the sense of smell is usually reduced.

Thanks to rhinoscopy, examination of the nasal cavity is achieved using special instruments. In his examination, the doctor may use anterior and posterior rhinoscopy.

Anterior rhinoscopy used to better examine the nasal cavity and the formations there. It is performed using a nasal dilator and a special probe. Using anterior rhinoscopy, you can see nasal polyps, hematomas, abscesses and tumors in the nasal cavity.

Posterior rhinoscopy - This is an examination of the nasopharynx and nasal cavity from the mouth. This is done using a spatula and a special mirror.

Why do you need surgery on the nasal septum?

Indications for surgery to correct the nasal septum may be as follows:

  • external cosmetic defect;
  • difficulty breathing through the nose;
  • rhinitis in chronic form;
  • inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media), resulting from a deviated nasal septum;
  • constant headaches;
  • sinusitis, ethmoiditis, which appeared due to a deviated nasal septum.

Treatment of deviated nasal septum

Is surgery necessary for a deviated nasal septum? If you are very concerned about its consequences, then it is better to decide on this operation.

In our clinic, low-traumatic correction of the nasal septum is possible using various modern techniques.

Surgical treatment, for example, laser surgery for a deviated nasal septum, is carried out to normalize nasal breathing and restore the anatomy of the nasal cavity. Our clinic performs septoplasty surgery, which involves partial removal of the deformed cartilage and, if necessary, the bony part of the septum. Correction of the nasal septum through surgery allows for alignment and thinning of the curved cartilage, i.e. modification. The modified cartilage becomes flexible and pliable, allowing the surgeon to put it back in place and straighten the nasal septum.

For local curvatures of the nasal septum (spike, ridge, tubercle), minimally invasive endoscopic septoplasty is possible. Laser surgery to straighten the nasal septum is also considered one of the gentlest techniques.

In cases where a patient with a deviated septum complains of external deformation of the nose, rhinoplasty may be performed.

Our clinic employs highly qualified otolaryngologists and plastic surgeons with extensive experience in the field of aesthetic medicine. Trust your health to professionals, and soon you will forget about all the consequences of a deviated nasal septum! As a result of a successful operation, the halves of the nasal cavity become symmetrical and nasal breathing becomes free.

The price for surgery for a deviated nasal septum is.

Septoplasty is the correction of a deviated nasal septum. This procedure refers to plastic surgery, during which a specialist corrects the shape of the nasal septum. The causes of curvature can be different, but most often they can be divided into:

  • congenital;
  • traumatic.

Despite the word “plastic”, correction of a crooked nasal septum occurs only if certain medical indications, and the aesthetic factor plays far from main role. Main indications for septoplasty:

  • congenital or acquired curvature of the nasal septum;
  • constantly recurring persistent acute respiratory infections;
  • inflammation paranasal sinuses;
  • snore;
  • violation of nasal breathing;
  • neoplasms in the nasal cavity;
  • foreign objects, such as piercings;
  • nosebleeds.

It should be noted that a deviated nasal septum necessarily requires treatment, regardless of the cause of this pathology. The process can lead not only to unpleasant consequences, for example, to snoring, but also life-threatening - short-term cessation of breathing.

Correction of the nasal septum in the Open Clinic network

In the century modern technologies Simply enter in the search bar: correction of the nasal septum, Moscow, and search system will give you a whole list of clinics that perform such operations. However, do not chase low cost or proximity medical center To home.

Online " Open Clinic» septoplasty is performed by experienced specialists who are constantly improving their skills, including abroad. We use the latest endoscopic equipment, and the operating rooms are equipped in accordance with high international medical standards. The main thing for us is your health, which consists of the doctor’s experience, the clinic’s reputation and a staff of highly qualified medical personnel.

Surgery to correct nasal septum

Surgery to correct a nasal septum is called septoplasty. This is a type of gentle correction of the nasal septum. IN Lately Septoplasty has come into fashion as a plastic intervention for purely aesthetic purposes. But in medicine there are certain indications for this intervention:

The modern technique of septoplasty is limited to minimal intervention - a small part of the deviated septum is removed, in some cases it is necessary to thin sections of the cartilage. Today, there are two main operations to correct the nasal septum:

  • Instrumental septoplasty
  • Endoscopic septoplasty

Modern endoscopic techniques have made septoplasty the most effective and most gentle method of treating a deviated nasal septum.

Correction of the nasal septum without surgery.

The advantages of this method are obvious:

  • low morbidity;
  • no swelling;
  • postoperative infection is impossible.

Despite the fact that laser septoplasty is an effective and gentle procedure, it has contraindications, like any other medical procedure:

  • oncology;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • infectious diseases;
  • severe somatic pathology;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diabetes;
  • age up to 18 years.

Correction of the nasal septum is a gentle operation during which the structure of the nose remains intact.

Price for nasal septum correction

The cost of correcting a nasal septum in different clinics in Moscow can vary significantly. The price will depend on many factors: the complexity of the intervention, the amount of work, the type of anesthesia. In addition, despite the fact that septoplasty is one of the most simple types interventions in ENT surgery, the experience of the specialist plays an important role.

The answer: “How much does it cost to correct a nasal septum” will also be influenced by the type of equipment used for the intervention and the presence of a pre- and postoperative hospital. The Open Clinic network has installed advanced endoscopic equipment, and also has a comfortable modern hospital, equipped with everything necessary for the speedy rehabilitation of the patient.

Why should you come to us?

In the Open Clinic network:

  • Operations are carried out in any ENT areas.
  • Our operating rooms are equipped with the most modern equipment for endoscopic interventions.
  • The operations are performed by highly qualified specialists with extensive experience in their specialty.

We provide a comfortable pre- and post-operative hospital.

Causes of nasal septum deformation

The deformity may appear as a result of a dislocation of the nasal septum in a child during childbirth or as a result of uneven development of the body, which does not correspond to the growth rate of the cartilaginous and bone skeleton. With physiological curvature, the septum moves to the side or spines and ridges form on it. Traumatic deformity occurs as a result mechanical damage– with a fracture of the nasal bones. Compensatory curvature of the septum occurs due to the simultaneous disruption of the anatomy of several formations in the nasal cavity.

Indications for septoplasty

Indications for septoplasty include:

  • impaired nasal breathing caused by a deviated nasal septum;
  • chronic swelling of the mucous membrane or sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses);
  • pronounced susceptibility to colds;
  • regular nosebleeds;
  • itching and dryness in the nose, pain in the face;
  • noisy breathing, snoring.


A contraindication to septoplasty is the presence of diseases that impair blood clotting, cancer and infectious diseases, severe course diabetes mellitus. Also, surgery is not performed for severe pathologies. internal organs, diseases in the acute stage.

Stages of implementation

Preoperative period. A few days before surgery to correct the nasal septum, stop taking aspirin and other anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as blood thinners. Tests are taken, including general analysis blood, ECG, etc. It is prohibited to eat less than 12 hours before surgery.

Surgical intervention. Septoplasty is performed under general or local anesthesia. Incisions are made in the nose, and then a section of the mucous membrane along with the perichondrium is raised to access the cartilaginous part of the septum. All manipulations are performed on the cartilage of the nasal septum. Next, incisions are made to separate the cartilage from the bone part. After this, a section of the mucous membrane rises along with the periosteum, and curved areas are revealed. Fragments of bone and cartilage tissue that prevent the septum from being given a central position are removed. All deformed areas are corrected. The duration of septoplasty ranges from 30 to 90 minutes, depending on the individual structure and condition of the nasal septum.

Postoperative period. On the first day after septoplasty, to avoid bleeding, tampons are placed in the patient’s nose to prevent nasal breathing. The first few days remain minor painful sensations, relieved with analgesics prescribed by a doctor. The duration of the recovery period for nasal breathing ranges from 2 to 6 weeks. A patient with a corrected septum should avoid physical activity, hypothermia and overheating for 4 weeks, exclude alcoholic drinks and hot food from the diet for 2 weeks. In the hospital and after discharge, the doctor performs nasal care, which helps good healing. This stage of treatment is no less significant than the operation itself.

A deviated nasal septum creates an unpleasant physical problem for a person. Since breathing through the nose is difficult, you always have to breathe through your mouth. If during wakefulness this only creates discomfort, then during sleep you can suffocate.

To prevent this from happening, you need to urgently consult a doctor, who will most likely prescribe surgery on the nasal septum. There is no alternative to this. There is no painless or gentle method, although the patient does not feel pain during surgery.

Affordable prices for nasal septum surgery at First Surgery

Not in every hospital the cost of surgical intervention is as affordable as in the First Surgery clinic. Here, specialists first establish an accurate diagnosis and the causes of a deviated nasal septum, and then select a treatment method.

Today, doctors can offer two types of operations:

  • Endoscopic correction. This method allows you to restore correct position partitions. The tissue damage is insignificant, which significantly reduces the recovery time. There are no visual defects left. The cost of nasal septum surgery using endoscopic correction is also kept at an affordable level.
  • Classic septoplasty. It is performed by a surgeon whose main instrument is a scalpel.

Indications for septoplasty:

Today, many people are interested in how much nasal septum surgery costs. Everything depends on the knowledge and experience of specialists. Before resorting to such radical measures, you should find out in what cases it is required surgical intervention:

  • difficult or impossible breathing through the nose. If the septum is curved on one side, it means that difficult breathing will be felt in one nostril;
  • chronic or acute inflammation sinuses. A deviated septum reduces the outflow of mucous secretions. The mucus stagnates, and therefore an infection develops and the inflammatory process begins;
  • snore;
  • periodic blockage of the ears;
  • tendency to respiratory diseases;
  • there is constant dryness in the nasal cavity;
  • periodic nosebleeds.

Price in Moscow for nose surgery to correct a septum

Before surgery, the doctor examines the patient for contraindications, which are:

  • diabetes;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • spicy inflammatory processes bronchi;
  • presence of tumors.

Endoscopic or traditional nasal septum surgery at First Surgery Hospital is an ideal option. Here doctors have accumulated the necessary experience, each in their own specialization. After establishing accurate diagnosis and the causes of the pathology, the doctor refers the patient to the following examinations: the patient must receive an electrocardiogram, an x-ray and donate blood for testing.

If the patient is sick and taking aspirin or antibiotics, then a week before surgery, he should stop taking these medications. The duration of the operation does not exceed one hour. It all depends on the choice of method for correcting the nasal septum.

Surgery to correct the nasal septum (septoplasty) is considered the least traumatic type of surgery. It allows you to correct bone and cartilage tissue through the nostrils, without scars or scars on the face. The procedure quickly and effectively improves the patient’s quality of life, relieves numerous problems and restores natural breathing through the nose.

Septoplasty does not change the shape of the nose and is not a cosmetic surgery, but if necessary, it can be combined with rhinoplasty.

Causes of displacement of the nasal wall

The nasal septum is a vertical osteochondral plate separating nasal cavity by half. Its defect causes a displacement of the wall relative to its axis horizontally or vertically. In this case, the deformation can be either one-sided, two-sided or S-shaped.

The reasons for the curvature of the nasal wall can be very different. They are usually divided into the following groups:

  • Physiological deformations. Occur as a result of facial presentation of the fetus, forceps delivery, or uneven development of the facial bones in adolescence. A hereditary factor can cause the defect.
  • Traumatic displacement. Seen more often in men and boys adolescence. Occurs as a result of a blow or fall.
  • Compensatory reason. The presence of ENT diseases in a chronic form often leads to curvature of the nasal wall.

Whatever the factors and reasons caused this pathology, its complete correction today is only possible with the help of surgery.

Who needs septoplasty

Indications for surgical intervention may include persistent difficulty breathing, chronic runny nose, nosebleeds, deterioration of hearing and vision. A deviated nasal septum is the cause of frequent and severe ENT pathologies, often becoming chronic.

People with a deformed wall often complain of snoring at night. This dangerous condition causes spontaneous respiratory arrest and can result in a stroke in obese people with atherosclerosis and high blood pressure.

Snoring fat people can lead to stroke

The most suitable age for surgery to correct the nasal septum is 14 years and older. In children, septoplasty is performed only in as a last resort, when the benefit outweighs the risk of abnormal formation of the nasal bones in the future.

Contraindications to surgery

Like any operation, septoplasty has its advantages and disadvantages. Despite the ease of execution and low invasiveness, the procedure has a number of contraindications:

  • hemophilia;
  • diabetes;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • severe infectious diseases;
  • cancer alert.

Manipulation is rarely performed in the elderly and old age and in the presence of mental illness.

Types of septoplasty

Operation on the nasal septum in modern medicine performed in several ways. For complex deformities that require removal of part of the lateral wall or its reconstruction, endoscopic septoplasty is indicated. For minor defects of the septum, you can get by alternative method- laser septoplasty.

The procedure does not require a long hospital stay and is performed under anesthesia. Minimal tissue damage guarantees fast and trouble-free healing.

Submucosal resection

The oldest method of correcting defects in the nasal wall. Classic surgery to straighten the nasal septum involves resection of small areas of the lateral wall that interfere with it. normal functioning. In this case, the epithelium is carefully peeled off, which allows you to maintain its integrity and reduce bleeding. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia.

Submucosal resection is the most ancient and traumatic method of correcting the nasal septum

Surgery for a deviated nasal septum at the site of injury requires elimination of the deformed areas with subsequent formation of the lateral wall anew. With appropriate preparation for the removal of defects and the right attitude, the operation is painless and with minimal damage.

Endoscopic septoplasty

This term means correction of the median wall of the nose using video equipment, which allows for precise and least traumatic manipulations.

Typically, this operation to straighten the septum lasts 20–40 minutes. Its duration depends on the degree of curvature of the plate, the presence of spines and ridges. Pain relief can be either general or local. Before the intervention, the patient is given premedication, which reduces the level of anxiety and prepares the patient for further manipulations.

Endoscopic septoplasty is a modern and low-traumatic method of correcting the nasal wall

Modern methods of endoscopy make it possible to avoid cosmetic defects and make the recovery process quick and easy. Therefore, endoscopic septoplasty is considered the most rational way to eliminate defects.

IN medical practice Sometimes the method of isolated correction of ridges and spines is used. However, this type of resection has not taken root, since it is technically complex and more often requires combined corrections.

Septoplasty with laser

Surgery to correct the nasal septum using a laser is usually performed under local anesthesia. Using a special instrument, the surgeon warms up the cartilage tissue and gives it the correct shape. If the lateral wall is pathologically overgrown, the specialist evaporates the excess tissue with a laser, leveling the septum. Then it is fixed in the desired position with silicone splints.

The operation takes 25–30 minutes and is performed on an outpatient basis. Its effectiveness and low invasiveness allows you to avoid bleeding and infection. However, laser septoplasty has a number of contraindications and is not always effective in difficult cases.

Laser septoplasty is the most modern look surgical intervention

Other types of septoplasty

In addition to the most common methods of straightening a curved septum discussed above, there are other ways to eliminate defects in the lateral wall:

  • Septorhinoplasty. Combined intervention, including laser correction and plastic surgery appearance nose
  • Ultrasonic cristotomy. It is performed with an ultrasonic knife and gives an almost bloodless result.
  • Replantation. It is a reconstruction of the septum using cartilage transplantation.

Adjust if necessary external form nose, you can always combine rhinoplasty with any type of septoplasty.

Preparation for the operation and its implementation

Before surgery to straighten the nasal septum, the patient is prescribed a series of examinations, including a general blood test, MRI of the nasal plane, rhinoscopy, radiography of the skull, computed tomography. You can take all tests and undergo examination at the clinic at your place of residence.

Next, the patient is admitted to the hospital, preferably one day before the operation. These hours are spent preparing for the intervention. When meeting with an anesthesiologist, you should choose the type of anesthesia (local or general anesthesia), talk about the tolerability of various medical supplies. If appointed general anesthesia, on the day of surgery you should not eat or drink in the morning.

During the procedure, septal defects are eliminated, including displacement of fragments of the lateral wall, its bending or separation. The removal of growths, spines and ridges, and the straightening of the cartilage tissue relative to the central axis. Then absorbable sutures are placed on the intervention area.

After surgery, the nose is fixed with a bandage

After the operation to straighten the septum is completed, silicone splints are inserted into the nasal cavity or the nasal passages are tamponed with turundas. With laser intervention, tamponing and suturing are not required. A plaster or gauze bandage is applied externally.

Contraindications and complications

Even though it is minimally invasive and traumatic, septoplasty, like any surgical intervention, carries its share of risks. The consequences of surgery are most often associated with the possibility of bleeding or infection of the wound.

To prevent unwanted complications, you must strictly follow all the doctor’s prescriptions and recommendations.

In some cases, septoplasty can lead to changes in the shape of the nose or damage to the nerve endings of the mucous membrane. However, most often the intervention takes place without any complications.


The postoperative period is not very difficult. Usually it proceeds smoothly and almost painlessly. In the first 24 hours, the patient has tampons (silicone or gauze) in the nose, which help stop the bleeding and maintain the correct position of the nasal wall.

To relieve pain, the patient is prescribed analgesics. In addition to them, the following can be specified:

  • hemostatic agents;
  • antipyretic;
  • antimicrobial drugs.

After endoscopic surgery on the nose they are discharged from the hospital after 1–3 days. Full recovery breathing usually occurs after a few weeks. All this time, the patient should be observed by an ENT doctor and carefully follow his recommendations.

The recovery process after endoscopic septoplasty takes several days

If he talks about laser correction, then the recovery process is much easier here. After this, as a rule, no further treatment is required. medications and hospital stay.

If the patient suffers from allergic rhinitis, during the rehabilitation process, exacerbations may occur that will require additional treatment.

Sick leave after endoscopy is closed for the 10th day. By this time, swelling and external bruises, if any, disappear. With proper care of the nasal cavity recovery period ends quickly and does not cause any problems for the patient.

How to decide to have surgery

I suffered with a stuffy nose for a long time, almost all 28 years of my life. I couldn't think of anything. And low immunity, and the damp Leningrad climate, and... Yes, I thought about everything until I went to the ENT doctor. He finally said that a crooked nasal septum was to blame. He scheduled an operation. I was terribly afraid. I don't remember the process itself. Six months have passed, and what do I want to say? Yes, it’s scary, yes, it’s unpleasant, but it’s worth it. My nose breathes perfectly, I can smell all the smells, my head no longer hurts all the time. I'm happy.

I will share my observations, I hope it will help someone. I am 30 years old, young woman. After several years of suffering, I decided to have surgery. My nose stopped breathing completely, a nasty runny nose appeared, not severe, but I couldn’t go anywhere without a handkerchief. Had septoplasty on nasal septum. Now the nose is breathing and everything is fine. And why did you suffer for so many years? Everything turned out to be not at all as scary as they told me and I imagined. Therefore, do not be afraid and make up your mind. It definitely won't be worse than it is.

For as long as I can remember, since childhood, my nose has always been covered in snot and blooms with herpes. And on the right she’s not breathing at all. I went to the ENT specialist and found out that I had a deviated septum. She agreed to the operation without hesitation. I decided to do it under local anesthesia and greatly regretted it. It was painful. Very. True, it all ended quickly, but I cried there... People walk around like cucumbers after the operation, and I am alone with a swollen face and bitten lips. Now, however, my nose is breathing, my runny nose and herpes have gone away, which I am incredibly happy about. But it’s better to do it under anesthesia. Otherwise everything is fine, it healed quickly.

As you can see, opinions are mostly positive. After the operation, your well-being changes dramatically, and new sensations appear. People get rid of rhinitis, their sense of smell returns, it goes away headache. Therefore, do not delay with septoplasty and do not be afraid. A good attitude and strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations will help make the intervention painless and recovery quick.
