Chow-chow: description of the breed, character and diseases. Domestic “bear cub” - chow-chow: description of the breed, character, why the tongue is blue and what to feed? Chow chow height at withers

The Chow Chow breed is a popular guard dog in Russia. The animal has an exotic appearance. His gait and build are like that of a bear with a lion's mane. This beautiful one has a rather stubborn character. She belongs to the Spitz family and her origins are related to primitive dogs.

The breed is considered decorative, but many are sure that such an animal can become an excellent guard. It is necessary to study the origin of the Chow Chow. This will allow you to understand whether it is worth getting such a dog.


Thanks to the study of DNA and analysis, scientists were able to reveal that the Chow Chow breed is one of the first, primitive ones, evolving from the wolf. The homeland of these animals is the dry steppe territories of China and Mongolia, where they were known over 2 thousand years ago.

Purebred dogs were kept by Buddhist monks, who not only bred the breed, but also created pedigrees of these creatures. To renew the blood, an exchange of sires was carried out between the monasteries. Modern dogs appeared thanks to the results of many years of breeding work by the British. According to the studies performed, it became clear that the breed has the lowest ability to learn and follow commands. Nevertheless, such dogs are popular all over the world, including in Russia.

Breed standards

Before choosing a Chow Chow dog, the breed standard will allow you to familiarize yourself with the appearance of the animal. It was developed by the international cynological organization FCI. The Federation has established over 300 breeds, of which the Chow Chow is distinguished. Reviews from fanciers show that such dogs are loved in many homes. They require care and the right living conditions, which is why they will develop well.

The standards specify the characteristics of animals. The description allows you to find out the size, weight, height, length, coat color and body proportions. It also indicates the position of the tail, the character and temperament of the breed.

  • The skull is wide and flat, with filling under the eye sockets, and the transition to the forehead is not sharp.
  • The front part has a wide and large nose, the color of which is determined by the shade of the coat.
  • The muzzle is of medium length and wide.
  • The lips and palate are black.
  • Teeth look straight.
  • The animal's eyes are oval and medium in size.
  • The ears are small and set wide apart.
  • The neck has good volume, not short, slightly arched.
  • The back is short, strong, straight.
  • The chest has non-barrel ribs.
  • The tail is set high and lies tightly on the back.


  • The front ones are straight, medium in size;
  • The hindquarters are muscular, with hocks pointing downward;
  • The paws are small in size and round in shape.

As can be seen from the description, special features are inherent in the Chow Chow. The characteristics of the breed are unique. The height of the male is 48-56 cm, the female - 46-51 cm at the shoulder girdle. The dog has a compact and strong appearance, a balanced body, with a tail lying tightly on the back. The Chow Chow breed is known for its special stilted gait and purple tongue. Some people experience pigmentation on the nose, red or pink tongue. There may also be floppy ears.

Long-haired look

The Chow Chow dog breed comes in several varieties. Each of them has its own characteristics. One of them is the long-haired variety. This dog has thick, straight fur. The cover is hard and elastic. The undercoat is soft and dense. In the area of ​​the neck and withers, the hair is long, which is why a mane is formed. There are lush fringes on the forearm. The back of the thighs looks like “pants”. The tail part is lush.

Disadvantages include sparse, soft, wavy hair and weak undercoat. The fault is a short, wavy coat and weak undercoat. In the area of ​​the neck and withers there is decorative fur.

Short-haired look

This Chow Chow breed is characterized by an exterior with a short and close coat. Dogs have a pronounced undercoat. The hair is longer in the neck and withers, behind the limbs and in the tail.

Defects appear in long, loosely fitting fur. Animals have pronounced decorative hair. Artificial shortening of them, due to which the real outlines of the animal change, is punishable.


The Chow Chow dog breed has a sharp mind, an independent disposition and a sense of dignity, which makes the animal appear aloof. Adults are discerning and reserved. Their deep-set eyes make lateral vision limited, so the dog must be approached from the front. The breed is calm, with a loyal and proud temperament. She is active, with a hypertrophied sense of dignity.

If we deviate from the standards, then, according to reviews from breeders, the Chow Chow has a unique character. Dogs are calm, and sometimes phlegmatic, and need training. Tolerance towards other animals must be cultivated from birth. Usually in a family, the dog itself chooses the owner - the leader, and has a friendly attitude towards the rest. Chow Chows are patient with children, but cannot tolerate even minor child abuse. Appropriate loads have a beneficial effect on the animal’s docility, which is why many people choose the Chow Chow breed. Reviews from fanciers indicate that with proper care, dogs will be the best guards at home. Both experienced and beginners can grow them. It is necessary to invest a lot of time and effort for the animal to develop normally.


Dogs do not like cycling, overcoming high obstacles, jumping, which is due to the structure hind limbs. They are hidden and don't have good cushioning. But still, walks should be long, active, about 3 hours a day.

Features of care

Compared to other dogs, the Chow Chow has unique features. The description of the breed and character made it possible to understand this. Animal care is also different. They have a rich coat of hair, which includes a long and dense undercoat. The animal requires constant care. Combing with a long-toothed iron comb is essential. A massage brush is also suitable for this.

Features of the breed include increased salivation in small dogs, which is why the collar area is constantly wet. Hygiene is maintained with regular treatments and dry shampoo. The dog should be washed if necessary, after combing and removing tangles.

Global-Vet shampoo with panthenol and aloe vera is excellent for regular care. You can use high-quality dry shampoos. Before this, the ears must be protected from water with cotton swabs. After washing, the wool is dried with a hairdryer and then combed.


After the bathing procedure, you need to trim the hair around the fingers and paws. Also this is required inside auricle, which simplifies the cleaning process. To make the coat round, it must be trimmed at the tips of the ears.

Nails should be cut regularly, as well as hygienic cleaning of the ears, nose and eyes. Grooming of show animals should be trusted to specialists.


The Chow Chow breed also has its own health characteristics. The photo shows that this animal is very strong and beautiful. But he has hereditary hip dysplasia, entropion and sensitivity to high temperature. Dogs shed 2 times a year. Life expectancy is about 10 years.

Required proper care and animal nutrition. Only then will it grow and develop normally. The owner of such a dog needs to pay a lot of attention to it. Chow Chow will become best friend if you treat it with care.


To raise healthy and beautiful dogs, they need to be fed properly. Nutrition should be balanced at all times. The diet should include everything that is required for normal development pet:

  • Meat: beef, poultry.
  • By-products: heart, liver, stomachs.
  • Dairy products: kefir, yogurt, yogurt.
  • Boiled eggs.
  • Cereals: risk, buckwheat, pearl barley.
  • Vegetables: Bell pepper, tomatoes cucumbers.
  • Fruits: apples, pears, bananas.
  • Berries.
  • Nuts.

You can feed your pet if you wish. ready-made feed High Quality. Daily norm food is divided into 2-3 parts. Puppies need to be fed 5-6 times a day. If the dog has not finished the food, it should not be stored, it is better to dispose of it. The animal should always have access to clean water.

Many people have already fallen in love with the Chow Chow dog breed. A photo of this animal shows that the pet looks like a toy. But at the same time, you need to treat him carefully, and then he will become your best friend. Buying a dog is considered a responsible procedure. Purebred and healthy puppies with pronounced breed characteristics are not uncommon in big cities, if nurseries are present. You should not buy an animal from your hands or from advertisements in newspapers.

It is advisable to use the recommendation of the puppy owners from the breeder if they liked the breed characteristics and health of the dog. It is better to purchase it in kennel clubs and kennels. It must be taken into account that healthy puppy won't have cheap cost, A average price a vaccinated dog is about 15-20 thousand rubles.


Chow Chow dogs can be trained, but it takes a lot of effort. The puppy learns the basic commands: “Come to me!”, “Ugh!”, “Sit.” Exhibition animals react to the phrase “Teeth.” Mastering such commands makes it easier to live together with a dog, and will also help save his life.

There is no need to call an animal that has run across the road; you should command “Sit!” and approach the pet. It is forbidden to scold and beat him, as he will be offended and will not complete the training sessions. It is enough for the dog to know the basic commands.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages include the average size of the pet and excellent decorative properties. The dog is suitable for country and street keeping. In addition, she can serve as a security guard. The pet does not require complex care or active walks. If you properly care for it and treat the animal carefully, it will get along well with the whole family. If a pet has grown up with other individuals, then it does not show aggression towards them. The breed is suspicious of strangers.

The disadvantages are the dog's stubbornness and independence. They also do not obey commands well. For exhibition representatives, careful grooming is required. The Chow Chow is the best friend of purposeful individuals with a persistent character. The dog cannot be used for guard duty, but it is capable of protecting the territory. Her training is very difficult. Animals are self-willed and do not need guardianship. Pets are not suitable for the weak-willed and active people, little children. If you treat them correctly and provide high-quality care, then such an animal will become a devoted friend.

The Chow Chow has a proud and independent character, reminiscent of a cat. This dog always acts a little aloof. So, if you want an affectionate pet that is always ready to cuddle and is friendly towards strangers, the Chow Chow is not the right choice. But this dog can become an infinitely devoted and brave companion for its owner.

Chow Chow Photography


  • Level of adaptation (3/5):
    • adaptability to living in an apartment (3/5)
    • suitable for the novice owner (2/5)
    • sensitivity level (2/5)
    • Tolerance of loneliness (5/5)
    • cold tolerance (5/5)
    • heat tolerance (2/5)
  • Friendliness (1/5):
    • attachment to family (2/5)
    • love for children (1/5)
    • friendliness to other dogs (1/5)
    • attitude towards strangers (1/5)
  • Health and care (3/5):
    • shedding degree (1/5)
    • drooling (3/5)
    • ease of care (1/5)
    • general health (2/5)
    • tendency to be overweight (4/5)
    • size (4/5)
  • Learning ability (2/5):
    • ease of training (2/5)
    • intelligence (1/5)
    • tendency to use teeth (5/5)
    • hunting instinct (2/5)
    • tendency to howl and bark (1/5)
    • travel potential(2/5)
  • Training needs (2/5):
    • energy (2/5)
    • intensity (2/5)
    • need in motor activity (2/5)
    • playfulness (1/5)

Main parameters:

  1. Group: working dogs.
  2. Height at withers: 46-56 cm.
  3. Weight: 20-32 kg.
  4. Life expectancy: 12-15 years.


The large head, accentuated by a luxurious mane, and deep-set eyes give the Chow Chow an impressive appearance. appearance. At first glance, it may seem that this is an aggressive, grumpy dog, but in fact, representatives of this breed are well mannered and know how to behave with dignity.

They say about the Chow Chow that it combines the nobility of a lion, the appearance of a toy bear, the independence of a cat, and the loyalty and devotion of a dog. He is always a little aloof and arrogant, as befits representatives of the breed that was once kept in the nurseries of the Chinese emperors.

The Chow Chow does not like hugs or frivolities. This is a quiet and attentive companion, choosing one owner for itself, but showing sympathy for all family members. He is friendly towards children, but he will not tolerate rude harassment, so it is better to bring him into homes with older children who know how to properly handle a dog.

If the Chow Chow puppy was often interacted with different people, then he will behave calmly and calmly with strangers. However, it is worth considering that these dogs have a highly developed protective instinct, and they will meet all strangers on their territory with a threat.

Chow Chows have a blue-black tongue, which makes a very big impression on people unfamiliar with this breed. According to Chinese legend, when the sky was created, a chow chow licked its edge, which turned the dog's tongue blue.

Dogs of this breed are also distinguished by their almost straight hind legs, which make their gait stiff, impetuous and even arrogant. The Chow Chow cannot reach high speeds, so it cannot keep a runner company. But its excellent endurance makes it an excellent hiking companion.

When starting to train a Chow Chow, it is worth remembering that dogs of this breed categorically do not accept physical influence. They easily learn commands, but you will have to rely solely on words. Be firm in your upbringing, but be patient, this is the only way you can earn the respect and obedience of your pet.

If you are attracted by the unusual appearance of the Chow Chow and his independent character, in his face you can find faithful companion, which will become a real treasure of your home.


  1. The Chow Chow is very independent and always keeps to himself. He needs a person who will value these character traits. But only a person with a strong will and patience can become the owner of a chow chow.
  2. It is necessary to socialize puppies of this breed from early childhood so that they grow up calm and react correctly to new people, dogs and other animals.
  3. The Chow Chow is a one-owner dog. He will treat other family members well, but will be distrustful of strangers.
  4. Chow Chows need to be brushed 2-3 times a week to maintain their thick coat.
  5. Due to its deep-set eyes, the Chow Chow has limited peripheral vision, so you shouldn’t approach it from the side.
  6. Do not purchase puppies from breeders, unreliable breeders or pet stores. To be sure of the puppy’s health, contact breeders who can provide everything Required documents for the baby and his parents.


Chow chow is one of the oldest breeds dogs, which was confirmed by conducted genetic research. This ancient breed originated in Mongolia, from where it spread south with nomadic tribes, in particular to China.

In Chinese bas-reliefs and paintings of the Han Dynasty (206 BC - 22 AD) there are images hunting dogs, very similar in appearance to the Chow Chow.

Chow chows were used for hunting, as well as for guarding the property of their owners. The meat of these dogs was considered a delicacy, and their skins were also used.

It is difficult to answer where the name “Chow Chow” came from for the breed; there are many versions. According to one of them, the name of the breed was given by British merchants in the 18th century, who transported several bear-like dogs on their ship. The place on the ship intended for cargo was called “chow-chow”. According to other versions, the name of the breed comes from the Chinese “chow” - edible.

The first description of the Chow Chow breed was made in 1781 by naturalist Gilbert White in his book The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne. His neighbors brought home a couple of dogs from Canton (now Guangdong), and he included them in his observations about life in the country. Since White described the breed more than 200 years ago, it has changed little.

But only a century later, chow chows began to be purposefully imported to Europe. Queen Victoria of England took an interest in the breed, which contributed to the breed's popularity.

In the 20th century, the chow chow became the favorite of many famous people. To the owners of these teddy bears included: US President Calvin Coolidge, Elvis Presley, Martha Stewart, Walt Disney and Sigmund Freud.

In Russia, the first representatives of this breed appeared only in the 30s of the 20th century.

Photo of a chow chow puppy


The character of the Chow Chow can be compared to that of a cat: an independent, stubborn, intelligent dog always behaves with feeling. self-esteem and a little distant.

Despite his innate seriousness, a properly raised dog will never behave fearfully or aggressively. These dogs mind their own business and do not instigate conflicts. The Chow Chow will play with its family, but strangers do not arouse any interest in it until they approach its territory without the owner’s invitation. However, the Chow Chow will allow itself to be petted by its owner's friends.

Like any dog, a young Chow Chow needs early socialization - contact with by different people, objects, new sounds and experiences. Socialization increases the likelihood that your pet will grow up to be a well-rounded dog.

A great start would be to send him to puppyhood. kindergarten. By regularly inviting guests, walking in busy parks, and meeting neighbors on leisurely walks, you help him practice social skills.


You should not purchase a puppy from unverified sellers. There is a risk of discovering different genetic diseases, which were passed on to the pet from the parents. Check all documents and certificates carefully.

If treated properly, the dog usually grows up healthy, but each breed is prone to its own group of diseases. It is necessary to know about them in order to prevent the development of the disease and avoid serious consequences if problems with your pet’s health arise.

Some diseases only appear in adult dogs. Therefore, the puppy must be purchased from a breeder who does not breed Chow Chows until they are 2-3 years old.

  1. Dysplasia hip joint . Hereditary disease, at which femur does not fit tightly with the hip joint. The disease can proceed without clinical symptoms. But in most cases, hip dysplasia causes the dog to experience pain and lameness in one or both hind legs. Arthritis may develop with age. Hip dysplasia is inherited, but the disease can progress under the influence of environmental factors, such as: excessive accelerated growth body and injuries from jumping and falling.
  2. Turn of the century. With this disease, the edge of the lower or upper eyelid turns inward, irritating and injuring eyeball. Entropion of the eyelid can occur in one or both eyes at once. This anomaly causes pain to the dog, and you will notice that your pet’s eyes are watering intensely and he is constantly rubbing them. When turning the eyelids, surgical intervention is necessary.


The Chow Chow can live in any home: from huge estates to small apartments. But they must always live with people. This a pet, which is not suitable for keeping outdoors or in a nursery. Shaggy dogs do not tolerate heat very well, so in stuffy hot weather you need to make sure that they are indoors or outdoors in the shade.

Like any dog, an adult Chow Chow needs daily physical exercise. To stay healthy and happy, a few 15-minute walks a day will be enough.

The Chow Chow is an avid homebody who is not interested in traveling or long hikes. But if your pet roams freely in the yard, you need to fence the area. This will ensure that your dog is safe, and will also prevent strangers from approaching your Chow Chow, to whom he may react quite aggressively.

If a puppy has recently arrived at your home, install an enclosure in which he will spend time while his owners are not around. A young chow chow will quickly get used to the rules of behavior in the house, but at first he will try to scout everything out and will definitely try something out. And an aviary will come in very handy when you cannot control your pet. But you shouldn’t lock up your chow chow for a long time. remember, that the best place for a puppy - next to you.

The Chow Chow is capable of learning everything that its owner requires of it. He understands correction in words and can be hostile to any physical impact. A dog, no matter what breed it is, should never be hit, but with a Chow Chow it is especially important to remember this rule. A proud and independent dog cannot be forced to obey with a stick. Start training him from puppyhood, showing firmness and patience. This way you will earn the respect of your pet, and there will be no problems with obedience. But if you give in to a headstrong Chow Chow puppy, the grown dog will constantly compete with you for the title of boss.


It is recommended to feed your dog 2-3 times a day, rather than pouring all the food into a bowl at once. The amount of food depends on the physique, age and activity of the animal. You should remember proper nutrition And special diets, which are prescribed by veterinarians for certain diseases. If the dog is subjected to additional physical activity during training, the portion should be increased.

The daily diet depends on the dog's size, age, build, metabolism and activity level. It is clear that a chow chow constantly walking in the yard needs more food than a dog that does not get off the couch. The serving size also depends on the quality of the food. High-quality foods satisfy the dog's needs in smaller portions.

Try to prevent your pet from becoming overweight by controlling the amount and nutritional value of food. But you can’t leave your dog hungry either. Looking at your pet from top to bottom, you should clearly see the waist. Place your hands on his back so that thumbs were on the spine. It’s good if you feel the ribs, but when you remove your hands, you don’t see them. Found in a dog excess weight, increase your workouts and decrease your portion sizes.

It is important to understand what largely determines the quality and duration of her life. Recommendations and comments from dog breeders on specialized websites and forums make you seriously think about the issue of feeding your pet. Choice good food and following certain rules will allow your dog to live happily ever after!

Chow Chow Photography

Color and care

There are two types of Chow Chow: short-haired and long-haired.

Longhaired ones are the most popular. They have thick and abundant fur, standing almost vertically. The guard hairs are coarse, and a soft, thick undercoat is hidden under them. Around the head and neck, where the fur grows especially densely, a mane and collar are formed. The tail, lying on the back, is also densely covered with hair.

Short-haired Chow Chows have a hard, dense coat resembling velvet, without fringing.

The color of both species can be:

  • red (golden to dark mahogany);
  • black;
  • blue;
  • cream;
  • cinnamon (sand to dark cinnamon color).

In this case, the colors can be pure or with light shades on the underside of the tail and the back of the thigh.

The price of a puppy does not depend on its color, no matter how exotic it may seem. Some breeders describe the colors of their Chow Chows as champagne, silver, lilac, or chocolate. But these are beautiful names for ordinary colors, and they cannot affect the cost of the puppy.

To keep the wool in good condition and reduce the amount of wool on your carpet, you should comb your pet 2-3 times a week. In spring and autumn, the Chow Chow undergoes seasonal shedding. During this period they need additional care. With regular brushing, the characteristic dog smell is eliminated.

Never brush a Chow Chow's dry coat to avoid turning its luxurious fur into dull, brittle straw. You can use a spray bottle in which diluted hair conditioner can be used instead of water.

It is necessary to bathe your Chow Chow once a month or more often if he often walks in the yard and gets very dirty.

Your pet's teeth should be brushed 2-3 times a week. This will prevent the accumulation of bacteria and the formation of tartar. And daily brushing will protect against gum inflammation and unpleasant odor from mouth.

Trim nails only when necessary. This is usually done one to three times a month. If you can hear your dog unintentionally scratching the floor with them, it's time to trim his nails. Neat and well-groomed claws avoid accidental scratches during play or greetings.

Puppies often become offended when they are brushed, paws touched, or their mouths and ears examined, so try to make this process more pleasant with praise in the form of treats. In the future, the pet will even become more obedient thanks to such procedures.

In addition to all this, you should periodically check the dog’s entire body for various wounds, infections and inflammations. Carefully inspect the mouth, eyes, ears, nose and paws. This will help you immediately determine potential problems with health and prevent them, avoiding the consequences. Your pet's ears should not smell like wax or manure, and your pet's eyes should not be red and tired. If any symptoms are detected, you should immediately consult a veterinarian, otherwise serious complications may arise.

Communication with children and other animals

The Chow Chow can spend time with children, but it is not a dog that will tolerate rough pestering and annoying games. It is best to bring a Chow Chow into a family with older children who understand how to communicate with dogs.

Try to explain to your child that you need to treat the dog gently and with extreme care, and especially not to pull its tail. prevent conflict situations and monitor the animal’s mood during the game. Do not allow children to touch your pet while it is eating or sleeping. And never leave your child and dog alone.

A well-mannered Chow Chow easily gets along with other dogs and cats, especially if he has known them since puppyhood. It can be friendly towards dogs of the opposite sex, but Chow Chows are aggressive towards members of the same sex.


With the help of a list of breeding organizations, buying puppies will become much easier. Also in kennel clubs you can get Additional information about this breed and learn the dog’s characteristics from the owners themselves.

Chow Chow dogs have a very extensive and interesting pedigree.

Unlike most breeds large dogs, which were bred in Europe or the Middle East, Chow Chows originate from China and North Korea.

Moreover, in the latter they are considered not only excellent guards, but also a delicacy. Fortunately, the rest of the world is more conservative on this issue.

Chow chow is also one of the oldest dog breeds.

Typically, “shaggy lions,” which is what these dogs are called in China, are considered to be descendants of Tibetan Great Danes, as well as Spitz dogs.

The resulting explosive mixture created an extremely dangerous dog for opponents, which, despite its modest size, is capable of dealing with a small wolf.

And if you consider that the first breeders of this breed were ancient Buddhist monks, who not only monitored its purity, but also managed to prevent its degeneration, then Chow Chows become simply perfect hunting or guard dogs.

Unfortunately, British breeders also tried to “improve” the breed, turning it into a decorative one, making its fur even fluffier and its paws shorter. British Chow Chows are unlikely to survive two thousand years without degenerating the breed, but breeders are of little concern about this.

So this article will be about two breeds at once - the classic Asian Chow Chow and its British descendant.


Chow-chow – extremely calm and even phlegmatic dogs, and this applies to both the “Chinese” and the British.

They can be compared to the “mysterious Russian soul” that patriots so often talk about - these dogs will endure almost anything, but if attacked by a stranger, they will gladly show how to properly hunt two-legged (and therefore slow) game.

At the same time, they are extremely affectionate and very loyal towards their owner.

In China Chow chow puppies are often given to children aged 6–7 years, and the tradition has been going on for more than a century - dogs, as they grow up, take children under their care and become their guarantee of safety even when their parents are not around.

Such dogs will be a little suspicious with strangers, but will quickly make friends, provided that people have a normal attitude towards dogs.

Cases of unprovoked chow chow attacks on children not registered, and it will be very difficult to provoke them. Although, it is very worthwhile to give a little instruction and generally monitor the child’s attitude towards the dog.

However, this character is also a disadvantage - Chow Chows are very difficult to master commands.

No, they very easily adapt to the new environment and accept its laws, and their mental capacity quite large, but they will not act on command. Probably, they simply don’t need it, because they solve everyday “problems” at once.

Rabies is completely incurable if it has entered the active stage:

British subspecies It is slightly more trainable, but at the same time, it is more aggressive - a high percentage of internal selection leads to early degeneration of the breed. However, everyone suffers from this ornamental breeds dogs.

All Chow Chows are very independent and will at times be more stubborn than the proverbial ram. For example, if a dog gets into the habit of sleeping on the sofa, then getting him out of there will not be easy.

However, such character traits eliminate the need to constantly look after the dog - the chow chow will easily find its food bowl and, if necessary, remind the owner of its emptiness.

Dogs value privacy and quite often retreat to the corners of rooms, where they simply watch what is happening, not wanting to take active part.

It's better to keep a dog like this in a private house or large apartment, since she needs space, but the dog can tolerate cramped conditions. The main thing is that he is often allowed outside.

But the Chow Chow doesn’t like a leash, but it can be trained, just like a muzzle. Just watch the fur under the collar - if it is not tightened correctly, the dog may feel discomfort. This especially applies to British breed dogs.

On walks, the dog is calm, but at the same time active - it will not rush at anyone, but it will have to run a lot.

But after rain or early in the morning, you still shouldn’t walk your dog - chow chows don’t like to walk in the wet, although they run around in the snow and love it very much.

Lifespan This breed is common for dogs. Chow chows live 10-12 years.

For allergy sufferers It is better to refrain from buying a dog of this breed at all - the Chow Chow sheds for a long time and tastefully. However, their fur is normally collected with a vacuum cleaner, so the dog’s apartment can only become heavily littered with your connivance.

Smooth (shorthair)

IN Lately A variety of the Chow Chow breed with short hair, the “smooth,” became popular. The name is derived from English word "smooth"- smooth.

Breeders note that there is actually less hassle with shorter hair. However, you will have to clean up the same amount of cleaning for carpets and household items as for long-haired Chow Chows.

It is believed that in character Smooths have more cunning, curiosity and ingenuity. They show stronger affection for their owner. They are also more thermophilic.

And how to properly keep them in an apartment.

How to make an enclosure for a dog at the dacha. Here .

Chow-chow is guard dog-companion comes from China. It is one of the oldest breeds. The animal has an attractive appearance: it has a luxurious lion's mane, a slightly frowning muzzle and a purple tongue. Despite the fact that the dog looks like a plush toy, it is endowed with a stubborn and independent character, which makes it difficult to train. He listens only to his master. Bitches are more obedient and inquisitive than males.

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    There is no reliable information about when the history of the Chow Chow dog breed began. It is known for certain that it is several thousand years old. According to one version, the animals came to China thanks to the Mongol conquerors, who presented them to the emperor as “gifts of peace.” The Mongols acquired dogs as a trophy during a conflict with the indigenous peoples of Siberia.

    The origin of the breed has not yet been fully established. Many experts are inclined to believe that the ancestors of the chow chow were polar wolves. This explains the purple color of the dog's tongue, since wolves had a bright blue color. When dogs came to China, at first they were very popular among high-ranking nobles.

    Soon interest in them disappeared, the animals began to quickly spread throughout the country, they began to be kept even in the poorest homes. Control over the purity of the blood began to be lost. To save the situation, the monks of Buddhist monasteries in Northern China, Manchuria and Tibet began careful selection work, thanks to which they managed to obtain purebred individuals.

    The chow chow was brought to Europe by travelers at the end of the 18th century and was initially perceived only as an exotic animal. This continued until Queen Victoria of England showed interest in this breed. In 1887, English breeders began work on breeding dogs with blue tongues, and in 1895 a standard was approved.

    Name and purpose of the breed

    There are several versions of the originbreed names. According to one, it is related to the Chinese expression "chow-chow", which means "edible, tasty." According to another version, the name of the breed comes from the phrase “chao-chao”, which refers to all hunting dogs in China.

    For many centuries, chow chow has been used in various fields. They were considered hunting and guard dogs, and were also family favorites. The result is an ideal pet, friend and companion.

    There are no dwarf chow chows. Very small puppies can be born in the same litter along with standard ones.


    Chow Chows are active and compact dogs of small size with a strong build and a sense of self-esteem.

    Breed standardsare presented in the table:

    Options Characteristic
    HeightMales – 48–56 cm, females – 46–51 cm
    Weight25–30 kg
    ScullWide, flat. The forehead smoothly transitions to the muzzle
    NoseWide, large. The lobe is most often black
    MuzzleNot long, not tapered at the end
    LipsPalate, gums and lips are black
    LanguageBlue or bluish-black
    JawsStrong, with a scissor bite
    TeethSmooth and strong
    EyesOval, clean, small. Color dark
    EarsThick, small, ends slightly rounded. Set wide apart. Tilt towards the eyes and slightly drawn towards each other, which creates a frowning expression
    NeckPowerful, slightly curved
    BackStrong and smooth
    BreastWide, deep, with well-defined ribs
    TailSituated high, lies tightly on the back
    LimbsThe front legs are perfectly straight, short, and have powerful bones. Hind legs with well-developed muscles
    ColorSolid color - cream, cinnamon, blue, white, red or black, with shades, but without spots. The back of the thighs and the tail at the bottom are lighter in color.

    By Chow Chow coat typeThey are divided into long-haired and short-haired.

    Long-haired dogs have thick and abundant hair. The structure of the guard hair is coarse, the undercoat is soft and fluffy. The fur grows most densely on the neck, forming a collar or mane around it.

    Longhaired Chow Chow

    Short-haired pets have thick, dense, short, non-lying hair. Any shortening of the coat that leads to a change in the natural appearance is unacceptable.

    Shorthaired Chow Chow


    The Chow Chow is an independent and self-confident animal. It does not tolerate other pets and is aggressive towards them. Chooses only one owner, being friendly towards other family members. The dog is indifferent to children and can get angry if they pester it.

    Chow chowhasstrong-willed character. Will obey the owner only if he firmly shows her his leadership. To make your pet more agreeable, he needs active loads. He shows joy in a special way. When meeting the owner, he is only able to wave his tail a few times, after which he continues to go about his business, not paying any attention to him.

    Follows commands with great reluctance, thinks for a long time and makes decisions. The pet chooses its own place in the apartment. This is a vigilant dog that, even during rest, watches people and analyzes everything. Practically does not bark. In case of real danger, he never retreats.

    The main character traits are restraint, independence, natural spoilage and selfishness. Bitches are much more flexible than males and more cunning. Males often conflict with other males, who have an extremely negative attitude towards Chow. Usually the instigator of the fight is a representative of another breed.

    The dog treats strangers with distrust, does not allow itself to be stroked by a stranger, and may even growl.

    Advantages and disadvantages of a dogare presented in the table:

    Choosing a puppy

    The Chow Chow has an independent character. The pet is not prone to emotional manifestation your feelings. This should be taken into account when choosing a puppy. This dog is not suitable for active people. Before purchasing it, you should decide for what purpose it will be used. If the puppy is intended for exhibitions and breeding, then it is best to contact specialized nurseries. This allows you to be completely sure that the dog is without defects.

    The most popular registered chow chow kennels are:

    • "Gummy exclusive" - ​​Moscow;
    • “Ile de bote” - Khabarovsk;
    • “Obra Maestra” - Moscow;
    • “From the constellation Virgo” - Novosibirsk;
    • "Aiken Sagarime" - Sergiev Posad.

    When choosing a puppy, you need to evaluate its appearance. If the animal is healthy, then it will have a wet and cold nose, clear eyes no discharge, soft belly, clean skin and ears. At the same time, the baby must be active. It is best to purchase it at the age of 2 months.

    Puppy costdepending on breed qualities:

    • PET class - 1200–15500 rubles;
    • BRID class – 31,000–50,000 rubles;
    • SHOW class - 75,000 rubles;
    • according to the advertisement from hand - 9000 rubles.

    Education and training

    You need to train a puppy immediately after it arrives in the house. Only a person with a strong character should own a dog of this breed. Raising and training a Chow Chow will require great patience. The baby is immediately made clear who is in charge in the house, otherwise he will try to set his own rules. Such a pet is ready to give its life for its owner, but does not always obey him.

    Chow-chows must be taught the following commands:

    • "ugh";
    • "give";
    • "to me";
    • "sit";
    • "near".

    A dog of this breed does not immediately follow a command. First, she thinks it over, evaluates it, and only after that makes a decision. When she obeys the requirement, she must be praised and treated with a treat - cheese.

    When training a pet, you cannot yell at it or treat it roughly. Since the Chow Chow is very proud, he will do the opposite and show aggression.

    It is best to keep Chow Chow dogs in a private home, but they also get along well in an apartment. The room must be prepared for the arrival of the puppy. For him, be sure to purchase bowls for food and water, a metal comb with rare teeth, a collar and leash, and a hair dryer for drying wool. Shampoo for chow chows is chosen to be hypoallergenic for coarse coats.

    The dog needs to be walked every day, but it does not require long walks or intense physical activity. To burn off excess energy, you can simply let your pet run around without a leash. Flat is not suitable for this breed wide collar. It is also not recommended to purchase a narrow harness, which will wipe out the undercoat in the area of ​​the front paws and neck, worsening decorative look animal. It is better to choose a narrow round collar, ideally a leather one.

    It is not advisable to wash your Chow Chow often . Do this 2–4 times a year. Hygiene procedures should include regular washing of the tail, belly and paw areas.

    The dog's ears are cleaned regularly, but not deeply, removing excess earwax. Every morning, wipe the eyes with a cotton pad soaked in chamomile infusion or tea leaves. The claws wear down on their own during walks, so there is no need to trim them.


    For a dog to grow healthy and have a shiny coat, it needs to be fed properly. Poor quality products can cause liver problems. If the pet does not eat the food completely, its remains are removed. IN free access There should always be a bowl of clean water.

    Feed the puppy 4-6 times a day. First, he is given the same food that he ate from the previous owner. After this, the puppy’s diet changes. At 2 months he is given cottage cheese, kefir, milk porridge, raw or boiled meat, minced in a meat grinder. After 4 months, offal is added to the menu. After 6 months, the dog is switched to two meals a day and given the same food as an adult pet.

    Permitted and prohibited products for adult dog presented in the table:

    Many owners prefer to give their animals dry food, which must be super premium class. The most commonly used brands are:: Belcando Junior Maxi, Almo Nature Holistic Adult Dog Large.

    The diet of pregnant bitches should contain foods rich in protein, which is required by the fetus as its main protein. building material. The menu includes fish, meat, and sometimes eggs.
