Is it possible for pregnant women to put a filling on the tooth. Is it possible to treat pregnant teeth? What are the harms of anesthesia? Video - Is it possible to treat teeth during pregnancy

Often pregnant women are afraid to go to the dentist because of the fear that dental treatment can harm the unborn child. This is a fairly common misconception that can lead to tooth loss in a woman. This threatens the baby with the spread of infection in oral cavity. In the future, this will lead to premature damage to milk teeth. Infection from carious teeth is transmitted to the baby from the mother during breastfeeding. In this article we will talk about whether it is possible to treat teeth for pregnant women, how to properly treat teeth during pregnancy.

Why does caries appear in pregnant women?
During pregnancy, a change in the composition of saliva occurs, it reduces the amount of substances that protect teeth from the development of caries. The composition of the microflora in the oral cavity is also disturbed, the number of bacteria that prevent the formation of caries decreases. In addition, calcium metabolism in the body also changes, all calcium reserves are used to build the body of the unborn child.

When can pregnant women get dental fillings?
If you are just planning a pregnancy, you should contact a specialist and make sure that all teeth are checked by a doctor and filled in advance. If symptoms such as darkening of the enamel, bleeding gums, reaction to cold or hot appear, it is not recommended to postpone a visit to the dentist.

Nevertheless, it is better to start dental treatment when the 14th week of pregnancy has passed. During this period, the placental barrier has already formed, the threat to the child is minimal. If there are no major problems with the teeth and gums, you should not treat your teeth a month before the birth. During this period, a pregnant woman should be protected from stress, and a visit to the dentist is already a cause for concern.

If tooth damage occurred in the first three months of pregnancy, do not delay the visit to a specialist either. In a short period of time, the tooth will not have time to deteriorate much, a visit to the dentist can end with a simple filling of the tooth without the use of anesthetics. By postponing a visit to the doctor, you exacerbate the problem, then you will require more serious specialist help with nerve removal and canal filling.

Means of local anesthesia during pregnancy
Undoubtedly, local anesthetics past generation, such as lidocaine, are not recommended for use during pregnancy. But pharmacology does not remain the same!

Fear of using anesthetics local action pregnant women should not. Rather, more damage toothache, this is already a strong stress factor, and to worry expectant mother to nothing. Modern drugs used in dentistry, for example, Ultracaine, Ubistezin, are not able to pass through the placental barrier and, therefore, will not cause any harm to the baby.

Dental radiography and pregnancy
X-ray of teeth in pregnant women is usually very serious occasion for excitement. Notify your doctor immediately if you are pregnant. A competent specialist will resort to x-rays of the teeth only in case of emergency.

An alternative to the traditional x-ray machine is the radiovisiograph. The radiation emitted by this device is ten times less than that of the usual X-ray machine. A narrow beam of x-rays goes only to the area of ​​​​the diseased tooth. The lead apron worn by the woman during the procedure also serves as additional protection.

Tooth extraction during pregnancy. What should I do if I need to extract a tooth?
If the condition of the tooth allows, this operation should be postponed until the second trimester of pregnancy. As already noted, there is no threat from the use of modern anesthetics for a pregnant woman and fetus.
More complex surgical interventions, such as the removal of a wisdom tooth, should be postponed to the period after childbirth.

What kind dental materials used for filling teeth?
First, the doctor installs a temporary filling, using a harmless composition. Materials for permanent fillings in pregnant women are metal, phosphate, composite materials. Reflective composite materials are considered the most durable.

As you can see, you should not be afraid of seeing a dentist during pregnancy. Much worse for the child will be the appearance of reduced immunity and stomatitis, and the mother's carious teeth will be the source of infection.

For a woman, pregnancy is associated with many restrictions. At the same time, the responsible future mother tries to minimize harm to herself and the child she is carrying, checking the specifics of the impact of each event, whether medical procedures or a visit to the bath. However, one of the most frequently asked questions concerns security.

Is it possible to treat teeth during pregnancy?

Carrying out relevant activities is not only not prohibited, but also strongly recommended. one of the strongest. Its occurrence is fraught with great stress and, as a consequence, exhaustion of the body.

In addition, strong psychological stress can cause temporary changes. hormonal background which is harmful to the child. However, not all dental procedures can be performed during pregnancy.

The implementation of some of them can adversely affect the body of the expectant mother and the fetus inside her. It should also be borne in mind that at some times it is not recommended to carry out any medical procedures at all.

Although in the case of dental, the likelihood of harm to the fetus as a result of some intervention is relatively low.

It is best, of course, to take care of dental treatment in advance. This minimizes the likelihood of problems associated with stress, provoked by dental pathologies.

Dental procedures and pregnancy

For treatment dental pathologies In pregnant women, the following drugs are most often used:

  • Artifrin;
  • Ubistezin;
  • Alfacain.

The advantage of these drugs is that their use does not lead to strong increase adrenaline level.

This is due to the high psycho-emotional load. It appears even if local anesthesia has been administered.

There are exceptions in which tooth extraction during pregnancy is allowed:

  • which cannot be eliminated by therapeutic methods. In such situations, psycho-emotional stress is much higher than that which is typical for a surgical operation;
  • . In this case, not only pain syndrome but also inflammation defiant education a large number pus. The latter can lead, among other things, to blood poisoning. And the infection that got into it will certainly penetrate into the practically helpless body of the fetus, which will certainly lead to a number of disorders in it. Therefore, pathologies of this kind should be disposed of as soon as possible;
  • . But not always this factor is a reason for surgical intervention. Dentists recommend getting rid of the tooth when the size of the cyst in diameter exceeds 10 millimeters;
  • broken root or crown. If what is left of the tooth is not removed, an infection can develop inside it. She, as in the case of deep caries, can adversely affect the health of the child being born.

There is also an operation that is not performed during pregnancy at all. She is. This is due to the fact that after such an operation there is a high probability. This infection is necessary, the intake of which can cause significant harm to an unborn baby.

Now about the question that concerns the opposite procedure: is it possible to insert teeth into a woman who is carrying a child. In the case of , and it is permissible to do so. These activities will not harm either the pregnant woman or the fetus.

cannot be installed during pregnancy. No clinic will agree to perform this operation on a pregnant woman. You can verify this if you go to the website of any dentistry and read the list of contraindications for this procedure.

The corresponding limitation is due to the fact that the engraftment of an artificial root requires a large amount of energy. And during pregnancy, a lot of energy goes into the development of the fetus.

If this contraindication is neglected, one of two problems is possible. The first is a high probability that the implant simply does not take root. The second is the occurrence of disturbances in the development of the fetus, but this rarely happens.

At what time should pregnant women not have their teeth treated?

The most dangerous period for the fetus is the first trimester. It lasts 12 weeks from the moment of conception. This period is called early.

It is on it that all organs in the body are outlined, and the fetus itself is completely defenseless for any external attacks (be it bacteria and viruses or aggressive chemicals).

Therefore, during the first trimester, expectant mothers are prohibited from any surgical operations. The only thing a dentist can do is prescribe soft remedies eliminating inflammation.

Any more serious treatment possible only if absolutely necessary. During (13-25 weeks) many restrictions on holding dental procedures. By this time, the placenta, which protects the fetus from external influences becomes quite reliable.

Starting from the 25th week until the birth of the child, the third semester lasts. During this period, as at the very beginning of pregnancy, holding aggressive procedures very not recommended. In the third semester, the uterus becomes very sensitive, while the body of the woman herself is very exhausted.

During this period, her body reacts sharply to both stress and medication. Therefore, it is better not to treat teeth with or without anesthesia. You should wait until lactation, and even then visit the dentist's office.

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Is it possible to treat teeth during pregnancy? Answer in video:

As you can see, dental treatment during pregnancy is possible, although with a fairly large number of reservations. In addition to those mentioned above, there are others.

Therefore, with some degree of probability, dentistry may refuse services after studying the state of the body of a woman who will soon have to give birth to a child.

Is it possible for pregnant women to fill their teeth or is it better to postpone a visit to the dentist for postpartum period? Indeed, according to women, there is a risk for the baby from the anesthesia used during treatment. How do anesthetics affect the fetus and when is the question of filling a tooth during pregnancy particularly acute?

When a visit to the dentist is urgent

In the first trimester, women go through full examination narrow specialists. The dentist is no exception. The dentist examines the oral cavity of the pregnant woman and gives an opinion on the need for sanitation of certain teeth that are damaged by caries or periodontal disease. If the teeth do not bother the patient during pregnancy, she is recommended to undergo treatment after the 20th week. The situation is quite different if treatment needs to be started immediately.

In some cases, during pregnancy, you can not hesitate:

  • When acute pain;
  • If the sensitivity of tooth enamel has increased (reacts to cold or hot);
  • With the development of a purulent process in the oral cavity;
  • In the presence of cysts or pulpitis.

In these situations, treatment is started immediately. The filling procedure implies the mandatory use of anesthesia, which women are most afraid of. Indeed, according to many, anesthetics enter the systemic circulation and are delivered to the fetus. What type of anesthesia is allowed for pregnant women and how does it affect the child?

Used for filling teeth local anesthesia. This type anesthesia is safe for pregnant women and you should not be afraid of it. Why?

Local anesthesia is an injection into the gum surrounding the diseased tooth. For anesthesia use the minimum amount medicinal product. It is important that the patient loses sensation during treatment and removal of the nerve. For this manipulation, 20 minutes is enough. During this time, the anesthetic cannot enter the placenta with the bloodstream. This is the main advantage of local anesthesia. Under this type of anesthesia, not only treatment is carried out, but also the extraction of teeth.

If we choose the alternative between constant aching pain and the action of the anesthetic, the latter will be the safest for the baby.

Why does a pregnant woman's teeth deteriorate?

Pregnancy is a time when all the forces of the body are aimed at preserving and bearing the baby. All nutrients, first of all, go to the nutrition and development of the fetus, and the mother's body begins to suffer from a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Vitamin complex recommended to be taken by pregnant women to strengthen their defenses and protect women from susceptibility to infections and viruses.

Calcium is essential for healthy teeth building material skeletal system fetus. When it is not enough, the body begins to spend own reserves. Teeth are subject to destruction and development of caries.

Consequences of no treatment

  • Penetration of infection into the placenta. Caries is the process of tooth decay. Everyone knows that through any microtrauma or violation of the integrity of the infection penetrates into the blood and causes inflammatory diseases in the body. Bacteria, with the blood flow, overcome the placental barrier and enter the amniotic fluid. Result of water infection:
  1. Polyhydramnios;
  2. Low water;
  3. Development of fetal anomalies;
  4. Danger of premature birth.
  • Complete destruction and loss of teeth. The longer a woman lives with caries, the faster tooth is destroyed. It will be difficult for a dentist to restore and save a tooth that is affected by the disease. It makes no sense to treat it, so the question of removal arises.
  • The likelihood of transmission of infection to a child with breast milk. The infection from the mother's oral cavity enters the systemic circulation, and then penetrates into the milk. Mom, unaware of anything, breastfeeds the baby, and in the meantime he develops inflammatory processes in organs and tissues.
  • Breastfeeding takes a lot of energy from the mother. Milk contains components valuable for the child's body. If a nursing woman eats poorly, the resources of the body are used. The body consumes calcium and phosphorus from the bones and teeth of the mother. Therefore, after breastfeeding, there is a high risk of intense softening and destruction of the enamel. It is necessary to treat all teeth before childbirth in order to avoid problems in the future. Therefore, when thinking about whether it is possible to fill teeth during pregnancy, a woman should think about possible complications.

At what stage of pregnancy is it safe to treat teeth

Teeth fillings for pregnant women can not be done at any time. The most dangerous time is the first and third trimester. Accordingly, safe - from 14 to 28 weeks. Why exactly these terms are dangerous and safe for the sanitation of the oral cavity?

In the first weeks from conception, transplantation and attachment of the ovum occurs. Next, the process of forming the organs of the unborn child begins. During this period, any intervention in the body of a woman is especially dangerous. The pain and stress that a pregnant woman experiences during treatment can lead to an increase in the tone of the pregnant uterus. The result is placental abruption and the threat of abortion.

In the last stages, the woman's body is preparing for the upcoming birth. At this time, it is important to protect the pregnant woman from stressful situations. And filling a tooth is a kind of stress. There is a risk of giving birth prematurely. The birth of a premature baby entails a lot of nursing problems. If the teeth have not been cured before the third trimester, it is better to postpone this procedure until the postpartum period.

Is it possible to put a filling during pregnancy if the period is more than 14 weeks? Yes, that's the thing auspicious time to visit the dentist. The danger of a miscarriage has already passed and the baby's organs are formed. You can safely proceed to treatment and not be afraid of complications. Local anesthesia will not affect the course of pregnancy, since the placental barrier is strong enough.

What filling materials are used for pregnant women

The process of treating carious teeth rarely takes place in one stage. The first step is cleaning the cavity of the tooth and laying medicinal product that relieves inflammation. The drilled tooth is closed with a temporary filling. If a woman has not been bothered by pain and discomfort for several days, the dentist changes the temporary composition to a permanent one.

Widely applicable materials:

  • metal;
  • Composite;
  • Phosphate.

Reflective seals made of composite materials are distinguished by high quality, durability and safety.

Is it possible to fill teeth during pregnancy without prior X-ray? If a tooth hurts or a cyst has formed, you can’t do without a picture. But pregnancy and x-rays are two incompatible concepts. What to do in this case?

An alternative to X-ray is a radiovisiograph. The stream of rays is directed directly to the allocated area, and the harm from this device is many times less. The woman is wearing a protective apron additional remedy security.

Preventive actions

  • Keep your teeth clean by brushing twice a day;
  • Visit the dentist annually;
  • Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • Limit the intake of sweets at night;
  • Rinse your mouth with medicinal decoctions of herbs.

If you still doubt whether it is possible to put a filling during pregnancy, weigh the pros and cons.

Summing up, we can conclude that in due time of pregnancy this procedure absolutely safe. Filling teeth is not only possible, but necessary. The absence of carious teeth is not only your health, but also the guarantee of the birth of a healthy baby.
