Is it possible to tell fortunes on a full moon? Why should you tell fortunes on the full moon? Fourteenth lunar day

September 7, 2016

Full moon

The full moon is the phase of the lunar month when the Moon has the most pronounced effect on humans and nature.

The full moon is the time when, having reached its apogee, the energy of the moon begins to gradually weaken. Most often, the full moon falls on the 15th or 16th lunar day - this is the middle of the entire lunar cycle.

It is an indisputable fact that the Moon affects the emotional background and physical well-being of a person, his mood changes depending on lunar phases, lunar days and the zodiac sign in which the Moon is located. And the full moon is always a difficult period for a person; after all, it is on the days of full moons that the psycho-emotional sphere becomes the most vulnerable, on the state of which the correctness of the actions and actions taken depends.

Full moon and health

On the full moon, you need to treat your health with all care and responsibility - on the days of the full moon, problems often worsen. chronic diseases, the emotional and mental sphere undergoes fluctuations, changes occur in work gastrointestinal tract, violations may occur water balance in organism.

The full moon is a time of increased injury; You should be careful even in everyday work that does not require special concentration. In addition, during the full moon there is an increased likelihood inflammatory processes in the body, so even a minor injury can cause a lot of trouble and trouble later.

During the full moon, most people become emotionally vulnerable; Sentimentality, tearfulness, touchiness, irritability increases - joy can very quickly give way to disappointment. To avoid various troubles, you need, first of all, to rest more, preferably with your closest family and friends, avoid stressful situations, physical and emotional fatigue.

In order to balance the energy balance, you should follow a diet during the full moon.

Full moon diet - important condition to maintain water balance in the body. On full moon days, swelling often increases, and excessive fluid accumulation in the body can lead to intoxication, headaches, fatigue and irritability. To avoid these troubles, you need to limit your salt intake, but you should never give it up completely - a lack of salt is just as harmful to the body during a full moon, as is its excess. During the full moon, you should eat more plant-based and fermented milk foods - fresh, stewed, boiled vegetables, fresh and ripe fruits, low-fat yoghurts, kefir, cottage cheese, etc. The full moon diet involves giving up coffee, black tea, alcohol, hot spices, herbs, meat, fatty desserts and other heavy foods. On full moon days, you should try to have regular meals, but small portions. The stomach and intestines are very vulnerable during this period; during the full moon the probability increases food poisoning Therefore, you should treat the products you consume with special responsibility.

Magic on the full moon

On a full moon everything magical actions gain great power, therefore the full moon is considered the most favorable time for performing magical rites, rituals, conspiracies and spells. Full moon magic is the most effective; at this time you can spend , , however, in order to remove damage or other negative energy effects, such as the evil eye, slander, etc., it is better to wait until the Moon begins to wane. Removing negative energy effects during a full moon is ineffective and sometimes even dangerous, especially if the magician does not have enough knowledge and experience in performing magical rituals.

For magic on the full moon a necessary condition is a cloudless, clear night when the Moon is clearly visible in the sky.

During the full moon, you can make amulets, talismans, and install energy protection.

Full moon is good time in order to make a wish, this is the simplest magical ritual that does not require great experience and knowledge of magic. To do this, you just need to decide what you sincerely desire, try to concentrate on your desire, imagine as if your desire is already coming true and mentally say it while looking at full moon. Usually wishes made on the full moon come true during the lunar month.

What not to do on a full moon:

  • Quarrel and swear
  • Sort things out
  • Make important decisions
  • Start new things
  • Be physically and emotionally overtired
  • Drink too much liquid
  • Eat very salty and spicy foods
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Take medications without a doctor's prescription
  • Conduct surgical operations(not urgent)
  • Lend money
  • Make large purchases
  • Cutting, dyeing hair, perm
  • Conduct cosmetic procedures
  • Trim and graft trees

What you can do on a full moon:

  • Study creative work
  • Conduct presentations, conferences, briefings
  • Gather medicinal herbs
  • Do gardening
  • Cleanse your body with diet
  • Make a wish
  • Make long-term plans
  • Read conspiracies, prayers
  • Conduct magical rituals
  • Make amulets and talismans
  • Meditate
  • Practice lucid dreaming

The full moon is a special time for lovers, especially if there is harmony and mutual understanding in the relationship. On the days of the full moon, physical attraction between lovers increases and therefore the full moon is especially favorable time for romantic dates, intimacy.

If you are planning to conceive a child, use the days of the full moon for this; During the full moon, the probability of conception is very high. Children conceived on a full moon usually have good health and have unusual abilities. Such children are considered gifted, as they have many talents, especially in the field of creativity and art.

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Fortune telling during the full moon is one of the most powerful magical periods for fortune telling. On this mysterious night, the connection between man and otherworldly forces will strengthen. From ancient times The moon was considered a symbol of human intuition. Throughout the long existence of mankind, people have been under the influence of lunar forces. So, let's learn how to use it to get questions that interest us.

Positive factors of full moon fortune telling

The full moon is the night when the moon has a global impact on all living things, so many practicing magicians prefer to perform rituals for money, love and making wishes during this period. Now is the best time to perform rituals to improve financial condition or increasing your attractiveness and fulfilling your cherished desires. The full moon is also used to create protective amulets and saturating strong energy into talismans.

During rituals on the full moon, a person’s inner strength, the body’s capabilities increase and intuitive reflexes become sharper. The full moon helps to get a true result in certain types fortune telling, but remember that not all days are intended for magical actions.

The most successful days for fortune telling are the first six days of the full moon, and the most powerful rituals are performed on the night when the full moon illuminates everything around. On weekends, you will never be able to find out the truth from the cards, and the best time to tell fortunes about love is in the winter months. The autumn months are used for conspiracies for money and the fulfillment of desires.

It is strictly forbidden for people who have psychical deviations and those suffering from high blood pressure and also under stress. If we look at statistics, it has been proven that due to worsening mental imbalance, some people commit unreasonable acts. Try not to get physically injured these days, don’t plan complex operations, and remove yourself from stressful situations.

Preparing for fortune telling

If you have a desire to spend several days with friends performing a magical ritual, first of all, decide for what purpose you will do this. If you just want to have fun, then no serious preparation is required. But if you seriously want to open the door to secret knowledge and attract money, you need to arrange everything correctly. What do we have to do.

  • Only those people who really believe in the fortune-telling process should be present nearby. Ridicule and skepticism are inappropriate during magical operations.
  • Think carefully about your action, because any fortune telling is a type of witchcraft and can have consequences.
  • Every prediction is an invasion of the future. You shouldn't delve into the secrets of the universe without a good reason.
  • Be prepared that the result of the prediction is not always positive and in case of a bad situation you should not get hung up on it.
  • There is a method of fortune telling that is used only once in a lifetime. If you do it again, you can bring disaster to your family and ruin your destiny.
  • Strictly follow the rules that are written in the description of fortune telling, otherwise a small mistake will become a huge problem.

In ancient times, only young unmarried girls were allowed to do fortune telling, but for ladies with a family, any kind of fortune telling was an unacceptable action. How more people connected with the environment and able to feel the power of the elements, thus the result of fortune telling becomes more truthful. Before you start fortune-telling, learn to immerse yourself in the natural world; to do this, you can conduct meditations in nature and, turning off your consciousness from the outside world, listen to the rustling of the wind in the crown of the trees.

On the day chosen for fortune telling, turn off all distractions: phones, doorbells, TV, radio, computer and more. In order to lift your spirits, you should not use recorded music; it is better to sing your favorite songs yourself. A lit fireplace is perfect for the required setting, but if you do not have such pleasure, you can light candles, placing them on the floor, the number depends on your desire.

Study in advance and prepare all the necessary paraphernalia for performing a magical action. As soon as everything is ready, you can safely proceed to divination.

Types of fortune telling on the full moon

The moon in the full moon phase is a good advisor in love affairs. She is the one they turn to a large number of girls to get to know their betrothed. What are the most truthful and easily accessible methods of fortune telling?

Let's tell fortunes on the water

This type of fortune telling is a simple but fairly truthful way to penetrate secret world of your future. You need to cast a spell so that Moonlight reflected in the water, ideally the ritual should be performed on the shore of the lake, but it can be replaced with a bowl on the windowsill. To perform divination you will need:

  • change from a wallet,
  • silk scarf,
  • deep dark bowl
  • two red candles,
  • purified or melt water,
  • sheet of paper and pencil.

To prepare for fortune telling, cover the window sill on which the moonlight shines with a red silk scarf, place a bowl of water in the middle, place lighted candles on the sides and place money. Next, turn off the lights in the room and standing near the window, mentally tune in to communicate with the Moon.

Having completely relaxed, you can begin the process of obtaining information. When asking a question, bring left hand to the water and look closely at the water, start writing down on paper all the thoughts that come to you, describe everything that happens to the water during fortune telling.

At the end of the ritual, fold the piece of paper and place it under your pillow. After a few days, re-read everything you wrote, you will see some connection between the inscriptions and what is happening these days. Leave the water you used until the morning, during which time it will be saturated with the energy of the Moon, and it can be used to remove negativity when washing your face before bed. And money will become your amulet, carry it with you at all times and never waste it.

I want to know my destiny

This fortune telling is carried out in winter time, since the prediction is read from the frosty patterns on the mirror. To carry it out, dip a mirror in water and take it outside so that the moon is reflected in it. Once the mirror is frozen, bring it back into the house and quickly look at the patterns that are there. The future is read from these drawings. Meaning of patterns:

  • rounded shapes foretell that money will come to your home next year;
  • coniferous branches speak of a huge number future work;
  • objects with right angles promise an accumulation of problems that will next year they will persecute you;
  • triangle - predicts that a wish will come true;
  • an oval has appeared, expect a meeting with love;
  • chaotic patterns warn of diseases.

To summarize the above, we note that The moon is a powerful source of energy that you need to watch out for. She can help you get all the answers you need and direct you to the right one. life path. However, if you make serious mistakes while you are making or accessing it for fun, you risk causing Negative consequences. Think carefully, do you need this?

In this article:

Fortune telling on the full moon has special power and high truthfulness. Every person wants to know what will happen tomorrow and often tries to find the answer not in his own mind, but with the help of cards, runes, wax, and other ritual attributes. Most often, people make fortunes at Christmas, but we recommend doing it on the full moon, and then you will find out why.

Why should you tell fortunes on the full moon?

The full moon is the most magical period for fortune telling. At this time, the Moon has its maximum impact on all living things. Therefore, on such days it should be used in fortune telling and magical rituals. After all, on a full moon everything intensifies possible types energies that give special power to any magical actions.

On the full moon, rituals are performed aimed at increasing money, attracting money, and increasing a person’s attractiveness. Even during the full moon, it is recommended to charge the talismans with positive and protective energy.

The power of man, like that of the entire universe, increases, possibilities grow, and the connection with the invisible becomes stronger, while intuition also sharpens. As you can see, the full moon is very suitable for fortune telling, but you should also know that not all of its days can carry out magical rituals.

Try not to schedule surgeries during the full moon, as the risk of complications and infections during them is very high. Also, on full moon days, bleeding is difficult to stop, and treatment is practically ineffective.

The most successful days for fortune telling

The most successful full moon days for fortune telling are the second, fifth, sixth, seventh, tenth, twelfth, thirteenth. Fortune telling is recommended only on those evenings or nights when a round moon shines in the sky.

Under no circumstances should you guess on Friday and Saturday! These days, you can come up with a lot of troubles for yourself, even if they are not voiced during the process. The most suitable months for fortune telling are October, November, January and February. Fortune telling for love occurs in January and April.

How to tune in to fortune telling

Any fortune telling requires special preparation. A day, or better yet three days, before the ritual, exclude meat from your diet and eat only bread, which can be washed down with water. At the same time, your closest relatives were well-fed on that day or days.

Three hours before the ritual, take a vow of silence, which can only be broken the next morning. No one should know that you are going to guess, so make sure in advance that no one is in the house at this time or that everyone is already fast asleep.

Fortune telling for the betrothed with mirrors

This is an old popular fortune telling. The ritual always took place on Christmas Eve or the full moon. People believe that this is the most terrible fortune-telling, because if a girl does not have time to say “Cheers, me!”, then the ghost of her betrothed may come out of the mirror and harm her.

The most important thing in this fortune-telling is observing the time and place of the ritual. First, it must be a full moon. Secondly, complete silence must be maintained during the fortune telling process. Third, the action must be carried out completely alone, and there should be no people or animals in the house.

If you have a prejudice about mirrors, stop telling fortunes

Before fortune telling begins, you need to prepare dinner and set the table for two people, and the table setting should be festive and luxurious. Two candles are also placed and lit on the table. Then a large mirror is placed on the table, and a smaller mirror opposite, so that they form a mirror corridor.

After preparations, you need to turn off the light, sit down at the table and say:

“The betrothed-mummer! Come to my place for dinner"

Now you need to concentrate on the image of your betrothed, trying to imagine him as clearly as possible, also waiting for the appearance of facial features or silhouette in the mirror maze. Sometimes you have to wait a very long time. But as soon as you see the image and can clearly see it, immediately say: “Forget me!” so that the image disappears.

Fortune telling

This fortune telling is called “Patterns on the Mirror”. It is held only during the full moon and only in winter, because its basis is winter frost.

For fortune telling, pour water on the mirror and take it out into the cold. When the water freezes, you need to bring the mirror into the house and examine the frosty drawings on it. This must be done quickly, since in the heat the patterns will quickly begin to turn back into water and flow to the floor before you realize what fate has in store for you.

The meaning of patterns

  • Circles - next year promises prosperity and abundance.
  • Spruce branch - expect a lot of work.
  • Squares represent upcoming problems and difficulties that will have to be constantly solved and overcome with your own strength and intelligence.
  • Triangles - success, long live success! Moreover, luck will follow you in all directions of your life - from work to family.
  • Ovals - finding love and family happiness.
  • Chaotic patterns – illness, health problems.

Divination of the future is difficult process. It takes into account external factors and the internal state of a person. Full moon fortune telling has certain features.

The influence of the moon phase on fortune telling

The questioner turns to cards or other attributes with a request, formulates a question and tries to understand the received signs. If you choose the right phase of the moon, you will not only be able to find out the future, but also attract the desired benefits.

Fortune telling does not always depend on the phase of the moon. Universal techniques are carried out at any time of the year. They give general information. The person himself analyzes the received signs. The moon only affects special predictions.

The cycle is important for fortune telling in the following cases:

  • when the question concerns a person’s feelings and hidden motives;
  • if fortune telling is combined with magical rituals;
  • when the moon strengthens a person, and fortune telling confirms his guesses;
  • during illness.

The moon affects a person's well-being. During the full moon, mental illnesses worsen. The luminary of the night affects the perception of information. If the fulfillment of a wish does not happen soon, and the future with the chosen partner is not prosperous, then fortune telling can cause harm.

Online fortune telling helps in fulfilling wishes for the full moon, guaranteeing a meeting with a potential partner and improving finances. Online fortune telling is not tied to the phase of the moon.


Fortune telling is often combined with other magical rituals. The card selected from the layout reflects energy flows related to a specific issue. Therefore, the cards reflect a person’s problem or question that interests him, after which he receives a prediction.

If attraction is planned, then before the ceremony they create a schedule for the beloved. If a person does not experience reciprocal feelings or his heart is busy, any love magic capable of harm. With the help of divination, you will be able to see what kind of future awaits your partners if the attraction works.

Magic helps to attract money. According to the schedule, the amount of money in the future is determined. Not all wishes come true right away. Before raising money on a full moon, you need to determine whether the fortuneteller has been damaged. Then you can’t do without preliminary cleaning. To attract money, love or good luck, rituals are performed that are fueled by the power of the Moon.

Full moon fortune telling

The full moon is a special time when secret magical actions are carried out. Resorting to forbidden or black magic on this day is dangerous. Fortune telling is allowed if a person needs urgent advice.

Fortune telling on the full moon for money or love helps a person make up his mind. It's better to use Tarot cards. The classic deck consists of senior and minor arcana. They reflect the conditions environment and the internal state of the questioner. The full moon gives strength that helps you accept even the most negative prediction. It is better to make only realistic wishes.

Fortune telling for money and other benefits is carried out in the dark.

Moonlight should fall on the cards or other attributes, which will charge the deck. Fortune telling is carried out without witnesses. At the end, the deck is thanked and not used until the next cycle begins.

To fulfill a wish

For the magic to work, you need to do the following:

  1. For speedy execution desires formulate a clear question in advance. You cannot make a wish without thinking it through.
  2. To attract good luck, prepare a candle, water, a transparent glass and a deck of cards.
  3. All attributes are placed on the window so that moonlight falls on them.
  4. If the ritual is performed at home, the questioner should be alone.
  5. To attract wealth or love, to make any wish, the plot is read over water, which should be illuminated by a candle.

A full moon wish for wealth or love is repeated three times. After this, a simple three-card spread is created. The first card reflects the conditions under which the desire appeared, the second card demonstrates its strength, the last one speaks of what awaits the questioner in the future. It is important to look at each card. To make wealth come faster, the questioner drinks the charmed water.

For love

To correctly predict love in the future during the full moon, use one of the Tarot layouts. You are allowed to guess the name of a potential partner. This type of fortune telling is suitable in cases where the relationship does not suit the questioner.

There are several types of love fortune telling on the full moon:

  1. "Seven Stars of Love"
  2. "Attitude towards me".
  3. "Human Happiness"

All these fortune-telling during the full moon predict the future that both partners are building. “Seven Stars of Love” is a powerful technique that is carried out on the full moon. The layout consists of 7 cards:

  1. The first two characterize partners.
  2. The third card describes the connection between lovers.
  3. The fourth speaks of dangers on the couple’s path.
  4. The fifth card symbolizes good luck.
  5. The sixth will reveal secret thoughts.
  6. The last sign of the alignment for the future of the couple will tell about the development of the union.

“Attitude towards me” is a simple layout. The Manara Tarot is used to create it. The layout consists of 6 cards: two speak about the past, two about the present and the last ones about the future. The “Human Happiness” scheme is universal. The layout consists of 9 cards.

For the betrothed

On a full moon, girls manage to tell fortunes about their betrothed. At the same time, an attraction ritual is carried out. Fortune telling does not guarantee success in love, but it helps to prepare for it. The layout is done before going to bed, and they ask a question about the appearance of the betrothed. In a dream, you will be able to see the facial features and figure of a potential partner. Before this, be sure to prepare mentally.

The “Women's Happiness” or “Swing of Love” layouts are a simple witchcraft that is suitable for girls who are waiting for love adventures. The first diagram will tell you what the partner will expect from his beloved.

The cards reveal those qualities that the betrothed will like and those that will interfere with the creation of love harmony. “Swing of Love” says that success awaits the fortuneteller if he works on himself. In order for her cherished desire to come true, a girl must improve herself. Fortune telling will tell you when you will be able to meet your betrothed.


Rituals based on the lunar phases are used to make a wish come true or to attract love on a full moon without difficulties. Layouts allow you to see the hidden motives of business partners, the conditions of a meeting with your betrothed, financial position fortuneteller

September 7, 2016

Full moon

The full moon is the phase of the lunar month when the Moon has the most pronounced effect on humans and nature.

The full moon is the time when, having reached its apogee, the energy of the moon begins to gradually weaken. Most often, the full moon falls on the 15th or 16th lunar day - this is the middle of the entire lunar cycle.

It is an indisputable fact that the Moon influences the emotional background and physical well-being of a person; his mood changes depending on the lunar phases, lunar days and the zodiac sign in which the Moon is located. And the full moon is always a difficult period for a person; after all, it is on the days of full moons that the psycho-emotional sphere becomes the most vulnerable, on the state of which the correctness of the actions and actions taken depends.

Full moon and health

During the full moon, you need to treat your health with all care and responsibility - on the days of the full moon, chronic diseases often worsen, the emotional and mental sphere undergoes fluctuations, changes occur in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and disturbances in the water balance in the body may occur.

The full moon is a time of increased injury; You should be careful even in everyday work that does not require special concentration. In addition, during the full moon, the likelihood of inflammatory processes in the body increases, so even a minor injury can later bring quite a lot of trouble and trouble.

During the full moon, most people become emotionally vulnerable; Sentimentality, tearfulness, touchiness, irritability increases - joy can very quickly give way to disappointment. To avoid various troubles, you need, first of all, to get more rest, preferably with your closest family and friends, to avoid stressful situations, physical and emotional fatigue.

In order to balance the energy balance, you should follow a diet during the full moon.

A full moon diet is an important condition for maintaining water balance in the body. On full moon days, swelling often increases, and excessive fluid accumulation in the body can lead to intoxication, headaches, fatigue and irritability. To avoid these troubles, you need to limit your salt intake, but you should never give it up completely - a lack of salt is just as harmful to the body during a full moon, as is its excess. During the full moon, you should eat more plant-based and fermented milk foods - fresh, stewed, boiled vegetables, fresh and ripe fruits, low-fat yoghurts, kefir, cottage cheese, etc. The full moon diet involves giving up coffee, black tea, alcohol, hot spices, herbs, meat, fatty desserts and other heavy foods. On full moon days, you should try to have regular meals, but small portions. The stomach and intestines are very vulnerable during this period; During the full moon, the likelihood of food poisoning increases, so you should treat the foods you eat with special responsibility.

Magic on the full moon

During the full moon, all magical actions gain greater power, so the full moon is considered the most favorable time for performing magical rites, rituals, conspiracies and spells. Full moon magic is the most effective; at this time you can spend , , however, in order to remove damage or other negative energy effects, such as the evil eye, slander, etc., it is better to wait until the Moon begins to wane. Removing negative energy effects during a full moon is ineffective and sometimes even dangerous, especially if the magician does not have enough knowledge and experience in performing magical rituals.

For magic on a full moon, a necessary condition is a cloudless, clear night when the Moon is clearly visible in the sky.

During the full moon, you can make amulets, talismans, and install energy protection.

The full moon is a good time to make a wish - this is the simplest magical ritual that does not require much experience and knowledge in magic. To do this, you just need to decide what you sincerely desire, try to concentrate on your desire, imagine as if your desire is already coming true and mentally say it while looking at the full Moon. Usually wishes made on the full moon come true during the lunar month.

What not to do on a full moon:

  • Quarrel and swear
  • Sort things out
  • Make important decisions
  • Start new things
  • Be physically and emotionally overtired
  • Drink too much liquid
  • Eat very salty and spicy foods
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Take medications without a doctor's prescription
  • Perform surgical operations (not urgent)
  • Lend money
  • Make large purchases
  • Cutting, dyeing hair, perm
  • Carry out cosmetic procedures
  • Trim and graft trees

What you can do on a full moon:

  • Do creative work
  • Conduct presentations, conferences, briefings
  • Collect medicinal herbs
  • Do gardening
  • Cleanse your body with diet
  • Make a wish
  • Make long-term plans
  • Read conspiracies, prayers
  • Perform magical rituals
  • Make amulets and talismans
  • Meditate
  • Practice lucid dreaming

The full moon is a special time for lovers, especially if there is harmony and mutual understanding in the relationship. On the days of the full moon, physical attraction between lovers increases and therefore the full moon is a particularly favorable time for romantic dates and intimacy.

If you are planning to conceive a child, use the days of the full moon for this; During the full moon, the probability of conception is very high. Children conceived on a full moon usually have good health and have unusual abilities. Such children are considered gifted, as they have many talents, especially in the field of creativity and art.

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